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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @Witness You're welcome.

    That being said, they will also see how you interjected teachings of men concerning Jesus' church, and your attempt to use a prophetess as a church leader, let alone claiming a slander of misogyny when said slander was directed to someone who takes his culture seriously, let alone agreeing with someone who is cool with sex change. let alone going about something you do not understand and pushing a falsehood, a strong one, as a truth.

    I linked this conversation elsewhere too, especially CSE, and the majority pointed out, as I have, that you are not among the chosen, even one another whom I do who has heard his call, SoG, makes the same response concerning you.

    As I had told you before, you scrap your knee caps, one too many times, and I can clearly see even if the discussion was not about JWs at all, you cannot hold your own concerning the Bible, in fact, the only thing that holds you is JWs, and that discussion we see without your help from JW sources, you do not hold fast that well, even going as far with the ageism response.

    Check thyself before ye wreck'th thyself because such a path concerning you is clearly not one leading you to the Kingdom of God, mainly if you speak against what he has in place and resort to referring one of his holy spirit filled followers as one speaking of mere opinion.

    Truly they will see, no they have seen the truth of the matter, concerning the Church of the Christ.

    I always walk my walk and talk my talk because as a Christian, as a truther and what my culture represents, I do not use slander as a truth in which you have done so many times, more so, worse of the worse, I do not twist or mix Scripture, which you continue to do, when I and others have called you out of this.

  2. @Outta Here There is also the whole situation with the age of consent, human trafficking. It is far worse for young girls vs. boys apparently, and today's society in this age are sexualizing children in conjunction with pornography.

    Truly truly in all honesty, sexual immorality is the biggest villain to mankind concerning sin, and it often promotes people to attempt to fight it in the wrong way which also contributes to the problem. I and others proclaim this a lot and now we see where this leads, reasons why I prefer to protect children by means of teaching them, compared to those who toot their horn and do nothing concerning the problem.

  3. 5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I am aware of some younger kids will experiment with sex and what not.

    What I speak of is not experimentation, and regardless, that in of itself is sexual immorality, mainly in what follows after that, more so, there was a children's care book that speaks of this matter.

    5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    But if you read my post again, I'm talking about a 5-10 year old who is raped, you idiot!

    You brought forth fornication, and I've made a response to that. Calling someone an idiot in regards to speaking about fornication makes you below an idiot, so I suggest you not trend in said waters otherwise you will be thoroughly refuted with ease.

    Lucky for you, I am forgiving even though you are a misguided hypocrite.

    5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    And children who are raped by family members in their homes.

    Yes, cases like this do happen. In the US as well as the UK, a victim of child sexual abuse and or violent abuse. Race wise, abuse is primarily done by Caucasian/white males and it is always the father figure, if not the father, the uncle and or older sibling, which brings forth child on child abuse, which is a difficult and complex form of abuse to watch for and or deal with regarding the aftermath.

    5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    You guys are disgusting pigs who believe these young children who are raped are the fornicators in the rape.

    And where have anyone stated that rape is okay? More so, you idiotically mixing 2 concepts together: rape and fornication. 

    Last I check God made humans who can discern, humans are not literal animals, and evolution is not biblical. 

    5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    There really are no words to describe how disgusting and disturbing and downright demonic some of you jw's are.

    Not everyone here is a Jehovah's Witness, there are Trinitarians, and even Atheists here, I myself is a Biblical Unitarian, and we are not blind to child abuse, in fact because I push to educate people on child abuse, my actions have helped many, as is with others and the children I speak to on a daily basis whenever I am available.

    Now, as I told many before, no all JWs are bad people, like in any group, religious or not, any community, etc. there is good people and there is bad people, to throw everyone into one basket for the sins of a single soul goes foolishness, stupidity and bigotry on your part. It is like if someone were to attack, physically, a group for people with intent to injury or kill, the media and folks who support such media will put everyone into one group.

