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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 16 hours ago, Thinking said:

    He’s just flogging a dead horse because that’s all he knows how to do…your patience with him is admirable…and very good for visitors here reading your words… 

    When you debate for a long time primarily against KJV-Onlyist and Trinitarians, your patience will gain experience over time. Likewise when dealing with people of the paradigm, who can be violent towards you, for this is no stranger to me. even at CSE when things get serious, people ten to level themselves.

  2. @Witness Yet in the debate it was stated otherwise, she was no leader, she was both a Judge and a Prophetess.

    I don't fabricate, granted I hold the Holy Book and Truth to the highest regard.

    Concerning Galatians 3:28 you were corrected on this also,


    Like I said, you've been refuted on such before, therefore the Unisex idea concerning Religious Office is indefensible.


    Anyways there is no use bringing an old thread into this one.

  3. 21 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It is strange that some people will agree that some prophecy in scripture can have more than one fulfillment. Some prophecies have a small fulfillment, and then many years later, a much bigger fulfillment.  

    Can you elaborate? Concerning the ceasing of miraculous gifts, Apostle Paul was correct, granted he was of inspiration, there is no question he was in err about it being obsolete granted the purpose it served.

    21 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    That is my reasoning behind the Acts scripture that I use. Yes indeed it was fulfilled in a small way at Pentecost 33, but that does not mean it will not be fulfilled in a much bigger way through the Anointed Remnant, before Armageddon. 

    Pentecost 33AD was no small event, it was not only the birth of the Christian Church, but the New Covenant coming to pass, and from it, The Greatest Commission in Biblical history. As it eh Chosen being among them, many, those converted into the 5K and ongoing.

    There will be a fulfillment, however, we cannot assume that gifts of old persist in our day and age, the debacle of the 4th century was caused because a man who assumed a vision, which begot an action.

    21 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The Apostle John was one of the Anointed / chosen ones, and the Anointed Remnant are also of the chosen ones.

    He was, but he outlived the majority. Polycarp was likely among the chosen himself, like John, but the miraculous gifts of which John and the others had, he did not obtain. But like John, he was still a great proclaimer of the truth even in the past of increasing adversaries in his age.

    This is why various Church Fathers spoke boldly about John and his students other than the Church, as is some in the 3rd century prior to the events of 325AD.

    For in 324 AD, Constantine emerged as the victor in a battle. In that same year, he establish himself as the sole ruler of the Western Empire. As Constantine the Great, he recalled his vision on the night before the battle and remembered that he and his troops had seen a cross of light in the sky bearing the command in this sign, he will conquer.

    Constantine was never a prophet as some claim, but he made Christianity legal, but it caused paganism and other problem sot enter the Church.

    There was no question that some of the Chosen, picked by God were alive in this century, but like the others after John, had no such miraculous gifts, but it can be assured that they knew The Emperors vision to be a problem.

  4. 46 minutes ago, Witness said:

    This is "refuted" according to your view of the scriptures, which is elementary, not spiritual.  Your word is not "law".

    I am a Biblical Unitarian, the Bible holds authority, not my own understanding. Nor do I have my own laws, I respect and defend God's Law, and granted God is a God of Order as the Bible says, I use the Bible to defend this about the Most High.

    As for the thread, you were refuted, ample evidence.

    46 minutes ago, Witness said:

    It sounds to me like you have either misunderstood, or twisted someone's words deliberately.   

    I didn't twist anything, both you and Srecko were shown in challenge concerning Prophetess Deborah. As stated whenever I cite or coin something, there is a reason for it.

    Hence the response:


    On 8/11/2018 at 12:14 AM, Space Merchant said:

    [Claim 5]: Prophetess Deborah

    Most people speak of Deborah’s leadership of authority and make this a claim of which women can lead the church.

     [The Response]: As addressed in the evidence above, Prophetess Deborah was a Judge of the Nation of Israel, not a church, of which we see many churches of them solely in the Greek New Testament. Another factor is the Temples of Old, usually sons and Fathers were the ones to be of Priesthood of such, an example would be Aaron, or perhaps Samuel.

    In that same discussion, Srecko pushed the assertion of which you were shown to be in agreement with, in that same discussion I brought it up, but you allowed to slide because the misinformation proved to be beneficial to of which Pearl was promoting.

    Moreover, you attempted to use Galatians 3:28 as well concerning God's Order when that is in regards to the Chosen, not out Religious Office is structure in the early Church.

    So if you want to talk about twisting, I need only quote you and Srecko. And his case, he confused Deborah's position greatly.

    46 minutes ago, Witness said:

    The teaching of Christ was accursed when he walked the earth. 

    This we know, as is the Unisex idea, although never originated in the 1st century, it developed when it came to Religious Ordination. Therefore things of that nature that isn't Core should not be added to the Church at all.

    46 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Anyone who walks in his footsteps, any anointed chosen to serve only he and the Father, will also be considered by the majority of their people, as "accursed", which is being repeated in the organization where God's anointed are held "captive" to its lies. (Luke 4:24; Matt 24:24,25; Col 2:8) 

    The Religious office notion is beyond the Watchtower, I don't see why you have to interject them, despite that they understand this, and it is the same reason why some EXJWs challenge them to accept the Unisex idea or else, so much so they got a Left Wing media source to support them.

