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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 10/6/2018 at 5:34 PM, Jack Ryan said:


    “Russia and its allies"

    Granted if one is aware of Russia and their allies, some people will consider it as such. After all, that one incident when men dressed as women showed up packing hit to provoke RU allies, only to be in a trap, giving Israel, a US ally, some form of confirmation to attest to an attack.


    There is indeed 2 factions of superpowers, and secondary allies, and dual binding force that is trying to take some minor control in both factions. Us Truthers know this.

  2. 19 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    People that have poor decision making ability, and never plan ahead ... are NEVER "somewhere else".

    "Stuff Happens".

    And yet it does not negate what is being asked to you and Srecko.

    2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    One time in Western Virginia, circa 1966, there was a race riot and people filled the streets, blocking traffic ... and I came upon them unexpectedly.  They stopped my car and I could not pass. 

    VERY angry people.

    I just took out my revolver, and put it on the dashboard of my car... and BEHOLD! ... the crowd parted like Moses marching through the sea ... and I went on my way.

    Not all the time because in some circumstances, it is an invitation to a gun fight for some people, and or an invitation to the person in question to be a target, as is with one female which in her case, it did not end well for her; since I am unfazed by graphic material, I will leave to your imagination as to why had occurred.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    100and10% true or 110% if we want be precise in writing :))))

    Take me for example in this ..... I had never went on public sports events. So, i had never been drunk in a mass of people, never get punch, never screaming and  cheering for a team ....and many more.

    Why? Because i was always "somewhere else". :))))

    The problem with this is it is not only places like this, you have soft targets as well and or minor targets.


    That being said, the question still stands, and as for the Krav Maga teacher, I am beginning to think he is non-existent if you can't even profess his or her belt class. I can name a few if need be, even for BJJ, Judo, etc. for in a respectful sense and credibility, one can simply bring up belt class and the latter can find and or loop up the person with or without a name.

  3. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Benefactor - someone who giving money to WTS. Clear and sound :))))

    cca 8 mil JW is/are benefactors + unknown number of other benefactors

    But you agreed to every bit before of the claim of them owning stocks and bonds. You yourself even took the time to attempt to bring up a registry forum, making the claim that it is an up and legal business - hence engineering your own demise in this sense.

    That being said, now you post a contradiction, now to which information you say this, yet your past responses on this thread and agreement says otherwise, as is the lacking of trust funds as seen by you and Witness.

  4. @Witness I have no goals in this regard, for if it is of anyone's concern, you were the one who continued off of something that has been concluded. Moreover, if you knew what a Benefactor is and or does, you'd realize the the contradiction you posted several times in this thread.

    And why the sudden change? Before you said they owned stocks and bonds when in reality, they are a benefactor, therefore they do not own anything.

    Scripture will not help your contradiction take off, let alone the failed exegesis in this domain regarding finance and money, therefore, I encourage you to learn the basics, of which you are evidently lacking in.

  5. @BillyTheKid46 Yes. It also goes off on into the extreme when when you have legitimate apostates of a faith giving threats and even wishing death to JWs and ExJWs who are not apostates of the faith, like Mr. Gardener's action in Orange County, they ran a former student of JWs off the internet, so to speak, twice, when he proclaimed better options in dealing with problems, and on the other side of the spectrum, you have those who seek death and or destruction of others, attacking people of a faith when they had nothing to do with said issues and or problems, the list goes on.

    Although this happens for all religious ones, the ones, it is far worse to some than most.

  6. 17 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    How about "Be somewhere else" ?

    Well you can't be somewhere else if the conflict is nearby and or in your actual location. Unless you somehow found a way for instant teleportation - that is understandable, but in all seriousness of active protection, this key component that is being asked of from the both of you is vital, and it is necessary.


    After all, something of this sort should be of seriousness to you also, Rook, for it is to me, and those who have said awareness and a bit of experience in this regard.

  7. @Srecko Sostar But it should not stop you from knowing the difference between trust funds and a benefactor.

