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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. Evidently, the good news gospel will shift, and we will be in a position similar to Jonah, so to speak, concerning God's Kingdom. The gospel of Judgment.

    The road to the Kingdom isn't for everyone, some people can break due to imperfections, the strongest of Christians, even, including JWs.

    As stated before, and as the Scripture points out, maintaining faith is a hard fight, as is with keeping all things that is good concerning Scripture.

    Those who seek God will come, ironically in this pandemic, more people, even Atheists are seeking God, as is those doing vile things; for I had seen and been in discussions during my absence. And such people want to learn.

    Luke 10:21 - At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. (Ref. Matthew 11:25)

    The situation of the world reminds me of this verse, for all the bad that is happening, good souls come seeking truth. Because right now, people seek the core knowledge of who God and Jesus are, as is the Kingdom everything else is somewhat null, as long as it enables them to know what is mentioned.

  2. This is elementary for most folks to know this, in fact this is absolute cake. The answer is Yes. He is also a Firstfruit, the very first one.

    As for Pentecost 33 A.D., Jesus talked about the promise the people are to be given by means of the Father, which is the Holy Spirit.


  3. Believe it or not, but the End Time Tribulations is being mentioned time and time again by many, even among the non-religious, as well as some Atheists. The reason being is due to several events more writings of Jesus' name and God's name in the English, Spanish, and even the Hebrew language. And just recently a unique event took place and people assume God had a hand in the situation in regards to idols [https://www.foxnews.com/us/george-floyd-mural-destroyed-toledo-lightning] - granted these same people and mainstream Christians do not know how God operates, for if it was divine intervention, why would a church be struck down too?

    That said, from the last several months, there has been more and more people getting into the Bible, and to my surprise, less people being involved with Trinitarianism. A victory for those that fought in a clearly one sided council in Asia Minor centuries ago.

  4. This is indeed true, judgement, at times, not always correct, comes into play in various forms in events (prior to, during, aftermath, later, etc.). This is true concerning eyewitnesses, for if more information is received (may not always be correct as you said, hence more interviews), the more visible the puzzle of the situation can visibly be seen, however, people can retain the choice of abiding by lawful constitutional  rights, even in these kinds of situations, which police officers are aware of and respect. That is if the person is questionable; the police would talk to said person because they suspect said person have committed a crime. If the person is detained, it means the police have ample evidence to commit to an arrest, resulting in admission to prompt an even stronger chance.

    Lawful Constitutional enables one to have the right to remain silent, so the person, if he or she wishes, do not have to talk to law enforcement officers (or anyone else) in this regard.  It depends on the person, at times, the person is given time to speak another time, mainly when the case is still going. For others, if they feel ready to speak, they take said action to do so, mainly if they believe their input allows progression of a case.

    In some cases yes, but not always correct, since audio and video feed can be altered, change in some way shape or form, several examples, even recent ones, i.e. a simple edit in audio/video resulted in a racial induced onslaught while the other side who called it out, it brutally attacked. Be it from an actual incident and or interview, all information must be presented instead of just going with the lackluster and claim it as a truth.

    No one is immune to the latter. All men, women and children are subjected, as is the ability to take some form of action and or provide input vary between person to person. Beliefs, background does not provide immunity.

    This is good in some instances, but can be problematic in other situations; to seek out those who share the same mentality - which leads to absurd instances in of itself.
    That is also true in regards to feelings. Likewise people in some cases will spark emotion in order to evade factual information, they also become worrisome and can mock/attack you in the process, at the same time, they rally others to do the same thing. If an apple is red, which is fact, you use emotion to convince people it is blue, is problematic.

    How I see it, some in today's society are quite sensitive when it comes to facts. You can show feeling into something, however, to avoid what is true can lead to problems, some of which we see today with all these groups either for the Red team or the Blue - Among the many arenas of which I have a disdain for, for some time now.

    That being said, better to do enough research to reach a conclusion instead of being the type of person who goes about things irrationally. Something people have succumb to nowadays. Or as some say, even me - Facts over Feelings.


    Sometimes the truth hurts for some people, and when the truth is spoken, their true colors flourish like a white rose among red roses.

