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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    you keep bringing this up, but you know what? No one has mentioned it but you. Seems like you want a discussion on the topic. Do it. 

    Is that a problem? I brought it up because that information is true, something factual. When you study religious theology, things like this is known. And Restorationist are among the fold who are not part of the mainstream, hence why there is always a conflict between they and them.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    This is straight up comedy.   Since you failed at expanding on the "mainstream Christianity" thing, you've had to resort to fourms and private clubs.

    I have spoken of mainstream Christendom many, many times. It pertains to the threads I've started here on how they twist Scripture into some other form of doctrine, one of which you were in said discussion briefly. And no, I have been preaching and teachings not to the people I help, homeless, youth, what have you, but to those that speak of doctrines that is not of the church. I have even stated I do this publicly in person, etc. Hence why I, as well as many from cse, are often on conversation and or debate when we are met with falsehood.

    If I had to resort to forums only, why would I have preached the messages of the gospel to those in Thailand? Africa? Recently the countries of my parents? There are times whereas I am absent, if not work, if not helping young ones or the homeless, I am preaching the gospel to those who want to have a head start in learning the Bible.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Keep going sm, tell us about the knitting circle that won't allow cross stitch and how that ties back to your statement that Christians shun. 

    cross stitch? You do realize I am Unitarian, right? If I am not mistaken, you brought this up, and it is not the first time I've explained excommunication and 3 forms practiced by Christians today whereas only one form out of the 3 is correct. If I mention it now, you'd simply equate your comment about a separate discussion.

    That being said, I still don't understand your claim of me being hurt. Seems to be the other way around if one such as yourself is irked that easily to even make the first response that brought us to this point. But hey, it is evident when I see people watering down Scripture.

  2. 7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    oh sm, why not? I mean simplistic is very easy to understand, its only when folks like yourself, who add all kinds of arbitrary meanings and definitions, who purposely create complexity so that by the time someone has tried to sift through all that mess, they give up and say "uncle". 

    Don't blame me for stating something that is true. I need not have to explain to you something that is literally simple, after all, all the Christians that lived before us, our brothers and our sisters of the church, it should be obvious to you. Clearly they are not like Moses, David, etc, but they did have something in common, they proclaimed who God is, his Kingdom and all that pertains to it, hence, they are spokesman, mouth and or mouthpiece, declarees, advocates, prophets, etc.

    Give up? I value discussion.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    There is a significant difference between a person stating scripture and explaining it, and one who proclaims to be God's mouthpiece. You just don't see it and want to make your statement so convoluted that people give up.

    I've only made the response because of what you said as seen here:

    On 3/12/2019 at 11:50 AM, Shiwiii said:

    Not inspired = not the mouthpiece. 

    If I am wrong, as I told you in question, what of the good news gospel and the Messianic Age? All things pertaining to God that is spoken of by Christians, as well as the false prophets and teachers out there? There is Truth and there is Untruths, those who speak the truth will speak up.

    That being said, the leaders of Judah thought of Isaiah to be crazy when he not only repeat himself, but was speaking quite a lot regarding warning.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    No, a person who is proclaiming the Gospel is still not God's mouthpiece.

    So when someone is speaking the gospel of the good news, what are they professing if not of God? I am sure you are aware that even angels in Bible times were God's mouthpieces as well, example, Genesis 16:10-11, Genesis 22:10-12.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    They are proclaiming and pointing to Gods Word, but are not God's mouthpiece.

    Ok, my point exactly. Such ones proclaim God's Words, speaking and proclaiming the message, which pertains to what I had said.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    You don't have to agree and can make up whatever you want

    I don't make things up but ok.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    but the end result is that you have not convinced me and based on the replies of almost no one else, you haven't convinced anyone else either. 

    How are you so sure I haven't convinced anyone? If the Bible speakth something, it will be said. No one is ignorant to the fact that God uses angels and people, even speaks trough them and or uses them to push his message, Shaliach Principle being an example, which the person in question is a spokesman and or mouthpiece. For us Christians today, we are spreading God's Word and proclaiming the message, although we are not like our prophet inspired counterparts, we have the gifts of the spirit still and able to do God's will by such.

    That being said, there are indeed false prophets out there, some of which who preach and teach that God has given them visions of hell, people being tormented in it, burned, eaten, what have you. They make claim that they are God's spokesman, or in this case, God's mouthpiece, but they are teaching a message that is not of the church, not of God, but of man.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Outta Here said:

    Acts 2:37-38

    More of building one up and so forth. There are some Christians who believe faith over works and all that whereas a specific group avoids reading into Acts 1 and 2.