    If I had to ask you what trust funds are, would you be able to answer?

    If I were to ask you want kinds of trust funds exist, could you answer?

    As is with the other things, no evidence of the latter owning stocks and or bonds, if that was the case, Nintendo just hit records with a game selling on a game console. ExJWs professed the Watchtower has stocks in Nintendo, so I ask, how much money did the Watchtower make, if we are to advocate for the claims of ExJWs?

    The sales and numbers regarding Nintendo is down here as of recent:


    Nintendo Stocks


    Now if we are to agree with Witness' claims, can you give me some information to the ExJW claim of the Watchtower owning stocks in companies like Nintendo?

    And although the information is here, the claim is unfounded, hence thoroughly debunked when the both of you confused things.


    Learn what a benefactor is, this time I will provide a small video for you because the both of you know that going to an investor's side to learn this stuff and or other defeats your claims:


  8. 15 hours ago, Witness said:

    Space Merchant:




    These things are second nature to you, and to the Watchtower corporation that works the system to its advantage.  But, to the poor misguided sheep who have been fleeced spiritually and financially by wolves in sheep's clothing, it is, I repeat,  SHOCKING to find out anything relating to their political and financial dealings.  Matt 7:15; Mark 13:22  Are you going to educate millions of JWs who are still in the dark about it?  Will that make it all better? You have a lot of work to do.   They have been led to believe the organization is earthly Zion, an extension of the heavenly Zion.   What would Zion have to do with Satan's riches that run this world?  Matt 6:19-21  Yet, I have heard the governing body state that all the material goods of the organization are God's possessions, and they are precious to Him.  I ask a JW, where in scripture can this be proven?

    Write me your book, it doesn't make a difference in the general perception the Watchtower conveys to its members.  This is the major issue.  An organization, which protects itself with every worldly tool possible, claims to be God's possession.  This very idea blasphemes scripture. 

    "For as I was passing through and observing the objects of your worship, I even found an altar on which was inscribed: ‘To an Unknown God.’ Therefore, what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. 24 The God who made the world and everything in it—he is Lord of heaven and earth—does not live in shrines made by hands. 25 Neither is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives everyone life and breath and all things. 26 From one man he has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live. 27 He did this so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28 For in him we live and move and have our being, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his offspring.’ 29 Since we are God’s offspring then, we shouldn’t think that the divine nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image fashioned by human art and imagination.  Acts 17:23-29

    JWs are taught to seek out and join "Jehovah's organization"...and SERVE in every capacity imaginable.  Because, it is the pure, no part of the world, earthly Zion.  

    This is idolatry, as proven from Acts 17.  



    And yet the ignorance you show in regards to stocks and bonds vs. trust/mutual present for all to see on this forum, in this thread.

    Nothing you say here negates the truth about trust funds, in which they are not to be confused with what stocks and bonds are, as is with what and who are  the benefactors.

    That being said, being unaware of even the basics in finance befits the errors you profess - time and time again, Witness.

    15 hours ago, Witness said:

    Man, I would have difficulty being a child of yours. 

    Perhaps, at least the children I speak to and build up has the mentality to understand right from wrong, truth from untruth. They can explain to me the basics various things, and some who have went on their own path to dwell in finance and economics, they can explain to me what a trust fund is and what a mutual fund is, as is what an investor and what a benefactor is - and needless to say, they will not push falsehood by confusing what is what, to which what you are doing.

    It would be a pain to be a child of yours for, my own culture would be rooted out of me and if you were to say there is a pink gorilla was hiding in someone's basement, you'd push me to believe it, which this example can be applied in this sense.

    The irony of it all, it is not the truth about money and finance toppling your claims, but also, it is the blind hatred.

    You can agree with the latter or not, but the bottom-line is you cannot be this unaware of even the elementary basics in this domain, that is, money, finance, economics and all pertaining to it.


