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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @Arauna Not all educated people know their Bible. Sadly, you have some Christians and preachers proclaiming positive by means of showing that the Bible supports Homosexuality and exploiting the love and forgiveness that is God and through his Christ.

    But yes, the majority of the world is intertwined with the false teachings of mainstream Christendom, this includes what you've mentioned

    8 hours ago, Arauna said:

    It is not a myth though that the teachings of trinity,  immorality of the soul and hellfire originated in pagan religion and are not biblical teachings.  These false teachings obscure the true value of the randsom sacrifice - the most important teaching in the bible. So if a person understands that Jesus put his soul in death and has faith in it, he is much better off than remaining in church teachings.  His bible study has given him a chance to everlasting life. 

    False teachings, practices, etc of which this world's Christianity's embraces needs to be refuted. Another thing is, false teachings such as these are the very ones that is actually declining Christendom and putting Islam and Spirituality on the raise, so in this sense, Trinitarians are indirectly harming themselves, but makes the job harder for legitimate preachers of the truth to teach the truth of the Bible.

    The truth of the Scriptures are interpreted differently by some, but the core conclusion is what is needed to be proclaimed in regards to the Bible in order to push out a professed truth - in short, someone may speak of what happened at Mount Gerizim differently and or what is in Revelations differently, but the core conclusion to said teaching is what remains the same, and said teaching must be taught to the people and or the person in the Bible study itself - helping said reader to not just read, but also to apply, and even meditate on what is learnt. Then you have Apostates who teach and twist and even throw in a bit of hate, I had my far share of such ones who claim to be Christian and defend false teachings and preach that Jesus loves everyone and that homosexuality is okay, or the fact that God has no care for the Earth he has created - they are gravely wrong.

    That being said, falsehood is everywhere, but there is and always will be a small handful of people who will minister and teach the truth, often times such ones are the very ones who are targets.


  2. The thing is what it comes down to is that - is it true or is it alleged? Because when it comes to odd people, people you do not like, and or hate, or have some other reason, there will always be an accusation against them. So, evidence over facts.

    15 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I prefer it black, no sugar, no nothing due to the fact that I fast for nearly 2 days.

  3. 7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I agree with you if we lived in a perfect world, but it's not.

    That's the thing - we do not live in a perfect world, but as a man of God, a follower of Christ, you should have the sense to know better during the End Times.

    7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Does the believer just stand idle and watch others be killed, raped, tortured, etc.,

    Clearly. Not all instances can be stopped 100%. You can save and or help one, but the other you cannot. We as Christians can help people, but we do not take orders of men of the world to strike down another man who is blindly following the same order. The fact you support going to war only adds more fuel to the fire.

    In this sense, you are among the fold who are very supportive of such. I can tell you this, some in the military that I've met don't always want to go fight, others, wish for war to cease, like you said, "a perfect world", but clearly, the rich and power and Babylon has their ways.

    7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    and hope it does not come to their family and then to again just sit and watch it happen to your family. 

    Unfortunately we live in a sin filled war. Unlike you I had seen my fair share of blood and death, some I had prevented, but it does not change the fact that I take drastic action that would cause me to strike and kill someone, who is also God fearing.

    7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Stopping the evil actions of others does not make one a raptist, butcherer, war monger, does it?

    You clearly do not know what happens in war. There are evil people out there. They have men fight and kill other people's sons and daughters, some of their sons and daughters are butchered and raped, and brutally murdered. You can prevent an action in this village, but you cannot in the next.

    Man, no, mankind cannot solve all problems, they cannot prevent all problems, let alone make corrections and or solutions to benefit all people. You and I both know that is impossible, for if that was the case, we would not have a need for God's Day. Only God and his Christ can solve mankind's problems, the very reason God made Jesus King and has given him power and authority, hence the gospel of Matthew and what we read in Hebrews. Only God's Kingdom is perfect and can cure the imperfections of man, and by means of God's Kingdom, His Kingdom will crush all of man's Kingdoms, hence Daniel 2.

    That being said, I would also like to point out, of the Temptation of Jesus gospel (Matthew 4:8-10; Luke 4:5-8), what Satan tried to offer God's Son is the Kingdom of this world (governments), and what was Jesus' reaction? He refused and even told the fallen one that it is God that he must render religious worship to, for in this interaction, Jesus, a born Jew, quoted what was written in the Law.

