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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 11/16/2018 at 9:35 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    SOMEBODY is financing this effort to the tune of several millions of dollars ... it is NOT a "grassroots" movement.

    I also understand that further Caravans are being organized with a planned 5 MILLION people.

    I know the answers ... but I leave it to YOU to figure out what is going on ..... it's inspirational when that light bulb clicks on in your head, and you instantly become MUCH smarter.

    Correct. Think about it, who wants this stuff to happen, who wants to move people into smart homes? Who wants to break the economy?


    The powers that be, but no one knows who they are expect those who seek the truth in this matter, lucky for you I am pretty much a truther.

  2. 11 hours ago, Automobiles said:

    Interesting that nothing ever seemed to happen with this 'massive' leak..... it sort of just died out there.

    The powers that be do not want their allies and supporters to be harmed. Similar case we have with Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Saud.

  3. @BillyTheKid46 Well one thing for certain. Some who thinks they know the Scriptures hold too steadfast on to pagan holidays and practices they love so much, even outside of religion, some people forbids the celebration of holidays because they know the roots, it's origins and the like.

    You'd be surprised of how many people went after the Naive Americans during and after Thanksgiving, and who else but those who defend the holiday, even going as far as to send their kids into the fray to demonize people who are against Thanksgiving.


    The same can be said of other Holidays. Since December is coming up, there are those who think this Holiday is of the Christ, his Birthday as they call it, but the reality is, it is not. They are quick to attack you for it, go after you for it, not realizing their own ignorance and dishonesty when even the Jewish calendar is placed before them.


    That being said, even on that day people do not care about Jesus at all, they go on shopping spreads, they go to wild parties whereas anything goes in the realm of sex and drunkenness, for such actions beget unwanted children and or hit and run, drunk driving and so forth, others, not having a care in the world.


    You can be preaching about the Christ and His God, but will be met with those proclaiming the one they call Santa Claus, while you have the demonic folk giving praise to Krampus, and the cherry on top of it all, Sun God and Yule Tree Idolatry.

  4. On 11/24/2018 at 6:54 AM, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Does this mean there are no rules in obeying local laws, national laws, government laws, by the tone set here with certain nations? Is it a free for all? It must be interesting to live in such a place. What is this place called, Britain, Australia, Canada, United States?



    How quick the Lord's prayer was forgotten? Matthew 6:9-13

    Indeed. A Free for All would be utter chaos. There has already been quite the example as of recent, things of which to have been taken place in the realm of materialism and outright brawlish brutality, in some instances, critical injury and death.

    The world is a crazy place and it only takes a few seconds for a man, woman or child to loose all sense.


    For if some of them knew God, they'd be well aware of their decisions and how to act in proper, how to maintain control and so forth.

  5. On 11/22/2018 at 1:57 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Correction must to give, please. I said how i know one dog Frida. I am not the owner of this Frida dog :)) please S.M. be more precisely in details :)) 

    I have. I said it has been it has been revealed you here you have a dog named Frida. I have yet to even mention you are and or is the owner of the dog granted you exposed yourself for knowing this dog hence as to why you were refereed to as such by the latter, a self-refutation on your part. Granted with what I had to deal with, know this, I will no longer be kind to some banter coming from some folks now from here on out. When you have been in a heavy religious debate with Baphomet Followers, with Christians against them also, you tend to feel a bit different, granted on how bad Christendom of the mainstream has been pushing itself on to the people.

    Such things should not come to pass.

    That being said, the grand focus of this topic buries you granted of this end conclusion of canine speak.

    You speak of details but you were never fond of such yourself, this shall be put out there for all to have a look see.

    On 11/22/2018 at 1:57 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Send my regards to your pets (dogs) :))


  6. @The Librarian Solider of God, me and a good number of us have been talking about this for 3 years now. It is not much of a surprise that this is going on now. An there is a reason as to why this is, as is with the prohibiting of Bible reading in Schools.

    The agenda consist of

    • One Government
    • One Education
    • One Religion
    • One Currency
    • A controlled people, hence with the fires that has happened of recently.
  7. @Jack Ryan You really need to read into the context of things and what it means to gain and maintain salvation. That last one I can easily spot. God knows his people and he knows who the meek ones are and those who have not heard his word, such ones will hear it after all things have concluded. The teaching of God and his Kingdom does not end there, and the enemy has yet to be done away with until after judgement has concluded.

  8. On 11/17/2018 at 3:11 PM, Jack Ryan said:

    There are some things I've noticed in myself, or in others, as well as many things I've come to realize when having conversations with other ExJWs, that many of us seem to struggle with. I thought I would make a brainstorm some of the things I can think of off the top of my head, and see how many of you can relate.

