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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 10/3/2018 at 12:59 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    I fear you have been smoking it yourself 

    Best not go dwelling in that stuff, trippy stuff if I may add, otherwise one day you will sit at home in the middle of night and begin to hallucinate that you are eating mushrooms and talking to mushroom people, dressed as a plumber going to stop, even chasing, a large dragon-turtle thing-a-ma-bob who has thing for kidnapping princesses with blonde hair, who she herself somehow is always in another castle. And this cycle repeats itself over and over and over and over again with Macintosh 420 Floral Shoppe playing in your mind like a broken media player, then boom, you come to your sense at 4am and realize you are now laying on your back on your front lawn, confused of how you got outside to begin with.

    Other than that, people are making money off this stuff and whatever they can profit from as to benefit, well you know what they say, the tree isn't free.

  2. 3 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    By we, do you mean you? And if you have made a judgement, why don't you run with it? Or are you unable to let go of the hand that used to feed you?

    An issue with most who adhere to the mainstream is that the hands that they eat from is of leavened bread and they do not know it, until they see for themselves what is leavened and what is not unleavened.

    It is what separates those who are true and those who are not true, but in between there are those astray, lost, misguided due to their own ignorance and or the teachings of the accursed.

    That being said, although there are some who claim all of us are alike, which is untrue, such claims are often made by Muslims, however, some, even some of them, recognized, that there are Christians who are doing what the Bible says and adhere to the true teachings of the church compared to those who do not.

    But those who are doing what is true will be made known to the people, given praise and encouragement, while others will heckle and ridicule, attack them even.

    For Jesus was right, there will be many who call and claim they are doing good, but they are not. Many who walk the narrow path, but only a few will get through this path.

  3. On 10/3/2018 at 9:31 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    However, it is not so easy for anyone to see who is chosen to distribute the spiritual food at this time. And also to know if the food distributed actually is approved of by God or Jesus Christ. 

    You sure about that? Jesus had entrusted those of the church to carry out the teachings and his disciples did just that, and it continued on as they took the lead, and there are those who continue for them and the cycle continues into this day and age.

    It comes down to who is applying what is true and who is not, and only a few do what is true while others do not.

    This is why I can say, and or the Muslims can say, that not many Christians are aware of the Apostolic Church and the people who make up the stones of this church.

    Shouldn't be that hard to trace back your roots as a Christian, I mean, it's that clear.

  4. 3 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    You think that's what I am doing??? You have missed a turning somewhere there. I think the joke has to be on you if that's the case!

    Anyway, I know you are hurting over something, so I'm not going to add to it by pursuing this silly GB bashing road any further. Sorry to have indulged so far. ?

    Getting back on thread, the question was something about JWs being certain that Armageddon is only a few years away for 140 years. What makes them think it’ll still happen?

    All I can think of (at the mo) is Habbakuk 2:3: "For [the] vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late."

    Pretty much, in a simple sense: To endure to the end. To be vigilant until the end. To maintain faith/salvation to the end, for you do not know when the Master is coming, you do not know when God's day is coming, so you have to always be ready when it does happen, as you live and breathe.

    Simple stuff like this if someone does not get, they haven't been reading their Bible as much. The one of God who is coming, as they also forget, will be coming with a sword, surely they know that Jesus is not just a high priest, not just a King or Christ, or even the Son of God. Our Lord, Christ Jesus is a Mighty Warrior, I don't see how that one spilled by regarding the masses, but they have to realize this is in an accurate and literal sense of what is, as they say in the streets, is about to go down.

    Here's a reference for that verse, also in the Hebrew Old Testament:


    • Micah 7:7 - But as for me, I will look to the LORD [YHWH]; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.

    Meaning to keep on the lookout for God Yahweh, have a patient, waiting position for God to hand out salvation, and God hears those who calls for him, be it of the rich, the poor, white, black, male, female, etc. He hears all who is for him, he hears those who call for him, he is on the side of those who listen to him and his son, Jesus.

