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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. If you know how pedophiles operate, they go to an institution of their choosing in order to gain access to children, and they go for the ones who are unaware of what sex actually is. The HOW is they know of said institutions and they take their pick, as well as businesses and clubs, academics, etc. They become a member of said community and gain a position The WHEN is when they choose to act and the time it takes for them to earn the trust of the people in the community, even the children and from there they seek a target. This is when the mind games and manipulation comes into place. An example of this is the abuser Larry Nassar. He got into an institution, did his time, and took action, earning everyone's trust. Reasons why the FBI, one of their branches, were exposed to being caught off guard regarding the situation, and now it costed them and the USA sport team. Another example is a Judge of the Law committed an act of alleged child abuse, he killed himself afterwards. Does not matter the position or institution, they will come. even on social media, which Facebook and YouTube are dealing with right now, as with other media. In relation to child abuse, abuse take a lot of time before they commit an act, be it several months to a year. Reasons why is they need to build trust first while hiding their intentions. This is with every abuser's intent and action, even when they go to JW churches. Often times the abuser is a blood relative usually male, and race wise the FBI attested to that. That being said, you were told this numerous times.... Why is this very notation regarding child sex abuse is now unknown to you concerning how pedophiles operate and take action? In turn, they are random folk, looking for a victims. I recommend you learn how to combat abusers, for asking for a HOW and WHEN when it was said numerous times is problematic. If you want to reach a child, help them even, you need to know how the enemy moves.
  2. Like good old Florida. A lot of craziness there. Since we are talking about child abuse, sadly, child on child abuse is committed there as with human trafficking concerning children whereas the guardians, parents are giving their children to people to be abused or violently attacked. It won't be a surprise if the one law that angered many people were to be applied in Florida. Yep. May be different now with inflation, rise in crime and the social credit that is speculated to come. That being said, the biggest problem concerning child abuse, with everyone, even JWs, is that they do not see the Red Flags, one of them is the abusers being able to manipulate. This is why I mentioned the Arabic JW, the person I learnt from about the Swahili JWs in the States who can detect Red Flags and take action. Such ones also suffer from bystander syndrome in the face of a criminal act as well, hence the exploits mentioned above, which can be used easily so that the abuser can gain access to more children. even in the schools, only this time around, children do not run into abusers as much, but some material now is deemed as child abuse in relation to sex related nonsense deem brazen, for outside of pedophilia, Red Flags regarding this people do not see, hence the problem with higher education and the institutions.
  3. Unfortunately the United States and the United Kingdom differs in various laws and regulations. Judges and or the court system is both a double edged sword and a double standard. Yes. In the article I've linked. Also from the article and this took place after testimony, hence the exploit used by the abuser. Essentially such a tactic entraps people, even the JWs in Fremont, who clearly didn't see this Red Flag. The irony was the fact you didn't mentioned that part of the article in relation to your latter statement. That is where the irony is. Hence why I brought up supervision, and their failure to do so. Wasn't that an issue in your other remarks of child abuse in the JW churches? That was why I gave you information on solutions which you ignored at the time. So the fact that the article of which JWI forked for me proves the case here. That being said, this is why some of us actually take action, for we believe in the reaching out to teach method which is working. You should do the same. But as pointed out elsewhere, not everyone is up to par on this, as with some here.
  4. Seems you are unaware of Forgiveness of Sin as an exploit. When it comes to child abuse, be it sex or violence related, this is exploit heavily, mainly if the abuser seeks another potential victim, which was the case with the article linked. The Law does not apply here, and in the Jehovah's Witnesses' case, they fell into this category, hence their Fremont Church and the situation that unfolded years ago. Someone in the church when it comes to these situation are often times end up as a puppet by the hands of the abuser, granted, he was back in the church, and Conti became victim afterwards, for one to be reinstated even by means of a restriction when forgiveness and acts of repentance was faked only to commit another action. That said, this exploit is weaponized by pedophiles in nearly all communities, in religion alone, it focuses on the acts of forgiveness/repentance. It is similar to Gang Stalking in Churches or any Religious Institution. You can narrowly detect this if you know how to see red flags. You're still undermining the exploit which does not get them prison time in most cases. This is why religious institutions and schools are main targets. Christians can be exploited by abusers, even manipulated. This goes for anyone who is unequipped to deal with the situation itself, and or adhere to solutions. Tragic yes, but people need to see when it comes to pedophiles, they can be masters of manipulation to those who are unaware, mainly due to the fact if their end goal is a sick one. For Fremont JWs, they ultimately fell for the trap and assume he was truly repented, mainly due to the given testimony. Likewise with anyone else in a similar situation. That being said, the more wicked the person, the more deceptive they can be.
