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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @4Jah2me Anything pertaining to blood in conflict with abstaining. It is not JWs who are against such blood treatments, for this is the position held by other folks be it religious or non-religious. At the end of the day, it is indeed a choice, for you have the free will to do as you may, but at the end of the day, that person will have to speak up for their actions at the white throne.

    That being said, as is with what I had addressed before, concerning blood, and as someone who was born and raised on the islands, I am not for it, let alone adjusting myself with the powers that be with their current happy hour of power in terms of authoritarianism.

  2. On 4/14/2020 at 8:57 PM, Michael Krewson said:

    WHO's parent organization is the United Nations Economic and Social Council

    And so one of the pillars of so called peace and security has been rattled. I see this as a win in terms of man controlled powers cannot govern themselves.

  3. There are some, including myself, don't trust China 100%. It amazes me of how long this has gone for and no one seems to be looking their way 100%, especially with the equipment that came from China days ago that some were not happy about. One of the Techs I worked with "technically" went under ground prior to the lock-downs in NYC, mere days before the work force was put on hold while others worked from home. He, like me, knew how things were back in November, and he himself, being born and raised in China prior to coming to the US, was an insane grudge and hatred for the Chinese Government, mostly due to something personal. He said it himself, the government is always hiding and spouting misinformation, some of which, clouds the minds of the onlooker.

    Even in the US, the silly MSM are not too bright, especially around January and February, for their beclowning foolishness is ever so clear from then to now. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the government as well, which cannot be trusted.

    That being said, you can see as of now, one of the so called pillars of peace has been shaken, by the pillar of which I speak of, is W.H.O.

    COVID-19 won't be stopped, some stated it may be seasonal, despite this, we can expect spikes in cases/deaths, and around the corner, you have a damaged economy, whereas can hinder those seeking to conjure up some vaccine for something so novel.

    Other than that, for the past few weeks, a bit exhausted. Blood and energy was more in use to help family and friends, as with some strangers along the way. But not every path has a positive outcome, for I had heard seen damage and death in this pandemic. Despite this is does not hinder me to share Scripture, especially in the faces of those who continually blame God for this, for just last week, was in a debate with someone who, within the Christian community, claimed God created this virus, such hypocrisy had to be put in it's place.

  4. Going on from what Khadtgar, aJW who is in one of the Christian discussion groups elsewhere, stated, some of the members partook in small groups, and some used video conference, at times, depending on where they are located, it was a combination of both.

    That being said, regarding the bread and wine, my family did this in the household, granted we did have 5 guests over, who, escaped from New York before the restrictions kicked in.

  5. On 3/2/2020 at 11:08 PM, admin said:

    The US has less than one million inpatient acute care beds. You read that right. Source, American Hospital Association:


    What will happen is cots in gymnasiums.

    Next, if 50m Americans get COVID in the next several months (which is not impossible short of Wuhan scale quarantine) then 5m will require hospitalization. Setting aside we don't have the facilities, this will bankrupt the private insurance world. Goodby private healthcare model - it's toast. Even the reinsurance world will collapse.

    Some people are already talking about helping those that can live on and forgetting about those who cannot. An example, if a 32 year old and a 77 year old succumbs to the COVID-19, who will get treated first? Who will get a bed first? The plot thickens should one have some sort of condition, a real life example would be those who have cancer. I do not want to mention names, but one independent journalist I know, recently, stated that his friend cannot even go to a hospital right now for a planned appointment regarding cancer. Also stating that because of how things are, he can only speak to his friend over the phone, with the only thought of that he will soon not be able to talk or even see his friend again; for we know the endgame of cancer being potent and in full effect. Myself know people with cancer, the only thing I can do is do my best to aid them in some way shape or form.

    That being said, it will be extremely difficultly once the MML kicks in after a few lockdowns, which is expected, New Rochelle will not be the only area.

    When they start to send in the Blue Hats, expect problems to ensue.


    Also I do not believe China at all. So that data you posted was correct. People do not know this and the MSM will not speak about it, especially with their "Orange Man Bad" mindset.

  6. During my recent ministry tour in Africa, there was people talking about it a few months back, so it was wise of some to prepare, hence many, truthers, such as myself, are primarily preppers, a lesson I took seriously since the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, whereas now we are in the era of this virus, which I myself, and many, call it for what it is - Wuhan Virus.

