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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @Witness Unfortunately it will end up as the infamous 2017 event, and the attempt in 2018. In both instances, it equated to problems issues and opportunists to show up among the crowd and community disruption, the majority do not even know basic law, hence what is practiced within realm of religious freedom. No one is knocking the victims, but some see the writing on the wall with the last fiasco as is trying to spin the Ukraine situation and propaganda with JWs, it makes people who actually combat issues and problems look crazy. Then there is the specific place they had chosen is the very same place a few people including myself predicted what would happen in a large scale event on January 6th. That being said people who think otherwise, and there are examples of this (despite some try to erased such history).

    Abuse or other notions can be fought without the need of being on a warpath, as is knowing laws, especially in what constitutes within religious freedom, practice and speech.

    Ultimately when it does end up as 2017, it'll be a further breakdown of disgruntled EXJWs, and finally the non disgruntled ones could actually breath for once after being silenced by the same community.

    Perhaps if they had played their cards properly and came to the middle without being one sided, they'd have a chance, but sadly, this never happened, and it is evident because even for the longest time such was never addressed here despite it being coined among the normal collective.

    That being said, after many days away, found out that even some among your own community aren't so clean either, be it regarding women, as is with children, mainly in a time where the children are the prime targets.

    But as I said before, if you actually adhere to solutions, you would be doing more for children, even in the face of some. I will not disclose where or whom, but there is indeed a community where there are EXJWs as well as JWs, in conjunction with others who do speak on the matter on a grounded level, and it is not one sided, you'd be surprised of what some EXJWs would say there vs here or reddit.

    @Moise Racette Granted this is Invision, that is highly unlikely, compared to places like Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, Parler, Truth Social, etc. Anything Invision based is way below the food chain. All and all, there is another attempt to take a swing at the 1st Amendment however, as pervious attempts were made by the UN, and other affiliates. Outside of women and children, 2023 will be a tough year in regards to speak your peace, and in some cases, overtaken by falsehood and stories, forcing people to speak truth.

  2. On 1/18/2023 at 8:39 PM, Peter Carroll said:

    that group along with the poster witness embrace stupudity and wrap themselves in it ,,they all should end up there ,as they are as smart as your polictical members ,its like walking of a cliff and being ignorant of the theory of gravity,bring it on

    There was on Ex-Bible Student, a man who dealt with abuse as a child who brought forth a legitimate solution to minimize abuse in schools and churches, but sadly, EXJWs made sure to send him death threats, make fun of his appearance (because of his skin color, white, and the fact the man was very large). He did rally some EXJWs to defend and side with him, even some current JWs, but unfortunately, the disgruntled ones not only flagged his videos on YouTube to permanently erase a very good idea he had, but to silence him. After this, a lot of attacks went towards the Watchtower because it was taught they were the ones who ended the protest at the park, but really, it was the former bible student. Because of this, any EXJW who attacked the man, erased their comments and videos to cover their tracks. If you are lucky you'll find bread crumbles of the ordeal about this.

    That being said, people who do not stick to legitimate solution for the betterment of children, are often the ones doing a big disservice. This is why I side with those who actually do, and likewise some side with me on this because I attest by it and I live it. To safeguard a child, you teach them, to safeguard a community you teach it's people, in turn, they hold up a better shield against abusers, be it potential, and or know exactly what to do should red flags pop up.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    I would still be surprised if more than 45 people showed up with this “massive demonstration”.

    It would not do much because the reaction will also come from those who support religious freedom and in their minds, "if so and so is using political power to go against a religion, I might be next" despite knowing some faiths do have trouble with some issues, and they know there are solutions out there to minimize said issues, a few who do promote it.

    Now, I mentioned this a long time ago, if one truly wants to, as the EXJWs, destroy the watchtower 100%, they have to dismantle or break levels of the First Amendment.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


    Note: Their argument is shunning, which is practiced by JWs, but what they do not see is religious freedom allows them, and other faiths to even adapt this; mainly if that notion is form the bible. vs the JW's standpoint on Excommunication - disfellowshipping or shunning incorrigible sinners is a clear and explicit teaching in the Bible. (1 Corinthians 5) ironically even outside of religion, this is somewhat of a practice by some. The second notion is child abuse, for some reason, they think the world does not know CSA exist in churches, unfortunately, but the claim is JWs are covering up abuse.

