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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 19 hours ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

    Because it suits their ideology and also because the translators of the NWT werent scholars.

    Or it just shows you do not understand and or lack the elementary knowledge of Strong's Concordances. Regardless of translation, it is unwise to not check the strongs and go about your own understanding.

    20 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    CCJW.  Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the GREEK Scriptures.

    Revelation 5 v 10.

    From the Greek it reads ..... and they are reigning upon the earth.

    But in the NWT it reads  ........ and they are to rule as kings over the earth.

    In most translations I have looked at it reads as  'on the earth'.   Why do the GB / Writing Dept translate it as Over the earth ? 

    Granted the other two were shot down on Hebrew and Greek Strongs, I will inform you of the following. Strong's Concordances' purpose is not to provide content or commentary about the Bible, but to provide an index to the Bible. It  allows the reader to find words where they appear in the Bible in a correct matter. This index allows a student of the Bible to refind a phrase and or passage previously studied. It also lets the reader directly compare how the same word may be used elsewhere in the Bible. In this way Strong provides an independent check against translations, and offers an opportunity for greater, and more technically accurate understanding of text.

    Revelations 5:10

    You stated the following: From the Greek it reads ..... and they are reigning upon the earth. But in the NWT it reads  ........ and they are to rule as kings over the earth.

    The Bible that Jehovah's Witnesses use, NWT (dunno which one you are looking at be it org or revised), shows the following:

    and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

    The reality of this is the fact that, there is no issue with the verse, granted the Strong's line up correctly. It is only a problem if the is no Strong's indication whatsoever.

    [1] There is no Strong's Violation

    The answer is simple. The word "Over" is under G#1909


    ἐπὶ (epi)
    Strong's Greek 1909: On, to, against, on the basis of, at.

    τῆς (tēs)
    Article - Genitive Feminine Singular
    Strong's Greek 3588: The, the definite article. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the.

    Some more facts:


    Word: epi

    Pronounce: ep-ee'

    Strongs Number: G1909

    Orig: a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.:--about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively).

    Use: Preposition

    Heb Strong:

    1. 1) upon, on, at, by, before
      2) of position, on, at, by, over, against
      3) to, over, on, at, across, against

    For this passage, majority of Translations are in agreement with the Strong's concerning this verse [https://biblehub.com/revelation/5-10.htm]

    There is no outside notion of the word either.

    As for "The" the same thing applies, that is G#3588.


    On the other side of the spectrum, there are some out there who try to argue a specific word in the Strong's although it can be incorrect, An example would be the young woman vs. virgin usage in a specific verse found in Isaiah. The irony with this instance, virgin isn't part of the Strong's but due to Christian Tradition, they added it granted the citation says it is incorrect. I had a field day with this one too.

    That being said, it is only a violation IF it is a different # and or non-existent.


    I am linking an example I posted a long time ago when this forum was a debate battlegrounds. The below is an example of adding a word in the text that is NOT lining up with the Strong's in a verse:


  2. Granted I speak in regards of what the Bible says, regarding JWs, as is with what happen during the days of Jews and Gentiles - God knows who is for him.

    Even in the past, the leaders of these church congregations are not perfect, some of them are mistaken driven, and they learn as they go, and apply, yet despite all that, they still continue to act and or partake in the role of The Faithful Servant. This can be said of the Restorationist, the connection is there, so there would not be as much to faze them, hence the mindset and or how the Jehovah's Witnesses operate as is with their Christology and the like.

  3. On 6/7/2020 at 12:26 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant Yes, me being white and living here in England I have no real idea of how people of other colours feel or how they are treated in other countries. I do see some horrendous things on news articles but I never know what is true or what has been set up. I dislike protests of any sort for any reason. I think they are very negative. I suppose too many people act on their emotions and do not put thought into their actions. As for BLM, I can believe what you say. They probably started off with good intentions but have gone astray. But like most people, they put their trust in humans not in God. 

    I do wish that God's name would soon be sanctified and that HIS will would soon take place here on Earth as it is in heaven. 