    In this sense, when one learns about God and they seek him, they will take into account what Jesus had told his disciples, when he says that we must take in knowledge of the one True God.

    • John 17:3 - And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

    Some denominations believe that baptism is the only way one can be saved, hence Shiwiii's misinformed response. The truth of the matter is one makes this decision on their own, yes at times, they can be encouraged, however, that choice is for them to make with God, should they want to make a declaration known in this sense, and going about following the teachings of the teacher, Christ Jesus.

    Knowledge of what we read from the Scriptures, to take in everything in full context, we must read, obverse and meditate it, build up wisdom, which is indeed like treasures, and like how the Jews did for their young, we pass on this knowledge to the people, men, women and children, even to our household, and so forth.

  4. On 3/11/2019 at 11:44 AM, Shiwiii said:

    again, these verses do not include the study part you were looking for. 


    You are the one who inquired where in the Bible does it say exactly what you are focused on, you twisted my response to make it seem I said the Bible said exactly that whereas in reality, my comments showed that the Bible encourages us to obverse and study. Surely if I said "this verse says the word diligently", your comment would be understandable. But as we can see, nowhere in my comments I said exactly that in the Bible, but rather the opposite. You think I did not see what you attempted to do?

    Again, what I said exactly is the following:

    When a person has been studying the word diligently, becoming hearers of the word and embraces it, they will most likely seek baptism on their own accord, and as stated before, in doing so, they accept the teachings of the teacher, Lord Christ Jesus (Acts 2:38, 41).

    The verse in question regarding encouragement in this domain

    [38] And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. [41] So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.

    So tell me, can you point how anywhere to where I said the Bible stated what you claim exactly? Apparently, no. You brought forth if English was my first language and I gave answer, perhaps one should be asking you the same thing.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    you keep doing things like this, bringing up something NO ONE said. You are only hearing what you want to hear instead of listening to what IS said. 

    You did. You equated my responses to baptism being a requirement and or a necessary action or else, in this sense. This is called Baptismal Regeneration. Did you not consider such in your comments?

    On 3/11/2019 at 11:44 AM, Shiwiii said:

    of course, this is something we do to grow closer to God. However this has never been a requirement for baptism. 


    On 3/11/2019 at 11:44 AM, Shiwiii said:

    So having to study IS unbiblical as a requirement for baptism. It certainly helps, and should be done to understand what it is you are even professing, but not a requirement.

    Again, not of my comments profess baptism being a requirement and or necessary, what I have stated, always, is that one can seek baptism if he or she chooses to seek it, having building themselves up working towards acquiring knowledge of who God is, his Son and the Kingdom.

    You also made comment as to me believing in works over belief:

    On 3/12/2019 at 12:22 PM, Shiwiii said:

    I know you cannot see it, but right here you said that if they work hard enough.......etc. Works are not a requirement for baptism, belief is. 

    You've been paying attention to anything I said here and on this forums, you would know of what I profess verily easily.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    so why is it that you couldn't just say this in the first place instead of arguing with me that one must "work" ? 

    I am not arguing with you, but when I profess something you seem to get irked up quickly. Clearly one who is building up in their faith in professing, which pertains to baptism and observance of God's Word.

    You are merely adding to me words when you keep assuming works over belief, and faith being a requirement. Even by own comments on previous threads negates your claim to evidence of absolutely nothing.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Is it because you just can't bring yourself to admit I was correct? Works for baptism IS UNBIBLICAL. 

    How are you correct if you can't even bring up any of my responses pertaining to such? IF I stated time and time again one seeks baptism on his or her own accord, why push what I say into something entirely different? You keep trending your heels on baptismal regeneration against someone who is, and has been against it for years.

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Just stop with your strawman "baptismal regeneration", no one said it. 

    Did you not equate my responses to baptism being a requirement when I professed that people seek baptism? Anyone who believes in baptism a requirement, or a total necessary means are supports of baptismal regeneration. Because you seem unaware of this term, I did you the favor of linking it here:




    I mean, a dead giveaway would be the fact I do not adhere to spurious and or unauthentic Bible verses whereas those who support Baptismal regeneration uses spurious text to support baptism as an absolute requirement. Not to mention the last discussion which you wanted to discuss regarding salvation.

