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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @4Jah2me And So I saith to thee, Give me a direct """"quote""""" of them stating Armageddon will happen in 1975?

    Example: Frosted Flakes, random I know, but proving a point. The slogan of this cereal brand is "They're Great!" and their mascot is an anthropomorphic humanoid tiger named Tony. Who said the quote directly as stated? Tony the Tiger.

    Second Life Marketplace - They're Great! - Tony The Tiger Gesture

    Now, all you did was post a picture of an article (haven't you read it), of which was posted several times over on this forum, and debunked. For further detail, to make a claim that they said 1975 was indeed God's Day was to occur, I do not see what is stopping you from quoting said claim, in this case, the name of the person who said it and where it took place.

    I got another example for you "Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder" who said it? Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.

    Other than that, the way I see it, a strong sermon often tends to make people speculate, and jump to conclusions, as noted last time. I think someone stated something before as projected, but the claims out there that say otherwise does not hold enough water.

    I will note your response because I do not want another Glasgow (Srecko knows, and he was sorry for it) to happen:

    1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant

    i.e. said claim of yours stated that they said Armageddon would happen on 1975, but there was no claim made by them to suggest such, anywhere.


    could see was a short time ahead in which to finish the work assigned to them." w68_1975.JPG

    Watchtower 1968 Aug 15 p.494 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?


    That being said, relating to the topic at hand, as we speak, if something of someone is in use, especially without permission and or improperly, they have the right to take action.


    EDIT: Thank you for proving me point, again. Now - Your claim would be a strong one, if they had indeed made the claim. The only thing in that article of yours that I am somewhat not easy with is the King James Version of the Bible, nothing more.

    As I pointed out, before your arrival, we had spoken about this before, that is why I mentioned Rook, JWInsider and the others, regarding the subject, this is one of several threads for 1975.


  2. @TrueTomHarley Likewise, in the debating community of which I am from, everyone (and their mother) will know if you left and or return, and whatever you say and or have done, is always in memory, be it something positive, negative, silly, thought provoking, etc. Granted said community, even me, we are as such and for good reason we remember these things, even mistakes that we've made, but a mistake doesn't result in a person to remain on the ground. For me case, an absurdly flabbergasted based response, I usually make a comment to, often times if I am too quick and or forgetful, I to can make a mistake.

    That being said, all the things Rook said, I do not forget, I still recall the comments we made about "Unicorns" in the Bible and The Second Amendment.

  3. 8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There was an item in the 1970s of some historian who pointed out that generation could be described as clustered around broad historical events, such as the generation of the Industrial Age. I well remember thinking that the organization might make use of that one day. If so, there might me one last hurrah even if 2034 came and went.

    That would have to be looked into.

    That being said, there's always the Issac Newton route.

  4. 2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant Like I've said before you will always disagree with me just for the sake of trying to look superior.

    The irony of it all, it was your sources that let me to the articles. If you haven't noticed, anything related to Wikipedia, at the very bottom there are citations and notes, when you search for said citations, it takes you to a number of books and or articles.

    Therefore, I was agreeing with the cited sources of which you proved, it was not by my own hand. If it was not for your Wikipedia quotes, I may not have been able to find more information, such as The Jubilee Year.

    I don't appear to be superior, not at all. That is why it can be said, when I told you to prove it, you failed a number of times. Someone doing research and finding the truth of the matter does not mean they are superior, it means they put in the time to do the work.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And if I write that the CCJW / GB say that a person 'must be a baptised Jehovah's Witness to gain salvation', will you disagree with this too ? 

    This was discussed at least 4-5 times on prior, with JWInsider, Anna, and a number of others, including me weighing in on this. All of us, have pointed out what the Jehovah's Witnesses stated, moreover, what the meaning of Salvation is. Therefore, all that would need to be done is link the thread in question to prove said point.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And are you saying that any Non Trinitarian Christian can gain salvation no matter what religion they are, or even if they have no denomination ?

    No. If I recall, I haven't uttered salvation at all on this thread in particular. I have elsewhere, and also stressed elsewhere that Salvation can be lost and or gained (regained).

    Clearly, you do not understand what was conveyed. Of course, Non-Trinitarians understand what it means to gain/lose salvation, you are responding to one - @Space MerchantOther denominations, however, who most are not Anti-Trinitarian, state otherwise, for if one is saved, they can never lose salvation, which, if we go to the Bible, does not make sense, not to mention the verse we see in Jude.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Now that would be in disagreement with the JW GB.

    How so?

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Quote "Also your claims from before, you can at least attempt to prove them instead of shying away from them, I see you laughed, but cannot bite, as usual "

    Made made claims which you cannot be proven, I even invited you to prove them, which you had failed. Regarding a Prophet Inspired and Not Inspired, the Bible itself offers more proven than you assuming. You even alluded to my point, which thus makes it correct.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    When I show you truth you are too blind to see it so there is no point.

    If you go back to your comment, you made 2 claims regarding me, not the JWs. I told you to prove it, you haven't, this was the same end result as our first discussion.

    If the Bible speaks truth on what an inspired/no inspired prophet is, why do you say it is wrong? If I agree with the Bible, and you disagree, where does that leave you?

