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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 4 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    In today's news a pre-Edenic settlement was found in Israel ... over 9,000 years old.

    It would be another 3,000 years before Adam was created, etc., etc.

    This is one of many thousands of examples, all over the Earth, why I believe there were  two species of humans .... "Homo Sapiens", and Homo Theocraticus" ... those created directly by God to for the FIRST time, having an opportunity for  everlasting life, and those who evolved, for which there is also irrefutable hard evidence, although they were not considered real men and women, legally.








  2. 8 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Didn't the watchtower teach at some point that black people were descendants of Cain?

    They are not Black Hebrew Israelites, for if that was the case the demographics would differ. For the BHI believes Adam and Eve and all of Israel are black, including Jesus himself. They also believe King James of England I is black and did not have a secret life in order to justify the KJV Bible. In addition, they believe that all those who are not black, regardless of race, will be sent to burn in hellfire, be it a good, bad, misguided, or still in the womb, you are considered a threat (also states that God detests all those who are not black) and a so called Children of/Sons of/Daughters of Esau, and they ignore the fact that the Bible tells you clearly God is impartial, more so, they are afraid to speak on the passages concerning Adam and Eve, in which mankind originated from, be it black, white, Asian, Indian, Arab, etc. And some of them have some negativity towards the Holocaust.

    That being said, you cannot compare an apple to an egg, vice versa, an egg to an apple. It won't make sense when someone who is honest and sane can make the distinction between the two.

  3. @Srecko Sostar I do hope you are aware that the debate is still ongoing (for I am a legitimate debater even outside of Christendom and to such I take very seriously be it I start it or someone else), granted you initiated this debate. The questions posed against you still stand, Srecko.


    That being said, stepping away from an ongoing debate like this is a total disrespect as well as a side of R.F.A.D.

    That being said, I already have closing points to all your claims for debate conclusion.

  4. The question is, if some of them have beards, how to they deal with those who uphold a specific viewpoint on beards concerning people of certain countries and or a nation? For example, some Nigerians who uphold beard bans act differently with people who have beards vs. those who do not have, similar to the whole aspect of a language barrier whereas the person is vastly different if you speak their language and or know there locale and or originate from said locale.

  5. @Witness Spiritual Israel consist of all those under Christ (i.e. followers, converts, disciples, Apostles, heirs of the promise as mentioned in Galatians etc.), not solely the chosen ones, and second, how can you speak in this sense when originally you watered down what Christ will soon be doing in the glory of his Father? For, in the past, you negated what Jesus will be doing concerning the wicked persons and those who do not accept and or obey God by means of the good news gospel.

    Lastly, that word (κεκονιαμένοις) has 3 meanings concerning the verse:

    • to cover with lime, plaster over, whitewash
    • the Jews were accustomed to whitewash the entrances to their sepulchres, as a warning against defilement by touching them
    • term applied to a hypocrite who conceals his malice under an outward assumption of piety

    The contextual meaning of the word used in Matthew 23:27 one of the 3 is used; parallel both to Acts 23:3 and Deuteronomy 27:2; 27:4. Whereas there are only 2 Occurrences of the word in gospel of Matthew and the book of Acts.

    That being said, the other person is new, his account is evidently in it's infancy.

  6. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Unfortunately they are not employees however. There focus is the commission in terms of spreading the truth. Reasons why people are seeing more and more JWs on the positive side because of when it comes to the commission, that is the only group they profess in terms of organized religion, more so, when it comes to money, people will point out if the money is in majority used for the commission, they will not see a problem, and this is the general public concerning this faith community.

    That being said, if the general public who are not religious sees this, something is indeed taking place. Especially in the face of brazen conduct that is literally through the roof.

    They're at 8.5 adherents by the way, and apparently still growing.

  7. 1 minute ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    There seems to be a cross over here between asking forgiveness from a person, and / or, repenting to God through Christ.

    It is a mix of both granted of what was seen in the other thread.

    2 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Who of us is really capable of judging others ? God has judged. Jesus Christ can judge. But us humans are all sinners so do we have the right to judge if a person is repentant to God ?

    None of us, but depending on what the person has done, decisions can be made to take action, as is with Jesus' church in the past.