    Well it is best you be careful because the mob mentality of BLM has spilled in parts of the EU, granted, mob mentality is something that is common and can get dangerous as recent past events in the UK. For me, I am black, you'd be surprise of the fact the more truth I speak the more enemies I make, especially regarding the fact despite me being neutral, I do not agree or support with BLM, granted, the majority of us can see the real problem of the world by ignoring the fabricated problems made by sheeple.

    You need to be careful of news articles too. For not all of them speak truth and can often be objective to the point of one-siding things. As you already know, I do not like falsehood or misinformation be it if you agree with someone or not, but this does not stop the MSM sadly. They play on emotions and disregard absolute fact. For what they are doing is pushing racial tension using George Floyd as a martyr, as is with possibly soon to be, the recent killing of Maurice Gordon. The BLM has shifted into something different and has since lost what it stood for when it was birthed. The sad thing of it all, granted Religion on the spotlight, the ideologies are being expressed in BLM in a negative matter, i.e. recall the story and lesson of the Christ when he washed the feet of his Apostles? They took it and used it into something else, therefore, BLM turned into a religious and political movement going about their ideas negatively, on a warpath, and to you in the UK, should tension rise, it will be a very difficult time for you, granted you have covid-19 around the corner.

    As for religions, there are, as I told Matthew, religions that gave into the wild beast, practically a huge chuck of mainstream Christendom. This is why I questioned Arunna if she thinks she is safe once it is discovered she is not part of or support the latter ideology.

    That being said, as I had told people here about a year ago, such things will come, us Truthers are ridiculously vigilant and fact adhering.

  4. On 6/7/2020 at 12:03 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    That depends if you believe the virus is real or not. 

    If you missed this point then it is safe to assume that the powers that be can easily sway you without notice, and without you knowing. especially the fact that such within the faction defends the very nation that has, taunted to withheld medication, as is with "erase" their own people, as they had done so with the female model/actress.

    If we can take an example of our past, or that of Sweden, the lockdown with authoritarian additions enabled more people to suffer. Granted the MSM will not reveal this to you, but on the other side of the spectrum, people such as myself see it, for a man who is alone with his child on a beach should not succumb to brute force or the neighborhood snitch under mayor's orders. I can speak the same for the EU, mainly the UK, for people have spoken up.

    20 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Maybe I'll help you and send them a letter stating other churches are continuing with services now.

    That will do you no good, granted there are religious institutions that remain to keep the worship buildings closed until further notice.

    Remember Matthew, the church is the people - not the building. The building is only a means of congregating. Just because some religious institutions are opening up for service, does not mean the rest will follow suit, more so, the fact some of the churches opened up, some of them actually, no, willfully accepted the mark of the beast concerning the protesting and rioting, which reflects what I had said here a year or two ago.

  5. On 6/4/2020 at 7:12 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    That is an insult to Mr Rook. 

    It is more of a running gag on this forum.

    Apparently even for me, if anyone states a small bit of Old English or simply say "That being said," automatically it brands someone as Space Merchant. I remember someone assume this one member, I believe it was Alex and they assume Alex was me.

    Then again, I always say that for a final notation in a response, discussion, challenge and or debate.

  6. @Arauna Yes, and in my case, it is as if it is a cultural sin.

    @Srecko Sostar Any day now, it still amazes me when you post a response and it prompts question, you do not wish to answer it. The irony of it all, the answer to that very question befits what too place thereafter, hence when it comes to that Bible verse in question, you miss it's context. So again, as done before, as is being done now, 1 John 4:1 has been used against you (This verse being used against you time and time again is tragically telling, even for you).

  7. Well this correlates with what I said a while back, it was bound to happen. The question is, should one cave in or should one endure?

    @4Jah2me The US and the UK react as such because China is not their ally, but the ally of the Iranians and the Russians, therefore, they will always be critical of China just as Theresa May was with Russia. That being said, there are 2 factional powers under seated near the UN. The faction that the US and the UK are under, they wish to have a hand in everything, which can be seen with the pandemic and the widespread protest.