    That being said, you also made yourself foolish granted what was said within your response in this regard.

    5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I'm starting to wonder if some of you are currently raping children

    Seriously? That is a deprave minded response. You may want to look into the statistics and see who commits more child abuse in the sex/race demographic and then come back here and speak.

    That being said, this response shows everyone here how you do not adhere to Jesus teachings. If one JW abused a child, you assume, willfully that all JWs and other faith groups do the same thing, even the good people among them.

    That in of itself is hypocrisy on your part.

    Child abuse is everyone in every group in every race in every nation. Even the people you seek to end child abuse, do it far worse than those in the churches and schools, i.e. deliberately killing children, black mass, etc.

    Other than that, Jesus' lessons teach Christians to discern, which you lack granted you mixed 2 things together out of foolishness when people can see it for themselves.

    5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    maybe even your own child.

    So how do you know if I have a child or not? Assuming?

    I do not have children, nor do I plan on having children granted my situation. I do however care for children and teach them, be it blood relative and or those who leave their child in my care, in other cases, whenever there is a gathering, I put emphasis on for children to share their feelings (both the good and the bad because some children suffer depression) and experiences, speak their mind on certain matters, come to an even ground with on another by means of peace, to spread a good message in order for them to apply so they can take said wisdom and teach others, and so forth. Even beyond that, my own culture adheres to respect of not just women, but of children also, something it seems a majority of you guys in America ignore; granted the ignorance of the cultural background of others.

    When our children is raised right, when we teach our children to do good by means of education, even education in the home, when they are out, they not only represent themselves, but those of their household and those of whom they support.

    That being said, to assume, to mix concepts, to throw Jesus' lessons in the mud makes you the credible idiot, Matthew.

    I will leave you with this and perhaps you learn from @Outta Here response.

    I gave you the definition of fornication, but I will link it this time so you know the difference:



    At the end of the day, I suggest you teach the children, be it you have or not, or communicate with them. For it is such ones like you who contribute to the problem if you do not take action to help our children, granted that Child Abuse Prevention Services, all of them, encourages strongly to teach our children. I suggest read what I had posted before:


  4. On 6/30/2019 at 11:32 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    So does a person have to use the name Jehovah to witness about Almighty God ? What if a person uses the name Yahweh ?  

    Yahweh, Jehovah, Yeovah, Ieovah, Yahuh, Jahweh, etc. They all point back to YHWH. Aside from that, despite the modern pronunciation being Yahweh or Jehovah, thanks to the research done by means of 1,000 manuscript and what Nehemiah had discovered, we see the recognition of Yehovah. Now this could pose a problem for those who said Jehovah is an error because a transliteration of Yehovah points to Jehovah, likewise, of Yisrael to Israel, Yacob to Jacob.

    That being said, God understands all who call him, granted some prefer any of the forms of YHWH mentioned already, likewise to his Son, Jesus, when people refer to him as Joshua, Yeshua, etc.

    @TrueTomHarley Yes. The majority today, to quote a Bible team on YouTube, stated the modern saying of God's name is Yahweh or Jehovah, however, Jehovah is used more, in addition to that you have Yehovah, in which Mr. Gordon had spoken about heavily to the general public and even Jewish rabbis regarding his research.

    But yeah, the Most High understands us, for me I am use to saying Yahweh (Yah) in English, in my native tongue on my father's side we say Yewova whereas the Y sounds like a J. As for Jesus, it is second nature for me to say the English way, sometimes I merely say Yeshua, despite this, people know who I am talking about.

  5. On 7/4/2019 at 7:18 PM, Witness said:

    Which the anointed are now doing in the organization.  

    But it would seem some people are doing it worse to the point they interject their feelings and teachings into the church of the Christ, granted our last discussion, an alien teaching that never originated with the early apostolic church and therefore should be refuted without question: 

    Therefore my response still stands as such: It is also problematic of claiming to be of the chosen ones when those who do claim adhere to the teachings of men.

