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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @Witness And yet have some inconsistencies in your last response. The Angel of the Abyss has the key, not Satan and you are comparing "Destroyer" to another angel and an Assyrian King with Abandon.... Also you make claim that those who represent the Locust in terms of WT is wrong, but other Christians shares that same view and there is commentary and a list of other things, for the life-span thing is pretty much a clue. I will point that out another time.

  2. 6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It makes you think. If a single angel can wipe out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, how much you think the one made superior to the other angels in combination with the angels themselves will do when that day comes? For their assault will also be directed to those spirit beings who side themselves with Satan as well.

    Yes SM, it is very serious and does make me think. I hope I will be in the ground before it happens. 

    The end is indeed near. There are people who want to see it happen, some of old age, including someone that I know, tears up because he wants to be living to see that day, everything spoken of in the Bible coming true.

    At the end of it all, the wicked will be no more and as judgment continues, there will also be the Christ who by means of God and authority given to him will bring back people who have since died and will most likely do what Prophet Isiah plans to do and anyone who survives will live on earth without the problems that came from things that during this time, will be of the past - this includes what bothers you the most, it will be gone also.

  3. On 10/11/2018 at 3:11 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    May i ask, do you find no error in WT history about all  what they said and teach and interpret on Armageddon issue ? 

    There view lines up with the early Church, in fact this same view is professed by most Non-Trinitarians, even to us. Armageddon is the Day of God to pass judgement, to wipe out the wicked from the face of the earth - it isn't complex, very simple.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Oh , yes there is! 

    One famous actor, now old. And it happens,  some giving to such actors insignificant roles below their artistic level , and they accept them because they have to make money for life. He said when they asked him how can be that he accept that situation; "And he (director) don't know that I'm playing dead".

    But we shall leave wisdom of worldly men and will go to one Bible verse, for example Revelation 3:1:

    “To the angel of the congregation in Sarʹdis write: These are the things that he says who has the seven spirits of Goda and the seven stars:b ‘I know your deeds, that you have the name* that you are alive, but you are dead.  

    middle ground exist :)))))

    No it does not Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and Apostle Paul proves this to be factual and true.

    . The opposite of life is death, the opposite of death is life. Humans are not spirit nor turn into spirits so that is already debunked.

    The fact that you quotes this verse and not understand it only shows you are ignorant of context. This verse is regarding those having the holy spirit out poured out to them across a multitude church congregations.

    That being said, I rather not dwell in the Spiritism doctrine you dwell yourself on like some Christians who believe in undeath, which isn't not to far from those who take the dark path of Satanism. And how ironic, it is October, you must be "that guy" Srecko.


    There is Life and there is Death, no middle ground. It is in the same sense as standing with God or for Satan - no middle ground.

  4. 3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    ....and he (angel) done that before many centuries....question arise------- how is possible that this same angel can not help to 1 or to 185 000 children and to prevent, to stop their personal Armageddon as victims of child molesters? 

    Can an angel of death stop imperfection and sin and death? Can angels halt ill desires and brazen conduct which includes molestation?

    Why not answer the very question that you brought up since you are bold today?

    God sent an Angel "Destroyer or Angel of Death" take out the Assyrian Soldiers before they can even touch the city that is under Hezekiah's control, this resulted in the Assyrian King to flee only for him to meet his own fate by the hands of his own.

    As I have told you, countless times, things like this will continue to happen and if I have to quote someone, his only words regarding this is that "cannot be stopped" things like this will continue to happen until God's Day and when that time comes, no longer will molesters will prey on young ones in clubs, schools, churches what have you, for you will look and they will not be there.

  5. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Really? Is that the best you can do? the Definition of the word Government? And here I thought you were going to amaze me this time, but it would seem the frog has eaten the fly in this sense.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Government, the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated.

    And by means of that system Christians were torn apart in the Middle East by those who had been created by said government, you pick a side, you get blood on your hands, the same can be spoken of by those who allied themselves with the US, that being France, UK, Saudi Arabia (which is the talk of the town right now), and a list of others.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    That same link pretty must defeated your own agenda, Srecko.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    Babylon the Great, described in the book of Revelation, is the world’s collective body of false religions, which God rejects. 

    Indeed, but the Harlot has her hands on politics. Ever heard of Elijah Interfaith? Lucis Trust? Bohemian Groove? The Spiritual Mother who's legacy has been continue?

