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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @Anna That is understandable, it is even sad and difficult if the one with said mental depravity is a young person.

    It is also safe to say that there are some who are better equipped to handle such, even among church congregants, while some are not as equipped. Among teaching people on how to deal with such ones, this must also be taught. Likewise if a teacher or someone in the medical field can be taught to deal with such an event, why not others.


    That being said, as for this topic, I guess we are back again with Excommunication, even though the points have been made time and time again.

  2. 5 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It has been my observation that WE ALL have OCD, about things that we feel strongly about ...

    It's similar to the old joke,

    QUESTION:  "What is a cult?"

    ANSWER:  "It's the church down the street from YOUR church."

    Not everyone. But as I stated to you and others here before, they do not know what a "cult" actually is.  If you are against the Trinity, you are part of a cult, if you say Jesus is not God, you are part of a cult, if you like dogs over cats, you are part of a cult. If you, as God is my witness, put french fries in ice you, you sir, are part of a cult.

    The irony of it all, there is no justification, it is merely a one-shot claim to evade discussion and or to assume that you are better than the latter.

    Yes, there are many churches, but the question is, of which church, be it organized or not, is following the True Church? As stated years back, Trinitarianism is on the decline and as a result of this, there is an uptick in trying to convert such into said faith, hence why the so called "WAR" is ongoing, even harder as it is now, since now colleges and universities are involved and the fact confusion has led to the formulation of more atheists and more people adhere to today's so called norm.

  3. 8 hours ago, Arauna said:

    He tries to come across as a reasonable person.... which you definitely are not.

    I see these OCD reactions all the time from you and view them as a medal......  I even started to react this way as well and realized that mental derangement can be contagious in some ways. ..... LOL  

    The irony of it all is I care about factual information. Apparently, knowing a lot of information, a person who is weak in a discussion would make this claim. The thing about 4Jah2me and others like this person is the little someone knows the better it is for them to get their point across, but the more someone knows, it results in sheer tomfoolery to what is fact and true. I don't care what is history is with JWs, however, misinformation comes a long way to trick people, hence, something will always need to be said.

  4. On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    @Space Merchant  I am not frightened to mention you by name, why should I be ?

    You've done it before, so it is no surprise you have done it again, the first time you made an accusation, granted you did not mention me, hence I only found out when you stated "The Merchant". You also took said accusation and made it as a truth and I challenged you to prove said accusation and you vanished.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    I tend to disagree with most things you say, but I laugh too, because you try so hard to come across as someone who is superior. 

    So speak your peace because the source I am using says otherwise, and I purposely left some things out just to convey them from your response.

    I am not superior, but if you want to alluded to your past assumption, I invite you to try. I care about facts and the only thing that irks me more is conveying information in a way to spin the narrative. The last time you attempted this, it backfired, likewise with Mr.C.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    It was more the use of sarcasm not to mention your name, and look it got a reaction :).

    You only say this now granted of what has been presented, hence the interaction prior.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    I know for myself that i am an individual. It matter not to me if you and others feel the need to add me to some 'make believe' 'collective'.

    But you have adhered to a collective in the past, even though so and so have been wrong or misused information. On the other side of the spectrum, when another person says something that is right, you deem it as something wrong, as is with said collective without coming to an understanding as to what was said, what is the conclusion and so forth.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    A more in-depth definition is: A governing body is a group of people that has the authority to exercise governance over an organization or political entity. The most formal is a government, a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions in a given geopolitical system (such as a state) by establishing laws.

    Yes, this is indeed true, even in Bible times this was the case, especially in regard to Apostle Paul, of whom even some Christians seem to have a strong hatred for. A body within any entity will formulate some information in order to maintain some balance. In regards to Christianity, such leaders do so by means application of Bible principles. I'll give you an example, people living together prior to marriage. Clearly, granted we get an example from the Bible, Christians can make the application of how this can be a potential danger, especially when it is known that the flesh is weak and imperfect, coupled with how the world views sex. Because of that, in order to prevent anything bad from happening, a body of Christian bodies and or heads discuss these things, and come to a conclusion on prevention, in doing so, the chosen ruling is then presented to the other body, Church Congregants in form of a sermon and or message, even by means of alternatives regarding newcomers.

    That said, they're not yes men, they are not "yes men".

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    Now here in the UK the ruling Government has an opposition party. I know very little about politics but I do know there are two 'houses', the House of Lords and the House of Commons. So there is debate and questioning.  Also the people of the UK can vote for a different government every 5 years. And, parliament can be dissolved in some cases.  

    These are both separate political entities, hence, has no correlation of what is presented. Those opposition parties are not too far from the left and the right, as is with the Republican and Democratic parties in the US, and or the oppositions in various countries, and clearly they are not a united source in decision making, hence, opposition.

    Although you are not into politics, granted, I am sure all of us here are neutral, it would be wise to know the basics.

    That being said, voting is a far different story in regard to the focus.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    However the Governing Body of CCJW  rules over millions of people without debate and questioning. Those 8 men that has the authority to exercise governance, and are a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions,  cannot be removed, according to some JWs on this forum. 

    They are merely religious heads/leaders, as is the case with all faiths. in Christianity, some ruling is based on Bible Principles, as is how things are within the vicinity of individuals and or groups, and how are things ran in said lands.

