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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 24 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Can somebody give evidence --- what is Bible teaching about issue of  child molestation inside christian (JW) congregation? In other words ---  HOW Bible educate children about pedophilia? 

    Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention services (https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/) instruct even made PSA, where have you been Srecko, under a rock for all these years? And no, never made any mention of using Bible Principles, I simply spoke of better solutions to combat the issue that cannot be stopped at all.

    Srecko if you had "read" the discussion you'd see that.

    I leave you with one of the questions posed that was given to parents, guardians and or anyone to make note of from a PSA.

    What is the most important sign that one has to look out for regarding a potential abuser [school setting - church setting - business setting - public space]? You are free to answer.

  2. 34 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It is said that i do "harbor the same for active witnesses within the organization." However the person that says such is lying.  Because I don't 'make all members the same', as you pretend. 

    You make claims of people pretending yet you do not back up such claims with proof. You made claim new comer has no ability to forgive of a situation you were totally unaware of that took place last year, which was true.

    You make claim that I pretend to be knowledgeable when I ask for proof, twice now you have not brought such forth - therefore unfounded. One thing I can say to you is no one pretends to be knowledgeable, that is both silly and absurd.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    I agree that God raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 2:24). Who did it, or claimed to do it, according to these scriptures:

    It was professed that it was God who raised Jesus from the Dead, as well as God making him both the Lord and Christ.

    33 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    John 2:19  ?

    The verse conveys that the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus was the Father's Word and the Father spoke decisively when He raised Jesus from the dead.

    When Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up and we can see the reaction and action from the Jews taken after this was said.

    The facts show us that his body was the Temple of God; the Word tabernacled in human flesh and that flesh was the Father's Temple. He, this body of flesh, was the Father's Word and he spoke the words of the Father, as we are well aware of regarding the Old and New Testament and by means of whom Jesus came from. And clearly this did not sit well with the Jews and they plot to kill him.

    Matthew 26:59-61, 27:39, 40 and  Mark 14:57, 58 are also references.

    41 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    Romans 8:11  ?

    You technically answered yourself with this one granted that Romans 8:11 points back to Acts 2:24 and in addition to the other references being Ephesians 2:1, 5. For indeed, God was the one responsible for taking the Lord out of the pangs of Death.

  4. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I could answer you on many of the things you have written but in honesty i cannot be bothered. There is no point. We have totally different viewpoints, so be it. 

    Indeed we do, but one of us is able to see what is going on with today's society while the other does not allow himself to see what is going on in the world.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    The GB / JW Org have said many times (and it has been in print on here) that a person has to be a JW member to be saved through Armageddon. Now you are not a JW, so you must have your own reasons for not being a JW. And I would think you do not agree with the GB of the JW Org on the point of being saved only through them.  

    You sure? This has been discussed. You have to ask yourself, if JWs believe only them are to be saved, and them alone, who on God's earth would they be preaching the gospel to begin with?

    Restorationist as a whole believe that only those who apply the true teachings of Bible can benefit from salvation, and as far as anyone's study in Christology, we know who speaks such and who does not.

    Any man who has been against God and or other will be subjected to God's Judgement, those who strive to do things for God and apply the teachings of the church, the righteous and the meek will have that chance to benefit from God's promise and what his accomplishment entails.

    I made my reasons very clear to you but like you said, you laugh, and through yourself laughing you do not take into anything that is said to you. I study the Christology of others, and this is clear to you as it is because I corrected you not only about JWs, but of Islam and a list of other things. I study religion because I do not want to be like the mainstream ones who take up a word without study and profess a falsehood as a truth, therefore, all the silly ideologies and tactics I do not abide by and not even my own culture would allow me to do such.

    That being said, not even the apostolic church believed only them will be said granted they spoke of their own, for that would defeat the purpose of why the Great Commission even exist.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You must have reasons for not being a JW, yet you defend them so well. It is your choice.

    What I dislike is when people speak of falsehood and conspiracy of others, the very reason I am on the defense, as with the defense of anything pertaining to the early church or the holy spirit among other things.

    What I love about Biblical Hermeneutics is it allows you to study and understand interpretations and the study of religion to some degree, understanding Christology and a list of other things, but surely someone such as yourself would not care to give Theological studies a chance when you yourself confused a Strong for an English word.

    My choice is to defend against anything

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You seem to think I want to destroy the JW religion, you are wrong. I want to see the JW Org cleansed, so that if it is God's chosen organisation then God can use it to the full.  BUT if it is God's chosen religion then you should be careful, as you are not one of them.  So maybe when Jesus comes to judge us he may find that you are not among his faithful followers. 

    No, do not add on to my words although the influence of Mr. Gardner shows, clearly you are not Mr. Gardner, the one of whom you made known, the one of whom you gave link to support. The ones that are trying to cease a religion are of the other groups and their heads, the same ones that took action last year on this very day.

    You have to wake up to reality Mr. Butler, regardless of whom, even the Jehovah's Witnesses, such things that came at the price of sin cannot cease 100%. No one can really do anything about it expect stop small instances of such in addition to educating our youth, the better solutions. Even in the ancient times among God's people there were those who were not in the right, this goes hand in hand with the students of the apostles themselves.

    God's people and or religion are to be careful because as as the example I posed before, there is good people and there is bad people, just as there are true and false Christians in around the world, those who are doing things accordingly and those who are not.

    And unlike you, I believe 100% that God will get rid of all problems that came from sin because I believe in Him and his Son and the promise of his kingdom, I believe that all things that give us pain, that hinders us, both you and me, will be gone for good, but to lack the lack in belief of God being the one to making things right - in you - shows.

    I need not to be careful because put into application of what it means and what it takes to be like a Berean, to put into application discernment, the question is, are you?

    Know this, for even those who claim they believe will not even succeed in the end if they do not do things accordingly, keep this in mind.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Now you have said that the number of JW's is increasing, but that may not be in a true sense. As I've said before, they seem to be allowing much younger children to 'put in reports' of doing the ministry. The number of JW's earthwide is counted by the number of people doing the ministry. In the past it would only be the older members, not the very young children, putting in a monthly report. However it would seem possible that very young children are being allowed to put in reports, and so pushing up the numbers falsely. Jesus sent out men, not very young children, into the ministry. The JW Org seems to be doing all it can to make things 'look' good. 

