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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 2/25/2019 at 4:45 PM, Shiwiii said:

    no one argues that children are capable of aligning with God and naturally some do. However, child baptism is not spoken of in the Bible. There are many scriptures about teaching them, but none about baptizing them. You are twisting scripture to support your position on children. The scripture states what Jesus said to His disciples and even then the jw falls short on exactly how Jesus said to baptize. 

    The Bible speaks of Baptism of people of all nations, and as far as everyone here knows, young ones are people, persons as well. Be it a young person, or an older folk, as long as they seek it, individuals who demonstrate and show as such, hearing and believing the truth about God and his Kingdom, believing that God had sent the Lord, etc. glorifying the one and True God of all people – baptism is an option, sought after by God fearing people who are mature spiritually, who wants to follow the teachings of the teacher, the one who had been sent, Christ Jesus. Indeed, there are many Scriptures of teaching them, and there are Scriptures in regard to those who accept the truth of what is written and become baptized, those to take up the truth, they and their households are baptized; all persons of all nations. Do not accuse me of twisting Scripture, for such a thing I have not done ever, moreover, I uttered no more than a snippet of Matthew 28:18, and haven’t gone on about what I had addressed before so how on God’s earth am I twisting Scriptures if you do not mind me asking? Somehow a nation of people is totally alien of young ones, who are evidently within the households of people from one nation to the next. That being said, the only position I support is what was professed in the Scripture itself regarding those who take up the word, and sought baptism, and glorying the one and True God.

    On 2/25/2019 at 4:45 PM, Shiwiii said:

    18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[b] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

    What Jesus said has grander context to it. When it comes to Baptism, we must recognize that God the Father himself, YHWH, since very clear and concise as to why this is – that he is the creator, he is the one life giver, the foundation of life. In addition, we learn from what the Bible conveys, regarding obtainable salvation whereas humans of mankind can gain salvation by recognizing the role of the Son, Christ Jesus, in God’s Purpose and Will, and we see what was played out very later on in the New Testament beyond the Evangelical accounts, and as to how many, many people became followers of the teacher; the disciple following the teachings of the teacher, as stated. Lastly, we must also be aware, knowing the role of God’s Holy Spirit. Reasons why is because God uses his spirit to give life, in fact, God’s spirit hath made both you, I and every one of us here on this forum, outside of it, to be short, every of us of mankind, humans, in all. By means of the spirit that God gives, it enables his spoken word to humans, molded and or moved by God’s Spirit and more so, it enables us to do the Purpose and Will of God, just as Jesus, and many others have, something of which Paul had addressed; and or what is written. It is no surprise of what you support and what is ignored, the truth of the matter, in regard to what Jesus met in this passage, regarding this, I will leave it at that. I recall I said to you and others to always check the references, perhaps you should do the same for this passage.

    On 2/25/2019 at 4:45 PM, Shiwiii said:

    this whole statement here provides nothing to the conversation of child baptism. 

    Actually it does, hence my statement, made to what you have mentioned, holds steadfast. It pertains to the Baptism being done at the Jordan River, and as to why John was baptizing the people, his people there. Because not many people know the origins of baptism well, some churches out there believe only infants should be baptism, and others, only adults. Others will sprinkle, while others will immerse. Those who seek to become baptized are those who be means heard the word of God and or received his spirit, glorying God in the process. Clearly such pertains to those who are literate, and able to comprehend what has been taught and or learnt from God's Word, something of which I addressed several times before.

    On 2/25/2019 at 4:45 PM, Shiwiii said:

    again, How can a child understand the concept of repentance when they in general, commit the same mistakes over and over?   They can't, that's why there are age appropriate punishments.  I wrote this again because it really is this simple, Children learn from their parents and by experiences, but that does not give them the ability to understand consequences of all sorts. For instance, a child does not comprehend the consequence of failure to obey the law, they just know it is bad or they might get thrown in jail, not the actual consequences. 

    Everyone makes mistakes, even children, but it does not stop them from being taught what repentance actually is, as is with right and wrong, good and bad, regarding repentance, what the action of repenting is regarding sincere regret or remorse over wrong doing, so the ability to teach such should not be withheld from them whatsoever. And it is good how you mention what you said about parents, just as Jesus was taught by Mary and Joseph, parents today can teach their children on such matters, even about repentance, read to them from the Scriptures of such examples, even that of those, who are for God, who indeed had made mistakes and showed genuine repentance to return into the hands of God our Father.

    A child who is able to learn is capable of comprehending right from wrong, even the like of consequences that stem from wrong doing. Not only such is taught by parents, pertaining to teaching children about the law, this is done even in the schools to which such is also taught to children, usually in form of clubs that take place during school hours or afterwards, moreover, yes young ones know that there are things, negative, that is done it should land a wrongdoer in jail, as for consequences that lead up to such a thing, this can be learnt, i.e. shoplifting results in jailtime, consequence, such actions becomes part of the culprit’s record or the consequence of crossing the street can be either death and or injury, and so forth, on the other side of the spectrum, young ones who are not taught such things take actions upon themselves worrying little of the consequence and or the end result of said actions, but by then it is far too late.

    Regarding all things Scriptural and of God, we teach our children these things, again, even about repentance, for what the Bible conveys shouldn’t be withheld, even to those who are young and seek to learn and become mature spiritually.

    That being said, man, woman, boy, or girl, let’s throw in the elderly folk too, should they be seeking to gain spiritual maturity, and willfully seeking baptism, wanting to take up that mantle of responsibility. And yes, all faithful persons tend to make mistakes, there’s no denial of such from anyone, but like faithful persons, that stand back up after they had fell down or stumbled.