    So something of which is highly regarded by many because of The Freedom of Speech and a list of other things, if successful, then they can effectively take out any faith group of their choosing, but it would cause a cataclysmic situation whereas now other faiths will also be targeted and eradicated, so much so the persecution of some will be darker and more vile than a simple Bible toss or a door slam, perhaps throwing burning crosses at religious people might be a thing. The added problem is Freedom of Speech will be reduced to a feeble state, and eventually the government will get the idea they can regulate and control by forming their version of Speech, which brings us to 1984 levels of craziness. Just a fictional scenario of course.

    That is just an idea, but the US capitol won't do much besides earning themselves a vote, after all, they do not mind allowing criminals to be released back into the streets to commit more crimes against men, women and children in blue states.

    Now back to reality, First, they'll probably get small Mainstream affiliates to cover them such as the AP (who shouldn't be trusted), some things will be said, some stories will be brought up and a few political figures that will make promises that they do not uphold. Second, majority of EXJWs do not know a lot about Laws, be it general and or In-state, at least when it came to former members of the Mormon Church (LDS) in Utah, they were aware of bipartisan notions, and Third, all these EXJWs are coming from different states, whereas each state have some laws that differ from each other.

    It'll end up like 2017, a build up for years, and not so much comes from it, likewise with what it is they are planning now, this time around, there are political people who knows most faith communities, even JWs, so they will say something that will not be in favor of those planning to go to the Capitol. It will also be problematic to a degree because of opposition groups who are prone to violence, EXJWs were nearly linked with ANTIFA because they virtually had events taking place on the same day, and this time around, ANTIFA is packing some heat for the bakery.

    It isn't going to go their way, as it was so in the past, and for years, never any of them seek a better solutions or even not question their own misinformation at times, and anyone that did is, the opposite, ironically, disfellowshipped by EXJWs, the disgruntled ones.

    That being said, was not wrong about it before, won't be wrong about it now, granted, a lot of things elsewhere that was correct did take place.


    It should also be noted they choose Washington DC of all places. It is noted anything protest related, ever since January 6th, which was utter nonsense, those partaking will be marked, for the fact people are MAGS-scared nowadays, potential Extremism Tracking is a real thing. So any of them better than think of interrupting a JW church, otherwise it'll backfire on them big time and possibly permanently in that state.

  4. This place use to be for controversial posting and debates, so such persons being present is bound to happen, as for the admin, he allows all to come here or elsewhere on the forums.

    Hypocrites and Apostates, even Atheists, can easily be debated and shut down, especially in a public space whereas anyone can see their folly, mainly when they attempt to leave points out purposely to support their ideas. They go anywhere here YHWH is coined as Jehovah or defense of KJV-Onlyist to stir trouble, be it on other forums or news websites, and even there when challenged by some, they tend to fail if someone is knowledgeable. At the same time, they do not realize they are also being used, weaponized by some folks to go after other faith communities for them; the people above them do not want to get their hands dirty.


  5. @The Librarian That is Hamza Myatt, he is among several people who debate the Trinitarian ideas primarily outside of some disagreements he has with Christianity, but majority of his debates are against Trinitarians. He is closely associated with many in the Muslim faith within the Speaker's Corner in the UK. Some Trinitarians, specifically the affiliates of Soco Films often go there to debate unsuspecting Muslims, as is Unitarians, Jews, etc, but never ever fair well against someone who knows their stuff, mainly if people are very ignorant of Islam or the Quran who try to attest to a challenge. The only time I was in the UK at the park, I saw him once.

    Ironically enough Myatt and others would side with those to combat Trinitarianism, some folks that they debate often times take what they say in a debate out of context.

    The "Burned and Rinsed" remark I use in debates originated from him.

  6. A weapon spoken of as a myth, but still sheds some concern. Be it real or not, one cannot ignore the fact some in the military industrial complex have weapons and other items that has not been seen by common man.

    For all we know, they might have built a Mega Man like entity that can be used for military operations and or seek to create legitimate superhumans, hence movies and comic book heroes and villains gave thought to the idea by some in government and science.

  7. There are more pressing matters than sci-fi horror, which is as predictable as a 40s monster flick. The answer would be No. Although some of them, as do most in all faiths speak of A.I. advancements, they do not seek it as an absolute, or wish for it to overtake to a degree that makes man inferior in the same sense as a specific group in question, i.e. like having an A.I. teach a child instead of the parents themselves, perhaps the A.I. lowkey teach ideas of a Machine God or a Mecha Messiah. This brings forth a specific faith group in question that do wish for it. That group is in regards to those in Transhumanism. These people are primarily tied to some in the conservatives/liberal space residing in places like Silicon Valley, in addition to that, such folks are affiliated with churches of a specific kind such as The Church of Perpetual Life and The First Transhumanist Church, to name a few.