    3 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It would seem that in the JW Org, men, Elders, are given the right to judge others. But what exactly are those Elders judging ? They cannot judge whether God or Christ has forgiven a person's sins. Elders can only judge if a person has basically apologised to the JW Org. Repentance attaining to forgiveness from God through Christ is of no one else's business really. In my opinion (which most on here seem to disagree with :) ) a person has to make their own peace with God. 

    But you must take into account what Jesus himself has commanded and entrusted his church, especially concerning wrongdoers, either in the ignorant sense and or those who do sin willfully. If someone wants to enter back into the church of the Christ, the community must be informed and those who are in religious office should make the decision of whether this person can enter back into the fold when it was known he or she had been excommunicated.

    Actually it is, when actions can and or has effected the community as a whole.

    5 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    My point here about judging others, is not about judging who one should mix with etc.

    But you do this freely and when this was brought up there is an excuse, at this you should be honest to yourself in this regard.

    6 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Because we all need to judge in that way.

    How so?

    7 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Most people judge who they will trust, or who they will spend time with,

    Not necessarily. If a person is trusted, why must one judge them?

    8 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    maybe even to the point of who's vehicle they will travel in for safety.

    That is within the reaming of loyalty, responsibility and trust.

    8 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    But surely it is not our place to judge on God's behalf. 

    Exactly, but the thing is in older discussions you yourself have judged.

    9 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    For instance Billy the Kid has judged that i will not receive forgiveness from God or Christ.

    Can you give an example? For he must have said this because you can say this, but the discussion between the two of you may be entirely different.

    10 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    In my opinion that is going beyond the things written. 

    Not really because there are those who misguide others, who will not enter God's Kingdom, especially when not putting into application what it means to be Christ like and to apply the fruits of which is vital for Christians to apply.

    That being said, op's directive is regarding those who exploit forgiveness and repentance, as in, a man can sin willfully, repent in the face of the faith community, only to enter back into the fold to sin again, as is that is what can be drawn from his response to billy in the other thread.

  8. 48 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    This is so good statement and must be saved for past, present and future evidence and proof about your claims how you defend JW Church  from "attacks" of those who are talking against them :))) 

    Continue to hide behind JWs to save your own hide from what is being asked of you because your stupidity and cowardice within a debate is ever so evident.

    Like I said before and I will say it again, in a discussion if it is SOLELY Bible based, that is where you fail, ultimately.

    That being said, this debate is still ongoing.

    I await your claim on baptism and your claim on me saying simplified editions, otherwise, you slander and you show yourself of who your father is as is with the stupid ones, as I refer to to everyone who enters a debate who protest slander.

    It is said, that

    When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.

    Perhaps next time when you engage and or start the debate, educate yourself first, otherwise, you will end up looking more foolish than a fool in the king's court. And I had said before when it comes to debate I am very serious about it, more so that I been watching debates for years, as is partake in them.

    I agree with the teenager, you do what you do best in these domains concerning ignorance, stupidity, slander, attempting to appeal to motive(s) [which do do many times] and then some.


    That being said, before you forget, remember, Bible only, you do not need a JW to hold your hand nor hide behind one in utter cowardice to debate.

  9. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    SM, please stop speaking things that you know nothing about . :)))

    On the contrary, I do know what I am talking about, for I had been vocal about Russia even before this ban and the State Duma adding new laws to hinder the people, as is with the Nanlvy Heroes targeted on the FSB face track site.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You are not JW member and have no enough knowledge about them :)))

    One does not have to be of the faith community to know where they stand, as is with all faiths. My only problem is slander, glasglow boy.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    It is through his organization that God provides this light that the proverb says is the teaching or law of the mother. If we are to walk in the light of truth we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our Father but his organization as our mother. -source:  https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1957325

    And yet you pull their source in order to mold it into some made man concept that goes around of what they are conveying.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    WT Society as Main Legal Entity (with all sister companies)  is The Mother to JW members.  

    According to the former JW who knows enough in this domain, his word speaks more volume than your word, with evidence to this which can easily be quoted.


    That being said, stay in your lane, Srecko.

  10. @TrueTomHarley It was also a political move in part of Russia granted JWs are 100% neutral and do not choose a side, let alone attend events that glorify war in Russia. This may seem to be the case because I remember the 777 crew mentioned a teenager who directed that the girl was somewhat of an enemy because she is neutral, there were other cases to, you really have to dig in all things Russia.