  2. 1 minute ago, Jack Ryan said:

    @Space Merchant Debunked? Hardly..

    "Souvenir notes from Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society's Convention", 1909, 1909_souvenir.pdf

    Article "Stewardship", page 105 in book, 106 in PDF.

    Nice image of you-know-who on page 2.

    You way want to do a search on 1914 and 1975, one mention was regarding earthquakes and groups that exist or ceased in that time span.

    One thing for certain, when you continue to post the same thing over and over again, you forget jaw-dropping responses with legitimate facts that backs of solidified proof stands over information that is lackluster.

    That being said, you've checked out that box of cookies, one too many times, Mr. Ryan, some instances, by your own hand.

  3. @BillyTheKid46 Another problem is that the powers that be are covering their own even though they know who is the abuser. They will allow those at the bottom to seek out and go after a whole institution for the actions of a few, which we see today in schools and churches. Something of which I was adamant about is to teach people, to prevent abuse and or harm.

    Abuse of this nature, by any means, cannot cease from the face of thee earth, only God can wipe that all away.

  4. On 2/14/2019 at 2:39 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    At least its not as bad as the public talk they gave about bedroom sex rules including oral sex.

    They teach this in schools to 5th graders, apparently. Vogue magazine had quite the detail of things to say and now they are teaching homosexuality and transgenderism to kids.

    At times, things can go overboard from the simple stuff; therefore, teach people to avoid sexual immortality when it comes to teaching about sex to young or old folks.

  5. One thing for certain, when it comes to sex, we have to educate people so they do not go about going, unhinged in the realm of sexual immorality and or sexual relations. Moreover, when it comes to young ones who are not educated, mainly in this domain, it makes them a potential target and or victim for harm, others, become addicted to sex and pornography, that they end up feeding into their ill desires, or planting the seed of sin, which prompts them to go above and beyond and eventually come to a halting crash of problematic issues.

    your sin will find you out.

  6. On 2/6/2019 at 4:35 PM, FelixCA said:

    Now just because I used the phrase, “that being said” doesn’t automatically make me Space Merchant. JWinsider, LOL! 😄

    To be honest, never did I realize I did say it that much til now.

    That being said, to those who accuse you of being me left out one key thing: I tend you mildly use ye old English and I am overly detailed in anything and everything I say.

  7. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    I think the reason why is because of how the wt holds it over the children in such a way that they are shunned if the child makes a mistake, as children usually do. This takes the authority away from the parents to teach and guide their children and gives it to the wt. Such a decision should not be made by children, but rather when they become adults and are fully informed of the repercussions of not following the company policy. 

    On the contrary, it isn't solely the Watchtower who profess baptism in this regard. Anyone, even that of a child, who has professed and applied teaches of the Scripture, dedicated to being a follower of the Christ and adhere to his God, etc. are able and willing. Young ones who do seek baptism understand this means, and it enables them do do more for God. You'd be surprise of how willing some children are to do God's Will just as many before them - I made this point months ago, and as such, still stands in accordance with Scripture.

    After all, heed what was said, go ye therefore, and teach all nations.

    Parents can still teach their children, as well as the church itself. Is this of an issue for you because such isn't alien in the realm of Christendom.

    1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    as far as the origin of baptism as a whole, I do not recall of an instance of a child being baptized in the Bible. In fact Jesus Himself was not until He reached the age of 30, and since He is our guide and example, shouldn't we also adhere to His standard/example? 

    Again, another misunderstanding of my words. Regarding the origin of Baptism itself, to be specific, as to the representation of the Jordan River, the symbolism behind it, when people has learnt about God, and clearly understand Scripture, he or she can be baptized should they seek it. I recall saying something along the lines before, regarding this, that in this regard, the follower is now following the teachings of this teacher, in turn, they are all not learning about God in unison, with new and old disciples; they all have a common goal as baptized brothers and sisters, in union with the Christ.

    You do realize as to the symbolism regarding the people of Israel, do you not? Also in regards to Jesus yes, we do follow his example and the like, and it is not unknown to what he and all the Jews professed, from childhood into adulthood, in which both Mary and Joseph had taught him, in which Zechariah and Elizabeth had taught John.

    1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    How can a child understand the concept of repentance when they in general, commit the same mistakes over and over?   They can't, that's why there are age appropriate punishments.  

    We can teach our children to read and write, which is done by parents, guardians, older folk of the same blood, and those in educational and or teaching institutions. In this sense, we can teach our children, something of which I am very adamant about and had professed in a number of times. In regards to Jesus, when he was very young, his parents had taught him, in regards to the Law found in Deuteronomy, which is still professed today by many, we are to observe, recite, read, and learn who the God of Israel is, reasons why when Jesus professed Shema Yisrael it points back to the Law found in the Old Testament; this same Law of which even Paul professed in 1 Corinthians.

    Education is always key, especially when it comes to spiritual education. By means of such, we can teach our children about God, as well as what is good and what is bad. All people have an opportunity to learn about God and be baptized, even children, who seek to learn and understand that God, literate enough to read Scripture, and to understand, they too can learn and be baptized.

    Do not underestimate children who are capable of reading and understanding the Scriptures, just as God opened his hand to you, he does the same to children who seek to learn about him, to understand him, about his Son, and the Kingdom; in which what it will bring forth to mankind.

  8. One thing for certain. In this day and age there are certain folks out there who embrace pedophilia and in one recent situation, a specific group was in question. More of them will enter into schools and churches and the problem is going to expand and explode, on the other side of the spectrum, those who are also in support of pedophilia have been defending their own among the rich and powerful.