    Not only they dabble in such ideas, but also ideas to seek immortality, man-made eternal life by ill means by the sweat and blood of the young. Outside of faith groups, some ultimately wish for an easier life with use of machines and A.I. such as DARPA dogs. The sad reality is some people will be caught up in all this, some events in the world today is already linking them to governments, where some of it's branches are also dwelling in this, why else they want you in an electric car and to get rid of your stove?


    That being said, if you seek a mate that is mechanical and or believes they thrive on Ambrosia level of blood injections, then be my guess, Durbinite, or in this case, Mr. Roboto, go ahead.

    It should be noted that, if I remember correctly, this was talked about in the past.

  8. I.B.Y.H.

    And ultimately, that shall result in the same situation as the 2017 (aka The year the Watchtower would fall or be destroyed) debacle did, and even during that time, before the Apostates took action in the NY and at Bethel, what was said actually did happen. The Situation will be far worse for a multitude of reasons because of the political spectrum in the United states, especially with the recent resurgence of an opposition group who marched out of the forest into Atlanta.

    That being said, even after 300 days, and still you did not apply the lesson you should have adhered to. And surprisingly, your concern sheds no light on some of your kin in a grave situation in an EU country.

    Do not count on 2023 to be your year, but then again, you are still as unaware as you always were. You can continue to Dexus Ex'd the people, but when some begin to do the research, they realize that some things said, did not match up with the recipients.

  9. On 3/24/2022 at 4:29 PM, Equivocation said:

    Better to zoom out. Sometimes the news can't really be verified so its a slippery slope. Some of them actually want war. It caused a cousin of mine to actually prep for violence. 

    Yes, but still be careful of Propaganda. I mentioned to @JW Insider a while back of a group called Jayish Al-Islam, an Al-Qaeda affiliated, and what they did with people, especially in regards to what they used children for. The same situation taking place in Ukraine right now. Unfortunately some members of your faith are unaware and can be fooled by the MSM's Agenda. Should you choose to look at the news, be very careful of what you look into, for many can be fooled, such as @Srecko Sostar concerning the drone, as is now the speculation of how WW III starts.

    A few dominos have fallen, and the US and their allies actually have an Agenda concerning Ukraine and Russia, in terms of resource. Why continue to push Ukraine into a Dragon-Bear situation or go around the minsk agreement? At the same time, the legitimate enemy of God's people, Babylon and the Wild Beast, had been making several moves of which some folks are unaware of, such as WGS (there recent summit in 2022 a few days ago), for possibly myself, @Arauna and @Kosonen are aware of.

    That being said, do all that you can to not be an indirect target of the influence being spread, as is become victim by it, for Babylon's movements is identical to the events of 2016.

  10. On 4/5/2022 at 6:27 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    I would have given a lot to be taught a trade at a younger age. My dad, who was raised on a farm and was reasonably handy, fixing own cars, building additions to the house, never taught or directed me that way. I’m not really sure why. It may be that he bought into the new hoopla that college is the way to go so that you can hire “underlings” to do all those things while you live the life better than that of your parents.. I did not particularly do well in college, having no idea why I was there. The lack of a specific skill caused me difficulties much of my life.

    “How come you never taught me how to fix things?” I said to him when he was near 90. “I did,” the amiable fellow replied. “You just weren’t paying attention that day.”

    The fact you mention this reminds me of what I made aware of concerning some young people of this generation. There was conservation that Gen Zers will make things problematic in the long run, the majority, can't speak for the minority that had In-House Education. There was a video a girl making a to Crickets (yes insects) to stop bothering her, and she thinks it is bad luck to remove them because the day she did it, more invaded her house. Another, who didn't know how to use a can opener, and spent 45-50 mins trying to open a can then giving up.

    The thing is, Higher Education does not teach common sense, or Education that is based In-Home. Let alone finance, for recently, I think Florida is going to add this form of money education into the school system, which is already tainted.

    That being said, I myself, is noted as a Millennial, however, granted of my upbringing, learning In-House Education was a primary thing, vastly different from the common Millennial who was raised in an American Household which didn't apply such In-House Education.

  11. @Equivocation This is similar to us Caribbean Islanders, culture and adhering to it, in combination of faith embolden us. A connect family is like that of a Shield of which nothing can break it, although when it comes to misdeeds and ill action by some, such a shield needs to be polished, in a sense, some come to be repentant of their actions. In regards to culture, all things must be upheld to an honorable level, and to hate what is deemed dishonorable.

