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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. Well the people are not fed up with CHAZ/CHOP, and they want to sue the state. The US is in a bit of a predicament because you have people of power supporting the protesters, and they are purposely ignorant of the situation, even baiting Trump to take action. I am also hearing talk about something being sign, which will somewhat prompt some actions, people are bringing up segregation again between people who are white and people who are not white, which consist of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, etc.

    That being said, what, kind of amazes me, is that there are some people who support BLM and the far-left, who loved and support CHAZ and the Chazistanis, and now, they are crying about it. That in of itself, is hypocrisy, meanwhile, you have the virus spiking in 3 states, Texas, California, and Florida. Moreover, BLM has a lot more money than previous rises among the group.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

    Tbh, some people in general think that, well since we are talking about child abuse, they think that oh this happened to this family, luckily it didn't happen to mine or they merely do not get involved. A friend of mine said that anyone who abuse their children in some way, they will suffer consequences, if sex or violence abuse, well, the person pays for it with their life, and sometimes getting involved is risky, but it depends.

    That is no different from the bystander syndrome expressed by a multitude of people, the "glad that didn't happen to me much", but at the same time, they let their guard down, only for something similar to take place upon them, their household, etc. directly and or indirectly.

    Certain cultures are like this, I can speak for even mine, some detail I rather not get into for reasons. 

    That being said, some people do far worse. As for getting involved, you can, but there are some risks, as I recall bringing up a case in one country I think it was whereas vigilant justice was expressed by means of assassinations. Regarding CSA, some of this has taken place in the United States also, when the Catholic pedophiles were revealed, someone took it upon themselves to deliver a blood raged induced action, this goes hand in hand, with abusers who take their profession as key to access children, i.e. flying aircrafts, etc.

    6 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

    Some people will think I don't know about child abuse at all, it's a real thing, and as someone pointed out, even for us Jehovah's Witnesses, some of us are not oblivious, we know things. While preaching, I did run into someone who did mentioned child abuse and he was not pressing about it, he told me what am I doing so it doesn't happen in our congregation, I told him straight up on what needs to be done, and we do teach people about it, we even had a talk about it and a Watchtower study a while back and we often get together to talk about subjects too. That same guy, I did give him a publication regarding not just about child abuse but teaching children.

    Only some people will take that action, not all. Teaching children, as I had told you, and others is key, without that key, you leave the door open for potential abusers to come in, to exploit the people by pretending to befriend them, and this allows them to gain access to children. Not everyone has the luxury as you have, granted, among JWs, as stated, even they are not immune to child abuse, therefore, to lessen the abuse, you have to teach the people, talk to them about it.

    People are aware of this, but some disgruntled JWs think otherwise. Some former JWs take this approach in order to fight child abuse, which is indeed working, this can also be said for those outside of the faith community in question, as is, never had any affiliation, take this action as well, and it helps. The only issue here is dealing with the abuser, for they can make other attempts to exploit, thus being clever about it, these things you have to look out for when it comes to CSA. You not only have to teach CSA, but you have to understand the mentality of the abuser, likewise, to knowing the next move your enemy will make.

    11 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

    I don't know how you guys were raised, but I come from a strict Afro Latino household lol, this was before I became a JW. 😁 Can't speak for others tho. And I am sure you two are aware we do have publications on the subject.

    Granted there are some cultures who do not trust specific backgrounds and or races, thus they tend to keep to themselves. However, there are those who take action. I am of a strict background too. I cannot speak for others either, granted some people are raised up with no consequence to action and or discipline of any kind, sometimes, such ones are the ones to commit to damage, mainly if they are the ones who suffered when they were younger are taught to commit ill intent.

    That being said, I am now aware because of ARC, and the situation with one sex abuse survivor mentioned in the case study of Jehovah's Witnesses. If it was not for that action, she would have found out if she was being abused much later on, and at the time, the damage would have been increased.

    People need to learn, for no institution is immune, plain and simple, moreover, the Bible can help with this too.

  3. @4Jah2me Knowing these things doesn't mean being part of the world, and it should be known to you what being Part of the World even means. The Bible teaches us to pass wisdom to children, within this wisdom, in turn they avoid dangers to themselves and or to those they care about. As for these connections in the UK, which is far grander than that of the US, the abusers have only one concern other than gaining access to children.  Begin part of the world is admiring the beast, to give in to Babylon and all those connected to her, to accept and promote the ideologies that lack God's favor, to put oneself about the teachings and or cutting up the teachings, and a list of other things. Knowing CSA, and how to fight it and or prevent it has nothing to do with being part of the world because last I check Scripture, Babylon is the one to corrupt, not the helping type, as is, with the wild beast.

    You do not have to get involved with the craziness, all you have to do is pass on wisdom, nothing more. This same wisdom is accepted by all persons of all ages, man, woman and child. You said before you use the social platform, take that tool and pass forth wisdom, in doing so, you can be another combatant against CSA.

    This is a section within the forums that is about Jehovah's Witnesses, but unknown to you, this thread, from it start, has always been controversial posts whereas all things go. Therefore, it is no surprise that someone can bring up facts about something and or someone, this includes anything pertaining to Restorationism groups. In fact, Controversial Posts was the main section before it was turned into a JW club and still to this day, it is as it is.

    You can talk about JWs all you want, but these solutions apply to all institutions within the realm of religion as well, therefore, because this is a section that the sub-focus is JWs, it should not stop one from passing these solutions to even the community in this club. You also use FB, that same information can be passed on there, CSA prevention services even promote to spread this information, and on the other side of the spectrum, even the Bible expresses this knowledge.

    I don't care about Catholics, even if I did, the subject matter is CSA. All children are of concern after all, even the children among JW regardless of what the sub-thread consists of. CSA is something that is of a large scale. Just because this section is regarding JWs, it should not negate and or isolate non JW children. Teaching children is also a general thing, not an isolated issue.