    As a truther, I can confidentially state that BLM as long sine deviated from the message they preach, therefore, those blindly supporting them do not know what they are getting themselves into. Even to those I say this too seem surprised because of my background and culture, but the truth is the truth, and all Truthers point this out regardless of their race or sex or background.

  8. 3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Which church to join would you recommend for someone who is "dull", not "sharp enough" ?

    Hypothetical question !

    You are now deviating from the focus. Even now you continue to do this, which says a lot about how you yourself do not really apply the verse.

    That being said, I will address the question a second time to you, regarding Jesus' example and how it can be applied::::

    3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    The question is this - Would it be wise on your part to speak and or take up a truth and understanding it to sharpen yourself?

    This is not a difficult question to answer, Srecko.

    As far as I am concern, no one mentioned church nor does it have anything to do with any church, so please - stop with the deviation, it will only engineer your own demise, as it has done before.

  9. 4 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The purpose of people is so other people can use them to teach lessons. Just ask Moses. He was the meekest man who ever lived, but till the end of time we will be hearing of how he blew his stack at the miscreants and got sent right back to Bible 101.

    True. Also which I find ironic is not a whole lot of Christians like to talk about Moses, as seen in one debate, a Christian woman has thrown the Levite under the bus, and his companions.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Yes, i can recall one role model,  where Jesus set example what is the best way how to shun people who are morally and spiritually "garbage".

     The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold, a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of [a]publicans and sinners! And wisdom [b]is justified by her [c]works.

    It can be how His sharpness was not enough sharp ? :))

    I believed you've confused yourself on this matter. The point is to understanding what is true which sharpens if you are to apply vs. understanding what is true, but deviating, thus dulling thyself.

    As with Jesus example, you are far from the point; more so, a bit confusing vs. what you presented prior.

    The question is this - Would it be wise on your part to speak and or take up a truth and understanding it to sharpen yourself?

  11. Just now, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant What is true to some will not be true to others.  And in the CCJW / Watchtower, 'truth' to them changes over time. 

    As for your previous comment to me, i was just mentioning things that do cause damage within the CCJW. 



    The information and evidence provided is outside of the faith communities, individuals and other groups, as with legitimate evidence to culture concerning even that of blood. It links up with them as well if we are to include them.

    That being said, as I told many, JWs are not immune, they, as with all, are imperfect. The only thing is, not many of them are well equipped to deal with dangers, therefore, if we are to apply what we learn, especially from services we can make some sort of change as long as everything lines up (state, laws, etc.). There was however one example, a Swahili JW I mentioned a while back, for he knew all things related to child abuse, domestic abuse towards men, women, etc and how he applied it, he gave counsel. For what he knows and what he does, someone else, let's say in the UK, may not be capable of doing.

    To minimize the damage anywhere, what we can do, even you, is to teach people.

    But yeah, as for blood, they are not the only ones; blood is both risky, as is culturally damaging.

  12. 1 minute ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    In a biblical sense, who can understand will understand -  

    Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Prov 27 17

    Thanks for remind me about JTR. 

    That is only if you apply and learn from the facts and evidence given, as is, with what is actually true. For if we are to put this application we are in a positive light regards to the matter. Not doing so, you are not sharpen, you only become dull.

    That being said, those who understand what is true are the ones who are sharpen and can sharpen others, but those who deviated from understanding what is true, well, they will not be the sharpest tool in the shed, in this sense.

  13. 10 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Child Sexual Abuse damages more than just the victims. So does the Shunning procedure. Even the Blood issues. 

    It brings as back to Collateral Damage, which Americans are all to familiar with.