  5. On 7/5/2021 at 2:59 PM, Pudgy said:

    Money ...... and politicians who pretend to be competent ... and an electorate so ignorant they recognize complete ignorance and feel a kinship toward it.

    .... like retarded conjoined twins.

    Besides, if everything is wiped out by an EMP the real need will not be the Internet, it will be for ammunition.

    Correct. As for ammunition, people will seek resources to, and will steal, even kill to get it.

    A good crisis can show the true colors of your neighbor.

  6. On 7/5/2021 at 10:53 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    One would think a Space Merchant would be the very first commenter on a thread dealing with aliens, rather than holding off to page 3.

    I was more focused on the original opening comment, haven't brushed over page 2, but yes. There are things that the human mind can't comprehend concerning aliens, and there are those, who are familiar with what I have mentioned, and it does not shake them, but enables them to tread carefully as is doing the research, i.e. Pentagon Reports and their confusion, focused base station lasers to fool people, Zimbabwe, etc.

    In my case, stuff like this is another day in the office, if it weren't for my own history, then perhaps in a different reality my armor of faith would succumb to several cracks.

    That being said, I said what I said because about a month ago, there was an discussion that lasted for almost 2 hours talking about aliens as is what I had brought up before.

    @ApostaBabe Linda James Indeed. Always busy. Even more now compared to before because of whom I now represent.

  7. On 5/20/2021 at 12:08 PM, xero said:
    Some people can't do the math. It's really quite simple - if you've been vaccinated, go about your life as normal. No need for a mask.
    I think it's a rather simple IQ test.
    If you're still wearing one after you're vaccinated because "How do I know if the other people are really vaccinated?", the answer is simple "It's none of your business". If you aren't vaccinated for various reasons, that's your problem - take whatever precautions you feel necessary. But if you are vaccinated, stop being weird and sticking your nose into other people's business.
    You might as well go full-on-neurotic-germaphobe then and never go out in public again because "Who knows whether these people washed their hands" or "I don't really know what's going on in that kitchen" or "Me ride a bus? Has this bus been subjected to gamma radiation to kill all the bugs?"

    Unfortunately, that will change ones the mandates roll in, and eventually we will reach a Deus Ex Mankind Divided like situation whereas instead of enhanced people vs the non enhanced, irl, you have the vaccinated vs the non vaccinated, which in some cases is becoming true in some parts.

    Granted the Delta Variant is becoming more problematic, as the media portrays it, this will push people to wear masks as well as encourage (in some situations by force) to get vaccinated, as is, with the no jab no job mantra in the US and the EU. Konssen and I even mentioned this a while back, as is something similar to a booster shot and or the use of passports regarding COVID-19.

    That being said, even if you are vaccinated, with whatever injection they give you, you will still end up under said mandate, and if it is approved, you will be subjected to boosters with the Delta/+ variant out. You will also see the divided among many, even among religious people who are not that strong in faith. Again, some of us had seen this coming from many miles away.

  8. On 7/4/2021 at 12:18 AM, TheWorldNewsOrg said:

    This stuff is real.... not science fiction..... scary bad.

    Almost makes sense to keep stuff "in the cloud"... hoping that maybe they are protecting themselves somehow better than we can locally?


    Negative. They will protect those that are for them, but those who are outside the realm of protection will be the ones to face the music, in the worse way.

  9. Unfortunately, it would not shake up one's faith, especially in regards to my history whereas half of my family come from an area whereas in said area manifestations and influences are a thing. In some of these manifestations, there has been sightings of various odd looking creatures, even grey and green ones an example would be the greyish demonic figure standing over an infant child in the middle of the night looking at the ceiling, only discovered via smart camera in one's house. In addition, more and more of this is predominant in the realm of those who are practitioners of Black Magic otherwise known as Voodou.

    There has been some events to which even the air force was shocked, which sparks the question about shifting focus from space to the deep oceans. Then you have the situation with the African Children a while back that sent them into a mental induced ride of their life.


    That being said, in the past, people use to replica various nefarious things with the dead, but despite this, it has never shaken one's faith. Even present day with manifestations, black magic, deception and all the things that can break a man.

  10. 20 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Here in the United States, (although they are not very united these days), we have the 2nd amendment which allows people to own firearms. But not people who have federal felonies on their record. Most of the churches that I have attended congregants volunteer to do security for the church during services and/or working hours. Some of those volunteers do carry a firearm on their person and is legal for them to conceal it as long as they have a required license to  do that. States differ on concealed carry laws.

