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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    But Muhammad was a false prophet anyway and Islam is way off line.

    I wouldn't say they are way off the line granted if one understands their views to it's core whereas the basics of their views can and is understood by most.

    That being said, there sign in question is just another example of faith bashing without having all the facts, and nothing more.

    The sign itself was most likely brought up there by Trinitarians, who consider Muslims, especially those who know the Bible very well, to be a thorn on their side.

    But to the core of Islam itself they only believe in one true God, that is the Father, and it is not a surprise that like us Christians, they hold the utmost respect for the Shema Yisrael, just as must as the Christians and the Jews.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law and was the last prophet ever needed in that sense.  Jesus was resurrected as the most important spirit person (apart from God himself) and returned to Heaven. And it is only through Jesus that we can receive everlasting life from God. 

    It should be realized that Muslims means a believer of God, that they themselves believe that Jesus is a Prophet, the major difference is they do not believe he is crucified. They ultimately believe Jesus is very, very important and just like their Samaritan counterparts, they believe Jesus is a Prophet.

    For example a verse in the Qu'ran will say the following f Jesus being spoken of as a Prophet:

    • 19:30 Yusif Ali [Jesus was given revelation by Allah] - He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet.

    They also believe that Jesus did return to Heaven, although they do not believe that he was curlicued at all, as mentioned.

    Just as we believe Jesus is a messenger of God, sent (shaliach), who is Lord and Christ/Messiah, they too believe this as well.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Almighty God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the 66 Books of the Holy Scriptures (in the hands of the anointed) are all that is needed for true direction. 

    The thing is, however, our Bible has been corrupted over time, hence why we have to thank the manuscripts and the Strong's and both Textual Criticism and Hermeneutics to root out false verses from true ones, verses that respect the Strong's and verses that do not.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    It is impossible to please God by sitting on the fence and believing that 'all roads lead to God'. 

    But there are those who try and are willing.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If you are 'happy' with the religion of Islam then you cannot be serving God properly.  

    It is not about being happy with a faith, it is about not kicking a fellowman when he is down.

    So if someone brings things up like this, they'll be corrected, for I have done here. So if anyone speaks of the Hadith and not have a clue of the history of Aisha will often jump to conclusions.

    And when dealing with a Muslims, one has to be very careful because they can play that same game with us regarding Virgin Mary who was pretty much a pre-teen and the girls who were not cursed that were taken in by a Prophet of God in the Old Testament, and or the actions of Saul.

    To teach someone the Word of God we must do as Paul had done, get on their level, for you already have a common God with Muslims, that God is our Father and Jesus is his Son.

    That being said, understand where the sons and daughters of of Ishmael are coming from, like with other faiths, not a wise idea to adhere to falsehood and conspiracies complied by those who dislike them.

    One of the reason I suggest you not go to Hyde Park otherwise known as Speaker's Corner since you are in the UK- it is a place of mass debate.

  2. @Hankulan Tunani Just be watchful of those who are quick to say something crazy, like screaming and calling you Edomite. I remember there are those who say that also believe that the Holocaust never happen, and are very critical to those who are aware of the history.

    There's also another they speak of also, King David, son of Jesse, for there are people who debate about not just his skin color, but his hair.

  3. @JOHN BUTLER American Laws are somewhat a mixed bag, there is some states that the abused are suppose to marry their abuser, and people wanting to make several things legal when to the eyes of the common "woke" man and woman, such is to not be made legal. On the other side of the spectrum, you have a divided America, one of the reasons why I am not a fan of politics.

  4. Usually Black Israelites take issue with this, on the other side of the spectrum, we have people who see Jesus and or others in the Bible portrayed as Asian, Hispanic, etc.


    There's no problem with the portrayal but to throw a hissy-fit over such, I ask, build yourself a time machine and find out.

    That being said, if you exposed such ones they will scream at you, calling you an Edomite or sons and daughters of Esau.

  5. @The Librarian Good. Everyone has a different way of reading the scriptures when they have and or make the time, my Father has always told me to not let a day go by without doing something for God, even if it is 1 verse or half of a verse that is read, to also memorized and meditate on what you read that day. For if a day goes by and you do nothing, it shows that you are not doing something for God.

    A Bible Studying plan or program is a must, for just as Jesus and all those before and after him, especially the fact that Jesus as a child affirmed Shema Yisrael and read from the Old Testament, to read, obverse, to recite, pray about the God of Israel, his Father.