    I agree with the following verses, therefore, because of this, and your claim, it shows you are in error [Matthew 24:14, Luke 4:18, Acts 2:18, 19 and Romans 12:6-8] - you have a Bible, do you not? Read these verses, or simply read my refute response to Witness, of which I quoted a few comments up.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I was right about the Governing Body exalting themselves above their 'Fellow Slaves' as in the parable.

    Do you even understand the Parable of the Faithful Servant? As anyone can see, you've added your own assertions, every notion I pointed out in regards to this Parable is correct, especially when it comes to the flock and spiritual food.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    But you won't agree with me.

    It is not that I agree with you, it is the fact you are going upon your own understanding, and not actually looking into Scripture to convey the truth of the matter. If I had not mentioned the Parable, you'd include something vastly different regarding what A Faithful Servant is.

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    For that GB to suddenly decide only they, those 8 men, are the Faithful slave and for them to assume the others of the Anointed are NOT the Faithful Salve, shows the GB up to be the wicked slave. 

    I suggest you re-read the below. The Bible holds more truth vs. mere assumption and or understanding.

    Again, MAN cannot assume such. When it comes to Chosen Ones, those that are chosen is between God and that individual. To make such a statement there is hell to pay in regards to the White Throne. Reasons why a majority of us Christians are neutral when it comes to this is for not wanting to beget a costly mistake.

    That being said, be it that they are or not, if I recall, among their community, it is said they have a number of chosen ones among them, it is not soley 8 religous leaders.

    On 5/19/2020 at 11:25 AM, Space Merchant said:

    The term, “faithful and discreet slave”, is used by them to describe the group's body of religious leaders in its role professing teachings. The term also refers to “faithful and wise servant”, by others, individualized and or by other groups, even by modern day Bible Students, as for Unitarian denominations, we use the other rendering. Now a faithful servant, they profess said teachings of pertaining to articles of faith. This term heavily correlated with the interpretation this Parable – “The Faithful Servant” found in the following verses (Matthew 24:45–47, Mark 13:34-37 and Luke 12:35-48) and it is said the fulfilled began on Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 2). This role, for pretty much most Christian groups, especially if organized, act as the example found in said Parable, as a faithful servant (or slave), when it comes to arriving at decisions on regarding teachings and or other things, this information, once finalized, is presented. Again, I bring up Apostle Paul regarding Dietary Laws and Circumcision.

    The faithful and wise servant is in connection with a small and or little flock of servants who are faithfully carrying out vows within the body of Christ, moreover, the whole body individually and or collectively, giving the food (Spiritual Food/Milk of which the Bible speaks heavily about) by a due season to the household of faith, which are the believers, Christians, who are given said food. A faithful servant, when it comes to teachings, application and discussions being made, under both God and Christ, are deemed responsible whereas the master of these slaves is the Christ, Jesus, hence The Parable. Despite all this, regardless of faith, no man is inspired, well, you have some Trinitarian scholars and Christians out there who claimed this, i.e. stating they can speak to the dead or see them, or entered briefly some form of afterlife (which all connects to Spiritism and not Christianity).


    3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    However like I say, you wish to convey yourself as knowing more than others, so there is little point in talking directly to you.

    Because I do research it irks you this much? If you did not know something and I pointed it out, you consider this being all knowing and superior? A mere rendering buttered your biscuit in this regard and if I point that out being knowledgeable is deemed a threat to you? You are beginning to remind me of Srecko now with the Donkey, Abraham and Glasgow discussions of the past (and it is for good reason I bring up reminders of old discussions, should specific points be made again).

    Also, if I recall, you were the one who brought all this put, as I tell many here, a do a response to a response, nothing more.

    That being said, you ignore what is true to fit the information you wish to convey, likewise with the Bible, you have little to no understanding of what a prophet inspired is and or not inspired, thinking that someone who is not inspired cannot grasp the holy spirit, when the Bible says otherwise. You cannot fool anyone, and it is no surprise you walked right into it by making these claims, not to mention you were the one to link the Wikipedia, somehow you do not agree with the very source which you linked. Perhaps next time remember this: If you are going to use a wiki, make sure the citations are NOT against your claims, otherwise, it can only prove to engineer your own err at the end of the day, i.e. said claim of yours stated that they said Armageddon would happen on 1975, but there was no claim made by them to suggest such, anywhere.

    Other than that, regardless, as for the topic at hand, although there is some level ground, however when this go beyong that, it is their information, they can do as they please with said information, for it originated from them and is provided by them, produced by them and shared by them, in terms of law and the like, it is for them, even outside of that, this goes for ALL entities, institutions, and the like. 

  5. @admin As I have been telling people, they do not know what to do with a virus they never faced before. So pretty much, they are throwing ideas at the wall hoping that something works. At the end of it, people suffer from it.

    As of recent, children under 5 are at risk, as is with women who are pregnant and or soon to give birth to a child. Black and Latino communities, still, are hit hard by this, and the lock-downs have driven people to go crazy, whereas others, have be pushed to take action.


    NOTHING will be the same after this is over.


    That being said, I had my corrals with some, but the the craziness out there, some actions are uncalled for, such as the below, regarding COVID-crazies, Karens and snitches.