    On the contrary to your unfortunate surprise, it is true. They were at 8.23-8.3 adherents and have gone up to 8.45 as of late, 8.5 adherents. I made mention to this to JTR a while back, for the increase was within a span of months, as with in total the 20 million in conjunction with them.

    They haven't pushed these numbers up falsely (No Christians, true or false, make lies about demographics, ever, ironically enough even the crazy mega churches) - do not make a claim to something of which you cannot prove to be true, granted that not only the JWs made this known, but other Christians who count adherents, therefore these numbers are legit.

    Children are capable of preaching and professing - you are speaking to one who has been professing since the age of 6 once the biblical knowledge had been applied. As long as a child as the ability to read and take in knowledge, they can preach the gospel themselves and or minister, which was the case of with Jesus when he was younger when he spoke to the priests of the Temple who can spoke with him, and the very fact all Jews who can speak must obverse Shema Yisrael, and knowing the Old Testament, as Jesus had.

    No one in Christendom or of Islam (Shia/Sunni) make up lies about their demographic, so do not make claims you cannot cash when some people actually pay attention to such things. You spoke of tricks before - clearly this trick has been seen when the evidence stacks up against you, Mr. Butler. You can seek out the Demographics here if you want: http://www.pewresearch.org/

  5. 9 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Wow how sly is that ? If no one else can see it, it is giving the impression that no one leaves the JW Org, they only get disfellowshipped. 

    It is practically true regarding conspiracy.

    10 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Sorry to burst your bubble Billy but many of us actually choose to leave the JW Org. Or as they will put it we Disassociate ourselves from JW Org. And yes it would be wonderful to hear why so many leave the Org of their own choice. 

    True, but some former JWs are not like their atheist and or disgruntled counterparts, these same ones even defend their former faith, even speaking against conspiracy. This is the same case with other Abrahmic Faiths that follow the earliest teachings.

  6. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Maybe it's not that Jehovah needs me or others to make complaint, BUT maybe Jehovah wants me and others to make complaint. Now that could be a sifting of those that want a clean Org to those that are prepared to remain in a disgusting Org. Jehovah often has heard the voices of His people and then acted on their behalf.

    One cannot clean out a problem that is spread out throughout the world like a plague. You can prevent small instances - yes, but as to he problem itself - no. There are also better ways of doing things, better solutions, but people do not want to take advantage of such, one of these solutions is to educate our children on this matter, for if we can teach a child about Strangers, we can do the same for Child Abuse, for this is recommended by Child Abuse and Neglect Services to teach young ones about this, to see the signs.

    If the Bible has taught us anything, God does not focus on one man, he focuses on all men, sees their hearts, etc. It is not unknown to anyone that child abuse is within Jehovah's Witnesses, but it is silly to single them out when the problem is all over the place, even in restaurants as of recently.

    That being said, problems like this will not cease one's faith at all, if that were the cases, a what if perhaps, kids would not be allowed to go to schools, churches, mosques, synagogues, etc. Restaurants would be off limits to ensure child safety therefore it would task a grown adult to go and buy the food and bring it back. And like I said before, even to all denominations regarding Unitarians, even us Biblical Unitarians, child abuse is an issue, it didn't stop me from professing truth and it allowed some of us to wise up and teach our children so they can teach others to see the signs.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    So in your opinion what does Jehovah think of the way the GB and Elders deal with the important problems within the JW Org ? Because in my opinion Jehovah is withholding His Holy Spirit from the GB and the Org at this time.  

    How are you so sure if you yourself do not judge assume or met them, as you claim? This goes back to your comment of who has God's approval. For he is still a JW, you are not, granted he is one still perhaps he knows way more in regards to what he professes.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    However i do like that bit where you say "i will end this conversation now because it would appear you are hell bent on exposing only the errors  .... " At least you recognise that there are errors, thank you. 

    As with all errors, they must be brought to attention.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And you would say that Jesus 'had a big mouth' too then ? The way he spoke to the Pharisees many times. Truth hurts, so you can say i have a big mouth and I will understand your pain. 

    He didn't mention Jesus, he mentioned Peter, do not add to someone's word, even of God's, there is a verse for that.

    Thinking stated the following: A lot of us don’t follow the GB...we follow,the scriptures and test it out as the beroeans did....you assume we are all puppets...you give no respect to many brothers and sisters who have stronger faith than yourself.....John you have a big mouth.....I can say that because once I did to....Peter had a big mouth too....but he learnt humility...and eventually I learnt it to....and not from any GB...but from reading the scriptures and allowing them to discipline me and correct me....

    Now, Thinking on made that response because of your response towards him, which is to a degree true because whenever it comes with someone who actually has something informative to say it does not sit well with you. The young one who spoke of forgiveness, you who claim you do not assume just assume an ordeal he had last year he was not a person who forgives, you also go on to say he equals ExJWs to gangsters when he was referring to gangsters in the Tri-State area, as per my example of something that was actually a true story.

    Sometimes you have to see that all JWs are not the same ones you encountered in your original church.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Is it me that is making the preaching work harder, or the Pedophile elders

    And yet previously you say spoke of trick questions, so the question Evo asked proved the point. Those who commit pedophilia do not make up the masses, nor, as per Evo's question, does not make them pedophile lovers.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Come on, open your eyes, it's earthwide news now.

    In all institutions,it never began with JWs or solely engulfs them alone. As far as I am concern the grooming gangs do not make up all of you in the UK, just that small pocket of persons who has an intent to do bad to young British girls. The same way for me and others in the US who are of color or an ethnic background, the actions of a black man does not define all of us. In the JWs case, they are 8.5 million and growing, should one commit these acts, it does not define all the other 8.5 million among them.

    You need to open your eyes because you cannot single out a sole group when the problem is all over and in all forms of society even the government i.e. Theresa May who had her hands tied before regarding children, but not of sex abuse.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    From that viewpoint it doesn't need me to add to it, people out there already know.