    Which can be seen, that is all you talk about, but regardless CSA is a problematic issue that is generalized within each and every institution. Whatever positive information you can pass on to here, to any JW here, or that of your other social space, take that time to spread that knowledge. Not doing so, will only have the opposition increase in rank, gain more access to children and cause even more damage. I can tell you this, as pointed out, an abuser's goal is an obvious one, but there is one thing they like more than whatever victim they are targeting, that thing is, that their victim is not knowledgeable. If we can go back to ARC, the person in question was abused among a relative who was a JW, the victim was a JW herself, all it took was basic knowledge on what happen to her, which translated to her story of being a survivor of sex abuse.

    That being said, more and more people are already knowing of the situation in Australia regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, but at the same time, they are the same ones who have become skeptical due to the fact misinformation is now being spread, so much as so, even Atheists are pointing this out.

    I'd also like to add sometimes such conversations about CSA with children or adults who are not equipped, can often times not be easy, but you have to explain things in a manner for them to understand and apply it, pass on what you know to them so they can benefit, in turn, they can take action also to help.

  4. This is indirect, but there have been some people in Russia that has been combating this. Although some not even being religious, they stood up for Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia whereas outside of Russia, a lot of misinformation has been put out. In connection to this you have a lot of people who are against Mevedev and those who were targeted by the FindFace software, speaking up in regards to freedom itself. That was bound to happen granted the pressure of the situation kept on increasing ever since the day where the RoC connected with the Pope, as is, with the RoC making moves alongside the State Duma, some action, being against the people of Russia, especially prior to Putin's reelection, which as I recall, was a no contest win, where everyone was in the single digits and Putin himself was in the high doubles.

    That being said, been tracking Russia for, 2 years almost, for other things related such as the UN, and Russian allies as is with Israel tension. The powers that be are indeed in connection with Babylon the Great, however, only a few can see this, likewise, with the powerful super powers and which side they are on.

  5. So far, as stated before, the situation with Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia is more ARC and Redress focused, as for News Corp, some of their claims have brought forth even more skepticism, even among Atheists, who in turn, blame all Christians, and or, deem them all as guilty because of CSA. The irony of it all, there are but a few, who adhere to the same solutions I bring up, and it is said among them that these solutions can only be applied if taught.

    So there will probably not be anything substantial until July in terms of what is being focused on now; little to do with News Corp.

    @4Jah2me Also this may be of interest of you, granted you are indeed from the United Kingdom. As I had told you, all children is of concern, for the focus is not isolated to a specific institution, for a child among Jehovah's Witnesses who has endured abuse is no different from a child elsewhere. I am sure you are aware of the Prince and his dealings with Epstein, yes? For some people are deem to powerful to even combat, so you work around them.

    As I told Butler, within the underbelly of the UK, there are grooming gangs, some of which even your own government have shielded, as some people in the UK pointed out, however, among them, they been decieved regarding this is only associated with Muslims with bad intent (for these UK folks go out of their way to even attack those not involved with the crime and or unaware; in turn, blaming all of them, attacking them for the sins of another person(s)). What I am pointing out is that Paul Appleton of the UK was someone who groomed a 12 year old girl. Despite his ill intent, your law and gov't decided to give him a pass. Appleton is a Convicted pedophile who was given a suspended sentence, and the reason for this is because of the COVID-19 lockdown since his conviction in early March. As I had told you before, this pedophilia disorder is problematic, you cannot stop these people directly, but you can work around them by teaching a would be victim to evade the danger; if you can do this with strangers, you can do the same with pedophiles and or those who are violent physically and or mentally to children.


  6. 4 hours ago, Anna said:

    So what exactly was debunked?

    The claims of nationalism and idolatry worship due to the fact the flag was there, as is with claims of hypocrisy when it comes to neutrality, which stirred up some misinformation about this whole flag situation. JWinsider provided some information on this in the past, as is with The Librarian, but I can no longer find that topic for it no longer exists. I myself pointed out to Chilean Decree and the like.

    The source I professed is below:


  7. 44 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant  What is more funny is the fact you upvoted my comment on June 16.

    And? Because I took the time to read. I do not do things with not backing and or reason.

    45 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And an important word in @Witness 's  top heading comment is 'allegedly'   allegedly pushed cash offshore. 


    Indeed, that is why I pointed out News Corp, I even provided information from the right-centered bias article of which some of you may not have access to, with a little bit of help of course. But as stated, even pointed out by other sources, these are accusations made by News Corp whereas the focus is on ARC and the Redress Scheme.

    That is why I had tested both Srecko and Witness, on purpose, for the sex abuse survivors who are formerly Jehovah's Witnesses, as is, with the remark they took from law enforcement and or groups affiliated.

    47 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    As for teaching children anything, my wife and I have put ourselves on 'lockdown' so no visitors and no visiting others. Being an 'old man' I don't go out much anyway so the only 'preaching' i do is online through Facebook pages, and it is surprising the good response I get. 

    You have the online space to do that. There are elderly folk, even among the disabled, who profess the same thing I have. Granted this same information, this wisdom we pass on to our children, we can do so with all things relating to child abuse, with the Bible being that key to passing on education and knowledge.

    Reach one, teach one, save one. All persons can do this, be it physically, and or within the social space.

    That being said, social media, helping children here is a plus because abusers are more active on the internet vs. the institutions, granted the subtly, i.e. YouTube, Facebook, etc.

    If you can preach to people, you can teach people, including children online. Granted you are on Facebook, how about taking that approach? Help the cause by spreading solutions.

    51 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    In my June 16 comment i did mention that I cannot hear what is said on videos, it is all a muffled noise. So i don't watch videos but I do try to read all written articles linked. 

    That is why I did the heavy work for you, to evade subscription. But that the same time, anything Far-Right you have to be cautious about, I say this with good reason for there is people of this caliber that are crazy.

    That being said, gather the facts and do the research, that is all that was pointed out. The updated information was focused heavily on ARC regarding the Redress Scheme.

    52 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    However i will say again, people on this forum lack true faith.