    46 minutes ago, Witness said:

     To its leaders who are false teachers, Jesus' words aptly fit:

    Then why defend the Unisex idea concerning Religious Office? Isn't Pearl in the wrong here or is this a cherry pick notion of a defense?

    46 minutes ago, Witness said:

     “But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.

    25 “Woe to you who are full now, for you shall be hungry.

    “Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.

    26 “Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets."  Luke 6:24-26

    The verses are irrelevant to the idea you are defending.

    46 minutes ago, Witness said:

    You never commented on how you became known or elected as a "Preacher".  

    Elected? That's quite obtuse. Trying to save safe will not help you evade the idea of which you are defending.

    For someone Chosen by God, of all things, this is something you should have seen from very beginning of ideas that are not Core. Likewise with your New Age idea in that same debate.


    That being said, know the difference, of whom you call Leaders or hold some kind of Office, the Bible says differently:



    That being said, the case was closed in that thread, granted the notion of leadership and women came into play, I simply quote from the debate.


    Below is what Pearl Doxsey shows allusion to concerning the debate on the topic:

    The Independent (Left-Wing Media Source), a known contributor to the affiliates of the Wild Beast itself concerning Agenda


    Jehovah’s Witnesses

    “All of Jehovah’s Witnesses are preachers, or ministers — including several million women,” the official Jehovah’s Witnesses’ website says.

    The webpage continues to say that women don’t participate in the leadership of the church, but have a “full share” in public ministry and “work hard to be an influence for good.”

    Resistance against the status of women has begun to occur in different groups of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    An ex-member of the religion spoke out to Independent in 2018 telling them women in the church are viewed as “a complement for a man.” He also said the church believes women should be submissive to their husbands, letting the husband make all important decisions.

    A JW support group created a website in 2019 for youth members to have a place they can turn to. The mission of this group is to help youths “cope until they are able to leave home.”

    The articles on this website claim the Jehovah Witnesses’ magazine The Watchtower, is not “truth.” They post articles sharing different member’s experiences in the church to help those wishing to learn more about the religion and to discuss the issues people are facing.

    JW support said the Jehovah Witnesses are a patriarchal society where women cannot hold positions of authority and are to view men as their head. It also says that Witness women cannot teach unless no men are available, and when they do they must wear head coverings to show “submission to the headship arrangement.”

    Sidenote: The EXJW mentioned in this article not only lean towards the Unisex ideology, but Feminism ideology, of which can be picked up by other assertions he made, granted, the Feminism are the types, if male, to state this. Paragraphs blue were added by the Independent, for they are known to add things to put emphasis on the topic itself.

    The Head coverings remark by the Independent is a jab at not only JWs, but those who understand the representation of a Head Covering.

  5. @Witness A lot of what you said was already refuted in that thread cited, and like then and now, concerning the Methodist idea of which you seem to be defending, as with @Srecko Sostar and Pearl, it is indefensible when it is refuted with God's Word, the same thread in which the both of you attempted to convince me, and readers, that churches existed before the Christ was even born, or the notion of Corinth, which is entirely false. Likewise with the deliberate twisting of Paul's words.

    For the record, Religious Office isn't a modern term as you claim, it derives from Sacred/Divine Office, which is associated with leadership among God's people; in the Hebrew Text, those who led God's people, the Israelites, and in the Greek text, concerning Christianity.

    That being said, a Teaching of which you adopted, is accursed, and never originated with the early church. To defile God's Order is indeed a problem. It should be known to you of the reason and why Methodist went down the Unisex path after all, they are not too far from Catholicism.


    Concerning the Unisex idea, this was addressed in the debate we had a while back:


    On 8/11/2018 at 12:14 AM, Space Merchant said:

    [Claim 4]: The Times have changed, the people have changed, and the church must change.

    [The Response]: The thing is, you cannot change the church. It is one thing for the church to learn and adapt as well as apply as they progress, but the core functions of the church cannot be touched. As we speak, the mainstream is doing the opposite and a whole lot of things even to the point where levels of inappropriate behavior and clothing are allowed in the church. All and all, such ones are very open and accepting of religious leaders and pastors who are indeed women, the factor of the matter is such ones put into application of their view of the church rather than the Bible itself.


  6. 26 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    ……. speaking of women as shepherds …..

    Concerning women, the term associated with them is Shepherdess, but this term or anything pertaining to it is never in the Old or New Testament, even in regards to Women who are Chosen. 

    As for Shepherds, In the Bible, we know that such persons tends to the flock of which is under their care (Genesis 30:35, 36; Matthew 25:32). The known shepherds on earth was Abel, Adam's Son whereas Cain, Adam's Son/Abel's brother cultivated the land (Genesis 4:2). Furthermore, in the Bible they are equated to monarchical leaders. Other known Shepherds besides God and his Christ of whom are primary were Abraham, Jacob, The 12 Tribes, Moses, King David, Prophet Amos, etc.

    Family Householder heads (Man of the House) are also Shepherds, so to speak in regards to God's Order, hence The Head of Every Man Is the Christ, The head of Christ is God.


  7. 1 minute ago, Pudgy said:

    Religious topics should have a short opening, short ending, and have the two as close together as possible.

    otherwise you get a minimum of 18 to 20 paragraphs of mindnumbing words, words, words, that you have heard 1 million times.