    That being said, again, if someone does not support baptismal regeneration, stop tooting the horn for it because it will give you nothing in return.

    And no, no strawmans here, but the ignorance shows in regards to those of Christendom who actually do support such things; not me, because to quote you I, as well as the church, sees it as

    7 hours ago, Shiwiii said:


    That being said, A strawman is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.

    Here we see you, making claims of baptism as a requirement in regards to my responses that shed no such thing. Baptism as a necessary means of salvation and or an absolute requirement is Baptismal Regeneration, which is the belief that baptism is necessary for salvation, or, more precisely, that regeneration does not occur until a person is water baptized (they also believe babies, who cannot speak or obverse God's Word, can be baptism too, in regards to guilty of sin).

  5. @BillyTheKid46 Which proves my point for these past view years. Bystanders will succumb to vigilante justice and will go about violence of people, even the abusers themselves. Such actions is looked down upon for those who are truly fighting against child abuse without bloodying the water. Aside from that, these same people who do not out to go about combating child abuse are promoting child abuse indirectly, saying an institution is a hive, a paradise, or open to pedophilia, they are only giving word to ear to abusers to go to those institutions, and it plays into corrupt justice whereas those who people cry to in regards to child abuse are some how in it themselves; the whole double standard thing.

  6. On 3/12/2019 at 11:50 AM, Shiwiii said:

    you don't get it, or you just don't like to admit you're wrong. 

    Probably because I am not?

    On 3/12/2019 at 11:50 AM, Shiwiii said:

    Not inspired = not the mouthpiece. 

    So may I ask, what of those that preached the gospel of the good news and the Messianic Age i.e. public proclamation of the inspired things/events from Scripture? Are you purposely leaving them out? Not to knock on the false teachers out there, but they too are doing the same blinding people, are they not speaking as well? The distinction between true and false, those who are of what is true will indeed speak up.

    That being said, a spokesman, mouthpiece and or delegatee, etc. there are many terms.

    Also you are forgetting, Christians (Prophets who are not inspired and not infallible) have gifts of the spirit in regards to proclaiming God's Word, thus they are mouthpieces/spokesman of God YHWH. Surely you know the difference between and can make the distinction between an inspired Prophet such as the ones you mentioned, and a not inspired Prophet who are commonly known as Christians today. One thing both of these types have in common is that they profess God, are like spokesman concerning God and so forth.

    Don't go about things in a simplistic manner, Shiwiii.

    Now, although those who bear testimony to having so called visions, they make the claim that God uses them as representatives, as his spokesmen, but clearly you see by such, they are teaching something that is not of the church. The boy mentioned the crusaders, militant Christians, they claim they are of God, but would be quick to take a firearm in threat to men, women and children should they go to the extreme, as a recent discussion this was revealed some months ago, and although all of them vary, they have a crazy view of what they see as just and thinking God Wills it (Deus vult).

  7. On 3/11/2019 at 10:06 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Not to mention a wonderful Librarian.

    Yes. Not every form is blessed with good folk. For Christian admins at CSE, if you do not have facts to make up your information, you will lose rep and your response removed. If anything you will get a comment follow up that says "lacking in evidence and or information" something of that sort.

    So what is said, must be detailed and backed up with clear information. Well here, some of us still cling to the original state of this section, i.e. controversial posts.

    But hey, anything goes from time to time on a forum.

  8. On 3/12/2019 at 11:54 AM, Shiwiii said:

    you're funny. I mean, you already know that what I said is true. It DOES sound like the wt, because they do exactly that. 

    Your statement here is silly. Why? because your feelings are hurt and want to lash out. No one agrees that mainstream Christianity disfellowships or excommunicates or shuns.  You are just hurt, and that's ok. It'll get better. 

    You assume way too much my friend. I don't hurt easily, I speak of what is true. It is not unknown to anyone the JW community and their churches profess excommunication, and it is not a shock to anyone who understand where excommunication originated from and how it was practiced. The church of the Christ does expel persons and such a practice is committed by those who applies it. Those of the mainstream practice 2 ill forms of excommunication, something I brought up before, and it waters down and or damages what Jesus entrusted the disciples in this current day and age.

    You are confusing Restorationist with mainstream Christendom. For last I checked, they, among a handful of others are not interfaith, nor do they integrate things of this world into their churches.

    That being said, you humor me, I invite you to profess how am I hurt and or sad when I shed nothing of the sort in this sense here?