    Hence, Proverbs 22:3 - The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

    Was extremely busy with aiding the young, and close friends and relatives and relay information unto them.

    I pass this on to you. One thing that is not mentioned here is UV lights, don't know what this was brought up, but I'd have to do some research on it. Somehow that is another tool someone can add to their arsenal; despite the danger also being airborne, as some would state.


    People can be ignorant at times to say this will go on for a mere week or two or a month. The reality of the situation is that it can last a lot longer than that. In January I expect 3-5 months, and with the failure of containment for some areas, prepares 6+ months, with the possibility of a Medical Marshal Law (a foreshadowing if more gov't based lockdowns are in place; currently eyes are on Washington, Cali, and more of NYC) for the scale is attempting to mirror Italy. Moreover, times will come, for some whereas friend can become foe, and foe can become friend in the realm of supplies.

    That being said, other than dealing with friends and family, and those who mock preppers, I am dealing with those who are blaming God for this (with an utter disregard to scripture), others joking around not taking things seriously; i.e. using Thanos jokes and the like, MSM misinformation spreaders, and sadly, those I know who have cancer and the sick that will be in the back burner. I had witnessed firms lay off employees and contractors, especially those who do not have that luxury to work from home, in addition, the majority of such ones dwell in the New York Area.

    The price of some being caught off guard will be a grave one to pay.

    An the end of the day, eventually, the people will be given something experimental - soon, all the while fighting an dangerous monster of a beast has no known weakness and cannot be brought down with precision. Expect the unexpected.


  7. These are Charismatic Prosperity Preachers, nothing more. Worse of all, they all connect back to Kairos and the Interfaith movements.

    Yes, everyone is on the path to God, some close by, some still seeking, some still learning, however, such ones need to be careful of those who belittle and trick them.

    That being said, don't change lanes for such preachers, you can see by their fruit, even whatever they gain, especially currency, does not truly contribute to any works concerning God and his Christ.

  8. 18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I prefer the evil hearted person who is intent on harming innocent people worry about learning how to mitigate HIS chest sealing, using homeostatic gauze use, and tourniquets, etc.

    Not the bad guy, but the good guy. Should the bad guy cause harm and or injury, it is up to the guy good to know how to use said tools to help out those in need, hence Pre-Assault Plans.

    The Bad guy, some, if not most, have nothing to lose in this sense, granted in some areas, some bad guys are far worse than another, depending on where you are in the world, in my case, I know.

    18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    "Thrice armed is he hath his quarrel just ... and four times he who gets his fist in first"  -  Josh Billings

    And here I thought I was the only fan of Old English.

    18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I am not against plugging his sucking chest wound with my fist, as I disarm him with the other hand.

    No, this method is in regards of helping anyone that the bad guy has injured. Techniques and tools of such should be used to deal with anyone who is injured, especially if First Aid is needed, how to care for and aid someone who is elderly, a young to middle aged adult person, and or even a child, perhaps and infant. The Bad guy just wants to take a life or two, at times, to get the satisfaction by any fanatic cultish high he or she is on.

    It is up to the good guys to do something, and since not everyone is green lit to get their hands bloody, at least they can help their neighbor out.

  9. @JW Insider One thing for certain, that reminds me of a time, a few years back one summer, I was on a small missionary tour with 2 other people, we had a call from a woman who wanted to do the Bible Study at her house and the subject matter was about the parables that Christ gave, more specifically regarding the Sower. The place she was dwelling it was called "The Tree House", and quite literally, the second you entered that apartment building, every corner, every turn, the stairwells, the elevators, the marijuana scent was there. Of course the only sign of relief was the windows, and the only person who had issue with this was one of the people that were with us, so technically, wherever there was an open window, we posted up there for a bit before continuing.

    Other than that, for me personally, I see marijuana as a danger, so for a guy like me, seeing it being legalized in parts of the US is both confusing and baffling, but the decision is for them to make, and sometimes there is always a price to be paid.

  10. @James Thomas Rook Jr. As of what I mentioned before, there will be an increase is things deemed nefarious, hence this political chicken run craze. Second, no man is inspired, but are deemed spirit led, there is a difference. And Third - that language man, remember what I mentioned before to Butler?