  5. One World Currency incoming as the current means of currency reduces in value, not to mention the state of the petrodollar. One can see the problem granted the latter is a Decentralized currency of which the government wants to dip their hands in next.
  6. Not sure if this is known by you all but regarding 9/11 a lot of forms of media has been altering information, namely wiki, as is with anything concerning recent events for NYT and Guardian doing so proves they, Leftist, cannot be trusted. Other than that when it happened, I was in elementary school in the Tri-State area. But I was a bit aware in the coming weeks ahead concerning the war, and saw in some points it didn't make sense. US demanded a criminal, and the Taliban asked for evidence, and the US went into the Middle East anyways, hung a dictator due to false claims of WMDs.
  7. @BroRando Although 2034 is far away, do you believe some JWs would survive what the United Nations is planning to do? For by 2030, as is the nearing years to come near it; there is going to be huge changes that will effect the majority of the unaware, even the religious. For Babylon and the White Beast do have tactics against those who are not for them, and the mandate situation and interment camps for some is just a foreshadowing. I say this because of what happened in the early 00s and 2016.
  8. Depends on which Law you are referring to. America's Justice System is both a Double Standard as well as a Doubled Edged Sword, therefore, rules can be shuffled. It also depends on which state an action or a crime is committed, one of the reasons why pedophiles tend to move around much if they can't gain access to children in an institution and or a neighborhood that is well connected. In regards to the article in question. The thing with California, is child abuse reporting isn't mandatory to a degree, however, the right of reporting is left in the hands of those involved should they go down that route, be it the church elders themselves, if not them, someone else, perhaps other blood relatives who may be aware, granted, as pointed out before, blood relatives are the primary suspects when it comes to abuse, and they always start with their own before anyone else. And this church of the JWs specifically fell into the Forgiveness of Sin Exploit mostly used by abusers, hence Conti's situation. Therefore, it makes that church congregation, at that time, gullible and shows they didn't know how to combat the problem. When it comes to Internal Investigation, in their case in Fremont, they mostly felt they had the situation under control, granted, the abuser, Kendrick, used the most used trick in the book highlighted in red. I would not say anything. This goes for everyone else. It comes down if solutions are applied or not. If you owned a church, you wouldn't know who among the congregants is a legitimate abuser, and at times a false accusation can be far worse. Pedophilia is a plague, a problem, and those unaware or suffer from Bystander Syndrome are often used as tools by the abuser. This is why I do what I do, as with many Truthers, however, the problem we face are Abusers of a ridiculously high status, hence why a counter hit to such ones is solutions. As of recent, an example, now even the FBI, possibly a branch of it, is in subjected to improperly dealing with a pedophile in sports and academics. FBI tends to be those of a higher status as a group, but cannot control those under it, even if regulations are put in place. That being said, in the JWs case, some of them, they need to adhere to aid solutions and not have the bystander syndrome mindset, this goes for even ExJWs as well for this led to a few of them defending a child groomer. Speaking of American laws, there are some that are, damning, per say, concerning children that should any abuser, even a JW abuser, were to somehow get involved with it, it would make your head spin. One of the reasons why here in the US, people see the South, as well as the Southwest, as weird.