    But I do saith, when it comes to forums and communities as such, even for here, regardless of who you are, the rules are sent by the admin here, and we are to abide by them, as with every forum or social space. Going beyond that will result in termination and or being kicked out, thus even goes for educational institutions, governmental, business, religious, etc. Such ones have the ability to bind and loosen said community, just as Jesus commanded his disciples, to bind and loosen, after all, yous aid it best yourself, shouldn't we be following Jesus command?

    You are not the first to try me, nor are you the last, but you are free to try.

  9. On 3/12/2019 at 12:12 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    Like Jesus did when he taught in the Synagogue?


    Jesus teachings the truth of the Scriptures.

    Aside from that,

    My friend it is a reality. School and educational institutions are FAR TOO DIFFERENT now from your time. During my youth, although I am still typical a young man, I have only seen small instances of such, very subtle, however, this isn't the case with our young ones today. To the elderly, to the adults, to the children, such things spread.


    Also it is a plague among our children, in this sense. I do not support, but rather, I am against teen vogue for what they are pushing to our children: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/what-high-school-is-like-for-transgender-students

    Other examples:

    Image result for transgender teacher dresses

    On 3/12/2019 at 11:55 AM, Shiwiii said:

    oh this is getting fun. 

    Well Shiwiii, you are very late to the party because it is no surprise I am using common sayings that was common in the days of Jesus and the apostles.

  10. On 3/12/2019 at 12:22 PM, Shiwiii said:

    still doesn't justify your position. It does muddy the conversation more, if that is your plan. 

    On 3/11/2019 at 7:18 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Actually I had made the justification. I mentioned that one studies the Bible and suddenly you make claim that I am pulling this "studying" from a specific verse whereas the Bible encourages study, meditation, and reading of God's Word.

    On 3/12/2019 at 12:22 PM, Shiwiii said:

    from this statement, which I already stated is unbiblical. 

    Nowhere in my comments I am in support of baptismal regeneration. So I ask again, where are you drawing this conclusion?

    On 3/12/2019 at 12:22 PM, Shiwiii said:

    I know you cannot see it, but right here you said that if they work hard enough.......etc. Works are not a requirement for baptism, 

    Again, pulling information without merit to what I've said or understood.  Nowhere have I stated works being a requirement. If you read carefully of what I said, when one seeks baptism, they work in ways of building themselves up, reading and obverse God's Word, even glorying God.

    You keep pointing to baptismal regeneration when nowhere in my statements point to requirements or a necessary means, but rather, one seeking baptism.

    That being said, if you want to learn what baptismal regeneration is, I suggest reading into Catholicism, for clearly here, I am not a Catholic or part of mainstream Christendom.

    So I ask you again, can you quote anything from my statements that shows me in support to baptismal regeneration?

    On 3/12/2019 at 12:22 PM, Shiwiii said:

    belief is. 

    Well of course, hence why, I am against baptismal regeneration. But it does not stop someone from seeking baptism if they feel they are ready for it.

  11. @James Thomas Rook Jr. What?

    That being said, Rook, in this day and age, they are putting young boys in dresses now and teachings things that is unheard of in the schools. Granted of what fuels the educational institutions, it is no surprise as to how such comes to fruition, and it is truly a problem that people will see as a normal thing. It is only a matter of time, as many saith, because this is the reality of things now. Sometimes, one has to take into account on what the people are teaching, even the teachers and professors in the schools, for young minds are like sponges, and they will take anything and everything into their minds.

    Although schools have dress codes, for some, there was never something in place of what I speak of, granted with how open today's society is with something that is problematic. Next thing you know, perhaps a male teacher would come to class and teach the children in a dress of some sort.

  12. 8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Not being inspired means that they are NOT the mouthpiece of God.

    Again - Christians are prophets NOT INSPIRED, however, they can still profess God's word when it comes to teaching, ministering and or other, although not on the high ground as they're inspired counterparts. One who is a mouthpiece of God is one who speaks God's Word, minister and professes it, following God's Word in this sense. It also pertains to a spokesmen.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    A inspired prophet IS, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Moses, etc. 

    Indeed. Don't forget Aaron. He was Moses' mouthpiece, spokesmen, etc.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    men can say whatever they want to say, but that doesn't mean it comes from God. 