    The jw's are so secretive and subversive it'd be hard to speculate how far they would go with their security, I can imagine though they have a lot of camera's covering every square inch of the place.

    There is nothing wrong with cameras, granted cameras are non-lethal and many have benefited from them. Not everyone has to have a firearm for security, that is, unless you continue to press groups and or institutions as soft targets to a crazed person.

    As for the 2nd Amendment, that is correct, someone who knows a section within the amendment; the constitution.

    That being said, the focus on the the Capitols as of recent, since both the Left and the Right has come out to play. Meanwhile Alt-Left/Right media and the MSM is confusing people.

  11. On 1/9/2021 at 4:21 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    I was wondering which has the most physical security ? 

    It seems to me that people can and did just 'walk into' the Congress building, but, I think Warwick has security gates and 'guards'.   

    This alone shows you do not know what took place and watched what the MSM is feeding you.

    If my memory serves me right, the W faith's mainstay simply have cameras and gates.

    On 1/9/2021 at 4:21 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    I wondered also if Warwick has a stash of 'arms & ammo' as I remember a couple of 'brothers' having a 'house full' of firearms and almost bragging about it.  I did hear rumour that Warwick has bunkers too. And I would think they have a large amout of food storage. 

    They do not have arms, claim that one of Witness' contacts brought up, which was proven false by even ExJWs, I need not quote that evidence here. There some however, who joined the faith that were military, police, hunters, etc. but that does not mean their depositary is somehow in a faith's mainstay.

    As I told you in the past, be very careful with rumors. Not too long ago, back in 2017, people claimed JWs to be with Soros and ANTIFA and it resulted in someone getting the beating of his life. Therefore we need to be very careful.

    As for ANTIFA, like BAMN and Qanon, I have a strong disdain for.

    On 1/9/2021 at 4:21 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Um, add all this up with the fact that the GB have said that JW's must obey instruction, even if they do not understand it. 

    I am sure they explained it to them, as there has been those talking about the vaccine and a list of other things.

    On 1/9/2021 at 4:21 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Now all that may sound OTT, but, i was also wondering what laws the USA has on what level of security a 'religion' is allowed to have.  If i remember rightly, some years ago, a religion in America had a building full of guns and fought with the police. The Waco Siege. 

    This was in Waco Texas, and the religion in question was a legitimate cult (which differs from an actual Abrahamic Faith due to the fact of accursed teachings being taught). That said, many people believe the situation itself had some fragmented intel, with FBI involvement and other information not being made known to the public, therefore, some are skeptical as others believe to be a setup.

    However, comparing Waco's situation to the faiths today does not make any sense. And I can list many reasons, and how much of a danger it can be to the unware that can succumb to consequences. As people of God, we do not want to make an innocent bystander a target.

    On 1/9/2021 at 4:21 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    I would think that since then the US goverment would have put in place some kind of restrictions to prevent that happening again. So I'm wondering just how secure Warwick is, and how secure it is allowed to be by law. 

    They won't granted the people can setup their own security measures, be it a home, a building, even federal. As for churches in general, likewise, example - Mississippi Church Protection Act (§ 45-9-171).

    On 1/10/2021 at 8:27 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    You wanna me to say Capitol Building or maybe Capitol House. You is what we in UK call a plonker.  You do what we call splitting hairs. Basically you try to distract from the real meaning of something by using what you think is inteligence, but in reality it shows your stupidity.  

    One thing i find funny is I mentioned QAnon on here going back last year and most people had no idea. Now QAnon seem to be mainstream news. But that is off topic :) 

    That being said, is there anything you would like to know? Granted many of us Truthers are getting bombarded with what took place, we knew it was going to happened regarding the escalation, to which I addressed years ago.

    As for Qanon, I had explained to you what they are, however, a small remnant of Qanon, even Jake the Horn guy, were part of it. But, the Majority that breached the Capitol were Crazed Trump Supporters. The irony in all this, not ALL Trump Supporters went to the capitol, in fact, some fought their own to prevent them from entering.