    Outside of helping family, those close to me I help out when I can, more even, if I am in the area, as is with allies, in one situation regarding a girl with Leukemia. Granted the situation of things today, as is prior, I tend to give insight on factual information on how to handle situations should the situation calls for it, something I pass on to friends and family, as is provide examples from the Bible.

    For teaching the generation that is to come, passing knowledge is vital, for it is best for them to take in such knowledge from the family, for In-House Education from a strong family is extremely valuable, enables a child to be righteous as they get older.

  12. You should also be paying attention, granted to what I told @ApostaBabe Linda James in a thread a while ago. Best to use rational thought to push solution vs exposing the armor of your latter following.

    2022 is not going to be a pleasant year granted of not only the moves made by Babylon and the Beast, but what spilled out of them into the general public concerning war, famine, and vile sin.

    That being said, 9 meals to anarchy will drive people to a tipping point, as is ill action. You, as is other EXJWs and current JWs need to be aware asap.

  13. @JW Insider With the way Babylon and the Beast has been moving in the last couple of days, everyone needs to be aware of the actions of the true enemy, even your faith community needs to pay attention, for I had seen some who succumb to the MSM; the MSM is pulling a Jayish Al-Islam to appeal to emotion. Both Babylon and the Beast are attempting to influence all, perhaps another 2016, but at a grander scale because of the Ukraine Russia situation. On the other side of the spectrum, desperation has exposed a nightmarish fringe of which will evidently flood institutions, educational and religious, as is other, in the coming months.


    That being said, some believe whomever Syria is on the side of represents the KON as well, and speaking of Syria.

  14. On 3/29/2022 at 5:43 AM, Dmitar said:

    Am I saying, be harsh as me? No! @Space Merchant doesn't allow for attitudes, even though he might slip once in a while with me. But, he puts his best foot forward, which is something you should all have learned long ago.

    I am incredibly critical (often times strict), mainly after someone has been discerned, and in regards to debating experience, as is my time in CSE, The Christian/Hermeneutics Stack Exchange, I tend to be critical of anything that is misleading, false, and or does not make any shred of sense outside of grounded discussion.

    Just recently, I, along with others, were in a heated debate for a few days with, believe it or not, specific types of people who were discerned to be among those who defend something of which @Patiently waiting for Truth mentions a lot here. Truthers refer to such people as Pedophilia apologist, who assume such disorderly behavior is a sexual orientation. The debate came forth due to the Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas situation. These people knew they lost the debate in which I and others were against them and because of it, they had mad threats and ill remarks towards children.

    This goes to show you what I said a while back of how such persons are going to be a problem in 2022 in all things revolving around CSA, in the US and in the UK. Hence my remark towards Linda James, in the other thread concerning the reopening of institutions, will spark problems, i.e. Disney is having some CSA issues of which now people are starting to see when the aware knows.

    On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

    I think I made that point with Scripture but that is true. I saw the link for Pearl Doxsey so I didn't believe her to have such a gift when she hasn't come into contact with the original apostles. The narrative with the Angels of Jehovah is pretty sus too 😬. In her post she tried to convince Jehovah’s Witnesses that she had visions, etc whereas us and the majority know the truth of the matter.

    That is why she cannot be trusted, especially when you have an alleged chosen who, in other remarks, tends to lean on Feminisms, an ideology that should NOT be among Christians. So she is just as confused as her acolytes.

    On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

    But yeah, these Miraculous Gifts had a purpose for the early Christian Congregations, but evidently stopped, seeing the point you made a out Apostle John. So anyone who does or says otherwise after that, or as you mentioned those names and Constantine, can easily fit into the False Prophet category. 

    Indeed for the claim of False Prophet can be coined easily in that regard, as is what Paul said to the Galatians, or what even Apostle John said in his letters.

    On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

    The Ukraine Russia conflict is causing a lot of crazy stories to pop up, so I wouldn't be surprised if some brings us claims of a vision. Not too long ago I saw somewhere that a man was empowered by the holy spirit stating that he saw a vision of Vladimir Putin in chains being judged by God and evidently cast into Hell by Angels.... When I saw this my reaction was 🤨 because anyone who knows the truth can see through that issue.

    An example of those who claim to be Prophets Inspired. Insanity at best. More so when they get engulfed by the Agenda's Propaganda.

    On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

    So yeah, no prophets inspired, but, there's spirit led ones, i.e. Christians, ministers who preach the good news and talk about Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, as well as provide information on what God's Kingdom will do. Not to mention using the Bible to counsel and help people of all nations and ages regardless of gender or background. 