    Aside from JWs, Russia does not like anti-Kremlin heroes, which seems to be the cases with several people, as is with some, being accused for some things they did not commit, and Russia takes the extreme on some folks, be it Macbeth, Pokemon, or cracking jokes, if all things is directed to the duma, the Kremlin and or the church, best believe there is going to be guys showing up on your rooftop or sawing off your door.

    A whole lot of us knew something was going to go down so we spoke about it late 2015 into 2016, and evidently the pieces were in play for Putin's election and all things connected to it.

  11. Yes. Christians can easily be exploited. For if a man sins against himself and or someone, he can fake repentance, play his card as an actor, to be reinstated and back into the fold only to commit the same acts again.

    Others will continue on sinning, and think that God will simply for give them, i.e. a man who commits sexual immorality with multiple women, and after each ill action, he prays, repents, only to willfully do the same thing over and over again. It is one thing if someone is addicted, but someone who generally loves his or her sins and does so, will are the false ones. They pretend to be Christian by means of immoral parties on a Saturday night and suddenly on Sunday they are a Saint.

    Reasons why people do not take the Bible or God's word seriously.

    Then you have those who incite infighting within Christendom, and those who take the flaws of someone and or a group and attack them for it when said flaws are not even in the realm of heresy. 

    Aside from that, the fake repenter is usually brought back into the fold because Christians practice forgiveness, which is understandable, but they fall to being gullible as if all things will be happy and dandy afterwards, and such sin can stem from sexual immorality, violence, willful drug use without an addiction, and even child abuse be it violent, mental, sexual, etc. as well as Gang Stalkers, and those who wish to spread doubt and false doctrines within the community.

    I have more to say, but I do such at a later time.

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. But that would negate what must be applied if you are down this route. Repentance does not require ammunition. We should be taking in a lesson of what the Bible says about forgiveness and repentance. We should also be aware of those who exploit this in the Bible in order to commits more acts of sin, even to others.

    @Equivocation Because young so called Christians in high/middle/elementary school, even in my day, do not know what a Christian is and how to be one. They would say it and say Jesus saves and that's that, and they do not know Yahweh. Also some would consider your forgiveness as fake because you are a JW, as is with love as some had said, which they'll say is fake, and such ones will be quick to judge and assume when they do not know you as a person.

    @JOHN BUTLER And yet that would take away from pass sayings and discussions; a contradiction at best concerning some. Forgiveness is as simple to understand as is with Repentance. There are those in today's world who has no idea who God is and even some, their apology are genuine, for not all people are bad persons, just in a wrong place and or misguided, hence, i.e. homeless persons, troubled teens and or children, a mental torn person, on the other side of the spectrum you have those who are so deep down in sin, they think no one can forgive them, even God and such ones often cause injury to themselves and or others, i.e. lashing out, suicide, which seems to be recent as is the experienced I had spoken of some time ago. For such ones are far different than those who fake repentance and or forgiveness, as is with those who do so to pretend to repent and seek forgiveness only to commit more sin, such as violence, immorality, etc.




  12. 17 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    I remember you said you were baptize in some waterfall area in islands.

    Yes I did. I was young when I had been baptized, so were those with me at the time. All of us, me included, we chose to get baptized because we had been studying God's Word. In fact, I was very eager to for baptism because I understood, I heard, and studied, and built faith on what the Bible teachings, more so, what God professes and what he has brought forth through his son Jesus.

    17 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    But yeah, Frida is always like this when he knows he is wrong he struggles to get out of it. Anyone who reads the Bible can see clearly what is said and and understand how some things played out. But I gotta admit tho, a lot of people will say we cannot answer anything because we don't rely on Scripture, but when discussing with someone who isn't in our faith they try to be a as smooth as a pearl to try so hard to not be wrong.

    Because Srecko has no idea what he is talking about, and the more he speaks, the more ignorance and stupidity is on full display and he was the one who started the discussion and attempted to save his own hide but ultimately fails and it shows utter weakness on his part.

    That being said, I even told him before, Bible only, ignore all the JW stuff and it's community, you included, and that is where we see his folly.

    I still wait for his claims, his simplified article claims, etc. His animal preaching claims have already been found out to be false.

    17 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Frida does what he does, and he took this L

    And apparently he is angry because he was quick to give you a vote down for stating the truth, granted before you did say the both of you had some history. Just for the sake of it I will just agree with you because his so called spiritual knowledge is jarring.