    You do realize how some ruling are made, correct? There is no debate, but there is discussion, as is the case, with ALL faiths. In these discussions, regarding on the situation, some ruling by means of the area, and or Bible Principles are addressed and how it can be put into effect. Some discussions cannot be removed, which is correct, however, things can be tweaked and or added, especially when there is some sort of change, for instance, the Coronavirus, clearly in this regard, there were things being talked about, which later on, is presented to congregants and or the public, and such discussions is to enable how the people can protect themselves and their families under this pandemic. Clearly such people did not just see COVID-19 and through ideas on the wall and hope it sticks, they discussion first. I purposely left out another bit of my quotation just to throw that on to you.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    They have given themselves the title 'Faithful and Discreet Slave', and they cannot be disfellowshipped by other JWs.  

    The term, “faithful and discreet slave”, is used by them to describe the group's body of religious leaders in its role professing teachings. The term also refers to “faithful and wise servant”, by others, individualized and or by other groups, even by modern day Bible Students, as for Unitarian denominations, we use the other rendering. Now a faithful servant, they profess said teachings of pertaining to articles of faith. This term heavily correlated with the interpretation this Parable – “The Faithful Servant” found in the following verses (Matthew 24:45–47, Mark 13:34-37 and Luke 12:35-48) and it is said the fulfilled began on Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 2). This role, for pretty much most Christian groups, especially if organized, act as the example found in said Parable, as a faithful servant (or slave), when it comes to arriving at decisions on regarding teachings and or other things, this information, once finalized, is presented. Again, I bring up Apostle Paul regarding Dietary Laws and Circumcision.

    The faithful and wise servant is in connection with a small and or little flock of servants who are faithfully carrying out vows within the body of Christ, moreover, the whole body individually and or collectively, giving the food (Spiritual Food/Milk of which the Bible speaks heavily about) by a due season to the household of faith, which are the believers, Christians, who are given said food. A faithful servant, when it comes to teachings, application and discussions being made, under both God and Christ, are deemed responsible whereas the master of these slaves is the Christ, Jesus, hence The Parable. Despite all this, regardless of faith, no man is inspired, well, you have some Trinitarian scholars and Christians out there who claimed this, i.e. stating they can speak to the dead or see them, or entered briefly some form of afterlife (which all connects to Spiritism and not Christianity).

    As I had told both Srecko and Witness (who I see here once again), who they themselves claimed that these religious leaders claimed to be “inspired”, as is, on Witness’ part, even ignored a snippet from what she had posted to state said truth, they were in the wrong, granted no claim of being inspired, the irony was I believe that part was purposely cut out, on her part. This is but one of said claims, even outside of anything pertaining to JWs, some claims were based on either the sheer misguidance and or feelings vs. Scripture based mentality, more so, even some chosen ones, refuted them. To add on to that, there was another, who claimed this, but it was more on a Trinitarian vs. Non-Trinitarian turf, something I am heavily in. All this, was before your time, and I can freely quote said discussion here if need be.

    Actually, granted we are all sinners, and are imperfect, any man, woman, or child is capable of sinning, as is with repentance, hence, prisoners, some of I, a few others, young and old, partook in writing to, who they themselves wish to seek God. Now, in regard to Excommunication, even they can succumb to such, should they commit a sin. When it comes to religious leaders, even those of whom are a body, they rarely commit to grave sin, so in this sense, even with them, they can sin and be excommunicated from their religious community. Another notion of which you presented, "They cannot be Disfellowshipped by other JWs" how are you so sure when Excommunication in regards to sin can easily be applied should any of them commit grave sin? So far, I haven't seen anything from them, nor, others. I recall Srecko posted something a while back, claiming it to be a truth, but after some research was done, it was not merely just a lie, but someone out there throwing conspiracy.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    But you seem to think that is ok, however you do not want to become a JW :).

    Clearly you are not getting what I am conveying, which is evident. But the boat of your exegesis without conclusion will not sail as far.

    I study Christology, so I already know what Jehovah's Witnesses are about, as is with what they derive from. I am not referring to the Bible Student Movement or the Great Awakenings.

    On 5/16/2020 at 11:05 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    I totally disagree with most of what you say SM, but. Have a good day. 

    If you disagree, point out what you disagree with, just stating this only shows you really have nothing to say. You said the same thing in another discussion I am having with someone regarding Titus 2:13.

    The Parable, in this sense, is correct and the actions of the slave in said parable on conjunction with the master, The Christ. Even today, everyone is able to recognize that.

    As for the topic at hand, any group, entity, and or institution, is capable of taking such an action if it violates what they have. More so, even an individual as that right to take such an action, if it is something that does not sit well with them.

    Now ANYONE is capable of going about this sort of action, so I suggest you read the 2 examples below carefully:

    I also advise learning about copyright and all things pertaining to it:

    You may not even know your own UK political system, but you should be able to know the rights of your people, if I know this, it is surprising that you do not know this, granted, by mere assumption of our last interaction, you are the older one. In addition to that, there are those in the UK whom I know, some even more up there when it comes to Bible reading and history, will tell you the same thing.

    That being said, a collective who makes decisions for the betterment of something or someone, even a group vs. a collective that consist of yes men and women are VASTLY different.


    EDIT: Alas, the individual who barks cannot bite - as expected.

  5. On 5/3/2020 at 9:15 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I do not think history will repeat itself to that extent in this case.

    We will just have to get smarter and not ruin a global economy every time someone declares the sky is falling.

    Years ago, a great Civil war was fought in the USA, where one in four men in the South was killed ...because the Southern Democrats (Dixiecrats), and the Northern Republicans (Yankees) were willing to die to preserve their ways of life.