    We also must not forget the fact some claims commit God to be the villain, for he has sent, to quote, Satan the Devil to the Egyptians. This interpretation corrupts context when we know Satan is God's adversary, and when one draws context, it can easily be seen that willful acceptance of said error shows those with discernment a so called chosen one who adheres to teachings of men, are false.


  6. 17 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:


    That is a bit of a lackluster response granted that what was said is actually true, i.e. a teenager being pregnant, a teenager engaging in sexual misconduct and or immorality, the over sexualization of children, even in the social media space. You cannot be this dense if you assume people 18 and below do not do these things. Reasons why a lot of guardians and or parents refuse to have their child go to some public schools. It does not stop at sexual immorality either, for it stems to behavioral issues as well, i.e. a former blue ribbon high school, baseball team (of course wealthy parents) causing trouble at a newly built fast food establishment.

    A blue Ribbon status is a BIG deal regarding educational institutions for middle and high schools, even elementary. In my case, I have done 4 years in the very blue ribbon school that has now, as of late, loss that status. More and more children today are being homeschooled.

    That being said, you once said that your church has partaken in various things, perhaps when it comes to educating children on morality, that example should be strongly advised, especially in the type of world we are living in.

  7. 12 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    This is why the Watchtower clarified that this was the concern against using the term. What is left of the "harpazo" doctrine ("rapture") is an instantaneous change from earthly life to heavenly life. What most JWs won't immediately recognize is that many in Christendom already recognize that flesh and bone can't access the spiritual plane. So what's left is this:

    So those who will be taken to heaven will first need to be “changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.” (Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-53.) Therefore . . .  the remaining faithful anointed will be gathered together in an instant of time.

    Turns out that this quote, above, from the Watchtower is describing our agreement with the basic rapture doctrine.

    Not for the majority of mainstream Christians, they believe that they would go into heaven as is, flesh, meat and bone. There is another alien doctrine, left behind, based off of the rapture in which a total loon was teaching and she has been refuted for it, all that can be said is what she said and what the pastor with her said taints who God is, and their teaching is like that of something that comes straight out of a horror flick.

    There is also this passage, outlined the day and hour unknown, Matthew 24:40-42, which is often used by such ones.

  8. On 6/30/2019 at 2:44 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    You mentioned many times in many various topics that JW are Restorationist.

    I gave you a quote by quote of what that actually is, even shown you a video of a Restorationist Christian in the Middle East who lives with his wife. To be brief, simply, I will just link you said information on what Restorationism actually is (for the 6th time, Srecko)


    On 6/30/2019 at 2:44 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do they have some "interfaith" dialog?

    Does it look like I support Interfaith granted I spoke against it and have been against it since even before the Kairos Movement. Interfaith is a joining of all faiths in order to taint who God is, and even back in those days, as a child, Ted Turner's words still burn and ring in my ears concerning such. Interfaith will NOT stand with God, nor will it stand with Christians who take into account the gospel.

    And no Restorationist do not support interfaith, let alone a majority of Nontrinitarianism, a prime example would be, the support of the LGBT community, an interfaith church has pushed this notion to children by means of a child show in the US known as Author, elsewhere a young girl was attacked by a teacher because she spoke the truth, the girl herself comes from a family of Restorationist Christians, as mentioned by Warrior of Christ and Soulja of God.

    On 6/30/2019 at 2:44 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    i am curious :))

    How so, when this is the 7th time this was presented to you, perhaps you would like an 8th, or a 9th? Maybe a 10th or more?

    That being said, Trinitarianism never was part of the church and I made this quote clear with evidence to such in my debate with Cos here regarding church fathers. I suggest you take a good look at the Didache and what the church actually taught, read Acts 2, for as I recall you yourself said it best, I kept talking about the apostolic early church, why ignorantly ask again?