  13. 20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Did you never heard how WT Society speaking about JHVH as Husband and His Zion Organization as Wife? This Mother has "children" around the world - congregations :))) in fact many JW brothers and sister consider Earthly Image of God's Kingdom aka WT Society as their "spiritual mother".  

    In Legal terminology and Business issue,  WT Society had formed many "sister companies" under various and different names around the globe. Each congregation is separate Legal Entity too, and in short jargon way i said how WT Society is "Mother" in both ways, spiritually and legally. :))

    Not really, according to the sources in relation; that is, for a former Jehovah's Witnesses, to which holds enough fact over claim - this was directed to you and Witness at the time.


    21 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Mother Corporation?

    A made up concept in order to push forth claim, more so, to use a specific concept to interject slander and or twist information of what the person and or group is conveying.

    The thing is, one wouldn't be working for someone who has been subjected to harm for a span of years.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    ..... so finally,  you accepting that Donkey was "empowered" aka "Inspired" by God to speak His will :))))

    What I accept is what the passage says.

    What do not accept is your claim of the donkey preaching the gospel of the Christ, as well as praising Jesus when he has not even come to earth by means of Mary yet.

    Fish Flailing will not rescue you from the stupidity engineered by your own hands.

    Speaking about stupidity, you are interjecting things into the focus of discussion in hopes of avoiding what you said. That is also another stupid mistake.

    21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    "empowered" aka "Inspired" by God to speak His will :))))

    God's Will? lol? What was in God's Will regarding the donkey.

    21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    well, well, all I need is waiting enough time and you will make consent about quotes I made :)))))))))

    I need not to because I spoken such in both page 2 and 3.

    21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    because your's words are many...

    Anything to discern stupidity, ignorance and a man who slanders on an equal fitting as Satan himself.

    That being said, I guess because the Bible is too many in words and passages, you don't take the time to read it.

    Therefore, all your claims are unfounded ans utter lies in the face of what is actually true.

    Also I am waiting on this comment of yours regarding simplified editions comment.

    If you are going to say I said something, get a direct quote of me saying it. I am not debating left wingers and right wingers so I have the time and patience.

    But by all means, continue to make a fool of yourself regarding a direct biblical discussion, for it immortalizes who you are to everyone eye.

  15. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

    And your point?

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So, did apostles when heard this for first time, understand this literally or figuratively?  

    lol, jumping to Matthew and Mark now? The context of this verse, well, the passage itself is regarding Jesus' prophecy whereas the Romans had rendered the city of Jerusalem and her temple to ruin, sections of the wall stand, but evidently battered, but the city itself has been laid to waste.

    As we can see from the passage, it is referring to a literal city - Jerusalem.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Well, please, what we today have to understand and how about past and about future in connection to some Bible quotes is not in group of "simplified edition articles" as you suggest. 

    lol I like the fact now you are dodging your own claims about stones. So tell me Srecko, why jump to Jerusalem now when you attempt to bring forth an exegesis on sentient stones of which you claim is mentioned in Luke 19?

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Bible quotes is not in group of "simplified edition articles" as you suggest. 

    As I suggested? Where have I suggested simplified edition articles?

    My only sources were:

    A Bible (NASB/ESV) and a Dictionary

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If you don't like to receive message from "Donkey", nobody can do nothing about this. :)))

    The problem here is that you claimed the Donkey was not just preaching the gospel of the Christ, but you said the donkey, an animal, as is, all animals praise the Lord, Jesus.

    We know here that you lied, and speak deception when Numbers 22 tells us the truth.

    To be blunt, Ba'laam was going to harm to God's people, and on his way, God caused the Donkey to speak, in order to halt Ba'laam in his tracks, or the end result was Ba'laam being slain by an Angel of Yahweh, despite this, Ba'laam was hardheaded in regards to reason, which fits the bill with you in this sense.

    But carry on to continue making a fool of yourself because it shows how the lack of Bible reading, Srecko.

    That being said, next time you make a claim of something, back it up with Scripture for there is always a how, when and why to something. It is understandable to make mistake, no one is immune to this, but to willfully thread with deception reveals who's table you sit on.

    I am still waiting on your claim regarding baptism. The fact you haven't brought this up, as is with stones and animals preaching the gospel, makes you a lair in every sense; your appeal to motive tactic doesn't work with me either because I been down that road for a long time.

