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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. As had been vocal about this before. We must teach and educate our children, when it comes to things such as sex, when it comes to money, when it comes to child abuse, resolving conflicts, bullying, and a list of other things, we must also teach our children about strangers (Stranger Danger as said in America)

    The Bible points out to teach our children so they may be wisdom. For among many of the better solutions, education is key: https://www.openbible.info/topics/how_to_train_your_children

    Also learn the statistics regarding child kidnapping, some items I will link below

    The United States of America

    The United Kingdom (EU)

    Note: It is far worse for children because in most cases they are often end up in human sex trafficking, others into slave labor. In the EU, specifically the UK, you have the Grooming Gangs, which has a network in EU. Others being forced as brides and or mates, regardless of the victim's sex.

    Note: The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children provided some valuable information in the UK sources in the last link.

    There's a lot more, but this will do.

    My older post was directed to child abuse, but what is mentioned still applies, since child abuse services instruct parents and guardians to teach, we must do the same in other aspects of things such as about Strangers, be it the kidnapper is someone known or unknown:


    Also another thing to note is even adults are kidnapped, primarily women, for as of recent a Florida woman who went to Costa-Rica on her 36th Birthday ended up vanishing, thus being kidnapped as some sources say, it is also noted that the driver was suspicious as well as some would say:


  2. 19 hours ago, Guest Don't Worry, I'm from the Internet said:

    We should also be teaching kids about Stranger Danger. Not Teaching them will only allow Kidnappers an edge in kidnapping kids.

    100% agreed. Teaching young ones about Strangers is the best thing someone should do.


    Kidnappers tend to go for young girls, and kidnappers tend to have several motives.


    This is why I am happy, those who have been educating on this, those who teach others on this matter, even young children to teach and speak their story, these ones are the ones who have this wisdom and their solution is to educate and teach.


    We must teach our children, we are obligated to do so.




  3. 7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    @Space Merchant Yes the whole situation is a bit worrying. Of course we know where its all heading, we just don't know when. 

    God's word has given us plenty of warnings. Plenty of scriptures about the 'last days'. 

    As for guns in the USA, I suppose there are reasons for and reasons against.  I am honestly glad i do not live there, and I would not visit there in this 'system of things'.  And now France too has many problems. But I'm not denying the UK has problems too, I'm just lucky to be in the 'quiet area'.  I hope you keep safe too. 

    It is only going to get worse. Yes, God's Word has given us some insight, but at the same time, even with insight, even the wises of us men can fall and does not get back up, and this is the case in the End Times.

    Be it reasons against and or for, it will not stop the Government and the United Nations at bay, for we have already the immigration crisis, gun reform, and the California fires, give it some time and see what will happened with those who lost everything and where they will go, it is part of the plan.

    Yes, but for us we deal with guns, the EU has to deal with terrorism that is next door, and hate crimes, an knife attacks. I know in London there is  band of bikers that that rob, beat and attempt to kill people, hence why London, as I said before, is not a good place granted crime had increases, and yet the UK government is proclaiming another gospel in regards to safety.


    France is a whole other mixed back, I am currently doing research on this but what I found quite interesting is that the Far-Left and the Far-Right (ANTIFA and Nationalist) are not fighting each other, but rather, they are fighting side-by-side in the Yellow Jacket Protest, something of which you do not see happen ever, granted the Left and the Right are always going after each others throats, moreover, this action sparks the rise of the white working class in Europe.

    My other source can give you some insight

    (Also note, the mainstream media says these are protesters, however this group of protest are in fact Rioters, hence the destruction caused by their hand)

    6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

     TOPIC ;  In Defence of Shunning  Shooting 

    Yeah starting to realize that. Commercials are over - back to the topic at hand.

  4. 7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I disagree .... Most people SHOULD be trusted with guns.

    ...just not the evil, insane, and stupid.

    I think you need a better, more responsible, smarter group of friends.

    Those I affiliate myself with are indeed very intelligent, some of them even risk their lives to speak the truth.