    Babylon the Great has a religious group seeking peace and unity, while those seeking security are of the Government, why else you think they have the Pope going around unifying people and spawning the event that took place yesterday in Texas?

    A one world government and religion that promotes interfaith will lead to destruction.

    If you cannot see that I suggest you get out from under the rock you are hiding under, if anything, your country is just as affected as the rest of us.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Really???!!! :)))))))))

    Your friends in Watchtower say this. 


    Again, the focus here is The Government, no laws, no secular authority, solely the Government in which it is doing to people and countries today, the agenda they are pushing. Last I checked, the one I who agrees with me, Soulja of God isn't a JW, he shares the same view as me despite our difference and he knows when we speak of Government.

    I invite you to show me, show me where the Watchtower conspired in the killing of Serena Shim if you want to play that game, perhaps the killing/assassination of Klaus Ebrewien, the fact that Elizabeth Beck is in hiding due to fear of death, show me Srecko. Or perhaps the Parkland shooting's aftermath, what do you think people were saying about Governments taking firearms? 

    Of course - you have nothing... As always.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    "As you read over that passage, you can see that “the superior authorities” mentioned there are the secular governments." 

    Unfortunately I am not speaking of security law, authority, I am speaking of The Government in general in terms of it's roles in peace and security, its action around the globe and things committed to the people, to both the just and unjust only to seize power or control, which also includes that of religion. The fact that you are unaware shows you to be more like those who accept, willingly, of what is being said in mainstream media, and it shows.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    6. How do Paul’s words about the paying of taxes and tribute show that the superior authorities must be secular authorities?

    7 Further, Paul’s exhortation to be in subjection to the superior authorities is in harmony with Jesus’ command to pay back “Caesar’s things to Caesar,” where “Caesar” represents secular authority. 

    Not speaking about taxes either or paying taxes, you clearly missed the mark on what I am referring to, therefore, it is say to assume that you are like those who are unaware of what is going on.

    I will leave you with this, granted with what the Saudis have done to a CIA affiliated/Journalist, who was friends with Osama Bin Laden, why haven't the US taken action against the Saudis? Doesn't agenda 2030 ring any bells in terms of religion, education, and government? Cryptocurrency?

    Therefore I am not speaking of secular law or authority, my focus here is the government and what it will do regarding several things, including religion, hence the push for interfaith.

  6. @Anna Unfortunately abuse is very high in the UK, which isn't too far from the knife/hate crimes. You have people who blame all British for this, but a simple minded person who be focused on single person, not throw all men and women into one category.


    But it is what it is with how people are, thus they continue to dig their heads into the sand.

  7. 22 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    ohh dear god....you talking as some subversive element.....Bible say how secular authority is "god's public servant". 

    Who said I am speaking about secular authority? The little you know and the fact you have no idea.

    You have no idea. But I take it you are in favor of the Government and it's allies allying people by means of religion, shooting down innocent Las Vegas survivors, perhaps bombing Christians in Middle East, resulting in young ones being killed and turned into sex slaves, or perhaps turning Libya into a broken state for profit, reviving Black Slavery, the shooting of Missiles over Damascus and a list of other things or perhaps the killing of Serena Shim

    Servants of God also do not want their own brothers and sisters having corpses sent down into a well by ISIS let alone being victim of government allies who are using fronts to cover up their connection to Al-Qaeda.

    You tell me, name one Christian who follows the Bible that is for this, Srecko?


    22 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    “Rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good.” - Romans

    What sort of gospel you preaching? :)))) 

    I speak of Babylon the Great and the Harlot alone and what those for her are doing. You are one to talk, the very man who thinks God is cool with sex change and somehow God's order has changed, so please, save it, Srecko.

    If you truly know what the Government and their allies are doing, you'd be very very aware of what is at work here, secular authority is of a whole different thing, the focus here is the Government. I am pretty sure where you live they have blood ties to those who do such things.

  8. 3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If SM would be kind enough to go to the top of the page and read the Topic heading he will see IT IS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES  VIEWPOINT ON ARMAGEDDON. 

    If you noticed I did say something before, how did you miss this? Let along a clear description later on as to what Armageddon is and what it represents? Page 1, response number 6.


    3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    The question asked in the heading is 

    What makes them think i?tÂ’ll still happen???