    As you can see, which I make clear that the actions of one does not define everyone, but you see the MSM is doing the opposite, thus branding every Trump Supporter as a Terrorist, and now Big Tech is involved.


    FYI, you did not mention Qanon years ago, you mentioned in a couple of months ago; last year


    I also mentioned them and the other groups years ago, in 2018, as is with the escalation that led up to this catalyst


  12. On 1/1/2021 at 7:14 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the devil, and we know that the Judgement must come. We also know that things will get much worse around the earth because the devil know he has only a short time left. Do you want me to live in fear ?  

    The Virus and the Vaccine.  Here there might be a problem.  The scriptures say we should obey the superior authorities unless they contradict God's laws. UK law says Lockdown, so we lockdown.  Now if the vaccine is made law then it would seem we should obey that law.  What is your oppinion on this ?   Do you disobey your superior authorities ? 

    I have suggested to my wife that the UK governemt may, in the future, 'run out of money'.  We receive pension payments, which could stop.  I have also thought that luxuries will lose their value so I'm looking at reducing my quantity of materal possesions.  BUT, then real 'cash' may soon be removed, everything may be by electronic payment, so we could loose control of our bank accounts ?????   Am i expected to live in fear ??? 

    My only hope is that God, through Jesus Christ, will provide a True Annointed remnant to give honest hearted ones guidance in how to stay true to God.  Then whatever the devil may bring against God's people, it will not prevail. 

    You don't have to, you can unknowingly reside with them verily easily, as many, many have. As said, they can get you indirectly. You have to be concern with the real enemy, likewise, of what God's people have been doing since Bible times, did you forget the verses concerning such? It isn't about living in fear, it is about being vigilant, however your past remarks comes to question.

    The Scriptures also gives incite to taking precaution, for what you don't learn from MSM that the vaccine can pose a threat to those with underlying issues, there ahs been deaths even and complications of which the creators of the vaccine are not taking acknowledging. Moreover, there are those inflicted with scars due to the vaccine; even the powerful fake their shots and some would simply stated "they don't want to cut the line" hence why many, even the JWs, stated it is your choice to take it. There is no law to force someone to take a vaccine, however, authoritarian measures can and will, as stated before, hit you indirectly. The tragic thing is that in your case, this is coming faster in the EU whereas the US and the Islands do not have that issue, should things go Authoritarian, we have options and alternatives to counter, you however, do not. That being said, it should not be the government you go to regarding the vaccine, it should be your doctor.

    Currency is going in that direction, some of the chosen ones like Solider of God, even Kosnnen here mentioned what I have been talking about for years. The US will get hit big due to the printing of money which will increase the value of, let's say, a gallon of milk. The rich are being Bitcoin because they know where the economy is going, likewise to those in the UK.

    Again, you have to be AWARE. Just because you have money in a bank, does not mean it is yours... Do you never stop to think how they are able to quickly process currency and the like? Then again the unaware tend to be the victims in all this, as did many, be it of a faith or not, we already seen in happened in Washington several years ago and in the UK.

    You say this, however, you cannot tell who is fighting the same fight with you. As with many, they become victim, which is no doubt a reality for some on this forum.

  13. Same as always with me, however, I was invited to a community that is aiding in csa prevention due to the thread I made a while back reasons why I spend more time there due to the progress of some folks who are well above me in action; hence my point of going about things the correct way, one situation I had to defend my adversary at one point due to a situation.

    I've always been keeping an eye on events that is taking place in the US, EU and elsewhere due to the fact of what I said in the past is escalating.

    I do not fear COVID, let alone let it hinder me, granted I know how to take care of myself and handle my business, but sadly a lot of people slowly give into to fear. I have seen the current situation making some of your people, your faith community, fatigued to the point of breaking. Do what you need to do wisely so you do not face that same situation, but since you are young, you are open to making wise decisions than most.


    That being said, vigilance, endurance, and faith overcomes COVID; remain in faith, and you are of God's favor regardless of what happens, even if something unexpected happens to you. You'd be amazed of how people seem to forget about the hope that God will give, as seen in the other thread regarding a specific Symbiote...