    Therefore, what I am saying is indeed, the truth, as for one of my friends, who is also a source of mine, his video speaks for itself (note, keep in mind there is a bit of things said that is outside of the realm of PG)


    You gotta see the world for what it is JTR because a day will come it will be little teenagers that will do you in, as some have already, let alone mocking the older folks.

  5. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Then you are aware of what went down a few weeks ago regarding a pro-gun owner and a politician? Even before that the shootings that took place when people are not using their firearms and or having been disarmed rendering helpless to a disgruntled police officer and or a criminal?

    It is not paranoia, for what is stated is actual truth, for if one isn't careful, they will end up like several examples we had already, for what took place with the Syranic Christians and a list of others, even Libya is merely a foreshadowing of what is to come here for we have brief instances in the US as it is. Moreover, it is going to take a support of a generation of children who are against guns who have already painted you as an enemy for having a gun, recall the Parkland Protest? But such will be a topic for another day because the last source I posted in this regard got wiped out for an obvious reason.

  6. @JOHN BUTLER There is a lot of things going out that is kept on the hush-hush to the general public. Government wise, Education wise, Religion wise, Money Wise, Technology wise.

    There is a lot I can say about this, I can go on, some things I can say here but it isn't PG-rated for everyone here, regardless of their faith and or background.

    All I can say, briefly, perhaps later on I can give some insight on US, UK, FR, and their allies regarding 2021/30.

    Other than that, God's day is near. There are things that some are not paying attention to which is being spoken about by others, such as truthers and a list independent reporters, some of which who end up being assassinated for speaking what is true for we have an example already

    The more you know, the more you shall find. Now if you were a famous person and or a well known doctor or some engineer, the more you know and the more you find, it will only get you killed, but since we are common folk, we find and proclaim what is true, reasons why I am type to seek the truth in such matters.

    That being said, I had dug up some things in the UK, mainly related to grooming gangs and immigration, both of which having a role to play in the global mafia in of itself.

    Remain vigilant and enduring - always. Don't be consumed by anger and hatred either, it does no one any good later on.

  7. @JOHN BUTLER You reminded me about something. Rarely do I see UK officers use guns. Most of the time, well a number of times when confronting an armed suspect, mainly if someone has a knife and or machete, they cannot do much against them but throw things at the threat in question.

    In the United States, toy gun or real, or suspected to having a firearm will result in a case of shoot first, ask questions later, the situation tends to be more grave if you are not Caucasian and are of a different ethic group or race, with a background that is clearly not the like of common American folk. Anyone who has a fire armed, be it killed or captured, if of a race and or background it is seen as terrorism and or the the person is spoken of as the villain in this case, however, if it the latter, it is seen as being mental ill and or sick.

    People tend to get away with things regarding firearms, and outside of all that, you have gang members who get the guns, you have children who somehow get the guns and thinking shooting at people is a game, and you have those who are bullied to the point where they will come to shoot up a school.

    Right now, the United States is confused on what to do with guys because no one trust the Government with guns at all, and we have a foreshadowing of Libya, Syranic Christians and a list of other events whereas you trust the government with guns and you end up as a target with a large read blinking light sign on your back and your house.

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. Just be careful. Although I am not a fan of firearms, there are those who have the license to carry and take up the second amendment end up as targets for those in the government and law enforcement. A day will come whereas the government with the aid of the United Nations will come to disarm you and they will say they will shower you with protection, but later on, you will realize that this so called UN and Gov't protection was only means to desolate you.


    Other than that, this is why most people in American shouldn't have or be trusted with guns:


  8. On 11/30/2018 at 10:01 PM, JW Insider said:

    Expelling is Biblical. That's true. But what is the method and are Christians under some kind of rule of law that needs to be applied uniformly in all situations? What if it was a principle that is good, but the way it was executed even in Bible times turns out not to have been a Christian method.