  5. On 10/3/2018 at 5:48 PM, Anna said:

    The last person who was inspired by God or Jesus was the apostle John, on the isle of Patmos, when he wrote Revelation. 

    Well, you can't expect much from a guy who believes a woman named Chloe lead the church of Corinth.If he believes that, there isn't much information you can get from him regarding Apostle John.

  6. 8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    My point was of course that if the Governing Body promote as 'fact' that they are the 'Faithful and discreet slave' therefore exalting themselves,  and then give false information (bad food) concerning the will of God, then they are deliberately sinning...  

    “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?  Matthew 24 v 45.

    But another point has just appeared to me. The above scripture is from Matthew. The below scripture is from Luke. Do you notice a difference ?

     And the Lord said: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time?    Luke 12 v 42.

    The Matthew scripture is past tense, the Luke scripture is future tense. 

    But my original point on this issue was that the GB make it known as 'fact' that they have this responsibility, and only those 8 men, no one else. But they prove themselves false because the 'food' they supply in not true food.

    The difference is that these 2 verses are parallel from each other, for if you actually studied the gospels, this would not be of a surprise, granted both Matthew and Luke, were eye witnesses of Jesus' ministry.

    As for the next bit, paste tense, future tense, but why not take in the context of the verse, that is like making and eating a sandwich, but there is only beard and nothing in the sandwich itself.

    In the Greek language, the word, which is a noun, oikonomos οἰκονόμος [Steward] (Strong's 3623) refers to the manager of the household, a person placed over servants, though he himself is a servant and or a slave like those in his circle. In ancient times, this steward/slave position  was often filled by a faithful servants, who they themselves were placed in charge of his master’s business and actions, and or affairs. It was a position of great loyalty and complete trust between the persons. Regarding the household servants, which applies to all individuals who work in the master’s household, you have this Greek Word oiketeias οἰκετείας (Strong's 3610a)

    In the Bible, the Scriptures contain examples of a single noun regarding a collection of persons and or group, we have biblical examples too, for when God Yahweh, the only and only true El Shaddai, addressed the nation of Israel as a group, in plural form.

     for instance, Isaiah 43:10. That being said, when taking in context we can see that this verse, Luke 12:42 is a complete parallel of Matthew 24:45, this steward, or slave, is called the faithful and  and is called discreet.

    Now we have the word discreet (sensible in some translations), for in the Greek language it is an adjective, phronimos φρόνιμος [discreet/sensible] (Strong's 5429) for in it's use in the verse found in the gospel of Luke it conveys the idea of understanding in association such as insight, discernment, prudence, etc. This same Greek word is also used, by Luke, in Luke 16:8, and the rendering is ever so obvious, and it does not stop there either.

    Now with this context in mind, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the leading pastors of this faith refers to themselves as the Governing Body, they also refer to themselves as the faithful and discreet slaves, and this term, found in those 2 verses you provided, fits the bill for them, for they are of a sole Christian community - The Jehovah's Witnesses, and they are a body of 8 persons who are stewards, servants and or slaves of the house, their faith community and so forth. It is only these 8 few because they are the ones who are leading the faith, as well as referring to themselves as the chosen ones of the Priesthood, which, to Jehovah's Witnesses mean Anointed Ones, and a term I normally use regarding the church, Church Fathers, just as Eusebius and the others were of such, centuries ago.

    With all that said, the only thing that is inspired is the Scriptures.

    5 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You are a joker. If you think you can apply Jesus' words to the GB then you too deliberately sin by going 'beyond the things written'. . 

    My goodness how the JW Org corrupts some people.  I would laugh about it but it is such an insult to Jehovah and Jesus Christ. 

    He isn't joking he is professing his belief, as well as speaking of what the Bible says, for, even if he was not a JW, what is said is in harmony with the scriptures regarding those who lead in the early Christian church.

    You'd laugh? But last time you yourself have stated religious leadership is of Pharisees when God is the head of the Christ and the Christ is the head of the church, of which the church is structure is of God's Order, and the church receives instruction from the Christ himself, hence the early Church and onward.

