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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. One thing for certain. The UN compact is spewing into other societies, one of my own stated some information about even the Canadians, and the spoken of the Soyboy himself, Justin Trudeau.

    If I have some more time, I'll most likely post some more information in this regard, and need to re-check some things.

  2. And yet the claim has no water in this figurative glass on a wooden table.


    That being said, the faith in question has every right to condemn the United Nations because they were never among their affairs that affects on a local and global level. Anyone who makes some outlandish claim without proof, even going as far as to confuse the masses on NGOs will be confuted - as is done here.

    Therefore, the United Nations is indeed an enemy as is with the legacy of their Spiritual Mother to which some in the UN professes in their conquest for peace, while it's govern/political side seeks Security.


    Combine Peace and Security and destruction is soon to follow.

  3. @Witness Regardless of what you convey, it does not negate what this former JW said below:

    The truth of the matter is the facts do not care of your feelings, and regarding Fearon, it is disliked by JWs, ExJWs, Anti ExJWs, and Atheists combined, as the proof in screens and other information conveys on pages 1 and 2.

    I have no interest in pontificating on this matter which to me seems so straightforward. However, since I continue to see newbies and others periodically post in error stating that the WTS "owns" Tobacco company stock I believe that this should be corrected and the matter put to rest, hopefully for good.



    • 1) ANYONE, (who is lawfully eligible) may create a trust for the benefit of a charity, religious organization, person, etc. In most cases, the beneficiaries have no operational control of the trust or the trust holdings and often are largely unaware of the compilation of the trust assets. This is especially true in the case of charities or religious organizations, where all that they would receive from the trustee, would be the charitable donation on an annual basis.


    • 2) In 1997 a trust was created by a private individual, Henrietta Riley, entitled the "H.M. Riley Trust For Watch Tower Bible." This trust is a 501(c)3 federally tax-exempt entity whose sole beneficiary is the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. (Fed tax exempt organizations that are not otherwise exempt must file 990 Forms with the I.R.S. and the H.R. Trust has been filing these since 1998.)


    • 3) Riley is what is known as the Settlor of the trust and presumably is either a Witness or sympathetic to the WTS. There has never been any evidence that Ms. Riley was personally aware of the assets of the trust or ever attempted to exercise any control over the trust holdings.


    • 4) The Trustee and manager of the trust is Comerica Bank of Detroit, M.I. whose personnel spend approximately 2 hrs a week administering the trust and which received in 2004 $1,210.00.


    • 5) There is no evidence that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, or any official of the WTS has ever had any control over the assets of the trust or even knowledge of the trust holdings.


    • 6) The trust assets as of April 30, 2005 consisted of approximately 48% Oil & Gas Royalties (from owned or leased Oil/Gas wells I assume) and the remainder of the assets in Corporate Stocks (22%), Corporate Bonds (14%) & Mutual Funds (16%).


    • 7) Until June 24, 2002, the Trust held 350 Shares of Phillip Morris Companies (maker of Nabisco crackers and yes, cigarettes too). The value of these stocks as of April 30, 2002 were $54.43 each or a total asset worth of $19,050.00. [These shares were listed in the Asset Description section of the 990 Filings under "Consumer Staples"]


    • ? On June 24, 2002, these 350 shares in Phillip Morris Co. were sold at a market rate of $49.53 each ($17,335.50).


    • 9) As of June 24, 2002, the H.M. Riley Trust has not reported holding any shares in Phillip Morris. [But the trust does hold shares in other interesting companies such as Pfizer, Harley Davidson, GE, Procter & Gamble, & WalMart among others) There is no way of knowing what motivated the sale, whether the Trustee was directed to sell the stock by Riley, or whether Comerica just made a wise decision to sell off a falling stock (from $54.43 to $49.53 in two months).


    • 10) In 2004 the WTS received $1,774,331.00 in charitable contribution from the trust.


    • 11) A beneficiary of a trust, in a situation such as this, may refuse to receive the contribution and that is the only option regarding the trust.

    PROOF of the above (financial) facts can be found by your going to Guidestar.org (https://www.guidestar.org/Home.aspx) and looking up the H.R. Riley Trust.

    The 990s are available to free users for the years 2003-2005. Archived years require premium membership. The filing for 2002 was the last year of the Phillip Morris stock ownership.
    The detail of the assets transactions of the 2003 filing contains the info regarding the sale of the 350 shares of Phillip Morris Co.


    brief responses to a couple of most recent commenters:

    From Rebel8:

    As to Eduardo's post.....he has stated his opinion many times in countless threads on the tobacco topic. Then a handful of posters respond by saying, "The WTS should check into their investments and not invest in something that could lead to breaking their own rules. They require JWs to do that." And there is no defense to that.
    I will post this, again:

    By considering the background of a company, an investor can also ensure that his money will not be used to support an unethical enterprise.—See Awake! February 8, 1962, pages 21-3.

    -- As should be completely clear from the facts, the WTS is not an INVESTOR in this situation. An Investor is the person who makes the decisions. Thus both the arguments of some referred to by Rebel8 and the Society's own statement regarding what an INVESTOR should do, do not apply to this situation where it is not an Investor but merely the beneficiary of someone else's investments.

    From Legolas:

    Ok just hold on there a second.....First, I am in trust for my childrens stock that they own ( that my father gave the kids when they where little) and I could have REFUSED to do that, and secondly I can sell that stock, thirdly do you really believe the that bullshit story that they, FOR OVER 14 -16 YEARS NEVER knew they had it?
    BULLSHIT!..... I get in my mail quarterly checks from that stock yearly...Not to mention about 3-4 other pieces mail from it yearly!

    -- As should be completely clear from the facts, Legolas is a TRUSTEE (what Comerica Bank is in the H.R. Riley Trust). The WTS does not have any administrative authority over the H.R. Riley Trust and no evidence has ever been put forth to show that anyone at the WTS has ever researched the filed 990s to ascertain just what the Trust assets consist of.

    (As to the 14-16 years comment, I don't know what Legolas is referring to?)

    Given that the WTS is no doubt receiving similar contributions from many such trusts and other planned giving sources, it is extremely unlikely that they do anything but say "thank you" and cash the checks.


    Ok, a few comments:

    I have stated previously that in an ideal world, an organization which holds itself out to be the sole one being used by God today, should hold itself to extremely high standards, perhaps as close to perfection as possible.

    Thus it would seem that the ideal would be that EVERY DOLLAR that the Society agrees to receive would be vetted in some way so that it could claim with absolute certainty that it was supported by "clean" money -- money that was not derived from immoral or illegal enterprises.

    The problem with such an ideal situation is three-fold.

    • First, it would be impractical if not impossible to know the origin of every dollar or in a case such as this to monitor the trust fund manager's to insure that they NEVER invested, even for a short time, in a company that would be on the questionable or prohibited WTS list.
    • Second, there is no such thing as a clean dollar or a clean company. Even otherwise unobjectionable companies have ethical problems, wrongdoing, or are otherwise connected or affiliated in some way with what would be an objectionable company or associate. (Everything is connected people and like the House that Jack Built, one need only follow enough steps to connect one thing to another.)
    • Third, even the Jewish Temple and Christian churches then and now accept donations from sinners such as prostitutes, murderers, metalsmiths (weapon's makers), druggists, etc. Scripturally speaking the only instance ever recorded where a donation was not directly accepted was the 30 silver pieces of Judas which the Jewish leaders rejected but used to purchase a field for the burial of criminals and the indigent (thus making some use of it after all).

    Returning to the situation at hand....

    A whole lot of wind has been made about the 350 shares of PM stock that were held in the Trust for a period of at most 5 years. The total value of approx $20 K represents a tiny fraction of the total trust assets not too mention actual payout to the WTS from these shares.

    Are we going to start misapplying scriptures such as "A little leaven spoils the whole..." and "He that is faithful in little is faithful in much" in order to point a finger at the Society.

    [As an aside JWs misuse the later scripture all the time and give it the opposite meaning as if the scripture actually read: "He that is unfaithful in little will be unfaithful in much" but that is a logical fallacy and a complete misreading of the scripture which is describing how a righteous person is consistent in their behaviour.]

    Anyway only the most biased dishonest person, in my opinion, would fail to see just how ridiculous it would be to blame or disparage the Society for accepting a contribution because it so happened that within the entire trust of a net value of over $2 Million there was $20K that was owned in a company which - incidently has a mixture of "objectionable" (tobacco) and unobjectionable subsidiary companies (Nabisco, et al.).