    Because when it comes to expelling, there are those who do so the right out so that so and so can re enter the church, others will use expelling merely to get rid of you and mark you for because they want to purify the Church of the damnation as some would say.

    The method itself, the real one is that we should excommunicate in regards to being it’s merciful to sinners. The Church ties of the person in question will be cut off totally, however, there are some lines of help be it the church leaders and members of the family itself. Some would believe that excommunication is a complete cut off from both church and family leaving you with no way of re-entering the church, let alone the community itself. A Christian brother and or sister can come back to the church, although excommunicated for their actions, prayer, repentance, and striving to do good, whereas this can be explained and or see by others of the community will allow this person to come back, into the church and his or her church ties will be repaired, healed. Whatever sin he or she had done, it will be no more as if it was a rain drop into a river.

    As for the other false methods, this results in some Christians thinking that Excommunication should and can be abandon for they do not see it as a way of mercy and or maintain the peace in the church and believes a person who has sinned should not be brought forth for expelling.

    On 11/30/2018 at 10:01 PM, JW Insider said:

    For example, the Bible allows for a husband to disfellowship his wife. (The Bible never allows for a wife to disfellowship (divorce) a husband, by the way.) But are we under Mosaic rules for divorce just because it is Biblical? In fact, Jesus said that even though it was Biblical, it wasn't what Jehovah really wanted.

    • (Matthew 19:7, 8 )  7 They said to him: “Why, then, did Moses direct giving a certificate of dismissal and divorcing her?” 8 He said to them: “Out of regard for your hard-heartedness, Moses made the concession to you of divorcing your wives, but that has not been the case from the beginning.

    Jesus doesn't say Moses wasn't inspired when he made the Biblical concession for divorce as one of the laws in the "perfect" Law covenant. But Jesus rejects this particular "jot and tittle" of the Law as a mere concession for human hard-heartedness, especially because it was being misused in practice.  "Hard-heartedness" is a form of having "no natural affection." (See my earlier post on this topic.)

    Agreed. But I do not recall a wife being able to expels someone granted that I was very vocal of religious leadership, the ones who are of the church who has the ability to excommunicate someone. It would be understandable if there was a woman who held religious office, but that has never been seen in the churches of old let alone in the days of our church fathers.

    On 11/30/2018 at 10:01 PM, JW Insider said:

    There is an even more obvious case where the Governing Body now rejects something that is definitely Biblical. In the Bible, it's OK to "beat" your children, physically. When asked about this, GB member Geoffrey Jackson, in front of the Australian Royal Commission,  said that the GB now believe that the "rod" of correction is not a physical rod, but that it is the "virtual" rod of righteous corrective discipline. Of course, what do we then do with the Mosaic Law that says that if you beat your slave to death that there is no punishment as long as it takes the slave a day or two to die? (There is a punishment if the slave dies within in a shorter time period.)

    As for that verse in question Proverbs 23:13, 14

    [13] Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. [14] If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.

    When we discipline our children it should not be in fits of rage, angry out burst that causes one to lash out in the face of a child, to inflict pain and or injury, in some cases, even death regarding physical punishment. To disincline a child

    one can use sufficient words of wisdom to reason with the child should he or she make error and or has done something wrong, a rebuke, in of itself works better than physical action that begets some sort of injury to a young one.

    That being said, you'd be surprise of some mainstream Christians who think that beating a child, literally, is just, some would even make claim they are beating a demon out of their child, and so forth. A Child merely needs someone to reason with him or her in things that are good and things that are bad so when they grow older, by means of this education, family wise, Bible wise, they can make the right call on things and make positive decisions.

    The other problem is, there are some passages people do not take into context at all, thus their error in this sense.

    On 11/30/2018 at 10:01 PM, JW Insider said:

    I'm not in favor of the physical beating of children. There are times when the principle is correct, but the methods used were "hard-hearted." The Governing Body says we have updated our understanding to that of the world here, and I think everyone knows that Brother Jackson is not so stupid as to think that the Bible was not really referring to physical beatings with these Hebrew expressions. It's time we progressed in our understanding of what it means to disfellowship, too. 