  6. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Had my former prophesy been heeded that the end would come prior to January because we had reached the end of our current Bible reading schedule and it was too inconvenient to make everyone start again at Genesis, we wouldn’t be in this pickle.

    Yes. But reading it daily is like training the muscle. Day and night we must - Joshua 1:8. If we can eat everyday, we can read everyday, that is how I see it.

  7. 6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I quote you @Space Merchant  " Christians today, who are prophets, of any kind are not inspired and are not infallible and such makes up the majority of Non-Trinitarians today, even to our counterparts who are the Jehovah's Witnesses. Us Christians are Spirit led prophets, the ability to spread the gospel truth and the truth about the Messianic Age, for this is something of which he both have in common. "

    Exactly, Christians today are not inspired, they cannot profess fulfillment, they cannot do the things that Jonah, Agabus, and the others can do.

    Hence the following:

    A normal, Spirit led Prophet who is clearly not inspired and not infallible have the gifts of the spirit regarding prophesying. It is regarded as dominant, the ability for one to profess in spreading the good news gospel of the Kingdom and the Messianic Age of the coming Christ, such of which gives evidence of the holy spirit's role as seen in Scripture, Matthew 24:14, Luke 4:18, Acts 2:18, 19 and Romans 12:6-8. Such ones with spiritual gifts have that is of what is cultivated, or cultivated gifts as some would say.

    Christians, what do they do exactly? They...

    • Preach the Good New Gospel and of God's Kingdom are Spirit Led, Spirit Led as is wanting to receive and or is given the Holy Spirit. They also preach the coming of the Christ (Messianic Age), with Scriptural evidence as noted above, therefore, your last statement is in err, 4Jah2me.

    Which by a legitimate definition means: In Abrahamic religions, the Messianic Age is the future period of time on Earth in which the messiah will reign and bring universal peace and brotherhood, without any evil. Many believe that there will be such an age; some refer to it as the consummate "kingdom of God" or the "world to come".

    • No Anti-Trinitarian/Non-Trinitarian has ever, called claim to being inspired. That is both undeniable and an absolute fact. The only people who are to make such a claim are among the mainstream Christians, that make absurd claims of being able to see God and or Satan, as well as the dead, let alone being able to speak to spirits, hence my previous remark to Witness about New Age practices.

    Granted it was stated that such abilities of prophets of old can do, an Inspired Prophet, it has died off with the apostle, hence no one, not even the students, onward to this day can do this, and or make claim to being an inspired prophet.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Charles Taze Russell, the first president of the Watch Tower Society, calculated 1874 as the year of Christ's Second Coming, and taught that Christ was invisibly present and ruling from the heavens since that year.[13][14][15][16] Russell proclaimed Christ's invisible return in 1874,[17] the resurrection of the saints in 1875,[18] and predicted the end of the "harvest" and the Rapture of the saints to heaven for 1878,[19] and the final end of "the day of wrath" in 1914.[20] 1874 was considered the end of 6,000 years of human history and the beginning of judgment by Christ.[21] A 1917 Watch Tower Society publication predicted that in 1918, God would begin to destroy churches and millions of their members.[22]

    The latter as been debunked a couple times, even by former members, as well as current Bible Students, as is with a couple sources that studied all about the pastor for 55+ years. It was also mentioned that other than the Bible Students, there were other groups that also came to that conclusion and also believed in the second coming of the Christ whereas the Christ was to be made a King. The calculations in question revolves around the very thing, at the time, many Christian deemed popular, the study of pyramid (Pyramidology)

    • Note: It is said that many intelligent, as well as knowledgeable people around the world were convinced that the Great Pyramid had been divinely constructed to reveal Biblical truths.

    The focus was that of the Great Pyramid of Giza. That said, the pastor was professing this based on a Biblical interpretation, which is in connection to the Gentile Times, and even prior there was a few statements by said pastor, according to those that had studied him, such information can be searched on this forum, for it was disccused.

    That being said, during that year, there has been other things going on other than a dreadful war, the spiked corruption, etc. One of the reasons why the other groups, existing and no longer existing sided with the notion of the Gentile Times. As for the last bit, you left out the schism, which resulted in what was stated in the book being taken out of context and the number of groups that came about that day, moreover, if you continue to read pass that point, you can see as to where the point is coming from, and it is more in connection with the conveying of Ezekiel as is the Book of Revelations, hence why, by some, it is an important book, but to others, they take a small sample and take said sample out of context. There is no question, that Babylon the Great will be destroyed.

    That being said, even prior to the study of Pyramids, no claim of inspiration was ever made, if I am not mistaken, among the people who studied the pastor, R. Lite (from what I can dig up granted his sources are very old and being inactive), stated the same thing. R. Lite is also a Bible Student, however, at times he seems to be a bit radical, most likely eldery state is getting to him.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    J.F. Rutherford, who succeeded Russell as president of the Watch Tower Society, predicted that the Millennium would begin in 1925, and that biblical figures such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David would be resurrected as "princes". The Watch Tower Society bought property and built a house, Beth Sarim, in California for their return.[23]

    Granted this was talked about people, to which I even made a point, there is no statement on this pastor's part and or the group, even after the aftermath, mentioned that God's Day would arrive on 1925, however, if one does the research accordingly, we see the notion of the Jubilee cycle, not bringing this forward results in confusion, which is understandable, but looking into it you can see this. Granted with what was taking place during that time, this pastor vs. others who were unseating, it is no surprise people would come to said conclusion. As for the property itself, if I am not mistaken I remember this was mentioned before. A San Diego man who was unable to leave the state or something of the sort built the house, and said house was allegedly supposed to be used for Christian activities. Other than that, something as uninformed doesn't negate a belief and or faith, as which was mentioned before. No different from the other things uninformed.