    But let us for the sake of discussion, assume that someone at the Society knew that there were PM shares held within the trust. (During the period when PM stock was held in the trust.)

    Again the only option would be to refuse the donation. Is that truly reasonable?

    I don't believe that it is either reasonable nor even hypocritical.

    The reason that I say it is not HYPOCRITICAL is because what the Society has stated regarding morality and investing has been about how an INVESTOR should act.

    Regarding tobacco itself as a bad thing, it is comparing apples and oranges to equate moral statements regarding use of such a harmful product with receiving some benefit because others have used that product or invested in the companies that make it.

    To analogize, we all derive significant benefit from the taxation upon cigarettes. Should we refuse the government programs or services that are in a tiny fraction funded from the taxes paid by the users of cigarettes? Of course not.

    It is not a moral contradiction for me to enjoy the benefits of taxation of tobacco and for me to tell users of tobacco that they are doing something wrong.

    What I have found AMAZING during this whole 5 year saga regarding the headlines of opposers to the WTS who are using the headlines "Watchtower OWNS Tobacco Company stock" and the like is the sheer IGNORANCE of such ones.

    Do such ones NOT realize that if they so desired they could go open up a bank trust acct today and place into it a single stock of every "objectionable" company from Phillip Morris, to Playboy Enterprises to the Al Qaeda Support Fund (I made that last one up), to Fox Corp (ouch!), to Vivid Video, etc.. Just make the acct "For the benefit of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" and Bingo! suddenly you can claim that the WTS is supported by all of these companies.

    The Society could not prevent anyone from doing the above And you know what? The Society would probably cash the checks that you send because they are a charity, a religious org, and ljust ike ALL religious orgs they are entitled to accept money from the worst apostates if they so desire.


    The facts show that not even the Riley trust holds any stock in Tobacco Companies and hasn't since mid-2002, so please stop spreading the lie that the WTS is currently benefiting from such an arrangement or that it OWNs tobacco company stock, because for one thing it NEVER did own the stock in the H.R. Riley trust.

    (It may be that some of its own holdings are in questionable companies but unfortunately we may never know unless we can get to the books.)

    Get a little educated about the difference between an Investor, a Settlor, a Trustee and the Beneficiary of any such trusts.

    Recognize that there is no such thing as a "clean dollar" that is morally untainted. All money is a product of this world and all jobs, companies, etc. are connected in some way. Drawing the line here or there, is the same kind of bad behavior that JWs engage in when they are judgmental about certain types of employment or ways people make a living.

    And FINALLY, Unless you are willing to acknowledge that the Society, WTS, Jehovah's Witnesses ARE MORALLY SUPERIOR in other areas to everyone else (and I am not ready to do that) THEN PLEASE STOP TRYING TO HOLD THEM to a morally superior standard when it comes to this area of receiving donations from others because they are just like everyone else and they are entitled to receive donations from the righteous and the unrighteous.

  4. It is like a viral outbreak, reminds me of a story someone once told me to where poison was spread into a Kingdom's water system, thus killing the inhabitants only for a lone foot solider to return to find all in the Kingdom is dead, including his son, and his pregnant wife.

    In the same sense, pedophilia is all over the place, it is a cancer that cannot be diminished. It is in our schools, it is in our churches, it is in our businesses, even restaurants are effected too, it is in other areas to which today's society well in thinking their young one is safe only for a monster to dwell among them and or has entered the area.

    On the other side of the spectrum, actions like this is being accepted, actions like this is even encouraged. If the people of this world can be very open about this, even trying to make such a thing OK in their eyes, it won't be long until they profess relationships between an adult and minor, to which we see a degree of this, even in forced marriages to which the bride in question is under-aged, another situation I'd talk about but it is too much for this forum to even bear, perhaps another time.


    That being said, the only way to reduce such things is to train the people, better equip them so they know how to detect such things and should it happen, what to do and what actions to take, if not one person, the parent and or guardian, if not them, someone else - the help cannot stop on one or two persons, it has to be with those that listen and do not suffer from a syndrome that prevents them from acting and or the fact they are not trained.

    @Jack Ryan Yes. At the same time, I don't see how anyone didn't see through that disguise. All in all, that is an example. It reminds me of the Boys Town incident.

  5. @Jack Ryan Not all ExJWs are rude people. There is a difference in a disgruntled one and a non disgruntled ones i.e. disgruntled ones going out of their way to tell another former JW to go kill himself, fat shame him, attack him all the while other EXJws are going at it with the disgruntled ones. It tells you something when a community of such becomes the very enemy of the one they formerly side with; for such antics, gas chamber remarks and a single phone call that ended a gathering, enemies can spawn in the same camp.

    It is the same shenanigans outside of the realm of religion.

    @runtifus He's an Atheist. For he spoke ill of not just some faiths, but of God also and actions God made to the point when an explanation is said, he does not accept, as is with misinformation. All and all, he isn't among the worst Atheists out there, this includes the ones I had faced, some even in person, who in term are easily intimidated, some who tried to pull a race card to negate my knowledge of Scripture and so forth.

  6. @Srecko Sostar The seriousness of the response still lingers, if self-defense and such situation is of that of a concern for you, you too should speak in all seriousness rather than be lighthearted on something that splits a path of action begetting consequence. But I guess screaming to those affected by the bystander effect is your only best option without doing anything.


    One thing for certain, there are parts of the world to which some people will eat you alive, in not a literal sense, but in regards to targeting you.

  7. 23 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    My solution would be to NOT actively encourage anybody being totally incompetent when violence strikes..

    If you tell , and teach people to not learn how to defend themselves, and they trust you ... perhaps because you are  seemingly representing the will of God ...then ....  you SHARE responsibility for their deaths or injuries.

    Stupid people, and victims of chance and circumstance, and/or deliberate evil .... do not need help to become MORE incompetent.


    And yet it does not negate the latter of them actually speaking on the matter of one defending themselves without committing to major injury of the foe and or killing them.


    Reasons why I gave a legitimate example to which you, Srecko and the boy to speak on such a matter.


    That being said, outside of waiting for the answer to scenario. When it comes to self-defense, you agree to injury and death or not and why?

  8. @Kosonen Agreed, but stuff like this should concern you, granted you did link those videos. The MSM has preached preached the rebels are the heroes, bu in reality they are the villains. There is a ton of evidence as to why such sources you profess are not in the light of truth. If there is one thing the US wanted in Syria but they cannot have, it is something of high value to which you and others use today. As for Israel, they have a burning hatred for the Iranians. And in this ordeal, Christians are effected.

    Other than that, regarding Christendom, the enemy has played their cards on the table for in the coming years people will be effected greatly.

    Next time, do not trust the MSM that much, not all the time they speak the truth

    Know this, the Kurds in the first video are US led allies - The Rebels.


  9. 22 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It's proof the male population is generally bat-crap crazy.

    If I wanted to "feel included" .... I would not choose THAT!

    It gets even worse, there are men who spend money to look like the male companion of the Barbie doll - Ken. Should you so speak of this man, you will only get a ton of swing and hate coming your way.


    It is that society we live in sadly whereas such things take place, you do not know who is who anymore, or who is what.

  10. 21 hours ago, Arauna said:

    These days they are talking about 'virtue signaling' and 'snowflakes' in a moral high ground sense.....  but I presume you are talking of real snow....

    Speaking about snowflakes, such ones are just as annoying as the shills in today's society. Then we have the far left/right going at it and the obvious shills. They are in their own little space not realizing what is going to happened. Some of them think they realize the situation with the UN agendas and the migrants, but they go about things the wrong way and only hasten their own destruction.

    It will come to a point whereas anything pertaining to God will trigger these people, so far only small instances, who a few, will justify the Bible as hate speech when they misunderstood things of the Bible; some of the blame is due to false Christians who are hate preachers and or insighters of infighting.

  11. 10 hours ago, Witness said:

    You uphold an organization’s teachings that you really know little, of what is taught its members. 

    And what does it have to do with politics since you quoted that comment? I don't think, nor is there any evidence that JWs preach and teach ECOSOC, otherwise they'd be openly acceptive of things such as population and gay marriages taken place in their churches.

    Your remark will not negate how little you know about NGOs, which equates to the very fact of how little you know of such things, and yet, you willfully accept misinformation.