  9. Clearly it does not. Hence why the claim of destroying evidence makes no sense, if anything information is held, in some cases be it institution or law, it is private mainly due to protection to a degree. Harm can be reduced, but not many has gone down that route. As for the other bit, Secular law in regards to where they are in the land and internal investigation. If not them, others who are known are capable for reporting. When it comes to internal investigations, it can often be handled by the party itself, be it fi the case of abuse is true or not, even suspected. This apply not only to institutions but cooperate as well regarding matters of abuse. This also proves the point I made many times concerning solutions for those who know and those who do not. One key factor, which, ironically you didn't point out in the article was the focus of supervision. CSA prevention services mainly in some institutions often put emphasis on such. I remember telling you before, if you are unaware, you wouldn't be able to handle a legitimate abuser, or fight them to some degree, hence, this easily prompts the bystander syndrome. That being said, there is no issue with internal investigations, but not being properly equipped can cause a risk vs benefit type situation. https://www.justice.gov/jm/jm-4-4000-commercial-litigation#4-4.112
  10. The source was not from a wiki, it was from CSE - https://christianity.stackexchange.com/ That being said, Wiki has not been factual unless it suits them. In the paradigm, they had recently changed information to misinform people, i.e. 9/11, Kabul, etc. Also, this is the first time I have ever seen you make a response. I always see you in the reactions.
  11. Essentially what I said back in June 2020, for when certain circumstances are met that they, including others, would join and it didn't have much to do with money, if that were the case, there would not be such a defend for Alt Right narratives back in June, therefore, contradicting. Reasons why you can't take words from an Alt-Right source at 100% at times, i.e. Newscorp who attested to the idea that they would never join at all and giving incorrect reasoning while in reality, some didn't join right away for specific reasons. That being said, it still does not stop the protesters of the Redress Scheme. But it is kind of miniscule now due to the situation in Australia right now and the fact Australia’s liberal democracy is fractured.
  12. Unfortunately CSA is going to get worse from here on out. The UK is known to have problems regarding CSA, even to the point where abusers end up causing a lot of damage directly and indirectly to anything and everyone around them, not just the children. Immorality is a contributing factor to this too.
  13. She was incorrect, basing her source from reddit, in turn, the source being a known conspiracy theorist. The information regards to the politician, in both cases, were false, even attested by ExJWs who called it out after looking into it further, in addition to Smurf Girl's negative credibility in conspiracy, which isn't too far from Fearon. This is why you need to be carefully with conspiracy theories. As for paying off, I doubt that. The last time conspiracy theorists connected them to Soros and Rothschild when the protest against JWs in the borough took place, equating them to ANTIFA. That being said, there is a reason as to why Far Left leaning types are painting some people as such. Police officers and even Judges are subjected to CSA too as some didn't think it was possible. As for Child Sex Abuse, it will only get worse for the UK, granted the gangs revolving around CSA are only creating more abusers and victims, in the Truther Community, there was talk about a man arrested in the UK for calling out pedophilia, a legitimate abuser in the person's neighborhood. What makes it even tricky is the fact the abuser is no affiliated with a school or a church, therefore, less coverage, even more due to the person in question being an immigrant. Although I do not like the Left or Right paradigm, just to point out an exact comparison, this is exactly the same outcome for a UK Right-Winger, Tommy Robinson an activist, who had the same thing happen to him a few years back but this was right after a court case whereas the pedophiles were left free and Tommy was arrested, which puts more evidence on the nature of Status and Protection in the UK just as it is in some areas. Tragically enough all institutions, including the JWs, were and will again be hit by this, mainly due to the fact that more and more random folks enter said institutions. In the coming months, CSA will be bad, for it is the case with Australia right now due to Authoritarianism.
  14. @Srecko Sostar @Pudgy For a better understanding of what is mentioned, here is one of my old quotes and the link. Matthew at the time assume this to be not true, mocked me for it even, but Truthers are often mocked for such things just like recent events concerning Australia and Afghanistan. Like I told @Patiently waiting for Truth there are many things around the globe not being talked about at 100% in relation to all things, and soon, when people are backed into a corner, some things that are unclean and evil will not be contain properly. As a side note, the media says this project was shut down, they essentially pulled a Don Lemon. Sounds crazy and unbelieve - to some yes. Stuff like this should not be ignored or played around with.