    The same with me. Begetting violence solves nothing, for it creates more violence and reaps consequences, some of which are too much to contain. Well you'd be surprise, if perhaps reading that verse or another verse and or passage to those who are lacking in Bible context will think of this literally. For example, 4 years ago I remember someone burning their Bible because of a single verse, the same verse. Now, any honest man who reads for context will understand what that verse entails, I believed I explained it before in another thread here.

    On 11/30/2018 at 10:01 PM, JW Insider said:

    You've argued that other religions see familial DFing, for example, as Biblical. But so what?

    Because it is indeed Biblical and regarding excommunication there is only but one form of it that is correct. You have 3 in front of you, only one is the right way.

    Within Christianity, there tend to be three major views of excommunication:

    • We shouldn’t excommunicate anyone, because it’s not merciful.
    • We should excommunicate, because we want to purify the Church of the damned.
    • We should excommunicate, because it’s merciful to sinners.

    In the Old Law, anything that is great seriousness, a violation of God’s law through Moses, a person can be cut off totally from his or her community, even be subjected to death, and such violations carry the weigh of a penalty, for we have examples in the Bible itself.

    But we are of the New Law, and even then, Expelling remains in the Church. When it comes to sinners, in some cases, a member of the church who is believed to having been unrepentant of his or her sins, committing them, even knowingly, some sins which can be serious ones, that person will indeed be excommunicated, all this why being part of the church itself. This will result in the church to put into practice 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 whereas the church cut ties with the sinner, hence having the church ties itself being cut off. The sinner is not entirely left alone however, help can come his or her wait to return to the church, that is, if the person in question shows that they are truly repentant, and that they cease all ill activity of what caused them to sin in the first place and or turn away from their actions, some actions being obvious ones that the sinner will still have to deal with, but in the end, work with said problem to seek their own betterment on the road to repentance i.e. someone who has had sexual relations begets a child being born out of wedlock. Excommunication, isn't the end of the road for anyone, it allows the sinner to be repentant, and in time, with the help of family and concerned church members who has religious authority in the church, can help the sinner return to the church, to return to the Shepherd, or as some would say, to be reinstated.

    I believe that your faith community practices the last one, ironically enough the correct one, whereas excommunication (Disfellowship) is seen as a loving provision, thus being merciful to those who commit sin and the fact that it can be seen as a betterment to the faith community in of itself.

    That being said, the first one on the list totally ignores Jesus' words at Matthew 18:15-18, for they reject the place of excommunication within Church itself.

    For Jesus is the one to solemnly entrusting the Church with the ability to bind and loosen, and this is in connection with the Church’s ability to excommunicate/Expel unrepentant sinners, as some would attest, it is more an ability in the realm of Church Discipline. Jesus actually instructs it as the appropriate course of action to be taken in the case of certain unrepentant sinners resulting in Shunning, which isn't too far off from another thing we are instructed to do, of which Paul had to say in Romans 16:17 when it comes to avoiding false teachers.

    On 11/30/2018 at 10:01 PM, JW Insider said:

    In other religions they might still beat their children, beat their wives and servants, promote racism, divorce on any ground, and promote a lack natural affection, too.

    The action in of itself would have to come down to the individuals of that religion rather than the religion itself, unless it is the extreme ones like Christian Militants, who not only beat their children, but teach their children to beat others, even going about using some objects to cause harm to do so. But, there is but a few who do this (Christian Militants are only a small group, then again you have the small few who want to end the lives of atheists - literally), but they do not start off this way, they spread the influence to their members and those who enter them, like pollution to a body of water. Some religions proclaim that a person who sins can never change and or repent, hence why I mentioned the second item and briefly explained it.

    Other than that, when it comes to sin, Expelling can be used, mainly if the person is caught, willingly sinning and is shown to be unrepentant, therefore, he or she can no longer be of the church, unless he or she takes the steps to repent for their sins done by their own hand.