    In the end, we must educate, which is effective, and people need to talk, and there are those with that syndrome out there, so more people have to be informed.

    @Anna I wonder the same thing, granted, as this much time had passed, some information would be out already, granted the situation itself is child abuse, at least a story or two of an alleged attack and the mention of the mentally ill person who has committed the attack, and so forth. But the one who professed such and showing his true colors afterwards, it tells you something. That being said, I guess it is time to do the initiative and do some digging, which I am doing.

  9. @Kosonen Unfortunately, it isn't only the JWs who believe the King of the North to be the latter. There is a lot of people who, in this regard, who say the same thing the WT is saying. I believe I either posted this information to someone here before a long time ago. Plus it should be evident in terms of who is with and sides with the US, vice versa for Russia, the secondaries, and those who play for both sides - this I posted also.

  10. I do not see why people take issue to a young one being baptized. As long as the young one has learnt about God, understand Scripture and a list of other things, he or she can be baptized should they seek it. This goes hand in hand with everything pertaining to the origin of baptism as a whole, and what John did in regards to what it represented other than forgiveness of sin, etc. There is a historical factor played into all of this.

  11. @Shiwiii 



    And what is the point you are trying to make with John the Baptist vs. today, Shiwii? And I am very well aware of what John the Baptist wore and in what position he is in, but for some they misuse what he says rather than worry about what he is wearing.

    That being said, this remark of yours does not negate the targeted response in question.

    Lemming mentality? As to where you draw this silliness? What you fail to see is all persons who are of their culture differ from each other. Also such persons like to be referred to as Buddhist Monks, the other, Shaolin Monk.

    What you seem to miss here is that if you have met people as a preacher in other countries, they will view you carefully. They are most likely to respond to a preacher who is open for discussion and dressed in a modest fashion vs. a charismatic preacher who is dressed in a fashionable way with parts of him or her nearly exposed with clothing that isn’t appropriate.

    If you went to preach in the country of my mother and my father as I had recently and wore tight clothing, you will not gain any sort of attention, and we there is a saying for immodest folk, therefore, when it comes to respect, you should appear as in such to earn a positive attention of others.

    One thing is for certain, if Jesus walked among us today, surely he wouldn’t want someone walking about to speak gospel whereas his or her body is either exposed and or nearly showing out of their garments, in the faces of all persons, young and old.

    No I am not. If you actually read my response clearly, you’d see the point I am trying to make regarding this secondary response. Unless you want to point out clearly s to what I am equating, by all means Shiwii, please do.

    Well Shiwii, it is called reading the previous response and seeing as to where and why this response is made. It’s not difficult as you are making it out to be.

    Again, and what does beggars have to do with my response to the other person in regard to what you have said?

    Beggars? Unless you have found a way to speak to the dead or have built some time traveling device, perhaps I could – but let’s be realistic. My response was about the church and modesty, so this response of yours is fruitless at best.

    As for the beggars, these folks followed Jesus, they took to his word and listened. These beggars also do not even think twice to twist Jesus word into some outlandish teaching, nor do they do something that is beyond the teachings.




    Poor choice of words. That, my ignorance friend, is race mocking.

    Psalm 1:1 - Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

    Proverbs 15:12 - A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise.

    That being said, what the boy says is indeed true, but you wouldn't not have known that because of the sheer ignorance of the situation that is and has taken place in the West.

    In the examples below, it shows how people are and can become violent for the political theater going on in the US as we speak, the situation the boy mention was not him being, quote on quote "racist", in fact, this situation actually took place, therefore, your claim is at a level of idiocy and ignorance.

    These are not PG, letting you know this now. Hate is what imperfect men embrace, and we can see it in full display in men, in women, and even children who haven't even hit their teens yet.

    NOTE: Regarding the students, there were people, grown people, calling for the death and killing of these teenagers.

    Lastly, surely you are better than that, Mr. Butler... The boy made no mention of the Hood, yet your comment shows one of your true colors on this platform for all to bear witness to, and it shows you are in total subjection to misconceptions which can easily be refuted by even that of a child. The next time you do such mockery to anyone, man, woman or child, an engrave portrait of what you have uttered will be in full display.

    Other than that, what you professed before the closing of 2018, I saw no information, so it is a lack of care from you, or abandon.

    As for his claim about one being inferior, he was referring to what you said of me (mind you, you didn't even mention me, so I had looked at my name), hence the response I had, strongly, given you. One does not feel inferior because of his or her color and or race, Mr. Butler, and at the time, that remark from you was out of the blue. And I find it very odd you are now doing this, in conjunction with making a mockery of those who live somewhere, playing into the misconceptions and the like. A shame on you and woe to you too.

    @Equivocation We are living in an age where people do not want to here a word from the Bible. They paint God as something else. It is no surprise that people of this nature will react to what the Bible really says and those who will threaten you to attack you. Fear no man, but rather, be God fearing, always, and know what you are doing is what Jesus has been doing, for the message has been passed on, it is up to the individual to make that change.

    That being said, I had run into folks who used the Bible to defend Polygamy, Pedophilia, Homosexuality, using weapons to murder (some want to kill atheists, be it man woman or child) and a list of other things, some believe only black people are of God and everyone is an Edomite or a child of Esau, but they are hypocrites who carry a Bible that was crafted by an Englishmen and fail to realize that God is impartial, and the list goes on.

    During my time out, I had been preaching the Word and did so in the birthplaces of my family, and when I came back, I had to deal with those who saw God as Molech, which is NOT okay with me, so the truth had been spoken.

  12. @Equivocation @Srecko Sostar @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    And since December, not a word from the 3 of you about this sole word when it comes to the realm of self defense and the like.