    There is a reason its called "livelihood"..... and the deaths are merely the cost of doing business.

    Of course ... that was back when ships were made of wood, and men were made of steel.

    Well they are certainty more scrambled than scrambled eggs at this point and will continue to do so, granted they are attempting various things to deal with a novel virus.

  6. On 5/6/2020 at 4:11 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    I can't remember. Was that the film only available in a foreign language with subtitles ? 

    They have the film in English, for me I own and had seen in both English and French. Now this particular film is often used when it comes to research regarding specific Bible versions, and it is used a lot in the alleged "war" going on within Christianity.

    That being said, it is also worth mentioning that there are some films out there that promote a mis-truth about Jesus, mainly anything in relation to narratives known as spurious being true, which is why some Christians are very careful and or selective of what film they watch, especially when it has anything to do with the Bible, i.e. being a disrespect and or lacking Bible accuracy by a huge percentage.

  7. On 5/12/2020 at 4:18 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I think it was Robert A. Heinlein that once said something like " A Committee is a life form with at least six legs,... and no brain".

    Pretty much - So if I like Waffles, you are to agree and say yes - no exceptions, you like waffles too, when in secret, you like pancakes.

    Now if there any planning and execution involved as a whole, coming to an understanding of what is fact and true, both sides can agree and like waffles as well as pancakes.


    That being said, what I mentioned the other day is pretty much how things are handled by some, even by cooperate, so things of the sort can result in an action from said entity, hence suing and or other means.


    On 5/12/2020 at 3:34 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Quote "as is with Witness and the others, whom as a collective, do not understand a thing. "

    Someone else it seems that has a need to put people into one group. 

    Quote "but never can it be an excuse to assume that because one person did something, everyone else is the same "

    The Governing Body of CCJW say they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave. So the 8 men act as one. They work together, they make the rules for CCJW, they are responsible for Watchtower material. They are not individuals, they are a 'body'.  Therefor they are jointly responsible. 


    There is no need to be fearful to simply mention me (I know my responses), for as I recall, you did this last time when you made a false assumption, without mentioning me, and I asked you for evidence, you shy'd away.

    What what is said is indeed the truth, the collective make remarks and assertions and bunch everyone into one group together (and there is a multitude of information of misuse of verses, accusations, mocking the actions of God, and believing something to be true when it is not, as with the hypocrisy of stating, and I quote one of them "I do not care or want to learn these things" yet the latter assumes what she has posted as a truth, mocking abuse, alluding to homosexuality as something formulated by God, and so forth). Despite such, the collective agreed that such is a truth despite the fact the real truth shatters the very armor they adorn themselves in and buckles their knees, more so, said folks attempted to make absurd accusations, I still recall one that backfired on said person on her own thread relating to women. A mentioned, even you made an assumption, proven to me false, and thus mark everyone as the same without understanding the view.

    Now let's break down what you mentioned. No one is ignorant to the fact that most faith groups, be it organized and or not, have religious leaders, granted the focus is on the Jehovah's Witnesses, among them are the governing body. The term "governing body" is self explanatory, the definition states: a group of people who formulate the policy and direct the affairs of an institution in partnership with the managers, especially on a voluntary or part-time basis.

    A more in-depth definition is: A governing body is a group of people that has the authority to exercise governance over an organization or political entity. The most formal is a government, a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions in a given geopolitical system (such as a state) by establishing laws.

    Governing Bodies are in various institutions, not solely in religious institutions, I am sure you've grown up going to school to get some basic education, something of this matter should be known to you, if you are unaware, they it is safe to assume you do not pay attention. Moreover, if we are to have any example, we have the Apostolic governing body (or council) in ancient times, otherwise known as The Council of Jerusalem. Another example being the involvement of such bodies regarding the Gentiles and Circumcision. For, before Paul's conversion to the faith, Christianity, or Christians were part of the second Judaism Temple.

    The Non-Jews, Gentiles, who wished to join Christianity, which at the time was mostly consist of Jewish followers, were expected to convert to Judaism, which likely meant in order to go about such, a grown male is to undergo circumcision for the uncircumcised, as is with following the dietary restrictions. Long story short, Apostle Paul insisted that faith in Christ was  required and is sufficient for one to seek out salvation and that the Mosaic Law was not as binding to the Gentiles compared to the Jews, and of course if you read this part of the Bible, you'd recognized of how things played out, none of these people were "Yes-Men". Planning and execution was in apply, and forwards the application.

    Regarding JWs, it is stated that: The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the ruling council of Jehovah's Witnesses based in the group's Warwick, New York headquarters. The body formulates doctrines, oversees the production of written material for publications and conventions, and administers the group's worldwide operations. Official publications refer to members of the Governing Body as followers of Christ rather than religious leaders.

    That being said, what is mentioned is vastly different from what was stated by various folks here in the past on this forums, as for me I still see it as Controversial Posts, so I will continue to bring forth said accusations that have been refuted. Therefore, the statement I made is true when it comes to mixed information promoted by said collective that are "yes-man" to everything, hence assuming the actions of one person is somehow befitting of all people, which isn't the same as any governing body within any institution whereas planning and execution is involved, not merely agreeing "yes, yes, yes, of course" to everything without being presented with information.

    On 5/13/2020 at 2:28 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    They are an octinity:)

    I guess Apostle Paul and the others was the same according to you. Regardless, regarding a collective in such institutions, what they have taken steps to differs from said collective here that agrees with each other not realizing the information is mixed and or missing some parts. Irony enough, when so and so's say something that is ridiculous absurd, the latter are often as quiet as church mice.