    Reading and discussing the Bible with others is also fun too, especially if you are young, you can get together with others and discuss on passages you read and of whom you read about.

    That being said, I remember reading the Bible once for 13 hours straight when I was younger, then broke it down to 1-2 hours, nowadays, mid 20s, I read anywhere between 1-3 hours daily, with an extra 30 minutes of reflection of what I read as well as meditation, other times I spend that extra 30 minutes turns into an hour if I have to focus on something in a passage and or verse.

    The good thing is when reading you learn as you go and you begin to remember more and more.

    As for Prayer, we are to do this continuously, no limited number of when to pray that day, for such is unlimited, for we should be communicating with our God properly and take into example of what our Lord, Christ Jesus gave regarding prayer on how to reach the Father.

    We are to give ourselves as a living sacrifice to God. To serve and worship with total servitude and devotion by means of what he has given us so that we do these things, to help fortify us spiritually and to buildup others and ourselves.

  6. @Jack Ryan The sign may think it expresses everything about Muhammad, however such ones cannot find accurate information from the Qu'ran itself. For the people who put up such signs do not know truth themselves, it is more of an attack on the Islamic faith without knowing or understanding what the Qu'ran actually says.

  7. 3 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    So when Jesus said "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"  

    Who was Jesus asking God to forgive. Was it the Romans ? Was it the Israelites that shouted for him to be put to death ? 

    Was it the criminals either side of him ? Who ?

    Matthew 5:44 makes it clear, and regarding Jesus' own words, mainly what can be read in Luke 23:34, for it is referenced, Acts 7:58-60 regarding Stephen, who appealed, who was stoned himself, but prayed to God in Jesus' name to forgive them. Plus we see a fulfilling of Scripture, mainly if we read Psalms 22:18, Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24 and John 19:23, 24.

    The lesson in Jesus praying to his God and Father to forgive such ones is because he, Jesus, freely forgives from his own heart, something of which his disciples and followers are suppose to follow when taking the Christ's example, hence, Ephesians 4:32 and what we read about Stephen, for the religious leaders who took stones against him.

    Also it was the Jews who plotted against him, eventually had the opportunity to do so, thus getting people to go against him, the Christ - those of earthly Jerusalem who rejected the Christ, on the other side of the spectrum, not all Jews were against Jesus.


    @Querotevernoparaiso is referring to those who reject God and surely anyone before the New Covenant. Jesus was born very very later on and when he got older, when he died, the New Covenant of which he had spoken of with his disciples, came into effect.

  8. @James Thomas Rook Jr. At least it will not be like his other doctrine I studied about to be inaccurate known as the Rapture whereas people will, bodily and stripped to the bares, is taken up out of the earth, heavenwards into heaven while some remain behind, other who believe in a war or some kind of zombie apocalypse will take place - For truly, truly I say to thee, this doctrine is accursed.

    That being said, I believe Jesus had more in his words regarding wolves among the sheep, false ones among the true, and the like.


  9. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Watchtower has an interesting idea on the identity of that “star”:

    If you wanted to talk about stars, it would have been best to bring that up to begin with. Before you single them out, it would be best to look at commentary first.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    With a loud trumpet peal the fifth angel announced the loosing of the abyssed “witnesses” and their work that followed. Was this to be a “woe” to “those dwelling on the earth”? With prophetic vision the apostle John watched to see. Look! A “star” had fallen, not into the sea or into the fresh waters, but to the earth. But its fall was not disastrous to it. Rather, this “star” comes as a Freedom-giver, a Liberator of others, for “the key of the pit of the abyss was given him.” He is also a King, for he is “the angel of the abyss” and is the King of those whom he releases from the abyss; in harmony with which fact those whom he releases wear what, to John, “seemed to be crowns like gold.” This symbolic “star” also has a name for this occasion. In Greek its name is Apollyon, which means Destroyer. In Hebrew it is Abaddon, which means Destruction. All these features about this symbolic “star” reveal him to be the glorified Jesus Christ.  Wt 69/12/1

    The star in question is in reference to the one with the keys, the one who binds up Satan and keeps him there, hence the verses in question is regarding the one who is to remain in the abyss – Satan the Devil.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    I agree with you that the “angel of the abyss” is Satan, who IS the Destroyer, and not Jesus Christ. 

