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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 17 hours ago, Witness said:

    What were those certain things?  Do you remember?  From what I recall they had to do with politics and not scripture. 

    A combination especially to a number of occasions I told you to stop mixing Scripture. And it was more on that, one discussion regarding God's order whereas you made the claim I am misogyny when I am not, you used typos against me 2 times whereas the latter information rebukes you.

    No Scripture? If I recall, these can easily be looked up, so it is best you not assume out of the blue in this regard.

    17 hours ago, Witness said:

    The term, "Truther" is very foreign to me. 

    If that was the case, why assume it was a title? Plus I had stated this, even alluded to this in the past whereas I told you time and time again regarding you pressing conspiracy and or a falsehood as a truth, i.e. assuming Satan was the one who took it upon himself to go after the Egyptians, and or twice where you twisted strongs, assuming a metaphorical use was literal, only in these situations, you have been refuted with absolute undeniable truth. You said it yourself, you do not go that deep into things, but quick to jump on the caravan when something that is correct is professed.

    17 hours ago, Witness said:

    If I remain in Christ, I remain in truth.

    Then take up the advise I told you last time, to stop scraping your scraping and bruising yourself, when it comes to seeking truth, but you continue to do so time and time again. And since the discussion is about baptism, it should not be alien to you as to all things pretianing to such.

    17 hours ago, Witness said:

    "Truther" sounds like a member of a cult.

    Actually no. I gave you a legitimate definition of the word. a Truther does not align or identify him or herself with anything pretiaining to conspiracy, or cults that profess conspiracy. 

    That being said, you just said the term was unknown to you, need I post an actual link of the word itself which is, in common use, of those who profess what is truth in the sea of lies?

    17 hours ago, Witness said:

    If you've used it before, I may have skimmed over it when glancing at your rather long posts. 

    And yet before you made a response to them a number of times. In fact, you made a couple of responses, i.e. inspired and not inspired prophets.

    17 hours ago, Witness said:

    You've probably written a book, just to me, which I won't  finish reading.  Let's not start another one.  :)

    You're not too bad yourself with your pear novels, but that being said, we should not be diving deep into conspiracy and or falsehood and profess it as truth at all.

    Now pretianing to all things regarding baptism, it should not be unknown to you of the eagerness of those who seek to be baptize, to follow the teachings of the teacher and so forth, and in the end, wanting to show a total and great service to God the Father. There is a reason I alluded to the origins of baptism, but if you want to speak truth, I allow you to go first in this regard, since it seems people want to alienate the context of Jesus' words and to plight over claims of twisting.

    That being said, a bit of humor, if you mix verses again or give conspiracy as a truth, I will give you an Encyclopedia, signed off by the Trinitarian, cos.

  2. @JOHN BUTLER Just next time never use speech mockery, in this sense, Ebonics. The type of speech isn't the best to express and or explore, when in some situations, be it of a person of said community and or knows such ones of said community, rich or poor, can easily trigger, provoke strong, and often negative responses - this is not an just fact, it is absolute and certain lines can nearly be crossed. As for you @Equivocation, when it comes to linguistic mockery, especially the use of mock speech, in this case, the use of Ebonics, sometimes people do not know any better, in Mr. Butler's case, he believes misconceptions, so that alone shows. Other than that, assuming leads to conflict of such things, hence the outcome of the off-topic discussion. Unfortunately, things tend to go on like this when things get a bit too off-topic, ironically enough it began with "uncle".


    That being said, picking up with what was addressed earlier on, pertaining to what you said, child, mini skirts and very tight clothing is immodest, plus in some cases people wear such to cause a scene, be it in the common church and or workplace, draw attention and to trigger, such wants see to increase their value or attractiveness, in this sense, the wrong way.