    A Christian would never uphold misinformation as legitimate truth - and here we see you are willingly doing so and admit to your own ignorance hence your last comment.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    The image of the beast at first was the League of Nations, now called the United Nations, for this arrangement was established to perpetuate the visible, political organization and its control over the earth.   w66 8/15 pp. 497-502

    Everyone knows of what the United Nations represents, this information isn't alien to any man or woman who walks this earth, at least those who understand what the UN agendas consist on a local and global legal and to that of Western Civilization.

    Just as the League of Nations whereas the Spiritual Mother have been going tooth and nail to destroy Christianity, to which she has been doing, hence her legacy and the Luciferians that are doing her bidding, infiltrating the churches and schools before the League of Nations has been branded as the United Nations.


    Moreover, it isn't unknown to anyone that this Spiritual Mother, as some claim, to have been influenced by evil, something of which I professed before and now today we see UN's conquest for peace at play by means of interfaith and the gathering of religious leaders, something of such you know very little of yet claim the latter has done the UN's bidding when they were nowhere to be found.


    This is one of the reasons why legitimate, True Christians can and will condemn the United Nations and their plans because they are not ignorant to the facts, they are not ignorant to the truth of the matter. Those who remain ignorant will 100% be swept away, to which has been proven true because in regards to God's Order, you have no idea of the implications of Ted Turner's words that day, and yet you speak of Paul as if a man of the Holy Spirit dwells on opinion rather than God's Word.

    Open your eyes, Witness. Because the truth of the facts does not care about feelings.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    As explained in previous issues of The Watchtower, the scarlet-colored beast is the international peace organization now known as the United Nations.  w67 4/1 pp. 219-223 -

    And since the early 2000s, the conquest for peace by means of religious leaders who side with the UN agenda has been ongoing. Didn't you see what took place in Washington DC in 2016? Perhaps the Kairos Movement and the Reformation? Were you under a rock 2 months ago in regards to what happened in Texas?

    It is things like this the UN is playing around with regards to Christendom, and like you, a lot of people are swept away, thus thinking this is normal, they embrace Babylon and her integration of teachings that are not of God, but of this world.

    They have been using religion for a long time now in their conquest for peace, and granted you spoke of Russia, you do not know what took place in 2016 and onward that initiated the ban of JWs and the people vanishing off the streets in Chechnya, you do not know what angered the Ukrainians, so how do you try to express you know of this to which you admit you know nothing of and yet speak of falsehood that is a truth?

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    Today the hot question under debate is: Call mankind be one under these two systems, democratic and totalitarian? Can these two systems keep living side by side, ruling at the same time on the earth? A political attempt at holding them together is the organization of the United Nations. w56 4/1 pp. 195-208

    And that is what everyone today are saying about the United Nations. Some people are now aware after Charlottesville protest called Unite the Right rally whereas a woman ended up being killed, Heather Danielle Heyer.

    It was during the aftermath of such a tragedy the United Nations spoke up in their totalitarian like nature, to which the Americans were angered by. This was just a foreshadowing of what is to come due to the fact the United Nations interest in the control of the people.

    No one likes the United Nations and those that do are supporting them, even going as far as to seek sponsors from them.

    Heyer will always be remembered and what took place that day and what the UN tried to do, for truthers do not forget just as they do not forget who Ms. Shim was.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    Soon Jehovah will cause the political elements of Satan’s system, as represented by the United Nations, to attack false religion.  w12 6/15 pp. 14-18

    And this is why it is said, to quote Solider of God,

    The governments, The United Nations, The Powers that be that tickle the ears of the disbelievers and gullible, they will seek to gather the churches and the religious folk. They will entice them to side for their cause, and many will join. Those who do not are the enemies of this religion that drinks out of the same grail has the Harlot herself. This is truly a major shame that the people cannot hear and they cannot see, and they are quick to go to bed with the Harlot that is slowly corrupting them. Stand up my brothers, stand up my sisters because as True Christians we must rise, and we must fight to maintain our faith, maintain our salvation from friends who turn into enemies.

    That being said, if you do not know your enemy, how can you think to yourself you can combat your enemy if you do not know whose who? Who is friendly or who is foe?

    SoG knew exactly who is enemy was, and like me, he knew the corners of such organizations and who is truly doing the the tasks produced by the United Nations. But his battle is a very different one for he deals with Satanist on the daily, of whom some of them even the United Nations has got to.

    They took SoG now because like many, they know the truth of the matter regarding the UN.

    Therefore, people can and will condemn the United Nations and knowing the history, even that of their Spiritual Mother, such ones, even among Christians will condemn that too.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    This is why no loyal JW would engage in any activity having to do with the United Nations. 

    And yet there are JWs who understand what a DPI is and a ECOSOC is. Unlike you, they, as do others, do not confuse the two, nor do they equate the two.

    You said it yourself, you do not know these things, so why are you confusing such? Are are you like those out their that confuse apple from orange, man from woman, circle to square?

    An honest, reasonable man or woman, even a child can tell you the difference, but you refuse to accept a truth that even the UN admit themselves in their Resolution in the early 1990s and even back then when the Resolution was formed.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    This is why many left the organization when they found out the WT held membership as an NGO.

    And where do you draw this information? The statistics in Church adherents has not really changed that much, it is usually a small increase as time progresses, and I have posted the statistics before and the current adherents, which sits at 8.45 million (8,457,107) adherents, peaked. This includes 120,053 churches in 240 lands, studies at 10,071,524, with 20,175,477 regarding their communion services. They were sitting right under 4,000,000 adherents, around somewhere, peaked in the 3 millions and into the 90s, it's been a slow growth, into the early 2000s, at this point they were, at the time, close to 6,000,000 adherents, so which among the statistics you have pulled your claim from that shows many have left due to the DPI NGO membership? As well as point out as to how the JWs avoided the UN's version of Christendom?

    You only say many left because a people who has no idea what an NGO is will proclaim such as a truth when like Zelda, confuse the masses on what an NGO is.

    So far, your claim does not prove the JWs were an ECOSOC, but rather a DPI.

    A DPI cannot dwell on UN affairs because [A] They have to meet the criteria requirements and They have to upgrade to an ECOSOC status.

    Nowhere were JWs spotted in UN agenda affairs anywhere in the 90s and onward.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    Yes, your view is worldly

    I ask a  second time, if you are going to make that accusation, I invite you to prove it. Because attest to  a claim such as this, you'd have to back it up.

    Knowing my true enemy does not make me a person of this world, and I have been against the UN agenda for nearly a decade.

    The next time you want to claim a view of the world, let this be a reminder because regarding the Church, you expressed a view of the world to which you have been corrected.

    And unlike you, I can bring forth proof of your world based view of the church. Babylon wants her church to be unisex, and I, as to True followers of the Christ, I am against these things.


    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    Your eye is completely centered on the fulfillment of Christ’s coming according to the visible signs seen in the world.  1 Cor 2:14

    Are all Christians? We are told that the Son of God will come soon, just as the Samaritans at Mount Gerizim waited for the Messiah, as with the Jews and all good persons, for us today, True Christians who are not dwelling on falsehood, who are not narrow minded or depraved, we know of God's Son and his teachings and what he, the Christ speaks of in regards to God his Father. We wait for him and do all things good because our King is coming soon, we know what our King will do and unlike you, True Christians do now water down the Kingship of our Lord and Christ.

    God knows who is for him, and who is not for him, likewise, Christ Jesus, our King and Savior, knows who his with him and his Father, and who is not, and he knows who are the true ones, who truly suffer, and who truly apply the teachings, those in union with him, such persons he will save.

    And it is unwise for you to use even that verse with a legitimate proof of, a world's view of things regarding Jesus' Church.

    In that same sense, you do not know your enemy and in turn, this enemy will befriend you, and eventually devour you. True Christians know who the enemy is, so do our counterparts, the Truthers - who they themselves do not truly know God, but to True Christians, they are taught who God is, they are taught who the Christ is and in turn, putting forth the application, they will gain eternal life, a gift from the life-giver himself.

    That being said, the truth about the NGOs has been spoken, and the ignorant tongues and eyes of the people of these world do not see it, but the sheer disdain and hatred in their hatred does not enable such ones to see their own error.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    I’m done answering your comments here, SM.

    Then do not make a response that you know I will speak of, mainly when it comes to United Nations and or agendas. I know these things because I know my enemy and I condemn my enemy. You however, do not, you even made claim to not knowing these things yourself, but at the same time when someone speaks false information, you speak of it as a truth.

    As we can see

    Nothing you brought up shows UN agenda support.

    Nothing you brought up shows that a DPI status NGO has met the UN requirements that a ECOSOC has

    Examples of a DPI and an ECOSOC has been presented and there is a vast difference between them from the 90s and onwards before the world of NGOs applied a change in the late 90s into the 2000s.

