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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    When using the actions of 'the world' to make excuses for the actions of one's own religion then In My Opinion (and I am allowed an opinion) it makes them part of the world. 

    According to the Bible, it says otherwise. This statement shows that you are far from knowing it it means to be "Part of the World" and or "Having the Spirit of the World", which is a bit more fitting. Granted each and every individual can all between the cracks, some can climb their way out, others do not. This also includes those who willful have intent to do bad and various sins, and or their ill will form of justice.

    On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    To say that everyone else does this or that, is judging one's own standards by 'worldly standards', not by God's standards.. 

    There is a clear distinction between God's standards and that of man. It is also safe to note that in categories regarding morals and the like, the standards lie there too.

    On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    For instance, saying that CSA is everywhere in 'the world', is not a good enough reason to accept it in one's own religion. And to say that everyone else misquotes scientists etc, is not a good reason to think that deliberately misquoting someone is good. 

    That is because child sex abuse is indeed everywhere in the world, in every institution. The prime suspect in all this is related to how the world views sex. No one is ignorant of the fact that child abuse happens in various religious groups, however, the main problem people seem to miss, and not even take the advice of child sex abuse and neglect services is to resort to TEACHING the people, both children and adults, in order to prevent and or minimize sex and or physical abuse. The tragic thing is, some people laugh at the solutions for helping children (like the one guy currently in this thread), as is, with ignoring the fact of the sex/race in this notion, of which another, who also is on this forums attested to racism, when the facts from the FBI says otherwise.

    The secondary statement of yours do not really make sense, unless you are willing to clarify.

    On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Jehovah's Witnesses think that their Organisation's standards are higher than the standards of 'the world'. This is being constantly disproved, not only by 'opposers' but by JWs themselves. Therefor the CCJW Organisation, like most other religions, is just part of the world. 

    I have never seen them, or anyone else make such a claim. Therefore, if something was never stated and or mentioned, how can it be disproved? In fact, no one in the US and or the EU, etc. have a standard that is beyond anything or anyone. The sole reason for this is due to the fact of imperfection. One can be clean morally and mentally, but that does not negate the fact that the person is imperfect and can stumble into sin. Recall the story of the Son of Jesse, King of Judah - David?

    As for the secondary statement, you really need to know what it means when the Bible says not to be part of the world.

    On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    The Spirit of this world includes, telling lies, being deceitful, hiding the truth, being dishonest, lacking love and mercy and mistreating others.

    And yet it does not stop you from telling lies or being dishonest? The Spirit of the World consist of more than that.

    You do realize that, if a person has love and has mercy, they can still be part of the world, right? Another jab of you not knowing fully well the notion.

    On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Many Jehovah's Witnesses, from the top downwards, are guilty of these things. Hence i say that they are part of this world. 

    You just spoke of judging, yet here you are.

    Regardless of the faith and or other group, there are good people and there are bad people. Should a man of one or many groups commit to grave sin, his actions does not define masses. To think as such you are now, is borderline bigotry in this sense, which is no different from those who treat and bash a man, woman or child because of the actions of someone who is of the same sex and or race, even though they themselves have nothing to do with the ill intent.

    @Arauna It would seem the fact that someone had stolen @4Jah2me 's cookie jar, triggered what we are seeing now; it is as if the dealing with Butler again.


    Of course, bravo and thank you, once again for proving me point (I believe the 7th time thus far). I believe you dropped these words before you logged out, QCM, and it may be safe to say you disagree with better solutions for children, which is a shame because that is what child abuse and neglect services promote:

    On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    The Spirit of this world includes, telling lies, being deceitful, hiding the truth, being dishonest...

  2. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    It is interesting to look at religious individuals and religious organizations who call for subjection on behalf secular authorities when that suites them (religious organization). But when not, they advocate for their religious rights and freedom of speech and loudly call for bible verse as explanation and justification of own disrespect and disobedience to secular laws in some other subject matter: "you must obey god more than men (secular authorities)". 

    Obviously, in WTJWorg copyrights claims, main issue is not how to use and defend Trade and Copyrights laws in particular country, BUT The Company hard work to DEFEND WTJWorg Religious Teachings and Doctrines and Internal Policy that some other people found to be wrong or error or manipulation or not truth. 