    Since you are a teenager, some of us who are raised in the 90s can relate, there are, even in my days, young ones who dress up in such a way that is inappropriate, reasons why in some cases, schools had to regulate things, in some cases, enforce, and treated a ruling of a strict dress code. An example would be cross-dressing, and in some cases, for girls, shirts and or tees that are bra straps or exposed shoulders, very short low cut shorts and or jeans, anything that exposed the body way too much and so forth. Since race is being discussed here to some degree, sometimes due to the hair style it can trigger people, even a teacher. Regarding immodest clothing, such in this case would cause schools, those in authority, to react, as stated before regarding all things pretianing to teaching children, some teachers are not always there to teach and have something else in mind, such as these recent events regarding female teacher(s), example.

    Now when it comes to Christians, we shouldn't be going on about the things of this world when it comes to dressing up, this goes for anyone, anywhere, for like us, they know the difference between modest and immodest, and would not go about their own understand of this sort vs. that of God. And someone brought up something regarding suits and ties being traditions of men, the answer is NO. A suit and tie is just clothing, it would only pretian to traditions of men if said suit and tie is sporting something that is very unpractical to Christians and or the church. But it seems the sense of style that derives from the world, actual works of men who tend to shift things from modest to over the top immodest, this has indeed become a problem.

    To quote a Christian woman who spoke about this matter "We shouldn't be deliberately causing anyone to stumble. Would you wear a muscle shirt and tight jeans to church."

    That being said, this modest vs. immodest stems not just from Christians, but to others as well, and even in public places. And it has gone to, in a sense, to the extreme, over sexualization of clothing as well, welcoming it to the public eye as if it is no issue to the people of the nation, which results in a Red vs. Blue situation whereas there are those for it and those against it.

    But of course, their fruit becomes the problems of many. Th're shall beest people, those f'r 'r 'gainst. In the endeth t cometh thy burden at which hour t cometh to thy doth'r.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Witness said:

    A Truther?  Another title?  

    A Truther is someone who, in this sense, seeks truth to an event and or situation, someone who does not play into the MSM narrative and or conspiracy, let alone government schemes and so forth that is being pushed on to the people on a TV set, phones, etc. what have you. This should be very evident to you, Witness, when time and time again I uttered what I have been saying about accepting conspiracy and or falsehood, which goes back to our very first discussion, and even before that, regarding the very man who debated with me regarding Church Fathers. It is not much of a title, per-say, one is usually called this in regards to what was stated in this response you are reading, and or correlates with the many times I addressed to you about falsehood and conspiracy, unless you've forgotten that?

    You once said to me you do not delve too deep into certain things, but I do, to separate truth from lies, and speak truth and refute lies.

    That being said, it is a surprise how you missed I brought this up a couple of times when I responded to you on a number of occasions, both directly and indirectly in a sense.

    one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy.

  4. @Equivocation Not every child such as you are fortunate. I can tell you this, some have it greater than you, some have it vastly worse than you. Children, if not taught, if not discipline, they can get into some crazy things, which brings me to when it comes to protecting out children, what today's day and age is mentally feeding our kids.

    Bullying is always a problem, a good friend of mind took her life over it due to the embarrassment of something immoral, which she was seduced into doing. The one who is the aggressor, in this case, tends to be, at some point the victim.

    We can teach and educate in this regard, but we cannot prevent it, just as we cannot 100% stop, abuse, gun violence, war and other things, for people think there is a miracle plan to causing all such things to perish, but they need to open their eyes to the reality of the situation. Some situations can be prevented, others cannot, some can be halted, some blow up into some bigger and difficult to control, etc.

    Complying, in this regard, is used on default by many, even among the trained. They, if they have an opportunity, can act, if they know what they are doing, the latter would be someone taking action and failing whereas it could lead into problems and someone losing their life. So regarding this, some people would have to play ti safe and smart.