    Understandable, but you seem to be focused on one side who speak such, not realizing the other side of what you just mentioned. Child abuse is, as well as domestic violence and the like, is something that can damage directly and or indirectly, and it can easily effect those who are not trained and or well equipped to deal with it because this type of sin can put a whole community into limbo and not easy for them to recover at times. As for the shunning, it is supposed to be regarding church ties, hence how excommunication is done, and for the blood issue, not everyone is for blood transfusions, therefore, they see other alternatives that do not require this standard (dubbed gold standard by those in the EU), likewise, there are some cultures out there, mine even, who do not give/take blood at all due to a number of reasons, among them being something quite dark (something I, as a Christian am against). Moreover, you even have other groups and people partaking in alternatives, for instance, you have the US military whereas some opt out blood transfusions for bloodless medicine, as with others, for they do not want to succumb to later complications, as many have, as is with evading contaminated blood. Bible wise, the blood issue has carried over to the New Covenant, therefore, it is not too surprising that any Christians avoid giving/taking blood, to add on to their case, the only blood that is more sacred is that of the Christ, for by means of him, God's hope is what we know by means of our faith and it is this hope that will allow us to live once more. Now, even if I do take/give blood, by the mainstream, my blood, or my people's blood has been branded as the blood of the Devil, for you see, such people quick to judge everyone of that culture and race for the actions of a few people, which is not good.

    Americans as well as others know the existence of these things, especially abuse, but they have provided tools to combating the issue. The problem is no one is listening, nor is anyone putting it into practice, for only a small number of people, myself included, are actually listening and applying what child abuse and neglect services tell us to practice and teach. Likewise with any other form of abuse.

    As for the other two, Americans are aware of the church's ability to practice excommunication, even so, they've written articles on the matter, some even expressing the one true form of excommunication vs. the ones practiced in some churches. As for blood, not all Americans are for blood transfusions, espically with the fact you have Factor and Ambrosia in our midst. 

  14. @JW Insider So far, the Criminal News Network continues to toot the horn of racism and defends Antifa without question. Now, a lot of us are wondering what will actually happen if Antifa finally gets their cookies out of the jar. What will become of the Democrats granted they have been having a hand ion helping, as well as releasing Antifa from the just torment of captivity?

    Granted that Antifa is out and about, and have been increasingly violent, on the other side of the spectrum you have other groups like the rights BAMN making a come back, so having all these groups, BLM and the like is asking for a honey pot of chaos.

    That being said, I remember we talked about Tucker Carlson, for as of recent he did make a valid point regarding the situation.

    @TrueTomHarley That too, there seems to be water, bricks, and a number of other items being conveniently placed throughout parts of the state. Antifa has also been handing out objects to people in lower class areas to commit to violence, as is, with influencing the youth.

    Antifa goons often come from rich and well educated families.

    Now, for what we are seeing, they are doing this so that they can cover their own when they commit to serious acts of violence, so if you give the bricks to the young to do violence, the police will focus on them and not you, when you are doing something diabolically bad.

    @Arauna Yes. I do not know if it was mentioned before but from the beginning, covid-19 to now, YHWH is being written in some parts, well in the tri-state area. So you can often see Jehovah, Yahweh, and or God's name in Spanish being written on walls and or objects. Jesus' name is often see next to the writing as well. Granted you are one of JWs, you are not as worried that those that hate you will make an attempt on your community and or buildings? As I recall, your opposition linked you with Antifa and Soros back in 2017, which was falsehood that many EXJWs preach.

    Granted that people are using the rioting to cover their own actions, the religious groups can be effected in some way shape or form.



    • It seems police is only going after the peaceful protesters, but do little to nothing for the rioters who are looting in some parts.
    • On other news, it has been confirmed (not admitted by the Far-Left) that ANTIFA has indeed infiltrated the protesters such as BLM and the like, the rioters/looters across the state.



  15. 21 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Quote TTH. He is the worst enemy of blacks because they will take the hit for his misdeeds

    It doesn't seem to be about black people, it seems to be about all working class / lower class Americans. Have you taken sides with the Police on this issue then ?

    'We are no part of the world' remember.  Jesus wasn't interested in politics or protests of His time. We all know that only God through Christ will remove this 'world' and solve the Earth's problems. However it is a shame that so many people Earthwide are suffering in so many ways. 