    That being said, this one, as is with the last one, never claimed to be inspired and or is spoken of as being inspired.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    From 1966, statements in Jehovah's Witness publications raised strong expectations that Armageddon could arrive in 1975.

    That has also been debunked and proven otherwise - misinformation. The 1975 year as been used time and time again to prompt a claim of inspiration, however, by doing the research, one can see the truth of the matter.

    That being said, there was no strong expectation of God's Day being that year, moreover, core of it was focused on Thousand Year Reign of Christ and the following after of 6,000 years of human history. So in short, speculative articles, however, no definite Statement of the sort.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    In 1974 Witnesses were commended for selling their homes and property to "finish out the rest of their days in this old system" in full-time preaching.[24] In 1976 The Watchtower advised those who had been "disappointed" by unfulfilled expectations for 1975 to adjust their viewpoint because that understanding was "based on wrong premises".[25] Four years later, the Watch Tower Society admitted its responsibility in building up hope regarding 1975.[26]

    The truth of the matter, to be brief, that people mistook the statement, not understanding it properly, hence, it result in people among the faith community drawing their own conclusions.

    The statement in blue is misleading, because if one were to lookup the article in question, it's focus was in living out your days in the wicked world in peace. To be more specific, no command was given, it simply stated that people had sold their homes to live simpler lives and profess the remaining days of their lives preaching. What is contradicting is, if they sold their homes because of God's Day, who the mention of preaching, if prior to God's Day all good gospel preaching must cease? To add on to that, said article mentioned a very specific verse - 1 John 2:17, and it continues to give points on said "simple life" and "preaching".

    Actually, the second part is also a bit misleading. Granted no statement was ever given, the latter was coming with their own conclusions and assumptions, and in turn, spread said information among it's community. Now, the statement wasn't based on 1975, for it was more based on people coming to their own conclusions of something, hence the question mentioned prior in said statement even says "If a person has regulated his life with the view that the end would come on a certain date, what should he now do?" Moreover, that book goes into further detail in the next few paragraphs. The book in question is A Solid Basis for Confidence.

    That is for the last bit, again, due to what is heard, people came to their own conclusions, and assumed, for if the end was to occur, they would not be preaching at all prior.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Do you think they were guided by God's Holy Spirit ?

    If they ask for God's Spirit. Regardless, someone who HAS the Holy Spirit is still NOT INSPIRED, hence biblical evidence to such point out in my refute quotation to Witness a while back.

    Therefore, if there was never a claim of being an inspired prophet, the previous remark isn't in your favor. Later followers of the Christ were not inspired, but if given and or asked for the spirit, they do the work, do they not?

    Likewise, everyone here, including me, we are not inspired prophets, but, because of the spirit, it allows us to preach the gospel truths, granted I never seen some of you do it, granted you only have one focus.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Deuteronomy 18 v 20 through 22.

    20  “‘If any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name that I did not command him to speak or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die.a 21  However, you may say in your heart: “How will we know that Jehovah has not spoken the word?” 22  When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’

    So what point are you attempting with this verse?

    Also just putting this below regarding a prophet inspried, so you betetr understand the differences:

    An inspired prophet's message is inspired, like that of a breathe of God himself, therefore infallible. God is the primary source of the message and the author of the message granted the Word came from him. The written work itself in it's original form is both sacred and inspired. As the verses,

    • 2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

    For prophets inspired by God have verbal communication through even that of angels, visions that puts forth God's message to those who hear it, they have dreams or night visions that is seen by them even in their sleep, and can convey a message even by means of a trance, other times through songs of praise that contribute to a prophet receiving communication that is divine (Exodus 9:1; Amos 3:3-8; Jonah 3:1, 2)

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And do you think the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are now guided by God's Holy Spirit ?

    Which goes back the last question, which I've stated:

    If they ask for God's Spirit. Regardless, someone who HAS the Holy Spirit is still NOT INSPIRED,

    That being said, both you and I are not even inspired, yet the both of use quote Scripture and explain it, do we not? Therefore, my statement on the matter is factual and true with biblical support to back it up, therefore, when I ask you to prove otherwise, you said nothing, moreover, you did not even look into the verses and passages, found in Scripture, the supports my point.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Matthew 24 v 24 

     For false Christs and false prophetsa will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead,b if possible, even the chosen ones

    The thing is, do you understand what a false prophet is? It takes discernment to understand what a false prophet is.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Anyone that understands God's written word can preach the 'Good news of God's Kingdom' but to put a date or time on it is 'going beyond the things written'.

    Hence that is the notion of a prophet who is not inspired, but is indeed a modern day Christian. Christians can be at fault, and can make mistakes, to quickly brand someone as false without proper discernment shows err.