    For what he said is in the right, it is only viewed as wrong because you show yourself to have a disdain for Jehovah's Witnesses, for @Gone Away is most likely one. For anything regarding the stewards who are sensible, it is the same as is in the Scriptures. this paste/future tense will not cut it for you if you do not apply context from very little elementary biblical hermeneutics.

    For a former JW, you've gone down hill if you missed that point.


    Also the Greek text isn't.... Rubbish...

  7. 13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Was he last or not no one knows for sure. But You believe he was last. And i respect your belief.... even with :) symbol

    That is why it is best to study about Apostle John... If you can't even get this down, the basics at least, how can you profess the Word when you do not know the Word and rely on emotion and opinions in a convoluted sense and mingle it with Scripture?

    I do not know if what you say, I respect your belief, is false or genuine, God our Father knows, granted with what you have been saying here and elsewhere, it is not wise to kid yourself when you reveal yourself.


  8. On 10/2/2018 at 4:21 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Exactly. So if the Governing Body of the JW Org are what they say they are (the faithful and discreet slave) then why do they give false information to the congregation ? 

    Surely that is deliberate sin.

    If that was the case, and if such is a sin for man is indeed imperfect, we should also be holding accountable Prophet Eli because he called Samuel's mother a drunk, not realizing moments later she was praying to God when she explained herself to Eli, who was clearly dumbfounded. He is a Prophet of God so surely he has made mistakes, as is with Samuel who was avoiding death at the hands of Saul, father of Johnathan, predecessor of King David, Son of Jesse.

    As for pastors of the church today, they are all imperfect, so minor mistakes can be made, I can say the same thing of us Biblical Unitarians.

    As for the other bit, they are not inspired, whatsoever, no Restorationist Christian in their historical existence ever claimed to be inspired. Unless you want to bring proof to claim, of which has already been debunked before when Christian history has been spoken.

  9. On 10/3/2018 at 5:02 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Um not this comment but one of your previous comments you said " and the standard in which sin is judged is the LAW of Moses."

    We no longer live under the Law of Moses, nor did we in fact, as it was only for the Nation of Israel, and it ended when Jesus Christ fulfilled it by his death and resurrection.

    So we cannot be judged by the Mosaic Law.  There are things that Christians can do that the Israelites  / Jews could no do. 

    We do not keep the Sabbath and we can eat all foods. We do not offer animal sacrifices, etc

    To some extent what is of the Law is still in application in terms of principle, for instance, we are to serve and honor God, as it says in the Law in the Hebrew Old Testament, such is still in application in the Greek New Testament, to the churches to the people, to us even in the present day, for we do in fact do what is needed to adhere to the teachings and to serve God, for the Laws of of are of God’s thinking, something we should not be ignoring.

    The Israelites were of Natural Israel and the mediator at the time was Moses, while Jesus mediated for the new one, of Spiritual Israel.

    We no longer need to do animal sacrifices because Jesus’ death is what validates and or overwritten this, although Christians do not need to do such, some tend to accept Jesus’ sacrifice, but continue to do animal sacrifices, examples would be, Christians of Mount Gerizim, also known as, Modern Day Samaritans, this also goes for the Sabbath, although no longer required, some do it still.

    The Old Law was written by stone, but the New Covenant itself was, in this sense, written in our hearts, to which like that of the old, for the new we follow.

    For what has overwritten the old Sinaic Law took immediate affect when Jesus expired. Jesus spoke of this Covenant with his disciples, 11 of them and made promise to them, and extends such when such ones are begot by the spirit, furthermore the mass inauguration at Pentecost where the spirit, the promise from God, had been outpoured to the people.

    Christians can and will still be judged, mainly for those who allow themselves to do what is bad, even when receiving guidance and or criticism from such ones like Paul and onward.