    I will say it here for you since this answer will not cometh from either of you:

    Compliance. It is an action commit by those when they are in such a situation, mainly in the example I professed. It is not the best one, but in terms of self defense, it is a second nature type of tactic unknowingly or unknowing committed depending on the situation and or events that lead up to such things.

    And child, when and how did this happen? In my head, I am thinking of when the car starts to smoke, and then ignite into flames and fire, and eventually explode. One of the common things that causes such, overheating.

    Aside from that, the situations have worsen, our children are not protected even on the social plain, such as YouTube and other forms of chat and communication that they use today. Know what your child are doing, speak with them because anyone can talk to them or lure them by means of these forms of media. We live in a day and age whereas people seek to cause harm and prey on children, such ones by going into schools, churches, and clubs, what have you. Education enables a child to react before an attack is made or an attack made by someone else, and this is vital, an example of an uneducated child, as of recent, is what is taking place in the realm of homosexuality and the trans community, and apparently, those who seek to prevent ill action are at a loss here vs. those who educate.

    Again, better solutions at work.

  13. @TrueTomHarley One thing for certain. If the faith group in question having recreational time at a beach only to be stalked and taken by FSB affiliates to be held and interrogated, that is persecution. If a Russian professor is telling his students to target a girl because of her faith, sending underlings to speak of her even slander her, that is persecution. If religious folk is being targeted using the same tech the FSB used for Alexei Navalny Heroes, with the focus of reporting, calling, and confronting, that in of itself is persecution.

    The irony of it all, some Russians have been vocal about the twisting of Yarovaya law, but must of that was swept under the rug, or in this case, tossed out of the 10th floor of an apartment building, down into the bushes whereas no one would think to find it.

  14. 12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You seem to be speaking as a Muslim here. 


    Instructions to muslims ? 

    Da'wah is an Arabic word which means to invite,call or summon someone. The term is also used when correcting someone in regards to the misconceptions of said faith, which is common.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You think there is more than one Faith ?

    If you have forgotten, I was very adamant on those who strive to be like the early church in of itself, for True Christians are known by God and these same True Christians will go out of their way to do things like the early church. Either achieving it and or attempting to be like the apostolic church.


    The True faith includes, accepting the teachings about God and his Son. Taking in as to what God's Kingdom will do for you and for mankind. Applying said teachings as is with proclaiming, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and the Messianic Age, and putting into application a Christ-Like Life Style and the Fruits of the Spirit, taking in the examples from prophets and teachers and their actions as imperfect men in a world that is open to learn about God, misguided on who God is, and those who teach a false doctrine about God, etc.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Quote "Be it you agree with them or not, slander shouldn't be a means against these people."  You are right of course. Because slander is lies, whereas truth must be told. 

    Exactly, and a truth I had spoken, therefore the information on that image to which Jack has posted is incorrect, and wrong, and it is targeting a group of persons in a negative light. It does not take long to realize the errors when the information that expresses the truth in the face of these misconceptions is revealed.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Quote "To make claim that they worship the Devil is silly, .. "  I didn't say they worshipped the Devil, I said they were serving the Devil. But perhaps i should have worded it better.

    So to you what is the difference between someone who serves the Devil and to one who worships the Devil?

    When someone religiously supports to whom they worship in turn they serve them also. The notion here regardless of the word still stands, be it serving and or worshiping int not a honorable sense, but a religious one.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I said they were serving the Devil.

    When someone religious serves something or someone, in turn what does that equate to? As I recall, even Jesus pointed this out when telling someone to not just worship, but to serve also.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If Jesus did not die as a perfect human then the price has not been paid. Jesus DID die to pay the ransom, the perfect price paid for the sin of Adam.

    Exactly the point I made the same one I made a long time ago on this forum, elsewhere, and even in debate. We as Christians believe in what Jesus sacrifice entails, and we know what the New Covenant is all about, and Jesus' ascension into Heaven, although the Muslims believe this too, as said, the core difference is that they do not believe he died, or in this sense, a perfect man slain and or killed by imperfect men. Furthermore, they also believe that God somehow materialized another man, to look like Jesus, as a substitute, and or doppelganger to take the place of the Christ himself whereas the real Christ was already in preparation to ascend into Heaven.

    Despite this, like us, they also believe that Jesus will return in the conclusion of the End Times. It can also be said that this thought is supported by the works of a Greek Cleric, also a Bishop and Martyr, Saint Irenaeus (130–202 AD) regarding Alexandrian Gnostic Basilides in a refutation. of the denial of the death of the Christ.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    One perfect man died to pay for the other perfect man that sinned.

    This is already known, also do not forget about the New Covenant. Regarding Muslims, they believed God had saved him and Jesus had ascended into Heaven later on, hence what is mentioned in my previous statement above this one.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    In this all true Christians have hope. 


    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    This in itself proves that Islam is a lie.

    But your last statement was directed to something else as a lie, not that of Jesus' death, but rather, regarding Aisha and all things regarding the Prophet of their Qu'ran, to which I still await for you to point out as to which of that is mentioned in that image and what I said is a lie.

    Clearly they are misguided, yes, but to accept misconceptions as a truth will only spark those to speak up and point out the errors as presented on that image.

    We do not have to agree with them regarding the death of the Christ, but to slander them about a someone who was supposedly a 6 year old, that is stretching it when the Battle of Uhud is among several evidence that Aisha was not a child.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    To say that Jesus did not willingly give his life for us is totally against God and His Christ.