  5. @James Thomas Rook Jr. You wouldn't believe it if I told you, I rarely watch television or watch movies. More of a book person, however at rare times I am usually invited to watch something, that is, if it is acceptable. That being said, if I had to watch anything, it would be independent sources in related to current and or recent events, past, and or upcoming; breaking, etc. Now, if we step back in time, in my younger days, I spent no more than an hour and 30 minutes watching television, mostly cartoons, and at rare cases, documentaries, dramas. One drama in particular I can't remember clearly, but it lasted like 6-8 hours, had to watch parts of it, and even during my teenager years, that same drama was an assignment. There's also a black and white movie, can't remember the name, about a man about to be hanged for a crime he did not commit, and suddenly he escaped, only to realize that it was all a dream, other things pertaining to history, etc.

    That being said, I keep such to a minimum, for nowadays, time can be spent doing other things, that sitting in a theater or a couch.

  6. 3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    That's one thing. When it comes to being mature Spiritual wise. There are people however that believes in being guilty of sin straight out of the womb and they go and baptize children who have no idea what is going on

    This alone is unbiblical. A Child, in this sense, an infant, and or baby, shouldn't be baptized at all, and the guilty of sins narrative is absurd. Only those who are capable of hearing the word and the like, seeking God and his Kingdom, and the teachings of his Son, Jesus; such ones can be baptized, regardless, for they seek it, and they shall have, and benefit in their trek of spiritual growth.

    That being said, I did talk about this before:


    3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    That ain't it chief.

    Of course.

    3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    But yeah, baptism is usually encouraged but it is up to the decision of the individual if they want to be baptized and serve Jehovah God. It not only shows you embrace the teachings, but also wanting to serve God.

    Pretty much the jest of what I have been professing throughout since the other Bible discussions elsewhere on here.

    3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Also just a little curious. You mentioned baptism origin, you were referring to the Israelites yes? Both Old and New Testament also?

    Yes, ritual washing concerning the Israelites, as is with why John the Baptist baptized his people in the Jordan River itself. Find the river on a map, and look to the left, and look to the right.

    3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Lastly what place is that where you say you got baptized. 

    The image shown to Mr. Butler, the location in question is Jacmel, Haiti. Baptized in 1997-1998. So I was quite young, but even before baptism I pressed forth in everything pertaining to Scripture and of God. In my case, I am just as eager as the next guy in wanting to be close to the True God and seeing his great Kingdom, and awaiting for the one of whom he installed to sit at the throne to rid all badness from the earth. Those who I known, who had perished, I wish to see them also. Reasons why since the day I opened a Bible, I continued on ever since, and growing up, some young ones whom I came across, even to this day, even among the homeless, I share the Word and give example. It also plays into the fact that I am a Truther, to some degree.

  7. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Although I do not fancy graphic shirts such as these, but aren't you a bit too old for such things? Also speaking about graphic shirts, sometimes an image or a word, on said shirt, can trigger someone and or a group of people, perhaps trigger either of the sexes or both. And we already know the situation with an example professed above.


    @Equivocation The haste of such situation's escalation is indeed fast.

    That being said, you do realize how events such as these play out in the global mafia of things, right? Then again, I would save you the Truther Banter, I profess from time to time, for I had said such regarding the compact already.


  8. The problem is there are people out there that indeed preach this craziness. They also tend to play into the feelings of those who refute such things easily, stated that thousands of testimonies exist, yet when certain testimonies are mentioned, they are quick to spin the narrative and the like.

    Clearly, God does not profess the passing of people into the fire, he drove such out of the land, and it seems today people profess such and things it is a gospel truth. They will say Hell is the Lake of Fire and does not mean destruction, but a quick turn to Rev. 20:14 says otherwise, with references.

    They also do not want to believe that Lazarus and the Rich Man is just a parable, for Jesus professed such to teach a lesson, often times, some will say that the Lazarus in the parable is the actual Lazarus, sister of Mary and Martha, which is not the case, they also ignore Jairus' child, his daughter, and others just to push a false narrative.