    Already explained as seen by my last post, I put in in a general sense of Christianity's view of Armageddon, the Great Day of God.


    It will happen. If you believe the words of the Christ, you shouldn't be in doubt of what he said and what his Father will do. Do not be like Tomas/Didymus.

    3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I'll make it clear here. It is. What makes the Jehovah's Witnesses think it will still happen ?

    Because perhaps the Bible says so. When End Time Tribulations conclude, the Great Day of God will come to pass whereas the sheep and the goats will be separated, or the wheat of the harvest to be separated from the weeds of the field.

    Jesus said this day is near, as did others in the Bible and we have examples of such by means of Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah's Day regarding the flood, The city of Jerusalem being attacked, Jonah being tasked by God to go to Nineveh, etc.

    For us, this day will be a day whereas all men who are of wickedness and lawlessness, those having a total disregard for God's Laws will perish.

    There is no middle ground between Life and Death.

    3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    So over to all you JW's the question is aimed at you i think. But use your Bible please. :)

    Some of them have.

    3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I'll just add one thing though. Jesus warned of the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans, but it didn't happen for a long time. BUT it did happen. 

    Indeed, and you see the people at the time were in doubt and they paid for it. This example serves for us today for the coming day of God and the return of the Christ. The only different you now is you have God's adversary and God's chosen mighty warrior who is King that will return, and he will be accompanied by God's angelic army.

    It makes you think. If a single angel can wipe out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, how much you think the one made superior to the other angels in combination with the angels themselves will do when that day comes? For their assault will also be directed to those spirit beings who side themselves with Satan as well.

  9. @Anna Not to mention personal feelings, opinions and emotions being thrown to justify something that is no Scriptural. There is often a whole lot of that, mainly when it comes to some prophets like Moses, or that of a disciples, or an Apostle like Paul, some being willing to tear out everything connecting to Paul's writings from the Bible itself.

  10. @Grey Reformer Yes, the situation with the child and the woman stems to even the black community to which alarms have been sound, loudly, the same goes for the woman who blocked and followed a young man to his home. Because of this ordeal, the child does not want seek the forgiveness of the woman because it [the woman's false claim] is that great.

    As with Law, there is often a double standard when it comes to a person of a race/color or their sex, for a woman tends to get away easier with some crimes, which includes things like child abuse and the like compared to men, to whom they tend to crucify far greater their their female abusing counterparts.

    And yes, everything from the Creed and onward is messed up, even that of spurious text, but before those days, no one spoke of the Son being God, and yet later one there was a argument and fight about it, present day, people believe it too, and if you speak the truth, they will try to attack you for it,mainly when you pull the facts straight from the Bible, to which it can get frustrating when dealing with those who adhere to accursed things and corruption.

  11. 34 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Oh dear. That is so sad. All those misled people. And it seems to be all about Jesus, God isn't mentioned, I don't think. 

    Those of Babylon do not see Jesus' God, they see God as Jesus, they even call Jesus Yahweh or Jehovah, they refering to the Christ as Hashem, El Shaddai when the Bible tells us he is God's Son. This began with Pope Francis who pushed the Together group to be a major event, and thus all the branches of Babylon partake in such, even the likes of Kairos and a list of others, as of right now Peek is in Texas.

    The very reasons why people who think of Babylon's religion, they do not know who is among them, who is affiliated, how many are in Babylon and the like and such things have been talked about for early a decade. Among all things, people who know their Bible should be aware of what this is and to be careful.

    On the other side of the spectrum, such ones like this push for interfaith as well, for they spout the same words as CNN's Ted Turner and such ones seek to unity all faiths and convert them, those who are against them are treated as unbelieving ones, Unchristain.

    The hands of the great harlot even reaches your country too, for this isn't the first time this was done. As we speak a lot of Christians who profess what is true is speaking against this, this also includes Muslims too for this movement claims them too - a common enemy, the religion of Babylon the Great who is on a conquest for unity, the spreader of apostasy in things untrue.


    I had to deal with a Karios follower who was quick to say I am denying Jesus for saying Jesus is God's Son, it is crazy.

  12. @James Thomas Rook Jr. If breathing underwater is a possibly, you can claim a spot below the sea, having the turtles, sharks, whales or what have you travel with or by your traveling steed. I recommend the Swordfish/Sailfish for they can swim up to a speed of 65-68 mph. and can cover a lot of ground, or in this case, water, remember to not let go or else you will be lost at sea, Aquaman.