    You do not even know who the spiritual mother of the UN is.

    That being said, if you cannot prove ECOSOC UN relations in terms of this NGO, and cannot bring forth a legitimate source of said info, why believe in a lie?

    For a person who claims to be of God, you are surely blind, but I pity you because you stated you do not know these things, and yet when the truth is spoken - the result can be seen by your responses.

    Other than that - you haven't answered anything - at all.

    10 hours ago, Witness said:

    When you can explain Watchtower’s involvement in the OSCE, then be sure to let everyone know. 

    I already explained it in page 2. Remember what you said, you didn't even bother to read my response, and the facts to face is right in the quote, I even re-quoted myself the last time OSCE has been brought up.

    To be brief, to the page 2 response. DPI NGOs must have representatives that appear at OSCE. The OSCE is it's own entity on its own and does not have any ties in UN agenda relations. That evidence can even be found on their website, to which I believe I had linked alone with the resolutions, and I also mention the fact that same Egypt information you brought up before, I too posted a while back.

    That being said, you are beating a dead horse on this when you skipped that information in whole.


    I leave you with this, this video down here, it is One World Religious Unity Organization forming under the United Nations; and Ted Turner. October 10, 2000 is the day of the Celebration for the 55th Anniversary of UN Charter Day - The World Religion Summit also called the millennium world peace summit by some. All of whom you see are tied with ECOSOC granted their presence and or support there, granted an ECOSOC - again - can have a hand in the UN agenda and goals.


  12. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    As usual, TTH ... when you cannot honestly answer a fair question, you resort to a "cutsey" statement that is completely irrelevant, for the specific purpose of diverting attention from the fact that you do not WANT to answer the question, as it would divulge you lack of previous analysis.

    The question remains ... and is still valid.

    HOW DO YOU KNOW ... Putin used the word "persecuted", if you did not see a video of him saying it .... AND .... competently speak and understand both Russian and English?

    Usually when it is people like the TASS, who were pretty much among those the Duma does not like, them attesting to Putin's words is actually correct. They also alluded back to 2016 whereas want Putin had been vocal about Christians and preaching, to which, to those in the Christian world, see as concerning.

    Even my sources confirmed this as a truth since they are living in Russia themselves. Not to mention TASS and others had used a video produced by WoA that was uploaded May 2 of last year.

  13. @Kosonen The news clip is of the MSM. ISIS has and always will be bothering the Syrians regardless of what the Americans are doing. It should be a clue to you and many as to the reason why they do not give you the number of US soldiers in Syria. The Americans did little themselves because they were helping, so to speak, a terrorist front who were among the rebels.

    That being said, no one will be forgetting that this is just another repeat of history, as it was in Bush's day and in Obama's day, moreover, US allies, Kurds, care nothing more than to take up land for themselves, reasons why they allow people, even Christians to be defiled by ISIS militants.


    The biggest problem right now is Israel, for they do not like the idea of Iranians being in Syria, and this pull out will only anger them.


    Do not always believe what the MSM is telling you, otherwise you will end up as speaking of it as though it is the truth.

  14. 12 hours ago, Witness said:

    For you, a man of the world,  its all absolutely fine and acceptable.

    Can you prove that I am of the world when it is already evident how I have been professing against the world, it's governments, agendas, ideologies, and lack of knowing who the True God is? For last I checked, I recall defending God's Order, just as Paul has rather than negate it to nothing more than an opinion to not be taken serious, moreover, I defended Christ's Kingship to which you watered down, and only people who take up the religious ideologies of the world, in this sense, waters down Christ's Kingship and the Church he has built.

    In regards to what I have been saying, it would be hypocrisy on their part if they were an ECOSOC, but all information expressed DPI status, whereas a DPI has no hand or say in UN affairs whatsoever - if you got prove of this, DPI NGOs having the role of a ECOSOC NGO, I invite you to share - which is rather unlikely.

    There are about 5,083 NGOs with an ECOSOC status, a large number of them benefit from the United Nations by means of partaking in UN affairs.

    That being said, if I am vocal against Agenda 21, Population Control, the New World Order, The One World Educational/Religious System, and lastly, The Global Mafia, why in God's name would I accept anything ECOSOC?

    I invite you to prove your case.

    13 hours ago, Witness said:

    For a devout JW who believes they are "no part of the world",  they are following God’s organization, and who are thoroughly convinced the Wild Beast is the UN, ANY association with it, on ANY level is not acceptable, as they have been taught through the organization’s teachings. 


    Then prove to us here and now what United Nation Affairs have the Jehovah's Witnesses partook it. Perhaps since in the 1990s they became an NGO, did they partake in anything in relation to Agenda 21 before the new era of NGOs took effect?

    Stuff like this I find unlikely because you title of ignorance befits you if you do not realize the difference between a DPI and a ECOSOC,  moreover, you ultimately ignored what the Resolutions have stated, which paints a bigger paint of ignorance on your behalf.

    You said it because, even admitted, you do not know these things, but you are  quick to jump unto the boat of conspiracy in regards to a man who has taught the masses that a DPI and ECOSOC are one in the same, when legitimate information proves otherwise. It should have occurred to you as to why Mr. Zelda didn't explain the differences.

     I've already named an ECOSOC NGO, here is an example

    • The name of the NGO is Advocates Abroad, it's founder is named Ariel Ricker. The NGO Status 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2016 and  it holds an ECOSOC status, thus enabling them to have United Nations affiliated affairs, as there is an abundance of evidence of them and UN tasks; the connection. This ECOSOC NGO has 10 Sponsored and several extership programs, in addition, this ECOSOC NGO has the backing of the International Bar Association, with the combine united of Universities that are enablers of the UN cause in regards to migrants. Because of this NGO, be it causes legal and illegal, it will ruin civilization as we know it, and this NGO in question has been going about illegal means due to it's founder, although the damage is already done, the UN still benefited because it only thickens the plot for their agenda regarding migrants.

    And this is just one NGO, to which them having sponsors to begin with is already obvious they have met the criteria, allowing them to complete the requirements in order to have a hand in UN affairs. You have to have been living under a rock if even the basics of such information is that alien to you.

    That being said, read the Resolutions again because although you admit you no knowing of such things, I suggest you start now, regardless


    This is a list of all ECOSOC NGOs: http://undocs.org/E/2016/INF/5

    13 hours ago, Witness said:

    No matter how you slice it.

    So why is it they didn't  it included the UN agenda regarding religion into all JW churches? Ted Turner was very vocal about it in the early 2000s for he said all of us believe in one God and we view God differently, that it should not prevent us from getting together.

    All the religious NGOs there were ECOSOC affiliated.

    That being said, you claim UN affairs yet cannot bring forth to claim said affairs that is exclusive to ECOSOC NGOs. It is not a matter of slicing it, it is a matter of ignorance to information - of which you are expressing, granted, you cannot name a single UN agenda expressed by this faith community - at all.

    13 hours ago, Witness said:

    Especially since any JW that may choose to work for a political organization, can be disfellowshipped. 

    So now you are switching to politics? You do realize what the United Nations is, right?

  15. On 12/18/2018 at 2:26 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Of course. Perhaps JWorg can start to produce that sort of video and cartoons to prepare own people for such moments because it is going from bad to worse. Naturally, practical exercises should also be included.

    Such an act is not something to be professed by those of any Christendom faith and or Islamic faith and or other.

    That being said, I provided a scenario to you, Equivo and Rook - how would you 3 go about the situation? what would you do?

    Since something of the like has been brought up by you, stuff like this one must be serious about.

    An example I can being up today is a young man died today even though he complied (though in this rare situation, this guy was seeking blood), I will leave it at that, and since the killer is at large, the community of which I am speaking about is at an edge as police seeks the murderer. A close friend of mine knew the person, and was nearly victim only due to the fact he fell a slept at work for a mere 15 minutes, should he have chosen to go out to that area that was targeted, about 15 minutes a day, he would be in a morgue as we speak.


    Things like this we have to be serious about.

  16. On 12/18/2018 at 2:00 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    hahahaha.... How it is possible that You can not see difference between Hypocritical and Mild Ironical quotes ??? !!! :)))) Have a good day Space Merchant. 

    Mild Ironical because (my sentence is not strict official statement but it is more as response to Arauna's  description on how Islam looks on women behavior)  it is Directed/design for  Present  Auditorium. 