  9. @Jack Ryan 

    The example you gave was a weak one (but I thank you for it because now I have another “cookie” that can be used against you, for the 8th time). The answer to this question can simply be found in Genesis chapters 2 and 3, as is with anything pertaining to God’s goodness and justice found in, for instance, Psalm 31:19.


    • [A] God created all things good - the thought of badness or sin to enter to what is good was something unknown or something that would come to anyone’s mind, hence being caught off guard, of what we can see in Genesis 3.
    • [2] Original Sin – If you read Genesis 2, you’d see what led up to Adam and Eve’s actions, only after God dealing with the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the information he gathered from her, which led to the first promise God has ever made and what he plans on doing with Satan the Devil.

    To answer this question, the long way. Now as for you atheists, you will alluded to the omnipresent notion and the fact that God is indeed omniscient.

    • Omnipresent - widely or constantly encountered; common or widespread.

    The word/meaning concerning God:

    (of God) present everywhere at the same time. Essentially, it is related to the concept of ubiquity (meaning the fact of appearing everywhere or of being very common), the ability to be everywhere or in many places at once.

    Now, many people often ask this question, even atheists, such as yourself. Such a question is asks since mainstream Christendom teaches that God is Omnipresent. This “Omnipresent” belief is the idea that is everywhere at once (i.e. being literally there when Adam, Eve was taking every action, as is with all the beasts, flora, etc.). The other notion is, in which everyone can agree on, is that God is both Omnipotent (all-powerful), Omniscient (all-knowing), which further leads on to the conclusion of the one asking questions to come under the assumption that if God knows everything that He may easily must have known beforehand that Adam and Eve would inevitably disobey him, that if God truly had foreknown that this perfect human couple would commit sin (otherwise dubbed Ancestral or Original Sin).

    This notion would conjure up a plethora of negative traits to God, which results in the ideas that he is unloving, unjust, and or insincere. It goes on even further that some will begin to state that God was cruel to Adam and Eve regarding something that was foreknown to a resulted bad end, hence the idea of God being responsible for badness, which is where you and the question pressers come in to paint The Most High as the foolish villain.

    [1] God created everything with Just and Righteous intent, and everything was good in abundance



    We should not be ignoring that fact. For from the start of man and beast, God was and still is, a lover of righteousness and justice as Psalm 33:5, as is with goodness (Psalm 31:19), hence what is mentioned in James 1:13 is 100% correct. Going back to Adam and Eve, God even gave them instruction, and regarding the Tree of Knowledge (Tree of Good and Bad), he told them clearly in this regard, read Genesis 2:16, 17. This brings us back to the Omnipresent belief. Clearly, God did not have in mind that something of this scale would take place, and more so, he was nowhere near Adam, as is with Eve, would stumbled upon the snake of which the Fallen One (Fallen angelic son) is controlling.

    We know this because Adam was to himself whereas Eve was dealing with fruitage, hence where the snake comes in. We see in Genesis 3:1-5, Eve had in mind of what God instructed, but you see that the Fallen One by means of a snake has persuaded her otherwise – The power of persuasion. Due to this brief encounter, Eve’s mindset has changed, as seen in Genesis 3:6, she had eaten some of the fruit, and eventually, among the fruitage picked, fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was also given to Adam to eat. There eating of the fruit resulted in their “eyes being opened” and the sudden realization of them being in naked, or as the term you atheists like to use, birthday suits, hence Genesis 3:8-9, which is an extreme opposite of Genesis 2:25. The next verse, Genesis 3:8, God was looking for them, and eventually found Adam, and the humorous conversation between God and man transpired in Genesis 3:10-11. Onward, the remaining verses in Genesis chapter 3 sums up everything, as is with God’s original promise found in Genesis 3:15. Clearly, although they had sinned, God had only blocked off the Tree of Life and booted them from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve continued to live throughout outer parts. Evidently, God took note of the what Eve had said, granted he never created a beast, let alone a reptilian creature to speak, in addition, the one who controlled the snake would also be punished, hence what he will do to the Fallen One, Satan the Devil, in the future – again, Genesis 3:15 pretty much tells us what God has in mind; it also connects to the chosen Christ/Messiah, Jesus.


    [2] Satan The Devil


    The original name of this angel is unknown; however, he was among the other angels in Heaven, along with God. Over time, he became jealous of God, wanting what he has when it comes to reverence. What better way to get back at someone then to commit to meddling to shift or ruin what was perfect? This angel was the one who came forth to control the snake and spin the narrative to Eve, and succeeded in doing so, hence Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Knowledge, having their eyes open up and realizing their nakedness. Over time, this angel was called “Satan” as well as “The Devil”. From what we gather from Genesis 3:15, God already had a plan in motion to deal punishment to this rebellious angel. Yes, as your title puts it, he is going to destroy the Devil.

    [3] God is NOT Omnipresent and despite the God is Omniscient, he was, essentially caught off guard in what he molded with goodness



    God is indeed Omniscient (all-knowing), there is no question about that regardless of any faith, be it religious or not, whatever. However, if we recall from the Genesis Act of Creation, God made ALL THINGS GOOD, so the action of badness and sin was not something to expect or come to mind, especially from his creations. Only afterwards, later in Scripture we begin to see the Laws coming into play, and a list of other things that separate just action with unjust action at the hands of man, whereas God’s laws and example creates the divide between good and bad. Regarding our early parents, there action was nothing unknown to God until his confrontation with Adam, who was both

    • [A] hiding his nakedness and
    • started to pin blame on a person who was recently played, in addition, the fact that God was calling out to them and they went into hiding was also another factor.