    I do not know if you did this on purpose, but starting a 1-to-1 debate with a legitimate debater and having your tail between your legs was probably your most biggest mistake.


  16. A lot of people seem to forget what was going on before all events unfolded in Russia, such things even mention by Free Radio as well as the 777 crew, more so, it is evident in the historical event with Pope Francis and the election win of Vladimir Putin.

    What people also do not realize is to team of powers of whom Russia is factioned with compared to the US, both factions having a specific team member that hates the guts of the other.

  17. 6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    No, if it was obvious, then you would not engineered such stupidity in the first place.

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Moses as Writer of Pentateuch have some "problem" when he was state how Snake and Donkey has spoken in human language :)))) perhaps his "inspiration" was in question, according to You SM.

    No, Moses did not have a problem, and you will not get the case to through him under the bus a 4th time. Moses was someone who was clearly a man of God and had written what things as is in the Torah. We see from Moses' writing that God caused the donkey to speak to Ba'laam, in this instance, the donkey was not preaching a gospel at all, for God caused it to speak in order to give warning to Ba'laam, hence the angel in the middle of the road, for it God had not caused the donkey to speak, if God had not uncovered Ba'laam's eyes, he'd be nothing more than a corpse on the road whereas the donkey itself would had wandered off.

    Nowhere had Moses written either the donkey or snake was inspired. Perhaps take a lesson of a Law Moses wrote by not adding to the text

    • Deuteronomy 4:2 - You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord [YHWH] your God that I command you.

    That being said, you yourself said to be focused, yet here we see you jump from baptism to gospel speaking and back to inspiration, yet again evading to answer your own claims. lol

    No, inspiration was not in question because no such thing is drawn from these passages when if you read Numbers 22 and Genesis 3, you'd realize on things transpired into Ba'laam and Balak, as is with, Adam and Eve's disobedience.

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

     I just repeat what he wrote - that is, animal can talk to human :))) ......

    Not really, look at page 2, you stated Animals as well as Stones can preach according to the Bible, more so, you added that they can praise the Lord. Granted before you lost focus, I shall add, even a child can pick up what is said in the discussion and call you out if need be.

    If you met such, than you should not have stated what you had said in page 2, quoted to you several times, but you ignore it because you are fish flailing, attempting to climb out of the hole of slander of which you dug.

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    if not for real than in figurative way, hahhaha.

    You do not know the difference between literal, symbolic or figurative, both you and Witness share this same ignorance.

    The only thing figurative concerning what is mentioned in this discussion is the stones crying out, of what Jesus was talking of, for that was not literal. The Bible speaks of blood as well as death being personified, even a city, but these things are not persons, all such are spoken of figuratively and or symbolically.

    A jagged example would be,

    Literal - An apple is literally sitting on the table, if no one is going to take it, perhaps I will.

    Symbolic - An apple is a representation of good sugars, hence beneficial for good health.

    Figurative - An apple is literally sitting on the table, it is calling me name, and it screams with good sugars and nutrients.

    Likewise regarding Jesus

    Stones were all over the place, on the roads, in the cities, etc. in those days. Stones are often tied in with things cities and or some actions taken by ancient Israel and or others, etc. Jesus used random stones to speak in lesson of what we read in the focused passage.

    That being said, if you do not understand what the Bible says let alone context and the hermenutics of it all, it shows, going back to the baptism, you are not a hearer of the word, and you rely on your own understanding of men. You also prove time and time again, if you are not talking about JWs, and the Bible only, you are weak in this domain (there is an actual debate of a similar instance regarding 1 Timothy 2:5).

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But, sometimes some sort of people are called that they are animal not human been, or that they have animal behavior. So, according to this way of thinking this sort of "animals" can speak too :)))

    Well unfortunately for you, we are focused on the donkey, which you brought up, and now the snake, which you, brought up.

    You said before to stay focus and not drive off into something else, yet here now we see you are the one doing this, which I have not; merely responding to a response.

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So, according to this way of thinking this sort of "animals" can speak too :)))

    So what was the point in mentioning Ba'laam's donkey and Satan manipulating a snake, both events that do not line up with what you are conveying?