    Their view is that God willingly saved Jesus from the hands of imperfect man that seeks blood. Their view is similar to ours but the death and crucifixion is the only difference regarding them to True Christians.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Quote " None of what I said are lies... "  I'm sorry if my wording is unclear. What i was meaning was that you proved that other people were telling lies. I did not mean they you were telling lies. 

    Alright, but although the Muslims are not like us True Christians, we should not be gullible to false information, even by the slightest.

    For example, I can dislike you, for an action you have done or something that you or your household has done, but if someone speaks slander and lies about you despite me having already known who the type of person you are, clearly I'd say something to refute the slander coming your way.

    As for the Muslims of the Islamic faith, they should not be slandered against at all, knowing who they are and their views makes it easier to come to common ground to even preach to them.

    You live in the United Kingdom, and I told you before, do not go to Hyde Park if you lack in Spiritual Wisdom, otherwise you'd get hammered, and there are Christians there, who are coming to common ground with Muslims to combat one thing and one thing only despite their difference - The Doctrine of the Trinity.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I care not what the sign says, but you are correct i have not studied Islam or the Quran.

    You don't have to, even without any knowledge of the Qu'ran, historical accounts provides said evidence as to why this happen, why was this done, why this is or that, etc. It is in as much the same way as we in Christendom who know the truth, come to know the truth about God and his Kingdom, as is with his Son.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I think the Pope of the Catholic church dables in Islam and has the Quran read to him, proving the Pope himself is a false christian.

    "False teacher", not "False Christian", the Pope of the Vatican is a Catholic, despite this, it does not negate us to know what the view of the Catholics actually is. A False Christian would be a Christian who says he or she is Christian, but applies teachings not of the church, and practices, as is with willfully proclaiming Heresies and or lies about God, and or using God and or the Bible to justify a practice, i.e. "Deus Vult [God Wills it]! It is because of God that I am allowed to hold a firearm to put to death any atheist, be it man, woman or child." Another example would be "God will burn you in hell time and time again and there is nothing you can do about it, for that is where you are going <sometimes this type of Christian will proceed to cuss and speak in vulgarly, and the tone has changed> "another example would be "God hates all <the person can say that God hates all races but accepts one>" Things of that nature. There is also the Lukewarm Christian. A Fake Christian is also a type of Christian who lives a double-life, willfully committing ill and or brazen conduct and sin despite claiming to be a Christian, and he or she goes about things with no feeling of guilt and or remorse for their sin, and or acknowledges he or she has a problem, example this type Christian of this form only becomes and or pretends to be a Christian to seek out and commit harm to others, even other Christians, other things would be that these type of Christians go out of their way to willfully sin, as in, sleep with all types of men and or women out of wedlock, feeding into sexual desires of the flesh and abuses God's forgives only to go back to do the same thing over and over again, this is the same case with materialistic Christians who are of greed, and there is more. So it isn't difficult to tell from a misguided one from a false one.

    That being said, the Pope dwells on interfaith, he does not care about what the views of the Muslims are, let alone any faith expect his own, he cares for uniting the faiths and by means of trickery, government, UN, and other entities that are in this conquest for peace, he has persuaded the masses, even among the Muslims to side with him, Muslims who join the Pope speak out against Muslims who do not join.

    And again, since you are in the United Kingdom, it should have been obvious to you of how your country is like regarding Muslims who side with them and those that do not. Last I recall, a Canadian Woman and her team was banned from your country because they offended the Muslims, although it didn't bother them, but it bothered the UK government, and the irony of it all is that this woman did an experiment with Christendom and no one bats an eye. The bbc went out of their way to say this woman was an Anti-Islamist as well.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I have no need of Islam or the Quran.

    Ok. But it does not stop one from seeing lies that are professed as truth in regards to their view. Reasons why what I said and the evidence to refute Jack is revealed, despite the response being made for Jack who began this, you took his place by responding.

    That being said, it would also be wise to take up a parallel example regarding the Jews and the Samaritans, one notable example we can learn from Jesus is when we read John chapter 4 in full, when it is known the history of the Jews and their neighbors who holds a view different from theirs.

    As another read, the passage about the Good Samaritan and or the time Jesus healed several people, one of them who came back to thank him was a Samaritan.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    There is only one true God and only one true Son of God, Jesus Christ.

    Indeed. But even having believing in the True God and his Son, it does not negate you from doing what you are being commanded to do, and or not go about what the early church has been teachings to it's people.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    i have this faith in God, and i have no need to dig into in the Devil's work. 

    And how are you so sure it is the work of the Devil? If anything they are misguided and reasons why we must understand them in order to preach to them, which is the case in Hyde Park whereas Christians manage to come to a common ground with them in order to combat a common enemy. Muslims are also of the Abrahamic Faith, remember of whom in the Bible they originated from and why a majority of them reside in the Middle East.

    The Works of the Devil those doing anything and everything to nullify God's Words, and the teachings, even that of His Son. An example would be the teaching that God somehow became a man, and God has been killed, something of which is of the Devil is very obvious.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    We could talk of much more but we will not agree on much.

    It depends on what is being talked about. Originally it began with the belief of Jesus and the misconceptions found on that image. For you alluded to what that image had said only to be corrected, despite me knowing this, you made claim I support Islam when only I had spoke about the misconceptions people preach that is false about Islam, clearly not support, but educating the truth of the mater to those who believe and or accept falsehood.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    In my opinion God does not want people to be of multi-faith or to give place to other faiths.

    Clearly. Because interfaith on this conquest for peace is not of God, but of man.

    But it does not negate the fact we must understand our neighbor in order to preach to our neighbor. This is why it is said in the Bible we must preach to the people of the nations.