    I do not believe I said, anywhere, “he is”, I simply stated that the Angel of the Abyss is regarding the one called Satan the Devil, one of the reasons I showed the references to begin with because those verses connected with that of the others, not even outlined, granted in Satan's case it is of whom he will be dealing with. Jesus on the other hand, is spoken of as the Morning Star (or the bright day star), hence the secondary reference in my previous comment. Granted in that reference, we are aware that Satan later on, is imprisoned for some years soon to be released and will ultimately receive his final judgement, furthermore, the Bible tells us exactly as to what will happened to him, and his eventual demise.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    But, If the falling star of Rev 9:1 was Satan, who is giving him the key to the abyss? 

    The key wasn’t not given to him. For if he is to be chained up there, why would a fallen angel have keys to his own prison in the great deep that is the abyss?


    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    In Rev 9:1, the star is falling from a heavenly position. This star releases the army of locust-scorpions from the abyss with a key (authority) given to it by one who is “king” over “the angel of the abyss”, the Destroyer.  Rev 9:11

     In Rev 20:1-3, an angel “comes down from heaven”, but isn’t falling.  That angel chains Satan in the abyss for a “thousand years”, who happens to be Christ.  

    Hence why I gave references for the angel of the abyss regarding Satan the Devil.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    They are not the same identity. 

    Of course, but now you are left with a reference for Revelations 9:11, hence the ones in chapter 8. One thing for certain, Jesus was not mentioned at all in said reference. The first verse in 20 points back to 9:1.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    The star that fell from the sky has a name – Wormwood. Rev 8:10,11; Jer 23:15; Amos 5:7; 1 Cor 10:12; 2 Pet 3:17; Prov 5:3-5

    The 3rd one you speaking of? In the Book of Revelation, Wormwood also refers to the water being turned into wormwood and or bitter made bitter.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Where do they come up with this stuff? experience? do the governing body, is that how they get their board meetings started?

    Most likely because the culture of such is spreading like wildfire to everyone. Hence why they and others stepped up to speak on trying to mitigate the matter, to lower and or reduce any chances of ones succumb to masturbation and view of pornography.

  11. 10 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    Evidently this is a widespread problem


    That my friend, is an Okatu. What he is holding in his hand is pillow with an anime loli-con pillow.

    The term loli-con (???? rori'kon) is another phrase for Lolita complex, it is a description and or picture of; or the attraction to young or prepubescent girls, individual(s) with such an attraction, or loli-con manga or loli-con anime, even in video games and other media, a genre of manga and anime wherein childlike female characters are often depicted in an erotic-cute manner, otherwise known as kawaii, in an art style reminiscent of the sh?jo manga style - girls' comics) style.


    Some Otakus embrace who they are while a large number of them, especially weebs, suffer from sheer depression and other things because of the habit.


    Learn what it is, I found PG links for you to read on the matter without those of that culture trying to derail you into things you do not want to see:

  12. 8 hours ago, Colin Browne said:

    "And after that God saw that everything he had made, and look it was very good." Gen. 1:31. A Watchtower once said that the imperfection which came upon humanity after Adam sinned cannot be accurately explained. We must therefore assume that the female was created flawless before that. Transgender and all other imperfections have been our lot since.

    True, granted that the Bible says man will drive themselves into ruin, as which we can see in today's society and the constant divide among the people.

  13. @BillyTheKid46 French is my birth language, but some of my family speaks Spanish also, so I have 2 languages including English, which I find easy to learn granted at the time my family had already moved to the US. I know other languages too, but I'd give myself a 5 out of 10 for them, but for Greek and Hebrew, I do not speak it, but I can understand a bit of both in terms of writing and some words and language forms, the Hebrew was a bit of self-teaching though and learned a bit more from a man named Jeff A. Benner, a Hebrew Professor and Researcher.

    For Bible Translations I mainly use the ESV version, secondary being the AS, and on rare occasions the YLT and or NIV.

    As for the other things mentioned, I'd have to look into them, but I do dwell heavily on Biblical Hermeneutics.

    That being said, the google translation is indeed a good tool when it comes to seeing what someone is saying, although it isn't always correct. And as for the verses in question, examples from the Bible are clear and understood when brought up.

  14. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Babylon the Great's influence will be there on a NASCAR track.

    As for the focus, blood, people will continue to get blood from illegal means and or taking it from others by force.

    As for the question at hand, Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life?

    As the laws still stand, even while under the New Covenant, the foremost Command still has the Laws connected to it, therefore, we should not be taking in or eating blood of any kind, be it from man or from beast. The main concern, however, is that by means of God through his Son, a chance of resurrection and eternal life is possible. Although for some it is a decision, one would not want to risk the lost of salvation that swiftly, otherwise, one has to be ready to redeem himself through repentance, should God accept it, for we see what his laws say about blood and life.