    That being said, I believe Expelling is indeed Biblical and it is an action entrusted to the Church, an it is a mercy to someone who sins, especially if that sinner wants to be right with God and take the steps necessary to repent for his or her sins and misdeeds, be it great or small. Although sure repentance takes time, the sinner who commits the action is not left in the dust or damnation as some would consider because with God, whatever sin ones does, God will forget it as if the sin in question is that of a spec of dust in the wind - gone; is no more, for God our Father is always read to forgive (Psalms 86:5).

  9. On 11/30/2018 at 5:41 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It would have been a no win situation on here whichever way I decided. Some said tell the police, others said mind your own business.

    In the end, some form of action has to be made, regardless.

    On 11/30/2018 at 5:41 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    As it was pointed out to me. i only have third hand information, which I have no proof is correct. I believe what i was told by the person that told me because I trust them to tell the truth about such serious matters. However, the police may not believe me. And if i went to the Elders of the congregation then it would give them chance to destroy the evidence they have ,and to make me look like a slanderer. Remember they have accused me of slander once before.... So I've let it go by. 

    But even with this information, have you gone about getting more info on the situation itself? From small information some people can open doors on this matter. Don't worry about "they", and a situation like this, with even minor information should not be something to simply let go by.

    On 11/30/2018 at 5:41 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It does not make me as bad as what I'm accusing the Elders of. Why ? Because the Elders have FIRST HAND INFORMATION FROM BOTH SIDES. They will know the accused and the victim. They will have taken notes from both sides. 

    But if only a small amount of people had known this how is it the church elders have first hand information?


    On 11/30/2018 at 5:41 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I'm not in a position to talk to either side. I know the accused but not the victim. I'm shunned by all of the congregation, that's over 120 people, so I have no chance of talking to them. The Elders would use it against me if i started investigations of my own. 

    Shunned or not, it does not stop someone from seeking information by any means possible, let alone the ability to take some form of action, even if said action is very minor.

    On 11/30/2018 at 5:41 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I think some on here are brothers of 'high rank' in the JW Org. So would you take it further ? 

    Who here is a high rank? And what is their business with the situation you are intertwined with?

    On 11/30/2018 at 5:41 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    The Congregation is Honiton, Devon England. The other details can be found on the topic. So any one in good standing can follow it through if they want to. And yes i would confirm what I've written on here. 

    Yes the other thread. But the person in question, the mental ill person who is supposedly the culprit, you have to get some information. If not the victim, then the abuser in question. If you knew him at some point in his life, you'd know where he lives, perhaps, his workplace and or if outside of a JW church as to what he has been doing and or other.

    In some cases, if some abusers want to, as they say, cover their tracks, they will shift to seek targets outside of a church or school so that they are not as detected easily, other abusers tend to go for social media, online video games and a list of other things. An example would be a potential child abuser who has been hiding among the ranks of a Spider-Man community.

    Although no longer of that faith, surely there is something you can do. The reality is, you cannot save them all, but perhaps you can save one, and on the other side of the spectrum, when it comes to the abuser, grant that abuser in question is mental unstable, that will pose as a challenge.

  10. 20 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    By the way, did you get that child abuse issue you were talking about sorted? The Childline suggestion seemed to be a way you could keep personally out of the frame and still get some practical advice on the matter remembering that there could be children at risk. How did you get on with that? You did get on with that didn't you?


    This I wonder too, granted the culprit involved was, as stated, mental unstable hence the cause of his actions. Pedophilia desires must've triggered around the culprit's early teens, granted that is the case with most pedophiles and of if they themselves had been abused.


    As for the cause? Still unknown by most.

  11. 40 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Lovely. So now please explain to me in clear plain English WHY 130 people from Honiton Devon England Congregation of JW's, WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME, as i left the JW Org of my own choice, due to the amount of Child Abuse in the Org Earthwide ? 