    Which is what I explained to Butler, Witness and Srecko several times of which 2/3 of them believed the latter had contacted an Apostle before 100AD. Only this time they tried to challenge the Bible and the history of Christianity itself.

    On 4/4/2022 at 8:49 AM, Equivocation said:

    Yep. A lot of people also are starting to see the UN as not only useless, but still a legitmate threat. I started looking into what they want for money, religon and politics and it isn't fun for anyone. 

    The United Nations will indirectly get to God's people, even your faith. As of now they are not Hellbent on targeting to destroy, simply they seek to influence. As is the Harlot.

  15. On 3/29/2022 at 1:53 PM, Isabella said:

    Exactamente... yo lo vi reirse también cuando Chris estaba bromeando.

    Because it goes to show you that a woman, of whom is known to have multiple partners, was able to control someone who is both broken and sensitive. The police were actually in the area, wanting to arrest Will Smith for Battery, but the venue holder refused because Chris Rock refused.

    All in all, Hollywood is no different from institutions, for you see decent people in the corners, but at it's core, there are the demented, mentally depraved, sinister, sick and broken, and in this case, a feeble person who is being controlled.

    That being said, it goes to show you how Society, be it in the West, as is with their allies, as weaken both men and women, in turn, this ideology is pushed on to the children.

  16. @Equivocation Granted I had to go over it, this seems to be the case I pointed to. Concerning these verses Book of Acts concerning the passing of these gifts (Acts 8:18; 10:44-46) as is those not being able due to the not being among Apostles, although inspired (Acts 8:5-7, 14-17), for the Apostles had such power to do so. This is why in this case it is highly unlikely anyone after the Apostle Age has such abilities. Pertaining to your other thread, as to what I told @Pudgy, a recent example of such claim of abilities concerning visions was of that of a woman, who had been deceased for sometime, the MSM is now talking about, Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, otherwise known as Baba Vanga for short, also given a titled as Nostradamus of the Balkans.

    For the claim of miraculous gifts after 100AD is a problem. So in this regard, a person, especially one in question, claiming to have several visions, as is the claim of inspiration by means of it, can lean towards being a False Prophet.

  17. 10 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Very true, unfortunately child services have also become predatory.... because the privatized institutions get funded by the government and are profit driven. (This is another very dark scenario). Calling Police (to the average person) is a frightning prospect because a bad policeman can be the beginning of a frightening nightmare. The FBI is tenfold worse.  Citizens do not know how to hold them legally to order if they break the law themselves. Race may also be an issue. A lot of what goes on is just raw display and use if power. 

    We have human laws but they are not enforced in a loving way..... and are not fair to all.  Most JWs also do not know how to act when an elder has overstepped the mark. Bottom line: injustice can happen anywhere and all humans are vulnerable to mild or hardened predators and all degrees of injustice.  One is just fortunate if something really bad has not happened to you. 

    Agreed, and concerning child services, they are not too kind to orphaned children also. the culture of police fear results in the good cop being obscure to people, for, if a police shows up, the idea of such culture will get the best of people, and they focus primarily on the bad and never the good. But this is true, race plays a role also, granted in the Black and Latino community, the influence of police fear is massive, and concerning this, the MSM isn't too far behind to manipulate the situation, example, the shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant.

    Moreover, other that anything of Mainstream, I deal with Pro-Black groups with their hypocrisy, who ultimately make matters worse by taking things out of context, fueling more hate not only towards police, but towards people who are not black, primarily Asian and White Individuals. A primary example is dealing with followers of a man named Phillip Scott, in which he tried to aid the community, but at the same time, use remarks to cause hate against others - twisting information. Hence the added disdain I have for the Leftist paradigm.

    Likewise with the FBI whereas they may be good at statistics, but they are not immune themselves, concerning CSA, they have an issue, which also proves to the case that no one is immune to CSA and things pertaining to it, as is US military and their allies.

    This is why it is vital for the household to protect their children by means of teaching them, as is a community of the same mindset because as you said, there are vile people out there. Not only we need to apply these solutions, but even JWs themselves, for bystander syndrome is so great among the general public.

  18. 13 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    When  it comes to the legal system, governments don't recognize scripture. Therefore, it's more complex for the Watchtower, that has to deal with man's law and God's law, together.

    That is true, as well as the fact even the government cannot govern themselves. If they had to use God's Word, at times, they'll do so incorrectly. But granted of how man's law is, as is the recent situations mentioned, it is a double-edged sword which can prove to cause more problems for anyone, even concerning CSA. In some instances, a modern influence also plays into this factor too whereas those of some form of status are usually let go Scott-free and or receive a light punishment.