  13. @Srecko Sostar 

    And of course I will not get that information granted you yourself quoted what I was saying - therefore unfounded.

    It is such ones like you who cause the befelling of those in Texas. Many, myself included today were speaking about Babylon's religion that is converting people by the masses - live, pushing people to their teachings resulting in a crippling stumble to actual Christianity.

  14. @Jack Ryan Truly, truly say to you, that you have no idea what is going on in the world, you have no idea what Babylon the Great is doing in Texas, you have no idea what the Superpowers and their allies are doing, mainly when it comes to the Bible and a list of other things.

    AU is right, if one does not follow God ans his Christ and remain steadfast, this one will easily cross the road ways of the prostitute and will be subdued, but the one who is wise will avoid her, and not cross her roadways.

    The Government is an enemy to all, regardless of who the person is. Those who do not know how their government operates, what they have done to Christians already, especially by means of their allies, the kurds, Jayish Al-Islam, etc, you have no idea what is taking place and I hope to God that one day you see as many have. Just so you know, that same government assassinated and gun down your own in order to cover up what took place in Las Vegas, even further back, the woman they killed to keep her mouth shut, ruling it out as a freak accident.

    At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;

  15. 19 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    that is his right, and his decision. maybe will change in this or that direction. so it is not good from you to criticizing his stand in this in this particular moment :)) 

    Then why is your words like this now to how it was before? And as to where and when have I criticized his stance? Show me.

    He says to me and someone else that it is not of our concern, however the problem here is those who knows the full extent to the problems of Child Abuse on a global scale sees the problems in ALL institutions, not one, not two, but all of them, granted children are scattered through all such things, schools, churches, what have you.

    Abusers of all kinds lurk in all areas, they work to get a position of power to seek out a target, and the like. The US is lucky no type of Jungle Justice is at play here otherwise things would get bloody fast.

    That being said, it is taking place in Restaurants - and yes, children there are of the concern of people who are aware of the imperfection that is aligned with child abuse.

    So no one should be ignoring others.

    And no, Butler made his stance clearly the first time he brought this up regarding ARC a while back and it is evident in his later posts - haven't you read them, I believe that you posted in those threads also.

    I leave you with this question. If you believe the focus of child abuse happening to one group is of high importance and them alone, why choose to ignore all other children whereas child abuse is also the case with them, perhaps to us Unitarians, wanna ignore the children there too? What of those affected by grooming Gangs, those who have been Gang-Stalked, turned into sex slaves, ignore them too for the sake one of person of a group or and race?

    A simple minded person who has logical thinking would be concern with all churches, all schools, all restaurants, all clubs, etc.

  16. On 10/19/2018 at 2:05 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    SM, when you say "the world", that also including "WTJWORG world" in general concept of word "the world" too? :))

    Clearly you didn't get my response and throw the WT into everything.

    You want to play that game, then tell me.

    • Can you give me any evidence and or proof of WT/Jehovah's Witnesses being openly acceptive of Gay Marriages in their churches?
    • Perhaps prompting the teaching of Sodomy and brazen conduct to children because it is suppose to be okay, which also falls in line to intercourse before marriage?
    • Can you point to or show me any Jehovah's Witnesses involved in those making pedophilia a sexual orientation, hence my quote.
    • Do Jehovah's Witnesses profit and dwell in human trafficking, granted my react quote was the following:

    Child Abuse happens in all communities, an increased statistics out there regarding those who practice homosexuality, especially men. Child Abuse will always be an issue because the world seems to openly accept such a thing, some wanting it to be a sexual preference and the like.

    So enlighten me, Srecko, you want to quote that small portion of my words thinking it may I am referring to something else when my own words is clear. After all, you wanted to quote part B of my response, so let's see the answer about being part of the world from you in this regard of which is mentioned.


    And no, it isn't a general concept... Re-read my response and I will do you the favor of linking for you here:




  17. 23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I can almost agree with you. Some people have greater concern than others. I do not know how John's  feeling and thoughts going on this issue, would he be activist or somehow involve himself in revealing problem in and out of JWORG in helping all other victims of child abuse no mater from what religion or institution they coming from.

    And yet the common man recognizes child abuse is everywhere, an they are not focused on a sole group and or person, for wherever there is a danger of such a thing it is concerning, anywhere and everywhere, if you actually take into account what PSA and other information says about Child Abuse and Neglect, you'd realize that yourself.