    How are you certain there is not a shred of a faithful soul on here? I suggest you apply 1 John 4:1 when it comes to discernment of the spirit. You speak of faith but you are quick to make uncashable accusations at times.

    54 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    If God and Christ want a clean organisation they will HAVE a clean organisation.

    That is why God enabled us to take in wisdom, with said wisdom, people can stand up and fight CSA the correct way, no matter the institution, no matter the home, no matter the land and or state. There are those with good intent, if knowledgeable of the situation, they can and will take action accordingly. Going about things the wrong way can cause more problems, and commit even more pedophiles to spread and cause some more damage.

    56 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    It has nothing to do with CSA being 'all over the world'.

    Actually it does matter. All children suffer from all kinds of abuse everywhere in many institutions. Their plea for help is just as equal as another elsewhere, no child let behind.

    It is all over the world because people do not adhere to solutions, likewise to things outside of abuse that can ruin the child and or children, only creating more problems; add more fuel to the fire.

    The obstacle of change begins with the one who decides to take real action, instead of going on a warpath.

    58 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    It is up to God through Christ to do the cleansing.

    Again, God gives us wisdom and with this wisdom we teach, I suggest you look at what I told Srecko in terms of helping children in the thread I linked to you. Like I said, with critical information such as these, no one is willing to apply but a few, and those that have, prevented abuse before it can take place, before an abuser can take action because they are witnesses of the signs and actions of an attacker, especially those in rank.

    1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Of course they will 'use' humans, but those humans will be guided by holy spirit. 

    People will indeed pray for the spirit, and by means of it, they can do what is necessary to get something done.

    1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Remember the words of Jesus (something like) 'If you have faith the size of a mustard grain and you say to this mountain fall into the sea, it will happen'.  Well Jesus will use the true Anointed and there will be a true faith. 

    That is Matthew 17:20, citations being Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:23 and Luke 17:6. What Jesus met by saying that is that his followers need stronger faith, the Greek root and or rendering speaks of little faith, of which is why Jesus prompt the term.

    As for the chosen ones who will reign with the Christ, this is the comment he said for CSA in general, as pointed out to Srecko:

    We only create a bigger problem when we give power to those who commit the acts, for it is reasoning like this that allow people like Nathan Larson to have people on his side, it is reasoning like this that support such behavior and thinking it is okay, it is reasoning like this why those for pornography are allowed to have a portrayal of children and cratering to their demographic, it is reasoning like this not educating our children as well as older folk that will lead to issues like this, having the mentally of not having to worry about something that is happening to others and a list of other things.

    That being said, in regards to child abuse, I live by that because it is indeed true granted the mentality people have today, ever since I helped out my first who suffer violence abuse, and from there on out, I continued. Like I said, look into what I said to Srecko and apply it, for even the Bible points these things out. This also treads well with addiction, as is with suicide, wisdom is key when it comes to prevention. and God gives us this wisdom for us to learn and apply, and to teach it.

    CSA is something you cannot eradicate that, as I told JB, granted this is what he wanted, even among Jehovah's Witnesses, this idea is a fantasy. The reality is, you can prevent it, you can even prevent it before even an abuser sets foot into any institution and or prevent even laying a finger on a child, for this can be applied to Jehovah's Witnesses. People spend so much time on targeting others, but never take the time to teach them to help out in the cause, in turn, helping their institution and or community.

  8. 2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And your point? I merely stated that we can do much more to help the children out there when we apply better solutions, as even prompted by those who fight child abuse the correct way.

    And indeed I have pointed this out, in response to you as seen above.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    For someone who is this keen on mentioning CSA time and time again,

    Yes, hence the solutions alluded to and mentioned time and time again have all been shot down, therefore said solutions and what the Bible provided are absolute 100% correct in this situation, child abuse.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Hence my comment about my last SIX topics.  Don't sidetrack on what you've actually accused me of. I mention CSA when there is a need to mention it. 

    Not sided tracked here, hence you were the one who made that point, I just made a response. You may want to double check as to what was said after the fact. Therefore, the response was indeed a true one.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I think Space Merchant and others are in for a big shock within the next twelve months. I think things would have progressed quicker but the virus I presume has quietened things down in the USA proceedings against the GB and CCJW,  or is it just that i have missed something ? 

    Big shock? How so? Not necessarily. Concerning child abuse, the pandemic expressed 2 major factors, some of which I had already proven. When it comes to abusers who originated within institutions, the risk has deceased, as sources pointed out,, excluding neighbors who are known to abuse children because that in of itself is another factor, a countermeasure to improvement, which can sully progress. On the other side of the spectrum, there is child abuse happening within the homes, granted, the abusers in question are family members and or relatives, that has increased.

    But last I checked, you are not too keen on that information, especially in he United States. You already deem everyone of the faith group, bad or good as guilty for the ins of a person with the intent.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    The IICSA are still working on the investigation here in the UK. 

    We already know this. Stating the obvious isn't much.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    If charitable status is taken away from the CCJW in Australia and the UK they will find life a bit difficult, and if they are asked to open up all of their accounts for inspection by the Authorities then i think many more questions would be asked.

    That ins indeed a possibility, however, there is the whole court system and the other factors that play a role should institutions not sign up for the Redress Scheme. Granted this factor alone, and how the faith community operate even in difficult situations, it will not make things much more difficult for them, granted of what was finalized and addressed in ARC.

    That being said, as for New Corps claims, only 2 claims have been proven false, so you shouldn't be too sure of the others being true, granted this is indeed accusations thrown into the Redress and ARC talk.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    As for SM, he seems to think that the hundreds of CCJW CSA victims are telling lies or just making up stories.

    That is a bold statement, and that is indeed a slander, on your part, especially this, a Father, you, saying this to someone who has experience in aiding in the child abuse and helping people, teaching people even. I can tell you this, as I had told others, these solutions, actually help lessen the risks, I suggest you, as I told you on this thread the other day, apply them.

    Granted it is already known that Jehovah's Witnesses are not immune to child abuse, even pointed this out multitude of times. And by no means have I stated they are making up stories, another slander on your part.