  9. On 6/27/2019 at 9:58 PM, Jesus.defender said:

    As usual, more LIES from you with ZERO proof.

    the watchtower has LIED to you

    Unfortunately these are not lies, but yours however, fits the bill. We only need to bring up actually manuscript evidence and quotes of Tertullian coining the word to prove you wrong, Deserter. There is no way in God's green earth you can defend the JC of 1 John 5:7, there is no way you can defend the addition of THEOS into 1 Timothy 3:16 when the oldest sources says otherwise, there is no way of you defending so called Trinity proof text when your community as been exposed for the sharp rule concept in use, and the list goes on.

    The church was clean and pure before such teachings was introduced to her, with threats against her people in which you uphold today. a Real defender of the Christ speaks truth, not be easily tickled by actual legitimate lies that never originated with the Christ or his God, let alone such ones like you who do not even fully well know the history of Jesus himself.

    Take your heresy to Hinnom because your heresy does not belong in the church of the Christ, for it is accursed and has confused the people and paint God as an enemy rather than a friend. For it is such ones like you who blind people, and bless be he, our father, Yahweh, for his word to be truth for since several years ago people are seeing that the Trinity concept has fallen on the sword it has set on the hill.

  10. On 6/29/2019 at 11:10 PM, Anna said:

    I have heard it said that soon pedophilia will be classed as just another sexual orientation and that pedophiles will feel discriminated against and will insist on their "rights".

    It's already in motion, slowly but surely. I am still in an ongoing debate with someone concerning age of consent. I make it vital to speak against slander, to teach the good gospel, and among other things, to educate people even young ones regarding legitimate dangers to them. Such has spread to apps and media such as YouTube whereas they cannot better equip themselves to combat it sadly.

    On 6/29/2019 at 11:10 PM, Anna said:

    Just to lighten things up a bit, are you the "man on the rocks" ?  😄: Cool song actually

    Thank you, for at least today music is good, for in my case, usually every other day something pops up, and during those days I tend to aid said community, for there was unfortunate news just some days ago leaving us, even me with questions that have no answers.

  11. @Shiwiii I do not think they believe that, not even some of us in the Nontrinitarian circle believe this either due to physical flesh and bone not being able to access the spiritual plain as is (i.e. a simple man simply going into heaven likewise to a simple man entering a restaurant by means of a door), as well as the whole situation of God's promise concerning the earth, New Covenant, Firstfruits, etc.

    On 7/1/2019 at 6:04 PM, Shiwiii said:


    Also just so you know, Elijah wrote and sent an epistle to King Jehoram of Judah. As far as I know, letters do not come out of heaven, God's dwelling place, also before the Christ was ever born, which spouts another can of worms regarding a verse in John 3. Likewise, with Apostle Paul, him being parallel to Elijah.

  12. On 7/1/2019 at 11:45 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    You said you HAD medallions ..... I never got any.

    Go play some sports that you can still do, you might win something, if not, perhaps debates or the like.

    On 7/1/2019 at 11:45 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Probably just as well ... I have to staple my Tie to my chest.

    Learn to tie a tie, using staples can cause injury or death.


    Source (one of my favorites): Antonio Centeno of RMRS (Real Men Real Style)




  13. On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I cannot understand your logic,

    Really? The last time you were refuted on logic, you threw a fit regarding, on 2 occasions called me a patriot and confused yourself on what judging others is all about... You were better of in within the infancy of our original discussion, willfulness to do the right thing, and open to suggestion to actually help people instead of being a KBW.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Are you saying that there are many different types of Christian churches / religions / groups, that are serving God properly ? 

    There are many churches with denominations out there but there is but a few that follow things according to what Jesus' church entails, the very church that he himself has built and those he positioned by means of instruction, to which passes on to us, to us to later persons until the Christ returns.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Are you saying that a person does not need to belong to one type of Christian group ?