    So in regards to going to War, as a Christian, the blunt and absolute and obvious elementary answer is - No.

    Yet again, the line is painted between True Christians and Mainstream Christians, and it does not surprise me in this sense to see why the Atheists nowadays like to make jokes in this case of Christians and War, even to the point some would even point out the fact that Jesus is for guns and bloodshed - blasphemy.

    That being said, you and I both know this is not a perfect world. Be God fearing and continue to wait for the End Times and Tribulations, try to reach out for hearts - not physically disrupt someone's heart by force and or violence to cease their life, Matthew.

  4. @4Jah2me Not only that, something that I've debated on a while back, and others chimed in, you and your enemy are God fearing men who seek God to gain you victory. A True Christian and or someone who has become a Christian and building up in faith would know that War is not the solution, and going to War is wrong, so in the Christians case, even to the JWs, neutrality is something that must be put into application.


    That being said, if one is of God, we do not take the side of men to commit bloodshed on other men. Fighting an old man's war that has no solution, but rather, consequences, and more sons and daughters to be butchered, killed, raped, blown to shreds,tormented, etc. The mainstream accepts this, even marvel at the bombing of men, women and children apparently, true ones do not.

    When the rich and powerful wage war, it is the poor and the lowly, humble ones that pay for it in death.

    Likewise with Kingdoms and authorizes, submit, but do not serve them over God himself because it is only God's Kingdom that will cure the sickness that is imperfection concerning mankind.

  5. And after a while, you and Rook has not brought up anything? Concerning child abuse, in the months I was away, what I can say is that there is more stains on the Americans and the British regarding children, and aside from that the same people who cry out and call to combat child abuse often become the offenders themselves and or indirectly encourage and snare. I have a lot to say about this, so I will point this out when I have time.

    That being said, you learn some things when you are preaching the gospel, and gain some informative insight on the current state of things in today's world.

  6. @Matthew9969 There one for you too Matthew. Now both you and the JWs have some common ground.

    That being said, you need to understand what a cult is and what a religion is. Apparently, people tend to call anything a cult whereas they don't know what that term entails, let alone, such ones use the word if they legitimate have disdain for or do not agree with them at all, i,e. Muslims consider the Tirune a cult, or taking worship up to Eostre or Saturnalia... There's a bit of irony to that.

  7. On 10/25/2019 at 8:57 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    The judges of Israel were not called faithful and discreet slaves.

    There were several judges, not just one, as there are with several Apostles, Pastors, Priests, etc. The logic you push is the fact that the faith group as a collective is one person, when truly that isn't the case, hence it can be understood by the sarcasm posed by the other commentor.

    On 10/25/2019 at 8:57 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    The trinity isn't confusing at all to true Christians.

    Unfortunately it is. So much as so that True Christians can see through the farce, as in finding out false Bible verses that is used to support the Trinity has been exposed to be spurious, and or using Sharp Rule's to justify the belief, twisting the words of Apostles.

    True Christians recognize that the early Christians, to their core, were Suborinationist that have no holding to any creeds and or beliefs that came after, that is, until Trinitarianism was forced upon them, and over time real Christians stepped up, and some of them were targets and even became victim to those who support an incorrect teaching.

    On 10/25/2019 at 8:57 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    But 7 men who claim to be one man, I'll expand this even further, these 7 men claim to be 1 man and also claim to be Jehovah, now that is out of this world weird doctrine.

    And yet when this was asked of you by the latter, it was unfounded.

    That being said, all faiths have a single and or several religious leaders, you are no different. None, expect, Kairos, claim to be God and or equal to God in any sense. The idea of Restorationist claiming to be Jehovah or Yahweh is as alien as a blizzard in the south.

    On 10/25/2019 at 8:57 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    now that is out of this world weird doctrine.

    Such doctrines do exist, but it is unheard of concerning Restorationism, Islam, Unitarianism, etc.

  8. Apostasy is as it is as it always is to be. The term that JWs use has no problem in this sense because the God defiling and hating ill are as they are - mentally depraved. Alienate from the good news gospel, is in the realm of Apostasy when you move said person away from what the Bible says, be it by means of his or her own interpretation of the Bible vs. the charismatic folk.

  9. On 11/17/2019 at 3:28 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Well at least in Russia they can honestly say it is religious persecution. Unlike in America and other countries where it is about the CSA. and the shunning policies.