    That being said, everyone knows the situation, and for you to even think that proves to my point, you are among the fold who really are not well equipped to even attest to the fight against child abuse, granted, a simplistic question you could not address and mocked solutions provided by example and from the Bible, just as Srecko has.

    That remark it will be on my thread of CSA, thanks for the input, for it will gladly be challenged.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    The GB and their 'soldiers/police force' have done a good job of hiding paedophiles in the CCJW and a good job of convincing many people that it does not exist.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not immune to child abuse, always been saying that, likewise to all institutions, hence unlike you I, who has experience in dealing with such things understand that:

    On 11/6/2018 at 7:29 AM, Space Merchant said:

    Yes, JW children are of high concern granted that anyone can be Evangelized and or convert to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, for as the saying goes for all in Christendom, we do not know who comes to the church or their intent be it good or bad, however, ALL children should be of a concern and we should not have to single out a faith, or someone of a race in order to go about the issue

    And what? Who is making that accusation that child abuse does not exist among all institutions including Jehovah's Witnesses? That is an idiotic statement coming from you, no more or less, identical to that of Butler.

    The problem here is, they are not best equipped to handle the situation, especially in some parts, again ARC pointed this out time and time again, perhaps you should look into the ARC concerning the faith in question again. This cannot be said for all of them because some among them are able to handle the situation in terms of prevention for they are trained for it, even equipped.

    Your problem is that latter statement, if that was the case, have you forgotten how the victim mentioned in ARC found out about child abuse? Again, for someone who is so keen, why ignore this fact? It shows there are some who are capable, and for other cases, some who are not. You have to be foolish to thing such a sin does not exist, it is as if to claim violence or racism does not exist, hence, there is ignorance, on such folks.

    Again, probably read up on child abuse prevention with the Bible examples provided - apply them, since you are this keen about the CSA ordeal. If those of profession can do it, as is with teens growing up to teach others can do this, even the older and elderly who pass wisdom, what is stopping you from doing the same?

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Of course the Devil does a similar job of convincing people that he does not exist too. 

    But somehow it took someone who believes they can communicate with the spirit and gain revelations from Jesus to dupe you into thinking they are balanced and in the right when in reality they are in the wrong.

    It is not about the Devil existing, it is about his influence, and as I told you before, you not being careful, you can easily end up like the people in Washington DC in 2016, you are not far from it, but you should be careful.

    That being said, as for the situation at hand, look into the updates, please, and see what is factual and what is false, again, a lot of people are skeptical about New Corp claims, but they are knowledgeable and understanding of even the basics when it comes to The Redress Scheme, as is with recalling points from ARC. Also I'd like to point out that someone on this thread alone, from doing my research on this, was called out to be a lair by an ExJW. Let that sink in.

    Also laughing at the facts? You were the one who liked the article did you not? That's hypocritical.

  9. 9 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Someone mentioned this book to me and even recommended it. The person told me it was something that Jehovah's Witnesses must read. Just from a quick glance, I could already tell that is was 100% apostate material, not to mentioned the heavy content of false teachings and convoluted information. To spacey's credit, it is exaggerated from start to finish. She also says she's an Evangelist, however she has some colorful language in her book and horrendous remarks that is enough to make Jesus shed a tear. Lastly, at the very end, she is trying to promote as well as recruit Jehovah's Witnesses and or anyone who is reading her book. No disrespect to the woman, but she's lost her marbles lol 🤣

    She is quite colorful, even her language....

    Royal - "This is a bullshit! Maybe they don't see it because of their cloudy brains and foggy. Sorry, but this is not what the Bible says. I can't stand a lie!"

    For an Evangelist, she has defiled her mouth, Ephesians 4:29; 5:4, Matthew 15:11, James 3:10, etc. all ignored.

    But can one honestly believe that somehow a former JW turned mainstream that is

    Says she and even professes Jesus and the Holy Spirit tells her direct information, let alone thinking and believing she is inspired as well as being among the chosen ones. Adding her own exegesis, and spinning information to befit herself. After further analyzing, she believes also that she can speak in tongues as well as being able to cast demons out... She is no different that the former JW in England who believes he can heal by the touch of his hands, only to be mocked in a debate against Muslims.

    That being said, I still wait Srecko here, you old friend, regarding the issue of suicide, for he has cross a threshold.


    Ms. Royal's prayer is even insane, nothing in application to Matthew Chapter 6, The Sermon of the Mount whereas Jesus showed us as to how to pray, therefore, putting this to rest now:

    Please kneel down and say this prayer of salvation after me:
    Dear Lord Jesus,
    I present myself to you as I am.
    Lord, I accept that I am a sinner.
    Forgive me for my ignorance.
    Forgive me for trusting men.
    Forgive me for having believed in a lie of men.
    Forgive me for refusing to see you as who you are, as Almighty God.
    Forgive me for refusing to see your light and your truth.
    Forgive me for sinning in my ignorance against the Holy Spirit and for rejecting him as a person.
    Forgive me, dear Lord, for resisting You, even when you knocked on the door of my heart.
    Lord Jesus, I repent and turn back from my sinful life.
    I ask you now to accept my repentance and come to my heart as my personal Lord and Savior.
    I thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me, for cleansing me of my injustice.
    Lord Jesus, I thank you for the precious Holy Spirit who helps me receive you and become your son. I have
    born again.
    Thank my Lord!
    Now that you are born again, that you experience the peace of God, the peace that surpasses
    all understanding, and its fullness, the fullness of joy. May the touch of God heal your heart
    broken. May the presence of God be manifested in your life, and if you are sick in your body, I pray
    Right now so that the power of the Holy Spirit touches you and heals you.
    Father, your word says in John 8:36, "If the son sets you free, you will be really free." According
    Your word, Father, decree and declare that your son, your daughter, is now free from all illness
    and ailment in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen!

    This prayer of hers sealed her own fate, and poses her of being among the MSC in Babylon, or to quite someone, "mainstream religion".