    Well does it have something to do with what you say and do against those of your former faith? And we already know your story, every thread you mention this.

    41 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Even a brother that visited me on the evening before the announcement of my being 'No longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses' and had promised to visit me again after six months, has NOT kept his promise. Making himself a liar in my opinion. I had told him and a couple of others exactly what i was intending to do, so he knew full well the situation. 

    Well we cannot assume things without knowing the other person's circumstances, what he himself is dealing with, perhaps to some degree greater, who knows. Telling someone something is one thing, but it would have been wise to exchange contact information if you were that concerned about a visit from a member of the faith.

    That is like befriending someone and not taking a care for his or her name, not even exchanging contacts to further the relationship.

    44 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    i love your use of the Matthew 5 scripture about only loving those loving you etc.... I have this on a piece of paper hanging up close to me , amongst many other scriptures. 

    So you are aware of excommunication originating with the Christ?

    44 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Do you really mean this ? A person that speaks out against the GB or the JW org would get disfellowshipped for 'Causing a division within the congregation" (My brother is an Elder and i talked it through with him before I made my decision to leave the Org )

    Because if any one from the church community is speaking out, for any faith, and or teaching something that isn't of the church it is a cause of division. Clearly if there is a situation going on, it should be handled and discuss with those in that circle and or those who bear witness to said situation. This is why you have to be wise on speaking up about a matter, granted you are in the UK, your own paid the price for that.

    As for the other part, that was a smart approach, a move not many would make. but rather, go for the latter.

    47 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    What about speaking out against the CHILD ABUSE SITUATION IN THE JW ORG ? Especially if it's happening in your own congregation.   What are your feelings on that ?

    That should be discussed with those involved and your inner circle, one of the reasons I made it clear in child prevention sources I even quoted from. Going into a church to shout about child abuse is not the best approach, going to the church and speaking with those who are involved, those who are trying to do what needs to be done and so forth, while you are at it, educate so and so about child abuse, the elders in question and the parents involved.

    If this method is being taught to children regarding child abuse, you can do the same thing.

    50 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You see what I'm getting from your comment is only theory not practice. Do you put your ideas into practice ?

    Wisdom and education is key. It should be applied wisely, worse case scenario, you do not want to end up and or influence someone to be an avenger of blood, so to speak, for they become the sword in their own hands, hence why you have the common bystander like syndrome among people who do not want to get deeply involved with such matters.

  12. 9 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    @Space Merchant seems to have a loving heart and he seems to find good in those that lead the JW Org. SM, I have to disagree with you. In my opinion the Elders are not qualified to do the things they do. Not spiritually qualified, not guided by God's Holy Spirit. The Elders are human, as are we all, and they act in ways that are not in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ. The GB and the Elders go 'beyond the things written' just to get things done.

    You can disagree with me all you want, Excommunication existed long before JWs ever have walked the earth and no Christian can't refute the fact that it was in practice in ancient times up to modern day and onward.

    FACT: Excommunication is an institutional act of religious censure used to deprive, suspend, or limit membership in a religious community or to restrict certain rights within it, in particular receiving of the sacraments.

    The ability to excommunicate was given, even entrusted to the church, reasons why the disciples had that ability, as did anyone who hold a position of religious office, even a church leader, while at the same time, anyone of said position can be excommunicated themselves if any grounds have been crossed by means of their own design. Holy Spirit or not, as history proves, excommunication can be issued granted by the fact I noted about and what happens to the person in question who has been excommunicated. In the Jehovah's Witnesses' case, since they do have elders and stewards, perhaps pastors in their church, they do have this ability to remove someone from the church if need be. Another fact is the ability to excommunicate had been given to humans, so they are not in error for putting this in practice since not just the early church practiced it, but the one who is the head of the church issued this practice if you understand the context of Matthew 16.


    No one is going beyond anything. Excommunication (Disfellowship as they call it) is biblical whereas church ties are cut completely, hence why Expelling prompts the Shunning aka The Shunning Command.