    There are several kinds of ExJws. Disgruntled ones and former ones who want nothing to do with the faith, others, who built themselves up on morals based on their former faith. Others who simply go away from it all while some hold on to hatred and become Anti-JWs, having both JWs and ExJWs, as with any Christian that comes their way.


    Other than that, some of your items can easily be refuted. Granted with what I had seen in the span of days I was semi-absent, there has been somewhat of a mini religious war going about elsewhere.


  9. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Redirecting their reverence...... That's another one SM tries to hang on me. Just because I know of faults in the JW org, SM tells me I'm in with the activists. It is possible to have the same viewpoint but handle it differently. If a large building is on fire, lots of people will see the flames. Same as when there are many faults in the JW org, so many people see those faults. It doesn't mean we ALL go out and cause trouble, it means we all take note of those faults and handle it in different ways. 

    The only time I was out for a while, dealing with Baphomet and Lilith Demon Worshipers and I come back to see I have been mentioned.  I only made mention your show of support to Mr. Gardner, mentioning his protest, you even went as far as to point out his gofundme page, and I corrected you months ago on this. Not make matters worse, his protest painted him as the enemy to a whole county, and has scarred and prompted an angry person to defend his woman, surely if someone did the same to your beloved, you'd be in that guy's shoes to do the same.

    That being said, regarding this, not all of them are the same despite being equal in faith, and I've mentioned someone by name in example several times. Plus it would also be wise to point and quote exactly what I have said.


    Other than that, Babylon has been growing, and not a surprise people haven't noticed.

  10. The Electronic Zombie Apocalypse has yet to subside. So far the storm has yet to be calmed.

    Around this time it is rare for one of this crazies to buy food from the store or hear anything regarding God.

    That being said, The Super Wal-Mart in my area was a cross between Saving Private Ryan and World War Z utter chaos. There were some people hopping over and jumping over cars.


    So far what has gone by this week



  11. @Kosonen China was never a true ally to the United States. One faction is for the NWO the other is for total control. However, the religious aspect is united by both sides due to UN allies affiliated with the Global Mafia. That being said, Kissinger should be watched just as Soros is being watched. Kissinger is among the puppeteers that control/seduce the head of the White House.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jack Ryan said:

    They say if it's not a religious festival everyone must make up his mind according to their own conscience. Then they list a scripture that criticises every form of special day whether it celebrates a country, a person, a flag, the moon, whatever. Basically don't celebrate anything. Conscience! They're not allowed a conscience, just follow the GBs rules.

    But then you have to deal with other Christians, be it a group or a single soul who do not obverse such holidays, one example being Thanksgiving, whereas you can feast but on that same day it is a day of mourning for others.

  13. @Kosonen The US isn't alone in their conquest, or as some would call, the New World Order whereas government, education, religion, and money are all unified and centralized into one unit. There is a good reason as to why they will not excommunicate the Saudis from their party, and the UK and France cannot leave the US's side, and most importantly, the most vile of them all in this situation - Israel.

    The US will maintain it's focus on such countries, thus making the words professed by General Wesley come true

    It is worth noting that 6 out of these 7 countries (with the exception of Lebanon) identified by General Wesley Clark “to be taken out” are now the object of President Trump’s ban on Muslims’ entry to the US: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Iran and Yemen.

    Libya being an example because it has been made into a broken state, broken to the point whereas women and young girls are put into sex slavery and trafficking, it is a breeding ground for Terrorism to thrive and influence, Black Slavery has been revived to levels that mere the form of slavery in US history but far worse an the list goes on.

    And Israel does not like the Iranians at all, and do not want them to occupy Syria, the only reason Russian, China is on Syria's side because they are a separate power group that is not for the NWO whereas the US and their allies are for the NWO and will be against those who do not see things their way, although both sides have similar goals of centralization.

    Stuff like this goes back years, even around World War I whereas we have a group of persons who were of the Old Order.

    It is crazy, and the Global Mafia will continue to grow and only a few recognizes who they are.

    That being said, it is no surprise of what will take place after this attack, just as it is already suspected what is to come after the California Fires and those who have right to have firearms, what will become of them also. There is an agenda of religious folk too, especially Christians.

    Moreover you have the US and allies helping Al-Qaeda, willingly, and knowingly. What what is to expect from the ones who birthed ISIS in a way.

    An they do not care, for if it means to kill children, as they have done time and time again, they will do it because they think it is a justification to their cause, and history tends to repeat itself concerning the Middle East.