    Granted to what Mr. Butler said before in an early discussion, one can see where he stands, I wouldn't call it activism when the grand majority knows that this is a problem, for if anyone has great concern it should be to educate people and seek better solutions.

    If his concern was with all institution he would have stated this, but he has not, for his one and only focus, as it is evident in half of his posts, is regarding Jehovah's Witnesses only unless you want to point out to where his concern is drawn out elsewhere - be my guess.

    23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But SM, you have to consider also one very, very important thing. WTJWORG teaching members that is of NO USE to repair, to reconstruct, to reform, to RESTORE this old world and global situation. WHY? Because "new world" is so close, so why to spend time on useless activity :))))) In other words WTJWORG say; God will fix all anyway.... so few victims more or less, why to worry, in new system in Kingdom they will not memorized nothing bad from own past!!! You JW , go to preach and not go to Court for Justice because God will take care of you. :))

    The more you speak only shows how very little you know about the history of Christianity, perhaps the Abrahamic Faiths.

    I've explained to you 4 times what a Restorationist is and or what is Restorationism, but it would seem what is said goes in one ear and out the other, instead of repeating myself I will link so you know what it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restorationism

    What you missed in the New Testament is the fact that God by means of his Son will get rid of all things wicked, even people, he will always erased from the earth all things that has been a burden on us and all things that has affected us in a bad way, this includes all imperfections that originate from sin -including child abuse and ill desires. If you miss that point in the Bible, let alone what God's Kingdom will bring, how do you say to yourself you read the Bible and understand it when something this minor you fail to accept?

    Perhaps get preached on this as well as research, Srecko - for if you do not trust in God, there is no reason for you to seek now is there?

    On 10/19/2018 at 1:28 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Many religions of Christian orientation claim to have people who are credible and have the reputation of true Christians who continue Christ teachings.

    WT is not exception in that way and not hold exclusivity in such claim, or in your claim. :)) 

    And ye we have the Babylon in Texas - LIVE, right now. And no, not all denominations claim such as for WT  they are Restorationist, the link I provided for you will show you want they base their practices and teachings on.

    23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Jew people, old Israel, was been "part of God's world" and they killed a lot of own people and non-Israel people. For many century that is how looked like past "part of God's world". 

    Did you not understand what was going on in the Old Testament? Israel had enemies, especially those who curse God and spare no remorse when it comes to defiling God's people, the very reason people had to step up. Last time you spoke of Barak and now we see the contradiction, only things time you didn't confuse his role to a Prophetess.

    23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Then we have Jew-Christian and non Jew Christians and short time of how their "part of God's world" looked like.

    They have a name, it is called Messianic Jews, that is, if you are referring to today. Messianic Jews do not follow the early church or her teachings, they open themselves up to things that is accursed and or not aligned with what is said in the Bible. Some of them willingly accept non-Bible canons as truth.

    23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Then we have all other scenery of 1 century post Christian era with Roman Christian and other National Christian denominations as "part of God's world".

    The Apostolic Church and it's early Christians are National Christian denominations? How are you so sure when they are borderline Subornationist an the fact you missed what Apostle Paul said in Galatians?

    23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Now, also the same. And JWORG as separate "part of God's world" World.

    They are not part of the world not by what their teachings says, but the fact they adhere to Restorationism (I suggest you study this for I give this to you as Homework, hence the link), whether you agree with them or not. The biggest proof of that, today even, is what is going on in Texas, as well as the reaction by some JWs, who show the same reaction to Together 2016, as others have, as well as those who reacted to the Kairos Movement. 

  18. 23 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Plenty of watchtower publications show us all how we are going to die, I saw a movie on it.


    You should check out the imaginary online. Armageddon is called the Day of God for a reason, and the Christ himself will be coming like a Mighty Warrior upon mankind, both the good and the wicked, an to the wicked his sword will be directed.

    You spoke before about reading the Bible, it should not be a surprise of how things will go down, granted we have examples in the Old Testament and what is spoken of as to what is to come.


    Armageddon means (in the New Testament) the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgment. a biblical hill of Megiddo, for the hill itself is in regards to an archaeological site on the plain of Esdraelon, south of present-day Haifa in Israel.




    God's Day is nigh, of which side you are for?

  19. 7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    What did I miss?

