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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. If it exist, it will eventually be found elsewhere. This is why some owners and creators try, and at times, cannot get through all forms of media to deal with their creations. That being said, that website has a history. Just be careful to not click on a specific link, mainly if the users name is Korean or Chinese who are bots. There was a spill over from that website to YouTube a while back resulting in channels being strikes, terminated and or flagged as is with being prime targets of strike warriors, a nd to some degree, as of recent, Hedge Funds. Which explains
  2. They're working on more than that. Some of which is not being spoken of in most media outlets. Big Tech is more so a pawn, in this sense, as for the second faction in the UN itself with the opposing powers, they are a threat. Among the many groups the UN has affiliated with it, 2 superpowers, The United States and the United Kingdom has the spotlight on them. That being said, the blind ones who succumb to fear will fall in line, and expect the government to "help" them, be it in the US, the UK, and or any of their allies like France and Canada. I remember I've mentioned an extreme level of persecution, in a few years that tension will increase, mainly with what transpired from 2016 to now and what is going to take place soon. It would not be a surprise if people break under said persecution, even in the social media space.
  3. If you noticed I stated "noted" and "equates to" meaning in the theology itself, the source shows a connection between Jesus as King, The situation with Daniel's vision and the years noted, and of course, 1914. That being said, my remark towards Anna relates to what was brought up on CSE a while back: https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/60713/do-jehovah-witnesses-believe-that-jesus-christ-returned-to-earth-in-1914-or-has https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/34623/what-does-this-reference-in-the-watchtower-online-library-mean/66398#66398 https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/61369/was-the-1914-prophecy-derived-from-the-book-of-daniel-ever-mentioned-in-any-ne If I am not mistake there were others who drew a similar conclusion regarding the year itself.
  4. The United Nations already have plans. Mainly due to the fact no one has really been paying attention to them, as is with Babylon. The events of the pandemic and the reset of some instances of the economy is inevitable and these things will by no means is worse compared to what is to come now. As we speak, there is a specific political faction that isn't going for their rivals, but, also anyone they do not agree with, more so, their actions have been effecting children, to the extent, those who partake in homosexuality, at one point burst into song stating we cannot stop what they are pushing on to our children, on top of that, the morals of society has been reduced.
  5. On this forum alone there is 4: Trinitarians Non-Trinitarians Atheists and the Misguided (or the uninformed; and one instance of a broken minded soul) In each of these groups the experience, knowledge, and the like differ - some minor, and to some, great. Should have seen how it was earlier on. That being said, we are very lucky to not have certain people and or groups, like the Jehovah's Warriors troop, for should they roll by as they do in other various forms of media concerning religious discussions and the come like a back of wolves. These dudes are a combination of Baptist, Protestants, and Black Israelites merged into one, and currently the only group that has been more annoying than the common Trinitarian after they showed up mid-pandemic of whom I and a few others are dealing with, for the debate revolves around, in their eyes Black Magic being a blessing, celebs talking about Hell and the Afterlife, so essentially, anything Bible based or religious base is spoken of by famous people or politicians, they show up. Well that is one comparable factor. There is always something everyday on some form of media, even forums, so essentially, as you said, like a SNL episode.
  6. Unfortunately, although knowing this from inspired text of how the days will mirror like that of Noah, there are some who think otherwise, or think outside of what is inspired, i.e. Jehovah's/Yahweh's Warriors, who I have been dealing with mid-way through the pandemic. That being said, only a small number of the fruits remain, and the real attack from Babylon will soon take place. Some of us are watching how she moves by means of the nations, even more due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the wild beast of which she sits on, has been taking in more and more who admire the beast, and just like Washington, Babylon will claim people, and later on, those still against her, she will attack.
  7. @TrueTomHarley Unfortunately he didn't get the gif was connected to the quotation about taking in context. @Anna Then there is the time period itself that is in connection with Jesus' Kingship and the Kingdom to come itself, outside of the notion of the chosen Firstfruits/Anointed Ones. For in the theology of the JW faith it is noted that in Daniel chapter 4, it was prophesied that a period of 2,520 years, from 607 BC, The Siege/Fall of Jerusalem up to until 1914, which in turn, equates to the Gentile Times. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the 587 camp vs the 607 camp in this regard.
