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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 1 minute ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    Shredded documents can with skill and patience by restored from destruction.

    Documents burned to ashes in Lava, cannot.

    You have to VISUALIZE what is being said ... not just read it.


    Try telling this to the Crusader Militant Christians. They will scream at you and attack you.

    That being said, the context and references in regards to the symbolic lake of fire should not be blown into something that it is not. Since we know death is thrown into the lake of fire, as well as the grave, which is also called hades, sheol, or hell, is tossed in there too. The Bible informs us that death will be no more for it will be the last enemy God will do away with, and there is no need to buried people in hades in this regard. Another verse some crusaders will take issue with his in regards to the commandments whereas they think God gives them the right to justify killing. Although they will not do it, but a few months back when there was an clash with Christians and Atheists, crusaders were very vocal in the discussion, but there misguided ignorance shows.

    But yes, such ones believe hell is eternal, yet somehow they make claim they can go back and forth. For if their belief in such is spoken of as eternal, how do they have the hall pass to such? The plot thickens.

  2. 13 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It's easier and more fun to decide to get into a Bar Fight, especially after a few drinks .... when you remember that your Company has an excellent dental plan !

    MAGA !

    Rook, it will be more than just a bar fight, it would be a street block brawl when maga supporters and opposers come out the woodwork as if there was free coffee being given out. I recall 3 teenaged girls were about to have a throw down with a grown guy who was easily offended by all 3 of them not just wearing the maga hat, but the fact those teens were mocking him. Sometimes the damage can be indirect.

    But hey, that's political theater for you, with a side of back to back show time specials on a marathon.

    That being said, that dental company has to be top of the line, teeth are durable, but not THAT durable.

    12 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If something you do "triggers" a rabid Snowflake it's better if your "heater" has at least 15 shots.

    .. and shoot first at least twice, even if it's just into the floor ... it upsets THEIR aim.

    Snowflakes are not much of a threat when it is a single soul, but give them time to slowly increase in numbers and they will become a threat. Such ones are not too far off from ANTIFA, or an adversary known as bamn who's head is yvette felarca.

    If anything, you have Tiny to cover you.


    Other than that, such things, words, even on dresses and other garments and accessories is enough to cause something in someone.

  3. On 3/4/2019 at 9:50 AM, Shiwiii said:

    wow, really? and you believe this? You are a perfect candidate for recruitment into whatever cult blows this way this week. 

    You do realize Christians are prophets not inspired, in this sense, they can make claim to being a mouthpiece, anyone can say it, but it comes down to if they follow the early church and its teachings, in conjunction with the teachings of the Christ and so forth. If a man claims he is the mouthpiece of the church and or God, how about all of Christendom, and he professes he sleeps one day and goes to a place of torment, seeing people there being tortured, you think he'd be teaching the truth let alone attempting to seek it and teach it himself? No.

    That being said, by all means team cybele can go first for in relation to Christendom, they love to hog the ball up and down the court.

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:11 PM, Equivocation said:

    @Space Merchant Don't forget the crusader bunch. Some of these guys also say the same thing to, they also believe in the whole taking of the holy land. I met one of them only once half way through my last year of middle school when I was in the city.



    These guys are a bit on the extreme side. Occasionally I see them, mainly when it comes to the Bible or the Holy Land, they go off like a bullet train with the power of H. RES. 183. Don't get too close, their second amendment hand are quite strong.

    That being said, they sadly believe the whole torment concept to, and some of them will tell you God only stopped Ahaz and others who passed their people into the fire, and never drove the practice out of the land and so forth.

    This is why it is vital to study the Scriptures of the Hebrew and Greek text to understand what Hell is, what Gehenna is, what Tartarus is, since many people equate all of them to be the same.

    Ironically enough, they don't like Revelations 20:14 which says.

    14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

    They'll simply skip this verse and go to 15. Moreover, they, and some, will spin what natural death is, with the second death and spiritual death. You will get a response such as you cannot throw death into death, and so forth.