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    About Stones, same stuff. Luke was "inspired" to write what he heard from Jesus. So, who failed? Jesus or Luke? :)))))  

    Yes, and Luke was smart enough to know that stones cannot literally preach the gospel of the Christ. In fact, no one, even Jesus, literally assumed and or thought stones to speak the gospel. One cannot imagine a stone walking, in rolling into a synagogue to proclaim the gospel, that is absurd.

    So the only person who failed here, was you, who said that stones can preach to quote "according to the Bible".

    Therefore, your claim for the donkey, for the snake, and for the stones, is unfounded. When you were questioned regarding your evidence on baptism, it is unfounded.

    Both instances, your so called spiritual wisdom is like that of a worm beneath notice.

    That being said, I suggest you read, study and understand your Bible more because this is one discussion you've exposed yourself in at how pathetically weak in faith of God's Word you really are, let alone not being able to hold your own concerning the Bible. Also, your understanding is that of men, and it is painfully obvious.

    Which goes back to what I said originally concerning children, likewise, anyone can take example from Acts 8 on someone being preached about Jesus and embracing the teachings, or the jailer from Acts 16, who embraced the teachings of Jesus and eventually his family did and his whole household got baptized.

    Now, I will link to you 3 chapters from 3 different books in the Bible, read them carefully this time.

    Regarding the Snake (Satan uses a snake) - no gospel concerning the Christ was spoken here by the snake.


    The Stones  - no gospel concerning the Christ was spoken here by the stones.


    Ba'laam's donkey  - no gospel concerning the Christ was spoken here by the donkey.



    We can debate on prophecy, but that is ammunition for another thread.



  18. 18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You asked for Bible Verse: I delivered you Bible Verses.

    Why yes, indeed. It was asked of you because you said the following, that Animals (plural) and stones (plural) can preach when you made a response to those speaking the gospel truth of the Christ.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Interpretations and explanations of verses is not the point. Because you can interpret what ever you wish :))) 

    Not really, it is common sense according to Bible context. There is no animal and or inanimate object that can speak and profess the gospel of the Christ, such is only done by able body persons of mankind who hears and understands, hence profess.

    You brought up Amadeus, perhaps take into account your own example.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I state that animal can preach.

    Yes you did, only after it was said that animals cannot preach the good news gospel. The response was directed to @James Thomas Rook Jr., then you chimed in.


    On 7/9/2019 at 5:54 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Animals cannot preach the gospel, understand and learn about God let alone teach it.


    Your response to that:

    On 7/10/2019 at 1:00 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Balaam's Donkey did, and Stones can preach too, according to Bible.

    You even went on further to say that animals can also praise the Lord; i.e. give praise:

    On 7/11/2019 at 1:10 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

     :)) animals today also praise the Lord :)) 

    The fact the refutation was strong against you, now we see, as we say in a biblical debate, Fish Flailing

    Right now as we all can see you are only attempting to cover your horrendous circus of a mistake.

    The fact of the matter is the fact you said according to the Bible, makes you a slanderer, not even up-to-date on the most elementary things of the Bible. We see already in the passage regarding Ba'laam's situation, as is with a fugitive talk of which Jesus professed, in both situations, we do not see animals or inanimated objects preaching and teaching. Also a bit faulty on your part, concerning the focus was about children.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    After word "preach" i stopped.

    You did not, you kept putting emphasis on animals and stones preaching the gospel truth, granted preaching the gospel was made known before you came up absurdities which engineered your own failure and tomfoolery. According to you, animals somehow can knowing praise the Lord himself, Jesus.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I found Bible idea that animal can preach (talk to people).

    No you did not, granted what we see in page 2. Because it was mentioned to Rook first about preaching the gospel truth, the good news gospel, etc, up until you made your response that yield no evidence, but rather, a depravability of a mental state concerning elementary things of the Bible. A child can better explain what teaching and preaching concerning the good news gospel and of Christ is all about - you, however... Cannot.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What they can preach? Gospel, Rocket science or Psychology?

    Clearly nothing, as is with your claim, and you now ignoring the claim that you made regarding baptism.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    That was not issue from my position.

    Actually it was, it is all over page 2, I was not talking to you, I was talking to Rook, then you interjected with your claim of animals preaching the gospel, as with stones, hence I asked you with 1 John 4:1 in application, which thus exposed you for revealing who you are truly for, John 8:44.