    For example, Paul and Barnabas knew the practices and teachings of those in the city of Lystra, and due to the both of them performing a miracle, the both of them were referred to Zeus and Hermes, knowing this, you can clearly see the response from them, telling the people they are just mortal men and not these false gods. In fact, it isn't unknown to anyone the practices of such people and others in Asia Minor.

    Just like us today, we should be preaching the truth of the gospel and the Messianic Age to all persons, in the end, it is up to them to accept the truth or not, no one is forcing them, and God knows who is for him and those who are willing to understand said truths. It does not stop us from even understanding who the Muslims are, and preaching to them.

    They believe that the only God is Allah, some, if not most of them even say that Allah is YHWH (Yahweh and or Jehovah), regarding God you can preach to them. Regarding God's Son Jesus, whom they call Isa, you can preach to them as well, coming to a common ground to teach the person, in the end it is up to them to accept the truth or not, for a True Christian is understanding of his or her neighbor, those of whom they preach to.

    Reasons why in my case, I understand them, seeing them as misguided, however their history is evident, knowing who they are, I know how to preach to them. Attempting to preach to them while being ignorant and or unaware of things, example, Aisha, will only land you in a world of hurt and a debate that you will not be able to win, reasons why I strongly tell you to not go to Hyde Park unless you are Spiritually Strong in Wisdom, as is with history of the Bible and or Christianity.

    In fairness for Muslims, most of their peers make claim that ALL Christians believe in the Trinity, they also attest that even our counterparts, JWs, also believe in the Trinity. At these, even Muslims whose, again, views differ from us, but some parts being similar, will profess that not all Christians believe in the Trinity, and they will speak up in the face of misconception. Likewise, True Christians will do the same.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If a person does not believe that Jesus was sent to this Earth to give his life willingly on our behalf, then what conversation is there ?

    They believe Jesus was sent, reasons why they speak of him as a Prophet. They just do not believe he has been executed, and state that God saved Jesus out of the hands of imperfect hands that wish to kill him, and after this, Jesus had ascended.

    There is a conversation, Butler, despite this their view regarding the death and resurrection of the Christ, you can still preach the gospel to them, this is why when it comes to understanding them, you have to understand who they are and their views, this includes as to why they believe in salvation without Jesus dying.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If there is no level ground,

    On the contrary there is. You'd be surprised how Muslims are willing to listen if you come to common grounds, knowing them, their views, etc. I say this from experience, and even in my days as an inexperienced child, not knowing how other people are regarding God. It was only later in my pre-teen years I began reading as to why others hold different views and later on in life I become an effective proclaimer of the gospel due to now knowing of whom I am dealing with.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    if God Himself is being insulted, then those that insult God in such a way should be kept away from.

    And how is God being insulted? It should also be aware to you that the Muslims follow a very strong Law that even Jesus professed, even affirmed. This Law was spoken by God and brought forth for God's people to follow.

    12 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    To try to teach people is good of course, but to be friends with those that will not respect God and His son Jesus Christ, is not so good. 

    Yes, we must preach to them, knowing someone as a neighbor you have to befriend them in order to preach effectively, mainly if the one being preached to is willing to accept, examples like the rare conversation of Jesus to a leader of the Jews. Likewise, we do the same.

    And nowhere they show a disrespect for God, for as I stated, although misguided, they have been fighting to defend God, even going as far as to use the Bible in order to do so. A disrespect to God would be if their faith willfully accepts and speaks heresy, even embrace it.

  15. 4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Most people are ordinary "sheep", which are "cut off/haircut" by people who are experts in financial transactions/machinations.

    Your statement does not make any sense in this regard.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    In what group of people are you, S.M.?

    I am of no group. But my field of study had required me to know the basics in this stuff, as is with other forms of technology. Therefore, basic to intermediate knowledge of this stuff is vital.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I guess and hope, you are not in those greedy one.

    My own culture forbids me to be as such.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Let me to say opinion and ask. Your knowledge of how the banking and financial system works is a great thing.

    Then what is stopping you from knowing these basics? You had attempted to use false information whens aid basic information is enough truth to refute your claim and Witness' claim.

    And I know the links send that holds 5 minutes read time of information you ignored - twice.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But what I'm more interested in is this: Do you personally support and justify the existence of rich and powerful monetary systems and principles on which their existence is based? 

    Yes. However this does not pertain to the actions of an owner of a legitimate trust and or stocks/bonds, what have you. Their actions does isn't a copy and paste on to an receiver and or a benefactor, the latter in this sense does not even have a care in the world for what an owner of said entity does for they're simply the receiver.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    With knowledge, which is not unknown to you; a few rich and powerful people, and most of the poor and oppressed people

    And who are you addressing in this sense?

    • The Owner/Investor of a trust, stock and or bond?
    • A donor?
    • An Investor?
    • A Benefactor/Receiver?
    • A Banker?
    • A Broker?

    You can at least be more specific otherwise you will end up what you and Witness have done before by confusing all of them as one.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    all that with the "little help" of the money.

    The fact you are not specifying of whom you are referring to, an attempt to once again equate, your last statement does not make sense, nor any point of yours is revealed.


    If you want a focus, let's talk about An Owner of a Trust, a Stock(s) and or Bond(s). To which owner are you referring to and or other?

  16. 2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Looking at it from purely a Christian viewpoint, and as i see it the only viewpoint that should be used, then Muhammad was a false prophet. And i further conclude that the faith of Islam is from the Devil. 

    Indeed, there are many faiths, but only a few led us to the True God. Regardless of you view, it should not allow you to jump to conclusions by unawaringly accepting misinformation about someone, a group, etc. At least know their faith and not believe in the falsehood that is presented by that false billboard.