    Also as I told you over a dozen times - stop mixing verses, and even so, it will not help you when facts regarding what has already concluded cannot save you here, Witness, so you are pretty much beating a dead horse and throwing rocks at a titanium wall.

    The horse is no more and the wall cannot be broken down by stones.


    Therefore my statement still stands.

    • If you do not know what a Benefactor is
    • If you do not know the difference between a trust and or mutual fund is
    • If you have no idea of who actually owns said stocks and or bonds
    • If you do not know the role of an investor in regards to funds

    The the below response I stated

    That being said, educate yourself in this domain or do not say anything at all regarding this domain.

    Unless you have some knowledge in this regard, you should have shown that previously, but instead, you dwell on error, and once again information that came from the very person I spoke against before.


  9. 10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Very true! But not only to my feelings. I have for bread and water.


    And yet your reaction before when you were corrected. The truth about finance does not care about your feelings or your misinformation, Srecko. For if you actually had something substantial to say, you would have said it, but again, I say, you wasted that chance, more so, anything in this domain cannot be countered and or refuted because when it comes to money and trust funds, the truth will be made known.

    That being said, even the basic knowledge of such is enough to refute false claims and those confusing and or attempt to connect stocks being the same as trust funds, vice versa.

    10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But many people are starving and are sick because of LACK of care FOR THEIR feelings and situations .... of this money and finance, trust funds etc and those who run this things.

    Then why in God's name were you trying to justify 2 falsehoods before if now to you proclaim such?

    The saying the facts does not care about feelings still stands, which lines up with being unaware and or ignorance of what a trust fund actually is.

    That being said, I find that last remark hard to believe when you didn't understand what an investor is and or does, I even went as far as to post said information from an investor source - which you ignored, twice.

    10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So, please give lesson and correction to those who HAVE so called KNOWLEDGE about financial terms and RUIN LIFE of those who are "ignorant" or have lack of Knowledge How Money Works.

    You can start by learning the basics in money, finance, investors, trust funds, etc. I provided links for you to read on this thread, the same ones you ignored twice. Perhaps this time you will make an effort to teach yourself the basics.

    10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Tell poor and hungry children who suffer, that they suffer because they and their parents have LACK of Knowledge. 

    And what about them? You are not poor, nor are you starving and this ability yo take in knowledge is being asked to you, not them. If that is the case, they my ISP comment to you a while back holds to truth. Therefore, you are re-directing, as I said earlier in this thread, and the other, you won't be running that card again.

    That being said, even a poor man can understand what a trust fund is, and from experience, I had run into poor persons who briefly lived on the streets who knew such things, as is with other domains of education.

    They should not negate your ability to learn something, and they are not you.

    Other than that, I have been helping the poor and the homeless for years, even posted a friend and a source here twice before who dedicated his life to such.


    Understand what stocks and bonds are. Understand what a trust/mutual fund is, understand that a registry cannot be used to justify stocks when that has already failed on your part. Learn what is a Benefactor, an Investor and anything pertaining to them.

  10. On 12/22/2018 at 1:39 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I think you are confusing me with someone who actually cares ....

    They do not keep me awake at night ....

    If they knew, I would keep them awake at night.



    No, I am not confusing you for someone else. Because it is worse. You have people walking around that you do not know if they are a man or a woman due to mental and physical changes and altercations they've done to themselves, and if you say a false pronoun you can get into big trouble.

    I told you before, I do not care if you care for something or not - a response can and will always be made, be it you like it or not, something will be said, Rook. It should have occurred to you by now in this regard.

    That being said, the same ones who remain unaware ends up being the same ones who are indirectly spoken of by those who embrace the ill-mentality pushed out by today's world.

  11. @Srecko Sostar He isn't an apostate because he does not hold any connection to disgruntled Jehovah's Witnesses. His response and his knowledge in money & finance was to correct apostates.

    Other than that, I don't think you realize or even know what an Apostate even is. I suggest you read about those of a depraved mind

    as I will quote myself here:


    That being said, let’s go for that “mentally diseased” remark. It should already be known to you that the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ leader directed this remark, not to all persons who agree or disagree with them, but rather, this response is directed to apostates. Ironically enough the Bible itself makes mention of such ones as it says below.