  8. The verse you cited was regarding that put prior you were talking about the ideology of JWs and or Anti-Trinitarians concerning 1914. Your latter statement was in regards to coming of the Kingdom and the chosen, hence the response. No, you don't have to quote the whole passage. The gif was not a means of an insult, it was in regards to my quotation concerning contextual understanding when it comes to facts. If I have to check someone, it would be in a refutation, not a discussion on neutral footing. If a small sense of humor regarding quotation has you in this mood, then I see that has concerning, I recommend you look the fruits of the spirit. A meme does not denote to racism... The irony is, contextual understanding can be used here for, the fact you didn't get the quote and it's connection to a gif. The definition of racism is very obvious, and I rather not check you on that with educational intent. So I pity you and leave it at that. However it does call into question how you concluded to that conclusion based on a gif; which I find interesting, but I leave it at that. That being said, regarding the coming of the Kingdom, what is said points the context points to, hence you did speak of this prior.
  9. Yet these facts are based off of scripture, legitimate Hermeneutics, which isn't isolated to JWs, just Anti-Trinitarianism in general who are aware of the Firstfruits and Jesus' status. If the latter followed Trinitarianism, then things would be wildly different. The real question is how do you know who has asked for the spirit, an who has not? Would it not be wise to adhere to 1 John 4:1? Mainly if the Hermeneutics on the latter is accurate? What do they disagree with if they themselves are Anti-Trinitarians? If I am not mistaken, they understand what and who are the Firstfruits as is the core teachings of the Kingdom, hence their other focus on 144,000 individuals who make up that group. You just quoted the verse, not taking in the context. The most simplest answer is - Jesus telling the Jewish leaders they stand before God's chosen, the very one who will eventually be installed as King in God's Kingdom after the conclusion of End Times, and all things connected to it. First, Jesus, who might be in North Samaria or Galilee at the time, was talking to the Pharisees, which is evident due to pervious verse, Luke 17:20, which can be compared to Matthew 23:13 and they, the Pharisees, were talking to him because they asked him about the arrival of the Kingdom. We already know Jesus is the one chosen for Kingship by God, and eventually be seated in the Kingdom after all is set and done. It can be said that - The Kingdom of God is in their midst because the chosen King of God’s Kingdom, Jesus, is right there in front of them, hence the following verse: Matthew 21:5 - Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt,1 the foal of a beast of burden.’ ” Not only was he, Christ Jesus, was present before them, he also had power and authority to perform works by means of utilizing what God has given him, as is with the preparation of those chosen for the coming Kingdom (Luke 22:29-30). Also safe to say, according to the context, the Kingdom will not come in an obvious manner as the latter believed in such. More to note, the one who is to sit at the Throne of David was made superior much later on. If you understood the verse, Jesus, whom is God's chosen for the Kingdom, was standing in front of, and speaking to Pharisees who asked him a question about the Kingdom. That being said, better to take in all context of the passage itself and understand what it is conveying, in turn, you learn what the verse that is within the passage means. As I mentioned before to some - Never sacrifice a passage for a single verse. If there is no contextual understanding, there is no understanding of the verse, which evidently, the one who is reading becomes null from the facts itself.
  10. The media is causing much more damage in combination with trust in Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci being reduced over time, likewise with the so called Warriors of God on social media who is also spreading fear. The vaccine situation is causing a segregation between people in the US and EU, specifically, France, with all the protesting going on. Practically what they do not want is a 1940s Nazi-sque type situation (hence the papers please memes) with the demand of showing papers, and or passport of proof of vaccination. For France mandated COVID-19 health passes for dining and travel, for just a few days ago, this was in pushed for tourist destinations. It was said not too long ago by the Alabama Governor Kay Ivey says it's "time to start blaming the unvaccinated" for COVID spike - ironic because since there is no "Orange Man Bad" the code in the NPCs now shift to those who didn't get and or have not been vaccinated. Anyone unvaccinated is also, to some degree, being branded as an "Anti-Vaxxer". Which is wrong, due to the fact some people knows/believes that the pandemic is taking place whereas an Anti-Vaxxer does not believe the pandemic in effect. Another issue is most media outlines such as Guardian, Axios, etc had placed misinformation a few months ago, as is articles of confusion. Else, people are being shamed for not taking the vaccine, and not getting the jab can cause you to lose your job nowadays, i.e. big investors banks such as MS. Lastly, as I had told people, getting the vaccine does not make you invincible like Superman, the vaccine only offers a bit of protection, so in this sense, COVID-19, aka Kryptonite, can still [re]infect you. So anyone who is vaccinated or not, it is smart to take precaution to clean thyself, and tread carefully. That being said, the number of deaths is not really accounted for, for there is possibly more of the dead that the general public does not know about, as is, with crazy side-effects happening to some people, even children. Media has always been a danger, even more so to the Truthers because we called this out before the virus got this bad. And during this crisis, you already know who is "attempting" to come through - the government.