    Such ones are hardpressed by the teachings of Christendom that professes these testimonies to be factual, even saying that such ones can see visions and fortellings of Hell.

    That being said, most debates and discussions I have seen, even took part in, even when there is a truth given to them, they will ignore it, and continue to paint God as an unjust villain.


  4. On 3/4/2019 at 9:18 AM, Shiwiii said:

    Here we go again with technicalities. 


    You're right sm, it might offend some. 

    You truly get irked very easily. But truly I say to you, that is the truth. It gets even deeper than  that.

    On 3/4/2019 at 9:44 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I'm thinking of buying a MEGA cap. It's the English version :) 

    You might want to be careful because this whole Donald Trump thing has spilled over to the United Kingdom, and on the other side you have the TR supporters that would go off unhinged at anyone that could trigger them, example, London.

    Likewise, even messages on a shirt and or hat would boil the blood of some random folk and it will cause he or she to react ins someway shape or form.

    It cannot be helped sadly. As Shiwiii said, snowflake on the same level of Tomi Lauren, and then you have the shills, the far left and the far right and all that other nonsense.

    @Equivocation Italian spider man memes? Clearly anything pertaining to it never becomes stale.

  5. @Equivocation Exactly my point. The Eunuch had no idea what he was reading concerning the Christ, reading this straight from the Hebrew text, that is Isaiah 53. What he was reading, and or has come to was Isaiah 53:7-8:

    He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?

    This pertains to the Lord and Savior himself, Christ Jesus. Phillip explained things, like you said, guiding him, all things concerning the Christ based on what text from the Hebrew Scriptures he was reading and the Eunuch accepted by his own accord.

    It is clearly evident of whom, for Jesus was the one cut off from the land of the living, hence the reference to Matthew 27:50, Daniel 9:26 is another among the fold of references.

  6. On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    show me where in the Bible it says you must "study diligently". 


    You pick apart my words and assume. If you read my response you can see I cited the verses regarding those who embrace the word, those who hear it. To quote exactly what I said [When a person has been studying the word diligently, becoming hearers of the word and embraces it, they will most likely seek baptism on their own accord, and as stated before, in doing so, they accept the teachings of the teacher, Lord Christ Jesus (Acts 2:38, 41). Moreover, it is already known that God sees such ones, even those of a household as holy.] Moreover, we are encouraged to read God’s word daily, observe, study, and if you are feeling it, even recite (for some loved to quote a verse and speak on context based on study and memorization, i.e. John 4), and there is no problem with observing and applying God’s Word even in our lives (2 Timothy 3:14-17, Deut. 17:18-20, Amos 8:11, Psalms 1, 19:10-11, 119:9 and Acts 17:11).

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    bahahahaha, you mean your education on what a eunuch is? bahahahahahaha

    Want to explain this?

    The passage begins with Philip being told by an angel of God set for from Jerusalem to Gaza, and in his travels is where he had encountered the Ethiopian Eunuch, but the man in the passage was not like the Eunuchs who could not even go to the temple to observe and religiously worship God, hence what was already said in my last response. In Acts 8:26-40, we clearly read that he had just gone from the Temple, for it was not unknown to anyone here that the observing and partaking of religious worship to God takes place here, and as to what he didn’t know what he was reading it was concerning the Christ, fulfillment pertaining to the Lord, reasons why I stated that Phillip explained to the Eunuch in regards to fulfillment of the Scripture concerning the Christ, for he couldn’t even apply who it connects to the Christ until it was explained to him, afterwards fully embracing such the gospel given to him.

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    completely irrelevant!

    How exactly? Do tell.

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    so you telling us the story again proves what? NOTHING.

    Actually, it does prove something regarding insight drawn from the passage itself. For you brought up a portion of this passage and said what I have said was unbiblical, i.e. wanting to be baptized.

    Clearly the Eunuch heard and embrace the gospel concerning the Christ and he was baptized, hence accepting the teachings of the teacher, the Christ, so how is it nothing and unbiblical if such equates to what I addressed before?

    regarding the Son of God, as is with all who seek to follow the teacher who explained the teachings.