  15. There is a lot in regards to them that is somewhat confusing and contradicting. Even centuries ago, Bishops took issue with them, namely Irenaeus. I brought this up before to a Trinitarian who I debated with concerning who is the Christ Regarding Gnosticism it is a Christian view that isn't aligned with the core teachings, despite the fact some Gnostics believe that it does, namely Valentinus, a theologian of Gnosticism, who saw the beliefs being equal to that of Christianity. Those who hold faith in the Gnostic view and adhere to its writings surged, resulting in them getting tangled with Christians in that time, this includes some Christian groups in the Mediterranean world, however until mid-late 2nd century, the Fathers of the early Church and or Bishops denounced them as heresy, which goes with what Irenaeus of Lyons had said about Gnosticism in his works. Others also destroyed some of their works, so unlike the Bishops, such ones took it to an extreme; cannot sleep at night knowing that written works of Gnosticism existed, they had to burn it. Gnostics today believe they're view equates toc ore teachings, however, they are among the many misguided Christians today. In short, after the Apostles died, things complicated up until and after the councils. When you debate Mainstream Christians and Trinitarians for years, their response is always the same. Other times they can be deceptive and deviate from things, Bible wise. To this day I still keep getting challenged by a UK woman who goes by the name Princess_Sherly, right now, in her words Isaiah 9:6, which confirms Jesus is GOD, you saying it doesn't mean that is you lying in the face of God. REPENT! 2 years ago there was a huge debate on God sending angels to take action, be it to speak a message, or deal with enemies of God's people. The open debate which she started at the time consisted of Unitarians, Jews, Muslims, and islanders who were against the Trinity, there was one JW who was in the debate as well, I believe his name was John Bee. She stated the angels were the Trinity. She pointed out The Trinity were the 3 men in Genesis who later destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, which is incorrect because we know the 3 men to be Angels, for God himself is not a man, the Bible even says this. In regards to the others there, she stated YHWH didn't mean Yahweh or Jehovah, it means Jesus, and she got demolished by everyone for saying that, and of course, the Muslims were clowning around because of that. But she kept insisting. She later appeared in another debate video regarding a JW vs a Trinitarian, something of which I alluded to in my debate with @Cos regarding that Jesus is God's Son, not God himself. That being said, this is why when debaters say someone can't debate, mainly if the exegesis is null or reasoning, those who step into the ring often make a fool of themselves, and when correct, they still abide by what is wrong, in turn, become road runners.
  16. Then why attest to the other notation of it being hidden if on the other side of the spectrum, destroyed? I recall the video, however, there wasn't a full video, therefore, a small narrative can take everything out of context. More so, this was by word of mouth of one church elder, who took inaction. That being said, as mentioned in the other thread, the ability to take action has nothing to do with activistism. Child abuse prevention is very clear.