    True, but it spiraled out of control when John the Baptist and Drones was interjected.

    It went from gospel preaching, to 1975, Drones from a lying MSM source, to John the Baptist, and now The alleged Church Leader named Chloe.

    At this point, it is fish flailing whereas even if the discussion is concluded or the latter loses, they continue even by means of interjection.

    It gets repetitive mainly when the latter even confuses themselves with an Exegesis. This is why going forward, it would make sense to do refutation threads.

  8. 11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Did Chloe belong to 144,000? Did some other women in the first century and later belong to 144,000? If so, then they had the same type of calling as the male members. Same type of call. Same kind of service. The same amount of pay, so to speak.

    Chloe or her household was possibly chosen, but never led the Church of Corinth.

    Remember, House of Chloe may be the family itself.

    The problem here is you tried to equate her to not only being a Church leader, but the role of a Sheperd when it is already known as to who holds such a role.

  9. 1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

    Is it proper for a woman to speak , presumably about religious subjects?

    They can, however, there are those who take Apostle Paul's words WAY out of context. I remember one debate I was in in New York whereas a woman interjected with a question to both of us, my opponent, put his hand in her face and simply said, Apostle Paul gave counsel for you to shut up in a spiritual discussion. all the while with a smirk and a raised brow which I remember vividly. Granted the crowd who was listening, they were simply laughing, at the woman others at what the guy said, a few people took sides.

    The debate was heated, it was concerning the Divinity of the Christ. Possibly one of the earliest debates, when I was getting started.

    It gets worse, for on an extreme level, not only some profess women cannot minister, but that they are primarily there to be submissively (the world's view of the term) and to give birth only, which is a wrong mindset. An example is Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church, who attested to and justified women should be totally silent when it comes to religious matters, misquoting Paul.


    That being said, granted what the Bible says, even with evidence, Women can be Ministers. The role of a Shepherd or Pastor, even a Servant of some kind, was primarily male. Despite this, men and women not only make up the Church, but they work together granted the roles differ. God's Order is clear, it is not to demean someone, for in his Order, things work accordingly.


  10. 17 hours ago, Arauna said:

    You used the word above...  I think you have no concept of the meaning or you are using hyperbole.  I have seen no extremism amongst JWs.  That is why I corrected your use of words. 

    EXJWs who use the Extremism remark has a history, to the point it was adopted by some. Moreover, concerning the paradigm whenever I had dealt with them Extremism is a term used rarely concerning some folks in the political spectrum.

    Concerning Extremism, the term began to be used against your faith community when Russia was in the process of targeting your faith, a long process that began in 2009, although, majority of EXJW never used the term at all until 2017. In 2009 the Supreme Court of Russia ruled out your publications as Extremist content whereas the Russian Jehovah's Witness argued that the ruling affirms a misapplication of a federal law on Anti-Extremism, which was indeed true for the JWs were right in this regard, due to this, the speculation of a major opposition against JWs was spoke of by officials stating it will be some form of a new era that would put the JWs in a difficult situation.

    2015 came around and JWs started to be arrested for Extremism, possibly around 20 or less than that, but not before Kremlin Controlled Media started to produce fabrications and lies about your faith, using propaganda and Mega Church clips to claim that this was in fact the Jehovah's Witnesses, however, everyone who is not fans of the Kremlin didn't buy it, for JWs are not known to roll on the ground and hop like rabbits when asking for Holy Spirit. In addition to that in the same year, JW material and publication was confiscated. Likewise in the year, the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice got involved.

    And of course Kremlin controlled media also pushed the idea, and soon, the EXJWs adopted this to apply to JWs, hence the events of 2017, the park situation, Warwick, etc. even concerning the ban, majority of EXJW praised Vladimir Putin, even now, they want him to eradicate JWs in Ukraine if he succeeds, which is evident in some of the remarks made by some, even by means of what @Equivocation said in the other thread.

    My contact in Russia, who is in the process of getting his family out, knows about Jehovah's Witnesses, the events of 2015 and onward. Granted he is the patriotic type, anything the Kremlin and their allies does, he sees it as an injustice. He knows that The Russian Government is no stranger to twisting and abuse Laws to take out or label someone, as we can already see with the Kremlin Critics, namely Alexei Navanly, for the situation concerning JWs a pivotal thing in Russia that Alexei and others stood up for JWs against those who are of and support the Kremlin.

    As side from that, it is evident as to how Russia abuse said laws because even around that time playing Pokémon can make you not only an Extremist, but a Terrorist Ruslan Sokolovsky situation, hence . As of recent, Russian Social Media has cracked down on sources they deem as Extremist because of the war with Ukraine.

    As a side note, on Russian Social Media, the only people who were going after JWs were those who either supported the Kremlin, as well as those who follow the Russian Church, these same people went after those who the State Duma deemed a threat, common Russian folks defending their homes, as processed by Free Radio Europe concerning Soviets Era Homes.

    That being said, it is rare for those who supported Putin for the ban in 2017 to change their mind, and as for my contact, who is not trust most Americans, his only comment to EXJWs around that time was [If Russia starts a war, I hope you come to the battle field to support the man you praise for such an injustice.]