    Pretty much what I pointed to, but ok. This also goes for the actions committed by men, and or Christians whoa re true and not true.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    you can go ahead and believe that there is a certain criteria established by man that makes them a mouthpiece,

    I profess and believe what the Bible teachings, as with Jesus' church. As I have said already, anyone can make the claim that they are the mouthpiece of God, what it comes down to is those who are doing things pertaining to God's will and purpose. Reasons why I gave example of such one like Martinez, who, he spoken of as a mouthpiece of God but teachings false teachings concerning one being able to see or have visions of a realm that does not originate with God whereas another, who says they are God's mouthpiece and speaks truth to claim in regards to such ones like Martinez.

    Again we see here you do not even understand exactly what I've said.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    that's fine, it just doesn't make it so. 

    My point was already made now and months ago that concise with the truth of what I said concerning God's Kingdom and his people. Those who God puts forth, those who are for his son, will always speak and teach what is true, in a world that teaches something that is not of the church.

    That being said, it would be foolish and erroneous for any man to speak and teach of things that does not originate with God, does not originate with what Jesus taught, does not originate with the church or the Kingdom, etc. For even false prophets and teachers of this world who makes claim show the fruits they grow - in this sense, the teaching of something that God himself drove out of the land and detests.

  13. 7 hours ago, Anna Rajala said:

    Some people understand the Bible a lot better then me im just a student. And need a lot of anwers

    One thing that helped me when I was younger up until now is to focus on core passages itself, example, all things pertaining to Moses, Isaiah, etc, even Jesus. Reading carefully, sometimes aloud helps you to remember what you've read, coupled with meditation. Also take the time to study what you've read to better understand it. It is a list of things, but begin with a form of study that is comfortable to you and helps enable you to progress in reading God's Word. Over time, you will gain wisdom and understanding. To make it easier for you, I suggest begin with the four gospel accounts concerning Jesus, and work your way beyond that or go back into the Old Testament and work your way up.

  14. On 3/10/2019 at 10:04 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Sometimes ... MANY times ... Justice requires going above and BEYOND the law, without breaking it.

    Sometimes the law that we see as just, took unjust routes to fulfill a goal and or agenda that reaps consequences to the people and or nation. Even officials break the law in order to push out justice that is ill and false.

    On 3/10/2019 at 10:04 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    How'se dat workin' out fer us?

    One thing: The Teachings of the Apostles. Should any Christian be it group or a lone soul breaks away from that structure, it, in a sense, breaks them, even when it is in the face of laws of the land.

  15. 10 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    sounds exactly like being a jw in a kh. 

    Sounds exactly like mainstream Christendom and soco films who, inasmuch butcher the gospels knowingly.

    9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If you misbehave in my house, you may be shot dead.

    .... you do not "take a dump" in someone else's environment.

    That's why gentlemen go out in the street to fight .... or in a public forum where the rules are somewhat more lax.

    There is always rules to a forum. We are lucky to have such a less strict admin unlike other places.

  16. 8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    again, these verses do not include the study part you were looking for. 

    You pulled a phrase from my statement, and if you read what I said I clearly stated the following [When a person has been studying the word diligently] nothing here to which I had said that there is a verse that says what you are so focused on. However, the Bible does indeed encourage study.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    of course, this is something we do to grow closer to God. However this has never been a requirement for baptism

    Exactly the point I've made from the beginning. growing closer to God and glorying him, serving the teacher, his Son, Jesus. Your other comments draws assumption to baptismal regeneration, which is something I am against.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    no one said otherwise. You are creating a straw-man argument. 

    No, what I said is based on the context of what I've been saying, take a good look at that response again, Shiwiii.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    no, what I said was that your statement of having to study to be baptized is unbiblical. You have still failed to prove otherwise.

    Reading and studying allows us to learn about God, his Son and the Kingdom. As to where am I pointing that is a necessary requirement for baptism when most of what I said was those who seek baptism?

    Where are you drawing this from my statement? Learning about God and reading about what he has done for his people is taking in wisdom. Baptism is for those who seek it, be it they have some understanding of God's Word already. If there is an issue about one learning about who God is, I am all ears.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    The eunuch did not study as a requirement and the scripture shows just that.

    Did you not read what I had said about the Eunuch? The Eunuch was leaving the Temple in Jerusalem, he was already aware of worship and sacrifices made to God being done in the Temple. What he did not understand was what he was reading from the Hebrew Text concerning the Christ, in which we can read as to how that unfolded.

    Again, if I am not for baptismal regeneration, why make the statement as if I am pointing that this is indeed a requirement pertaining to being saved?