    They based this “mentally diseased” comment on this passage

    False Teachers and True Contentment

    • 1 Timothy 6:3-5 -  [3] If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, [4] he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, [5] and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.

    Noticed this [depraved in mind; which also means corrupted minds, diseased about questionings, which also equates to mentally diseased – hence their use of the term; “mentally corrupted” regarding Apostasy is used by some Christians]

    Jehovah’s Witnesses only pin this term on to the apostates, for this passages technically describes the actions of Apostates, for example, no, the examples of an onslaught from Apostates that continue to bombard them, even to us Christians who do what is necessary to follow the Christ, we deem such ones just as the same in regards to apostasy – and ironically enough, former Jehovah’s Witnesses who are not even deemed an apostate are never identified as this term, more so, these same former JWs even use this term in regards to apostasy on to disgruntled JWs.

    Therefore, it is hypocrisy to go after them for the use of the term when God’s Word speaks of such people who speak ill of others to the point they are branded as such – you should have known that if you read the First of Timothy.

    Those verses pretty much describes the attitude some have against these people and their community, it also equates to the fact you have been pinning them with a conspiracy that you yourself cannot even prove as true, and attempted to use Mr. Zelda, a second time, to justify something that you can’t even prove as a truth.

    I remember that you stated you like Barnes, I suggest you take into account what he has said regarding those depraved in the minds, or as the JWs call it, Mentally Diseased:

    But doting. Marg., sick. The Greek word-- \~nosew\~ --means properly to be sick; then to languish, to pine after. The meaning here is, that such persons had a sickly or morbid desire for debates of this kind. They had not a sound and healthy state of mind on the subject of religion. They were like a sickly man, who has no desire for solid and healthful food, but for that which will gratify a diseased appetite. They desired no sound doctrine, but controversies about unimportant and unsubstantial matters--things that bore the same relation to important doctrines which the things that a sick man pines after do to substantial food.

    nosew in Greek is νοσέω [noseō], the Strong's number is 3552

    Orig: from 3554; to be sick, i.e. (by implication, of a diseased appetite) to hanker after (figuratively, to harp upon):--dote. G3554

    • to be sick
    • [II] metaph. of any ailment of the mind
    • [A] to be taken with such an interest in a thing as amounts to a disease, to have a morbid fondness for

    Look at the cross-references

    • 2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
    • 2 Timothy 3:8 - Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith.
    • Jude 10 - But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.


    That being said, surely you could use said something that holds value, but you wasted the opportunity. Moreover, this one was able to pin point what a trust fund actuality was whereas both you and Witnesses tried to proclaim the latter had stocks and bonds - to which that information was false.

    Both of you also lack in knowledge of what an investor is and or does, as is with a benefactor, which can be seen in this thread with your attempt to use a Registry and Gasglow as evidence only to engineer your own failure.

    I rather you be serious than make weak responses, Srecko. Because the facts about money and finance in the realm of trust funds does not care for your feelings, for the facts in this matter is legitimate truth.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    Krav Maga teacher in one school for self defense say:   Our motto is 'No egos! Stay humble!!'

    This still does not answer the question. Yes one can stay humble (although it sounds like something plastered in parts of a gym and or weight room) but when it comes to self-defense, there is one key component that is applied to those trained and untrained. This also leads to a step as to where what I am asking you for begets action done by person and or victim and or bystander should things escalate and or in the conflict in question (be it minor or major, to the most extreme).

    I will ask you again, Srecko, for you were adamant of defense, so such a elementary question should not be this difficult to answer.

    This is self-protection 101, why is it still you cannot answer when such a thing is of high importance?


    To give you a hint, it is simply ONE word. It isn't this hard.


    That being said, do you even know Krav Maga? And out of curiosity, the name of the teacher who said that and his current belt class.