    What? Also copyright is not tied to companies only, at the end of the day it is THEIR material, that is either stolen and or used improperly.

    There is no need to be tap dance-and-heel around the matter.

    That being said FACTS > FEELINGS

    This is Biblical Facts all over again.

  3. 12 hours ago, Arauna said:


    Your personal opinion only......... and while you are allowed to have a personal opinion , it does not mean it is absolutely correct.  Satan and his demons are also allowed by God to have a personal opinion..... 

    The problem I see is sometimes people tend to use opinions as well as feelings to overshadow facts. There is nothing wrong with professing such, however, one cannot and should not being ignoring or purposely be ignorant of the facts. In this case, as we can see, many people are ignoring the whole concept of copyright laws even though it is presented in front of them.

    The irony of it all, regarding this faith, even some of it's former members are pointing this out as we speak, but like the whole Nov. park situation, they will threaten those of their own community if they speak the truth regarding copyright issues. So basically, pertaining to JWs, ExJWs will speak their peace in this regard only to receive members of their own community that speak otherwise, and you have ExJWs vs. ExJWs.

    This is something that is common nearly in every faith community regarding former members, a notion of infighting.

    That being said, the facts in the matter stand tall and true, as can be seen in this thread, as is with awaiting for more development regarding this situation. Therefore, those going around the facts essential dug their own grave in this regard, especially since the material in question is 100% registered, which will be something very difficult to challenge.

  4. @Srecko Sostar [1] Registered Copyright [2] US and International Laws regarding copyright and [3] As pointed out among the religious and non-religious, even some ExJWs pointed out the latter is going to have a hard time dealing with the fact said material is copyright registered. Some even exclaimed stolen material.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    One thing i do find very funny on here and in the CCJW is this. 

    Everyone seems to say 'Read the Bible' 'Study God's Word' 'Pray for Holy Spirit'

    BUT when a person does those things and comes to an understanding of scripture, oh dear, they must be wrong because they don't agree with YOU !  

    @Arauna I agree with your latest comment. One reason being that I truly believe the Greek Scriptures are meant for the true Anointed to understand, not the 'domestic' Earthly class. 

    Just look on this forum how many different opinions there are. My opinion is no better or worse that any other. 

    One man on here says he 'studies religions', but is that what God really requires of us ?  How long would it take us to study all religions ? 

    Just one little point. The GB 'inspired' Elders have regularly told congregants to 'Leave it with Jehovah' when congregants have been wronged, even to the point of CSA. 

    But when the GB / CCJW / W/t are wronged they get their Lawyers to fight it all the way. 

    So why can't they just 'Leave it with Jehovah' ?  Is it all about the money ? 

    Well this example of the GB and their lawyers will probably 'inspire' more CSA victims to fight it all the way. After all it seems that the GB and you people are only interested in people's 'rights according to law'. 

    • But if that was the case, there would not be a need for a sheer misunderstanding of Scripture, which, in this thread alone can be seen on your part. Most Christians understood how the early church was functioning, as I pointed out in the past to both Witness and Srecko regarding the Structure of the Church, although the Bible was correct, they object to it even though the evidence is there in the New Testament.
    • As for your opinion, you have to also take into account of legitimate fact. If the fact of something stands tall over your opinion on something, what is correct and incorrect? As we can see, regarding this situation, you speak of opinion, as is, using assumptions.
    • I do study religion, and the reason I do this is due to the fact people often use false claims and misconceptions. Likewise, when it comes to the Christian faith itself, there is a multitude of misconceptions, of which someone like me, as well as others, will speak of in correction, hence, why I do as such. Moreover, the study is also to understand the point of view of the person, often times, understanding of whom I, and or someone else, is preaching to.
    • No man since the death of the last Apostle was ever Inspired, not even the students of the Apostles. Therefore, you assuming "inspiration" when the Bible says otherwise - is incorrect. Concerning the faith community that is being focused, they are not inspired prophets, therefore, that does not defeat the purpose of what it means to be spirit-led, those asking for/praying for the Holy Spirit. As with anyone on this forum, no one is inspired, as is with the chosen ones of the modern era, none of them are inspired either. Moreover, you would not catch the claim of inspiration from anyone.
    • It is there material, if the Book of Romans was not clearer to you, they are in the right in terms of their material, likewise for everyone, every entity, every institution.
    • That last statement is an absurd one, and it is unwise to try and equate, in Biblical terms, inspiration. As for the focused topic, it has very little to do.
    • That being said, again, I suggest you read the book of Romans regarding authority and subjection as is with subjection to God's Law.
  5. 10 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:
    "There was no governing body in the first century CE. Therefore,
    the present Governing Body has no legacy and should be
    dissolved." - p. 135.