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    It is a fact that the eunuch was baptized, 

    Ok. We mustn’t forget that he sought baptism after he was a hearer of the message concerning the Christ, being touched by this message, the is no question that the Eunuch was joy filled with the experience and as to what he had learned exactly what he was reading, thanks to Phillip, regarding the Christ.

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    he didn't even know what he was reading! verses 31&31. 

    And this is why afterwards Phillip explained to him these things concerning the Christ, (which he didn't know, if I may add, reading, as you said) and the Eunuch embraced this message that Phillip professed, which I stated already, hence, verse 31.

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    Give me a break sm, you stretch things so far to try and validate yourself its on the border of narcissism.

    And how am I validating myself exactly? A sole response regarding baptism and suddenly it becomes problematic and yet originally it is said to heed command.

    And no, no narcissism here, not even close. But this is a new one for I was called misogynistic, which was unfounded, along with other things that people cannot bear claim to. I don’t lack empathy, I do not consider myself important for I have said before, here, elsewhere, and with the public, I do not consider myself above others or show high admiration of myself. Religiously and culturally, this is not in me to do, even if I sought after it, which in turns denies me of two things mentioned.

    That being said, if I am quoted and mentioned, even questioned at times, I will make a response. If you wanted a break why continue to ask and make a response to me when this was not even the first time?

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:

    Was baptism necessary for the thief on the cross next to Jesus?

    Baptismal regeneration? That’s nice. But it's been a while since someone said something in connection to it based on assumption. Now the Thief was in an interesting position. The thief showed respect to the Christ and said what he said in Luke 23:42 for Jesus to remember him and we see Jesus’ response in the next verse.

    Clearly, he was not baptized, in addition, he not was he a disciple of the Christ, he was not among those who had gained the spirit, he was not a church convert or observer, let alone was he even aware of any command given compared to the rest. Some in the mainstream would teach their church communities that the thief has been baptized way beforehand, even using spurious verses to justify it just as they do with infant baptism, but it is common knowledge to know that this is not the case, hence what is just said. Nothing is held against those in regards to salvation. Some, such as the thief (and or anyone who before and or after him), never got the chance because of not hearing or being taught God’s word, they end up dying before knowing God or anything pertaining to him or his Christ, etc.

    To be very simple, as I am vocal of it already, Baptism is a declaration or a Christian’s faith. We get baptized knowing that we not only accept the teacher as our, Lord, our Savior and our Christ, but we take up his teachings as well, for, as I said, he is our teacher, reasons why when it comes to death unto life, such pertains to it.

    That being said, you seem to be confusing with what I said with baptismal regeneration. I am clearly not a Baptist, nor am I a Catholic, and it is not hard to make the distinction between such ones in regards to Baptism.

    Like you said, we should be heeding command. When it comes to baptism, those who seek it, we are clothed with Christ, and not only do we accept him, or make declaration, we accept what he had taught.

    On 3/4/2019 at 10:02 AM, Shiwiii said:


    OK. But to use something that is equated to baptismal reintegration is very distinct to what I have been saying all along. I mean, the whole infant baptism should be a dead giveaway, but you just had to say such. It is not the first time someone said it, nor will it be the last, especially when it is concerning necessary baptism for some, baptism as a declaration of faith for those who seek it, and the latter that is indeed incorrect is baptism when the person in question, such as an infant is unable to hear or observe God's word at all compared to those who can read and or write as well as speak; also no sprinkles, it is not what was done to the Christ.

  7. The Trinity is indeed a paganism concept. I hope you know what Attis this, Deserter, because it is not of the Church. And our early brothers and sisters never believed in the Trinity concept and the Terminology at all. It is not too difficult to read into how the church of that age operated, however, it ignored when it comes to concerning the new doctrines that is beyond the church.