    In short, if you box with God, you will not win, and even if one has done such (obviously neigh impossible, but carrying on with the humor), they'd be boxed into ash and dust before the hit makes collision, for God is that powerful, all-powerful, hence why he is called El Shaddai/Almighty, the Invisible King/Father, the incorruptible, the creator of all things.

  15. I am pretty sure we went over this last time and to be brief, this whole pillow thing, masturbation and what not is with everyone, not secluded to one group, as last discussed. I also mentioned the Otaku Community, who in turn actually have issues with pillows i.e. Jack Ryan-San is plastered on a pillow or perhaps another with Rook-San, so to speak.

    At the surface it seems funny to some people, but in reality it is a self-esteem issue coupled with distaste, self hate and depression. I had already linked a community who spoke about these things and they do not take such things as jokes or to be mocked - they actually take action to help someone change their ways, especially when it comes to silly stuff like this.

    That being said, if hardcore Otakus had seen this, for they themselves know they have issues, they'd seek to burn you at the stake, scratch that, they'd strap you to a sharp and make you watch endless leek spins for 40 days and 40 nights, and if that didn't make you go mad, off the wall insane, they'd make you watch it until your brain turns into paste - humor aside, they can be violent with you, for that is the reality because to them it seems you are making fun of them.

  16. 26 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Nice! it's refreshing to find someone that understands scripture. Unlike Portuguese, we use google translate for that, and we use linguists to make sense of ancient writings. It doesn't matter just about anything else, but an interpretation is a must.

    Agreed, also I actually did use Google Translate for that one, if it was French or Spanish I wouldn't have a need for it though.

  17. 7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Yes it seemed strange to me that they accepted people of all different faiths.

    It is only strange for someone who are not aware of this information. Some of us are aware of what is taking place. This movement has been around an getting bigger and bigger as time progresses, and in 4 days when they appear in Texas, it will be bigger, even without the presence of the Pope.

    7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And i think you have mentioned previously about the Pope trying to bring different faiths together as one. I do understand that it is against God's will for that to happen. 

    Several times, and it has been going. E.I.I. branches in connection with the Vatican are blustering this effort, this movement in the US will reap more converts and religious groups on their side, which is seen as a big problem.

    Unfortunately such things will happen regardless, its been this way when a lot of other doctrines that differ from the correct one came into existence, and to this day denominations of all kinds are here while several pockets of them are trying to eek out peace by joining them.

    The greatest Apostasy is the interfaith movements that is being well fed by the mainstream Christendom and they do not even realize it.

    7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    The scriptures / Revelation, talk of 'Babylon the Great' and that it will fall (soon?). And that it will be noticable earthwide when it happens. 

    Indeed it will fall, but Babylon the Great is far bigger in terms of anything religious, but people do not see it, only a few will, while they seek peace, their counterpart seeks security and when both of them are in unison, destruction will follow.

    7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I don't know your feelings on that or about Armageddon. And do you think the 'Good News of God's Kingdom' should be preached by an organised religion of some type now before Armageddon happens ? 

    I go by what the Bible says regarding Armageddon, of what will become of the wicked, the righteous and the meek, and so forth. As for the good news gospel, the Great Commission commanded by God's Son should be followed, it should not be ignored and one has to teach the actual truth of what the Bible says, not some accursed, outlandish practice and or doctrine. The good news gospel, as with the Messianic Age has to, must be preached by anyone who knows what that truth is, in doing so, it goes not only clearly awareness of what Covenant they are under, but it also shows such ones respect what Jesus'command is all about and that the message in of itself is aligned with what is spoken of in Scripture just as the early church have done, just as those after getting the holy spirit at Pentecost have done.

    As a follower of the Christ and of his God, it is a responsibility to teach what the Bible actually says about God, his Son and his Kingdom, for not doing so is like not listening to what the command is because people out there do not know the truth or never heard of God or the Bible, examples like some people in Thailand Bangkok, they had no idea what or who Jesus is, while elsewhere, some think Jesus is God due to false teachings, you have to show them the actual truth. As for organized religion, there is many of them, the only question is which of them is doing exactly what the early church is doing, of which I made mention of before as some try to be like the early church, strive to be it even, while some actually have made the effort and successfully teach and practice as the early church have done - this also goes for individuals who are seeking/teaching the truth compared to their mainstream counterparts.

    That being said, we are to be aware of what the real enemy is and what is true and what is accursed.

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