    Anything in this regard is persecution. However, concerning the US, you are dead wrong. It shows how little the general public knows of what is going on regarding Abrahamic Faiths in the US alone.


    That being said, you may want to look into excommunication and shunning a bit thoroughly.


    As for CSA, it is worldwide, and in all institutions, and does not segregate itself to sex or race.


  10. There is a LOT of information that is not being conveyed to the public. I was quite busy with reading into all this even some documents that had been released.

    Hid death was oddly convenient, but the problem is, this angers people like me and the truther community, for now there would be no answer for his crimes, and the names we want, most of them, will be unknown, promptly it lets those in connection to him off the hook. Ms. Maxwell, Epstein's partner, is nowhere to be found, as it has already been meme'd and joked that she left planet earth. Epstein was about 6ft tall and it was said he hung himself off a bunk bed, with knees to the floor, however, this would be deemed impossible for the bed-sheets were as thin as paper and could not hold someone of his height and size, which was claimed, more so, before his apparent death, one of the inmates that was jailed with him had been removed. Screaming was also heard from Epstein's room, and it is now said, someone who is hanging himself, how was he able to scream.

    There was also a delay on the autopsy of his body, and the person who is said to have discovered his body was none other than Mark Epstein (whose wealth is also a mystery), the brother of the late wealthy convicted pedophile.

    Also there is talk about Naomi Campbell whereas Epstein's sex slave (Virginia Roberts Giuffre) was seen at a Birthday Party, perhaps the only underage girl there at the time as some are saying, and there is a picture:

    Ghislaine Maxwell and Virginia Roberts can be seen in this photo with Flavio Briatore and Naomi Campbell (center) at the party.

    That being said, I was reading unsealed Epstein Docs before the claim of "Camera's Malfunctioning" was coined: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/340226_a6ab3f919e2741919ec645fe1ede1d7c.pdf

    That being said, still looking into this myself due to the fact everyone is all over this now, and ironically no one batted an eye years ago regarding this person.

  11. @Witness 

    About John 2:19 (19-12) of this we know. This verse (or small passage), of which only Apostle John had recorded, John 20:19 is something of debate in the realm of those for/against Trinitarianism, such as the proclamation that spawns a pushed notion that Jesus Christ himself had performed the miracle of Self-Resurrection, which is false, due to that it was mentioned countless times that God had raised Jesus from the dead, more so, making him both Lord and Christ, which was professed by Simon Peter at Pentecost 33AD unto the disciples and evidently unto converts who accept both the faith and the teachings. What Jesus met by means of what he had said confused the Jews, for they assume he was talking about the Temple of Herod, which had been constructed in 46 years’ time. Later on we see when Jesus was under trail, his opposers, those against him began to speak his words, but clearly mix and twist regarding what Jesus had said, to spin the narrative, if you will (Matthew 26:61; 27:40 and Mark 14:58). But the factor of the matter is that Jesus was speaking figuratively as this is evident in John 2:21, for he was comparing his death and resurrection to that of destroyed/rebuilt temple. Jesus is also referred to as another term, the cornerstone, and both Simon Peter and Apostle Paul also a similar saying concerning the followers of Jesus.

    Regarding the that the body of the Christ is the Temple of God, of this we also already know, and in that temple there is the faith, there is the teachings.

    The verse you pointed to, Ephesians 2:21 has more to it. The outline [By Grace Through Faith] gives us insight of what this chapter conveys concerning Apostle Paul’s letter to the Church of Ephesus while he was in Rome. For 2:11–3:21 in full is concerning the change in the spiritual position of Gentiles as a result of the work of Christ, in addition to an account of how Paul was selected and qualified to be an apostle to the Gentiles, as is with talk of unity among those in the church of the same faith of which I had mentioned just some days ago in the Whitewash thread in response to the boy, which I will quote here:

    On 8/5/2019 at 11:45 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Ephesians 2:20-22, Chapter 2 in its entirely is regarding all Christians, in this regard, the Ephesians, and at the time Apostle Paul wrote this letter from Rome, while under guard and awaiting trial. More evidence that shows how Witness is painting the message on the wall here is the fact that chapter 1 (also well into 3), from the get go, Apostle Paul addresses both the chosen ones who will be with the Christ and the ones who will have eternal life, coming together in union to God through Jesus Christ. From there it brings us to chapter 2 whereas Paul spoke of the Old Covenant being a blockade to Jews and Gentiles, but because of Jesus sacrifice, because of the death of our Lord, this blockade has ceased to exist, for as stated many times, Jesus’ death enabled the New Covenant, all things pertaining to Spiritual Israel, and God’s people consist of both Jews as well as Gentile, for Paul pointed out already there is no distinction between Jew or Greek, and a nod to Simon Peter, who stated God is impartial, more so, God’s spirit dwells upon True Christians who accept the teachings and adhere to what Jesus taught, as is with worship his God.