    He is extremely vocal, his connect is Free Radio Europe



  11. 16 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So doesn’t God support gender equality when He promises "144,000" that they are all kings and priests regardless of gender? What they will be in heaven (or on earth) with Christ? Male, female or both or neither?

    God's Order is vastly different from the Chosen notion, do not mix the two, and seems as though you are beating a dead horse, once again after both you and Witness were already refuted on this.

    Chosen can be male or female, as of what was told to you and @Witness in that debate. But as for God's Order, concerning the roles of which Apostle Paul (Prophet Inspired) stated, Women are primarily Ministers (Extremely evident in the New Greek Text), as shown in said example, but never as pastors, holding Religious Office. In that debate, both you and Witness supported the Methodist idea (The Unisex Teaching/Practice of which was pushed and used by Mainstream Christendom), of which seems to be coming from Pearl. To add more to this, both you and Witness replies concerning such can be found in the thread where that Debate took place.

    Likewise, the Bible makes this clear, even more clearer when the both of you purposed that a woman led the Corinth Church which is false, for Chloe and or her Household were Peacemakers (Matthew 5:9), on the same level as Abagail, in which both of you were incorrect, likewise with the existence of Christian Churches in Ancient Israel, long before the Christ was even born - a claim you both alluded to by throwing Prophetess/Judge Deborah into your ill assertion.

    That being said, seems as though you are now jumping from God's Order to the Chosen, do not get them mixed them.

    So the facts is as it is, women are as such of which was already stated:



    That being said, regardless of whatever Exegesis that both you and Witness produce, namely from Pearl Doxsey, in this regard, you cannot beat the truth of the Holy Bible with out of Core Teaching ideas and narratives, as is assumptions concerning Chloe and Deborah.

    The Biblical Facts left in that thread, refuted all 3 of you as seen in this link


  12. 1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

    Reference the above. 😂

    He applied the Unisex Teaching, evident to what he had said before because of a single verse of which he did not understand:


    The Unisex Teaching was never Core, for it is a practice brought forth by the Methodism. Although a Mainstream idea, most people, even former JWs who have their own Exegesis adopt the view of the Mainstream, often times, they and others go after Men and Women who understand God's Order has not changed. The debate in whish Witness and Srecko were in, they had failed, not only to go around the truth, in this case, but often times interject the Watchtower when the debate was primarily Bible based on what Paul stated.

  13. 53 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    How SM do show ignorance?

    I wasn't defending the Unisex teaching, therefore, I shed no ignorance, only the facts. even corrected both you and @Witness on Chloe, and even then, due to your err no one corrected you until it was refuted. So @Dmitar was correct due to your statement below

    [If all “normal prophets” are equal, then most JWs have acquired the same spiritual level because of which there is no need for elders to act as teachers and pastors. However, you do not acknowledge that a woman can be on the same spiritual level as a man, but that only a man is in the position of a shepherd.]

    Women can teach and minister, they cannot hold Religious Office, that is, if you are a supporter of the Unisex Practice which was never of the Church.

  14. 1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

    A not inspired prophet, or in this case, a normal prophet is encouraged by God's Word, if not, even moved by it. They show and express a genuine love for God and are moved to take action, just as those of old and our church fathers have. They are guided by God by means of influence and thinking, and our speech as with actions by means of the power of His Spirit and His Word, as can be evident by Matthew 13:11, 24:14

    Unfortunately, when you mention Matthew 13:11 that's what you are insinuating with the context, thus the need for clarification. How does the mysteries define a not inspired prophet through parables?

    The Parable of the Sower passage is verses 1 to 9, in which verse 10 is regarding what the Disciples asked the Christ concerning the Secrets of Heaven, and verse 11 Jesus answers them. The verse is cf from 24:14. It would make more sense on my part to include the Parable itself, but the focus on the cf verse was due to reason, The fact that God's Love in which Christians have moves them to action, as is to take in God's influence, thinking, by means of the spirit he gives and his Word. As Jesus explained to them that these sacred secrets are connected with the Kingdom of the heavens, the heavenly Kingdom of which Jesus will take his Kingship position, for they, the Disciples knew, but others did not.

    Likewise for us today, we know of this information, as proclaimers of the Word, moved by the Spirit, we proclaim the Messianic Age gospel to the people so they too will know. This is why on the other quotation I put emphasis on Spirit Led, so all cf reference were used for that.

    1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

    What is the difference between a reformer and a restorationist? How would you compare the Watchtower with those labels?

    Reformers are the end result of those who Protest and demand changes in the Church of Catholicism, namely, the Roman Church. It is in association with Reformationist, who still to this day, Protest the Church, however some gave in to PEAK and KAIROS.

    A Restorationist seeks restore/apply core teachings and beliefs associated with the Early Church, even going as far as to become like them when it came to the earliest form of Christianity to be applied in the modern day.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    It amazes me that Rutherford was not familiar with this precise and common knowledge about terminology, because the new name, from 1931 onwards, would have sounded better like "Jehovah's Prophets". But when you explain to us the difference between an “inspired” and an “uninspired” prophet then I see where Rutherford’s place is. :) 

    He was aware of what an announcer, as is what a witness who attest to testimony to God's Word is, as is the majority in the 1900s. Christians, even the Bible Students knew what bearing witness to the Word entails.