    You have to prove how they are going beyond Excommunication practices whereas the practice itself stems from the Bible. Expelling is Biblical.

    9 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Hence when the Elders / Circuit Overseers or others disfellowship a person it may not always be for sinning against God.

    True, but it can land in brazen conduct and or actions that is not suitable for a Christian. Excommunication does not always have to be a grave sin against God, it can be something as little as starting a brawl in a church whereas you are the cause, and a list of other things such as using spurious text in a sermon or a talk, you'd be booted out before you can say "praise the Lord".

    9 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It may be because a person is not wanted in a congregation as the Elders do not like that person.

    It's not about like, it is about action. A Steward, Elder or Pastor cannot remove someone because of liking someone or not. They use Excommunication should they find something on you that may cause some damage in the church, some however, can be more strict than others.

    9 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Remember that those Elders are ONLY HUMAN.

    And your point? Church Disciplinary action was given to humans.

    9 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And they do not have the guidance of God's Holy Spirit that a truly Anointed person would have.

    How do you know if you yourself said you wouldn't know anything of the like because you do not know the person?

    The Church has been entrusted, and by whom? The Christ, Jesus. You cannot refute this because of who this came to be, but if you want to refute with someone, then Jesus is your guy.

    9 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It is so easy to mention Jesus Christ and the Apostles and the Disciples, and to use them as an example. BUT they were all of the Anointed Heavenly Calling. They had received God's Holy spirit. 

    Them and the church were able to excommunicate, hence why Paul made it clear of the roles the men had in the church who had such capabilities.

    10 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It is not possible therefore to compare the GB or the Elders to Christ and His close followers. That gap in comparison is massive. There is in fact no comparison.

    Excommunication has not changed. 3 forms exist, only one form came about the early Christian church. I had already linked this information to you and several others a number of times in the past. As I have been vocal about Restorationist Christianity, they only practice the correct form of excommunication, other folks in Christendom has watered it down and or had abandon excommunication whereas the Catholics added something to excommunication that isn't biblical, thus practicing either of the 2 other forms and not adhering to the true form of excommunication.

    11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Those of the true Anointed whilst on this Earth, would only be human in body. In mind and heart they would be spiritual beings.

    Ok, and your point as to why you made mention of this? Excommunication has not changed, nor will it ever be removed from the church. If you want to refute excommunication everything pertaining to church disciplinary action can be brought up if need be. So far, this is something that no one can refute, but rather, will attack, not knowing their own Bible says the same thing.

  13. 3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I am the door (the gate); if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

    I asked you to interpret Acts 15:2 and Matthew 24:45-47. I didn't ask you for John 10:9. Plus you are quoting Scripture, not explaining it - 2 different things. Plus you never mention this verse anywhere on any page on this thread alone.

  14. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Fortunately, no one is slaying anyone with the disfellowshipping arrangement. It has the added benefit of being reversible.

    Same question to you: “Without such congregational tools of discipline, which do come across as harsh in today’s world,  is it possible for a group to keep its core moral values over time? Do you know of any examples?”

    Because, if not, what we have here is but a veiled attempt of the atheists to stamp out Christianity, under the guise of the protectors of humanity. Christians must follow the direction of the Christ. History demonstrates that they cannot under conditions the anti-cultists would impose upon them.

    I assume Ryan to be an atheist hence his other responses, one instance mocking anything connected to God and or others.

    Excommunication is, as you said, a tool of the church, it is molded well into church disciplinary practices and they're obvious even in Bible practice. Excommunication and or anything of that ground can cause one to lose church ties. Now speaking of JWs, as I have stated before, most ExJWs do not talk about, even going as far as to attack other ExJWs who call them out regarding Excommunication practices, even in churches today, some in Christendom are called out for watering down Excommunication and or abandonment of the practice, forgetting what Jesus entrusted. Christians are lucky, to some degree, because an ill practice that is far worse than excommunication is the Herem (censure), and last I checked, no one in Christendom practices such.=, only in Judaism by some it is practices and church, family, community ties are ALL cut totally, you do not even get to have the rabbis to come help you either.