    As for the other bit, if you carefully do the research, you would come to the conclusion that most people who is not a hardcore Trinitarian, would come to. Even as much, even on Muslims, can even point this out, as seen in some debates, especially concerning the history of the Bible. The thing is, coming to an understanding of things, not coming to conclusions, and be quick to point fingers.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And if a person should be of the Anointed heavenly calling then i would think by doing so they would be sinning against the spirit. 

    How so if the invitation is of God? Only God can choose an individual, to be among the fold with his Son, those of Zion. Again, this is some dark water territory, regarding ANY chosen by God, from ANYWHERE, Christians are to be very, very careful, hence my past statement of judgement in front of the white throne. This is why one must be incredibly neutral, if someone is deemed chosen, for one might end up paying for it in the end.

    That being said, as I stated before, the late Solider of God was among the chosen, despite who he is and what he does, he has done good things, he has done mistakes, but to belittle him of this type of position and or otherwise, as a man, is a mistake. Hid dealing are with the one who has chosen him, therefore, his dealings is not with us men. Likewise, this goes for ALL chosen ones.

    That being said, you are a bit confused on what sinning against the spirit actually entails, I suggest you read into what that means.

    But most of the things you linked do HAVE sources, and said information was talked about time and time again on this forum for years now.

    Also your claims from before, you can at least attempt to prove them instead of shying away from them, I see you laughed, but cannot bite, as usual.


    Well that escalated quickly, you HELPED me, your sources had links to a number of Articles - thank you for helping me point it out for you.

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  8. 11 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    In that case it should be an unjustly disfellowshipped brother to fit the comparation with Joseph, don't you agree?

    Regarding excommunication, to help people return to God yes, however, if the person dwells in Apostasy and or other, it is impossible to reach such a person.


    11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is a light post that I wrote, but the part about Joseph taking interest in others even in the prison hole is a lesson for the ages. Same with how, even when he suffered serious reversals, Jehovah was always with him.

    Yes, God knows who is for him and who is not. The common man is capable of somehow knowing who is on God's side, but that is where the they are at a lost.

  9. On 5/9/2020 at 7:46 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    My jw mom downloaded jw.org, and since then she has had nothing but problems.  Her password changes all the time, even though she never changed her password, but jw.org tells her she needs to change her password just to get into her computer. My brother and I are jumping through hoops to get her reconnected via loop. Has the governing body  found a way to hijack people...they do after all pay millions to lawyers, why not IT techs. Is my jw mom a victim of WTBTS? And they are asking for donations. Or do you know if someone is using the jw website to con people?

    Something is a bit off. All points color coded with your comment.

    [1] Downloading an application doesn't enable one to use a login/password unless the protocols are in place to do so, hence if she is using that application that all JWs are using, it does not enable, from what I can see, such protocols are not in play, even if it was, often times there are glitches and of things that need to be fixed, mainly if the connection is still in BETA vinilla form.

    [2] Sometimes a password change is prompt, if someone was attempting to access the alleged account. The prompts usually are given if

    • [A] the individual and or other is attempting to login the account or issue a security protocol for a password change from a different device and or IP Address.
    • Another would be multiple attempts to access said account, which also prompts this, sometimes, if the email to said account is linked, it will issue an email, asking you in detail of what is taking place.

    [3] I suggest check any emails in regards to password changes and or security changes to an account, but like I said, granted, their application, a public one, doesn't prompt the app holder to create a login to use free material.

    [4] Creators of the application and or co-creators cannot hijack people's information. Even if they did, they'd have to go through a ridiculous amount of hashes and encrypted data, which can take literally ages to do. Social Engineering is also impossible on their part (unless it was done by a family member and or friend who is often at the house OR your mother had the information written someone that enabled Social Engineering and or said device was used by someone), unless they personal met your mother to ask her questions of a possible weak password created by her. Do NOT throw IT Techs under the bus, we go by protocol (or else suffer consequence) regarding passwords, using various tools such as the most common - The Active Directory, which allows us to RESET a password by request, in addition to that, depending on the institution, be it pharmaceutical, health, cooperate, etc. A simple task becomes complex due to guidelines and a list of other things. Especially, ESPECIALLY H.I.P.P.A. (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), there is hell to pay if you do not adhere to how they do things in said institutions. That said, if they really wanted to "hijack" they commit to a Bruce Force, which can take ages, even Hackers know this can take ages.

    [5] No. I said this strongly for I myself am an I.T. Professional, and have dealt with password and exchange related issues. That being said, a Bruce Force attack takes ages, this also goes for The Man in the Middle Attack. Regardless if they ask for donations or not, that does not prove much. An internal attack can be done, this happen to big banks and some business, example, Target, hence such was done from within, and had access to machines that (majority of the time is not on the Hyper-V and virtualization lane) can be broken into it, if you know how to have access to said servers (DNS, DHCP, etc. and or secondary ones)

    [6] The possibility is that there is a spoofed version of the home website of Jehovah's Witnesses, however, most spoofed websites would con you into buying security software, and or force Ransomware, a rootkit, and or other things just by mere interaction and a few clicks. That being said, spoofing websites and or emails is an actual thing. However, in this case, it does not seem to be as such, for here is where your story commits to confusion, be it she is using an application, which you stated it has been downloaded, or she is using the website. As I recall, you cannot download a website, and a free and or public application does not prompt people to create a login and or password. That being said, you are fabricating a story here.