    Yes they do know, but at the same time, there are people going about, even combating the problem in the best way, not going on a warpath to cease a faith from existence.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I don't get involved in the protests but i know there are protests in many countries about the problems within the JW Org.

    There has been a few in the UK, some of these protesters also stem into the Robinson party, anti-Islam and a list of other things. A problem with some of these protests is they are also quick to spread conspiracy as well, and I did post some facts about this before, and I thank Jack Ryan who is supposedly an Atheist, for it.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Has Jehovah planned all this ? Is it serving a purpose ? Is it a testing ?

    God is aware that all types of wickedness is in the world, and clearly Christians know that God himself will be the one to make things right. The same issue you have regarding child abuse as with all people who dealt with it in a similar fashion and t pain it brings, this will be mended on God's Day.

    If it is a test you speak of, we have to be vigilant and enduring always even in the face of problems.

    2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    But why would anyone want to be part of such an Org that has known about these things for between 20 and 50 years, and not done anything about it apart from keep records ?  

    The only reason people join them, and are still growing, is the of the teachings intertwined with their community. Yes some of them will have conflict and or some thing going on with others in their faith community - as with all of us, but it will not stop one from following their faith no matter how you try to knock it.

    If you truly believe in God, you would not be oblivious of what he will do to wicked people. A time will indeed come, but as for us, we have to be smart about all things, even in regards of child abuse.

  7. 1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Being banned from an apostate site has nothing to do with professionalism or etiquette. They just don’t want people to bring honesty and bring the truth to their wicked doorsteps. Many of these websites are affiliated by one common web carrier.

    It has always spread to other social media sites and on YouTube. I remember a Catholic guy sat down with a JW to speak, a peaceful discussion, however because JW was in the title, everyone who followed Cedars, Gardner, FS and a list of others bombarded the comment section, resulting in the video going private. Another situation is elsewhere during a discussion, they pop up there also, as seen on this link

    One can agree/disagree with someone, but to go as far as to incite hatred or infighting is a whole other level.

    As for that book, people do not understand that God knows who is for him and who is not. They watered down what God will do and confuse his Justice. People do not know that if it things is going to be as bad as Noah's Day, as bad as Sodom and Gormorrah, it will happen. In a sense, they sort of Disney-fied God and Jesus, for Disney is known for taking messed up and brutal stories and making it kid friendly, one cannot do this with the Bible, for over time people will need to learn of what is to come and anyone who takes up the Word of God and his Christ will be saved.

    I had a discussion with someone else here, who watered down what Jesus would do to the wicked, for if the Son of the True God does the Will of the Father and cannot do a single thing unless the Father tells him, he will do it. God himself said he will get rid of the wicked and will indeed do so through his chosen Christ, his Son, Jesus. But this simple truth they do not want to accept when the Bible even tells them that.

  8. 5 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    I like using the Revelation on this topic. It says at Rev.1:1 that it is "A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him,"

    Haven't seen anyone successfully wrestle with this.

    Or this one.... Wait for it.... Acts 2 pretty much tells you God raised Jesus from the Dead, and he made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Trinitarians do not like to go to Acts 1 and 2 at all.

  9. 3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Don't take ANY of it seriously.

    Enjoy life, be happy, exult in the Day that Jehovah made.

    As an aside ... my last post was 100% true.

    I am glad it was funny!

    There is a time to be serious and a time to not be serious. For action begets results, be it positive and or negative.

    That being said, men of war who cause problems were in the wrong to send you to a place you do not want to go, just as they have with Iraq, Libya and a list of other places.

    These people emulate the same as the one called General Wesley Clark and look at what the sweat of their hands of done to the countries mentioned and the fact now Israel is trigger happy.


  10. 4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You have totally lost me on this one. The only thing i can think of is the London protests, which i thought were going to be peaceful or even silent protests just using banners / slogans. However i found out afterwards that it was not an Anti JW protest but more like an Anti God protest. A homoesxual man protesting and saying that God did not exist was one thing that I disagreed with, and I got muck slung at me for disagreeing with it,  from the organisers. 

    Yes, and the one regarding JWs was of Gardner's design and his followers, you even brought it up before. There are countless of protesting in the UK, I know the situation with Tommy Robinson, although he isn't one I adhere to on some cases, for I do not see the actions of one person define a whole group, your government tried to have this man killed in prison by the very people he spoke against, to add more fuel to the fire, this is the same government that let men run free who were part of a grooming gang, a child prostitution ring.

    That being said, Mr. Gardner isn't someone who is against JWs only, he is against the Bible itself and often mocks Scripture and should anyone say otherwise about the Bible, he bashes them and others follow suit.

    You think that is crazy, several months ago a Canadian woman was banned from the UK, a Robinson supporter of the same media group, her name is Lauren Southern, alongside Brittany Pettibone.

    As with all protests, there is also influence, and granted it was mention what is going on in the UK, some things said and done can spark hate crimes.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    So quote me, and make me remember, if you think I'm in favour of aggressive protests....The truth is I am only in favour of sensible peaceful protests and yes i think they can work well. 

    And yet you were not too shy to bring forth Mr. Gardner when at the time I made it known to you as to his card in all of this.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    As for my question about gangsters allowing JW's to preach in the area, it was a genuine question. And also my question about do JW's carry a gun for protection in such areas, that was also a genuine question. Remember please I'm in England, i do not know how things are in the USA. Yes we have crime here as well but it still feels safe enough to walk the streets in daylight. Well here in Devon it feels safe anyway, maybe not so much in London. 

    Gangsters do not allow JWs to preach in the area. JWs are all over the place, as you said, earthwide, all of them do not live in a good areas as you do, for in the US, there is urban areas, a whole lot of it due to how the government has deprived the people, shutting down businesses and a list of other things. This results in a breeding ground for gangsters, the most common being Bloods, Crips and Latin Kings, all of them in the East Coast, there are several others who have a hold down in the South-East, such as Zoe Pound, Sons of Silence, Latin Syndicate, La Raza Nation, Highwaymen, there is over a dozen - no one, even JWs have no control of gangs taking up an area, for they, as with the community are to be vigilant, even schools for most gang recruitment is done in schools by means of hazing and other things, and eventually an initiation which involves the killing of an innocent person.