    Be it you agree with them or not, slander shouldn't be a means against these people.

    2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    There is no fence to sit on. There is no halfway mark. A true Christian must be open and tell the truth on such matters.

    A True Christian would also know that if someone speaks slander, that they would not immediately side with the slanderer. The Muslims may not have the same faith as we have, although there is some common ground, it should not allow us to make up things about their faith, mainly in regards to Aisha whereas doing so will only cause among the educated of Muslims to come at us regarding Mary and legitimate virgin wives of which they call sex slaves whereas in reality, an educated Christian can explain such things.

    2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Islam is false religion and Muhammad was a false prophet serving the Devil. 

    Islam is clearly a misguided faith, after all, recall in the Bible, the Old Testament of whom they originated from, and the reason as to why they were not of the tribes of Israel - the Muslims became a nation of their own from their Father, hence why they have a view and belief the way they do.

    I wouldn't call them worshipers of the Devil. A Devil worshiper is one who is against God and speaks of things that has nothing to do with God. To make claim that they worship the Devil is silly, if anything, the Muslims are simply on a path but they are misguided.


    A side form that, regarding your statement, you'll have to prove that they worship the Devil, serving him even otherwise your claim holds no merit.

    One of the CORE differences between a True Christian and a Muslim is that Christians believe in Jesus' sacrifice, Muslims believe this too, but they do not believe he had been executed, but saved before that happened, and then ascended into heaven.

    2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It is good that you have knowledge and that you make clear the lies that some people tell of such matters, but the facts remain as I have stated here.

    None of what I said are lies, and I invite you to prove that I am lying because never once have a ever stated a lie. The irony of it all you didn't click on the link that even tells you the image that Jack Ryan posted was false.

    So do not make a claim you cannot cash, and it is evident the lack of religious study is in you because you actually believe what that image says whereas in reality, those misconceptions have been exposed to be false, and a truth is being spoken.

    You tell me Butler, why would an under-aged person be at the Battle of Uhud? Aisha wasn't under-aged at all.

    2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Christian love to you SM.

    Indeed, however as a reminder, to not allow yourself to be this gullible and easily fooled by an image:


  17. On 12/27/2018 at 11:54 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    So ...um ... what happened in Virginia that might warrant U.N. intervention?

    I was born and raised in Virginia, and we did not even like Yankee tourists.


    United The Right Rally



    Aug 11, 2017 – Aug 12, 2017

    Location: Charlottesville, VA

    It was organized by:


    Jason Kessler (American white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and far-right political activist)


    Richard Spencer (A well known American white supremacist - the most hated one to the general public)

    Reasons why



    The protest was mostly notable for the death of Heather Danielle Heyer, whereas the left and the right attempt to use her tragic passing as a means to an end in regards to their goals, other, using her death to justify action.


    Image result for Heather Danielle Heyer

    You must have skipped the papers if you have not heard this, and I am pretty sure I brought this into attention before:

    Look below, the first video present is by Brittany Hughes of MRCTV.

    NOTE: Regarding the 1st amendment the UN tried to dig their hands into it pertaining to the situation at the Unite the Right protest in Virginia, they took another shot, but this time, the 2nd amendment after the Las Vegas shooting, which is another situation on it's own.

    As for others, mind you, some of them are angry as is the first one regarding Brittany Hughes, so there is a bit of language, knowing you, it is not much of a problem.




    Below we see an example of someone who actually contributes to the United Nations


    Also, that being said, I am not a fan of Richard Spencer, not even by the slightest.

  18. On 12/27/2018 at 2:04 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Why not  go back to the sign at the top and bluntly answer if any of those accusations are true or false. No excuses or sidelines. Are they true or false ? 

    And for my point why was Muhammad even needed ? Didn't Jesus do all that was necessary ? 

    I will answer the first one, the rest can be found via fact checks in the link, which proves shows clearly that Jack Ryan was in the wrong: The first one is regarding Aisha, who is also known as The Mother of Believers. The misconception here is Aisha's age, some will say 6 years of age, others 9. Aisha was about 10 years younger that her older sister Asmaa, who was around 27 at the time of Hijra (making Aisha around 17), which concludes that the consummation was when she was around 19.

    NOTE: The Islamic Hijra [Hegira] is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622.... In addition, after being warned of a plot to assassinate him, Muhammad secretly left his home in Mecca to emigrate to Yathrib, 320 km north of Mecca, along with his companion, Abu Bakr.

    Aisha was born some time before her calling, for she must have been at least around the age of 15 at the time of consummation, this meaning the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual relations, and this doesn't contradict the statement that was made previously. Furthermore, Aisha was present during the battle of Uhud, a battle between the early Muslims and their Qurayshi Meccan enemies in 625 CE in the Hejazi region of the Arabian Peninsula. She, Aisha, was the one who was carrying water bags, and serving the injured in this area. If Aisha was the age of 10, let alone 9 or 6, it would not possible for her to partake in such an action, especially that the prophet himself had sent away all underage people (except for one, who was accompanied by his older brother). This makes more sense if she was around 20 at the time of the battle of Uhud. Moreover, the misconception of Aisha has another factor, for those in Islam is against sexual relations with a minor, especially someone at a young age in Aisha's case whereas the reality of said situation she was much older than that.

    That being said, it is foolish to even challenge a Muslim on this because they can bring forth the actions of Moses, who took up young women for his men has wives while still maintaining the status of a Prophet and Christians who lack knowing the Old Testament will end up speaking badly and or even denouncing Moses, his examples and his Laws (going into the realm of cherry picking without explaining Moses' actions), moreover, they can speak of Mary of the Bible, who was practically a pre-teen (age 11-12).