  8. @BillyTheKid46 When it comes to such things, people tend to ignore it, mainly when it comes to child abuse. Child and Neglect Services even profess information, but many, who are throwing rocks as glass houses do not want to heed a word they say. It creates problem now because they want to be the crusaders to the cause, not realizing that they are only making the monstrous beast that is child abuse and pedophilia even bigger. Aside from that a lot of people tend to play favorites despite true or false information.

  9. On 3/5/2019 at 7:11 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Seems there is big news from Canada then. More secrets will be revealed. TTH can continue with his sarcasm but it will not protect that JW Org.  

    There is also big news of victims forced to marry pedophiles and children dancing in homosexualized bars in the US, and should we say something about it, we are attacked for it. You have the society of this day and age promoting this, which will only fuel pedophilia even more. Clearly the child in question, his parents are not educated in this sense of child abuse. Aside from that, schools, even for you folk in the UK are teaching the young ones something that is not okay.

    As I had told you before, if you want to make change to a problem, teach the people. Negate attack, give aid. Clearly the lack of effort isn't going to do much, but only cause more and more abusers to enter and plague institutions, and with what is going about in today's society, expect things on a level that is catastrophe.

    No one is immune to pedophilia, as I address to you, not even the Jehovah's Witnesses are immune to that madness,  not even the Americans, not even the British, no one. As with what went down in recent days, whose to say pedophilia are victims? When groups begin to proclaim and profess such, it will only create more problems for everyone.

  10. @Srecko Sostar Ramzan Kadyrov has nothing to do with the ban of JWs. He is part of the Kremlin however his dealings with homosexuals is focused on Chechnya.

    That being said, there is a complete timeline of the events and thanks to sources and those who brought down the jesuismadian website, it is evident of what actually took place for the public eye to see.

    Lastly, most letters from the faith in question, as is all proclaimed message from anti-corruption folks, Russian folks who lost their homes was pushed to Mevedev, rather than Putin, I would speak of the State Duma, but that is a whole other beast on its own. Evidently, protest erupted in Russia during this, and ironically enough all of this unfolded after Cyrill got his spiritual energy from the south, and the Kremlin was paving the path for Putin to win an election.

    If you do not know who this is, it is this guy below:

    Ramzan Kadyrov

    Related image


    The middle guy with the and assault rifle and the radio in hand

    Image result for chechnya russia leader

  11. @Witness You never pointed out as to what exactly it is that is wrong here. You do realize how the church of the Christ harmoniously connects with the Christian people - right? Reasons why I did ask you a question: Why is it that John the Baptism baptized his people in the Jordan River?

    As a hint, this isn't concerning repentance in this regard, but pertains to baptism origin, in this sense.

  12. 10 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    This statement right here is unbiblical.  For reference see acts 8:34-38

    For starters, the passage as a whole, Philip and the Eunuch is verses 26-40, excluding verse 37 because it is not an authentic verse. And no, what was said isn’t unbiblical. When a person has been studying the word diligently, becoming hearers of the word and embraces it, they will most likely seek baptism on their own accord, and as stated before, in doing so, they accept the teachings of the teacher, Lord Christ Jesus (Acts 2:38, 41). Moreover, it is already known that God sees such ones, even those of a household as holy.
    Now what you just posted was the part of the passage, Philip and the Eunuch (The Ethiopian Eunuch), and I take it you didn’t care to even explain yourself in this regard, in which I can see why.

    Acts 8:26-40 (excluding 37)


    Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
    [26] Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place.[27] And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship [28] and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. [29] And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” [30] So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” [31] And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. [32] Now the passage of the Scripture that he was reading was this:

    “Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter
        and like a lamb before its shearer is silent,
        so he opens not his mouth.
    [33] In his humiliation justice was denied him.
        Who can describe his generation?
    For his life is taken away from the earth.”

    34 And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?” [35] Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. [36] And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” [38] And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. [39] And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing. [40] But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he preached the gospel to all the towns until he came to Caesarea.