    The person needs to be in and put application of what Jesus instructed. True Christians are but a few in small number in the face of mainstream Christendom, some of them are lone ones, pockets, even small groups who are joined as one in union with the Christ in regards to his church and serving his God.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You seem to find some good things in many different religions. So do you think that God or Christ works through many different Christian groups / religions ? 

    My only issue is slander - and for good reason, even culturally (something that someone evaded when I posed a question regarding a specific letter in the alphabet), I uphold my position to speak of slander and those who slander by means of kicking a man when he is down. For us, slander is like someone committing murder, coupled with the fact I am a Truther, when someone speaks slander and profess it as a truth, they will be refuted. As for the second bit, God's Word is spoken through the one who was once a man, Jesus, and now has ascended. True Christians take what is instructed seriously and we do not shy away from the very Covenant we are under. We need to, no, we must observe and apply what Jesus has taught and pass on this knowledge and to teach others, even getting on their level if need be. When met with doctrines that is alien to the church of the Christ and or slander, we have to give a bold statement. Although there are ignorant persons who are unaware, we must teach them too but despite this we mustn't lie or slander even their own upbringing, hence the lessons learned in John 4 is to be taken seriously.

    Plus, being a truther, it allows us to take research in such matters very seriously. At times we tend to jump to conclusions, however, the end result is the same concerning issues in today's society, what is going on in the US, even overseas and the like.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Do you also think that God or Christ will give spiritual guidance to a person that is not part of a religious group ?

    That person must seek guidance by means of Jesus' church. Group or not (granted I have given evidence to that even video evidence of such, as well as persons I support, Soulja of God, Anthony, Kel, Lauren, Prophet K, Hashim, Warrior of the Christ,  Jason A, Pool, Barone, etc.), for I recall giving you said lecture in regards to this before.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Do you think that if a person prays to God for spiritual guidance to gain understanding from the Bible, that God through Christ will give that person a better understanding of His written word ? 

    A True Christian is either a lone person or part of a group, granted when Jesus church was founded there were examples, of those in the church of the Christ. The problem lies when there are those who go about their own interpretation that doesn't line up with anything that Jesus taught let alone what his sacrifice even means. Examples would be, people fighting over the Tetragrammaton, people fighting over homosexuality thinking Jesus is okay with it or as Srecko agreement with God being okay with a person physically changing their sex organs.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Or do you feel that a person must be part of a particular religious group ? 

    Christians are in union with the Christ. Such ones are usually solo or in a group, be it in a church of their own, their house/home, a field for meetup, etc. The church, she is support by her people, and the people adhere to her teachings, in this sense, the teachings of the Christ itself, unedited, unfiltered despite the fact even some of what was entrusted seems to offend people as well as those who take up and exploit what it means to forgive.

    You either do things right in the light or remain to what you adhere to in the dark, for in darkness, the Son of God cannot see you. In the end, both sides in the light and the dark are imperfect.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It would be nice to know your thought on these things.

    It would be nice even though I made it clear several times before, several times and some of which had been answered, especially in our first interaction and our first discussion that resulted in a bite sized debate -  the only time you were open to reason and displayed sympathy and mildness, minus the fact that a so called chosen one committed slander by promoting something I am strongly against. More so, I repeated several points time and time again, and ironically you somehow missed that. Although such is said to you now, it has already been displayed that even though you were told you'll ask again, for as the saying goes, it goes into one ear and out the other, or as we say it, Lecture un homme quelque chose de bien, il va l'ignorer. sermonner un homme sur une verite, il ne la notera pas et continuera a demander comme celle d'un enfant.

    This is indeed true concerning you because you skip straight to judge or await someone to rescue you out of a situation and or discussion like that of a damsel in distress. Before you spoke about Spiritual Wisdom and since then you've yet to put in the application.

    That being said, should I direct several questions to you, dare I ask and such I will evidently take,  that even Bible wise intertwined with today's world, it will strongly offend and or cause frustration in you, which allows 1 John 4:1 to be used in application in this regard, but evidently, they will be directed and asked of you.