    Pastor Rutherford was never an Inspired Prophet, not did he claim to be infallible, he was simply a Normal Prophet, or in this case, regarding the norm, Prophet Not Inspired.

    Also FYI, that screen was not from the JWs although the terminology was identical, but more detailed. The JW one was the first image.

    40 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Yes, I am aware of this flip-flop about using this particular term i WTJWorg publications.

    It isn't a flip flop though, for if it was, then the archived information would have said differently, which was not the case. It was very clear of what a Modern Day Prophet is, someone who is a witness to God's Word, hence proclaim the message; adhere to the Great Commission, commanded by the Christ of which those God fearing should be doing, yourself included.

    40 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Agree ;) , they are “Normal Prophets” with flip-flop doctrines and understanding with variable knowledge of unimportant things.

    But you adhere to them being infallible in your last statements. Why the sudden change?

    Your latter remark makes no sense.

    40 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So according to your logic, it is quite normal that "uninspired prophets" have full freedom and permission to prophesy whatever seems right to them, even if it was complete nonsense for those "uninspired prophets" who later reject previous "prophecies" or adapt it to new level of knowledge.

    It isn't logic based, this is Biblical Hermeneutics based.

    Normal Prophets aka Prophets Not Inspired do not have miraculous gifts therefore cannot attest to a Revelation and or reap Prophecy. Prophesying is akin to proclaim the message of God's Word, hence it is clear on what the Preaching of the Messianic Age entails. Prophesying also is done through worship to the True God, which is in harmony with what he says in his Word, as is the commands of his Christ.

    Incorrect, they never rejected any Prophecy in God's Word. Perhaps coming to understand it later on, but as far as rejection, it is unfounded.

    40 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If all “normal prophets” are equal, then most JWs have acquired the same spiritual level because of which there is no need for elders to act as teachers and pastors.

    Everyone does not start at the same level, learning God's Word is to come to an understanding, the fact you mention this now shows you didn't understand what was said a few minutes ago, for, a JW who has been looking into the Bible for 8 years is on a different lane compared to another who has a few months of experience. Likewise with former JWs, however, they tend to get duped by the Mainstream frequently, as is others in Christendom.

    The need for Teachers and Pastors is still important, for a directionless Christian will most likely go into the realm of alienation of God faster than someone who has been excommunicated from a Church, so to speak. When there is Alienation, then there are ideologies deem not Biblical to be applied by such a person.

    The lack of Teachers is also the reason that has led society to view the Bible with distaste. Even in the past, Teachers were vital, for Apostle John's students were examples. If Polycarp did not have John, then he'd be open to the accursed teachings which isn't Core, perhaps succumb to Gnosticism.

    But because of John, who was his Teacher, his view of Gnosticism as his reaction was priceless [“O good God! For what times hast thou kept me that I should endure such things!”]

    40 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    However, you do not acknowledge that a woman can be on the same spiritual level as a man, but that only a man is in the position of a shepherd.

    I am talking about Christians in General, I wasn't being specific, hence my original remark never disclosed the individual's sex, male or female. As for the other remark concerning Shepherds, Women can be Ministers proclaimers of the message like their inspired counterparts, they cannot hold religious office (which is unfounded in the Bible), and you were beaten in this debate before, so concerning God's Order, it is known as to why one respects said Order, as is understanding the Words of an Inspired Prophet, Apostle Paul.

    As Ministers, they can witness God's Word, as is teach it to others, even children and other women. The Unisex practice came forth from mistake interpretation of Scripture, something of which both you and Witness could not comprehend in that debate concerning God's Order, and you tried to throw a lie about Chloe.

    That being said, God's Order is the same, and has not changed.

    40 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You have the wrong source of information about this thing.

    No, I don't have the wrong source of information.

    If I am wrong, then name another religious organization essentially owned by the Watchtower? For, if there is a Mother Organization, there should be a Primary one also.

    If you cannot prove that information now and later on, then your claim is unfounded, as is the ill use of a terminology that did not benefit you.


  16. 3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I asked the SM a question regarding his thesis.

    It wasn't a thesis, it was factual information. A Thesis relies on a statement or theory. Facts are things of which are verified, in this case, Biblical Hermeneutics. For Biblical Hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible. If you've forgotten, I am a Biblical Unitarian, so Biblical Hermeneutics, as is Christian history is what I dwell on. Then again, what surprises me is a former JW isn't aware of Biblical Hermeneutics, interesting.

    @Arauna I am sure you are aware of Biblical Hermeneutics.

    That being said, I take it some from your former faith never looked into Biblical Hermeneutics, hence his confusion.

  17. 7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    WTJWorg addressed the topic of “prophets” in their Insight encyclopedia. I went to their site to be reminded of what they wrote. Of course, JWs tend to use a certain term in a way and in a model that suits them in a particular situation.

    The term for Prophet is no different from what it actually is, as is the root.  A Prophet in general is someone who is under divine Will, making The Most High's Purpose known to the people; it derives from the Hebrew word navi', which can mean the following Prophet, Spokesman, and to credit @Dmitar since he brought it up, a Seer. How the term was used, especially in the Hebrew Old Testament, as is some parts of the New Greek Testament, the distinction of actually True Prophets inspired was conveyed differently, meaning that these Prophets were not of ordinary kind, for they were proclaimers, spokesmen for God Almighty, speaking his Word to the people; hence making it known.