    And that is merely the first one. What Jack didn't say here is that image of his was ruled out with facts and truth to claims that are professed to trick the masses, for the other examples can be found here:


    On 12/27/2018 at 2:04 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And for my point why was Muhammad even needed ?

    Because like to us Christians, who rely on the Prophets as seen in the Bible, to the Muslims, Muhammad was a Prophet, and Muhammad was not the only Prophet the Muslims follow, even some Prophets we read in the Bible they also follow. For example, Prophet Isaiah, in Islam, Prophet Isaiah's name in Arabic is أشعياء [transliterated: Ashiʻyā']. Although he is not mentioned by name in the Qu'ran or the Hadith, Muslims accept Isaiah as a Prophet, even going as far as to reproduce Jewish traditions regarding Isaiah, furthermore, Isaiah was mentioned by Ibn Kathir's story.

    So they adhere to their prophets in the same sense we adhere to ours, that is, should we accept the words of our Prophets whereas most Christians do not.

    On 12/27/2018 at 2:04 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Didn't Jesus do all that was necessary ? 

    Pertaining to what I said before, they believe in Jesus also, as like us, they see him as a Prophet, so the answer would be yes, Jesus is needed by them and he is vital in their practices and teachings.

  19. @Srecko Sostar Well he is very lucky those guys are not armed. As of recent, a thief entered a guy's home, long story short, he got the upper hand on the guy with the home owner's own gun.


    That being said, what I am asking you and Rook about of what is of high importance connections to some situations like this. Your example is like that of several cases in Brazil.

  20. 4 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    In the US, people thought it was a good idea to have vigilantes in the streets. They were called the Guardian Angels 😏

    To some degree we still have such ones in the US - taking the law in their own hands, on the other side of the spectrum, such ones go at it with those they do not agree with. Outside of that you have those guys who are in their Batman and Superman costumes buying food to help out the homeless and say to themselves they are committing vigilante justice.


    That being said, it is groups like BAMN, Antifa, and the like that are a problem, one person in question whom I see as an adversary is among said groups.


    Other than that, with how things are going, it is likely such things will be revived at a grander scale.

  21. On 12/27/2018 at 1:17 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Is it possible that The Beneficiary/ies also/in same time is owner of Trust Fund/s (stocks and bonds...)?

    No. In this regard, they are not the owner of the Trust and or Mutual Fund(s) whatsoever. A benefactor in this case does not even have that ability to even own said stocks and bonds if the owner of the stocks and bonds is the donor.

    Again - it shows how unaware and ignorant you are of what a Benefactor is, needless to say, you not understanding the position of an investor, pertaining to what I said to you before and even linked said information.

    Plus you are contradicting yourself in your last attempt to prove a business entity when in reality it is nothing more than a registry.

    On 12/27/2018 at 1:17 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Or to ask this way: Is it possible that WT with so many entities and people who working for them constitute/establish Grantor/s who employ/making Trustee/s to working with money for Beneficiary/ies who is WT or some entity under WT. So, they can made nice, legal circle with JW donations money ?? :))  

    A benefactor does not work for the owner who holds said stocks and bonds, in the same sense a person who received any donation of any kind from a charity that donates to a person and or group in question it does not automatically make the receiver an instant owner.

    That being said, children who are into economics and investments can tell the difference, apparently you and your friend do not.

    On 12/27/2018 at 1:17 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    All is proper an legal under the devil's Worldly Financial Laws.

    That's funny, your last few comments said otherwise, as is your claim with Jesus and Peter sometime ago.

    Hypocrisy is within you, Srecko. But I encourage you to continue to amuse me.

    On 12/27/2018 at 1:17 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    And why to question that?

    Because when the proof of evidence is laid bear for all to see, it cannot be proven wrong. Your claims as is with Witness' claims do not merit the truth of information pertaining to money and finance, even outside of the realm of the Watchtower, legitimate information from investors, bankers, and or anyone in that field of study, even business, is able to say the same thing about the position of a stocks owner, a benefactor, a donor, etc.

    On 12/27/2018 at 1:17 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    All people desire, want to have some money ....

    Yes, but not all persons. Some people use money to further advance goals, such as to raise a family, to take care of a person and or persons, their community, to give back, etc. In this sense, the money is primarily being used by the donor to advance their gospel teachings and expanding places of worship, covering the costs of said places and their community, and so forth.

    And you are one to talk whereas you assume such a thing is a sin, but you call back over your heels when Jesus himself used money from a fish to help one of his own and or the likes of him praising and attesting to example of a widow who gave money to the early church in support of the gospel.

    In your eyes, as is what you said of Issac's Father, you see Peter and the woman as though they have done something terrible of great sin - whereas in all instances I defended these people we read about in the Bible - you however, did not.

    On 12/27/2018 at 1:17 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    little or much ....that is not matter

    And your point? How many silver coins helped out Peter?

    On 12/27/2018 at 1:17 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    we shall not be picky about few millions $ more or less :))

    And why state this when there is no one being picky?

    The evidence we see is an owner of said stocks and bonds has donated to several benefactorial entities of their choosing. As I see it, said owner can do what he or she pleases with his or her money, moreover, any person and or group who received said money donation, the owner has no control over, the receiver can do what they wish with the money to benefit themselves, their community and or any other goal of theirs they have in mind.


    That being said, nothing you or Witness say can break unshakable facts about money and finance in the realm of funds and the like.


    Dare I ask if you guys know what crypto-currency is, I can predict already the nonsense that will follow when the truth can be found in basic, elementary information in the realm of crypto-currency, to which the both of you may be lacking in this domain.

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