    Well if you are unaware you would not be quick to say to the other guy of comparing you to a gangster. MS-13 is by far the most violent one as of late, if not, even more crazed and, hellishly dangerous. the very reason why when they somehow show up in your area, the police will not help you, even if their presence is brief, therefore, by the instant of a millisecond you will the bystander effect take hold of you because knowing them, you can even tell by looking at them, that they can do very very bad things to you and your family and or anything connected to you. In the example posed, it was an African American JW, a teenager, who does live in a urban area during that time, as of now he does not live there anymore, but he did see gangsters, possibly bloods granted bloods only wear red and will shoot quickly to anyone wearing a solid blue, for blue represents crips. They pimp out young girls to people in order to make money and should you do anything about it, even trying to convince the girl who is hard-pressed that you are attacking her, chances are you would not live seconds later and or live through the night, MS-13 does the same thing but it is a whole different beast on it's own and clearly any JWs, mainly from the Black and Latino communities wouldn't think twice of crossing paths with them. It would be very rare, but some of them will simply mock God and the bible, dare you say something the next place you will end up at is either the nearest hospital in critical condition or simply the morgue.

    I will link this here so you have some understanding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS-13

    And one of the recent stories of a mother who played hero to save her girl, but ended up in the cemetery - it is that bad and the very reason as to why the bystander effect kicks in for some, knowingly and or unknowingly.


    The other ones that is most common in the East Coast and Tri-state areas:


    That being said, JWs do not harbor guns in their churches, something of which I made very clear to both Srecko and Witness. And there is a clear exchange between a Christian and an ExJW support of Fearon in the other thread, as with their debate on weddings and rings.

    Mr. Butler, even in England you have gangs, I already mentioned one to you, The Grooming Gang, which targets solely British girls, primary targets being 16 and under, and members of such a group tend to get a free pass in the UK granted that Tommy Robinson had been arrested and jailed in an attempt to stop them, only this time he was not trying to compare all Muslims are child kidnapping pedophiles, he solely targeted the ones responsible for the Groom Gangs, but his followers began attacking all Muslims at Hyde Park.

    And it is fairly easy to rally up a mob in the UK, there was a situation in August whereas some Americans, although I dislike them and their antics, were attacked, their father being punched in the face as he ran. All it took was an exchange of insults and influence to rally up a large mob of young teenagers to cause problems spreading hate and perhaps willing to kill if they had the chance, but they wanted to see a fight, for if that was not the case, breaking news would have been on your TV and perhaps the media in the UK will pull it's false flag antics as professed by Robinson, for this does happen a lot over there.

    The UK isn't too far off from us in the US. You have Sectarian, drug and organized crime gangs, minus the flashy colors. They tend to wield knives and carry acid in the UK, while here it is guns, even assault rifles such as an AK-74, something of which is owned by gangsters in the South-East of the US, for example, Florida.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Well here in Devon it feels safe anyway, maybe not so much in London. 

    I suggest you be vigilant and always on guard. I can already see you are unaware. You do realize at some point, some time ago that drug gangs were targeting Devon? They consider Devon to be an untapped market for profits - a gold mine. I can assure you that this is not the only thing keeping criminals from entering such an area.

    London in of itself is a mess, one of my sources spoke about Khan and it isn't too far from the truth in terms of the state of safety in London. 

    That being said, granted you live in the area, make the research and be vigilant, and keep in mind that even confronting such ones can pose a risk to you and others and innocence strangers in connection to you, for every action reaps a positive and or a negative, which in turn reaps consequence.

    Therefore these gangsters, should not be of any concern if you avoid them. Should you run into them, it would be, in some instances they mock you or give you a nod, do not give into to their advances, this is rare in the US, however a bit common to a community of blacks and latinos compared to non-black/latinos.

    Granted we are talking about inspired text, best to keep this one in memory.

    • 1 Thessalonians 4:11-18 - [11] and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, [12] so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.

    The Coming of the Lord

    • [13] But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. [14] For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. [15] For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord,[a] that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. [16] For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. [17] Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. [18] Therefore encourage one another with these words.

    That being said, the Missionary Life regarding Evangelicalism for some Christians is not an easy one, just as it was not easy for the Christ, nor his disciples, nor the people of the church. It applies to us today.

  11. @TrueTomHarley I am aware of who he is because the one who topped the protest last year was a friend of Mr. Cedars.

    Granted Evo was speaking about the ordeal and it be recognized, that his JW church was the one targeted, granted that was the only JW Church in the Borough of the Passaic County that was interrupted by Gardner and others.

    The man who stopped it was attacked so badly by ExJws that other ExJws had to speak, even JWs and the non-religious defended the man from Gardner and his followers. Garner and his followers pushed the man to the point that his videos were removed from YouTube that gave vital insight, even what he suggest about going about problems such as child abuse, but clearly, they were not having it.

    I will quote someone from the video, people like this will do anything and everything, even going as far as to destroy Christianity in order to bring down a single faith. It is one thing to speak against falsehood, but a total warpath to cease out  religious faith is crazy.

    It did get bad to the point whereas people had to cry to Cedars who he himself made known of the other faction of ExJWs who are clearly against him, those being Gardner and FS; Anti-JWs are excluded because they are just atheists and against all religions.

    This is the only information I can find, granted weeks later from the whole ordeal things were being swept, likes about the one who stopped the protest was also spread: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6519041617297408/exjw-responsible-calling-police-warwick-protest-watchtower

    During that time, I as more focused on ANTIFA, I only got to the whole warwick things when someone in another Christian community spoke about it briefly and mentioned this date 11/5/17.

  12. 4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Your words : The answer he gave isn't a trick question, anyone can answer it, and it is a simple no. 

    That is because clearly had a reason to ask you such granted his situation, I am at least aware of what happen on November, I spoke of it just as I spoke of ANTIFA, even make a remark of a joke by ExJWs about challenging JW leaders and the promise of not beating and or assassinating them, yes, they did speak these, the same reason why churches that they got to ally with them backed away, thus removing themselves from the presence of those who are for the rally.