  17. This - https://revealnews.org/article/california-court-guts-child-abuse-ruling-against-jehovahs-witnesses/
  18. They do, the only reason it is problematic in the UK because most of the time, even if reported it is dropped. Mainly when it comes to status. I am aware of CSA in the other countries, I was the one who also gave you insight a while back, hence the Congo; I said this to Tom as well These people still run rampant in the UK, no harm to them at all. It is speculated by some Truthers in the UK that even those of political status are involved, reasons we target Prince Andrew and those like him. This is why whatever the media gives you, there is more to it. There are reasons why child abuse is always reported by media for various schools and churches, but never specific persons. Some are afraid to give insight because they fear death, it is that bad. CSA also goes into a deeper aspect to Spiritism in some parts of the UK. I wasn't referring to women in this regard, I was talking about women who sell off their children, child prostitution. Sadly, some children do this willingly because they were taught that this was the correct thing to do, granted there is a level of child abuse whereas you can't do anything or even the law, hence in some cases you can end up in harm's way, mainly if not paying attention to red flags. Child abuse in the churches of JWs was always problematic because with all religious institutions, it is an open place for anyone to enter. Pedophiles can enter these places of worship and abusers can easily manipulate people and the children inside to gain religious office or a position. Should the person be found out to be an abuser in some cases, manipulation is amplified and the abuser can at times exploits the people around him or her to remain. JWs in this sense are hardwire by Scripture regarding Forgiveness of Sin, in fact, all Christians apply Forgiveness of Sin, therefore the abuser can find a crack in the faith's armor here (someone made a thread about this a while back). When exploited , abusers who hold even a position in the church, Elders or Pastors, if successful can be reinstated, pretending that they repented for their sins only to commit the same acts again, granted the others are already exploited it puts them in a loop, thus becoming a puppet to the abuser, resulting in more children becoming effect. That being said, as long as abusers exploits forgiveness of sin after manipulating people, they can easily return to a religious institution, it is a bit different with educational institutions or that of business, for those reinstated, likewise with Facebook, YouTube, and others, in regards to YouTube, someone had been reinstated recently, got his channel back after some of us fought this guy in an attempt for him to be terminated. That being said, granted no JW has went back to their churches since, abusers go by other means to seek children, even going to other institutions who complied to commit their acts. Didn't you or Srecko said before it was destroyed? That being said, institutions usually have records, in some cases, incomplete at times, mainly if some cases were alleged and may or may not have happened. In regards to the law such information should be accurate, and should it be released by them or the law, it has to be done in a way that it doesn't spawn vigilantes or modern day blood avengers, for there were many instances of this in the past. Even in the Law/Justice system they have records of their own members, if alleged they wouldn't be quick to bring forth in an unprepared manner. We discussed about ARC, if I remember correctly JWs were at 1% compared to others. the highest was Catholics, however, not everyone takes ARC into full account, mainly the case studies, they tend to pick what they want to talk about and ignore the rest. One of the reasons why on study regarding JWs people barely talked about. You brought up ARC before. That being said, Australia CSA is increasing like crazy due to what is taking place now, which, in this sense, makes ARC look small in comparison. the abuse stems from both sex and violence and suppression to the point a child can take his or her own life. That will eventually hit the UK and the US. Most records can be incomplete. Because at the time Bible Students early on were unequipped and unaware of child abuse. Granted how early they started, CSA may not have been a problem among them granted all Christian faiths that came out of the Great Awakening or Christian revival had good intentions at first. On their side in regards to what exactly? There churches are closed, so it is reduced. If I remember, I was the one who brought for solutions from child abuse prevention, but both you and Srecko shut it down and did not apply. Those solutions aided many people, even children I deal with. In another thread you were told what you are doing concerning CSA, some of us here take action, I even said this to you regarding the Redress. My thread can be found in my quotation here, in order to save a child, you have to reach one: That being said, better to take action then to armchair the situation. Reaching a child enables him or her to detect an abuser, likewise with an adult who can see red flags. Be it in an institution or online. As for YouTube, the person we terminated from the platform is known as EDP445, YouTube assume he was repentful so they brought him back. There is another, whom, ironically, 3 ExJWs defended because the abuser was a woman, a call back to my FBI remark; women get off free by some, even by law in some cases.
  19. Consumption of blood, eating of blood, using blood as a cosmetic to increase life, hence Transhumanism. They believe taking the blood of the young, primarily ages 16-24 will give them life, reasons why they bribe the young with money to take their blood. Then you have the black markets, which is dark and crazy on how they get said blood. There is also Black Magic regarding blood, but that is even more insane than the latter. It gets darker from there, reasons why I keep it PG regarding blood.
  20. And yet you do not know what they, even by faith, use the blood for. There is a reason as to why we call them Vampires. JWs do not consume or use blood to live longer lives. Therefore, they do not have any sort of connection to Transhumanism. Those of Transhumanism do not like anyone who decline gold standards involving blood. You have to do more than a wiki sentence to know what the group is capable of. Not knowing makes them an even bigger danger to you directly and or indirectly.