  14. Whenever I hear this holiday, Thanksgiving, I can only think of one thing - bloodshed. Reasons upon reasons why, and a great majority of people do not obverse this holiday.

    One thing they care about is the fighting that comes afterwards, for soldiers, in this sense, make sure they feed themselves before they go into combat that is Black Friday.

    That being said, today, as most of us see it, is a National Day of Mourning.

    Wounds of the past bear scars that still stings, even pains one to this day. This is the case with most folks.

  15. @Jack Ryan The Justice System is corrupt and a double standard. There is dirt on the corners that is in use to hurt the eyes of those of whom the law is enforced against and the like.

    Then you have the shoot first, ask questions later type of folk, and the whole blaming every police officer when not all of them are corrupt.

  16. @JOHN BUTLER Just be sure you are certain. Plus this should be discussion with those of your circle rather than here, but it matters not now. Follow that link OH professed, for in doing so it is one of the steps in regards to Child abuse and Neglect Services.

    Fora second, I thought it was a C to C case.

    That being said, be careful also because misinformation begets consequence and can ruin someone's life in the process, as JTR said, if such turns out to be false, in this sense the outcome will be on your hands and those involved.

    I do not have the link right now, but it should help you recognize the signs and from there execute the best course of action.

    2 being close friendships and gift giving.

  17. 7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Not changed in what subjects, about what? That WT belongs to a group (Restoration Group) of true religions that are closest to Primitive Christianity ? And how all "Order" that this Restoration churches have in their systems is from God??

    Yes, they are Restorationist and only a few of them out there. And you know exactly what I am talking about regarding orderly Worship, don't tell me you forgot already, you were defending something that was never of the church at all, even trying to use Galatians 3 verses to justify your defense when God's Order differs from Being in Union with Christ, it does not chance the structure, as Paul made it clear.

    Then you went on to say a woman named Chloe owns a Church, which is, false, on your part. The House of Chloe or Chloe specifically never led a Church of ANY kind.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    ll speaking ? You are too harsh. I am speaking openly with critical questions, because all characters in Bible are simply human as we are today. Well, if you speaking about me and I about you, and all together (both of us)  about them, we put their life, words and deeds under some sort of the magnifying glass. We have to question and explore to understand better. If sometimes going very far with that, why you worry? Everything will come to their place, soon or later. :))  

    You were harsh on Abraham and Sarah, I merely spoke up to defend them, as with Jesus' disciple. You assume Abraham was influenced by the Devil and that Abraham was selfish and to some extent mocked him, when his wife along with him were trying to survive granted they had the promise of God. You even stated that one of Jesus' disciples was under temptation when he was defending Jesus, which was unfounded.

    You set yourself up with those claims, and I haven't even got into your outlandish claims of undeath doctrine you leaned towards, which is, not only accursed, but borderline satanic.

    That being said,

    you can explore and dwell on your own claims, granted none of them in this regard, cannot be proven.

  18. 36 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Sometimes you just have to ignore the folks who pretend to know the very best way to be happy, and to serve God, and in the process take an average of 10% commission, and make some basic assumptions.

    Every person is different.  Some people like to go camping, and challenge themselves, and the elements, and learn survival skill ... just for the fun of it.  Others,  would be completely miserable being hungry because they caught not a squirrel for food,  and VERY unhappy sleeping in a leaky tent in 40 degree weather, in a puddle of water, shaking uncontrollably ... and I am pretty sure that if it is one thing God doesn't like ... its a wet, cold, miserable grumpy person, with low blood sugar.

    I, on the other hand, am just a simple man, with simple tastes, and it does not take very much to make me happy.  I am a happy person .... not by nature, but because I am determined to be genuinely happy, and although I do have my moments, like when trying to reason with Liberal Snowflakes who think the Republic should be run , and look like Disneyland, I enjoy every moment of every day.

    But of course, we all want to make progress, and be more and more happy ... possibly stopping short of having an orgasm at a restaurant over a pastrami sandwich ... so I have searched my soul to try and discern what I lack, which if accomplished, would make me a genuinely more happy man than I am, as a general rule ... and after thinking about it for awhile, I have come to the conclusion .....  that it would be being able to devote a small portion of my income to being able to sit at the ocean's edge on a blanket, and look out at the vast endless ocean with it's peaceful magnificent surf rolling in, under the shadow of my very own, brand new, modestly equipped  $40 million dollar  Chinook CH-47 Helicopter.






    JTR's  Camper  .JPG

    Well it is going to get harder granted with what will come in several years, but one's happiness and building up of faith in themselves and to others should not cease due to these changes.

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