    I often come across these people a lot, even recently. The recent discussion this person brought up Luke 12:5, I told him to look at the reference, he never uttered a word since. But it is a shame, despite how this person sees into this false narrative, can't help but feel sorry for the man.

  9. 5 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I had to change my entire style of how to dress, after the Dry Cleaners lost ALL THREE of my Superman Suits.

    Ask Bruce Wayne to buy you some more.

    That being said, tight clothing is not very good for men at all and definitely not good for women.


    In all seriousness, as stated before, it is not even about tight clothing anymore, people, mainly in NY, tend to wear painted on clothing that gives the illusion, when in reality they are naked on parts, if not, all of there body.

  10. 53 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You want everyone to kiss arse then 

    Please. Watch the Language, Butler. A man who seeks God knoweth well to not defile his mouth...

    • Ecclesiastes 10:12 - The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him.
    • Colossians 3:8 - But now you must put aside all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth.
    • Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
    • Ephesians 5:4 - Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving.
    • Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
    • Matthew 15:11 - it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”
    • James 3:10 - From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.


    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    To me, that is like a soldier whose job it is to live or die ... but do his job, refusing to go into battle because he might be damaged.

    Believe or not, not every solider likes going to war, some even cry over it. I know some of them, one notable one, Steven Gern. That being said, Wars start over silly things, and when someone wants to take something from someone else.


    Also the governments cannot be trusted, show respect, but do not be invited to their dinner table.

  11. 12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If JW religion is ready to accept baptism of underage /minor children (5-17 year of age) maybe parents and elders will consider how marriage of such children isn't wrong idea too. :)))) 

    Restorationist wouldn't be caught dead doing that. Sadly, Child Marriage is a legitimate thing, in the United States, in some cases, children/teens are forced to marry their rapist and or abuser. With the whole situation of the new movements running rampant, there are people who are wanting to make change, seeing age as nothing more than a number.

    Believe it or not, in some areas the age of consent I believe is 16-18. I know in the UK it is 16, other areas vary.

    12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If this children are able (read - mature) to make decision of dedication to God (for a life time), so what can be hard/difficult for them to dedicate life in marriage to other person?

    The decision to seek God and follow the teachings of the teacher is up to the individual. Those capable of, willfully hearing the word and so forth. Such ones, as I have, become dedicated to God's thinking, Order, and all things. When one is spiritually mature, he understands Scripture, has read the great book and knows it well, even outside of the it the history of the early Christians and Israelites, etc. Even after baptism, the learning does not stop, it continues, for growing with God by yourself, in this sense, is like a form of training of the body and mind.

    12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What a logic?! haha 

    I am confused on what you are conveying, saith again?

  12. 18 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    stretching it a bit aren't we? I mean on a full on technicality yes you are correct, but if we are going to use logic and common sense, you fail. If you really want to believe this , go right ahead, the rest of us will continue in the real world. 

    Am I? Not quite. The context of Scripture and all references in relation to that passage speaks truth in this matter. You can continue as you like in the world, and the best thing you can do in regards to such ones is to profess Scripture; and of course mainstream Christendom will be right behind you.

    18 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    if Jesus is our example and this was how He said to do it, then why is it not adhered to? Oh, that's right, because YOU and the wt know better. Got it. 

    Yes, but one should negate negate what such means regarding that verse. You keep bringing up the Watchtower as if they have 100% say in this. Even outside of the Restorationist Community. No one can negate the fact that when a disciple is baptized, he or she follows the teachings of the teacher.

    Got it? There is more context to the verse itself than one realize, why should one simply ignore it?

    19 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    didn't even read this past a few sentences, why? because it is the same thing from you. A twist or some convoluted definition of a word that technically makes you seem correct.

    Again, I haven't twisted anything regardless to what I said, for I, which is known make a response to a response. There is no twisting of the very fact that those who are willing, those who capable of hearing and receiving the word, and so forth.