  11. Easier to use word/notepad/wordpad and then copy everything over. This is what do, reason being because back then in the CSE community, at random the forum can refresh without warning and you lose everything. That way you do not have to start from scratch again.
  12. This is no surprise because of irreligion influence and how such influence can push people to do things, mainly if someone takes huge issue with a faith and or group. That being said It will be an even bigger issue if the government deals with religion should people continue to give the push, granted far from it because they are already seeking peace by means of faith by using their ally's head, Francis.
  13. I see, then it seems as though the YouTube Police and their Strike Squad is in full force. People have been talking about videos and channels getting wiped, mainly if the latter does not agree with you, so the theory that the Left is taking over seems to be true, as is with how the dark side of YouTube is operating, at times, unnoticed. The best thing you can do is work around their system along their guidelines to the T.
  14. You're confusing his status with King to his status as a Firstfruit. Hence my response of which you quoted - The notion of the Firstfruits (Chosen Ones, Anointed Ones) is 100% core to legitimate Anti-Trinitarians, this includes the Jehovah's Witnesses too. Jesus became King much later on if Revelations is to be understood (as is with the following passages - Matthew 24:14; Luke 21:10, 11, 31), however, his status as a Firstfruit began when he was resurrected by God from out of the pangs of death [But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep], which can be read here - Christ, the Firstfruits of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20-23) In their theology, regarding 1914, they said Jesus was enthroned as King in heaven. This is based off of the time period after Jerusalem’s destruction (Siege of Jerusalem), which is about 2,520 years past post, also if you factor in King David and Daniel's vision, and so forth. When Jesus was given Kingship, the very first act he has done was expel wick from out of heaven, Revelation 12:7-10, and this evil being Satan and his demons. This event to many is known as The War of Heaven, The Book of Revelation describes said war between angels led vs. demons, with Jesus leading the angels, and The Dragon leading his demons, and the aftermath resulted in the enemy combatants' defeated, cast out of heaven to earth. And this is known for those other sheep have yet to here the gospel, hence the verses I've mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke. In order to be one flock, the reaching how must be done by means of spreading the gospel of the good news, and of the Messianic Kingdom to come. Yes, and there are some of them who are still alive today, but a few - they make up the Kingdom. That is a bit misleading. The notation of the Firstfruits began when Jesus became the first one upon death. Jesus Christ, being the the mediator of the New Covenant of which Spiritual Israel is under, was due to his death and eventually rise by means of God; all this is the basis of the promise (Luke 22:20; Hebrews 9:15). Spiritual Israel essentially, began on Pentecost 33 A.D. If, by what you are saying Spiritual Israel started at his baptism it with would prove to be very contradicting to other connections by Scripture. Spiritual Israel ended up heeding command of the Christ to preach not just the gospel, but the coming of the Kingdom itself, of which they will evidently be a part of, especially, the ones who still roam the earth today. There talking about Jesus' Kingship, not Spiritual Israel or the Firstfruits. As is, not really mentioned by them, but to others, The War in Heaven. Would it not be wise to go for facts instead of feelings? Facts usually outweigh a personal exegesis on some things. That being said, I would not call them afraid, it is just that this subject has been mentioned many, many times on here. Simply looking into "1914" by itself can net you numerous results of topics and posts, and on top of that, those topics already have the answer, perhaps the one you sought for. That being said, you have to really look into carefully of what started at baptism, and what started at Pentecost 33 A.D. Both unique events, with different outcomes deemed historic and prophetic. I recommend carefully examining the references, or more importantly, the years from the Siege to Kingship of the Christ.
  15. @BroRando Have you ever considered Daily Motion or other alternatives to YouTube?
  16. YouTube has started to become more strict. They take down specific videos of various types from different forms of media, politics, religion, an opinion piece, etc. strangely enough, if you are of a specific status and attractive or primarily "Rep the Blue" per say, you don't get hit with anything as if you are invisible, i.e. Hasan Piker is totally in the clear, but Crowder is not. Then you have the Orwellian-sque group that consist of a discord troop and disgruntled teenagers otherwise known as The YouTube Police or the Strike Squad. Say something they don't like or that they do not agree with, you will start to have a channel hemorrhaged of views and likes, and eventually flagged.