    That is only if you simply eat from the hands of the MSM, in doing so, one will be quick to deem the issue of Racism. Likewise with the Police, not ALL police are guilty for the actions of a bad cop and or cop(s), this correlates with the comment you mentioned elsewhere that all of a faith group is deem guilty, when in reality, those that do bad does not define the whole community.

    It is not about the working class nor the higher, mid, lower classes in the United States. The protest began as it normally should, however, it went far beyond the death of George Floyd and Police Brutality, just last night, a police officer was killed, and people watched him choke and die from his own blood live on FB.

    Another officer speaking on the chaos on this link

    He did not have to go out like that, but the MSM will claim it is an issue of racism, oddly enough they have not even mentioned this officer, let alone the woman defending her child against rioters. You also have the MSM FOOLISHLY CONTINUING to call the Anti-fascist heroes whereas Trump deem them as terrorist. My strong disdain for Yvette and her BAMN equals that of ANTIFA. What pains me more is BAMN is back.

    Yes, we are no part of the world, but in order to remain vigilant, we must recognize and be cautious of things happening regarding violence, abuse, corruption, etc. As I told Witness, you are as good as a tool to the wicked if you do not pay attention.

    Sadly, all bad things of this world is the price we pay for due to imperfection, as bad things happen to every man, woman and child, all we can do is prevent some instances, we cannot stop all of them; reach one, teach one, save one.

    Remember these people are NO LONGER DEEMED Protesters, for there is a difference between a Protester and a Rioter.


    18 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Do you think there will be a big influx of people ?  I can't remember properly but i thought there was supposed to be a big influx before Armageddon . 

    I hope that all of you in America are safe from this disruption and safe from the Covid-19. 

    The answer would be no. The Great Commission has not ended yet. The End Times Tribulations will be hellishly worse. Remember, before the end comes, the preaching of the good news gospel must be preached.

    That being said, the CWII talk is being spoken again in the Truther Community. Possibility vs. It actually happening.

    As for you, in London, the horns of racism is being spread as if it is the gospel itself. Clearly, the damage can be seen, for the more the MSM presses this message, the more danger it will bring.

  16. @Srecko Sostar In a sense, Higher Education can be used as a tool by the Devil. This is why people nowadays are starting to see this, that is, if they carefully see the things unfold in front of them and trend their path within the education institutional spectrum with caution.

    That being said, there are a lot of Millennials like me, as is with Generation Z, and the soon to come, Alpha, who are taking different paths, and most are not going towards the default. In a sense, think of it this way, in every video game regardless of genre, there is always a default setting set by the programmer and or developer, the player can change said settings and do not have to submit to the default, some do, some do not. Likewise with higher education, the default path is set before such folks, but that is not always the 100% path. Plus as said before, there is a danger in higher education, I need not have to post, link and cite examples and articles on the matter, nor do I need to speak on my own experience.

  17. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    They will be happy when US fails. Their plans with China and the world will come to fruition.

    True. Regarding China however, China is on the opposite side of the spectrum, hence their allies. The UN only has some sort of control because among them there are the seated who are from China, however, should the UN raise some sort of control and or authority, they will react. The UN cannot totally control the Chinese Gov't, however, they continue to make an attempt and or tickle their ears if you will, which is difficult when dealing with the Communist Party, as well as threatening some of their allies in the past.

    As of recent, what I said a while back still remains:

    On 4/11/2018 at 12:53 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Team I                                                                        Team II

                                        < United Nations >

    United States                                                              Russia

    France                                                                         Syria

    United Kingdom                     VS                               China

    Israel                                                                           Iran

    Saudi Arabia                                                               Hezbollah

    The Rebels/Kurds                                                       Assad Militants

    Other Allies                                                                 Other Allies

                                  < Deep State World Order >

  18. On 5/31/2020 at 10:07 AM, admin said:

    'Listen very carefully at the end. The handler says "release" into the dogs ear. He did not give the command a single time prior to that. He let the dog hang on, and encouraged him to bite harder by pulling him back. Anyone who has worked with k9's knows it was intentional." - Someone who has worked with dogs

    It is crazy, it reminds me of what happen to Daniel Shaver a few years back.