    Granted this is what a Prophet is, concerning what the JWs said, it exactly that, granted what a Prophet is, as mentioned to you already is common knowledge - as seen according to them, shown below:




    So the notion of it being common knowledge is very evident in the following example below:



    Whether the information is brief, or, to your dismay, in full detail, there is no change or shift in what the term, relates to.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    A “normal JW” will never use the term “prophet” on himself, but most often “witness”, “announcer”, "publisher" and the like.

    Although it is a rarity, a Christian who proclaims the message of God, are essentially Prophets. even JWs are aware of this, for their own articles attested to that a few times. This should be known to you granted you like to dwell on the articles, and this was presented before.

    In short, concerning Christians in general, they are Normal Prophets, who proclaim God's message, his Word of whom they bear witness to, for what we have in common with Prophet Agabus, Moses, Elijah, etc is that we proclaim God's Word. I am sure this is widely known by your former faith granted they are the types to adhere to the Commission itself. Likewise a modern day Prophet do their best to convey the message and discern the signs of the times.

    For the record, Witness or Announcer is associated with the term Prophet.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But also, when JW would talk about “prophets” he would use the terms “inspired” (from God or from the devil) and even more significant terminology is “true and false prophet”.

    He who?

    If JWs in general, they're aware of Prophets of Old compared to later on and the modern day.

    As for False Prophets, I am not sure if you know what that entails, hence where I pulled my quotation from, so what I said about people making their own interpretation regarding False Prophets outside of the term, spins another problem.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Analogously, are JWs true or false (prophets) publishers and witnesses today?

    Granted what transpired after Apostle John and the events of 325AD. They're Normal Prophets, hence what I said in my original explanation which was quoted 4 times to you and Witness.

    As mentioned, Prophets of today, also called messengers, do not have abilities like that of Prophets of Old. They are Spirit led. They do not have miraculous gifts of Prophecy so they can only prophesy from God's Word, and the majority who are as such attest to maintain spiritual cleanliness. And as mentioned, they do what they need to do to keep close to God's Word, to profess it, and uses his Word to help others build themselves up morality, and in good faith.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    JWs deal with interpretations of the biblical text and predictions of events from biblical texts that are enigmatic or in the form of prophecy.

    And yet this does not negate them, you, me or anyone here as Prophets Inspired, be it chosen or not. For none of us, even them, are as such, unless somehow someone survived from the 1st century into 2022, which is pure fiction.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    When they make a mistake in interpretations, they are "false prophets", aren't they?

    Mistakes can be made however, the only reason the False Prophet term was misapplied concerning them is due to the fact EXJW have claim that Jehovah's Witnesses spoke of themselves as Inspired Prophets, which is false. Likewise due to the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses do not see Jesus as God.

    The term False Prophet, in a brief sense a False Prophet(s) are those who proclaim God's Word of which they attribute to being an inspired spokesman of God, for God's primary source of mediating his message to the world when in reality such a message of those who make the claim does not harmonize with God.


    This is why, for instance, a man comes and says he is inspired and proclaims God's Word, making mistakes, the application of the term can be used. Such as, the members of Babylon, and those who claim to gain Spiritual Energy from God or a source to take action, i.e. the JW ban in Russia. For such types of people, mainly in association with Babylon, has their Agendas that need to be played out for their own benefit.

    And speaking of Babylon, those who are aware of the events of 2000s going to present day, know who is associated with the Harlot, granted that there was a time where they often met at summits concerning their Conquest for Peace, namely the Pope.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    And when their doctrine will remain unchanged forever then we will be able to call them “true prophets,” right?

    Restorationist tend to adapt on whatever they come into discovering. There isn't much of a difference between the term True Prophet or Normal Prophet, the only distinction is in regards to the Inspired and not Inspired.

    Prophets of Old are Infallible whereas Prophets later on are not infallible, which is the case with the majority, even JWs.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    How does a “normal JW prophet” come to “knowledge”?

    By learning. Granted they are Restorationist and maintain their roots, this is something that are known for, mainly if you are aware of how Restorationist be it group or not, operate.

    An example of this is when the Bible Student Pastor concerning 1914, whereas they went on to research more and gain more of an understanding. Likewise with the practice of which Puritans, who predate them, deem problematic, in which after discovering the truth of said Traditions, they abandon the practice due to a better understanding.

    Even today when it comes to various Traditions, once people figure out the history, they drop the practice all together, however, in doing so, such people are branded as those who lack fun, Cultist and other names in the book, especially when it comes to those who do not celebrate the alleged birth of the Lord of which Catholicism fooled many on.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Through verbal and written "prophecy" of GB, of course.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not Inspired Prophets, they're simply normal Not Infallible Prophets, therefore, they, like the majority, do not have the gift of prophecy, nor have they claimed to be Inspired Prophets. Only Prophets Inspired, such as Agabus, Moses, etc have the ability to prophecy correctly, predict as is have visions of such. But as pointed out, such abilities had ceased, and it died with Apostle John.

    Now Hypothetically speaking, if JWs did claim Inspiration like all of Mainstream and Prophecy as not infallible, then the term False Prophet would evidently be used against them, but this isn't the case.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    GB is The Main Ecclesiastical Body for all JWs, and they are Guardian of Doctrine.