    Around the time this letter was written, a similar letter was conveyed by Apostle Paul to the Church of Colossae. Both the Colossians and the Ephesians had similar issues, in the case of the Ephesians, there was a lot of paganism concerning them, especially their area, i.e. one of the wonders of the land of which was mentioned in the Bible.

    Regarding your source, “congregation” is the joining of people in groups, organized, etc. Said group of people gather together for a purpose and or activity (in this case, they congregate together to worship and profess faith in unity). In the Hebrew text, this term is often associated with The Nation of Israel (or simply put - Israel) whereas in the Greek text, it refers to people and or individual congregations of a body of Christians and or often a direct reference to the general Christian church congregation, however often times some translations the term Church or Congregation is often used in order to show the reader the difference of what is being referred to when and where, etc. The term associated with both church and congregation is "Fellowship" which in brief means the friendly association and or gathering; especially with people who share one's interests, more so, those who are of the faith, called, being in fellowship with the Son who is Lord – For Apostle Paul’s greeting and thanking God for the Corinthians he had mentioned this in his first letter to them.

    Said second source of which you pulled speaks of those who are not among the chosen ones who will rule alongside, it even makes the distinction that such ones are dedicated to God and Jesus, more so, being in the same church, having the same faith as those who deem themselves as chosen concerning the body.

    Pentecost 33AD and all events regarding it is shown and can be read in the book of Acts chapter 2 in full, its allusion being chapter 1 as is Luke 24 and other marginal references.

    Jesus’ sacrifice is also something of benefit for mankind itself outside of the chosen ones, especially the sheep that are loyal and faithful and accepting of the teachings of the Christ of which they accept and built their faith upon, which brings 1 John 2:22 to mind.

    The term “Body of Christ” has several main but separate meanings. We already see and understand that in Luke 22:12-14, the term refers to [Jesus' words over the bread at the Last Supper that in regards to his body] and in Apostle Paul’s case, namely in his Letter to the Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 and his letter to the Ephesians, Ephesians 4:1-16, [he links the term to the Christian Church (Congregation)]. This term is also in connection of what you are conveying by only small portions from said sources you are drawing from, which is [concerning the chosen ones who will reign and rule with our Lord – Christ Jesus]. For some also associate the term [concerning the Lord when he associated himself with the poor of the world and this is also called the Body of Christ.]

    Aside from that, why not show more from your source and or take into account concerning the church itself as I have a bit more?

    Of this we know (again... regarding the body of the Christ). We can also take into account of chapter 1 of Apostle Paul’s focus concerning both the chosen ones and the faithful servants of the Christ in the Church. God’s purposes concern his household, for they, the chosen ones who will side with Christ and they, the ones to have the eternal life and resurrection hope, are united with God our Father through our Lord, Christ Jesus. For it is not unknown to anyone that Apostle Paul addresses both, granted that he himself was very close and connected with the Church of Ephesians.

    That being said, would have said something sooner, but clearly I was far more focused on all things pertaining on big news that has spun the wheels of the truther community.

  12. On 8/6/2019 at 1:21 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I was expecting an answer like " Yeah, how about that?"

    That would have been the case, but I am the type of person who sees the things of this world for what it really is, and I am not the only one. Think about it, shootings will still happen, there will always be blame and a scapegoat, which will take place several days to a week later, there will be those who spin the narrative to bank and profit and shut down anyone who speaks the truth of the matter, there will always be fear mongering and insighting of fear, there will always be a push to disarm and or control, which will make anyone who upholds the second amendment be branded either a victim and or an enemy, and at the end of the day, government will have their say in regards of many parties who think and or say otherwise in support and or against.