    That is an odd statement. There was actually a governing body of Christians in the 1st century, but certainly far different from today's religious leaders. Even during those times, there as been others as the latter grow old and die and others take their place.

  6. @4Jah2me That just shows you do not know US and or international law regarding copyright (I also like to point out that even the non religious who pinned this story know more as well regarding said law). If the material is actually for them, and they can distribute as they see fit, why say otherwise? Therefore using this verse in regards to this shows you have no idea what you are going about, therefore using the verse and or passage out of context. We can also see you are in motion with your own notion and feelings vs. actual fact.

    That being said, I am still awaiting for the evidence from your last statement which you claim. Mind you, elsewhere you spoke of deceit and lies, I would quote you too if need be. So if the later claim was indeed a lie, how speak of it as a truth? To use that verse in this regard, was not your deed a wicked one?

    Therefore, my statement concerning you is fact and true:

    On 5/15/2020 at 11:42 AM, Space Merchant said:

    you shy'd away.

    You can hate them til death, but to go about something that is false is, to quote you, deceitful and a lie. At least be honest about something, hence, if the copyright laws said, as seen in this situation, why speak otherwise? The only way one can actually put the faith group to the test if they haven't registered said material, in this case, that would be a win for faith leaks because for the JWs it would be difficult, but the reality is, the content is registered.

    Second, most of us know Bible Principles very well, but, not many not the context of said Bible Principles and or Biblical fact, often times, the collective would use THEIR exegesis and emotions in the face of something factual in Scripture, which shows the clear separation between the True and the Mainstream.

    It is not the need of money regarding faith leaks, as of how everyone is seeing it, it is regarding material produced by them that is taken, and, some even attested to the idea that said material was stolen.


    But yes, no different from an Embargo.

  7. @TrueTomHarley It is ironic because the very sighting of the 503 (c) again reminds me of how the latter said otherwise in the past.

    But someone who gives food to those in need are capable, people who are unable to and or not doing it, it does not mean they are negative, but some would think otherwise, for I recall, Jesus instruction was the focus, although the other things are nice as well, but one should not go off from what is commanded, something of which people tend to forget about.

  8. It would seem as though the church mouse can no longer speak of said claim - which is understandable because the engineering of their own demise was the root of said downfall, thus backfiring. Long story short - The image/article provided in the last response does not, and has never stated 1975 was indeed God's Day. The irony of it all is elsewhere the notion of "deceit and lies" was professed, but here we see a different story.

    To quote myself: A bit hypocritical, don’t you think?

    That being said, as for the topic, the way I see it is that

    I want to note the following from some of the articles I've read thus far: The Witnesses say they created 74 “original motion pictures” and have copyrights on them. But those movies were obtained and uploaded to FaithLeaks.org, a place where whistleblowers can anonymously submit material. The Truth and Transparency Foundation — run by the same people — then took that material, researched it, and published an investigative piece on the matter.

    Somewhat related, but I also like to point out that: Most institutions, even religious groups, do not want specific meetings recorded for various reasons, i.e. said meeting information will go forth to another group and into another language, etc, however, would later release said meeting and or produce the same meeting elsewhere in another language. This is not too far off from The Media’s Embargo regarding books, video games and or video game companies (I'm looking at you - Nintendo), movies, comics, and more. For at times breaking said Embargoes there are consequences, likewise if anyone is playing around with copyrighted material.

    If the material, in this case being media such as videos are registered copyright and or some office, then the Jehovah’s Witnesses can sue the uploader, in this regard, being the website and or owner(s) of Faith Leaks, and they can sue for damages on a statutory level, meaning, should they see fit, video(s) individually (each one), not to mention the fees for lawyers in some degree. Now, if they don’t have this material registered, then it would be limited to the latter option, in addition, they would they have to commit to having proof, which if this was the alternative, it would be very difficult on the Jehovah's Witnesses' end.