    Truly, truly I say on to thee, if you really read the Bible, The Word of God, as you yourself made claim to, you'd be wise to watch your tongue wherever you are, even online so called follower of God and his Christ.

    I will leave here verses for you to read the next time you think, even the slightest of assumption, that somehow God is okay with that kind of language.

    • Ecclesiastes 10:12 - The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him.
    • Colossians 3:8 - But now you must put aside all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth.
    • Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
    • Ephesians 5:4 - Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving.
    • Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
    • Matthew 15:11 - it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”
    • James 3:10 - From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.


  11. In short, there are those who strive to seek truth and wanting to learn the truth about God, of his Christ, and of the Kingdom, the right and pure way, and all are welcome into this fold. Such ones vary, different race, sex, backgrounds, etc all with the common goal when it comes to being united into the faith by worshiping God, and accepting the teachings of his only-begotten of whom he sent and made Christ - Jesus.

    On the other side of the spectrum,

    There are those out there who think they have all that is known about God and Jesus, but ascribe to creeds and other things that do not pertain to the true church. Not only that, there are those who shift God's Word to fit their own narrative by means of their feelings and opinion over Scriptural Insight and understanding, as with some, they attest to merging God and his Word with things that pertain to falsehood, paganism, and other things that are not even remotely close.

    Better for a man to continue seeking everywhere he is vs. a man who accepts something that is not of the Church of the Christ.


    That being said, there is strong tension concerning Christendom the past couple of weeks. Mainstream is to blame due to it's openness professing that enabled things which will result in coming and unforeseen consequences.

  12. On 12/19/2019 at 7:21 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    There is a man who uses the name @Space Merchant that often talks of how the JW Org is 'managed'. He tends to think that the JW Org operates 'by the book'. Whether that be by God's book or by their own JW handbook. 

    But what are we seeing here ? We know that God and His son Jesus Christ are full of love and mercy, and they want the best for as many humans as possible, as long as those humans obey God's rules and show love to God and to neighbour. 

    Just seeing this now due to it showing my name on recent notifications, but to be quick and swift - clearly, you do not know what I stand for, and you haven't even bother to see what I actually stand for and what I told to as to being true. As is with me and my culture, I detest slander and falsehood, as is with falsifying anything pertaining to God, the Bible, and a neighbor, etc.

    But I take you on your challenge (and I love challenges, as is with ALL of us at The Christian Exchange) to explain yourself by taking anything I have mentioned, and quote it here.

    As all things concerning God, we are to learn who he is and who his Son is, as Jesus professed in his final prayer as seen in John 17:3-5. Yes, Jesus is of mercy and we follow his example and his teachings, but never once Jesus taught to make a slander a truth and or pertain to falsehood and shamery. Yes, we have to be the best we can, although we are imperfect, but nothing in God's Word pertains to belittling and putting down someone who is trying to, let alone being a bigot in all things in the realm of faith, as is with being ignorance and openly embracing customs that do not apply to God (I can easily find where you stand on this and quote it here, in another interact you lack in all sense concerning God vs false gods). Yes, we are to obey God, and what he puts forth, as is with what Jesus stands for and what he has entrusted and taught his followers to teach the people of the Christian Church Congregation, and or new converts, being ministers of truth, making disciples, etc.

    That being said, you are probably the last person to speak of obeying God, granted, our last interaction concerning false gods, but by all means, I am open for you to quote anything pertaining to me by means of your claim, granted I have a reasoning behind every response I make.

  13. Well one thing is for certain, a mainstream lukewarmer, a claimer of being of God, but truly is of the world, coupled with idiocy, will not be missed.

    As the Warrior of the Christ had once said, as is with Solider of God, ignore those who make no effort to reach God and his Christ, especially those who mock and to not take the Almighty's Word seriously.

  14. The irony of it all is the mainstream media do not speak of such an event, several of the sources I followed had been barred from speaking on this due to strike downs. This is another example of teaching people to be vigilant, likewise to teaching our children, reach one, teach one concerning things that can pose as a danger, older folks should be trained too, not many of them are for guns, so the alternative is to put in place some work arounds. Any institution of any kind, should have First Aid, Trauma Response Actions, as well as a Mass Causality Plan if worse comes to worse.