    For when it comes to the Christian faith, you are to focus on and maintain on what is true, otherwise you will be caused to stumble, fall even and the next action will be on your part: whether to remain on the ground, or the other option, to stand back up, headstrong and continue to walk on the path that is correct.

    The Law, the Commandments, as said before, is of God’s thinking, of which we can observe by means of study. The commandments themselves are of principles that are still in application and such is not irrelevant. Many of these principles are scattered throughout the Greek New Testament.

    Granted the subject matter is of murder/suicide, what I have brought up in a response to Shiwiii was Exodus 20:13 regarding the thou shall not kill [murder] that stems from the Law, for when you seek the references, such as 1 John 3:15 among several (already mentioned), this is still in application despite Spiritual Israel’s Laws overwriting Natural Israel’s Laws.

    Another example would be to not commit adultery Hebrews 13:4, as with several other verses, to which it stems from Exodus 20:14, with the one about murder/killing is right above this one in the previous verse in the Old Testament.

    On 10/2/2018 at 5:09 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Yes quite a lovely thought really. If suicide was painless and not frightening. Why wait for Armageddon if life is not good now ?

    Just quietly go to sleep and then wake up in the 'New World'. The only downside is that it is a bit selfish if you have loved ones that would miss you and / or need you here.. 

    Suicide to the majority is painful and it is frightening for some, granted such ones in a state of depression and fear and or other before taking his or her own life, I know the impact for the experience is still haunting to me, for the it not was not the suicide that hurts the person more, it is what led up to it, for some people, they tend to blame God for this, forgetting this verse: James 1:13.

    For it breaks not just the person who is victim before ceasing to live, it breaks those of whom the person has relationships with and or interaction, examples like a friend, a brother/sister, uncle/aunt, etc, the same effect as to ones who are murdered or is the murderer, only this time a larger pool of people included from both sides. For if you actually dealt with people who are in a state, show signs of suicide it is there, at times, they’re subtle with it to the point such isn’t revealed to both family and friends before it is too late – for it is more than just to simply say life is not good, one cannot be simple minded when it comes to things such as these.

    Unfortunately, Mr. Butler, death is a state of sleep(Luke 8:52 (Matthew 9:23-26, Mark 5:38-43, John 11:11, Acts 7:60, Acts 13:36)), yes, and such ones will be awaken, and for such ones there will be those who will receive God’s mercy and those who will be judged when everything comes to a conclusion. Suicide itself is a sin, however it is not an unforgivable sin as some make it out to be, mainly to those who hold to the doctrine of living after death or something in some shape and or form, knowing they themselves that humans are not spirits.

    As for what you said regarding Baptism and Paul, The context regarding Baptism can be traced back to the origin of the Baptism, and or if you, using a literal map seeing Israel from a bird’s eye view, if you know the history, it would be very clear.

    On 10/3/2018 at 12:58 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Different translation.

    As long as the Strong's and the manuscripts line up, what is spoken of is correct, it is only a problem and or a biblical violation if the Strong's/Manuscript do not line put, for the last time I've educated on you this simple fact, with context, you didn't like the truth.

    That being said, as with what @Shiwiii have stated, such is going off topic, and yet a response has to be made.

    AS for thinking some of the Law has been done away with, I only have one thing to say to you, Sh'ma Yisrael (Mark 12:28-34). For if is spoken of by the Christ that on these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets, we as Christians should understand what hangs on those 2 laws, hence as to what I stated before regarding the verse in Exodus and everything connected to it.

  10. On 10/2/2018 at 4:11 PM, Shiwiii said:

    And here is the top answer (Kris) in your link:

    "The answer to this question lies in understanding judgement day from the Jehovah's Witnesses point of view. We do not believe persons are resurrected and judged worthy of eternal life or eternal anihilation based on their imperfect previous existence. Rather those sins are blotted out as you state or paid for by death."

    Kris also went on to say the following,

    After resurrection all persons righteous and unrighteousness in their previous existence will be able to fully align themselves with Gods will if they choose to. Naturally those who previously had aligned themselves to the extent possible in their imperfect past life will find it easier to conform to Gods plan during the 1000 year judgment day.