    God is not Omnipresent. The Bible tells us clearly, he has a dwelling place, as the Bible points out as having a very clear and distinct location (Isaiah 6:1, 2; Revelation 4:2, 3, 8), in addition, this dwelling place of his is nothing of physical originality, it is in the heavens (1 Kings 8:30), even so, that the Bible often states that the angels and or spirits come in and enter to station themselves before The Most High (Job 1:6). Now, God is able to see everything and to act anywhere he chooses as noted in the following verses (Proverbs 15:3; Hebrews 4:13), however, as stated, we see nowhere in the Bible that it teaches that God is Omnipresent. As is already known, regarding God, Jesus mentions in John 4:24 (also tagging John 1:18) that his Father is a spirit, therefore, making him not visible to common man. Even if possible, to see God in all his glory, one would surely not live.


    [4] Although Adam and Eve had committed to disobedience, God did not outright abandon them.


    God was not wrong when he said the day, they ate from the treat that they would die, and Adam and Eve lost perfection, and are capable of growing old and dying. God, as stated, removed them from the Garden, however, he informed them, essentially in the remaining verses of chapter 3 of what they are to expect, nothing is handed to them this time, so when it comes to food, and now the need of clothing, they had to take care of that themselves, hence the loss of perfection, resulted in such a cost in regards to the land and to beasts. And of course, Adam and Eve began having a number of children during this time, all of whom who inherited sin, but throughout Bible times, in our present and onward until the day God sends his Son to return here to correct things.


  10. On 5/10/2020 at 5:31 PM, Arauna said:

    As individuals they are accountable not as a group. If one of them breaks Jehovahs laws they will appoint a committee. 

    That's pretty much it. Any group of people be it of a faith or even race, the action of one person does not define the actions of others, for someone to have such a mind said is professing bigotry in some way or form, this is the same case I am currently making with the Ahmaud Abrey shooting to ignorant folks that think everything they see on the news is 100% accurate.

    Going back to God's Laws, yes, imperfect people will indeed break something, but never can it be an excuse to assume that because one person did something, everyone else is the same, a strong case I made against Mr. B on this forum several times over, as is with Witness and the others, whom as a collective, do not understand a thing.

  11. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Sometimes it is not always the case, for there are other entities and or institutions, if put in the same spot, would do the same. An example of this, I will not name the entity, one of their biggest and well hidden network infrastructure spaces had an incident (a breach and attempted theft), and they not only committed to a 10 month long investigation, but they took action by means getting the police involved. Mind you, this investigation was an internal one, so not everyone of this entity knew what was going on, for they were only aware of new security polices that were put in place. This same entity did not care about the innocent bystanders involved and axed them just to be on the safe side.

    That being said, if it is indeed their resource and or property, I see no reason at all.

    Also your bank accounts are safe, hence the incident I've mentioned - you are welcome.

  12. Another factor is (I'm also going to address the atheist here later; he never likes to address his claims), people make such assumptions because they are well rooted in the belief also that God is Omnipresent, which is false. With this idea in mind, they conjure up the notion of God being everywhere, so he should have been able to prevent this or that, but such people fail to see what transpired in the Genesis Act of Creation with an honest mind. This is why when questioned, it is good to know these things, so you can have an answer for it, granted not everyone has the answer to something, but there is no shame in making an effort.

    That being said, the chart is silly. Such ones should actually read the Bible for once.


    On 5/2/2020 at 9:53 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    You have a habit of getting your attributions mixed up, and your analysis is too simplistic, as well as mixed up.

    Details are important.

    Or interpretations that seem to be lacking and or is driven more of an organism's way of thinking.

  13. It should not be much of a big deal, granted there are other denominations out there that are not listed, however, they do pop up in some stories and the like. Some religious news websites, however, need to be accessed with a deal of caution.


    That being said, among other things, there is always and will forever be stupid people out there, who can bark, but cannot bite.



    Granted it is Mother's Day tomorrow (I think some have it a bit early), this would be the right time to profess this truth. Perhaps any who do celebrate this holiday, give this truth as a gift and make an effort to commit to change. Let the truth set you free, despite the fact that the truth, often times, hurts, or as Jesus puts it in John 8:32:

    "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

    What is Mother's Day? A small snippet from Wikipedia states the following:

    Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents Day.


    True Christians see Mother’s Day as any other tradition and or holiday. Moreover, Christians, and or anyone, do not need to narrow things down to a singular day to show love and appreciation for someone, especially someone’s mother, hence, will love their mothers just as much that day as any other day.

    In the Bible, it does give command to young children to honor, as well as to obey and respect their parents:


    Ephesians 6: 1-2 - Children and Parents - [1] Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. [2] “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise),


    As we can see, nowhere in Scripture was there any sort of advocating for the commemoration of a special holiday, as such today’s holiday, being Mother’s Day. Therefore, such a practice is no where in the Bible, and that is an absolute fact.

    What makes True Christians different from mainstream Christians, is that we do not partake in such an event. We do so by avoiding taking any form of participating in any celebrations with religious origins that never is linked with Christianity. It is no surprise that some individuals will say:


    Mother's Day does not have any connection to paganism and that it is presently considered a largely secular event celebrated by everyone.


    Mother’s Day has no pagan roots, it is a harmless holiday


    People like that don't celebrate any holiday, or Mother's Day because they love to suck the fun out of everything.