    I'd also like to point out that MOST application related to Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. and or anything related to the Bible (i.e. Blue Letter Bible) and or Qu'ran (i.e. Quran for Android) are practically 100% FREE, and 100% open to the Public, moreover, such application does not prompt the user to create a login, however, websites, of which said user who has a linked account to whereas said website shows that their applications can be logged into, actually do.

    That being said, I leave you with the below:


    Not only you protect your logins, but you must also protect your devices too. Never, NEVER, EVER, create a weak password. There are people out there that deal with millions and millions of dollars of people's money, and their passwords are usually "ILOVETHEGIANTS" or "Password01". The stronger the password, the easier you make the IT Tecch's job, no paper trails to go back to, and tickets closed.

  10. @Kosonen The story of Joseph has always been brought up by everyone, especially due to the fact the lessons to be learnt regarding this current day and age, mainly when it comes to being peaceable, as is with confronting immorality, that can cause men and women to stumble.

    @TrueTomHarley Yes - We all can learn from Joseph, but not everyone takes said lessons to heart, we have examples on this forums already.

  11. @TrueTomHarley A bit related, but regarding children, teach one, reach one, and in turn they do the same. Raising children to do good, the right way, as is, with informing and teaching them of dangers of this world, in turn, they can and will avoid said dangers. Even during this pandemic, the children of whom I was with for a long time even for those who are not by blood and of different races, they learn from example, and what they've learn, they are able to teach others, something of which of what I mention time and time again about solutions regarding children and some going into adulthood. The thing is, some children, especially within my culture, they represent of whom they originate from, i.e. if let's say Smith Baptiste, he represents his family, for whether his actions are good or bad, it not only falls on him, but his family line. Stuff like this is taken seriously, even as said young one progresses into adulthood.

  12. 18 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Some truth in it...... but what did you expect from the deceitful CCP?  

    Granted the horrendous action by China, they would stoop to this low. They do not want to take an embarrassing fall. Despite this, China's allies will not fold, and will support them even though they themselves have been effected.

    That being said, seeing how things play out. Also currently in NYC, I had seen a lot of people outside, some close to each other, the police? Very chill, majority distracted by their cell phones.

  13. One person who is chosen, whom I know and even respect, was often asked this question. It should be noted, that among imperfect men and women, God does the choosing, and such an honor of being chosen is like that of an invitation by means of God's hand. Granted some chosen ones out there, not all of them have the answers to everything because they have not gain said experience. In Solider of God's case, he was Biblical healthy, but compared to me, and others among his circle when he was alive, he was not savvy with in other aspects, especially history outside of Scripture, yet, indirectly correlates. Solider of God did not care about recognition at all.

  14. 22 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I think you generalise too much. Quote 'that such people, Christians, whomever they are,'

    But the thing is that this is indeed true. There are such Christians out there that are seeking to reflect this Church. These Christians differ from mainstream Christianity. I know because I am among this fold.

    22 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    The true church of our time has to be the True Anointed of our time. These modern day Anointed are joint heirs of the promise and joint parts of the Body of Christ. In the eyes of God they are equal to the original Apostles. These modern day Anointed are the 'men standing in the market place on the eleventh hour', and the Master sends them into the vineyard to work with those that have been working all day. At the end of the day they all received the same reward. 

    Which is similarly to the point of which I made, the other time I noted the same thing, yous aid you disagreed. The Chosen ones are always part of the Spiritual House, as is with the stones.

    22 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    These ones, the Spiritual Jew,  are more important that the ones hoping for the Earthly life. More is expected of these ones. Hence we need to know for sure who they are, for they will lead God's people through the coming Judgement. 

    All people are important in God's Kingdom, there is no favoritism for this hope. God will have people reign with his Son and people having the hope on earth. What connects both, is God and Jesus. Paul makes this point.

    Indeed, yes we must know who these people are, but at the same time, we need be careful so that an assumption lands someone in front of the white throne.

    Therefore, it is wise to tread carefully.

    22 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Zechariah 8 v 23

    Berean Study Bible
    This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue will tightly grasp the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’”

    Apprantly you understand this better the woman who mixed and butchered this verse.

    22 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    So it isn't 'whomever they are', it is specific chosen ones that need to take the lead. But the problem is,  it has to be proven that they are the true chosen ones.  

    My response was not a reference to the Chosen Ones, my response was in relation to the Early Apostolic Church, and that is indeed the focus. So, you misunderstood what I was conveying.

  15. 18 hours ago, Witness said:

    I keep seeing "Witness" pop up in your recent posts.  You missed me, didn't you!  Either that, or I am still an irritating burr in your saddle. 

    I mentioned you because regarding an inspired prophet, you were the one made this claim regarding inspiration, therefore, me mentioning you is related to that discussion.

    That being said, I always mention people, it does not necessarily mean I miss or care for them, I mention people related to the things said, for instance, your claim regarding the Assyrians and your usage of false Bible narratives, should any come to a similar understanding and or outcome, I would gladly mention the person, even link the discussion.