    Having religious leaders is not uncommon in which there is a big body of Christians, it was no different in the 1st century rather. Religious leaders in general often discuss on Doctrine, Core Teachings and oversee things. Likewise to Family Heads, Man of the House, which is a parallel.

    As is being Guardians of Doctrine, it is unlikely, if that was the case, the common JW would not have access to the Bible as a whole, let alone other information concerning Scripture. In a sense, they'd be like a Mega Church where no congregants have access to the Bible or related, only the pastor does.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So the “normal JW” is just a transmitter of GB "revelations", not some sort of “prophet” who, through personal spiritual effort, came up with the impetus for “prophecy” with the help/incentive  of "spirit".

    The Religious leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses can't have revelations like Prophets Inspired of Old. They're normal Prophets who are not infallible as is all JWs, be it current or former.

    Normal Prophets cannot gain prophecy like old Prophets.

    Normal Prophets can be spirit led if they ask God for Holy Spirit in order to help them, even gain a better understanding.

    The evidence tends to speak for itself, one of several examples below:


    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    "Normal JW prophet" works on the copy / paste model.

    Does not seem to be the case.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    They absorb information from "earthly mother organization"

    Granted the JWs are simply a sole religious group/organization, it is unwise to interject the term mother. Unless JWs have a secondary religious organization, they you have a case, but that is unfounded, false information.

    That being said, you didn't really elaborate on what is being absorb. When it comes to Core Teachings, they're primarily Anti-Trinitarian, due to the fact, even their leaders don't believe in the Trinity.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    and then transmit it through public preaching.

    So what issue is there with the Messianic Message? The Main differences is Hellfire, Immortality of the Soul, Jesus being God, which is something they do not proclaim in the gospel of good news whereas the other faction, who teaches this.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    JW "prophesies" (about) his faith in .....this and that.

    His? Are you talking about JWs or a specific JW? 

    They prophesying God's Word, the message, they don't prophesy prophecy, as is, proclaim something by means of a revelation, etc.

  18. @ApostaBabe Linda James It its more than fear. All men are imperfect, I would not say all of the faith community, however, no one is immune to levels of desperation, the unaware tends to break far more faster than those who are aware. However, not too sure of the Extremism part granted, I haven't see anything of the such, desperation, yes, but to become an Extremist, not quite. I say this because I have dealt with Extremists many times myself.

    But we are in a situation where religious faith in of itself, even the education at home is being replaced by ideas coming from the actual threat itself.

  19. 15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Not to mention, people don't understand the intent of an example when it's made. That's sadder than not doing a proper research before they post. However, people here are already complacent to how others deal with assumptions.

    Yes, and it would not surprise me if people with this mentality actually puts more fuel into the fire, especially during wartime.

    Like the example given in @Witness's thread concerning World War II and JWs of that time, the Ex Bethel JW member simply read the title of the archived article he provided in his video, but didn't read the archived article itself for context, which resulted in his opinion of the JWs ordeal in that time, as with the Nazi Regime.

    Those who are sheeple to the MSM and associated affiliates such as The Atlantic, BBC, Guardian, Daily Beast, etc, even Big Tech itself. most of the time people base their conclusions and opinions on the title or what someone says about said title, not knowing what the article conveys, hence Srecko's case concerning the Drone, as is even in the past concerning Glasgow.

    This is a willful re-write of history, and such an action is Agenda based, if it is a tool to sway people into a narrative to ignore what is truthful. A tactic I had seen many, many times over the years concerning various issues, even now with the Ukraine and Russia situation, the MSM not only fools people continuously, they are also the same ones who push the war mongering narrative, which will get people not involved in their narrative and politics to be effected as collateral, if not them, become victimized by the Wild Beast and or severely harmed/assassinated by them if the truth can hurt them, i.e. The situation with Serena Shim.

    That being said, their ill action will come to the doorstep of God's people one way or another, so knowing the enemy itself, a God fearing person can evade whatever is thrown at them while maintain their faith compared to those who fall victims unknowingly, which will eat away at whatever remnant of faith they have left. For this is why I have an extreme disdain for misinformation.


  20. 14 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    You might want to clarify this position with a better understanding with the words "prophet" and "inspired" with how the great commission continues.

    I have in the quotation itself. But the fact Srecko seems to ignore it, I only do partial quotes of what he isn't capable of seeing concerning such events.

    For what a Prophet does now vs the days of Pentecost, etc. the difference was shown.

    14 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Remember, a person continuing that commission is using the inspired word of God, not as a prophet, but as a disciple of Christ.

    There also needs to be a clarification on the phrase, Prophet not inspired. It would be helpful to explain what you mean about "the purpose about the parables."

    It was also explained on what a Prophet not inspired actually is, I put the quotation several times on this thread to both Srecko, Butler, and Witness, even pulled some information from the original thread.

    In their minds, they assume something entirely different from what the Bible and Christian history conveys, in Witness' case, I don't see as to why John the Baptist was even mentioned when there is evidence of him passing early on-mid 1st century.

    As for Biblical Parables, I haven't mentioned any in this thread. But if we had to pick a Parable, especially concerning the notion of Prophets, perhaps the Parable of the Ten Virgins, concerning those awaiting for the return of the Christ, for, Christians are aware of what the Commission represents, and who gave command to it, as is when it is to end is up to the Lord to give his say on.