    It is NOT Directed to female sex, as my opinion, belief or statement !!!! I ridicule those who have Macho attitude :))))

    You were not being ironical. Being ironical means to pertain to, of the nature of, exhibiting, or characterized by irony or mockery:

    I only made a response because the lack of context in regarding Scriptural Law and the borderline. You were not being ironical about women either.

    Macho attitude, the act of showing aggressive pride in one's masculinity. Truly I saith thee, as to which moment in time didth I profess such?


    You of all people should know, Srecko, you kind of asked for that one.

  17. @TrueTomHarley The 777 Crew was on this recently, so was Radio Europe. Ironically enough, some who brought this news up were using WoA's video from May 2.

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. It's persecuted. Also I remember showing you that Russian Hit List Website that was targeting political heroes (to keep people at bay before Putin's election), hackers, and religious folk that includes JWs. I am confirming today that as of recently 5-6 days ago that website had been taken down.

    As we speak, Cyrill must be fuming mad right now, he is already uneasy with Ukrainian Christians as of recent also.

  18. 20 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    As you are rookie. Can't defend your incompetence without insults. What a poor soul you are. Trying learning the difference with what is required with an NGO through ECOSOC and what is required through the DPI. Department of Public Information. Then you can come around an insult.

    It is crazy to me how people do not understand the difference. This is the same case with how some Christians feel about Ted Turner's comments regarding God back in the day whereas the United Nations had been slowly working on gathering religious leaders and on the other side of the spectrum, you have the Agendas.


    And speaking of Agendas, I have a lot to say about recent events of Syria, but that will be for another thread.

  19. On 12/19/2018 at 2:39 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The U.N. Library is mirrored in several other places.  If memory serves the New York City Public Library, and in at least one New York University, the name escapes me at the moment.  You can just walk in and read for free.

    The fact was that the WTB&TS were active NGO associates of the United Nations Department of Public Information for 9-1/2 Years.... until they got "caught" by the U.K "Guardian" newspaper.  They used this for political influence and "tickets of admission" at world government conferences.

    This has been extensively documented and has been FULLY explored in past JW-Archive discussions.

    The "All we signed up for is a Library Card" explanation was by simpletons, for simpletons who wish there was a magical "Rainbow Bridge".


    • A DPI NGO has access to these resources:
    • Books/publications
    • film and audio libraries
    • photo libraries
    • access to meetings
    • language courses
    • briefings
    • seminars
    • conferences
    • film screenings
    • commemorations
    • concerts
    • the DPI NGO Resource Center

    In order to have access to these sources, the JWs and or Watchtower, the person whom them who is a researcher, had to register in order to gain access, he/she was even told that to gain access to said material, they must be a DPI NGO, this resulted in them getting accepted about a year later.

    The world of NGOs took a huge change, and or in the progress of a new change - a new era, as said by them in the mid 1990s, moreover, onward 1998 into the 2000s the changes took effect, and there was going to be some changes with the NGOs, both DPI and ECOSOC alike. Clearly the JWs didn't want to be controlled by UN officials when the changes were finalist, hence they prepared their registration. But then the centre-left (technically the Guardian to this day is pretty much a left-wing newspaper comp) came to their doorstep, The Guardian, who most likely did their story prior to the registration being finalized, granted becoming an NGO and leaving an NGO takes some time - literally.

    So technically - it is like a library card. In a sense, if I wanted to borrow Rook's Historical Account Series, I have no chance to take said material because in order to do so, I must be a member of said library facility, more so, to even gain access to said area to retrieve the books I need to make research for, be it self-research, school and or other. Now a member, I also see Rook's Historical Account Series (Gold Edition), which has more detailed and structured information in said series than the latter, in order to get that, I'd have to extend my membership in the Library and pay out some cash - that this, I can choose to refuse and or decline.

    This isn't the best example, but hey, I am thinking libraries right now.

    All in all regarding NGOs, there is some power the ECOSOC NGOs have over the DPI NGOs, and ECOSOC is more United Nations affiliated than DPI. Since the changes in the late 90s and onward to present day, DPIs and ECOSOCs can merge with each other, a good example of this is the Family that is of a Catholic Religious Order I mentioned the other day here.

    ECOSOC tagged NGOs also get sponsors and or from other ECOSOC, hence the usage ECOSO sponsors, which provides them with the money to do things to build up their NGO and do the works of the United Nations.


  20. 23 hours ago, Witness said:

    Two documents to consider.

    JWfacts breaks down the event quite thoroughly, including how #1 was implemented through the literature; while also providing examples of WT linking the UN with Revelation's Wild Beast:

    "No, the UN is not a blessing, even though the religious clergy of Christendom and the rabbis of Jewry pray heaven’s blessing upon that organization. It is really “the image of the wild beast,” the visible political, commercial organization of “the god of this system of things,” Satan the Devil. So the UN will soon be destroyed along with that beastly organization." Watchtower 1984 Sep 15 p.15

    Please notice the documents state,

    #1 ..."the (Watchtower) organization agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities".  

    #2...that the "issuance of a library pass is independent of NGO status or any other status."


    Is this enough honesty for you, @BillyTheKid46?

    Since an NGO status is not needed to receive a library card, why did the Wt. apply for NGO membership?  Can your leaders honestly tell you why?  Not really, otherwise they would not have terminated their status as an NGO.  







    Ironically enough - nothing here states the Watchtower has met the criteria requirements to even allow them to have a hand in UN affairs. To add more fuel to the fire, nothing here even states they are an ECOSOC.

    Your dance has ended before you hit the main stage, Witness.

    Re-Read the UN charter and Resolutions presented of which you had ignored.

  21. @Witness




    I admit, I didn’t read what you so laboriously wrote; because, it really doesn’t matter.

    On the contrary, Witness, it does matter. Because if you do not know the difference between an NGO with a status of a DPI or the status of an ECOSOC (UNICEF, UNESCO, etc.)

    When the Watchtower was caught as an NGO member in the US, they blushed, made excuses and quickly removed their membership.

    You sure? According to the time-line of the world of NGO around the 1994 mark they were making some huge changes and spoke of these changes to take an effect on NGOs that has been the required criteria. The Watchtower never had a yearly renewal of said status.

    Some opponents will try to make an effort and bring up a 2005 accreditation form, saying that this is proof that the Watchtower did in fact renew their status, however, this is where you and Mr. Zelda maintain your ignorance. For said for states that in the year 2002 they instituted the review process for NGOs associated and or affiliated with a DPI status.

    More so, Mr. Zelda alluded to the Watchtower having met the criteria whereas legitimate sources say otherwise, especially if you factor in the time-line of NGO’s history before they made the changes mid 1990s and onward, mainly around 1998-1999.

    That being said, even claims of them signing every year is also false, and this misleading information people use against them, let alone the claim of Supporting the United Nations Agenda.

    Also a DPI NGO has access to the follow library resources and facilities, which of course, does not equate to UN support because a DPI is vastly different from an ECOSOC – NGO Resolutions as mention in my last response proves otherwise:

    • Books/publications
    • film and audio libraries
    • photo libraries
    • access to meetings
    • language courses
    • briefings
    • seminars
    • conferences
    • film screenings
    • commemorations
    • concerts
    • the DPI NGO Resource Center

    My question to you, can you point out any aspect that is, on their part, assisting the United Nations in their Agenda and dealings on a local and global level, Witness?

    So far, you haven’t proven that they have an ECOSOC status. You haven’t even utter a single sponsored or some special extensive partnership and or program granted to the Watchtower and or a DPI NGO for that matter who isn’t an ECOSOC.


    Do tell, Witness. Other than that, I explained this in my previous response. But you said you haven’t read anything I said, therefore, the information posted, packaged in that last quote in my other response speaks for itself, in conjunction with the history of NGOs be it DPI and or ECOSOC – as stated, are the most common NGOs, both able to gain library resources, but only one [ECOSOC] does the bidding and willful support of the United Nations.

    Since it began as the League of Nations, it has been labeled the Wild Beast of Revelation 13:1.

    Last time you brought up this verse, you confused the Wild Beast, both the first and the second.

    To quote myself I recall telling you



    Also Revelation 13:11 (see also Rev. 16:13 and 20:2) is regarding the Second Beast. Hence even before I stated the following:

    Revelation 13:11 is regarding the second beast that rises out of the earth. This land beast has 2 horns like a lamb and it speaks like a dragon. It claims to be a Christian but it is not. It collects and colonizes nations and exploits and it is present along with the first beast.