  21. A church is a place congregants go to take part in their religious service, similar to a mosque of which those of Islam goes to for worship. Although they refer to it as a Kingdom Hall, the root equates to what the people and the place of worship is; saying church is second nature to me. When the pandemic began, most churches had to close down, including that of JWs. Child Abuse had reduced because all institutions where such take place, both religious ones and educational ones were in subjection to lockdowns due to the pandemic. There is however surge of child abuse initiated by the household by blood relatives, as is with child on child abuse, this excludes child prostitution because info on that is quite murky. Abuse in the household, most, in the pandemic were mixed, among the religious it is very less, going by some events from 2021 to now, actions commit by common folk. What amplifies this even more is the mantra of selling immortality, which can also encourage pedophiles. JWs are effected by this, for they're not immune to it, no one is. They never went back to their place of worship, mainly in the States, and going by what the Kathgar mentioned no JWs went back to their churches since the lockdown started. Under new ruling should they open, it will be problematic for them. That being said, we are in an Endemic now, the media will continue to lie to you that this is a pandemic. No one will really be going back to their institutions over time, if so, there will be a segregation, akin to, but a parallel to the separation of blacks and whites in the old days. This puts JWs in an interesting spot because as pointed out before, Authoritarianism is tough enough to break people who are both unaware and not aware of it, even JWs. This will also open Pandora's Box, so to speak concerning child abuse, for should Authoritarianism correlate with people wanting to return to open institution at full force (open everything under new ruling), even complying to it, outside of segregation, child abuse will skyrocket. Child abuse will easily become uncontrollable to a degree, as is the current situation engineered this. So the approached mentioned for years people would need to apply it.
  22. Something we Truthers talked about for years. Welcome to the Dystopia. Germany, Israel, United Kingdom, some most of the EU will succumb to come form of Authoritarianism. The Aussies also claimed New World Order, and attempt to make their own fact check of the term when all of us know what it entails. When it hits the United States, all hell will break loose. Things we see today such as violence, stealing, sex abuse, rape, bribery, greed, etc will be amplified due to the various groups on the left and the right that roam. The media such as Guardian, NYT, CNN, ABC, etc will play a role in influence, and before we know it, the United Nations may once again attempt to dent specific freedoms as they had attempted to do so twice already. Truthers are always ready for these things, however, I can't speak for the rest of the people who are not. Currency and Religion will eventually be on the menu for Authoritarianism, granted religious exemptions are under attack, which has and can break people of faith if not careful.
  23. Never brought forth belief, just elementary Hermeneutics to refute your exegesis. Also never said the Assyrians were Satan. In the Book of Isaiah, the Prophet referred to the Assyrians, their leader being the Neo-Assyrian Empire named Sennacherib son of Sargon II, as a Destroyer in his proclamation (he mentioned 2, one of them being Assyrian Empire), the 2nd Destroyer is the messenger, otherwise known as The Angel of Death, who destroyed 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers overnight, effectively defending King Hezekiah and the people of his Kingdom. The aftermath was that Sennacherib fled, returning to his Kingdom, however, he wasn't King for long, he was later, he was killed by the sword at the age of 64 in Nineveh, Iraq (681 BC) by his two sons, Adrammelech and Sharezer (2 Ki. 19:37; 2Ch. 32:21; Isa. 37:37, 38,although Some believe Arda-Mulissu (Arda-Mulishshi), his other son, assassinated him due to the Mesopotamian documents however, the Bible is clear on who executed the assassination, moreover, he did become King but was replaced by Esarhaddon, his his brother, who took power and held reign after the assassination/death of the Assyrian King (2 Kings 19:36, 37). You stated the Destroyer mentioned by Isaiah is Satan, we can see that in your quote. Therefore, you were incorrect. Also going as far as to, going back to the other thread, thought both Destroyers were Satan. I suggest you pay attention to the chapter itself and not make assumptions. Destroyer is never mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:26. It says Destroy. Jesus won't be the one destroying death, the