    Regardless if it is material from the Jehovah's Witnesses, a YouTuber, Musician, Artist, etc. If the material is also close to the original in all sense, even if used in commentary, criticism, parody, etc. You’d have to fall into the fair use category to evade such things, but not all the time an opportunity is an easy one to gain, and one should expect what is to happen.

    That being said, as a point I’ve made, if the material is indeed copyrighted, then posting it entirely, 100% is a breach and to some extent, some might see it as piracy. So in this situation, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a point in relation to this situation.

    Not knowing the basics of copyright would have people jump to conclusions, as is seen here, so much to the point, there are those who are either religious and or not religious making this point.

    That being said, if these are copyrighted materials, then posting them in their entirety is piracy in some degree. So the JWs have a point in that case. Moreover, some are stating this to be stolen content, which is another can of worms of it’s own, hence to profess fair use regarding stolen content only spells T.R.O.U.B.L.E. you stole.

    Under US Law, from what I have been looking into regarding copyright, is that whether the non-copyright-holder makes money off the copyrighted material, in addition to that, the legitimate holder of said copyright has 100% control and exclusive rights to said material, and they themselves can decide and determine how the material is used. Therefore, the latter really does not have the ball in their court regarding the legality of things, likewise to that of a Comic Book Junkie who made an attempt to record, perhaps the Batman movie using nothing more than his or her cellphone within, in turn, to produce it has their own. Or for our parting friend, JTR aka The Rook, if he created a magnificent movie and I was the cellphone guy and produce said material elsewhere somewhat as my own, I'd have hell to pay for my actions and the consequences of my actions would follow suit.

    Although I am still looking into copyright things myself, I do not see what is stopping you, and or said collective. Well, said collective failed regarding Trust Funds and the like, Non-Profits, tax-exempt under section 501(c)s, Benefactors, Copyright, Concordances, NGOs/UNs registrations and resolutions, tenets, and the list continues.

  9. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Matt always did have an ingratiating way with words. At least Witness expressed some honest concern.

    Should he not be welcomed back into the community? His posts are only slightly less nasty than what forced his leave at the end of the year.

    Some of Rook's jokes are also humorous I also see his post not as binding to mixing things up. But yes, anyone is welcomed back, this goes for any forums or other media, but should things change, you'd have to adjust to these changes.

  10. @4Jah2me Really..... Surely this is not the best you can do for I nearly mistook it as a joke, also this is the same thing John Butler pulled a while back, same with Screko, and somewhat of a worthy Christian history challenger - COS (who in turn set the wheels of debate and was the start of everything), So to you, 4Jah2me, close but no cigar. But the attempt..... Was quite elementary.

    As with the very first statement ever made as I told Butler, I am a Biblical Unitarian, which is both fact and true, however, as pointed out, not ALL Unitarians are the same, for example, the notion of pre-existence and no belief in pre-existence  concerning Jesus (I suggest you check your link to that website, for you have a nasty habit of not looking at your sources clearly) and a list of other things such as textual criticism, excommunication, homosexuality, etc, more so, others, even the universal ones think otherwise. Reasons why I have mentioned that there are various forms of Unitarians, as pointed out in my first debate with Cos on this form regarding the history of the church and church fathers.

    Moreover, as I also mentioned to Butler, I have an issue with INTERFAITH, even pointed out that some Unitarians are part of it, as for me, I am no part of Kairos, nor am I a part of the EII.

    But I invite you, if you type in "interfaith" in the search, you will find most items pertaining to me:



    Now, this below

    4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Please check out our website TruthOrTradition.com, which covers a variety of biblical topics and has an expanded Statement of Beliefs.

    And what are you trying to prove with this point? I do invite you to try however.

    Moreover, the other bit is a bit odd. Which is contradicting because from my history here, I take issue with misconceptions and other things, I do not try to promote unity of all faiths despite their is some common ground concerning God and or the Christ. There are

    Let this sink in, one of my remarks about interfaith among a dozen:

    On 11/15/2018 at 4:18 PM, Space Merchant said:

    I hold a strong disdain for Interfaith because I did the research and I observed, I know who is the real threat here, clearly you do not.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Witness said:

    I don't think any is.  