  19. On 5/31/2020 at 4:58 AM, Arauna said:

    Antifa is active there. Racial hatred is being pushed by many front organizations which receive funding from "foundations".  It is leading to anarchy...... so troops must step in to keep peace and UN may have reason to send UN troops to help....You are right the programmed masses (via propaganda) are acting according to plan and it is happening faster than anyone can imagine.

    They've been releasing some ANTIFA members lately, and the oddity of stack bricks in some locations, which confuses me. My legitimate adversary is BAMN for good reason too, this group is similar to ANTIFA. The so called head of this group is one I've actually briefly confronted in the past, her name is Yvette Felarca. Although defeated, her influenced is still present among these crazed groups.

    The people will be damned if the UN steps up again, for you have people like Haley reacting to the madness and others, they will use this opportunity to take action just like they did with the sex slaves, with Heyer, Syria, etc.

    It's also gotten to the point whereas the NG is stated to have shot someone, vice versa, people have been brutally injured and or killed.

    That being said, as already pointed out, this is no longer about George Floyd, and the increased tension only enables the power that people to slowly formulate and take action, with the UN peeping it's head from around the corner.

  20. 2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Ah, I see, and I get it, the democrats are practicing socialism to see how it goes. I'm not familiar with the UN and Charlottesville connection...please inform me.

    The UN has a hand in both political parties as is with religious and educational institutions and the like that are part of their movement 100%, i.e. Kairos Movement, PEAK, Together, etc. granted this connection is to bring forth both peace and security.

    Regarding Charlottesville, after the chaos that went about regarding a crowded Unite the Right protest where white supremacy members were involved, as is, with the tragic death of a young woman named Heather Danielle Heyer. I mentioned this a couple of times because some of us are aware of how the United Nations operate in full force, some to which both me and JTR understood and even discussion on whereas others such as Witness was unaware of what the UN resolutions are and how they operate from the 1900s and onward. Going back to the case of Unite the Right, after Heyer's death, they used her as a martyr to further spark racial tension and anarchy, granted during that time, the protesting was not as high level such as the one today and it died down. After the event The United Nations took this opportunity to speak of a totalitarian based narrative in order to control the people, in addition to that, they began to focus their attention on the 1st amendment, which if they had their way, you, me and even the JWs here will have a lot of trouble from that point onward. The actions of the UN resulted in a lot of angry people, and due to this, they had to step back a bit. The UN only moves in as the heat of tension begins to rise, either in the US and or elsewhere in the world, for instance, because of them, we almost had a lot of trouble with the Syrians.

    As of present day, as stated, their movement is subtle, but their motive is still the same, even one of it's still connected members, Nikki Haley, had said something ridiculous the other day, and her words is an example of increased violence and chaos, should you question her about the comment, she has no answer for it, as is with her past statements, for she honestly believes this is the right path.

    It is one of the reasons, I said a while back that... No one likes the United Nations and those that do are supporting them, even going as far as to seek sponsors from them. As well as: Those in the conquest of Peace and the other faction in the conquest for Security is a MAJOR THREAT to real faithful God fearing Christians - be on your guard whereas on the other side of the spectrum, there is brutality and violence.... The UN and connected allies who are on their side are on the Conquest of Security. Which was evident with their members in the past, examples such as Nikki Haley.

    That being said, a lot of Christians are aware, especially what went down with those in connection such as Kairos in Washington DC, and parts of the US. We are not fooled, and to be fooled by such only enables you to be devoured by such an enemy.

    This is why it is critical, very critical with absolute certainty for Christians to know who their real enemy is. As much as I disagree with pagan practices and the Triune doctrine, I do not wish such an enemy even against those I refute, for this enemy can bring quite the damnation upon an individual and or group.

    The rabbit hole is even deeper, too much to explain here, but this is just but a peddle on the surface as of now. With that in mind, I suggest paying attention, otherwise you can easily, without knowing slip into the hands of this enemy, such as many out there, even people who profess God and his Christ become victim quite swiftly.

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