references shows, his God, your Father, my Father, will be the one to do it, as shown here - 1 Corinthians 15:54-57. Jesus indeed conquered death, so why is this relevant to the pervious verse? Remember, he is the Firstborn out of the Death, I suggest you know what that entails. Both Jeremiah 23:29 and Revelation 20:10 no connection or even correlates with the pervious verse. For what God did afterwards in Jeremiah's Day and Satan's imprisonment has nothing to do with death being destroyed. Again, Jesus will not come to destroy death, the Bible says God will do so, continue to read chapter 15 because clearly you missed that part. That's the Assyrians, not Satan, which you claimed previously. Read the chapter. - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah 33&version=ESV So can you show me a verse where Satan himself (mentioned by name) laid waste to the surrounding cities and villages in that day? Also please, do not add narratives to the verse to violate it, it is a disrespect to Scripture. That being said, really? The Textus Receptus you are using? Only the TR uses the term spoilest. What does this have to do with the near destruction of Judah? Irrelevant. More so, this verse contradicts your claims of Exodus 12. And your point? Nothing to do with the destruction of neighboring cities/villages and near Destruction of Judah, unless you can show me a verse that the events mentioned Satan by name. Stating the obvious, so can you show us the verse Satan played the destruction of the cities and villages prior to the Kingdom of Judah? Stating yet another obvious thing. As we can see, you deviate from the focused verses purposely to evade questioning, reasons why you can't defend your older comments. That being said, not the best idea to use the KJV after the remarks you made about the spurious passage.
  24. The Bible of course, therefore you ignoring context and marginal references is in fact jarring. In this Endemic situation (granted the powers that be are afraid to call it that) doing otherwise is very misleading. In regards to Exodus, God sent someone under shaliach principle, no demon or even the Devil can commit to shaliach principle. That being said, God is capable of taking justice even among the people, we seen this time and time again in the Bible. You essentially shot yourself in the foot. Are you adding to the word or are you going by Strong's? Nothing in Strong's # 7843 usage in that specific verse indicates decay, pervert, or rot. Evidence here if you know what usages/roots are can be seen here: https://biblehub.com/hebrew/strongs_7843.htm https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h7843/esv/wlc/0-1/ Although Exodus 12:23 says Destroyer, remember, there is a ROOT in the verse itself, which from there, begets usage. One of the reasons why in connection to Destroyer, in that verse, it points to Numbers 33:4, which reads [while the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn, whom the LORD had struck down among them. On their gods also the LORD executed judgments.] We know God himself does not come down, rather, sent a messenger, reasons why the Hebraic usage of is used here whenever LORD and or Most High, God of Israel, God, is used, shaliach principle is presented. Everyone knows nowhere in Scripture the Devil isn't the LORD, and to credit some, even JWs, LORD in all caps is YHWH, meaning either of the modern renderings - Yahweh, Yehovah, Jehovah. We're talking about Israelites and Assyrians concerning the focused verses, of which you are dodging once again. The verse cited is irrelevant here. Sennacherib, King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, isn't a man of God by the way, reasons why the Assyrians formed the Prism to mock both God and Hezekiah, and for the reason? 185,000 slain by a messenger of God. In short, they cannot take a loss so they fabricate a narrative. Yet Satan is nowhere to be found in said situation of which you claimed. You said this concerning Exodus 12:23, but the verse tells us the LORD took action, nowhere is Devil, Deceiver and or Satan is mentioned. More so, the 10 plagues came forth because of the Pharaoh not wanting to let God's people go. Satan himself is strong hatred for God's people, seeking to devour them, if he was there during the time Moses was alive attempting to get God's people out of Egypt, the opposite would happen - Satan would personally go after God's people (ignoring the lamb's blood), avoiding the Egyptians because they were the ones to suppress the Israelites, Moses, and the Israelites would effective never would leave Egypt and or cannot escape from it. Although God would bring forth an alternative to aid Moses prior to Satan commiting any heavy damage. Should Satan use all Egyptian warriors to go after and kill Israelites, men, women and child, God would intervene - anyways, that is simply a what if