    Christians are ALLOWED to partake in this holiday. We do not include pagan practices nor do we do anything that ancient Greece practice. Stop killing the fun for everyone.


    Because you condemn this wholesome loving practice, you are against the [they will say the following: God, against Jesus, or against the Spirit]


    If you don't celebrate Mother's Day, you don't love your mother. You should be ashamed.

    The list goes on, as with the reasoning for an indefensible cause is absurd.

    Mainstream Christians do not care of the roots, and celebrate the holiday anyway; the opposition and the apostates will say that those who do not celebrate are in the wrong for not partaking, thus in disagreement


    Moreover, mainstream Christianity promotes and partake in said holidays, including this one, in addition, it is another way of gaining congregants with an Unchristian practice.

    Little do they know that the earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the Spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea (Ρεια Ρεα), also known as The Mother of the Gods (The Great Mother of the Gods)

    Things to Note: Some historians claim that Mother's Day originates from ancient spring festivals dedicated to maternal goddesses.

    Another snippet from Wikipedia: The modern Mother's Day began in the United States, at the initiative of Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. This is not (directly) related to the many traditional celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have existed throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, Rhea the Great Mother of the Gods, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a commemoration of Mother Church, not motherhood). However, in some countries, Mother's Day is still synonymous with these older traditions.


    The Holiday is in connection with pagan practices

    Jeremiah 7:18 - The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven [*]. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me [Yahweh/Jehovah/YHWH] to anger.

    * - The title of a goddess worshipped by apostate Israelites; possibly a fertility goddess. This was a practice back in the days of Prophet Jeremiah. Regarding Judah and Jerusalem, the partakers were primarily women and apparently their entire family participated in some way or form regarding  worshiping the queen of the heavens. The women baked sacrificial cakes, while the sons were tasked to collect firewood, and afterwards, the fathers would ready the fire. These sacrificial cakes were offered on alters. The worship of this goddess was so heavy, that its grip on the Jews was a strong one. This resulted in Prophet Jeremiah to point out the wrongdoing and the falsehood of their view (Jeremiah 44:15-30).

    image.pngimage.png image.jpeg

     How are these events practiced in such an ancient time? On the origin of such observance, it is a festival that derives from the custom of Mother Worship in ancient Greece. This form of worship also includes various ceremonies to [or pay tribute to] Cybele, or Rhea, the Great Mother of the Gods, that were performed on the Ides of March throughout Asia Minor. Hence, the revealing origin of the practice of setting aside a day to honor mothers.

    More Notes on [Goddess Rhea]: RHEIA (Rhea) was the Titanis (Titaness) mother of the gods, and goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. Her name means "flow" and "ease." As the wife of Kronos (Cronus, Time), she represented the eternal flow of time and generations; as the great Mother (Meter Megale), the "flow" was menstrual blood, birth waters, and milk. She was also a goddess of comfort and ease, a blessing reflected in the common Homeric phrase "the gods who live at their ease (rhea)." In myth, Rhea was the wife of the Titan Kronos (Cronus) and Queen of Heaven. When her husband heard a prophecy that he would be deposed by one of his children, he took to swallowing each of them as soon as they were born. But Rhea bore her youngest, Zeus, in secret and hid him away in a cave in Krete (Crete) guarded by shield-clashing Kouretes (Curetes). In his stead she presented Kronos with a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which he promptly devoured. Rhea was closely identified with the Anatolian mother-goddess Kybele (Cybele). They were both depicted as matronly women, usually wearing a turret crown, and attended by lions.

    Note [Ides of March]: The Ides of March is the 74th day in the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling debts. In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history. The Romans did not number each day of a month from the first to the last day. Instead, they counted back from three fixed points of the month: the Nones (the 5th or 7th, nine days inclusive before the Ides), the Ides (the 13th for most months, but the 15th in March, May, July, and October), and the Kalends (1st of the following month). Originally the Ides were supposed to be determined by the full moon, reflecting the lunar origin of the Roman calendar. In the earliest calendar, the Ides of March would have been the first full moon of the new year. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ides_of_March)


    Regarding the adoption of Mother’s Day in the United States, the New York Times of 5/10/1953:

    “In spite of the popularity of Cybele, . . . and sporadic occasions honoring mothers during the Middle Ages, it was not until 1914 that the proper combination of sentimentality, idealistic promotion and hard business sense impelled the United States Congress to designate the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.”

    There is other information that also notes that:

    The majority of countries that celebrate Mother's Day do so on the second Sunday of May. On this day, it is common for Mothers to be lavished with presents and special attention from their families, friends and loved ones. But it wasn't always this way. Only recently dubbed “Mother's Day,” the highly traditional practice of honoring Motherhood is rooted in antiquity, and past rites typically had strong symbolic and spiritual overtones; societies tended to celebrate Goddesses and symbols rather than actual Mothers. The maternal objects of adoration ranged from mythological female deities to the Christian Church itself. The personal, human touch to Mother’s Day is a relatively new phenomenon. Only in the past few centuries did celebrations of Motherhood develop a decidedly human focus. (information comes from this source: http://www.mothersdaycentral.com/about-mothersday/history/)

    On the website, Mother's Day 123 Holiday, under the heading "Mother's Day History", it gives further insight on the holiday itself:

    Contrary to popular belief, Mother's Day was not conceived and fine-tuned in the boardroom of Hallmark. The earliest tributes to mothers date back to the annual spring festival the Greeks dedicated to Rhea, the mother of many deities, and to the offerings ancient Romans made to their Great Mother of Gods, Cybele. Christians celebrated this festival on the fourth Sunday in Lent in honor of Mary, mother of Christ. In England this holiday was expanded to include all mothers and was called Mothering Sunday.