    Such people should also be trained in chest sealing, using homeostatic gauze use, and tourniquets, etc. Teach the people and train them to stop bleeding, etc. Plus, there needs to be a meeting and or gathering of those who are taking the lead on such matters to talk about pre-assault indicators, as well as have a one or two people with full responsibility of and being designated 911 callers should things go from 0 to 100.

    Important things lead to solutions for the betterment of the people, especially those who congregate in any institution.

  15. I mean, coming from an islander standpoint, there's no problem in this, especially when one needs to get on his feet, work on him or her self before going on their own and or if they are dealing with a situation, they have relatives to fall back on. Some cultures have no issues with this, including mine, but we do encourage the person to take some steps to try and do something, however, I can't say much for the American culture in this regard, not everyone is the same.

  16. This is the conquest of Peace that is on it's current course, it's journey to fulfill it's purpose. I speak of this multiple times. You have to pay attention to anything pertaining to religious news because next thing you know, some action can be taken against you directly and or indirectly, i.e. Children being barred from using Scripture and or reading the Bible by means of a shift and change in the Education System of Educational Institutions, in doing so, makes young ones, even college students think less about God and his Word.

    That being said, no one pays attention to the Educational System because of their drifter-based mentality. Thus it puts a danger on our younger ones if the shift effects them to leave and or neglect God.

    Those in the conquest of Peace and the other faction in the conquest for Security is a MAJOR THREAT to real faithful God fearing Christians - be on your guard whereas on the other side of the spectrum, there is brutality and violence.

    @The Librarian The UN and connected allies who are on their side are on the Conquest of Security. Which was evident with their members in the past, examples such as Nikki Haley.

  17. No false god is powerful than Yahweh, the problem is is the fact people pay homage to these Gods and or turn a false tradition into something that it is not, therefore makes one defensive and or become an agent of Satan, and or someone of this world. Even before the JWs existed, Christians held a STRONG stance against paganism.

    If the Apostles knew about false gods and spoke against them, and the traditions that connect to them, why is it a lukewarm mainstreamer like you cannot get that through your thick skull?

    Video citation(s):


    To quote a fellow Christian who made a strong point:



    As Christmas [or Xmas], Jesus was never born on Dec. 25th. Christmas only became a holiday due to the actions of the Romans and their integrated paganism regarding spirits and a list of other things. Jesus' day of birth is unknown, however, due to a number of evidence we find in the Bible, it is most likely that Jesus was born around Autumn [Fall Season].

    We know this because of the month of Ethanim, as 1 Kings 8:2 states

    [All the Israelites came together to King Solomon at the time of the festival in the month of Ethanim, the seventh month.]

    It is the name of the 7th month of the Jewish sacred (religious Hebrew) calendar and the 1st month of the secular calendar (Civil). It ran from mid-September to mid-October (Autumn Season/Tishri-Heshvan). After the Jews’ return from Babylon, it was called Tishri.

    Clearly the Dec. 25th date is not true because Dec. would call under the month of Tebeth. Whereas once after the exile of the Babylonians, the name of the 10th month of the Jewish sacred (religious Hebrew) calendar and the 4th month of the secular calendar (Civil), it runs from mid-December to mid-January (Tebeth-Shebat). We know of it being identified as the 10th month because of this verse, Esther 2:16

    [So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into his house royal in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.]

    Deut. 16:13, and Leviticus 16:29, 23: 34 also points to other events of this month such as The Blast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, The Festival of Booths and the Solemn Assembly in those days, moreover, Tishri is the end of summer days into Autumn, and it is not cold unlike Tebeth, granted shepherds and their flocks were out in the fields.

    Regarding Christ Jesus, The registration that took place was not done in the Winter. Not too long before Mary conceived Jesus, Caesar Augustus had declared a decree ordering all the inhabits to be registered in a census of some sort. Everyone had to register in his and or her own city of origin, which might have required for some to partake in long travels in order to complete such a task, which may result in days and or perhaps a week or more (Luke 2:1-3).

    This command from Caesar Augustus also places into the support of taxation and other things. It is unlikely that Augustus would have told the people and his own subjects to, even by force, to make long trips during the cold temperature and conditions in the winter. I had also stated the Shepherds were already in the fields, outdoors, granted we see this in Luke 2:8.