    A broken system. This is why the people who are aware must teach and give warning because the dangers are real and serious.

    13 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Before, the victim was advised they had every right to call the police themselves, or by any family member. That can be easily proven by the letters to the Elders. When governments started cracking down on those issues in 2013, it was a slow rollout. It wasn't until the U.N. made recommendations because of child trafficking in 2016, it took off. What people here don't seem to understand, back then, some wives or a child didn't pursue secular justice out of FEAR! The Watchtower could not force someone, but at times, they did intervene for the safety of the victims.

    However, there are still nations that afford the Clergy Privilege. Therefore, those institutions need to adhere to those privileges since, certain things would not be admissible in a court of law.

    The Watchtower, still recommends any victim to pursue legal enforcement.

    Exactly, a level of bystander syndrome. This also goes for those of domestic abuse.

    Moreover, the culture concerning Police has changed in which people deem them the enemy because of a few bad Individuals, for instance, the case of Daniel Holtzclaw, and his actions in the black community and how it concluded. Then you have groups of the political paradigm that makes the situation with police even worse whereas things like CHAZ was created whereas crime, rape, violence and a list of other things took place, so much so EMTs were afraid to even help a teen who is bleeding out due to those in CHAZ who view the police. Hence a creation of Fear for Law Enforcement whereas it creates problems, even good cops forced to resign and or end up getting killed in action.

    14 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Explain that, not just to ExJWs but also, those that claim to be JWs.

    I have many times and those who speak of CSA don't take action, but I guess the next time CSA is brought up, I might just update my thread concerning CSA and teaching children. Granted it benefited the visitors before, it is would be a good thing to bring it up again. But as of recent, I am looking for the video and information of what I told @Equivocation, even @Patiently waiting for Truth. If I can find it, or whatever is left of it, I can add that to my update.

  19. 10 hours ago, Thinking said:

    Off course…but I have a feeling you may be taking this scripture out of context…correct me if I’m wrong ..

    He most likely is, granted this verse was used several times in regards to him. This verse is also why it is focused on when it comes to debating misinformation and falsehoods even against paradigms.

    The verse that was used against @Srecko Sostar previously as of recent, even now concerning Mainstream ideas, as is his remark of Chloe whereas there was no evidence of Chloe somehow being the head or held leadership of the Church of Corinth. Such things of which can be seen deemed as errors or misinformed ideas, an Exegesis that is not Scripturally sound.

    1 John 4:1 is a strong verse, even when use to test and challenge someone, namely who has a false and or lost spirit, as is in regards to those who claim to be of inspiration where the accusation of False Prophet can be cited if such a person is exposed. Apostle John conveyed here that one must test what is taught in Scripture, a ruling of which is good for Christians to adhere to if they understood what the verse means. To an extent, Bible alludes to this as well by means of references, hence 2 Cor. 13:10, 11, as is any verse pertaining to what it means to be Berean like, hence the reflecting words of Acts 17.

    If someone's statement and or remarks comes into the realm of what is true and what is false, it is critical to discern what is being conveyed, so one does not accidentally accept something that isn't of core teachings or of God's Laws. Especially if what is being conveyed is not in harmony with God's Word, as is anything pertaining to it, historically even, when it comes to people, places and things, etc.

    Therefore, when it comes to things said, be it claims, narratives and or allegations, it is to be called out, if there is something in regard to the Church and of God that is in err of which is not core, it will be called out, more so, it will also reveal the spirit of the very person who conveys such messages. Often times, such with a tainted spirit will commit to slander, insults and accusations upon those who revealed their taint.

  20. 9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Please define what the phrase "reading the Bible" means to you in the context of the name Srećko? In what way do I claim, “I read the Bible”?

    Reading is the action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud, moreover, an occasion at which poetry or other pieces of literature are read aloud to an audience. Something of which the Bible has.

    The Bible is clear as seen in the verse below of which is in the Old and New Law

    Joshua 1:8 - This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

    If one adheres to God's Word, we are not only to pray, to preach the gospel, but we must read the Word also. The same way you consume food and water daily, likewise we do the same when it comes to the Holy Book itself. Not only we read, but we meditate of it, observe it, so much so it can be equated to something like that of Shema Yisreal of which Jesus and the Jews adhered to in their youth into adulthood. Some can read one or a few verses, others, a few chapters, some several chapters in the day, etc. Be it a single verse to read, meditate and observe vs several chapters, you take in the daily bread of which the Lord provides. People also make time and or find time to do so, to others before bed and or as soon as they wake up, some even have the alternative of audio, but still, you have to pay attention to observe what you are hearing. Do follow God and apply his examples, likewise with the Christ and his followers, we must do this, and in doing so, we build faith, in doing so, we pave a path for salvation, as is on top of that it is understanding, comprehension, and context.