    A Eunuch was someone is tasked to take charge of beds in lodging room areas of secluded princesses, also refers to a man who has been castrated, as well as an ineffectual person. According to Deuteronomy 23:1, a Eunuch was not allowed to be part among the congregates of God’s people, however regarding the passage in the book of Acts, not a literal Eunuch, but rather someone who serves in some royal court regarding the person in the passage and he was likely a circumcised proselyte (not a Jew) who had mostly likely heard and embrace the teachings of God and having gone to the city to profess religious worship, only later on he learns of the message Phillip gave to him. In the passage this person, the Eunuch, was in under the Queen of Ethiopia, in charge of the treasury and in the passage, we know that Phillip crossed paths with this person and preached the gospel to him.

    Regarding the baptism, Christians attain knowledge and a precise understanding of God’s Word, again, those who hear and accept, capable ones, which is indeed biblical, and such ones soon accept the teachings of the Christ. Learning from Acts 2 regarding Pentecost, the people in the city at the time, were together in worship and in faith, already having knowledge of God, what is spoken of in the Hebrew Text, and the teaching of the Messianic Age whereas this was professed clearly, to all, regarding the Messiah, that is Jesus Christ, even by Simon Peter who proclaimed this strongly and the end result of such, those who came forth and took ear, listened, they heard, and they embraced, and obviously enough, they were baptized, taking up the teachings of the teacher, again, Jesus, hence the preaching of the good news gospel and the Messianic Age.

    Back to Phillip, when he proclaimed the word, the people believed and they embraced it after hearing it, and earlier on we see the people, such as those in Samaria, ended up being baptized (Acts 8:4-8, 12-14), and this in of itself is quite evident and clear because it is evident that after Jesus preached to a Samaritan woman, at the Well of Jacob, at the base of Mount Gerizim, and soon, the message that Jesus professed came on to the Samaritan people, they ended up putting faith in the teacher himself put faith in him and accepting what he taught (John 4:27-42), for the Messiah, the one that the Samaritans had waited for, paved a way for people such as Phillip to spread this message.

    Now, the Ethiopian Eunuch, had knowledge of God as well as knowing fully well of the Hebrew Text. Phillip proclaim the word, the message and fulfillment of the text regarding the Messiah, to which the Ethiopian Eunuch embraced this message, and evidently, he was (wanted to be) baptized, prior, he even asked to be baptized when they sought for a body of water, stopped the chariot, to commence the baptism (Ritual Washing as it was called) once a source was found, rejoicing afterwards. This but one of several examples, i.e. what we read about a guard who was about to commit suicide, but was given the message of the Christ, Jesus, and he was baptized, and eventually his household was baptized (Acts 16:16-24, 25-39).

    That being said, as you can see, a person from another nation, who was a proselyte, evidently sought baptism, and evidently, he received it, and it isn’t unknown here that he embraced the teachings pretianing to the Christ (good news gospel, Messianic Age, fulfillment of Scripture, etc.), even with what he knew and what more he heard from Phillip in this regard.
    Therefore, it is not unbiblical should any person from any nation, who embraces the word, attains wisdom in this sense and seeks baptism, etc. In the end, such ones are hearers of the word, most importantly, in regards to baptism and how it translates to Christian baptism, we become alive in the Will of God as well.

  13. 8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:


    In layman's terms, certain pieces of clothing that is revealing and or professes a message can and will trigger someone, i.e. swastika attire triggers a reaction and or response, which can go from minor to violent in the slightest of escalation. And what was mentioned above is a red maga hat that sends people into a mental state of blood boiling rage, even the MSM gets into it sometimes, but you know what they say about the powers that be in all this of such nature and various things pushed out to the people. It is no wonder a good 20% of people in the US tends to stay away from such things.

    That being said, even despite such, I was never a fan of graphic tees, I keep it plain, always, even during the island days.

    Words can give off shots stronger than bullets, the same can be said of inappropriateness and immodesty, ammo of immorality.