    Plus this should be quite obvious to you if you count backwards, from his death - in the spring of the year 33 C.E. (John 19:14-16) Jesus was about 30 years of age when he began his ministry of preaching the gospel, which was about 3 and a half years so doing the math, his birth falls somewhere around the Fall (Autumn) of 2 BCE (Luke 3:23).

    So there is no evidence whatsoever about Jesus being born on Dec. 25th, Christmas Day.

    Christmas was only celebrated and the date was made known due to church leaders of old, and this day consist of pagan Roman festivities and practices, as is the celebration and birthday of the Sun God, Saturnalia (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, and or Birthday of the Unconquered Sun), whereas the observances include Public sacrifice and banquet for the god Saturn; universal wearing of the Pileus, as is, The Winter Solstice. This also stems into the territory of Artemis (Diana) worship, granted we know (not you obviously) the history of this false goddess and her Temple that was originally in Ephesus.

    God does not approve of such customs if they come from false religions and it’s practices, and it is against Bible teachings. (Matthew 15:6).

    A fun fact would be Christians in the mid-1600s had banned Christmas because they knew it was un-Christian, moreover, The early Church Document otherwise known as the Teachings of the Apostles (which you still cannot name) does not alluded and or even contribute to the idea of Christmas practices.

    You can trick the common imperfect man, but you cannot trick God.



  18. And such ones like myself should be offended by this? A Ha and a clap to that.... The boom of Christianity during the time of racial tension, most likely going back even further when the Bible was used by certain folks....

    No one is oblivious here...

    That being said, the only issue the Black Community has is with Christians who do not take up to Scripture and do the work, especially the spreading of the gospel (which is a BIG THING some look into concerning the commission), and such ones know the history of past Christians during an era whereas racism was somewhat prominent, and over time, the tension between groups began to decrease and the people began to come close and embrace.

    Ryan, you should be far more worried about today's Atheists, your peeps.

    @Arauna Apparently, people do not know the history, especially back in those days. I can assure you, racial tension coming out of the late 1800s into the 1900s is not alien to the Black Community, especially regarding Christians, in which it took time for racial tension to decrease and people to connect. However, on the other side of the spectrum, there are those, I would not call Christians, who are among the community itself that is sparking and or pushing a false narrative concerning race, and I have dealt with them a few times.

    That being said, to any honest reader understands the history, but an ignorant person barks and too weak and feeble to even bite. Reasons why verses like Proverbs 10:19 comes to mind concerning people who convey without reason and or backing to their word.

  19. 3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    You are going to have to do some serious explaining, to justify that statement, as it makes no sense at all.

    Further, if Thor is the reaction you get when eating a Thanksgiving Day meal, you need to take some Athpirin.

    Unfortunately, Thor would not be able to help him when it comes to the judgement seat of Yahweh, the last time we someone used a false god to go against Yahweh didn't end to well - recall the story of Elijah (1 Kings 18)? Technically a hares not having a chance in a den of foxes.

    Matthew simply exposed himself for siding with the goddess Ceres, likewise, to him siding with the other false gods, Tammuz and Saturnila, as past discussions show.

    That being said, mainstream Christians always want to justify Un-Christian practices. The baffling thing is, WHY?

  20. 7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I was just kidd8ng about thor, I know he doesn't really exist.

    My response was not directed to the Thor comment, it was regarding something else, clearly concerning Thanksgiving. For it you wanted it to remain a joke, you should have chosen your words very wisely in your next response, so you walked into this one - classic Matthew.

    7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    So when Christians get together for Thanksgiving and pray to Yaweh, you jw's are calling Yaweh a pagan god....this is blasphemy of the highest sort.

    This just shows your ignorance, and it shows how you, among the mainstream, do who propose yourself as Christian, cater to traditions of men. As far as I know JWs do not consider Yah as a pagan God, however, they consider, like the rest of us, you should be among the fold, that the pagan god in question concerning Thanksgiving is all about - That is, if you care enough for Yahweh to understand how he is about false gods and worship.

    In short, concerning what @4Jah2me said, which clearly cannot be defended; the issue here is not with having dinner (a household practice among families), the issue is primarily on observance of paganism. You and 4Jah can fool around to your heart's contend, but I say to you this, a serious man or woman of God doesn't mess around or succumb to lukewarmness in situations like this, more so, giving ammunition to people like Jack Ryan and Atheists cohorts to clown Christians.