    He adds quote regarding Judgment Day

    And his final remark is the following: So yes all persons resurrected will have a clean slate, as it were, with God. Their eternal salvation is based on how they are judged during the 1000 year judgement day and their successfully withstanding the final testing period when Satan is released for a short time at the end if judgment day.

    A Top answer on CSE is the full comment itself, never is the comment portioned because those in both the Christian and Hermeticism CSE space will ask you for detail, examples being if you give a response, be it question or answer about, for instance, is God Male, a simple “yes” will not cut it in this community, so you have to prove what that yes is with biblical interpretation.

    That being said, their view isn’t complex nor some convoluted teaching, in addition, it does not dip itself into the belief of the immortal soul doctrine or instant judgment upon death doctrines. Both the good and bad will be resurrected; this includes those of Christ and those who are not of Christ, that is, as well as those who do not even know anything that is in the Scriptures, let alone the ability to read, those who have already died. Those who will be resurrected, the good will not have to face judgment compared to those who bad, and those who are bad will be judged a time that is coming, by means of what we read in the references found in Revelations. Among those in Hades, even the ones who commit suicide will be brought back, some will be met with mercy, others with judgment when everything has been concluded, for like I said, when it comes to suicide, the situation tends to be different.

    For those who die, they are unable to commit any acts of sin, for a dead person cannot speak, move (they can explode - literally) or do such as a person who is alive [has life] can do. In the eyes of Jehovah’s Witnesses, they see this also, those in death will have, as Kris stated, a clean slate, for such goes for all imperfect ones, and that clean slate as he mentioned, goes into the belief of those who are aware of the 1,000 year reign/rule of Christ, otherwise known as The Millennial Kingdom, during this time judgment is still in motion, in effect, especially to those who, with a clean slate, are out and about, living for they are no longer dead, but having life – that is, a gift from God, as mentioned in the verse, for it is what will take place afterwards everything is accomplished according to God's purpose, will and order, and Satan the Devil and Deceiver will be destroyed at this point via Everlasting Destruction from the [face of the] Lord, as mentioned in the Bible, as for those with him – those, who are alive, who chooses to go against God and his Christ.

    On 10/2/2018 at 4:11 PM, Shiwiii said:

    So yes, the jw position IS that your sins are gone upon death as confirmed by Kris. So then there is the question I had asked. Logically speaking, based on this belief that all sins are gone, suicide would only be a sin for a twinkling. 

    Kris did confirm this, but clearly he had more to say, at CSE, you take into account the full response, not part of it or a snippet, for his point to claim was regarding sinners and Judgment. Looking into Kris’ comments and it is understandable of where the position is, as is with others who share this belief, even some scholars’ stand on this specific notion when Judgment and The Millennial Kingdom is in connection to this.

    On 10/2/2018 at 4:11 PM, Shiwiii said:

    The reference to verse 7 is what we agreed on much earlier in this thread. Your death removes your ability to sin, the consequences of sin is death, and the standard in which sin is judged is the LAW of Moses. 

    Was assuming you were referring to verse 23 at first, only reason I brought up the other verse, however, the context for both verses, although similar, differ also. Like I said before a dead man cannot do anything, he cannot sin and or commit sin for in death there is no life, only those who are living and roam the earth can do things, even sin themselves, for today, be it if they follow the teachings of the Christ and follow his God, and or not. Furthermore, Romans 6:7, in connection to verse 23, as much more to say when you put everything together.

    The Commandments are still at play here, granted that the principles from the Commandments alone are still in application to Christians, something of which I was very pressing about months ago when dealing with Trinitarian on this forum, and the fact that I provided references of Exodus 20:13 earlier, for the principle of killing someone and or oneself, for committing murder and or killing someone.

    On 10/2/2018 at 5:56 PM, Shiwiii said:

    quite true, but this is just an exercise for thought.

    It ultimately destroy's the logic of interpreting Romans 6:23 and 6:7 the way that jws do. 