    So the question would be, which of these represents the League of Nations, in regards to you, if you do not mind me asking? I ask to see if you will contradict yourself here in contrast to your last response in a past discussion.

    JWs are taught again and again that it is a blasphemous image….to stay away from.

    And they continue to do so even to this day, as we are seeing with this recent thread.

    To find out that WT leaders dappled in ‘blasphesmy’ led to many people leaving their hypocritical teachings behind.

    Do you have a statistics of a great multitude of them leaving their faith community within the 1999-2003 range, Witness? Time and time again I have brought up statistics regarding Religions of Christendom and the number of adherents they have, even the source I profess do not make things up.

    That being said, it would only be blasphemous and a complete distrust to the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ faith community if the Watchtower did renew, if the Watchtower was not just a DPI, but also, an ECOSOC.

    What was “Jehovah’s organization” doing, by cavorting with the Beast, and the world?

    Nope. Because they haven’t given in to the United Nations agenda regarding Religion. If that was the case, the Jehovah’s Witnesses would have been long gone away from Restorationist roots, they would try to focus on their practices and beliefs, while being open and acceptive of Interfaith ideologies as professed by the United Nations in terms of Religion. Moreover, Jehovah’s Witnesses would be the religious types to accept things such as Gay Marriages into their churches because the United Nations will have a control over those who have shown support, more so, their view on same sex marriages and other things would be altered greatly so they do not displease the ones they support, the UN – should that be a reality, which it is not.

    Again, I ask you, do you know which Wild Beast you are talking about when you confused them before?

    To a JW who sincerely thought he was “safe” in “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization”, such news can be devastating and nauseating, physically and emotionally.

    Not really, that is, if you understand NGOs, how they operate, what they can and or cannot do, what they can apply for, what they cannot apply for, which status allows support of the United Nations should they meet the requirements for a criteria.

    The Resolutions are out there, even the documents. I do not see why one such as yourself must ignore them in such a manner.

    Those that taught others to be "no part of the world" are fully immersed in its activity.  

    Because they, Restorationist as a whole, be it a lone individual and or organized are not part of the world at all. Lone Restorationist are on a whole other level, but it is what it is.

    Thank you for linking the Six Screens "Healing River" program.  .

    No problem, but the irony here is even though that argument was lost on your part, that former JW who knows quite a bit of trust funds and benefactors has been immortalized here for all to see.

    Therefore his response makes your claims in that discussion- false, perhaps more false than the idea of JWs having weapon bunkers and poisons under their churches to commit some Jim Jones-like of an attack on themselves and others, or perhaps more false than the belief JWs having stocks in women’s lingerie and a Japanese Gaming company.

    All of which you have been refuted on, Witness.

    It reminds me to post Pearl’s latest soundcloud which was very good.

    Sow as it Pearl that caused you to mix verses time and time again, contradict things even going as far as to twist the context of things in the Bible i.e. you calling God’s angel in Egypt Satan.

    Was it her that caused you to do this? If that is the case, I can see why many as refuted some of her claims and also point out the ideas of minor hate-preaching rather than preaching the gospel.

    Which befits you because, all your posts does not come in terms of explaining Scripture, you only use Scripture to defame a single group only, time and time again, you do not even dwell on using Scriptures against false doctrines that was never of the Church – not once.

    About this, you just don’t get it, SM.

    Actually I do – JWs do not own weapons in their churches. JWs are benafentrines as mentioned in my repost link, which lines up with what that former JW has said. Furthermore, if you have forgotten, I had provided proof of people seeing Mr. Fearon as madman, let alone his connection to a known figure that enabled Mr. Fearon to have a bit of a gain.

    Not only that, Fearon followers have been exposed, and whom Fearon has sided with in order to have a monetary gain, as with a gain of converts – not even the most disgruntled JWs side with Fearon – which is, on your part, quite hysterical.

    This forum is an avenue to air opinions and facts.

    Then why ignore the what an DPI is and an ECOSOC is regarding NGOs? Should that be considered as facts rather than ignoring it, and or using Mr. Zelda who does not utter such, in as much using pockets of information to equate the two as the same when in reality it is not?

    I am surrounded here by the majority who disagree with me and I don’t agree with them.

    It is not about disagreement, it is about understanding, in this case, what an NGO is, what allows an NGO to support the United Nations in terms of meeting a requirement to do such. A DPI alone cannot support the United Nations at all, and the only way a DPI can do that is if they meet the requirements for the Criteria, a DPI can have a say or not if they wish to do support and or do the bidding of the United Nations – read the Resolutions properly and the history of NGOs.

    In the case of the Watchtower, they were a DPI NGO, without an ECOSOC status they are and never were in any position to support the United Nations, examples would be, as I mentioned here and another thread population, local/global thinking in terms of UN ideologies, agenda 21, even 2030, both of which are in some form of motion to this day.

    Now the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower, as stated before would look like major hypocrites if they were ECOSOC, for an ECOSOC are the types to show total support and being under submission of the UN, more so, JW church leaders would not truly be the leaders of their faith, but rather, the UN, which is currently the head of all things religion regarding world religious leaders of this day and age.

    They knew if they remained and succumb to this new change in the era of NGOs, mid to late 1990s, they’d putting themselves in a bad spot, thus they see the mistake and dodge a couple of bullets.

    As for agreeing, even the UN website sources shed some light on the differences and changes in the world of NGOs. You do not have to take my word from it, granted most of my information from UN sources from the 1960s to present day whereas the majority of the focus was the 1990s-2003s.

    Should I leave because I personally feel JWs have been misled by lies?

    If you think they are lying, then the information they profess would be false. You’d have to prove that the Watchtower was an ECOSOC, therefore, the claim of UN support would stick.

    So far, you have not brought this up, so your claim remains unfounded.

    Until I’m told to leave, I’ll stay,

    You do not have to go anywhere. The bottom-line is understanding not to twist things, understanding to not profess conspiracy as truth.

    If Mr. Zelda does not tell his audience the difference between an ECOSOC and a DPI, let alone the information that stems from both, bur rather, he counts the both of them as the same, and you accept it and tell people here to go to the video and see for themselves – how can you not say you adhere to and accept conspiracy?

    This isn’t the first time either, for you do this, over and over again, and conspiracy to a truther will only cause them to make a response. It is the same argument I make with those who considers false flags and some comments from conspiracy theorist as legitimate proof.

    People can make mistakes by taking up facts that at times isn’t verified properly – I make some mistakes sometimes when I do not have access to my information and own up to it, but never would I, or anyone else will continue to go about something over and over again as a truth when it is really false, for such isn’t even a half-truth, which makes said conspiracy the downfall of the one who professes it.

    I believe there are truths that need to be aired to those that were once my “brothers and sisters”.

    Then when one of your own speaks the truth about something, why ignore him? There is a good reason as to why I linked that information.

    Should Pearl stop using Six Screens because the majority there hold a different view? She is not endorsing the programs of others. If an another choice is easier for her, she will change.  

    You should take the time to research and learn things, even re-learn things on your own. Holding the hands of Pearl time and time again attest to you mixing things up, as evident in all the discussions I had with you. Even outside of this forum, there are those who speak of Pearl in the same way, for some of what she says confuses them, more so, some information process is more targeting of a another faith rather than a legitimate church falsehood.

    Witness, people like this never change.

    For the meantime, it is an avenue that draws many listeners – JWs who have been harmed or disgusted by two-faced doctrine and want to know spiritual truth.

    But it didn’t stop you from accepting ideologies that are accursed. One thing Solider of God made clear is regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses is that some people agree with and disagree with them, but former members of the faith who leave, some, end up taking in ideas and practices that are not Christian, and yet considers their actions as Christian.

    He pointed to some very critical facts on how people can be Lukewarm as well. An example would be with the holiday that is coming up, Christmas, for most former JWs who leave profess, even preach out wrong JWs were about Christmas and attest that Christmas is a Christian holiday, to which there will be those for and against this notion – things of that nature.

    Kel, another Christian pointed out that disgruntled ones end up losing themselves after leaving the faith and that they can pose a danger to themselves and others.

    It provides a similar outlet just as this forum has provided.  I don’t agree with all that Jason Zelda believes, but I do appreciate what he has exposed as hard facts about the WT.  

    If you do not agree with Mr. Zelda, why use him again? You used him sometime before to bring forth your claim, both times, it was a failure on your part.

    If Mr. Zelda professed hard facts

    Why did he equate both NGO statuses as the same without making mention of the vast difference between the two? Why not point out that only one of these statuses actually supports the UN, the other does not?