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:05 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Thank you, John

    Granted that some points were addressed before, hopefully this time you understand. Granted where you are now, never go to Hyde Park with that type of understanding you will be swiftly refuted from the north, from the south, from both the east and from the west.

    In this regard, outside of this, I suggest you take your own advice regarding spiritual wisdom.


  14. On 6/29/2019 at 8:59 PM, Witness said:

    "As far as the anointed, it’s true, it’s nobody’s business who is anointed or not. God will make his final decision when the time comes. On earth, there is only hope."

    It is also problematic of claiming to be of the chosen ones when those who do claim adhere to the teachings of men.

    Chosen ones are invited by God, and such ones do not know this on their own, but revealed to them by God that they are chosen, and in the end, despite being chosen, the words of Jude still stands strongly in this regard concerning faith.

  15. On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do you by this answer suggesting, how in the same time here on Earth, beside not inspired prophets, existing also inspired prophets??

    If you paid attention to my quote from when you've been corrected before, the answer would be verily clear.

    On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    And please stop with this WTJWORG Mantra, how people are NOT INSPIRED but in the same time they are LED BY SPIRIT :))) This sort of logic is out of Mind.

    It isn't even a "WTJWORG Mantra" as you claim. Everyone knows the position of Restorationism, it is clear in their Christology. You consider it a mantra because you have never ever taken the time to research and or study region. I even told you before, even if the discussion was not about JWs or their faith community you'd fail in ever aspect even in a debate. You'd have to be strongly ignorant to ignore this granted Restorationist even before the JWs existed were tooting this same horn from the mountain top for centuries, hence why when people study Christendom regarding Restorationism it is neigh impossible to prove they claim to be inspired for they have never uttered such a claim to be inspired.

    You only say this logic is out of mind because you have never taken the Bible into context nor studied Christendom concerning Restorationism, despite the fact sources and the like was presented to you over 8 times on this forum alone, the quote of which I had brought forth to you a second time consolidates all information from said sources, even biblical.

    Now how in God's green earth did you brush passed that? 

    On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. - Psalm                                    For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. - Romans                                                                        But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. - Galatians

    I suggest you re-read my quote. Also I find it rather odd you are quoting this when before you completely butchered what it met to be in Union with the Christ.

    On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    How does WTJWORG stand is when faced with this meanings of LED? How looks LEVEL GROUND of WT Society? Or are they below ground level, and rowing to surface with constant error  mandate instructions that members have to obey?

    They are not perfect, granted that all men, including them, their women and their children are imperfect, unable to function without taking information from and the context from the good book itself.

    This goes back to our debate in church structure, for you have forgotten, Jesus instruct his disciples and in turn, the disciples instruct the church, and from that day to today that still stands, even though some of Jesus' followers and the Apostles may have been in error in some cases, what was entrusted to them still stands.

    On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    What sort of sons they are if they making claims/spread doubt, under spirit led guidance;   Do the other sheep need to know the names of all anointed ones still on earth today? No. Why not? Because it is not possible for anyone to know for sure that these ones will get their reward...  Anointed Christians cannot be sure that they will receive their reward until Jehovah makes it clear to them that he has judged them as faithful... So anointed ones do not think that they are better than others. They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else...They also know that when Jehovah anointed them, he did not let everyone else know about it. So an anointed person is not surprised if some do not believe right away that he has been anointed...Unlike Jehovah, the brothers who count the number of people eating the bread and drinking the wine at the Memorial do not know who truly is anointed. So the number includes those who think that they are anointed but are not. For example, some who used to eat the bread and drink the wine later stopped. Others may have mental or emotional problems and believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven. Clearly, we do not know exactly how many anointed ones are left on earth. - JWorg library source

    Which goes back to our last discussion of prophets, in which this had been dealt with. And now you are shifting the discussion to chosen ones - why?