    Like I said, she is messing around with the information and going about her own thinking here with a spirit speaking to her, no different from the Satanic Bailey, who also had a spirit telling her things.

    Like I said, you can agree/disagree with JWs, but to use misinformation and misconceptions, anyone can see this, and anyone can refute it.

    That being said, all of mainstream Christianity are of the same tree, especially Trinitarian foolishness; as can even be seen here, hence the John 17:3 thread. Lukewarm and ignorant to the core.

    Those who sold themselves to Babylon's L.T., their version of Christianity, above them, we do not need another Washington DC 2016.

  10. 9 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    What confuses me is you have news corp saying stuff, but others are talking about arc. Also I don't recall JWs surpassing others who had a talking to by arc. Surely, there is more information out there, or is this still ongoing? The more information that comes out we can see who is telling the true, what is correct and what is incorrect but dudes out here making assumptions too so that needs to be watched, being cautious and all 🤔

    This is why a lot of people are skeptical, even former Jehovah's Witnesses are skeptical, mainly about News Corp, who are known to be right-center-bias in the media, but unfortunately, people think those who are not in favor of God and Christa re somehow mainstream religion and dodging by shifting the narrative.

    That being said, the article present facts and said facts that are not as confusing can be lined up with ARC. More so, the article, as with all information from Australia pushing this story, more and more are leaning towards ARC rather than News Corp.

    As you can also see, the latter collective did not know who the former Jehovah's Witnesses are, let alone what their ordeal was with the police, in addition to that, one of the survivors, they were not able to speak up on his testimony on what needs to be done; so this investigation is based off of an accusation from anonymous folk, but like I said, the focus is more focused on ARC, as is with secondary information pertaining to the ReDress Scheme.

    So far, some of the News Corp claims, some of which Srecko addressed unknowingly, and then later back tracking and stating he does not care about News Corp and or cited them when he did, have been proven to be inaccurate. One of the reasons why this comment still stands from what was said:

    On 6/19/2020 at 5:35 PM, Space Merchant said:

    “We have considered your request, however, as your questions appear to be based on factual inaccuracies and incorrect assumptions, we respectfully decline to participate”

    Other than that, there is the whole left vs right video of someone trying to convict a person who has dealt with the far-left/right for several years (granted the right and the far-right are not even friends within the right-wing spectrum)..... Which to me, appears to be a joke. Moreover, you have those who speak of CSA, but refuse to partake in aiding and or encouraging information that can help children. If you go back to the Children Fork there, you can see my point and a little bit of Rook's point is 100% correct, for people are not even going about taking action and it is has been what? 2 years now? In that span of time, I have been continuing to help current and new children, but for these guys, they spend more time talking about Watchtower and haven't done much.

    That being said, I encourage you to look at the facts which are true, do not may as much attention to News Corp because people are believing a lot of information that is amissed, i.e. the comment regarding the Catholic Church News Corp made, when ARC informed us the truth.

  11. 7 hours ago, Anna said:

    I can't remember it being debunked. I though we had researched it and found the photograph was genuine. Someone also inquired of the brothers who were familiar with the situation in Chile and they confirmed it...

    There were several posts a while back with misinformation of the whole ordeal, it only took one Chilean source to profess what was the cause and effect of the situation in Chile.

    That being said, you'd be surprised of how people spread misinformation without even looking into facts, and ignore the situation because they see a flag there without going upon understanding why. So, it was debunked with credible and factual information vs. the misinformation presented out there with a  single source, as is with evidence found by others.

  12. On 6/13/2020 at 3:45 AM, Arauna said:

    The personality traits exhibited remind us of 2 Tim 3: 1-5... they are fierce and without mercy themselves.

    You know there was a recent discussion regarding this about an hour ago, some of which with interesting points.

    One question is what will you do if those on the far-left and or far-right deems not just your faith, but the Bible as a threat and will find ways to attack you for it either verbally or physically?

    That being said, elsewhere on this forum, some people do not know such political groups and erroneous deem them as a mainstream religion, therefore false. These groups are dangerous, and regarding both sides, out of the two, the far-right is quite dangerous as well, my run in with the Berkeley teacher Yvette Felarca is still vivid, as is her followers and those who whole to the ideology she holds, for there was a time, early on in my gospel sharing they deem him in err because someone who is not of the same color than them do not understand the Bible, yet at the same time, they slander God's Word.

    That being said, there is now tension between both sides, one commit slander to one another and so forth. As of late, there are young ones who do question me about this, and I often tell them to be vigilant during these times, but maintain neutrality, for taking sides, in this matter will influence them to do what is bad, and reap consequence, for this is what I pass on to them so they do not end up like those of higher education that operate CHAZ/CHOP, and be affiliated with groups such as BLM, and the others.

    On the other side of the spectrum, there is a whole lot more info, I will edit/post here whenever I go through it.

  13. With further research, there is about 762 church congregations of the Jehovah’s Witness faith alone in Australia. We also already know there is about 68,000 (68k) adherents in the area as well. Regarding populace and the change of demographics, within a long span of time, they have sold off some of their churches, as is with buying, expanding and or mitigating, etc. The facts of course are minor, at this time, in addition, some of their churches have been used for decades and as with anyone they took the approach deem necessary. The source itself even points out to an explanation of this action.

    Now as for the additional info.

    There is also information on The Redress Scheme process: https://www.nationalredress.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2018-06/FACTSHEET_Who can apply_1.pdf

    The article has been brought up again with additional information:

    This time it refers to the faith in question, Jehovah’s Witnesses, does not have an Institutional Settings, that the voluntary National Redress Scheme is designed to cover. It continues to state that, which was already pointed out, The Ministry for Families and Social Services has been advised that Jehovah’s Witnesses will not join the Scheme, which was mentioned prior. It states that the Jehovah’s Witnesses understand that, to date, there have been less than 10 applicants to The Redress Scheme who have referred to the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, in addition to that, Jehovah’s Witnesses have responded and it is stated by them that they will continue to respond directly to individual claims for redress in a caring, fair, and principled manner, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each claim, as is with the whole provisions of bringing forth comfort and the like, assistance, etc.