    This goes for the other discussion, if Mr. Zelda was in the right in terms of trust funds, why did a former JW exposed Mr. Zelda by commenting legitimate facts on how the trust funds actually work and goes on to speak on stocks and other items? This former JW has actual experience in that field, hence why I engraved his message on your other thread, which can be seen from the repost.

    You have fallen in the same trap that Jason spoke of, when he addressed shunning.

    And what trap is that? Excommunication is also of Church Discipline.

    You have snubbed your nose and lumped Pearl together with all others on Six Screen.

    If that was the case, with I made some responses before, why did it take several discussions later for you to even say that?

    Fearon didn’t teach Pearl to mix Bible verses. Pearl didn’t teach Fearon about Poisons JWs use on themselves and others.

    This is a view the Pharisees were good at - narrow-minded accusations that Jesus was a sinner because he spoke and ate with tax collectors and harlots.  The interesting thing is, they listened;

    But you are playing the role of the Pharisees regarding them. You made the accusation that they support the United Nations, you also make no utterance of them being a DPI and or give proof of them being an ECOSOC.

    As for OSCE, all DPI are supposed to represent, none of them attest to United Nations’ agenda at all. Saying speaking about one’s persecution, speaking about one’s ability to deal with having their church burned down and or their Bibles, speaking about one’s in ability to successfully worship due to opposition – those are not UN agendas regarding Religion.

    A UN Agenda regarding Religion is unifying all faiths, which goes in direct contact with Ted Turner’s words back in the early 2000s. The UN seeks Peace and Security, and in terms of Religion, it seeks Peace, reasons why religious leaders are being gathered, even to this day, the process to some seems slow, but this action is ongoing and it is rapid, and they have dozens of partners, dozens of sponsors, dozens of donors, etc.

    Clearly if a DPI NGO saw this coming, mainly the one in question, they would not want to be part of that when the changes were actually taking effect in the world of NGOs.

     while the Pharisees who needed to listen as well, labeled him as a demon.

    Then why are you in a position to accuse, even hiding behind Mr. Zelda in order to do so?

    If someone is labeled as a DPI, why go about labeling them as an ECOSOC?

    This is what the WT does continually to those who refuse their doctrinal lies.

    But the Watchtower never had an ECOSOC status when opposers of their faith claims they are.

    They are labeled “human apostates”, “mentally diseased”, as Jason brought out in the video. 

    That is because anyone who is formerly of the faith, ends up being excommunicated and or expelled, then said person goes about to slander and or disgruntled, hence why the term Apostate can be applied to such ones.

    Not all former JWs are like the apostates and or even branded as Apostates (For as I said, there are former Jehovah’s Witnesses who do defend current/active Jehovah’s Witnesses, some former Jehovah’s Witnesses who take up and apply life lessons and values they adopted from their former faith, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and current/active Jehovah’s Witnesses know that – even their leaders), hence why, these ExJWs are attacked by disgruntled ExJWs we have an example of this in November as of last year. Moreover, the non disgruntled former JWs actually defend current, active JWs, of which we have many examples of this also, one of which took it upon himself to stop a small army of disgruntled JWs with just a phone call in Orange County Warwick. Moreover, these former Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves at some part end up visiting the main headquarters of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ community, welcomed even, some still go to church meetings, some still communicate with family members because although they are not pf the faith, they are not Apostates (reasons why when these former JWs defend the faith, disgruntled ones are quick to attack them, and more so, you and disgruntled ExJWs when speaking against and or about your opponent completely ignore these bunch who are in the masses – why is that?)

    That being said, let’s go for that “mentally diseased” remark. It should already be known to you that the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ leader directed this remark, not to all persons who agree or disagree with them, but rather, this response is directed to apostates. Ironically enough the Bible itself makes mention of such ones as it says below.

    They based this “mentally diseased” comment on this passage

    False Teachers and True Contentment

    • 1 Timothy 6:3-5 -  [3] If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, [4] he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, [5] and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.

    Noticed this [depraved in mind; which also means corrupted minds, diseased about questionings, which also equates to mentally diseased – hence their use of the term; “mentally corrupted” regarding Apostasy is used by some Christians]

    Jehovah’s Witnesses only pin this term on to the apostates, for this passages technically describes the actions of Apostates, for example, no, the examples of an onslaught from Apostates that continue to bombard them, even to us Christians who do what is necessary to follow the Christ, we deem such ones just as the same in regards to apostasy – and ironically enough, former Jehovah’s Witnesses who are not even deemed an apostate are never identified as this term, more so, these same former JWs even use this term in regards to apostasy on to disgruntled JWs.

    Therefore, it is hypocrisy to go after them for the use of the term when God’s Word speaks of such people who speak ill of others to the point they are branded as such – you should have known that if you read the First of Timothy.

    Those verses pretty much describes the attitude some have against these people and their community, it also equates to the fact you have been pinning them with a conspiracy that you yourself cannot even prove as true, and attempted to use Mr. Zelda, a second time, to justify something that you can’t even prove as a truth.

    I remember that you stated you like Barnes, I suggest you take into account what he has said regarding those depraved in the minds, or as the JWs call it, Mentally Diseased:

    But doting. Marg., sick. The Greek word-- \~nosew\~ --means properly to be sick; then to languish, to pine after. The meaning here is, that such persons had a sickly or morbid desire for debates of this kind. They had not a sound and healthy state of mind on the subject of religion. They were like a sickly man, who has no desire for solid and healthful food, but for that which will gratify a diseased appetite. They desired no sound doctrine, but controversies about unimportant and unsubstantial matters--things that bore the same relation to important doctrines which the things that a sick man pines after do to substantial food.

    nosew in Greek is νοσέω [noseō], the Strong's number is 3552

    Orig: from 3554; to be sick, i.e. (by implication, of a diseased appetite) to hanker after (figuratively, to harp upon):--dote. G3554

    • to be sick
    • [II] metaph. of any ailment of the mind
    • [A] to be taken with such an interest in a thing as amounts to a disease, to have a morbid fondness for

    Look at the cross-references

    • 2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
    • 2 Timothy 3:8 - Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith.
    • Jude 10 - But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.

    As for the JWs themselves, they even pointed this out



    • The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) Jehovah is like that good doctor. He clearly tells us to stay away from false teachers. We must always be determined to follow his warning.
    • He is not like those in the apostle Paul’s day who assumed to be teachers of others but were “puffed up with pride, not understanding anything,” unwisely letting themselves become “mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words,” things that produce disunity and a host of bad results.—1Ti 6:3-5.
    • Paul described such individuals as being “puffed up with pride, not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words.” (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Could Timothy risk toying with the harmful ideas that were infiltrating the congregation? No, for Paul urged Timothy to “fight the fine fight of the faith” and turn away “from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called ‘knowledge.’” (1 Tim. 6:12, 20, 21) There can be no doubt that Timothy followed Paul’s wise advice.—1 Cor. 10:12.


    That being said, Mr. Zelda, whom you are using once again, did not bring up the fact that they only deem apostates who continue to bother them this term, former JWs who are not on the level of disgruntled ones are not identified as such.

    In a doctor’s office that my very sick husband visits, the receptionist is JW from another congregation that I was in.  But, she knows who I am.   He had to step out when paying for the visit so I stepped in to finished the transaction.  She couldn’t look me in the eye, keeping her head down; since my name far and wide carries the label, “apostate”

    Well if you are going to talk ill and or bash someone’s faith, that is Apostasy. It is one thing to speak of biblical heresies and falsehood, it is another stone blocking a tomb of things when it comes to a faith that is not too far off from the early church, more so, you even attest to your own words by calling these people as evil and or having been influence by a demonic spirit.

    As for that person’s case, him ignoring you is not of his own accord, him ignoring you is due to the Bible’s stance on excommunication and those who are deemed apostates.

    ”, of the very worst.

    Maybe because you have shown yourself to not be formerly of the faith and constantly speak of them negatively, even applying conspiracy to your words? Aside from that, you have shown yourself to take up interfaith practices and ideologies as with the teachings of mainstream Christendom practices, doing so out of emotion and feelings when Biblical facts cares not for any of that. Or perhaps you are preaching another doctrine as to, even watering down Jesus Christ’ role as a King, more so, another whereas you used a spurious Bible verse.

    You can agree with and or disagree with them, but clearly you have been throwing up some red flags, hence why, people make such a response to you. If you did this at CSE, everyone correct you.

    I thanked her at the end of the transaction but she was so afraid, she couldn’t utter “you’re welcome”, imparting a slight grumble instead.