    On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    - They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants...  This Act of/when JHVH Giving His HS, to me means, giving inspiration. It is ACTION that God making to someone, This God's decision to Give NOT depends on some person who wish or want HS, who working in Betel or study Bible 12 hours a day or spend 90 hours in preaching with Tablet and magazines or who just sitting and waiting. Because even Donkey can be inspired and talk God's words. If God can make donkey to preach by act of HS Inspiration why is problem to accept possibility of Inspiration on human who are made on JHVH Image? 

    lol, absolute journeyman. The fact you even added this further proves my point of your mental gymnastics.

    On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Well, we have here (in WT Society) constant playing with terminology and lexis. We have people who showing their belongings to anointed class, who are, supposedly, appointed by God to be in Leading Position or Governing position as Body, but who denied even small possibility that God is powerful enough to put His Spirit on them and to be Source and Cause. In same time this people tell others to obey and listen to them as to God and Jesus because Organization (Corporation) is, imagine!!, led by this same Spirit, which they denied that have power over them. So we have here Donkey (WTJWORG Corporation) on whom God can put His Spirit, but can not put His Spirit on Balaam (Governing Body) :)))      

    Which has nothing to do with what is in discussion, therefore, that quote of mine still stands concerning today's prophets being Christian.

    That being said, do yourself a favor - Go read your Bible and understand what the term Christian is. Willful ignorance and stupidity will reap you no fruit, despite the fact you have been burned and rinsed on this notion before.

  16. On 7/2/2019 at 6:46 AM, Guest That Level 5 Swordsman said:

    Shalom and salaam,

    I think you are already aware, but there is bad news about the outcome of the search. I found out through that star wars girl's twitter and her YouTube podcast. Good to see others chip in to help out in anyway they can on even Christian forums. Even tho the outcome is total bad news, it is still good to see people care about someone from the community, especially people from Jeremy Hambly's community.

    The end of June is a tough one, first Desmond, and now Ellen, both not too far off from each other, for Ellen, the outcome still developing.

    Many thanks bro

    R.I.P. Ellen :(

    Anna must be very broken. This just days after the death of another person whom I know; his memorial was helped in Coney Island. But we know verily well of the cause of his death - mental illness. One thing I urge is that when people think they've pushed everyone away, it isn't true, close friends and family are there and willing to help, which was the case with a blood relative of mine, a cousin. In the late Ellen's case, we do not know what caused her death, similar to D.A., she was found dead, so it is unclear if it is mental illness and or other, it may have been murder, for nowadays girls and women are prominent targets of such.


    That being said, I did what I can to help out, I know some people in Cali and the community who took part even though the ending to this story is grim. Truly truly I say, always tell your loved ones and close ones you have love for them because, as my father has always told me, anything can happen when you are out, even in the home. Safety is a placebo, more so, the Bible even tells us that such events are ultimately uncertain, Ecclesiastes 9:11.

    May she rest easy in peace, for very soon, like D.A. and many others, she will hear the Lord's voice when he comes and like Lazarus, they, all of them, shall rise - restored to life and in that time, reunion and embrace for God's promise has been and will be done through his only begotten Christ, his Son, Jesus.


    Right now, still with Anna's community.

  17. The answer would be yes. Children can succumb to ill sexual desires and or fornication. Fornication is the act of sexual intercourse between people not married to each other. It is far worse today because this is the norm whereas fornication is tweaked to the extreme whereas male to male and or female to female immorality is done and or having multiple sexual partners at once, more so, children are being taught about sodomy and it is being pushed on to them and this has been going on for some time now.

    So those who have the wisdom must teach said wisdom to the and or their children, although not many adults like speaking of this subject, but talking to your children about sex is also vital, otherwise they will all into the branches of sexual immorality fairly easily.