    True Christians recognize that we do not need one day or a government issue day to give praise to God, for Christians praise and thank God everyday, however, we should not be like the Romans, to interject paganism into Christianity.

    Concerning Thanksgiving, it is an annual harvest that stems from a very old tradition known to man. Thanksgiving was celebrated originally in early October as some would say by the Romans and on that holiday, the celebration was solely dedicated to The Goddess of Harvest, Ceres (which I mentioned this to you before, but evidently, you shy away from it), in addition, the holiday itself to it's very roots is called Cerelia (not to be confused with Floralia) - An ancient Roman religion, the Cerealia, was the major festival celebrated for the grain goddess Ceres. It was held for seven days from mid to late April, but the dates of said celebration are uncertain.

    Eventually, the Christians who took favor it such eventually took over the Roman holiday and it soon became a well established tradition in England, where some of the Roman customs, as well as Roman rituals for this day were observed. Also as a side note, the King of England proclaimed days of thanksgiving during the American Colonial Period, and in doing so without the influence of either the Pilgrims or Puritans.

    Now it is not unknown to anyone that JWs as well as the Restorationist community do not celebrate pagan festivities, more so, perhaps use to do so perhaps in the past, as many have, until they discovered it's roots vs. earlier Christians who knew not to mess around with paganism, let alone show some form of observance of such days. As for us, majority of us Unitarians (most if not all Unitarian denominations) do not partake in such things, and in my case, the culture I grew up in, such observance is discouraged and frowned upon, to please God we do not partake in the sins of what some traditions bring, so to speak, therefore, it is wrongful in the eyes of God, for a Christian, to incorporate anything originally used for pagan worship and practices and combine true religious worship to Yahweh and or related activities concerning Christian practices. Although you have a choice, just not every choice and or decision comes with some sort of outcome, even one that reaps consequence.

    Information of the Goddess of the Harvest, or Thanksgiving - Ceres


    Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain, and the love a mother bears for her child.  She was the daughter of Saturn and Ops, the sister of Jupiter, and the mother of Proserpine.  Ceres was a kind and benevolent goddess to the Romans and they had a common expression, "fit for Ceres," which meant splendid. 


    Ceres, the goddess of agriculture

    She was beloved for her service to mankind in giving them the gift of the harvest, the reward for cultivation of the soil. Also known as the Greek goddess Demeter, Ceres was the goddess of the harvest and was credited with teaching humans how to grow, preserve, and prepare grain and corn. She was thought to be responsible for the fertility of the land.

    Ceres was the only one of the gods who was involved on a day-to-day basis in the lives of the common folk. While others occasionally "dabbled" in human affairs when it suited their personal interests, or came to the aid of "special" mortals they favored, the goddess Ceres was truly the nurturer of mankind.

    Ceres was worshipped at her temple on the Aventine Hill, one of the Seven Hills of ancient Rome.  Her festival, the Cerealia, was celebrated on April 19.  Another special time for Ceres was Ambarvalia, a Roman agricultural fertility rite held at the end of May. Ceres is portrayed holding a scepter or farming tool in one hand and a basket of flowers, fruits, or grain in the other.  She may also be wearing a garland made from ears of corn.

    The Romans explained the turning of the seasons with the following story:  Ceres was the sister of Jupiter, and Proserpine was their daughter.  Proserpine was kidnapped by Pluto, god of the underworld, to be his bride.  By the time Ceres followed her daughter, she was gone into the earth.  Making matters worse, Ceres learned that Pluto had been given Jupiter's approval to be the husband of his daughter.  Ceres was so angry that she went to live in the world of men, disguised as an old woman, and stopped all the plants and crops from growing, causing a famine.  Jupiter and the other gods tried to get her to change her mind but she was adamant.  Jupiter eventually realized that he had to get Proserpine back from the underworld, and sent for her.  Unfortunately, Pluto secretly gave her food before she left, and once one had eaten in the underworld one could not forever leave.  Proserpine was therefore forced to return to the underworld for four months every year.  She comes out in spring and spends the time until autumn with Ceres, but has to go back to the underworld in the winter.  Her parting from Ceres every fall is why plants lose their leaves, seeds lie dormant under the ground, and nothing grows until spring when Proserpine is reunited with her mother.