    The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse acknowledged that the faith in question, Jehovah’s Witnesses, do not have the institutional settings in many faith-based institutions. (which also brings New Corp into question when they were called for inaccuracies)

    The position of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and or the organization itself (granted the article is focused on Australia) is that, as even pointed out by ARC, they abhor child sex abuse and that it will not protect any perpetrator and the key submissions made on behalf of the Watchtower itself was familial child sexual abuse, which is not (also not to be confused with) institutional sex abuse (again ARC gives us this evidence). 

    Again because ARC gives us the evidence in this regard, it is noted that the Jehovah’s Witnesses have not sponsored any programs or activities that separate children from their parents at any time, they do not operate boarding schools or Sunday schools; they do not have youth groups, choirs or sponsor any programs for children; neither do they run orphanages, day-care centres, hospitals nor youth centres. Jehovah’s Witnesses simply do not have the institutional settings that result in children being taken into their care, custody, supervision, control or authority.

  14. 4 hours ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

    Yes the Watchtower has been put on notice if they dont sign up by June deadline to the Australian Scheme they will loose they charity status, yesterday The project news tv channel reported the watchtower had declared they will be no joining the scheme because they do not have in place any institutions with in the organization to deal with this in other words Jehovah hasn't had the time to put anything in place for the victims because he is either too busy selling KHs and providing spiritual food. 😆😆😆

    Yes, for a few months back, to all those who did not sign, including the Jehovah's Witnesses, they were told to reconsider signing it. This was before the selling of course, hence the article.

    The mention of not signing was before Project News TV, in addition to that, they got their numbers mixed up on live television.

    So what remains now are the News Corp Claims because there is a ton of skepticism as of late.

  15. 6 hours ago, Witness said:


    I do, but not according to YOUR way.  

    Are you sure? because last I checked, my responses was towards Srecko, then you interjected, hence what brings us to where we are now, Witness:

    That being said, nothing of your claim...

    On 6/19/2020 at 5:34 PM, Witness said:

    And, I should remind you, I am not interested in "mainstream religion", in the least.  My focus is on the Watchtower and the people inside. 

    Even correlates... Likewise to that silly video whereas the history says otherwise. Just so you know, both the far left and right are burning bibles.


    That being said, as I told Srecko, the claims are of News Corp, and there is skepticism of these claims from current, former JWs, as with the onlookers, some of them, even going into the history of this Journalist. Moreover, Lara also had an issue with law enforcement, granted, some even in law had their own history with CSA as history points out.

  16. 6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    My last SIX topics I've put up on this forum do not relate to CSA, so stop exaggerating @Space Merchant

    And your point? I merely stated that we can do much more to help the children out there when we apply better solutions, as even prompted by those who fight child abuse the correct way.


    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And even then you tear my topics to pieces. So, sorry SM, I cannot take you too seriously. You also take a lot of words to say very little. You seem to go round and round in circles. 

    Because regarding serious issues, you are applying things that some can point out as untrue. To assume that people in or out of the faith community in question are oblivious and an untrue statement.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    The only people that KNOW how a faith truly operates are the people inside that faith. I laugh when you say you can speak with Elders on a neutral footings, that is so funny. Elders will tell you what they want you to know. And the GB have said that Elders can tell lies to protect the CCJW Org. They call it 'spiritual warfare'.

    And yet ARC is aware after further analyzes, granted they are not among the faith community. This statement of yours just shows you are going about this by means of emotions rather than the truth itself.

    You laugh? I pointed out 8 examples in the past, need I cite more and or quote said information?

    Each pastor or elder of a faith are different, especially their level of expertise and experience. To each area, to each language, they differ, some of them, good, some of them, bad, etc. Just because you were formerly a Jehovah's Witness, does not mean you some how miraculously know every single one of them granted they originally shared the same faith as you. That is, indeed an absurd statement, granted facts I posted here in the past, one of them to which you made a remark to.

    The thing is with them, there are some truths in this, no one is questioning that, however, there are people out there, that tend to go beyond what is true and muddle the information in a negative way - all groups suffer from this, mainly from disgruntled former members.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Quote " I would like you to point out as to what I do not know - please do, I want to see. "

    That has been done many times, BUT YOU DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU, because you THINK you know better. 

    No has not, hence as to WHY I made that statement.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    There is exaggeration on both sides. the very Anti-JWs that make videos etc exaggerate the problems. AND the GB, Writing Department, COs, Elders exaggerate in the opposite direction. Please remember that the GB said it was all apostate rumours, until a lot of it was proven as fact.

    You are confusing Anti-JWs with ExJWs. Anti-JWs do not like Jehovah's Witnesses, nor do they like former Jehovah's Witnesses. They do focus on both sides, however, they merely point out the facts in the matter, several examples I've pointed out in the past, the first one was noted back in 2017, another was related to the information Witness pointed out in regards to Pearl's content.

    According to the facts, regarding CSA, there has been rumors created, in turn mixes in with factual information concerning child abuse. So yes, they are in the right to make that statement.

    That being said, ARC gave us he information, but there are former JWs who twist this information, only for other ExJWs or even Anti-JWs to come into the picture to state otherwise, as with onlookers into the situation.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    As for CSA being Earthwide, everybody knows that. But, this is a JW forum and I am only interested in the CCJW.

    All children matter, regardless of the faith and or institution, be it you are former and or current. Every child deserves the help needed, and it is up to those who are going about things the correct way instead of a mindless trek, to do that.

    Hence, my experience concerning CSA. I care not of any institution, or do I isolate my interest into one specific group, my focus, concerning CSA is everywhere, granted the issue is indeed a critical one. That is why in my statement concerning helping children, I made this point a strong one, even with biblical backing.