    Now Atheists pose a hypocrisy because they themselves practice ostracism to some degree, perhaps far grander than what excommunication has in store, in some cases, a social outcast, usually depends on the person and or group of persons of the same playing field.

  15. 3 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    One assassin to another during a heinous slaying: "No! You're doing it wrong!"

    "Hold my non-alcoholic, religious approved beer."

    Surely a response would be a better one. Last I recall Jesus was no assassin according to Matthew 16. Therefore the overall seriousness of what Jesus entrusted should be taken into consideration, that is - unless you adhere to a watered down form if Christianity as the majority of the US and the EU adhere to. Because last I checked, Jesus isn't the ice man, the muffin man or the so called jolly Christ as some paint him to be, on the other side of the spectrum, regarding a man killed recently, people seem to paint Jesus to a sole race, proclaiming he has no care for those of another race. He is the Christ, the one of whom God enacts his purpose, will, justice and order through; for he is God's only begotten-son.


    That being said, surely you can make a better response, to this I wait.

  16. 2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Just one sweet kiss. The child knows nothing about materialism yet. 

    The child is no longer an infant, but a toddler most likely capable of walking and some speech, it's 2018, this was addressed 2016, approximately 804 days in total, 2 years about 6 months, 2 weeks if my estimate is correct. Giving a gift to a child isn't materialism, but what is materialism is being dependent and bombarding a child with material things, some even unnecessary things.


    But yes, a kiss is also good for it shows affection you have for those you care for.

  17. 20 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    When I was growing up .... it was not like that in the TRUTH.

    It is my understanding that Disfellowshipping was instituted for the first time in 1945 (?) ... and weaponized after 1975.

    Expelling was brought into the Church long time ago First Century. They call it Disfellowshiping, others, Takfir, others a non herem censure, but to it's core and or anyone who practices it, it is Excommunication.

  18. The thing here is Expelling/Shunning is Biblical. Although this is solidified fact that no one can prove wrong, there is only 1 method of expelling that is true to the church among 3-4 others, that never originated with the Church. Only a few Christians are doing it right while others, are doing it wrong, especially the Catholics.


    The irony of it all the Expelling/Shunning command is traced back to what Jesus entrusted the church.

  19. 22 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays?

    Reasons vary by individual person, WTB&TS policy, and what particular holiday you are asking about

    A survey of approximately 6 million Jehovah's Witnesses said 58% do not celebrate  Halloween because they find it very, very irritating to have uninvited people knocking on their doors when they are trying to take a nap.


    And 100% among them and even other Christians are not fans of The Day of the Dead, especially to Christians who reside in some parts of Africa as well as the Caribbean Mexico and parts of South America.

    I think I recall telling you a real life example of a Christian taking it upon himself to go about in the neighborhood on that day giving a Bible to people and telling them that Halloween isn't something to be celebrated some time ago.

  20. 21 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    ... no prophecy of Scripture, or parables or moral lessons comes from someone’s own interpretation.....

    I don't mind you asking me. But my understanding of this or that has a certain, temporary value only for me in fact. In this moment i do not see what importance, about this issue, my interpretation would bring to you S.M. You are Bible scholar of sort, and Jesus and his teachings leaves its influence on every person in a specific way, as well on You too. Let put this to/on Him (not to me) to make interpretation for your spiritual need. :))  

    I'm asking for the verse/passage in question that you brought up, not prophecy. Take a good look at your own response in page 3 before you end up in a pretzel twist, of which, concerning you, begets oddities beyond measure and comprehension.

    If you do not know what I am referring to it is Acts 15:2, to an extent you also mentioned Matthew 24:45-47.

    Therefore, to quote myself; I will attest

    On 11/28/2018 at 10:59 AM, Space Merchant said:

    @Srecko Sostar So how would you interpret that verse if you don't mind me asking?


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