    I do not see how the interpretation held by Christians is destroyed, for last I checked people like Augustine was not a JW and yet his views are clearly seen regarding death/murder/suicide, as with others in fact, we even have Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer.

    A problematic interpretation would be the very fact that the immortal soul, instant judgment, hellfire torment, and more related doctrines is included regarding these 2 verses or the ignoring of those who never knew anything regarding the Scriptures, who are also born sinners, but never got the chance to received amnesty with God, so to speak, moreover, as with those with a total disregard for the references, such as Genesis 3:19, something of which is being taught and professed by several, while on the other side of the spectrum, there are those who do not.

    For sin has power over a man who is imperfect. But when a man dies, sin has no hold or ability to dominate the man for him who is dead cannot do anymore sin, but the coming judgment and everything that is concluded, this man, if he does bad, will be judged, I say this because then you have to take into account people who do not have an idea what the Bible is or show clearly oblivious to who the Christ is.

  11. @Gone Away Another factor is spurious text, some of which people deem true, but it is false, hence why such was omitted from many translations.

    The other factor is those who do not know Hebrew and Greek, thus yielding upon their own understanding vs. what we read in the manuscripts of which the Bible comes from, so to speak.

    So there is a right view and a wrong view when it comes to the Bible, no middle ground.

  12. @JOHN BUTLER The Bible is for all to read and to understand, however there are those who remain ignorant to passages and verses of the Bible, cherry pick and or do not go into the Hebrew and Greek to understand something, a word, place and or thing and so forth.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Those that study God's word deeply can get the sense of a lot of it. 

    True, that is, if we accept what is true.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    But, as you have quoted from Timothy, 'All scripture is inspired of God'. But not all humans are inspired of God to understand it fully.

    No man is inspired, the text is indeed inspired, at the same time over the centuries uninspired text has entered the Bible, examples like the KJV.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    From the 'Bible Students' onward predictions based on scripture have proven false. The GB have written books that can now be shown to either be mistakes or lies. Would God really give false information to his 'chosen ones' ? 

    God does not give false information, however men, even those chosen by God are imperfect, as we can see a clear example with Samuel's mother to which when she was praying, a Prophet of God assume that she was a crazed drunkard, clearly he did not know, thus he is imperfect, as is with anyone who is deemed worthy and or destined for priesthood.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And the Bible also says at Psalm 146 V 3 

    Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation. 

    You sure you are using this verse correctly granted with how big the context of this entails?

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    So we go back to square one. Is there really a 'body of people' being truly guided and upbuilt by God's holy spirit at this time ? 

    Those of the Priesthood, spoken of in the Bible, those of the Free Woman/Bride who are invited by God, thus being chosen, although imperfect, for they are not man nor woman in this sense regarding the chosen.

    This same people in Jesus' day were entrusted with commands regarding the church and such continues onward into this day and age.

    Those of the Priesthood will, only a few, will be alive during the End Time Tribulations and the day of God's Judgement.

  13. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    Gone away/Space Merchant , I agree with the both of you on your last posts. 

    I have spoken to many jws before on this topic (death = sins acquitted) and very adamantly their response has been that those sins are gone, forgiven.  I wondered if there were some here who hold that same view, that once you die all of your sins are gone. If that WAS someone's position, then they would have to settle the idea that suicide could not be a sin, well it would be for a second and gone the next. This topic is a stone in the shoe of those who believe this way. 

    It comes down to who is applying the Commandments in the Bible or not, for most of us Unitarians and those of CSE and UCG hold to the belief that suicide is a sin, granted early Christians at this time held to the commandments and held to the belief of murder/kill/suicide, etc.

    I would recommend asking this or looking for this on CSE, for I know there are a few JWs there like Kris and 4Castle. Kathgar is another one, but not easy to get a hold of.

    That being said, regarding that verse we should take into the verse fully as well as with the references. Also if I may add, there is another verse in Romans that is nearly the same with this one, it is verse 7.