  14. @Shiwiii And your point? One who claims to be a mouthpiece must prove it by their word,i.e. are they following the or striving to follow the early church, as in, the church documents that is highly valued and so forth.Testimonies of Hell, do they profess this also or you are implying adding on here? Muslims also believe that they are the mouthpiece of Allah. New Agers believe they can attain a higher power. Ritualist believe they can become like gods and goodness. Mainstream Christian claims that a Triune God speaks to them and that they are the mouthpiece, should you not vote for Trump, then you are on the side of Satan.

    It isn't painstakenly out of the blue for someone to say that they are a mouthpiece of God. In the end, it comes down to who is actually professing the teachings of the early church, mirroring the church documents, applying Bible teachings and principles and making adaptable changes to profess and progress in the Christian faith.

    That being said, people who claim they have the holy spirit and say they witness Satan giving the punishment to men, women and children in a fiery place of torment, are in the wrong here, for God would never give Satan or his demons the satisfaction of such, as the mainstream pushes to believe, the end result pushes on to the people that God is the bad guy, the villain, when this is not the case, and regarding fire torment, God himself reacted to it, emotionally, even speaking on the matter that such would never cross his mind, cross his heard. And such ones are not even prophets inspired, so why such testimonies such as these spread throughout Christendom when the truth itself speaks for itself in the Bible? An honest man can see this for himself, and I assume you are an honest man if you actually contributed to what was asked.

    In short, no one should be profess El Shaddai as the one of badness here and this is the case with these individuals, and we have examples, Mario Martinez and those who are aligned with the Karios Movement.

  15. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    "to follow the teachings of the teacher and so forth."  My comment here was about Watchtower's baptisms, which do NOT follow the teachings of the teacher - Jesus Christ. 

    Reasons why I alluded to the origins of Baptism, if you do not mind me asking, do you realize what took place after Jesus' ascension regarding baptism, and in regards to what I said before, you are aware of the very symbolic reason as to why John baptized his people in the Jordan River, right?

    That being said, if that was the case, you wouldn't be this focused on the term "Truther" alone when my response had more to say on baptism, this also goes into my older response regarding infant baptism, which is legitimately unbiblical.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

     This is truth. 

    Then speak truth. Mixing spoiled milk with good milk is not good for anyone, and clearly, if someone takes a sip of such, they will speak up about it. One thing for certain, if you understood what is known about baptism in the Jordan River, you'd realize the joy of the people in regards to what this means, especially for John, it was not about repentance alone - it is far more than that, and the Bible speaks of this.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    I will not entertain your whim to degrade anything and everything I have said here.

    You'd be wise to not speak of degrading, for last I checked, you shifted a spiritual structure so greatly, even the latter was against you.

    That being said, since the discussion is about baptism in of itself, why is it that John baptized his people in the Jordan River?

    And if I am to make the assumption, are you among the fold who halts one who seeks baptism and willingness to profess the teachings of the teacher, Christ Jesus who is Lord?

    Secondly I am sure you are aware of those who hears God's Word pretianing to baptism, yes?

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Fire away, SM.  :)  I am finished.  

    Speak your peace regarding baptism and if need be, it's origin. Hopefully no outlandish claims, and this time, direct.

    That being said, if the young ones seek, and they are ready and worked hard for it, why should we withhold them from progressing, they and their household? Withhold them from glorifying God even more alongside brothers and sisters who follow the teachings of the teacher as well? Unless, you are purposely forgetting Apostle Paul, who, in this sense, was not doing things or saying things out of opinion.

  16. The problem with the US is when they create and or make problems that end up blowing up into something that is hard to contain, they commit to chaos to see if they can resolve the problem, which can and has put bystanders at risk. It will end up being the same when they commit to hunting down this person, and with that kind of money they bring forth, there is sure to be blood to pay before they could catch him.

    It is both tragic and a shame regarding the state of condition and all things we are in now.