    In the United States, Mother's Day started nearly 150 years ago, when Anna Jarvis, an Appalachian homemaker, organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community, a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. She called it "Mother's Work Day."

    Fifteen years later, Julia Ward Howe, a Boston poet, pacifist, suffragist, and author of the lyrics to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," organized a day encouraging mothers to rally for peace, since she believed they bore the loss of human life more harshly than anyone else.

    In 1905 when Anna Jarvis died, her daughter, also named Anna, began a campaign to memorialize the life work of her mother. Legend has it that young Anna remembered a Sunday school lesson that her mother gave in which she said, "I hope and pray that someone, sometime, will found a memorial mother's day. There are many days for men, but none for mothers."

    Anna began to lobby prominent businessmen like John Wannamaker, and politicians including Presidents Taft and Roosevelt to support her campaign to create a special day to honor mothers. At one of the first services organized to celebrate Anna's mother in 1908, at her church in West Virginia, Anna handed out her mother's favorite flower, the white carnation. Five years later, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution calling for officials of the federal government to wear white carnations on Mother's Day. In 1914 Anna's hard work paid off when Woodrow Wilson signed a bill recognizing Mother's Day as a national holiday.

    At first, people observed Mother's Day by attending church, writing letters to their mothers, and eventually, by sending cards, presents, and flowers. With the increasing gift-giving activity associated with Mother's Day, Anna Jarvis became enraged. She believed that the day's sentiment was being sacrificed at the expense of greed and profit. In 1923 she filed a lawsuit to stop a Mother's Day festival, and was even arrested for disturbing the peace at a convention selling carnations for a war mother's group. Before her death in 1948, Jarvis is said to have confessed that she regretted ever starting the mother's day tradition.

    Despite Jarvis's misgivings, Mother's Day has flourished in the United States. In fact, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year to dine out, and telephone lines record their highest traffic, as sons and daughters everywhere take advantage of this day to honor and to express appreciation of their mothers. 

    (Source: http://mothers-day.123holiday.net/)

    The inclusion of Mother’s Day was a brand-new phenomenon to the majority. Only in the past few centuries did celebrations of Motherhood develop such a focus, and only in last century did Mother’s Day was commercialized.

    Again, Wikipedia notes that: The U.S.-derived modern version of Mother's Day has been criticized for having become too commercialized*. Founder Jarvis herself regretted this commercialism and expressed views on how that was never her intention.

    1.  Mothering Sunday, BBC, retrieved 4 March 2010
    2. ^ Jump up to:a b "Mother's Day 2016: Which countries celebrate it on 8 May – and why?". The Independent. 8 May 2016.
    3. ^ Mother's Day 2017, The Daily Telegraph

    Other noted information in bullet form:

    • A more modern version of Mother's Day began in the 1600s in England. Mothering Sunday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Small gifts were given, and a special dessert called a simnel cake was served.
    • In the United States, Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (famous for writing the words to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"). But it was a woman who was never a mother herself who led the campaign for national recognition of Mother's Day.
    • Anna Jarvis held a ceremony in 1907 in Grafton, West Virginia, to honor her mother, who had died two years earlier. Jarvis' mother had tried to establish Mother's Friendship Days as a way of dealing with the aftermath of the Civil War. Anna Jarvis began a campaign to create a national holiday honoring mothers. She and her supporters wrote to ministers, businessmen and politicians, and they were successful in their efforts.
    • In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to recognize the new holiday, and the nation followed in 1914 when President Wilson declared the second Sunday in May to be Mother's Day. Jarvis used white carnations as a symbol for mothers, because carnations represented sweetness, purity and the endurance of mother love. (Today, white carnations represent a mother who has died, while red carnations represent a living mother.)
    • Unfortunately, Jarvis became bitter over the commercialization of the holiday. She filed a lawsuit to stop a 1923 Mother's Day event and was even arrested for disturbing the peace at a mother's convention where white carnations were being sold. Jarvis never married and never had children. She died in 1948.
    • Mother's Day continues to be a very commercial holiday in the United States. Flowers, candy and cards are typical gifts, and phone traffic is especially high on the second Sunday in May.


    In view of the false religious background of the Mother’s Day holiday, is it not clear that True Christians in the 1st century would not have commemorated these days? If they have not commemorated this day, why celebrate it? So, then, is it right for us  to abstain from such observances and in turn, obey the command we find in the Bible when it tells us the following:

    2 Corinthians 6:17 - Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,

    Now,Christians, True Christians need to be very careful with a holiday or custom. One can unknowingly fall into such practices if they do not know as much and can continue to deliberately partake. That being said, Christians can have wholesome activity with friends and family, but as said, there are some customs out there that they must avoid, especially if said holidays and or customs are intertwined with pagan religion activities in associations.

    Honestly think about it


    The question lies below for any one who claims they are a follower of Christ and of his God:

    Is it really worth it to partake in such a Holiday that has pagan roots, let alone has no connection to Christianity?

    Yes, one has the free will of choice, but one must also remember, that every action begets some result, and among the results, various consequences . That being said, in addition to that, the outcome can be detrimental to an individual’s faith, directly and or indirectly.