    That being said, thanks to why my blood, and sweat has done, children are applying what I have taught them, to help anyone, anywhere, and in regards to child abuse, they are capable of reaching one to teach one, so in turn they do the same thing, likewise to Jesus giving instruction regarding the commission to make disciples. We can teach the children, but the thing is, can you contribute?

    Reasons why I asked you that question in the other thread of what is the greatest protection for a child is because you are a parent, that is something you should know.

    So in turn, my interest is child abuse in general, not isolated to a single institution, as you have your eyes set., for I take it seriously due to me teaching CSA prevention.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    My point of being on this forum is, to either see the CCJW / JW Org / Watchtower, cleansed by God through Christ, or, to see the beginning of a new religion that will serve God properly. I am therefore not looking at 'the rest of the world' from this viewpoint. 

    But here is the problem, CSA cannot be cleansed out 100%. This is indeed a very sad reality, what we can do is teach and prevent instances where we can, if you cannot do it alone, the one whom you teach, can partake in this action.

    That being said, to protect children is not merely a viewpoint of the world, it comes from the Bible too, I pointed that out a multitude of times, mainly on my thread about CSA.

    As pointed out, you really this adamant of cleansing the faith of the Jehovah's Witnesses? Then apply the solutions. If the Swahili JW can do it, what is stopping you? If others, who are not even JWs can do it? What is stopping you?

    That said, fighting Child Abuse the wrong way only causes more and more pedophiles to run rampant in any institution of their choosing. Granted you mentioned Anti-JW, one has pointed out, to which I cited a while ago on this forum, is ExJWs are letting pedophiles know to come to the Jehovah's Witnesses, to exploit them in order to gain access to children.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    As for this comment of yours :-

    " it is striking that even solutions provided by the ones you seek aid from, it often ignored. "

    Who are you suggesting that I am 'seeking aid from' ? For in my opinion only God and Christ can set matter straight. 

    The solutions in question is in regards to helping children, all of which can be found in God's Word in terms of teaching them, protecting them, making sure they are aware of each step they take, likewise, with what you,a s a parent, as a guardian, entrusted on to them, they can teach others, and should they bare children, they teach them as well.

    That being said, God and his Christ pointed this out in the Word, perhaps apply it, in doing so, you can be an obstacle between a child falling victim.

    Everything, is of God's Word, as I addressed in the past. Just so you know, there are those who fought CSA the wrong way, they applied this too, and they themselves have helped children and even adults become fighters in CSA, you should do the same:


  17. @César Chávez Yeah this author is something else, there are claims within the book that she was told by God this and that, on a crusade against an enemy (Jehovah's Witnesses) who has a hold on everyone in the world - what? She defended Trinity based doctrines, and on occasion, even attacks JWs in this sense as if they are wrong, but in order to cover up the notion she keeps jumping back to the religious leader of JWs.

    She defended the comma johanneum (The false version of 1 John 5:7) and asserted that John 10:30 means Jesus is God, likewise to John 8:58.

    She used the long version of Mark 16, known not to be Bible canon.

    Royal points out the following:

    • They do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Deity (John 8:58, 10:30)
    • They don't believe in the Trinity, three people in one (John 10:30 and 1 John 5: 7)
    • She argues that The Holy Spirit is a person and believes this teaching of "The Holy Spirit not being a person, only originated with JWs, to quote her [Holy Spirit is an active force or "only the power of Jehovah."You don't know the Holy Spirit and you don't recognize him as a person, but I don't blame you. I blame the unbiblical false teachings of the so-called faithful and discreet slave (See Luke 3:16,John 1:33 and Acts 1:8 ) .] She goes on to speak on how the holy spirit is indeed a person, a 3rd God, whom she calls Jesus and not YHWH.
    • She even went as far back to Bible Students and said this of Pastor CTR [How do I know that the Holy Spirit was no longer in him [Russell]? He denied the deity of Christ saying that Jesus Christ the received his divinity as a gift after dying on the cross. And this is still one of the main beliefs of the JW organization] For even before JWs existed, 1st century Christians believed Jesus to be the son of God, not God himself, but Royal does not see this, yet she claims this revelation is from God Almighty. She continues [By denying the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of the Lord, they are denying Jesus Christ as deity. Because of this, the governing body, the so-called faithful and discreet slave is the Antichrist] The irony of it all, both Srecko and 4Jah2me made a response on the thread concerning John 17:3....
    • She makes a remark that appears as if the JWs have a very high body count when it comes to suicide, adding that JWs are in favor of, desires blood, purposely pushing people to suicide.
    • She attacks them for blood transfusions, but at the same time says they are right, and just brushed it off for a conversation for another day.
    • She considers the later, no she said the Holy Spirit told her a revelation about the latter faith being bloodsucking demons, but remains convoluted in the subject of blood, contradicting herself several times, even attacking Doctors.
    • An example below: [Almost a year after receiving this revelation about the devil bloodsucker, the Lord showed me in a vision an ugly little demon who was drinking blood. It was a time when I felt very tired, completely weak and I suffered many attacks on my health and my finances. I asked the Lord what this meant and why was he showing me this ugly image.The Lord said, "This is the demon that is sucking the energy out of you to make you surrender to Me and your faith. This is the demon that causes you pain and for which you are losing strength.Rebuke that demon, and see how you will regain your strength. "I rebuked that bloodsucking demon and spread the blood of Jesus against him. I started to feel better and regained my strength.Why am I sharing this personal vision with you? I want to assure you that demons are real. Everything you experience and suffer physically has been done in the spiritual.]
    • She alluded to ARC and twisted information on child abuse, even stating that The Lord gave her a revelation in regarding this.
    • She refered to Jesus as a "She" when it is known that Jesus is a born Jew who is male.
    • She proclaims that Jesus is God and it is to him you have to render sacred religious service, as well as mocking and lowkey insulting YHWH.
    • She deems Non-Trinitarian Christianity originated with Jehovah's Witnesses, despite the fact it is fact that Non-Trinitarianism aka Subordinationism was practiced among 1st century Christians, i.e. The Didache (60-120 A.D.).