  17. A simple translation error, even a punctuation can shift a faith and or create another brief outside of core Christianity. Which leads to my issue with Trinirarians, and as of now these people who came out of the pandemic referring to themselves as God's Warriors otherwise known as Jehovah's/Yahweh's Warriors who are KJV-Onlyist who are broadline Black Israelites. That being said, it is an endless game of chess until The End Time Tribulations truly kicks off.
  18. Quite simple - Reading and Research. The core knowledge of Christianity can be summed up by what Jesus said in his final prayer and his command. Learn about The True God. Learn about him [Jesus Christ] Learn about the Kingdom Did you assume core knowledge that was cited to be something else? God's people, with the latter being the chosen. It is figurative. From what I had said in the past, this was talked about. In their faith, the theology behind what is being talked about concerning the verse in question, is, to them, those of a hope on earth, and those who are chosen (anointed). With minimum research, anyone can look at their view in this regard. That is unlikely, and the truth of it all may not be a conclusion-sque answer you would like. They don't believe they are the only ones that be saved, mainly if you did the research - and to that I leave it there. Anna, JWI, Holly, Raymond, NYK, even Tom, including myself back in 2018 and 2019 regard a remark from both Shiwii, Deserter, and Srecko. To what exactly? You just mentioned the notion of being saved to which I haven't said anything pertaining to that until now, but briefly.
  19. The notion of the Firstfruits (Chosen Ones, Anointed Ones) is 100% core to legitimate Anti-Trinitarians, this includes the Jehovah's Witnesses too. Not to mention that Firstfruits are the type of Christians who have no singular status, i.e. race, background, sex, etc. Liken to the early apostolic church formed that day, granted, Spiritual Israel and it's role in The Messianic Kingdom extended past Jews, thus the conversion of Samaritans, Gentiles, etc. Guess Simon of Cyrene didn't get the memo. They picked him out of the crowd, putting the spotlight on him and he had no practice.
  20. Simply added on to it with detail for some do not know this information, hence your title - Was Jesus Anointed at His baptism ? You answered your own question, they make up the Firstfruits (hence Festival of Pentecost), Chosen, or in your words, Anointed. So much so, Pentecost 33 A.D. is noted as a huge event for true worshippers of the Christian church congregation, granted, the event in of itself signifies the birth of the Christian faith just days after the New Covenant (New Law as some refer to such) was enabled by means of Christ Jesus. As a side note, as mentioned already, Jesus was the first of the Firstfruits prior to the 120, and the thousands that came after. Yes. They make up Spiritual Israel, and their role is recorded in the Greek text of what they will do while part of the Kingdom, as is the notion of spirit persons, etc. for their position is already solidified. I believe JWI most likely made note to something similar in the past.
  21. It isn't too surprising, granted the Truther Movement called this for years, as is with the possibility of a civil war. China and Russia are major superpowers that have always been together. Give them a detachment from the United Nations, as is their other allies, i.e. Iran, then all hell will break loose.
  22. Evidently, the good news gospel will shift, and we will be in a position similar to Jonah, so to speak, concerning God's Kingdom. The gospel of Judgment. The road to the Kingdom isn't for everyone, some people can break due to imperfections, the strongest of Christians, even, including JWs. As stated before, and as the Scripture points out, maintaining faith is a hard fight, as is with keeping all things that is good concerning Scripture. Those who seek God will come, ironically in this pandemic, more people, even Atheists are seeking God, as is those doing vile things; for I had seen and been in discussions during my absence. And such people want to learn. Luke 10:21 - At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. (Ref. Matthew 11:25) The situation of the world reminds me of this verse, for all the bad that is happening, good souls come seeking truth. Because right now, people seek the core knowledge of who God and Jesus are, as is the Kingdom everything else is somewhat null, as long as it enables them to know what is mentioned.
  23. This is elementary for most folks to know this, in fact this is absolute cake. The answer is Yes. He is also a Firstfruit, the very first one. As for Pentecost 33 A.D., Jesus talked about the promise the people are to be given by means of the Father, which is the Holy Spirit.
  24. @Arauna Well one thing for certain some of this stuff has already caused a form of segregation among the people. This goes for covid-19, censorship, institutional indoctrination to groom division among children and climate change to some degree. Essentially, today's society just hit a Bizarro World type scenario.
  25. The big question is will it continue to be a decentralized form of currency? With what the government pulled some weeks ago, people are bringing forth many questions, including this one. If that treads to the other side, then the term currency of the people will be highly irrelevant.
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