    That being said, some quick points:

    • As with majority of Holidays adopted by mainstream Christianity, Mother's Day, as with the others, have pagan roots. Therefore, just because one does not partake in this holiday, does not mean they hate their mother (an absurd assumption). It is no different from Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, what have you.
    • You do not have to be in subjection to paganism to honor your mother, for the Bible is very clear, concerning young children and their parents.
    • Mainstream Christianity and today's world promote falsehood of this level and even commercialize it.
    • 1st Century Christians never have commemorated such a practice.
    • A faithful and True Christians understands the anger of such practices and how it can effect them, therefore, they see the danger and will do everything to avoid and abstain from such practices. Best to take into account the following verse: Proverbs 22:3, which states: The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.
    • When dealing with people, let alone if questioned and or preaching, let them know as to WHY you do not partake in such a holiday and or custom, sometimes you can run into the misguided and those who do not know, if possible, even explain the Bible's view if need be.
  15. As stated in the past, as long as the RoC has this amount of power, anyone who is not for them will be targeted in someway shape or form. Ever since the little Havana  and Antarctica situation, it has always been this extreme and tragic.


    That being said, with the Covid-19 situation, parts of the world has adopted the method of the FSB's Jesuismaidan FF blueprint.

  16. @JW Insider Pretty much the power of the glorious search engine on the website. Likewise anything pertaining to other faiths, even the Unitarian, you have to search for.

    On 5/7/2020 at 2:51 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    I think they will pay a big price. 

    Moses never entered the Promised Land and I don't think they will enter one either. 

    You cannot assume for the majority, for God knows his people, who is for him regardless of where they are, their background, etc.

  17. No surprise that within days, things have been shifting.

    To add on because of the pandemic, there is mental health issues on the rise whereas being indoors for too long will cause people to go crazy, especially since some people do not have contact and or within the confines of the loneliness epidemic that has been going on for far too long. Likewise with child and or domestic sex/violence abuse, although such is not taking place in some institutions (granted that is where the majority is), there is the home whereas the family member(s) are the culprit in causing harm. Immorality is on the rise, for there are some who are bribed with sex to get around any financial blockade as is with other things, and immoral behavior is encouraged, granted, of how today's world views immorality.

    Racism, whereas Asians are being attacked, as well as Black, and to some degree, Latinos. Violent attacks, as with theft has increased, on the other side of the spectrum, you have people for/against reopening everything when things are uncertain. Regarding food, some stores, and the like, well some areas, are lacking in resources, in other areas, like parts of Africa, there is a slight famine looming. Elsewhere, possible food contaminations.

    Unemployment is at an all-time high resulting in a spark of small numbers of people wanting to get back to work, as is, with those who knows what they will lose. Those that are working, are put under high risk, granted they risk their lives to, in Amazon's case, "help get a 16-year-old his Xbox One Controller". Such ones are put at risk and do not have much safety means in the work environment; others have also lost their jobs when they called such things out. The Economy pretty much jumped off a cliff and on the verge of crashing badly, not without some $rich$ people and some institutions profiting off a good crisis that is. So no one is shy from the words of Winston Churchill when he said “Never waste a good crisis”.

    False religious is in full force, despite from those stating and or blaming God for this virus, there are those professing falsehood and deviant from what the true church has taught, which is no surprise coming from Babylon.

    Pretty much what 2 timothy 3:1-5 speaks of regarding trying times in the last days to some degree.

    2 timothy 3:1-5

    Godlessness in the Last Days

    [1] But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. [2] For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, [3] heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, [4] treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, [5] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

    Draconian measures are in place whereas there are people being confronted and persecuted in this Orwellian Corona-Era based reality, i.e. a mom being arrested while with her child, a guy being chased on the beach, etc. Drones being used despite what was said in the past, for instance, drones have been deployed in Elizabeth, NJ - mind you, these drones were made in China. Some of the powers that be enjoy said power(s) that is currently opened to them; that is, leaders across the country who while under this pandemic have got some "unlockables" that enable said powers - authoritarianism. Such as L.A Mayor Eric Garcetti who tells the people to obey or be hunted down, as is with heavy surveillance tracking of cars and cell phones as is with "sanding" some areas to prevent access, which sounds like mix of abuse of power and fascism. Mayor Del Blasio and his 8 million snitches, which is in line with spying and persecution of neighbors. Gov. Murphy in NJ sent law enforcement after someone who criticized him and his actions, this is the same guy who said he was not thinking about the Bill of Rights a few days ago which sent flames under the bottoms of some folks. You have the MSM spinning the narrative, to cause people to consume slander, fear, and panic.

    On the bright side, ironically enough, some air is cleaner. For air pollution has dropped I believe about large unprecedented percentage from what I have been reading.

    Begin to see the true colors, even the sin of some people during a major crisis, this goes for all institutions, the people, law, as is with law enforcement, etc. For although we are not out of the woods yet, this will serve as a prime example the next time wants to display ignorance, bigotry and or the like, for what I been said is all true.

    That being said, there is a few of us who are not fazed by this pandemic, myself included. However, I cannot speak for others, for they can go into some change when things go awry.

  18. @Kosonen Someone who is in the know. Sadly, when it comes to such things, people are sadly swept away, as is with those who has claimed in the past "they wish to not know such things" end up being manipulated by such in regards to the current pandemic.

    That being said, there is a massive admiration of the wild beast in regards to all things in the political limelight concerning nationalism and the like. You can see how easily majority of people turn to the wild beast and quickly adjusting to the beast's underlings when power is distributed. The blind ones cannot see, but those who take extra precaution and are vigilant can see the farce.

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