    In my experience, I am blessed to hear stories and experiences from children on how they have combated the issue and how they are helping other youth, praise Yah.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Anna said:

    You are probably right there

    In a way some sparks have already flicker. I do not know if you are aware of this but some weeks ago, there was a child performing and dancing at a gay bar, with people throwing money at him, as pointed out by others, even by me in the past, this only entices pedophiles more to target such ones, as for the child in question, it puts him in a vulnerable state. Aside from this children are being sexualized. The irony of this, the same people who support this shoot down those who speak against it, but when we defend a 14 year old girl who also speaks truth about what is going out, we are spoken of as the enemies. They are starting them young too in the schools.

    That being said, the strongest ones who say child abuse this or that in either of the left or the right are usually the ones supporting this nonsense.

  19. @BillyTheKid46 Another thing to point out is that people who believe humans transcend into spirits upon death, to heaven and or hell negate and usher out what Jesus' sacrifice was all about. In a short sense, they contradict themselves, literally throwing Jesus under the bus. Second, the hellfire doctrine paints our father, God, in a bad light, painting a picture that he is actually partnered with Satan when he is not. They missed the book of Jeremiah when God reacted to the burning of sons and daughters in the fire, as it pains God to see the practice he drove out the land, people get their giggles and gullies out of it as did those of olden times who burnt people at the stake.

    It is stuff like this that prompts those who know God by means of Scripture to speak up and speak out against slander.

  20. @Anna The guardian and or parents should always contact and or commune with the police. All are instructed to do such, for even those who educate in child abuse profess this. But this may become more common as such, for there was something I debated and discussed with others that is slowly becoming a reality. Give it a few years and you will see the line between child and adult will become smaller and open doors that should not be opened.

    But at the end of the day, adults should be educated on this matter, it helps, a lot. If educating helps the children, it will greatly help the adults so should any abuse happens, it better helps out those in question. The truth of the matter also is that all this does is reduce the chances and helps prevention, for as I told the man who cannot see with his eyes nor read with his lips, that child abuse cannot be 100% stopped, which is the same situation, and argument, I had with those regarding world powers.

    Aside from that, internal investigations will always be done, even corporate business like ones do it all the time, for instance, there is one of the biggest data centers, bank, in the US right now, for in one of it's buildings someone was not only spouting racist banter, built he was willing to kill several people using box cutter until stopped by security. The internal investigation was done by the owner of said building and a small group of people with no employee knowing what went down in the facility itself besides a small number of techs, 1-3 people, security guards and the boss of the building. Another example of internal investigation regarding a teacher and student in a trade school, as is already known, sexual immortality when Hurricane Sandy hit the Tri-State area.

    But yes, it is no surprise to anyone that churches and faith communities are capable of internal investigations in which opponents of said faith and others attack such ones for it. What some do not realize, as this was pointed out by Solider of God, a friend of mine, a while back, that people who often attack others about child abuse in their community day in and day out are usually the ones who allow pedophiles to go to said communities to target children. And as we have now, the serialization of children, the teachings of such vile sin in the schools, etc.

  21. 16 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Didn’t it turn out in the movie that when he finally pulled his helmet off, he was your father?

    That would be Anakin Skywalker Darth Vader.


    16 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    SM is a Storm Trooper. I think you have the wrong guy. 

    Actually, I am originally an islander, but ok. As such in our culture we take things very seriously. But nowadays people like to bring things in to change things around, hence, the decease in today's youth understanding their people.

  22. 11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What motivated WT Society as Publisher of religious publications to go with declaration, statement: "We are not inspired?" 

    Because clearly they are not inspired prophets, they are spirit led prophets who never claim inspiration. Now you spin your breaks for you were leaning towards them being inspired...

    11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Who asked Them .... Who forced Them .... to take Public Position on this Issue? Who want to know are They Inspired or Not? :))

    Because the Bible makes it clear on the position of Christians in general. Then again - you do not read the Bible granted last time you alluded to Jesus tag-teaming with the slanderer regarding a fish and a coin.

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