    Both references and the the like shows for it, granted what makes it confusion is the interaction of Sheba to Solomon, especially her comments towards him, which is practically God blessing him, and the fact she saw that God was the mastermind behind Solomon's wisdom and prosperity, we also see that regarding Solomon, it is in accordance with the promise. Would it not have made sense to had cited Deuteronomy 4:5-7? It does make a bit more sense, especially if you were to pass the information to the learner, whom would read and take on the conclusion of the concept of a chosen people rather than the latter. As for Jacob, Deut. 9:5 and Deut. 7:6, would also make sense. I also forgot, Malachi 1:2 is another one, regarding Jacob, going with your statement that fits perfectly.

    As for the first citation it is right as I said because the marginals I can see pointing to such, not to mention the notations that are at it's company.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I wonder this:

    If all WT publications from past to the future is/are intellectual and material possession of The Company ... and each person who was, is and will be JW member need to have "Bible Study" BASED on WT publications, and to continue in this way ... WHO is owner of Member's  Faith and Beliefs .... BECAUSE he/she came to this Unique Faith and Beliefs ONLY because of studying and accepting Published Materials ??!! :))) 

    It's the material. The material is free to use, however, in some instances, if there is other material that is not public and or made private and soon to be public, then you have a problem, mainly if said information is sensitive and can jeopardize not just the entity, but specific persons, I remember giving you a real in life bloody example that took place in one country.

    Said published material is indeed free of charge and use, so that statement of yours is a bit off. The article points out something a tad bit different, Srecko.

  13. 1 minute ago, Witness said:

    Yes, it is interesting that only Abraham was "voiced" as God's  friend.  Yet, His expressions of love, especially for "Jacob"/Zion,  is stated all over the Bible.  Deut 7:6-9; 1 Kings 10:9; Ps 47:4

    It is wise to understand as to why this was spoken of regarding Abraham. In Scripture this was noted several times. That is also true, but one should not be confusing both concepts.

  14. 33 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Quote @Space Merchant  "What some fail to see is that Jesus gave instruction on how the church is to function."

    In the 1st Century there was one Christian religion, as it should still be, but it isn't. 

    We know of the 1st Century church, the point of which you missed is the instruction. Pay attention.

    33 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Now there are many different 'Christian' religions each with their own 'leaders'. 

    And your point? The churches of old, likewise, as is with what happen 325AD and beyond.

    33 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    If I'm right in my thinking, your religion is more tolerant of others, but the CCJW is not. 

    Right in your thinking? I haven't see anything from you concerning Biblical Unitarianism. If so, give some insight because I see nothing of the sort from you.

    33 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    You seem more tolerant of some other religions than JWs would be, because JWs are told there is only one way to serve God, and that is through the CCJW.  

    It is not about tolerance. It is about cutting through conspiracy and misinformation, granted this forum was a controversial setting for speaking such things as is with church history.

    I do the same with Islam, hence I destroy conspiracy with factual fact in said sense. As is with Judaism.

    If you haven't notice, I study religion.

    There IS one way to serve God, and as pointed out in the past, said path not many is aware of it, and or on that path, trying to get there.


    42 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Quote "That being said, this just shows you assume things without knowing."

    @Space Merchant  I assumed that you are not a JW and that you have a close relationship with God through Christ. 

    I also assumed that TTH believes that a person can only serve God through the CCJW 

    And yet your other remark said otherwise. But this is true of you, your assumptions get the better of you, even when when the Bible speaks the truth.


  15. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Of course. Obviously. What!—you think it is right that Christians should be followers of men? I think you mutter just for the sake of muttering.

    God’s laws and principles are to be found in the Bible. That is where the guidance and boundaries are. That is where members are to go so as to grow spiritually. The hope is that they should grow to maturity, make decisions per God’s laws and principles, and do not just say, “What do you think, Srecko, so I can think just like you?”

    What some fail to see is that Jesus gave instruction on how the church is to function. Even if you tell someone this a number of times, as is done on this forum on occasion, they forget very easily, for they do not truly read what is stated. Now, despite these instructions, the men Jesus entrusted, and later other men, were not perfect, therefore, early points in the church's history one can see what was went down, as is with church practices among the early Christians.