    If you check your reference for that passage, we see what he was reading is pointed directly at the verses in Isaiah, the Hebrew Text.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    He had no idea what he was reading, nor whom it was about.

    Exactly, concerning the Christ. He did not know who it was about at all until Phillip explained it to him, and if you took note of what the Hebrew text points to, it is indeed about Christ Jesus.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    is wasn't until Philip explained it to him did he understand.

    Clearly I pointed this out.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    So having to study IS unbiblical as a requirement for baptism.

    I don't support baptismal regeneration, so I welcome you to show me proof to claim.

    Nothing I have said here is a requirement, in my response, here and older ones, I've addressed people seeking baptism they themselves learn about God, they read and they do study the word, understanding it fully, and they go on to follow as well the teachings of the teacher. Nothing of what I said, again, supports baptismal regeneration.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    It certainly helps, and should be done to understand what it is you are even professing, but not a requirement. 

    If I was professing a necessary requirement, surely I would be in support of baptismal regeneration, which nothing in any of my comments here shows said response to such.

    8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    this makes me think that maybe English is not your first language. "Gimme a break" is an expression. 

    Because clearly English is indeed not my first language, however, I've studied it long enough to know phrases, expressions and the like. But as I said to you and others before, you make a response to be do not be surprised that I give answer. Mt first language is a combination of French and Spanish. Creole and then English.

    I know what the expression is. Another English expression is "the Evidence of absence". You are alluding to me supporting baptismal regeneration and yet nothing I said supports it, why assume such to begin with?

    That being said, I will say to you that there are those who believe baptism is a requirement, a necessary action in order to be saved, the same they do with infant sons and daughters to somehow purge of sin guilt. Clearly, I have stated otherwise. Also, would it not be wise you use "give me" instead of "gimmie"? Gimmie sounds childish, but it is whatever floats the boat of those who speak such.

  17. 15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Oh. Unless he means the hehehehe:)))))))

    A man who giggles at the seriousness and the gravity of such situations is not a man to be taken seriously. For me, this is how I always see.

    That being said, things are back to square 1 when it was said months ago, not a whole lot of people are familiar with secular law in regards to child abuse. AT LEAST make the effort to look at the basics about the Law, but as much as you advise and suggest that, they ignore it. Hence why, as those who truly fight child abuse, consider such ones contributors of the problem, which is evident in recent weeks pertaining to that of child abuse as a whole.

  18. On 3/8/2019 at 10:34 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I will believe that when we no longer have to knock on THEIR doors ... they knock on OURS!

    Unfortunately for you, this will continue to happen, regardless until the end comes.

    For the Bible says for God's people, who are following the Christ, to preach to the nation, and such ones reach the people of the nation in public spaces, including going to the homes of persons - Missionary work in regards to the gospel. The time of preaching, missionary works, ministry, knocking on doors, what have you, ends, that would be a time where tension and increased hysteria would happen, due to the preaching of the gospel would cease when the strong indications of the end time tribulations will come in full force.

    Outside of Christianity, there is a community, mixed of religious and non-religious, who are actually preparing or already prepared for that. Elsewhere in the world, you have people who are over-the-top prepared for it, i.e. Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

    Even children are ready in this regard, as of recent, an example of two young girls who survived in the wilderness of the woodlands, and so forth.

    George Orwell would be the type to say I told you so, if he were alive at that point in time, and even present day.

  19. Not only that but there has been a few police officers arrested for child abuse too. This is indeed a problem that spreads like a viral outbreak, or a wildfire.

    20 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    Why don't they just bite the bullett and just ban and dismantle the whole shower of corrupt charlatans?

    This would be very difficult, granted abusers tend to be well integrated into an institution, and when new converts and or recruits are welcomed to the community, no one knows the intent of said recruit. This is like the whole gang stalking thing, a guy comes to the church and says he seeks God and want to follow Jesus, and he is welcomed, however his intent is to commit and subdue women into sexual immorality, you do not know until it is too late, but if you have wisdom in the signs, you can prevent an action.

    That being said, this plague, the whole child abuse situation, cannot be 100% destroyed, you can only train people to prevent some instances of abuse, and educate the people and the public. But it seems not many people are welcoming of such and they later become shocked at situations that is beyond their control.

    18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Justice is slow but sometimes it happens. ;))

    Sometimes justice is a double standard. They'll throw away the key to the cell of an abuser, but allow another abuser to walk free, allowing those who follow him to support him.

    America is a broken and to some they find exploits.

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