    It isn’t about being afraid, it is about not going against what the church of God had practiced for centuries.

    If Apostle Paul gave example, as with others, not to speak to those who dwell on Apostasy, how is this person afraid and or shameful?  If you show yourself to be of Apostasy, acta s such, profess as such and proclaiming ideologies that never originated with the Church, then you are branded as such, as God speaks the same in regards to those who’s minds are deprived.

    In this sense, they are in the right to do as such.

    This is so different than how I approached disfellowshipped ones when I was in the organization.

    You haven’t met all of them because some information I posted from them before, you show yourself to be against. And among them you pull information from the majority of the disgruntled ones, some such as the Fearon followers who were quite nasty to a former Orthodoxy.

    I wanted to assure them of my love and wasn’t afraid to sit by them during a meeting, making eye contact and smiling at them.

    So how is it love if you speak of them having a demonic influence and or spirit? Do you know what Love entails in regards to us being in the likeness of God?

    I wasn’t afraid to speak to them in public and ask how they were.

    Regardless, if you are seen as an Apostate, there is a reason as to why this is.

    There is a big difference in a JW who is of the former faith being an apostate or not.

    They received no other love when visiting the congregation.

    And would you know if you were excommunicated from the church for a period of time? Just now you were ignorant on the differences of NGOs, be it DPI and or EOCOSC which are technically common in the 1900s to present day, hence the Resolution information.

    And a reminder, you speak of these people as though they are demonic, and you were easily swayed by conspiracy and yet now you speak of Love.

    Their faces were deadpan, they were completely ignored when attending meetings.

    Again, how would you know?

    For many, the only reason they strive to regain their place in the congregation is because they want to be loved by those whom they thought would loved them until the end. 

    Once again, how would you know? On a personal level, do you know the majority?

    To the woman in the office, I am her enemy, but it won’t stop me from following Jesus’ teachings as closely as possible, and speaking to as many JWs and anointed “Israel”, as I possibly can.  Matt 10:6,23

    If that is the case, why did you water down Jesus’ role as king, not knowing what a inspired prophet is compared to a spiritual led one, and if you truly follow Jesus’ teachings, why did you show yourself to be open and accepting of ideologies that never originated with Jesus’ church?

    In a way, you yourself is a lost sheep. I care not if you are a former JW, what makes me come forth to make a response is the number of times you mix even the Scriptures in your favor, as with the teachings of Jesus’ Church.

    “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven. For he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what are you doing out of the ordinary? Don’t even the Gentiles do the same?48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  Matt 5:43-48

    No one has persecuted you, in a sense, you are the one persecuting. You are, regarding this topic, insisted the JWs had a role in United Nations plans, since they registration as a DPI NGO in the 1990s, during the years of Agenda 21 slowly growing, you asserted that the JWs had a hand in United Nation affairs, yet you cannot back anything up in this sense, hence why I said it was debunked, granted that only NGOs who are ECOSOC and or equal to that has their hands in the same jar the United Nations’ hands are in.

    Is it not persecution to call someone in error when they have never even had such a status to remotely enable them to have a hand in the United Nations?

    The whole OSCE was kind of a weak claim, granted it is known that OSCE has literally no hand in United Nations affairs. Last I checked, OSCE and any who are representatives, either DPI or ECOSOC, in this domain, do not have a role in United Nation affairs, if anything, their concern is in regards to discrimination and or persecution due to one or more of the representatives. As for the JWs, it is not unknown that they too are persecuted, after all – you even posted that document that gives insight on JW persecution in Egypt, and it is known of how Egypt is and who their allies are.

    That being said, is it not persecution with any and every post – made by you, to the latter group? Some of them whom you do not even know by face and or personally and yet profess claims and or conspiracy to belittle and or defame them?

    What of it even outside of JWs in your attempt to disrupt the church itself when you speak of things that never originated from it to which you had been corrected in another discussion?

    “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 If you do what is good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do what is good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High. For he is gracious to the ungrateful and evil. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.”  Luke 6:32-36

    But what love are you showing to anyone if you cannot attest to the truth about NGOs? Why go as far as to go for Mr.Zelda yet again and proclaim his teachings when Zelda himself has no idea the difference between a DPI and ECOSOC, he, Zelda, going as far as to equate the two when the Resolutions say otherwise?

    Why then, Witness? Is the truth about NGOs this great in which you must be ignorant, willfully, in this sense?

    I write this to JWs, who know exactly what I'm talking about.

    Then tell the Jehovah’s Witnesses the difference between a DPI and an ECOSOC. Explain to them, even correct Mr. Zelda on which of these 2 truly support the United Nations in their affairs. Like I said, there is no Agenda of the United Nations the Jehovah’s Witnesses had a hand and or say in that relates to the local/global level of UN based plans.

    You are an outsider, fully immersed in the activities of the world; so, to you, whatever WT does, appears to be okay; as they cleverly speak out both sides of the mouth.  They convince its members they are "no part of the world" by saying,

    It’s not about being okay, it is about the truth. No one is denying the JWs were a DPI NGO, they are still an NGO regardless of how they see it.

    The problem is, you using information to confuse the masses that the JWs are an ECOSOC NGO, to which you shed no light on the difference. Only an NGO that is tied to ECOSOC can have a hand in UN affairs, a lone DPI NGO with no criteria met for UN requirements can’t do anything in regards to UN affairs.

    If you truly knew what you are talking about in regards to NGOs, you’d explain to the JWs what an NGO is and what an NGO must do to quality in terms of requirements for the criteria in order to actually partake and contribute to United Nations affairs.

     - Stay away from politics.  Be neutral. (but, for the org., it's okay to accept gifts from members that includes military stock) 

    They do not have stocks in the military, the information provided by the former JW pretty much destroys your claim, more so, his strong response shows that you do not know what a trust or mutual fund is.

    That being said, although correct and the truth has been exposed to you, you still dwell on conspiracy. You only show yourself to be befitting of the title – Apostate in the eyes of Jehovah’s Witnesses if you still are willfully accepting conspiracy.

    You were not able to proof they own stocks when the former JW pointed out information about beneficiaries.

    Be really honest with yourself. If the information is false, why still act as though it is a truth when it has already been exposed to be a falsehood?

    Don't smoke, (but its okay for the org. to have stock in cigarette companies if it is a gift)

    They do not own stocks, you have already been corrected on this, and the facts to face is a former Jehovah’s Witness exposed this truth, of which I professed in our last discussion.

    Stop attesting to conspiracy otherwise it does not make you ignorant of the truth, it makes you look foolish.

    But train the JW eye to...

    You should be more concerned about training yourself. As I have told you before, Witness.

    You stumbled and have fallen on your knees, scraping and bruising yourself. Examine yourself – stand back up.

    That being said, Spiritually there is a real battle going on, it is a shame that you are still in some asylumic state regarding JWs and eat from the hands of anyone who professes a conspiracy as truth.

     - Pay attention to the signs in Satan's world.  Look closely at politics and the wars at hand.  Examine all activities occurring in Satan's realm and be prepared for disaster.

    "About the times and the seasons (this is the season of worldly unrest):  Brothers and sisters, you do not need anything to be written to you.  For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.  When they say, "Peace and security" then sudden destruction will come upon them, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape" 1 Thess 5:1-3

     Ask yourself if you understand these verses because if you do not know the differences in NGOs, the United Nations Religious Leaders will easily subdue you, and put you on their corner. You can say they won’t take you, but I have seen and heard from many, who end up being swept away, and Washing DC was the biggest example we have with a recent example in 2016.

    Continue down the path you dwell in Witness, because if you do not examine yourself and understand the Scriptures properly, you will not be God fearing, but rather a fear of something alien, to which leads you to oblivion, resulting in madness taking you forever. And when the Christ returns, he will know who is for his Father, and who isn’t.

    That being said, the Watchtower was never an ECOSOC, therefore, had no role in UN affairs. They were and always will be known as a DPI NGO who didn’t even pass the test to be accepted into the charter.



  22. On 12/16/2018 at 3:12 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    An incompetent defense is no defense at all.

    It's embarrassing to be killed because you were incompetent, and a fool.

    The mistake many by a lot of people. Mainly those who attempt to fight back with 0% chance of winning the confrontation. At that point it is a one way ticket to sleeping in Sheol, only to way up some unknown years later during the Resurrection and say to yourself.

    "Wow! I really messed up that time"

    That being said, one has to be thinking, clearly and quickly, and not be lollygagging.

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