    I rather not link said discussion because it would evidently backfire on you, and crack the armor of which 4Jah2me is tooting regarding inspiration.

    You were never an irritation, a torn on my side, you are merely another challenger on the CSE platform, nothing more. If you recall, I even told you, do not stumble and scrap your knee caps, which you have done time and time again, as is with your accusations torwards me, which remain unproven.

    That being said, the last discussion I had with you, you pull a fuse regarding the domain of political registration whereas when correct, you redacted said information and stated "you do not wish to know these things" when you prior stated "such information is the truth".

    Other than that, as for the topic in question, an entity of any kind and or group, whatever, are capable of doing such, you of all people should know because we did discussion something related to copyright in the past, to which a whom you deem a support, was actually against you in this regard.

    By the way, I found it, not only a call back to you, but something @4Jah2me  can learn from:

    The difference between a Prophet Inspired and a Prophet Not Inspired.

    On 11/14/2018 at 1:09 PM, Space Merchant said:

    There is a clear distinction between a prophet who is inspired and a normal prophet. The most obvious different is a prophet who proclaims and ministers, one who is inspired, on the other side of the spectrum, a prophet who proclaims and ministers, who is spirit led. For Prophets such as Jesus, John the Baptist, Paul, even Agabus were all inspired and infallible. Christians today, who are prophets, of any kind are not inspired and are not infallible and such makes up the majority of Non-Trinitarians today, even to our counterparts who are the Jehovah's Witnesses. Us Christians are Spirit led prophets, the ability to spread the gospel truth and the truth about the Messianic Age, for this is something of which he both have in common.

    An inspired prophet possesses the miraculous gift of prophesy, inspired and infallible utterance and predictions, as proof they are having the Holy Spirit, of which we can see with Elijah and Elisha - you also already mentioned Moses, who is an inspired Prophet who does indeed have the miraculous gifts. For this is 1 of 9 miraculous gifts that is of the spirit, manifestations of the spirit and is indeed infallible as can be read in the Scriptures itself 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Luke 4:18 and Romans 3:1, 2 for example.

    A normal, Spirit led Prophet who is clearly not inspired and not infallible have the gifts of the spirit regarding prophesying. It is regarded as dominant, the ability for one to profess in spreading the good news gospel of the Kingdom and the Messianic Age of the coming Christ, such of which gives evidence of the holy spirit's role as seen in Scripture, Matthew 24:14, Luke 4:18, Acts 2:18, 19 and Romans 12:6-8. Such ones with spiritual gifts have that is of what is cultivated, or cultivated gifts as some would say.

    An inspired prophet's message is inspired, like that of a breathe of God himself, therefore infallible. God is the primary source of the message and the author of the message granted the Word came from him. The written work itself in it's original form is both sacred and inspired. As the verses,

    • 2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

    For prophets inspired by God have verbal communication through even that of angels, visions that puts forth God's message to those who hear it, they have dreams or night visions that is seen by them even in their sleep, and can convey a message even by means of a trance, other times through songs of praise that contribute to a prophet receiving communication that is divine (Exodus 9:1; Amos 3:3-8; Jonah 3:1, 2)

    A prophet that isn't inspired and is not infallible in the message knows isn't the author of anything other than the Bible, they recognize that what they produce is of their own design but remain faithful to the Scriptures in of itself, this includes ALL Bible Translations because none of the translators or transliteratiors are not inspired, the very reason that most, if not all, tend to make revisions after revisions, example like you not knowing (but have used already) what the TR 1245 is and unaware that all translations, even that of JWs, have been revised, thus omitting anything related to the TR 1245, hence my clear view and adherence on Textual Criticism.

    A not inspired prophet, or in this case, a normal prophet is encouraged by God's Word, if not, even moved by it. They show and express a genuine love for God and are moved to take action, just as those of old and our church fathers have. They are guided by God by means of influence and thinking, and our speech as with actions by means of the power of His Spirit and His Word, as can be evident by Matthew 13:11, 24:14.

  16. 21 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    i just have to laugh at all your above comment. You THINK you know so much, but you are spiritually blind.

    Then point out as to where I am allegedly spiritual blind, to this I invite you to do as such. I know because I take the time to do the research and study, that is why you being unaware of what a prophet inspired and a prophet not inspired was evident.

    21 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    You will keep believing what you believe and i will keep searching for Truth.

    I believe in what is true, but your last blunder proves you are far from what is true.

    21 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    But i will not generalise and I will not just accept stupidity from those that pretend to know more. 

    How am I pretending to know more?

    That being said, what should be laughed at is your obvious appeal to motive, if you cannot point out something someone said and simply go out with such banter such as this, it shows who is truly lacking in this regard.

  17. 28 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant Quote " Yes, there are many churches, but the question is, of which church, be it organized or not, is following the True Church? "

    The 'True Church' is surely the Anointed ones that are the Body of Christ. The 'Spiritual Jew'. So how do we know who they are ? 