  13. @BillyTheKid46 It may come down to how blood is removed from meat/poultry and how it is cleaned. For a majority of us outside of the US, and especially on the islands such as Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, and some South American areas, when we clean meat, we do so thoroughly, with either vinegar and or lemon/lime being other items in the cleaning process which takes anywhere from 1-2 hours, and afterwards and again use either the same items we used to clean the meat and keep it chilled for several days after it is cleaned and after an X amount of days said meat can be used for whatever dish. What we also do during the cleaning process, granted that a majority of us reside in the US and or if outside have some meat products shipped to the countries, we before we undergo the cleaning process of blood, we clean out the chemicals - granted that some meat process is riddled with chemicals to preserve the meat products (one of the reasons a whole lot of us like grass fed meat products more). In the United States, there is a lot of people who cook their food without cleaning it, with either blood and or chemical still intact - one of my reasons I do not always like American BBQ spots, such as Famous Dave's, for I wouldn't get any beef or chicken there if need be.

    As for consuming/giving blood, culturally, outside of even religion itself, some of us do not do, we must not do, even in the face of insult, more so, we do anything and everything to not be in alignment with a common enemy in said countries, others, who do not take or give due to superstition reasons. As far as Christendom goes, some do not accept blood, for the saying was this was only a JW thing, however, in a heated discussion with an SDA preacher who spoke of blood and the stance JWs had not realizing it isn't only them who uphold such, for a lot of Christians, both JW and not, had colorful things to say regarding blood.

    That being said, for me, I cannot eat or take blood, not only due to what the Bible says, but also by means of strong cultural roots, in addition to what I consider the biggest enemy in my father's country, which has a way of traveling outside of the land. At the end of the day, what is said in regards to not take or give is there, but even though it is said, the decision is up to the person, for their decision is between them and God.

  14. 4 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The right to bear arms, as is necessary, for personal and family and associates self defense is as basic and natural as the right to eat food, and drink water, and breath air. It is a NATURAL right, like the right of an unborn baby to live, or a person to speak freely, or associate with whomsoever he or she wishes.

    But you have the powers that be who say otherwise and push a narrative to draw forth fear, which can and has been disarming, even harming those who seek to protect themselves, and their families, even if you do everything by the book. Then you have those who take up influence to cause harm to those who are deemed enemies, i.e. the Patriots to Antifa, Antifa to the Patriots.

    Although a right, at the end of the day, you have no power to defend, but rather, what the Government and those in said power who says what you can truly defend and whom to trust [them] with your firearms.

    6 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Whether the governments of Earth protect these rights, ignore these rights or restrict or eliminate the exercise of any of these rights is a whole other subject.

    It isn't about ignoring, it is more about control. Government has their hands everywhere, in the schools, the banks, the churches, the stores and shops, etc. They do the same with whatever it is you use to defend yourself.

    7 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The RIGHT to bear arms existed BEFORE the United States Constitution sought to protect what already existed, by saying that those rights shall NOT be infringed.

    But it seems the game that is on the table has changed, especially with the situation the United States is in now.

    8 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    But above all else in the world run by so called kingdoms and empires, the government has their hands everywhere. You are lucky enough to escape the grasp for a moment, only to be reeled back in for another big wave.

    What people fail to realize is the power they have on everything that stands tall, and everyone who roams cities and towns. We already have radiation forced upon us untested, causing people to speak up, likewise, the situation is similar with guns.

  15. @James Thomas Rook Jr. 

    The term itself is accurate however.

    • Think not that I am come … - This is taken from Micah 7:6. Christ did not here mean to say that the object of his coming was to produce discord and contention, for he was the Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 11:6; Luke 2:14; but he means to say that such would be one of the effects of his coming. One part of a family that was opposed to Him would set themselves against those who believed in him. The wickedness of men, and not the religion of the gospel, is the cause of this hostility. It is unnecessary to say that no prophecy has been more strikingly fulfilled; and it will continue to be fulfilled until all unite in obeying his commandments. Then his religion will produce universal peace. Compare the notes at Matthew 10:21.
    • But a sword - The sword is an instrument of death, and to send a sword is the same as to produce hostility and war.

    Also see for commentary - https://biblehub.com/matthew/10-34.htm

    On 8/4/2019 at 7:34 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If you cannot forgive your enemies, the most you should do is forget them.

    We should always forgive them, despite how vile some of them are. But not everyone takes into account forgiveness and repentance of sin, instead consider it nothing more as a game, for endless relapse into sin and err.

    So as imperfect ones, some among us, are truly not all that forgiving, nor some of us are all that repentant, thus throwing away of what the Bible says regarding such.

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