  14. Regarding what the both of us has stated before, we were both correct. Washington in 2021 is going to be chaotic, at the same time, the wild beast and Babylon will be taking action. People will succumb, not all, but a few, to the powers that be during the pandemic, and when they are fatigued, they are taken, fear and influence (in the schools, the workplace, etc.) will take them and they want the powers to hold them. Believe it or not, even some JWs have been fatigued to the point that they themselves will be broken.

    This is why people need to take these powers seriously, on the other side of the spectrum, the mark is a bit closer than you think due to advancing Tech.

  15. On 12/29/2020 at 6:42 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    Out walking today I noticed how people are avoiding each other more then ever.  They look at each other as if they do not trust each other.  Of course the 'virus' may be the main problem but is it the only problem.  Naming it 'social distancing' did no help, but was that done deliberately.  It brought to mind the words from the scriptures 'like sheep without a shepherd'.  I often think it is my 'old age' that puts fear into me. When I was young I longed for 'excitement' but now I just want 'peace and security'.  It is impossible to separate happenings in this world from God's word..... 2021, a 'new year' but it will of course bring with it new problems.  I am in England but I care not about Brexit or politics, I care about people. Are any of you, in any country, noticing that neighbours are distancing more or becoming more suspicious of each other ?  Or is it just my frame of mind ? 


    Because you do not see it, of what me and Kosenen has been talking about. The United Kingdom is about to get into a situation that will be very troublesome and grave, outside of the pandemic, think of it as this, a small animal trying to outright a big vicious predator; cannot escape, but only closing in on to the inevitable.

    Your Establishment, as is done elsewhere, are using the pandemic, soon to be endemic, to control the people, as is with control, thus you can easily become a sheep to these people, to give up everything and want to hold their hand.

    What damaged your country is the fact they executed the Lockdowns, which caused more harm than good, far worse than other methods they are trying to use.

    You do not have to care about politics or the Brexit, all they need to do is sow in influence, thus control and fear takes place and you wanting their help. Their actions can effect ANYONE who is not aware, as me and Kosenen made clear in the past regarding world powers and the incoming of the Mark of the Beast.

    To add more fuel to the fire, they are now pressuring people for a vaccination, NOT TELLING YOU, some problems people were having. When the big problems coming in, you will really see who is truly a friend and who is truly a foe, regardless of sex, religion, background, for once a system breaks you in some way shape or form, it can easily influence you once you are fed fear.

    That being said, the UK government did something recently that will hurt you even more, indirectly even. If you do not give in to fear and influence of the government, you have a chance, even when you are in a big struggle.

    Keep an eye on the real enemy, as I told you before the branches of Babylon and the Wild Beast are moving wildly prior to and during the pandemic, even the United Nations, this is why in the past I told you to focus, but seeing how things are now, it is up to you to apply that counsel. When I say this, it may be a lot, but it is for a good reason outside of facts and evidence.

    Always let this sink in:

    "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. "

    The pandemic has no effect on me let alone the influence of high powers, the perks and benefits of my culture I would say, as is my faith and know who is the real threat.

  16. On 12/28/2020 at 1:09 PM, Arauna said:

    Satan is behind this because we are going to prison for our neutral stance - we do not participate in any form of violence.... it is clear... our brothers are being tested.

    As stated, since 2016 in Russia, there was already a plan in place. We seen the timeline of events, not just religion wise, but around Russia and the craziest election of Putin who was up very very high, as is with Alexi's movement being FF'd. There is more going on there than you realize, so it is more about trying to break your people. It is not only the adults, but the teenagers, and even the children for the Duma, the Church and the Kremlin are moving influence in these areas, even permitting bullying, and more. There are people who are against this but like others, they endure risk, some suffered from these risks already.

    That being said, a bit of the grip is loosen because Russia is distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic, that is soon to be Endemic.

  17. There was more taking place in Russia regarding religion as a whole. I can get more information if need be whenever I have time, been busy with other things, granted I have connections in Russia, as I told Rook in the past. But I will see.

    On 12/24/2020 at 2:52 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    Refusing a blood transfusion to appease God, is human sacrifice:)

    Refusing blood transfusions isn't a human sacrifice and a lot of Christians, JWs included, refuse blood because they see it as sacred and the only blood that matters is that of the Christ, therefore, faith in Christ paves a way to a Resurrections Hope anyways and even before that blood from a man or beast to be eaten and or taken into the body is a violation, said law carries into the New Law.