    As I had told everyone here, even before your time, The True Church is the Early Apostolic Church. And nearly over a dozen times I had stated this, that such people, Christians, whomever they are, strive to be like this church to the letter, as is with some working towards that. It is not an easy task due to the fact the more one attempts this path, the difficulty increases, as is with persecution, etc. This church is the one often attacked, and ridiculed by the so called war I am referring to, Trinitarianism vs. Non-Trinitarianism, and some of us are the types to not be so keen on misinformation when the facts are there. Granted, it is one of those reasons when this forum was originally a battle zone, I am the way I have always been since CSE, which is somewhat of a debating zone in regards to Biblical History.

    That being said, the church church, as I had told many, even Witness, consist of the chosen ones and the followers of the Christ. Although she mixed up the information in one of our discussions, one cannot go around that notion in regards to True Christianity in the face of mainstream Christianity.

  18. 1 minute ago, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant  You write a lot and basically say nothing. So many people on here do that. 

    Because you haven't read anything, which is very evident. Even when you cannot even point out a single thing that you deem disagreeable.

    2 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    As for copyright laws, they do not interest me because my point wasn't, do they have the legal right, my point was that Jesus said, recorded at Matthew 5 V 39

    How so?

    2 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him. 

    This verse in question correlates with a distorting of information to justify something. When it comes to copyright laws, this can often be the case, outside of taking someone's work.

    What Jesus is conveying here, is that if you go back into the history in Bible times, the Jews  had distorted the application and usage of the law. In some sense, a form of resentments and the like that committed into the vengeful behavior.

    So, taking the work of others, in this regard, when copyright is involved, in order distort what is true and what is not true, is passing a red line, hence any entity in this regard can take action because such creation is of their doing, especially if said information is distorted. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians harboring vendettas.

    8 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Basically Jesus said 'Just let it go by'.  

    But you've missed the main focus of what Jesus was conveying here.

    10 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    However, the GB and their Lawyers are just looking to create diversion, to take people's eyes away from all the Child Sexual Abuse accusations and court cases. 

    Actually no, Faithleaks focus is indeed child abuse, however, if there is other information outside of child abuse, copyrighted information that is taken and distorted, it results in some action being taken. No one is ignorant and or oblivious to child abuse happening in religious institutions, but such people make it seem as if that is the case. If you missed it in the Scripture, immorality is among the sins of this world.

    12 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And regarding the GB calling themselves the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave', you do know that in the past ALL the remaining ones of the Anointed were known as the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave'.

    Stating the obvious? If I were to live underneath a rock, then perhaps I would not know this, but I haven't missed the parable regarding the Faithful Servant. I cannot speak for you because I am under the assumption you were not aware of this parable.

    Those chosen by God are all over the place and had been around before since that faithful day. Such persons are all over, and God knows who they are, i.e. Solider of God is one of the chosen, although he is dead now, his message is still present in those that walked the same path as he has, for we are in the church as well.

    15 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    So who gave the GB the right to change it ?

    Regardless of what the term is, it still refers to the Faithful Servant. Does that term really result in you catching feelings? If you are indeed older, it would be wise to act as such.

    That being said, granted terms and renderings have been happening for a while now, as long as it does not deviate from what is actually true, there is no problem, especially in the realm of Textual Criticism.

    More so, the terminology of what a Faithful Servant actually is, or in this case, a slave, regarding spiritual food remains the same.

    19 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Remember that the GB admit to NOT being inspired by God's Holy Spirit.

    And your point? You are aware that both the inspired and the not inspired do have the Holy Spirit, those spirit led, and those who are spirit led to foretell prophecy, etc.

    Granted after the death of the last apostle, we are left with non-inspired Christians, and such ones who are of God do have the spirit.

    This remark from you alone tells me you do not understand that notion and I can, if need be, send you the refutation of Witness when she distorted this claim, as is with her assertion of Assyria, which is haunting.

    23 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    But some how they WERE 'inspired' to exalt themselves above their Fellow Slaves.

    Spirit led, but not inspired prophets. As for the secondary remark, I suggest you read the Parable, you know, the one you stated you did not agree with, you can scroll up to find the passages and read them.

    24 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Hence showing themselves to be the wicked slave. 

    You do realize anyone who claim to be inspired long after the death of the last apostle fits that notion? Such ones believe they can speak with the dead, and do other things, speak in tongues, poison drinking, etc.

    As stated here, in the past and even by means of the Scripture, no one, not even JWs ever claim inspiration. Because one is not inspired, it does not mean they lack the Holy Spirit, even if they ask God for it.

    25 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    But of course you will not agree with me.

    Well I cannot agree with you because you show a total lackluster abundance of knowledge of what prophet of  [non] inspiration actually is. The fact you bring this point, shows that you walked right into this one.

    That being said, look at your claim again, and go read the Parables, as is I suggest you learn the difference between an inspired prophet and a non-inspired prophet, there is a difference, but what makes them equal is that such a person is of God, they do follow the Christ and are led by the Spirit, pray for it even. I also suggest you really understand Matthew 5:39 and understand what copyright laws are, I linked you 2 articles and a video, better to be educated on this rather than ignore it, in doing so, those who know it can easily correct you.

  19. 7 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I see, Space Merchant,  that you feel very strongly about that ....

    I feel strongly about that because of the experience I had mentioned before of what a cult actually is and what it is about. As all things pertaining to Christianity, the claims can be absurd at times, and annoying.

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