    You can do what you will, read or not, for what has been said cannot be negated when one can draw context of Scripture, as is with all pertaining baptism.

    19 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Just curious, why is it that every answer you give to me has this same ring to it? It always comes back to a broad definition that makes your argument technically correct even when you know it isn't?   

    As in what exactly? Whenever a point has been made I make the response, be it positive, negative and or neutral, and on some when one misunderstands what I convey, you are not the first, I speak my peace in this regard.

    And how is what I am saying is incorrect exactly? If something is of error, I do not speak of it, when an error is profess, I speak up, other times I seek more research on the matter, and then some.

    How so?

  13. @Jack Ryan The smart thing is wear clothing that is fit for your size (short, skinny, petite, big, large, etc.). To go beyond such only shows the lack of logic and thinking and attempting to do too much for so little - a plight for both men and women who succumb to such with no idea of whatever it is they have gotten themselves into.

    Also common sense.


    That being said, you do not have to pass college and or some university to know what yoga pants is and how such is as in our society today. You may as well throw in painted clothing on to your list.

  14. 19 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I was only mocking the governing body who claim to be Jehovah.


    On 2/26/2019 at 2:14 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    Wow, Jehovah is suing facebook!

    Next time be more direct if you are referring to Religious Leaders because in the days I was absent, I've witness an Israeli become very offended by such remarks. This is but one of many, many situations, some of them have gone off the rails to fist fight street. God doesn't sue things of this world. Lucky for you I am of all mildness right now.

  15. As someone who has hands in IT. Nothing is 100% secure. Security is just as a placebo as one who thinks he or she is safe in their own homes.

    As soon as you step up in the game of network security, hackers will only make a move on the chess board and say "checkmate" to you.

    That being said, the only option one has is to always check and redefine their algorithms, and a list of other things.


    And Matt, regardless of your religious standing, do not mock God as such, it is, to some, offensive.

    • Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
  16. 23 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Can anyone baptise anyone else ?

    Only those who are spiritually upright and capable. Those who are the stewards, in this sense, are the ones who can baptize someone. Normally such folk are or have been already baptized themselves.

    23 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If not then it brings  us back to the Clergy Class once more. 

    Read Galatians and Acts.

    23 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    So, does a person need to be part of an Organisation to be able to baptise others ? 

    Anyone who is made a disciple, is baptized to follow and apply the teachings of the teacher, profess it, in turn make disciples themselves, which was the case if you understood the origin of the baptism and what was played out in the first century churches.

    23 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If we go back to Russell or Rutherford, whichever one of them it was that said an Organisation was not needed, then did they baptise others, even though they were not part of an Organisation ?

    As is with the ancient folk, Paul being an example, anyone who is baptized follows the teachings of the teacher, Christ Jesus.

    23 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And another question. What makes a person a Minister of God's word ?  Or a person able to baptise others ? 

    One who is a minister of God, a servant and or slave of God, doing things and professing God's Spoken Word.

    Look at what was addressed for the first question.

    That being said, I suggest you look into the history and origin of the baptism, I recommend, as I believe I told you before, Mr. Benner, who is a Hebrew Professor.

  17. On 2/25/2019 at 5:04 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    When you've been a JW and you've seen things first hand it's quite funny to read other people's ideas that have not been in the situations. 

    No one here is throwing ideas. Death unto Life isn’t a concept practiced by a sole group, despite the differs in denomination, it is as clear as day in the history behind it, as is, with what can be seen from a birds eye view of Israel’s location in regards to the Jordan River.

    The people are taught about God, they are literate enough to know and accept, and seek to learn and seek baptism, thus being made disciples.