    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Do you know this person well ?

    Obviously not, but I do understand where he is coming from, and how he puts his wording together it is obvious you are dealing with a child/teenager, granted that one JW church was filled to the brim with teenagers and older women compared to the number of JW stewards and pastors, elders what have you.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I don't know them at all.

    You don't, but you were quick to call his forgiveness of an event that took place months ago as false. Just because he is a JW, that does not exclude his ability to forgive, just like you, he follows what the Bible says about forgiveness, why should be be excluded hence your own words against him?

    It makes no sense. And although he feels flustered about the ordeal, he was able to forgive someone such as Neil Gardner, a former JW who had sent death threats and insults, the same ExJw of whom you linked his information before, who took part in what happen in that JW Church and like you, he is from the UK.

    Like Paul, you should be getting down to the level of others, for clearly if someone had their church interrupted and taken over a number of times, to the point where the people of the county spoke of the actions of the ExJws as borderline extremism, that alone should tell you something Butler.

    You should take my example, perhaps put yourself in his position, how would feel when this has happen? How would you feel that you were, as with your household insulted, and regarding Evo, him being called a pedophile or a lover of pedophile and the mention of what happen to him and his family? Or the shoes of the boyfriend who took a very angry verbal assault to the ExJWs himself only for them to counterpart with shaming and insult?

    The bible tells you to be understanding, give yourself a chance do to so.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Therefore I could not answer that question.

    It's a simple know, be it you know him or not, surely with his own emotions known, it should be obvious. The young one isn't a pedophile, nor does he support pedophilia, his slight uncomfortable anger stems from the fact that this has happen to his JW Church and him and all in tat Church has been made a mockery of, causing him to feel that something should be said, and he has said it.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I cannot say that i think they are or are not. I have nothing to base that decision on.  But you look for any reason to criticise me. So be it. 

    I haven't criticized you, the question is a direct one, very simple. Your No will mean no, simple as that. To say his question was some sort of elaborate trick, that is absurd, granted hi reasoning and why he brought it up was obvious. After all, you did say pedophilia was earthwide, which is simple minded, when the reality is pedophilia is global, everywhere, not solely in one group, something of which I had told you time and time again, even the first time whereas I was very sympathetic towards you but later on that was not the only issue you had, for you didn't express that the first time around.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And you make accusation saying that, " anyone who loses an argument to a Jehovah's Witness will jump straight to child abuse". That is what i call a blanket statement. And it is an excuse that JW's would use to try to cover up the seriousness of the problem. 

    Because it is true, and I had mention proof of this. Whenever a JW speaks about the Bible and or an argument or Debate ensues, the opponent will simply bring up child abuse and will continue to do so until the JW stops speaking, in other instances, they even record them doing so and state all JWs are like this. This is the case where you live in the UK, and because of this it is the very reason why the one called Kathgar is always on the defense of his faith, he does not back down, he brings up facts to claims, and this is how people are at Speaker's Corner, and I recall talking to you about Muslims, they do the same.

    As in their word, if anyone who is educated form the faith speaks up, an opponent will not confront them, but they will confront someone who is a novice in the faith.

    It isn't a blank statement when such a thing is indeed true. I spoke of it before.

    JWs do not use that tactic, only ExJws do, the very reason they make claim that JWs run away and or the like when in reality it is stuff like this that is ongoing and repetitive tactic, even online this takes place. You cannot deny that isn't true.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I've told you many times SM, you do not impress me. Nor do you worry me. It's true you have vast knowledge but you pretend to know situations that you do not know, such as actually being a JW. 

    And I told you, I do not care what you think, what I myself care about is the turht of the matter to be known regardless of what it is.

    i asked you before to tell me how am I pretending, which is unfounded, so if you want to prove it now I suggest you make the attempt, I grauntee you cannot do a single thing to make the claim a reality.

    Having knowledge is good, it does not make one greater or lesser, it allows someone to discern, to teach, to reason, and more.

    And I do know the situation, when I professed an actually truth about a Christology, you called me a parrot, not realizing that same information itself came from an ExJW, so I ask you again, how am I pretending, Mr. Butler? Because I can point out the pretending to not judge, but you seemingly do to some degree - like knowing who is approve by God and who isn't, and a list of other things.

    Again, I say to you if you want to go down this "pretend" proof, give it a try because that resolve will not help you when you have no proof.

    That being said, it is called Bible Hermenuetics, this time I will link it to you so you understand

    So have at it, show me as to where I am pretending when you could profess truth about the Christology of others, even at some point here about Buddhism on one occasion?

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I still laugh at anyone that tries to fit me into a category. Anyone that tries to pretend I'm part of a group of this or that. You have no idea.

    And yet Mr. Gardner was brought up by you and your show of support in terms of protest, to which I made a reply to you about this man months ago. That isn't a joke either.

    And like how Prophet Isaiah was with the leaders of Judah, I tell you again - there is good people and there is bad people, and the bad ones do not make up the whole community for their actions. You spoke boldly about your former JW church, it does not define all the churches despite them being in the same faith community, this goes hand in hand as to the very reason why Evo asked you that direct question.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Maybe if you knew me well you might call me a lone wolf.  I don't need to hang on to others. And I'm not scared of the muck you throw at me. 

    You do have to be scared because the only thing I speak here is truth. You can be a lone wolf anytime you want, but as with all wolves they meet an alpha of the pack and it does not fair well for them.

    You tend to sometimes hang to the words of others, for the last time you confused me for an Interfaith Unitarian based on the words of others, just because I am a Biblical Unitarian it does not automatically align me with Interfaith Unitarians - who do not believe in Pre-Existence if I may had, for this was the same move made by the one before you named Cos, who ended up revealing who his Father truly was.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I've never said all JW's are pedophiles. What i have said is that the Child Abuse problem within the JW Org is Earthwide. 