    The list goes on... It is more of a rant. Also it is safe to say she was given revelations by The Lord, as is with a Spirit. As, I remember the Bible was very clear about

    Galatians 1:8 reads -  But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

    Granted fallen angels/demons were once angels, and since they are spirits, you can see where this is going.

    Now no one is denying that Child Abuse happens in the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses, it is everywhere, but like I said, to over exaggerate is a disgusting thing, even when she goes about suicide in the wrong way.

    What makes it even more distasteful is that she conjured up a prayer, speaking in prayer as if Jesus is God Almighty. She, as is with parts of the book she, again makes a notion of God [to her it is Jesus] is speaking to her to fight against JWs to be born again with what she deems as truth...

    She cited and promoted the late Evangelist known as Reinhard Bonnke German Evangelist, mind you this guy is part of KAIROS MOVEMENT! of ALL things...This man was deemed by mainstream Christianity as one of God's Generals.

    To quote Derek, he is in the right for saying what he said. 

    On 6/19/2020 at 12:24 PM, derek1956 said:

    Stop advertising apostate books and PRAISE JEHOVAH INSTEAD

    I have a strong disdain for The Trinity, as is with mixing verses and misapplying them to fit an exegesis, mainly found in this book. I hate the absurdities of suicide mentioned in this.

    This is a book that would even make the most disgruntled JWs out there feel ashamed of, it is that bizarre and rant ridden.

    This is why Christians can see through the nonsense. Anyone can choose to agree or disagree with the faith in question, but to go through hoops to speak of absolute craziness???

    Moreover, she is also using Jehovah's Witnesses as a cover to attack those who believe Jesus is God's Son, Non-Trinitarian Christians.

    That being said, if someone really read the Bible and understood what discernment means and being vigilant, they would easily see that Ms. Royal is no different from the Praiser Evangelist of mainstream Christendom who believes they are inspired like Apostle John. That said, there is a reason as to the purchase count of this book is minuscule, and possible the onlooker would opt out for a Spiderman comic book instead of the same price.

    Further analyzing this German Evangelist, it is not only she is of mainstream Christianity, but clearly, she has quite the spirit on her, not a good one either.

  18. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    As always :))

    Clear ignorance. Yet it was Defender and Matthew that set you packing, did they not? To which they spin doctored your own words against, did they not? They claim you were a JW when you are former, did they not? This is why there are those out there that can't preach the gospel because they end up lukewarm.

    In this situation, there are NO inspired prophets that came forth after Apostle John, yet this author says otherwise, I pointed this out, others have pointed this out, even former Jehovah's Witnesses, but apparently for a while now, if I bring up former JWs, you deem them as wrong because their facts do not sit well with you.

    That being said, no, not for this one.

    Suicide is a serious thing and I do not like people going beyond truth in this matter. The author made claims that the rate is ridiculously high in this faith alone, to which I, as stated in the past, even with facts, can see the error in this author. Prove me wrong because all it takes is a citation, in this regard, I will make an example out of you. For this is a tree you cannot cut down, and falsehood in this sense is a damnable one, I say this both with conviction and by means of my faith in God, that is how serious I see things, mainly when people exaggerate those who have fought against demons and lost.

  19. 1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    A quote " not shift things to cater to their own thinking to push on to others. "

    You must be talking about the GB of the CCJW here. 

    Billy The Kid and CC are not the same people,   You are entitled to your opinion 

    Unfortunately this isn't my opinion, it is fact, hence going through the search and the PM solidifies this.

  20. 1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I'll say one thing again :-

    You have to be an ex- 'JW' to KNOW how the Elders and the CCJW works.  Just reading info' about JW Org does not give a person the real insight. Unfortunately Space Merchant THINKS he knows the CCJW / JW Org, but he doesn't.  No matter how much you read about something it does not match up to personal experience. Some of us do not just rely on news media reports, we actually know what the CCJW is like first hand. 

    That is untrue, people know how faiths operate despite not being affiliated with them, all it takes is careful research and understanding the outworkings of things. There is more information out there outside of the website of the faith community, you can also speak with them on a neutral footing, especially pastors, elders, rabbis, etc. be it current and or former members who holds a title in religious office.

    I do know because I have studied them, even talked to both sides. I would like you to point out as to what I do not know - please do, I want to see. That said, regarding CSA, you have to be naive and ignorant to assume it is only isolated to a single group and assume that everyone outside of the faith community is ignorant of CSA, that is totally absurd. Also you address you know first hand, but you take misinformation as truth in other cases, how does this work?

    But personal experience does not replace the facts here, granted the article in question with comments from News Corp. You now have even former JWs and atheism developing skepticism regarding the story coming from Australia itself.

    If that is the case, why have you relied on news reports in the past? The thing is, the focus is the facts itself, granted the article in question is right-center bias, facts can be found elsewhere.

    That being said, as I recall, you speak this, yet your other responses do not reflect what you preach, that is hypocritical.

    For someone who is this keen on mentioning CSA time and time again, it is striking that even solutions provided by the ones you seek aid from, it often ignored. Which brings question, has any one of you provided any solution to helping children in general? The question I asked you elsewhere regarding children was a critical one, as I had told Srecko in the past, to which he brushed off and laughed at. This is coming from someone who has taken action for years now concerning CSA.

  21. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If my memory served me, in this topic i put my up vote and like on other people VIDEOS, not article. 

    And there was things said I alluded to the article in question, thus you walked into that test, likewise, when I asked you about the sex abuse survivors.

    This remark of yours will not slide at all, Srecko, granted you quoted News Corp several times, do not stumble into hypocrisy.

  22. On 6/15/2020 at 10:41 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    The quote is not mine, but I wish it were:

    Future historians will be asked what quarter of 2020 did they specialize in.

    For me though I kind of knew it was about to go down in 2020. These groups on the far-left and right were going nuts since 2017 and as the months and years go by, tie tension increases, the civil war talks return and a list of other things.

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