    On 2/25/2019 at 5:04 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Here in the UK congregations are quite competitive and baptisms is one way. At assemblies there is always this 'excitement' about which congregation will be having someone baptised. Two of our daughters (both over twenty) got baptised, one in each of two consecutive assemblies. At one of the assemblies one of our daughters was the only person baptised and so she had the baptism talk 'all to herself', though of course it was to the whole assembly. But it was noticeable that some people were not too happy. Once again I know what some here will say, they will say it is all in my mind :)

    Baptism is always an excitement for others, it also encourages others to seek it too, nonetheless, there is always a great sense of overjoy on an excessive level.

    In my case, I’ve always been wanting to learn more about God despite my current teacher at the time, my own father, and I had sought baptism as a child, and eventually I did get baptized in the country of one of my parents during the closing weeks of summer when we went there, it was done at Basenble , in English, Bassin Bleu, it is not too far off from La Vallee de Jacmel. 5 people, including me, was baptized that day, the youngest among us was age 7, I knew this because it was brought up a number of times and this kid (at the time) was just as God fearing as the rest of us, the oldest was about 30-33. We were told what baptism, regarding the symbolism regarding what John did, we were told this too, Scripture pertaining to this was also brought forth. As this was going on, there was joy by all who were present, some were even singing, even some tourists were present, who occasionally visit Bassin Bleu bore witness and though some were religious or not, they applauded and were astounded. One of the others, who was baptized at the age of 14 and a family friend no longer walks this earth for he perished, was killed years later during the earthquake. If he was alive right now, he trails me by 6-7 years. It’s not unknown that such ones like him are in God’s memory, and he will be brought back to life by means of the hope itself – The Resurrection.

    If you are wondering what that place is, this is what it looks like:


    Tourist, to this day, go there all the time, and this area is also used by the natives, in the country.



    Perhaps they were not happy due to that day there was a single soul there, not many smiles then. Then again, this sole situation doesn’t define everyone else, take up the baptism as much as I have a disdain for others in this regard, they end up the as you are in this situation, as is with, as is with all.

    On 2/25/2019 at 5:04 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    However, in my opinion, a lot of baptisms of children are for the wrong reasons. Competition within a congregation and competition between one congregation and another. It's not healthy, and not spiritually good, to have such competition. So you folks that think it's ok for 5 year olds, well it's your way of thinking. But is it God's way of thinking ? Because that is what is most important. 

    Baptism is and always will be encouraged, but at the end of the day, it is up to the person in question who, is hard-pressed in seeking and glorifying God and wanting to progress in the spiritual domain. How is there competition? Any Christian who is baptized and or knows one of blood and or a friend who is going to be and or is baptized is over joyed.

    Actually it isn’t a way of thinking. When it comes to Baptism, there is a clear reason as to why I brought up the very origin of it, which goes back to the customs professed by God’s people when they were limited to what they can or cannot do for a period of time, whereas baptism itself is not too far from ritual washing, hence what I had addressed months ago.

    God’s way of thinking is indeed important, now that you have said that, it goes back to what you said about spiritual wisdom. God wants the people to know who he is, and what he has done, regarding Jesus, any Jew, even to this day, from the time they can speak and can understand, they are taught the Shema, and they learn and recite it, which also relates to learning about and recognizing the True God himself and what his Kingdom will bring, since such things go hand in hand.

    If the 5 year old is ready and willing, has dedicated him or herself seeking the truth of the Scriptures, wanting to not just learn about God, but become close to him as a friend and apply his Word, the teachings of his Son, glorying God and so forth, then there is no problem with that, and in regards to the symbolism of Baptism regarding John the Baptist, Baptism is a passing through from death unto life and such enables one to fully take up self-sacrifice and spiritual servitude to the one True God – YHWH.

    It should be known that the Bible does not specify an age at which a person should get baptized i.e. this so called age requirement profess is as twisted as straw of twizzlers. But, a young one who is willing to learn, wanting to seek baptism can benefit from parents, peers, and or other to help them get on this path.

     However, parents can benefit from reflecting on what it means to make a disciple.

    @Matthew9969 I suggest reading Galatians 4.

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