    And yet when one speaks of his ordeal and gives question you consider it a trick, and as I said before, there is good people and bad people. The only reason he brought this up was because of Mr. Gardner of whom he refers to as TGA, which means The Great Apostate. You may not recognize his name, but surely an image will do, after all, you were the one who posted his information regarding his next protest:



    That being said, I really do not care of what you think of me, you'd be surprise of how many people, even false Christians who want to see me burned at a stake not just because I know too much of the Scriptures or anything pertaining to Shadow Government, but because of my color, despite this, it does not stop me from speaking about God, it does not stop me for speaking truth, from either the bible, Church History or Christology, etc. Because no matter of how many times someone attempts to kick me down, I stand back up without laying a hand on someone and continue to do what God asks of me and the command of the Christ. In this case, I understand that the young one's view on how ExJWs treated him because this was something somewhat big last year along with ANTIFA and the attack on Jews.

    Just know this who stopped the very man you support. It took an artist, a gay man and an Ex Bible Student to speak up against people like Gardner,and the churches who didn't know what they were in for, they backed out, let that sink in.

    Open your eyes, Butler, perhaps next time re-read what the kid is saying carefully and what his situation is, because he is a JW it does not exclude him to be heard nor his ability for forgive even the likes of Gardner and FS despite what took place.

    Despite our difference and as I have done before, even though you are somewhat now aware of what he is referring to, the forgiveness has been made, even towards you, as done before.


    FYI, just to add with what he is saying, I will do you the favor of the other information regarding the whole boyfriend situation who was very very angry with that video only to be shot down by ExJWs.

  13. @James Thomas Rook Jr. The Vietnam War was crazy and a violent time, the US has brought that upon themselves by sending the young to fight an old man's war to correct an irrelevant problem, with some wishing why they are even there to begin with. The powers that be juggles the lives of the weary and gullible.

    That being said you beat me by 2 inches, 6.4 ft. Anyways, you have to always be vigilant because nowadays we have people who are crazed who walk among us, and will commit to vile action at random and or by being provoked.

    But do not worry, in some areas, they won't attack an Attorney or a Missionary, but you still have to be careful.

  14. 4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    SM talks so much about Strongs. Should we need to dig so deeply to find the truth ?

    Yes indeed, I do speak of Strong's. It is not unknown to anyone of what is implied when the Strong's are brought up, mainly when it comes to a correction of occurrences, the normal ones or the special ones. For instance, as per our last discussion regarding nakedness or an ambassador, the Strong's tell you which verses/passages uses the word, and what the meaning of that word used there entails, moreover it triumphs any understand of man in the process. Furthermore, it can be used to I.D. a Biblical Violation in Hebrew/Greek easily.

    4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    What should i have ? I don't expect divine guidance, or should I ? 

    You have the Word of God in your hands. Read it daily. Research it. Observe it. Recite it. And then some. Learn of the teachings of the apostolic church Jesus built and then maybe you can learn something.

    If a child can do it, in fact, if Jesus as a child can obverse and read the Shema Yisrael, the Old Testament, so can you.

    In doing so you become knowledgeable, can memorized and recite a verse and or passage, the very context of it orally from memory even like remembering a part from a movie.

    It is not burdensome unless you make it. This goes hand in hand with following the commandments and what is being asked of you, as a Christian under the New Covenant.

    It does not hurt to learn a little Greek and or Hebrew, if I can recommend someone, I recommend Hebrew Professor Jeff A. Benner, with his information give it a few months, you will know quite a bit of Hebrew.

  15. @Gone Away Well it seems everything has jumbled into one, for last I recall I was always in Bible Discussion and Controversial Posts, now everything is in one area, that I do not mind however.

    If anything, there is always reddit, other places also, one of which I am from but it is way to complex for someone for every word you speak has to be backed up, even if you mess up, you have to admit it too.

    As for taking a load off, Reddit seems to be the ticket. But everywhere and anywhere, someone will always response.

  16. 1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    By the Fourth Grade, I had read two, twenty volume sets of Encyclopedias.

    It made me appear to be VERY smart, when in fact it was only memory.

    There is a difference ... but I tend not to correct people about that.

    Silly of me.


    Or in another situation, you study hard, you study like no one else have studied, you read the books and crunched the numbers. Then the day of the test comes...... Your mind goes blank and you stare at the clock and your paper, knowing that all you have worked for, all you have sacrificed is for nothing, but you did the test anyway.

    A day later, you received an F

    and your reaction........?


    That being said, knowledge is key, knowledge is power, and knowing is half the battle.

  17. 5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What Happens When A Couple of the Opposite Sex Are Alone?

    What happens When a few brothers stay with opposite sex (sister)?  I heard from one elder many years ago how that was situation between few brothers and one single sister in swimming pool. I can not believe myself until today was that really happened, but this elder said that to me with all seriousness how all of them have sex with that sister.  Not know about final outcome.

    This is the case with both the religious and the non-religious. Not everyone is okay at times with two people of the opposite sex to hang out alone with each other, the very reason why a chaperone exist, depending on how some people are, they tend to go above and beyond regarding this issue.

    The other factor is children now are groomed to think it is okay to commit sexual acts and do so knowingly without their parents or guardian being present, furthermore, you have teen magazines who carter to young folks on how to perform intercourse and such promote sodomy.

    So it is not a shock to anyone of Christians, regardless of who they are, to be somewhat overprotecting as a Father to Daughter, on the other side of the spectrum, you have those who say they are Christians, who are not committed to the faith and perform the acts anyways, for example, a Baptist Church, some weeks ago there was something that took place between 2 people of the opposite sexes in the church itself. Who is to blame?

    Self Control and a list of other things is needed, one must deaden their body members also and not be a slave and or victim to sexual immorality and brazen conduct.

  18. 6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    It isn't about joining him or not, but I understand what he is saying and since I live in America, I know who the bloods are the crips and the MS 13 gang and I know what role they play in child prostitution, if the money is there they will go for it, but the MS 13 major care is to inflict pain, killing people in the process. 