    People do have a choice to refuse a "gold standard" of medical procedures and seek alternatives, as with various cultures (mine included) that refuse to give or take blood due to spiritism and or superstition, as is with the factor situation regarding contamination, as is with the vampiric ambrosia project and illegal blood and organ trade. Blood Transfusions are not the end all be all medical procedure...

    True human sacrifice regarding blood is Rituel du sang meaning "Blood Ritualism". Which is related to what "human sacrifice" actually is meaning - the act of killing one or more humans as part of a ritual, usually intended to please or appease gods, spirits or the dead ancestors, such as a propitiatory offerings or as a retainer sacrifice when a king's servants are killed in order for them to continue to serve their master in the next life. Closely related practices found in some tribal societies are cannibalism and headhunting.

    Blood Ritualism is associated with Spiritism, magic use, dark magic and even mimicking necromancy to some degree, and I do not need to speak of such history here.

    Also even before blood transfusions exist, there were other medical usages and the list goes on.

    That said I would gladly challenge you on this with ease.

  18. Only fact Christians of the mainstream think it is good to please God and dance with demons of paganism. OP should know better because last time, he "humbled" us with a guy who took part in a piece of entertainment that harbors over the top violence, blood, sex, nudity, and a list of other things that will keep you up at night.

  19. On 11/30/2020 at 6:44 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    Remember when Jesus was asked a question about His authority, Jesus answered with another question. 

    Well then, can you provide a quote where I have said, that the Leaders of the CCJW said the world is going to be destroyed in 1975. 

    But there seems to be lots of proof available that the Leaders of that organisation made false predictions in 1941 and in the 1960's. When that organisation said in the 60's that it would be fulfilled 'within a FEW YEARS' of the time those magazines were written.  Tell me, from your viewpoint, how many is a FEW ?  Surely less than 10.

    I'm asking you for a quote because in the past, you and someone else stated they admitted the world would be ending and or destroyed. Why is it now when it is being asked of you become, to quite you, "a parrot"?


    That being said, even an EXJW who risked his own channel, as with a couple of others, have more fitting evidence to the debunk the claim, therefore with this information, it is pure FACT.

    Only foolish people, ignorant people, idiots, the unwilling ignore facts.

    Proof you said? I did the research, to which was posted before, the facts hold more water, and it is absurd now we are going about this again.

  20. At least it isn't as crazy as the whole blood market, trying to take blood from the young in terms of ritualism in order to look younger. Some in community refers to such folks as the Dracula Party.

    Anyways, it is impossible for people to change what has already been set in motion, for there is only one way to stop the aging process - after God's Day.


    Other than that, a lot of people fail to take care of themselves properly and do not make an effort to change, although one cannot stop the aging process, they can benefit by taking action to take care of themselves so they do not fall apart early, this also goes for children because they can suffer from this too.

    But as it is, with the majority of people. If you remain the same, it is unwise to complain.

  21. And yet another day, no charter was brought up, nor was there a Resolution... Just like last time.

    A lesson proven if you lack the understanding of the United Nations or NGO DPI, best not to adhere to claims and commit it to as a truth.

    That being said, stuff like this people should be wise not to play around with in terms of misinformation, mainly if you do not know something. We have a REAL enemy and this isn't the time to act foolish, as some here have already done so, not knowing the dangers and pointing figures when they shouldn't.

    There is already a lot of smoke in the Interfaith space with the UN, red flags left and right, how what the UN has been doing which people are not paying attention to. For such nonsense regards to ignorance and stupidity of not knowing something only creates more problems - no one needs that, and no one has time for it.

    A shame yet another year we have to do this again when the truth has been spoken, which is beyond JWs as a whole, or anyone for that matter.

  22. On 12/4/2020 at 6:23 PM, The Librarian said:

    That is not how the law works in the USA. If there was a plea bargain, arraignment or even a plea entered there would be a record of that. 

    You are making stuff up out of thin air at this point. All that can be seen at this point is the arrest and the charges.

    This is why it is encouraged for some to understand the BASICS of Law. If not, people tends to go about their own feelings in the matter.

    That being said, regardless of who the person is, race, faith, sex, what have you, one can still be tried for the committed action. But even then, people tend to demonize

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