    What is, and I quote you, the word specifically,

    7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    this is blasphemy of the highest sort.

    You are right at some degree, however, your own words points the arrows in your direction, shooting yourself in the foot, or set flames to your own tent, so to speak. You say you are a "Christian", numerous times, but now we see a foolish display of hypocrisy on your part (this isn't the first time, nor the last), and using JWs as a shield will not help you at all, so that JW badge, pin or whatever I figuratively removed from you and cast it aside, in addition, without said shield and or appeal to motive, the Bible can now be used against you and your spirit can be tested (1 John 4:1), a verse I love very much by the way.

    Now, to be blunt, God, you know, the one you said you pray to, tells us "clearly" in the following verse

    Exodus 20:3 - You shall have no other gods before me.

    So we see here, God is very clear, quite elementary and straight to the point. I'm sure you have a good reading comprehension, so the reading difficult is practically non-existent. God tells us that we should not have ANY other God besides him, and no, it is not just a single verse if you are not aware, that would be way too easy, rather, this is stated numerous times, countless times in Scripture concerning God Yahweh and false gods, take a read at the good book, knock yourself out - https://www.openbible.info/topics/worship_of_false_gods

    Let's not forget about what Jesus said to Satan as well (Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8) Jesus said to serve only who? Yahweh, the God of Jesus, the God of me, the God of you.

    I do not know about where you lay, mentally, but Jesus Christ, the savior himself, God's only begotten, was as clear as the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and an honest reader can pickup and understand what is conveyed.

    Question to you, if you partake in the festivities of Ceres, no matter how hard you try to Christianize it, how to do think God views what you are doing?

    Let's continue to unravel your hypocrisy... Next verse.

    Amos 5:21 - I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.

    Now, The Most High, Yahweh, clearly do not show approval for festivities that has roots connected in the soil of false religious practices that condone such ill conduct, i.e. paganism... We shouldn't be dwelling in unclean things (Isaiah 52:11; 2 Corinthians 6:17), and the Scripture makes it clear as to such, especially on what we must do concerning worship.

    As Christians, we should be against such things, upright even, and profess the truth of the gospel to those that either do not know any better and or lost in the murky seas, conjured up by the Great Harlot, Babylon.

    For if people like Apostle Paul and countless others can stand up to what is wrong, what is preventing you from doing the same?

    That being said, you can clown people with your idiocy, but you cannot clown God for showing who you are, and a 3rd time, I was right to include you among mainstream Christianity due to the fact you think such a practice is OK... Reasons why True Christianity will ALWAYS be above mainstream Christianity, for we not only know the teachings and the Scripture and what Jesus had taught about the gospel and God, but we do so much in our power to put the application, hence, that is what makes US Christians.

    I leave you with this - Who are you for: Yahweh or Ceres? There's no middle ground according to what is read in Deuteronomy and the marginal references, which you should know - It's mentioned in the Bible itself, in which, Christians read day and night. I know where I stand, but you... You do not have any type of Holy Ground to stand on, nothing at all perhaps...

    If anyone is committing blasphemy - it is you, in this regard. Clearly, there's no explanation and or refutation to something that you know to be indefensible, but you can torment yourself to try even though there's no backing to defending something that I can boldly say as God is my witness, unclean.

    Your so called spirit has been tested... "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Hmmmmm .... and here I thought Ceres was a minor planet in the Asteroid Belt ... who knew I was really celebrating a grain god?

    I didn't.


    I think you have BOTH lost your grip on realty .... BIG time.

    The more you know when it comes to researching into things a bit more, mainly the root of something. It happens to the best of people. What is consider harmless gatherings is at times harmless, mainly when it comes to the Creator vs. his Adversary and who is on whose side.

    That being said, I have a grip on reality, more so enough to drop the truth bombs in hopes the mainstreamer finally chooses to repent.

    And yes, everyone knows about that planet, but the name, not so much.


  21. @Jack Ryan You know, I asked you nearly a year ago pertaining to your so called findings, and still you have nothing. I am making this response because there was a debate where your information was called up exactly and your findings are unfounded. This goes back to what I had said about some Atheists, such ones like yourself, to convey without no repercussion of what comes next.


    That being said, the attempt was nothing more but a mirror to a Walmart version of David Wood.

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