    As with the internet there is memes, we had the Ugandan Knuckles at the opening of 2018, Pepe the Frog and Kekistan Army, Logan/Jake Paul, the turning of a Super Mario villain into a female, and now we have the NPC. This term is in direct to the far left, as well as Social Justice Warriors, to which the left fins the term very dehumanizing whereas the left called people Nazis or Russian Bots, but the meme that originated from the far Right, the NPC, is very powerful and is triggering people left and right, even those in the media. Not only is the meme hilarious, but it adds truth to how those with a political view actually operate and react.

    In a way, this new NPC meme to SJWs has blown up the internet faster than the other things mentioned.

    The image you see here is a wojak turned into an NPC.




  20. 43 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    SM I was quoting Billy  when he said Can we say, Christian sects that support the killing of others are reputable men?" 

    I presume he means such as Catholics killing Catholics on opposite sides in World War 2. and things like that. 

    You also realize that those who claim to be Christians were also involved too, right? This also goes for those who want to destroy Christianity from within, such ones known as Luciferians. Christians, Catholics are on both sides, now to the infantry, Luciferians however are merely spectators of their own design.

    43 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    As for me when you say  " you speak as though it is only happening to a sole religious faith alone when all religious faiths are effected, "

    I have told you many times, my only interest is in the Jehovah's Witnesses Organisation, no other religion interests me. 

    The thing here is, I am speaking of all institutions as well as the world, even JWs - as I have told you perhaps 10 times or more.

    For if child abuse was of great concern to you, you would be focused on anywhere and everywhere child abuse is done, therefore unlike you my interest is everywhere, even that of human sex trafficking granted those who claim to "help the people" were doing the opposite, as with the grooming gangs in UK and other things.

    43 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Billy made a good point that JW's do not go to war, as many other religions do. So in that way the JW's stand out as different because they take a firm stand for God by not going to war.

    They are not the only ones who do not go to or favor for war.

    43 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    SM you said concerning Child Abuse , " it does not derail them, nor will it derail others."   Nor has it derailed me.  I'm just taking time looking for true direction. 

    You are not getting what I said, my actually words were:

    I actually speak to and help those who are abused among many other things, pretty much a perk when you are helping and supporting the youth in institutions and clubs dedicated to helping build up the young to have better lives, so I would not be obvious to such a matter, granted I am aware that child abuse is all over the place in all institutions, you speak as though it is only happening to a sole religious faith alone when all religious faiths are effected, even to Unitarians this happens also, it does not derail them, nor will it derail others.

    When I mention derailment it is in regards to those who do not lose their faith because of the actions of or the sins of others, this also includes those who seek to abuse children. Therefore, people will always continue their faith even if such a thing is done because they know God will make right of things when the time comes. It's is no different with those who are non-religious either.

    Man cannot stop wars, they cannot stop famine, they cannot stop sickness, they cannot stop corruption lovers of flesh and or money, in that same sense, man cannot stop child abuse.

    As for faith and seeking the truth, it is held steadfast with a firm ice-pick grip be those who seek salvation, for they will not let go of it no matter what.

    43 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Hence when you ask me why I'm not out preaching the Good News, it is because I'm going through a recovery period and I'm looking for truth from God through Jesus Christ. How can i preach or teach others when i don't have true direction myself. That would make me as much as a hypocrite as the GB of the JW Org.  I would be giving false information to others just as JW's do. 

    You have the Bible, you'd be amazed by what I have seen and heard when in Thailand, so regardless it should not stop you. When my own family members were killed by Occultist, it didn't stop me from reading and spreading the gospel.

    You have a Bible, learn first then go teach, you were formerly a Jehovah's Witness, hence you have the tools right there.

    Restorationist are not hypocrites and I wouldn't say that they are pushing false information. Therefore among many things, learn what a Resrationist Christian is before you say such because if people are now knowing what Christmas is all about because of Restorationist, for they themselves made the change after researching, that should be a sign, right then and there, the same thing goes for other things like Greek Language forms and the like.

    But you have to be more specific about false information. So far the whole 1975 thing was incorrect as disgruntled ones push to make others believe 1975 the claim for Armageddon was on the rise when it is not - people were still out and about preaching, to add more fuel to the fire legitimate information made by someone who isn't all that religious had been flagged for removal by those who continue to push the falsehood.

    You really have to open your eyes, man.

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