  13. @Arauna A source and a friend who goes by the name Solider of God of mine I asked him for more information, since he was too busy to type some information, he just directed me to another source, Stefan Molyneux. Knowing how Molyneux is, his videos tend to be more than 30-40 minutes long and he has shed some points regarding the UN Compact 2018.



    That being said, in the next coming months the intensity will continue to increase and eventually far difficult situations will come and people will be angered and annoyed and more protesting will be done for and those against, pretty much a box of marbles that just suddenly scatter on the floor, it will be that chaotic.

  14. @TrueTomHarley Well stuff like this will be difficult because you have several groups under the Kremlin before anything reaches the top. It is like a game, in some sense, whereas Putin is all the way on level 100 and you are trying to get through the other 99 levels to reach him. The only reason there was some difficulty last time because A, you had the Russians dealing with Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, you had several other protesting going on also, for instance, the Alexei Navalny Heroes (who ended up being FSB'd via a face recognition website), and a list of other things, and what took place in Chechnya. and B would be you had faith opposition and atheist who caught on who wrote to Russia themselves.

    So consider that a struggle that is embedded in several of these, said levels.

  15. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Let's be serious Rook. Regarding self-defense and active protection, regardless of who you are, a workman, a priest, a cheerleader, an engineer, a dog walker, etc.

    What is the one key thing that all people in this realm of defense must know?

    This is common knowledge regarding self-defense.

    13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Perhaps the reason for this is, that we have much more questions than answers in life.

    I'm asking you this one key thing in regards to self-defense and protecting oneself with or without the ability to inflict harm and or death.

    This is self-protection 101, why is it still you cannot answer when such a thing is of high importance?

  16. @Witness The information that came from the former Jehovah's Witness who knows his money & finance has already refuted you, Witness.

    Your glass holds no water now, as it did before if you cannot understand anything in the realm of money & finance. Being ignorant of what a benefactor is, you shot yourself in the foot long before.


    That being said, educate yourself in this domain or do not say anything at all regarding this domain.

  17. @Srecko Sostar Again, the very source of what I quoted came from a Former Jehovah's Witness, in fact, I even linked where said information came from.

    Therefore, both you and Witness strongly lack in the knowledge of trust and mutual funds, whereas Witness' confusion stems from stocks and bonds to which she has been refuted, whereas in your case, you had already been refuted, and your recent response shows how little you know in this realm of money & finance.


    That being said, if you still cannot comprehend what an investor is or a banker, well Srecko, your response if of high irrelevancy - therefore, your response has crashed and burned before it took off from the parking lot.

  18. @James Thomas Rook Jr. The only obstacle is the Duma and the Russian Orthodox Church. The RoC are like children, if they cry about something, Putin will take action directly and or indirectly. You play Pokemon Go in a Church, the Kremlin will somehow get involved. You like poetry and the FSB don't like it, well, they'll come for you. Like the Bible or like to crack jokes? In Russia, jokes crack you, and your Bible will be taken and or used as a means to take you down. Want to save your home? The Duma will prevent you from doing that and will get the RU police involved and most likely push you and your sign to the ground and then arrest you. We need not start with singing. And yin Chechnya, you have to be vigilant - or else.


    The jokes may be something to laugh at, but when the Russians triad are serious, they'll do something to you.

  19. On 12/22/2018 at 2:09 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    In matter of defending themselves, perhaps first thing in mind is about how to defend/escape/minimize injuries on you alone.... and, i think, you have no time and space to meditate about how to be nice and kind or not to kick too strong this hooligan. 

    I have no experience in such situations. So, i guess, i would be beating to death if bastards find me in some dark place.    

    It still does not answer the question, to make it easier for you what is the number one thing of key importance be it if you are fighting and or fleeing? It pertains to the scenario I asked you to speak of, but even outside of it, this one thing is of importance and even taught to those who train in various forms of combat and self-defense, and or those who have a license to carry.


    If you do not know this, how can you evade such problems and or confrontations without escalation?

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