    The Mainstream teaches simply to accept Christ and that is it, suddenly you are saved, but it is more than that.

    As for the latter remark, the evidence can be seen in nearly all Biblical discussions, even the ones of which when it is Bible based only, you wanted to bring in the Watchtower constantly, which was the case in the linked debate of which you were involved - The very reason I cited Abraham and Chloe to begin with, even Prophetess Deborah.

    You were told this several times actually, to read your Bible.

    9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I don’t read the Bible every day, or occasionally. When I refer to a biblical passage or report I do so from memory or go to a book or google to see where it is and what it says

    Well the Bible is clear on what you must do.

    What is stopping you from reading simply one verse, or part of it?

    That excuse can work with anyone here, but when you have to answer for that in front of the White Throne, before God himself, during a situation where time has ran out, you can't make excuses against one who is of high Sovereignty.

    That being said, I do so from memory as well, but I still read, as is what is written for a follower of God, even Christians, are to do. 

    Reading one verse, in the Bible, then mediating on it, even observe it, is not difficult. You can simply pick a verse or two and meditate it for a span of a day or a few days until you understand the context fully.

    This is why concerning Abraham, Chloe and Deborah, if you actually read for context, your remarks in regard to them would be extremely different, even in this case, Apostle John.

    10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So your claim, that I claim to be reading the Bible, is not provable, it is just your opinion.

    Unfortunately, the claims are true, in the debates and in the cases made when I told you the following.


    On 11/3/2018 at 4:46 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Read your Bible Srecko because this shows you do not know what that passage entails.


    On 7/4/2019 at 3:42 PM, Space Merchant said:

    That being said, do yourself a favor - Go read your Bible and understand what the term Christian is. Willful ignorance and stupidity will reap you no fruit, despite the fact you have been burned and rinsed on this notion before.

    Granted there was a reason as to why this was said, hence claim.

    I do not use opinions, so the fact you keep saying that is getting rather old. An opinion can't be verified, but what you said about the mentioned figures in the Bible, can be shown with absolute fact, I already mentioned your remarks of Chloe and Deborah, I can do the same with Abraham.

    I leave the below to remind you the difference.


    On 2/14/2022 at 10:39 AM, Space Merchant said:

    There is a difference between The Facts and An Opinion. Some people may think, you included, they are quite similar, but actually, a fact and an opinion are very different ideas, for facts can be verified whereas opinions cannot.

    • Facts  - are a statement(s) that can be proven true or false.


    • Opinions  - are expressions of a person's feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can attempt to rely on some information deem factual, with inclusion of emotion, however it can be used in a basis based on this notation, which can sometimes be a means to deliberately mislead others. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the whatever it is someone or something is professing, even when it comes to the choice of language and conveyance of said proclamation.


    If I had to make an opinion, I would simply say, I do not believe you read the Bible, and in that case, I would not really have any evidence against you, but that is simply fiction, granted, you provided ample evidence on why such is said about you, and now, your excuse of not reading God's Word.

  21. @Dmitar

    Well not of the legal system, the solutions, even the ones based on biblical means. The problem is not everyone seems to follow or apply it, hence the influence gained in regard to CSA, which reaps reaction. But knowing the functions of a legal system also helps too, however, it is a double-edged sword.

    True, however, I recall @Equivocation talking about CSA only for @Srecko Sostar to brush it off, as he did to me in the past. In @Equivocation's case, it was a school club of some sort that talked about such issues. I believe there was a survivor of domestic abuse on this forum too who spoke her case, but just like what Srecko did to Equivo, @Witness did the same to the person in question.

    Even so when they have a platform of which they go to, they never address such things or be grounded.

    As for the last remark, also true, people tend to not know how the law works, as for calling the police, among the solutions parents, guardians and or relatives can do this also, for CSA prevention is aware that some people do not want to get involved in such things and will encourage, not all of them, but some, mainly if they are not equipped to handle the situation. I told @Patiently waiting for Truth this many times, depending on whatever JW Elder, some are equipped, some or not. If he wants results, he can go to a Swahili JW Church. What CSA prevention provided, also ignored.