    Do not blame him for Mr. Butler does not know. He lives in the UK unaware of what takes place. The gangs who take up child prostitution as a means to make coin cannot cease from the communities, but some effort is necessary. What can be done is to teach the children, for gangs tend to go for younger ones to recruit them to their cause, as for the Ms-13 gang it is a mixed bag because they would kill/target anyone regardless of who they are. They enjoy and they take it as a challenge because of the Us president provoking them time and time again, and as of recent, some young ones paid for it, to make matters worse, they took the girl's mother too., Therefore it makes them a bit more lethal than Bloods, Crips, or perhaps the Latin Kings.

    All in all, they are equally dangerous.

    6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    I never counted you and I don't see SM throwing all former Jehovah's Witnesses into one pot. He is aware of the different factions of them and the fact he mentioned TGA gives an idea of who among former Jehovah's Witnesses you follow. I know who TGA is and how he is with other former Jehovah's Witnesses. It is also hypocrisy to say he puts them all in one basket when he can differentiate whose who, which is the case for some of us who has been harrassed by former Jehovah's Witnesses, in my case it is the one called Faithful Slave and his friends.

    Former Jehovah's Witnesses have several groups, among them being small branches, you even have those who do not side with the aggressive or passive aggressive ones or their views. Such ones keep to themselves, move on, as they say, others tend to hold on to the life lessons they picked up from the faith, one man who spoken up during the whole Russian thing that went down.

    Both Neil Gardner and the other guy are for aggressive witnessing, they were the ones responsible for running the man who spoke up off social media last year, and I made mention of this on the thread I linked to Mr. Butler.

    That being said, granted they hit the Borough, Passaic County, the Jw Church in question was I think the only one that FS went to with his group to disrupt the service, and later on the whole girlfriend situation ensued. This took place after the Jewish Cemetery attack, as with the whole situation of the man who halted the Warick protest.

    6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Islanders, even for us Dominicans are aware of voodoo and some have lost family members to it. I thank Jehovah that no one I know or my family became victim of it, but the same cannot be said for others. Devil worshippers always have the jump on people because they are backed by those who support them, in Dominican Republic it isn't that big, but there are very small pockets. And no one in their right mind would confront them unless they want to also be a target. Only few policemen deal with them and military personnel. They wouldn't touch a white man or woman unless they somehow stumbled on their territory which is rare. In America and parts of the world there is Witchcraft and it is in media and books the real thing, the Bahamut followers do exist and we should not be affiliated with these people at all and avoid them, they represent Molech/Baal worshippers of old.

    This I had explained, I suggest you check my other response in this regard.

    6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    You sure? If Faithful Slave can rally people for his cause to take an aggressive approach while the other factions have both and or passive approach, their influence can spread. It isn't a surprise of someone in a similar situation can take up that same influence and not realize they follow it. I can say to you that you are nowhere near Faithful Slave who is on a journey to cause trouble, but the influence of the passive ones may get to you, which seems to be the case for most, this also goes for former Jehovah's, who side with Cedars and TGA that say we have firearms or the other guy Rick Fearon.

    Mr. Butler is no FS, obviously, although the small support in even referring Mr. Gardner, I made a response to here before. I also spoke about the whole gun bunkers thing, which has been debunked.


    6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    The Governing Body has not caused spiritual deprivation to me, they merely give the tools and encourage study and research. I take those tools and I grow spiritually coming to know the true God, Jehovah and know of his Son, Jesus Christ.

    So you tell me, how has the organization caused me to be spiritual deprived when it enabled me to learn the Word?

    What am I missing that you have found? What have you taken which I have not? What did you seek that I did not find?

    If we are in the wrong, what are you preaching, do you know what you should be preaching?

    It is not known to any Restoration to be Spiritually Deprived, which is false and at times this can be used against you because some people want to hit you where it hurts, but the reality is you are not Spiritually Deprived. If they have given you the tools to make research of the Bible, seek all that comes from Scripture, so in turn, you do not lack, but rather, learn.

    You are not missing anything, nor as anything taken is not known to you or others. Mr. Butler himself is still seeking granted one of his other response elsewhere, as for you I do not know how long you were a JW, but by your comments, I must assume you are fairly young, for if emotion in regards to what ExJws have done somewhat effects you.

    Your concern you should the good news gospel and the Messianic Age, this should be preached by ALL Christians, but some do not adhere to the Great Commission or the command of the Christ, or the followers of the Christ to the people, for that matter.

    The discretion is who is doing things for God and his Christ and who is not.

    6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    I have not introduced myself, I am unknown presence, I am Jehovah's Witness and have been studying with them for I was a former Catholic. I came to know who the true God is and learned that Mary was not the Mother of God and also learned that the ghost of Mary was something of a false practice. Although now one, I am met with opposition from Former Jehovah's Witnesses who are famous among their communities, each of their own faction at the same time there are other former Jehovah's Witnesses who have been or are targets of the disgruntled former members and they support me also even defended me.

    Former JWs who do speak up are drowned out by disgruntled ones, hence the difference can be made. If you are a Catholic and this early as a JW it seems, you have a lot to learn. Clearly jumping on anyone who supports Gardner and FS isn't a great start, but again, I see where you are coming from after what took place.

    even in bible times, some of God's people had something of the like, but later on, they make the change. Be mild and meek always, do not let someone who has a hatred towards you make you feel this way, this is coming from a guy who is of color who deals with discrimination, in my case, if it makes you feel any better, as of recent, I was called out that because I am black, I cannot know the Bible, although it was random and has struck a cord, I was calm, but somewhat strict in my words of the bible and the demon filled one had went his way when he was exposed as a fool.

    The good thing is you are quick to forgive, so keep that for it goes hand in hand with the foremost commandments and the laws that hang by it in terms of Bible Principles.

    6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    As for the odd unknown Language I tend to post, I do so so that no one recognizes what I say for a reason. If one can diciper it, good on them because I tend to keep such cryptic so I give you a freebie

    this one says Greetings John Butler, dont brother translating it because you can't.

    char(71)char(82)char(69)char(69)char(84)char(73)char(78)char(71)char(83) char(66)char(85)char(84)char(76)char(69)char(82)

    Other than that, the symbol/font, whatever it is, it is a bit glaring to the eyes just as all caps tends is also glaring to the eyes.