    That being said, concerning Prophets, I may just make a thread whenever I get the chance because every time the distinction was made, it gets drowned out by people who don't truly know what their own Bible says, likewise, in your case when your question about seers/prophets was drowned out by them, ignored.

  21. 34 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Is the door-to-door work, run by JW members (Christians), a non-inspired prophecy work?

    Analogously, are they, JWs, uninspired prophets?

    You were already told this in a quote, the fact you say this now shows you didn't read it.

    A 4th time I quote this to you concerning a Prophet Not Inspired:

    A normal, Spirit led Prophet who is clearly not inspired and not infallible have the gifts of the spirit regarding prophesying. It is regarded as dominant, the ability for one to profess in spreading the good news gospel of the Kingdom and the Messianic Age of the coming Christ, such of which gives evidence of the holy spirit's role as seen in Scripture, Matthew 24:14, Luke 4:18, Acts 2:18, 19 and Romans 12:6-8. Such ones with spiritual gifts have that is of what is cultivated, or cultivated gifts as some would say.

    A prophet that isn't inspired and is not infallible in the message knows isn't the author of anything other than the Bible, they recognize that what they produce is of their own design but remain faithful to the Scriptures in of itself, this includes ALL Bible Translations because none of the translators or transliteratiors are not inspired, the very reason that most, if not all, tend to make revisions after revisions, example like you not knowing (but have used already) what the TR 1245 is and unaware that all translations, even that of JWs, have been revised, thus omitting anything related to the TR 1245, hence my clear view and adherence on Textual Criticism.

    A not inspired prophet, or in this case, a normal prophet is encouraged by God's Word, if not, even moved by it. They show and express a genuine love for God and are moved to take action, just as those of old and our church fathers have. They are guided by God by means of influence and thinking, and our speech as with actions by means of the power of His Spirit and His Word, as can be evident by Matthew 13:11, 24:14.

    The majority, even JWs are simply Normal Prophets/Prophets Not Inspired, as is out Chosen counterparts. The gifts Prophets of old had, we today do not have.

    Speaking about Polycarp, he himself often spoke with Apostle John who had the opportunity to meet with the Christ. Another note about Apostle John's student is that he occupies an important place in the history of the early Christian Church, for he is among the earliest Christians whose writings survived. Granted of what was to come, although a student of an Apostle, he can't predict what was to come in 325 AD by means of a Vision, he is no  Revelator as John was.

    Perhaps bother to read next time,

    Also in regards to Revelations 12:7 is says the following

    And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

    Like I said, the Bible is factual, concerning this.

  22. 2 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Twist this if it makes you happy BUT you were not talking about Scripture at that time. you were talking about me getting my understanding of things from the main stream media. My reply was that my thought and understanding were my own.

    I don't twist, you did lean towards your own personal thoughts when the Bible is clear on why we should not lean upon our own understanding. God's Word is clear on that, and this should be known to you.

    3 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I'm not suggesting that the True Anointed will 'raise the dead' or 'heal the sick'. BUT i am suggesting that the True Anointed will be inspired and will have visions and dream dreams, just as the scripture in Acts mentions. 

    Of what you are attesting to is the events of Pentecost 33AD, around Apostle John was still alive and well, possibly in his late 20s, early 30s at the time, and even then he was proclaiming the message alongside the the Christians, as is the Chosen. For they themselves had such abilities to have visions, heal, etc, granted this is the events of the 1st century around the time the Christian Church and the faith began, for instance, concerning raising the dead as seen in Acts 9:40–41; 20:9–12. For the Christians of that time, as is among the Chosen, were indeed Prophets Inspired and continue to heed command of the Christ concerning the Commission, making disciples in the process.

    But as pointed out, what is seen in Acts is the earliest of the Church's actions as is it's people, even the term Christian being noted.

    24 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

     I'm not suggesting that the True Anointed will 'raise the dead' or 'heal the sick'. BUT i am suggesting that the True Anointed will be inspired and will have visions and dream dreams, just as the scripture in Acts mentions. 

    The Chosen still walk among us, but concerning Acts this was during John's time, not afterwards. Polycarp was perhaps Chosen himself, but not having the inspiration of which his teacher, Apostle John, had.

    But in Pentecost 33 AD, our early counterparts were capable of such things, as is Apostle John.

    The ability to have visions, to be a Revelator, is equal to that of other abilities of which Prophets Inspired have.

    25 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Berean Study Bible Acts 2 : 17 & 18 
    ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. And even upon My servants, and upon My handmaidens, I will pour out of My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

    Of course, this is Pentecost 33 AD, not near the end of the 1st century (100-200 AD). But kills it even more for you is even the likes of the Didache and the Teaching of the 12 Apostles

    26 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Oh You of little faith. how will you be saved. 

    Faith begets insight and understanding. Therefore, my faith is as strong as titanium for I read truth, I do not idle by waiting for it, as you are doing.

    It is unwise to assume, as you do, to attest otherwise. For it was very clear of what happened after John's death, such abilities ceased.

    The only other person who attested to visions was the very man who caused quite the catalytic of Christianity itself.

    That being said, I recommend you read up more on what happened along the years after Pentecost 33AD, there was a reason why people like Polycarp was fighting to maintain the truth of God's Word.

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