type scenario. Ok, concerning Paul's warning for murmuring, then show me, God is Witness, the verse that that says the destroyer is Satan, who was it that sent the Snakes to the Israelites for murmuring/complaining, also who was it that dealt with Korah, his allies and his household? Genesis 3:1 has no connection to Exodus 12:23 and 1 Corinthians 10:10. The events of the Garden of Eden do not correlate with the events of Egypt and the situation that took place in the Church of Corinth. Therefore you are mixing verses because the snakes mention in the focused verses has snakes (plural) not snake. We know Satan is a Snake, but not every verse in the Bible that shows Snake equates to Satan. That being said, concerning Paul's warning, what essentially destroyed the Israelites for murmuring and who sent them? Irrelevant to the focused verses and you misusing Strong's. So let me guess, is God's Day, which will come like a thief in the night, also problematic to you? Also Destroy here isn't like the other 2 Strong's, it is G#622 used in John 10:10. It is also a 3P Singular. We're talking about the focused verses, attempting to hold the hand of Jehovah's Witnesses to evade said verses is silly, granted we are not talking about them at this moment. You were called out on this before when you claimed the Christian Church that follow God's Order is somehow unisex when it comes to religious office, both you and Pearl, who preach this when Apostle Paul said things differently. The Watchtower is irrelevant to what is being talked about. And to correct you, Jesus is a King, and we already know what he will do concerning the good and those who are wicked on God's Day. If I remember correctly, you watered down Jesus' Kingship before regarding this. So what made you assume concerning that Satan played a role in destroying the Assyrian Army? So what happens to the wicked on God's Day? Mainly those who not only kill God's people, but mock, and bash, incite hatred towards God? I already know you do not believe in Hell Fire Torment. As a Bonus, what happened to everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah? Clearly they didn't survive because of the incoming punishment. That being said, you say this, so I 100% already know you ignore some verses to, namely Psalm 94:23. As with everyone else, however, they don't ignore or cherry pick what is written. To this day you never gave a clear verse of you stating in the New Testament that Chloe is a church leader of the Corinth Congregation. Isn't that deceit? So the questions below shouldn't be that hard. Ok so what happened to the Israelites and who sent the snakes to them for murmuring? What took out the Assyrian Army? What will happen to the wicked, and how Jesus will take action under God's Will. What happens to all Demons under Judgement (Reversed for Judgment)? This has nothing to do with belief. This is Hermeneutics vs. Exegesis. It is your belief in God that is twisted, in correlation with your fear of JWs to the point you believe they have weapons in every one of their churches. MSC always have such mindsets, broken and cannot even attest to 2 Timothy 3:16. As for lies, if you lie about Strong's you can easily get called out for it. As is with marginal references. Actually, Mainstream Christianity is the problem. The more blinded they become, the more problematic they will be when Babylon comes running in by means of higher powers such as LT, The UN, etc. This is why Authoritianism will spark a huge danger for many people who are unaware. We saw this throughout the years, even prior to the Twin Towers falling, we also saw this in Washington and elsewhere. Any falsehood or conspiracy pushes a lost soul into a broken mindset effectively becoming a tool of Babylon, which you displayed yourself to be by brining up past conspiracies that aren't true. Therefore, a good chuck for former Jehovah's Witnesses who succumb to the MSC mantra, are going to be tools of danger for many - London was already an example in the UK.
  25. Exactly however, when religious opponents see something they can make a comparison to, they're quick to equate things, this seems to be the case concerning this Mediterranean rooted faith in question. This is usually professed by a majority of Trinitarians, which is not surprising because OP is one himself. That being said, among all Anti-Trinitarian faiths, Gnostics have hatred for JWs, especially in the EU. This is why in London a lot of them often seek debate with JWs a while back, other times they use whatever information to attack them, and seeing that most media do not like Christianity or the Bible if it is not in their view, Gnostics who go on this warpath will weaponize whatever they can find. Among some, people need to be careful with Gnostics, often times they are tricky to deal with.
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