    In this sense, you shot yourself in the foot out of omniscience confusion.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I found Bible verse where animal can preach (talk to people)

    Ok, let us see if there is an animal preaching about the Christ or the gospel of what he taught.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Snake in Paradise

    Oh boy....

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Snake in Paradise also spoke to Eve and preach some sort of doctrine

    No. Satan, God's Adversary used the snake to communicate with Eve, the snake does not speak, but rather, the fallen one is doing such. And he was not preaching a gospel, he was persuading Eve to disobey God Yahweh by means of a lie, hence why it is called, the first lie, or original ancestral sin by some.

    The irony of this, that one can say according to the Bible, in this regard because it is true.

    That being said, the term that best fits here is persuasion, seduce/seduction in order to push the deception, which led to the disobedience of our first human parents, reasons why evidence to such can be found at

    • 2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
    • 1 Timothy 2:14 (you and witness had an issue with this one) - and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
    • James 1:14, 15 - But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

    [This also includes marginal references pertaining to such]

    That being said, as we can see here, perhaps you do not even know what the word preach or doctrine means, for, Satan was not pushing anything religious to Eve at the Garden of Eden.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    (another "gospel" if you want,... haha, not "gospel"

    The only thing that is funny is the probable fact you do not even know what the word gospel even means.

    In short, it means, the teaching or revelation of Christ; the teaching of what Jesus taught.

    Here is a Dictionary Link for you: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gospel

    I do not think you can laugh this one off, unless you are the type of person to laugh at your own ignorance.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    in strict way about Jesus and his death and his life and what he has said and done.

    At this point the Fish Flailing is even stronger, in which you cannot hold up to what you yourself stated in page 2. So much for being focused.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But "something" that have connection about God and People).  

    And what is that exactly? That according to you, a pebble stone that sits on the highest mountain is screaming and shouting that Jesus is the Lord and the Christ, loud enough for passerby to hear something? lol, absolutely no.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If you don't like it,

    What is there to like if you show ignorance and exposed yourself to be a lair?

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    we can agree how we disagree and to stop this discussion :))))

    Well, you walked into this one with your silliness, the response of preaching was directed to Rook, and he alone, until you popped in with your silliness, and during that time, I was waiting for you to put evidence to your claim about baptism - which is.... unfounded because you never uttered a word since in this regard.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If you want that your words be last words,

    I am simply waiting on your claim when regarding baptism and animals and stones preaching the gospel, to which you said, this is according to the Bible. So, let's have it, Srecko.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    please make some final comment to show yourself how you are right and i am wrong :))))))))))))

    I rather you answer you own claims because this comment here only shows me you caught yourself in a lie.

    So therefore, I am simply waiting on your evidence to claim, for I had yet to even start.

    As so, I recall on page 2 you spoke of, yes, about that

    On 7/10/2019 at 3:47 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    In comparison to "mature", "spiritual"  people [...]  or me

    this is your time to shine because you initiated said discussion, which I have time for because I am not in heavy discussion with any left/ring wing who thinks they know who God is.

    That being said, one will see who sits at which table concerning what the Bible professes, what God's Word profess, as is with those who understand it not by means of using understanding of men.

  19. 10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

    29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”

    30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

    “No,” he said.

    Numbers 22

    Lol, and now you have proven this point time and time again, if you cannot speak of JWs and focus solely on the Bible, you make yourself appear foolish, ignorant, and silly, as well as dense.

    As we can see I even told you, to show me a verse and or passage of said donkey preaching the good news gospel and or the Messianic Age, and clearly the claim you made was a lie and is unfounded.

    But you've given me quite the laugh, and it shows you have no idea of the whole ordeal with Ba'laam as well as Balak.

    But just for the sake of the discussion that you've created by means of your claim, let's simply this even more.

    A second time, can you show me a verse and or passage of a donkey (or any animal of your choice) preaching the good news gospel (The four gospel accounts of which Jesus preached) as well as the Messianic Age (The coming of the Christ).

    You stated you are up there in spiritual wisdom and you stated the JWs are speaking in deception. But let's focus on the Bible alone and see who is truly in deception.

    10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Man and animal conversation, (don't you never heard about Dr Doolittle) :))) 

    No need to try and shift the discussion to hide the fact you cannot back up your own claim. You said it yourself, to be focused, let's have at it, Srecko, where in the Bible we see the Donkey preaching about Jesus and the teachings of Christ, let alone teaching people about God?