    That being said, granted you have people, especially in the EXJW community, scrubbing vital information, it shows that the regard for CSA has shifted, for if a man tells vital info on the issue and the group goes out of their way to erase such information, then you see the big problem. And from there, not only misinformation is spread to cloud CSA issues, but CSA is often times weaponized, hence, something common in the US and UK to weaponize various things against someone or something. There was also a situation with one EXJW a Truther found, and this EXJW was shown to defend a female pedophile and child groomer who was in the gaming community, after being exposed, the person in question deactivated their social accounts and left reddit. An example that shows even among them, that is a problem.

    For in the end no group is immune to CSA, even the paradigm, but one paradigm is already making it difficult as of 2022 whereas children risk is higher and frequent.

  22. @Patiently waiting for Truth Granted you were in that thread as is what you said about CSA, what I said pertained to the events of the Warwick protest, of which @Equivocation's JW church was targeted.

    So I will brief with this one as to why the CSA issue will continue to be a problem

    On 2/21/2022 at 8:09 PM, Space Merchant said:

    As for John Cedars, even JW Crisis, everything pertaining to him and his friend, Peter Jeuck (Former Bible Student) is scrubbed....

    Also note that: Peter had something very vital to say about the whole child sex abuse issue, however, like the 1975 video I mentioned, EXJW ran it and burned this information to the ground with shaming, and death threats after the failed lie regarding the park situation. Moreover, he provided a solution that would benefit everyone, even current JWs because it made sense. Those who heard from both videos disassociated themselves from the EXJW community, and onlookers were reinforced to deem those who took action on that day as a legitimate threat to the County. Anyways, those videos are lost Gems, even with IT expertise, and the power of the internet and use of public domain archives, they're impossible to find unless someone downloaded them prior before the EXJWs essentially destroyed it.

    It is evident it is more than dealing with CSA concerning such focus, it is about wanting to take down the faith community itself, all of the Watchtower in general. It was speculated that someone of the community wanted to get then President of the Unites States, Donald J. Trump, as is thinking to manipulate the First Amendment to deem JWs as a cult, and to use that as a justification to effectively end the faith.

    Concerning what Peter did, the JW leaders were called to challenge in the park whereas threats of harm, even perhaps killing them was noted, so the disgruntled of this level are not afraid to get their hands dirty, and it would not be surprising if they entice, trick political protesters to whom JWs and their leaders were opposition that the need for violence is to be pushed on to them.

    This is why what I said in the past is very clear.


    On 11/4/2018 at 8:34 PM, Space Merchant said:

    I will quote someone from the video, people like this will do anything and everything, even going as far as to destroy Christianity in order to bring down a single faith. It is one thing to speak against falsehood, but a total warpath to cease out  religious faith is crazy.

    You should know how crazy that is.

    That being said, there are several ill minded crusades, concerning the JWs, this is one of many, some in particular I rather not speak of on this forum granted how sensitive it is, as is graphic.

    It is better to rely on solutions then to be influenced by such things.

  23. 11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You seem to have shown SM what is, how it looks and where he can find the true and real Christian Order. :) 

    For someone who claims to read the Bible, it is wild to see that it shows you do not understand a single thing Apostle Paul attests to concerning God's Order.

    Then again, you were the same man who spoke ill of Abraham as is making a silly assertion of the Church of Corinth.

    That being said, a man who does not do a single thing to build is faith is just worse off as those in the Mainstream.

    The Bible clearly teaches that God is a God of order. For God is not a God of disorder (1 Corinthians 14:33). This verse is part of a rebuke of the Corinthian church of which Apostle Paul was addressing. 1 Corinthians is, in part, a letter outlining proper conduct in the worship of God concerning various things. Paul bases the command for order in the church itself on the fact that God Himself is a God of order, and he did this in a way to upbuild those of the church, men and women, Jews and Gentiles. As pointed out, as in regard to understanding Prophet Malachi, God does not change, but God is of complete order (Malachi 3:6).

    Since God is a God of order, we as Christians, should be too. Since we are in the likeness of God, we are to think in his orderly ways and apply his Word, as is qualities. To be of reason. The more like him we become, the more orderly our lives will be because He is a God of order.

    For Paul understands this, a Prophet Inspired, however you, as is @Witness are appealing to something entirely different here. This is where the both of you should be very careful, for if you do not read for context or know the inner workings of how the church adheres to God's Word and operate, it will only be a problem for you when it comes to those who do, as in, this case. Essentially a repeat of the last debate.

    For no one, not even JWs would be this gullible to the Unisex Teaching.

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