  17. @BillyTheKid46 Russian torture is something that not many Russians talk about. Those who commit these acts would claim it is not true until information and or proof of it surfaces, and then suddenly after it surfaces, it as if it does not exist, but the scars it left on the victims and their family persists. Things such as this example: https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-makarov-prison-torture-claim-walks-free-serving-term/29521051.html

  18. On 3/1/2019 at 12:41 PM, TrueTomHarley said:


    I love that book. With each chapter, with each situation, you start to realize how things of today mirrors that of the book of George Orwell. That being said, it is very tragic as to how no one sees the timeline, and or the truth of the matter with all things Russia, you'd think people vanishing off the streets in some parts of Russia was a red flag, but no.

    The irony is, such ones would applaud Russia and side with them on their actions, but in the end, they would be overwhelmed by the one they called and saw as an ally. Reminds me of the Harlot and the beast, and how the beast turned on her.

  19. @James Thomas Rook Jr. The crazy thing is I spoke of a dark age regarding Russia in the comes days. Ever so slightly from that response I made a while back, things are coming to a fruition. The Russians who are not for the Kremlin/ROC see it, the West, and other parts of the world.

    Whatever the Kremlin does, their allies is for them, which you can see a contrast regarding 2 superpowers with powerful allies under their belt.


  20. 5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    In general, yes all apostates are damaged goods. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have sympathetic believers from within.

    This. This is one of the things I have seen time and time again. There are those of the former faith that will speak up against disgruntled ones who have gone off unhinged in action, and their conquest to be aggressive increasingly i.e. anywhere there is a person of that faith community they purposely go after them relentlessly, even if said person is doing personal things. It tends to go off the rails even further when former ones actually side with their former faith to speak against apostasy, and in doing so, these persons are shamed and or hunted down in the social space, even in public.

    Apparently, they care not for who you are or your background because of whom you follow and or what you represent, they feel that attacking is an obligation, they seek to provoke and when or should the provoked do something, the provoker will use that as means to take action and so forth, which is also another problem.

    5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    New International Frontiers in Child Sexual Abuse 2019

    Sexual Abuse by Adolescent Peers

    In the UK, a report by the House of Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee (WESC) found endemic sexual violence against girls in schools. The WESC Report reinforced earlier research by the BBC in 2015, which found that in a 3-year period to July 2015, there were 5500 sexual offences on school grounds reported to police, including 600 rapes. The government’s failure to respond a year after receiving the WESC report led to calls for the Secretary of the Department for Education to be charged with breach of statutory duty under the Equality Act s. 149, which requires her to have due regard for the need to eliminate discrimination against girls in school and to advance equality of opportunity. These reported offences of course represent a mere fraction of the true incidence: a 2010 YouGov poll of 16- to 18-year-olds found that one third of all girls experienced unwanted sexual touching at school (Okolosie 2016; Weale 2017).

    This is another example of, governmental hypocrisy of once again, pressuring social justice unto religions while not holding their own accountable until they are exposed like in the UK. The same hypocrisy from Canada and Australia. All awhile opposers and ex-witnesses remain silent.


    Do what we tell you, but don’t do what we do. Matthew 23:3

    Therefore the only puppets are those that play into the devil hands.

    Indeed. The UK also has grooming gangs whereas some know of it's existence, but does not speak of it nor care of it. For me, I to not agree with a lot of what Tommy Robinson has said and or stand for, however, he made this known and the UK government arrested him for it some months back.

    It would seem that child pedophilia, when it comes to disgruntled ones, they, the way I see it sometimes, using it as a front to go after those that do not like. The focus should be on abuse taking place everywhere, but not a sole group alone. Another problem is that such sparks vigilantism whereas at some cases, the one who seeks the abuser, or the abuser, or victim succumb to further harm and or problems.

    That being said, it is a mixed bag altogether, reasons why many tend to educate, for it is a great tool and or, in this sense, weapon, to use in this mater, be it to prevent a form of abuse and or to deal with a situation if someone is abused, so one wouldn't be left in the dark on what actions to take.

    But alas, it is a very very cruel world out there, I would say you think wildfire that is pedophilia, let the people bear witness of what is coming very soon in regards to a specific community.

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