    10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

    You also stated the stones preached also, show me where in the Bible this is the case?

    So far you are only showing something of what Jesus mentioned in figurative sense, granted our last discussion, both you and Witness did not know what is symbolic, what is literal or figurative, hence the mental gymnastics you both displayed whereas the other claimed God sent Satan to the Egyptians.

    10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    :))) Jesus promised that stones will cry out.

    Clearly you didn't understand that Jesus was speaking figuratively, in fact, the biblical context pushes this strongly, even the outline for the passage reads the following: Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

    The exegesis of willful stupidity will shows you do not know or understand the Bible, let alone Jesus' words, yet you had the audacity to speak that people spread deception - take a good look at what you displayed here, for you cannot hold even your own regarding the Bible, and that is utter weakness, on your part.

    That being said, your claim is as silly as and or equal to those who people Jesus grew into a giant with a walking and talking cross singing him praise as they come out of the tomb - equally as absurd as a clown wearing a business suit in a busy city.

    In short, you walked yourself into that one, and exposed yourself, thus, as the saying goes, you gambled, and lost.

    10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

     Do you have problem with His promises? :)))

    Your willful ignorance shows that you do not even know Jesus' promise, if you think Jesus was crazy enough to assume and profess that inanimate objects can speak, teach and sing, etc.

    That being said, speaking of the children, at least a child has more sense to understand that what you have attempt to response with by avoiding your own claims, is utter stupidity.

    A young one would tell you, straight, that rocks cannot speak. They will also tell you the events with Ba'laam, God caused the donkey to speak and it did not move because an Angel of Yah was standing there, visible to the donkey, and it was not preaching, let alone knew who Jesus is.


  20. @BillyTheKid46 Yes, and there are some dark waters on the internet to and evil persons under said waters. It has and always comes down to using a tool for good vs. using a tool for bad.

    I gave an example of this with a hammer, whereas a good man can use the hammer to build a home whereas a bad man can use that same tool to harm and or cause chaos.

    Speaking of all things internet, we must watch and protect our children because there are those who seek them out, trick them in order to shame, commit harm, etc, and with the topic at hand, even influence fornication online. An example of this was the whole Pedophilia situation with YouTube, but it does not stop the spread of such ones when merely disabling comments and removing accounts that can be created again perhaps under a VPN, which reminds me to add something to note on another thread, for I had been looking into some things regarding social media.

  21. 6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    WHY to leave if they, at age 6,  were been "AWARE" how they get "the truth"  ??? :)))

    lol did not realize you made more responses until I got to page 3.

    As can be seen that you cannot contain yourself you had to say things separately within a span of a single hour, I see.


    My original comment I said the following:

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:
    10 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    When a person reaches the age, they can make the choice to leave or to remain,


    Anyone who understood that can see I am referring to reaching the age when they can make the choice to leave and or remain. That age being the age of 18. Are you daft, Srecko?

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    And I really do not care of what they follow,

    Yes, I do not care what they follow. They have the free will to make that choice, just as Amadeus had made the choice himself to do what he did. It is only problematic if people starts to speak of slander and silliness that makes no sense.

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Upps, well by such feelings in your heart, you expressed in your own words

    So here is a question for you: Do you make changes to, restrict, limit, and alter things concerning the life of someone to choose to do something or not? Perhaps you have authoritarian control over people such as JWinsider, Anna, John Butler, Sami, Billy, Rook, Witness, Tom, etc, perhaps me included?

    Do you care to the point that you have this power to use for ill will to turn someone into a literal emptymen?

    I am giving you a chance to speak your mind in this regard, perhaps this time you do not evade.

    Dare I ask, can you convince Rook or JWInsider that these are not the drones they are looking for with ease?

    6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    reveals a lot to me, and maybe to others who will read your text too. 

    Yes it does, absolutely. I am not puppeteering the lives and choices, making the decision for them. The only thing I can do is to educate and instruct, but it is the choice of the individual to make, likewise to anyone in this situation.

    That being said, I do not care, the only thing I do care about is the truth, and when someone speaks slander of something, someone has to stand up to what is true, even in the face of those who are kicking a man while he is down.

    Truly, truly I say to thee, you are an absolute journeyman. I say this without a pinch of salt and the fact you are misguided, unlike most I have pity, despite the tomfoolery that is often displayed by you.

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