  19. 4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    funny, SM calling me "cryptic" .... so here i am not alone :)))))))))

    Well now you got a friend, Srecko, one who is using language that isn't even real at random it seems.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    About SM calling for JTR and my respond.

    People today need some strong, courage and independent men like Abraham and David. For sure they would know how to handle situation SM described.   

    That's funny, you called Abraham selfish, spoke ill of him and his wife, why is it now you show the respect? David had fought those who took up false gods, Abraham did everything in his power to have his family know who the True God is, and not adhere to the falsehood of others, how do you think they would handle the situation? You answered yourself long time ago regarding Abraham and his dealings with Egypt, having a total disregard of God's Promise to him. That being said, I brought up these examples for a reason.

    If you think that taking such as  risk man's you a man, you should be aware of the price that hangs and the consequences that comes with it.

    The response is very basic, but you never answered it, for in one situation something CAN be done and the other nothing CAN be done. I leave it with you to see which one is which.

    That being said, I hold true to my word as to what I said in page 2 as with the bystander effect because it is indeed - true.

    That being said, I am still waiting for your claim of political leaders who show support of laws not of God, or the Law of which you assume is in the Bible about hating your enemy - so far you've not spoken a word and it seems yielding upon others to evade such of what is asked of you.

    Classic Srecko. I agree with you regarding about being cryptic.

  20. 8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    The gangsters allow Jehovah's Witnesses to walk around preaching in these areas ?  And do the JW's carry guns?

    The Jehovah's Witnesses or a sole one? You do not know him, clearly. This JW is an African American teenager, minding his own business until he stumbled on such a thing from a distance. If he had acted, most likely he would be 6 feet under as we speak. For last time I made mention of this, he does live in a urban area and when he was done preaching he was in the area granted that he lived there, a teenager who lived with his relatives in that area, and it is not unknown to anyone that gang activity is common in urban locations, so is, in come cases prostitution, the only kicker here is the fact that child prostitution is a thing in the United States, especially in the South and the East Coast.

    And no, they do not carry guns, I believe I made it clear in a discussion against Srecko and Witness. Anyone who follows Mr. Fearon to believe such nonsense is only kidding themselves - and conspiracy is something I refute and do not take kindly of.

    8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I'm so glad I'm here in a peaceful part of England, although you know we have murders here but they are rare occurrences.  

    There is no safety anywhere n the world for anything can happen, it is of chance, and not even in your own home you are safe, but it would depends on the location. London is indeed dangerous in some parts, yet there are those in politics who speak of 30% safety when people are in suffering and in fear, in some cases, on a daily basis. This also goes for young women and girls too who can be subjected to grooming gangs, should they be kidnapped.

    8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I believe that God finds a person, a person doesn't find God. But how does a person when found by God get out of such a situation as you have mentioned ? An under age prostitute. How will she be able to change her ways so that she can serve God ?  A drug dealer that wants to leave his organisation of criminals. It must be difficult for him to break away and start a new life. But, yes we know, with God all things are possible. 

    How are you so sure an underage prostitute will change so easily? If someone is affiliated with that practice long enough, perhaps born into it, you cannot assume such ones can change easily, and even if you make the attempt to do so, you not only put the underage prostitute at risk, but you yourself also, for the causer tends to get the worse of it than someone who they are after.

    The case that was being made here is the crime levels, which is on equal footing that you guys in the UK, for you have knives, in the US it tends to be shoot first, ask questions later. Now, the example posed, regardless if an action was taken, it is a high risk of putting a target on your back and getting other bystanders who are not involved, killed or assassinated in the process if there is even the slightest connection with you.

    It should be known to you that there is wickedness in the world, you have only proven my previous points when I am aware of the wickedness when you are focusing on a sole group of people, you have to understand that the ruler of this world is the Devil and his influence is everywhere, but those influenced by him does not define the decisions and actions of a group of people, be it a faith and or race.

    6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Wow, someone rattle your cage ? You are joining forces with S.M. ?

    You are counting me amongst violent people ? Just because i am an Ex-JW you think I'm a gangster ? 

    I do not believe he called you a gangster, he is only point you some of your views matching up with Mr. Gardener, granted you yourself did bring him up previously.

    Clearly I profess that there is good and bad people, I do not mark all former JWs as the same for I had spoken of the difference now and I had in the past here, even to you I made mention of this, do you not recall your former responses?

    6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I also wasn't suggesting that S.M. practised Voodoo. I was suggesting that Voodoo was practised in the area where he lived, as he seems to know about such things. 

    And no, I am aware of occultism, I do not practice it. Just as a Father and Mother teaches their child about Strangers (Stranger-Danger as they say), the occultism was known to him after several of my family members had become victim to those who practice it, and even to this day such a thing stems into politics and the like.

    As a child, even if I had the chance, I'd still be powerless to those who had done away with my family members, therefore I speak of the bystander effect as I have now and as I have before, for this isn't the first time I made comment to it.

    6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    As for me 'following' anyone else, you are totally off course. You seem to be suggesting that anyone that is an Ex-JW must be part of a movement of some kind. How wrong you are. I am not that weak. I do not need holding up by others. I am my own man. 

    But you yourself had posted the gofundme to the very man who took on to the side of aggressive witnessing, as they say, the same man who rallied against another, fat shaming, giving death threats and the like. I can quote you even, as well as your comment on a regarding protest. For this man I even made mention, even responded to you at the time regarding this.

    That being said, it is best to know the difference, at all times and know who among who has been affected by the actions of such ones, clearly it can be seen. I will leave this with you so you better understand as to where the other guy is coming from (After your ARC thread, you missed on this) :



    8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I have no idea where S.M. lives but by the way he talks it must be a dark and dismal violent sort of place, full of voodoo, witch doctors, blood shed and other wickedness. 

    Granted that I spoken about the US time and time again, it should be obvious of where I am. by the way I talk in general or based on the small brief response in example regarding bystander effect? I rather you not assume, but you are lucky because unlike others, I do not take offend to that besides.

    Know this, I am totally aware of the works of the wicked on this world, I advise you to do the same because any small step can land you somewhere without knowing and you end up paying for it, knowingly and or unknowingly.

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