    That is correct concerning God's Laws, however, some are a bit confused on God's Laws, and, I know Srecko loved this one, how it correlates with Biblical Facts. But yes, when we take up God's Laws and the principles found in Scripture and do well to apply them, we can grow spiritually, and our faith will be strong, but just as a muscle trained by body builders, as is with our faith, we do must continue to train it so it is always growing and staying strong, likewise, as with the Faithful Servant passage, spiritual food and milk is gain through that network as well.

    That being said, I do not know how anyone can think as him, granted, I am still flabbergasted by the last decision with him regarding Ba'laam, even prior to my ministry tours with some folk, that notion was still absurd in all sense.

    All in all, the core of it all is understanding God's Word, what it means, and how to apply it.

  16. 1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Maybe you would like to discuss with @Space Merchant whether you need to be a JW to obtain guidance from God's word and to grow spiritually. 

    Learning correctly from the Scriptures is all that someone needs, especially you yourself, from what I can see. Once one understand God's Word, it does not stop there, they continue to progress and build up their faith in the profess. Regardless if someone is a JW, Biblical Unitarian, etc, they can learn too, it is not difficult. When one learn as such, they can develop spiritual growth with ease.

    I'm only issue is conspiracy, falsehood and misconception. My biggest issue is Trinitarianism and the later manuscripts that commits to error in Scripture.

    That being said, this just shows you assume things without knowing. I believe there is a lesson in the Bible for that, perhaps apply it, and maybe you too can take your own advice and medicine in regards to spiritual growth.

  17. @César Chávez Despite such, the origin of material is of the original source regardless, as mentioned before, such is the same with all institutions. We should not also forget of how the law works too, something of which people got confused with and assumed things with other things, for instance the whole situation about ARC concerning the JW faith.

    That being said, us Unitarians know of the owner as well, despite the fact all of us, regardless of faith, suffer from the actions of a few men and women with brazen ideas, this is to be expected. But  at the end of the day, material under such notion always belongs to whom it originated from, especially if said material was used in a way that differs from origin and or the like.

    As I mention to Rook, outside of the religious space and into cooperate, it is FAR worse if the institution roles were in reverse, in a sense, such would kill you without you being deceased, but still alive, or in an understandable form - cancel culture in a permanent form.

  18. It seems some people do not know what being "No Part of the World" means.

    For starters, to be "No Part of the World" is to avoid the Spirit that is driving this world, and or we BU's call it, "The World's Spirit".

    We are to avoid a form of thought that promotes wickedness and or intent to do bad, something of which is very common in today's world, as is with the fact that some people do this either knowingly and or unknowingly. As 1 John 5:19 points out this world originated not with The Most High, but rather, the so called Elohim of this world, for if one does not know this notion, I believe a Bible Study Group session should be in order. Should one develop such intent and a way of thought, results in one succumbing to The World's Spirit, for not being careful, would land one into this messy spider web, thus becoming among the sons of disobedience should one allow such a breach, hence Ephesians 2:2 (also see Ephesians 6:10-18).

    One can easily become part of the world, should they adhere to immodesty in action and or appearance. Admiration of Nationalism and or partaking of the wild beast, hence the so called Mark. Dwelling into picking a side in the political spectrum when it is to God's government you must adhere to. And so forth. Now, although we are to respect the authorities out there, should any authority's action crosses over to that of God's Law, then that is where some action is to be taken.

    That being said, to do all things of God and in, especially when it comes to our actions and thinking, despite our imperfection, we are do strive to do such, and to do good. We cannot speak for others, but as an individual, or like-minded folk, we are to apply the ways of Yah.

  19. 3 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    After Jesus had been resurrected to heaven the disciples had no leader on earth. They relied on being guided from above, by Holy Spirit. 

    Actually, the head of the Church is still the Christ, therefore, Christ is still the leader of the Church despite not being on earth. The Bible tells us that he provided the keys to his followers and gave instruction on how to handle things, in turn, the church congregation of Christians were built up, as to be seen with the majority of 1st Century Christians after being given the gift to do the work, but the latter statement is indeed true.

    Jesus was never gone for good, he is at the right hand of The Most High, Elohim, Yahweh. Although he has been made superior, as we read in Hebrews, that does not necessarily mean he is down for the count, especially the fact his command and instruction is to be done before God gives him the "OK" to make his return to gather his people.

    The commission of the gospel is to be done without fail, and so thereafter, we know what is to come.


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