    Kris posted this a while back: https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/44364/in-the-tradition-of-jehovahs-witnesses-does-romans-623-mean-that-all-people-w


  14. On 9/30/2018 at 1:28 PM, The Librarian said:

    Question sent in for me to post.



    Granted that the day of God Judgement is unknown, people, even JWs, take into account in what Bible says that the end is near and even the disc-poles and all slaves of the Christ who serve the Father of Jesus, also know that the day is near.

    For us today, we know the day is coming, but we have to be vigilant and enduring, maintaining our faith, hold to salvation, for we do not want to be locked out when the groom shows up, as the Bible says, and we would want to know what God's Law entail and not be recognized by the one who God sent, so to speak.

    So it is our duty as Christians to be aware and ready for trying times are upon us and the Tribulation End Times will soon begin and during that time no one would speak of the gospel or the Messianic Age, you can see such ones but they will preach to you for the separating of the sheep and goats is in effect.

    This is why a lot of us, myself included remains in total neutrality, careful not to call out others as false, correcting actual truths to falsehood and so to speak, anyone applying the teachings of the church I remain neutral with because a slight mistake can land one for judgement, something I and many others who adhere to the Bible do not want, but some people are lollygagging, not knowing they put themselves in danger and in God's anger, and that is the price such ones will pay, alongside with the wicked.

    For if one does know know his Bible and remains ignorant to the truth, even when someone tells him the truth, that ignorant person will be another person in line for the Lake of Fire and succumb to the second death.

    As for it still happening there are many things, for instance, the Religion(s) of Babylon who are in total unity.

    The E.I.I is seeking a peaceful conquest while the higher ups in the UN is seeking total security and their hands on lands not of their own, while opposing forces speak against them.

    And we know what the Bible says on peace and security.

    Therefore we must be vigilant, enduring, maintain of faith, hold true to scripture and know our Bible, ignore those who claim they read the Bible but do not apply, those who add to the Word by means of opinion and emotion thus adhering to the accursed, avoid the Trinity, avoid brazen conduct, etc.

    While doing so, we must read and learn everyday, take in knowledge of God, and of his Son, Jesus, of the Kingdom, the trial and error of the disciples and followers of the Christ, read and teach the Word accurately, do not give in to spurious text or Traditions of Men regarding understanding and so forth, for in doing so, God and his Christ dwells in us, and we, become one with not just the Christ, but of God also.

  15. 5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I am a little worried that admin or someone will start a topic entitled ‘Why TrueTom did not leave Jehovah’s Witnesses.’ Then I will feel obligated to write pages and pages and pages of pure brilliance and I simply do not have the time.

    Perhaps, but I don't think admin would write such about anyone here, the only instance was the unmasking of a specific individual if I recall correctly and a ban followed right after it only for so and so to reemerge.

    Other than that, what I will say here, again, is child abuse is everywhere, no one is immune to it, and as of recently, restaurants are not immune either and due to a child abuse case an act of Jungle Justice was almost done, the restaurant remains but the culprit is taken care of.


    At the end of the day, all men is imperfect and child abuse will not stop a man from practicing a faith, for if that was the case all religions should have been done away with long time ago and the Bible, as well as the Qu'ran, would have been destroyed on sight.


    The blame one blame all mentality is pretty silly, if I may add, but people still do it.

  16. 7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Anna and others are allowed to mention the Child Abuse freely

    Everyone can talk about child abuse, but in other topics that is all you bring up when 2 topics with the very discussion you brought up on child abuse has been questioned and answered over and over. You brought up child abuse on several unrelated topics time and time again, and the answer is the same, and those same answers of which you viewed previously are still there, go back a few thread pages to find those 2 threads, the closed one and the one with the Greek user.

    You can speak your peace, but do so in a smart way, otherwise the end result will be the very fruits you pick from the trees.

    1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Wouldn't take much space to say 'Because True Tom is a puppet of the Org and does not ask questions or think for himself'. 

    No one is a puppet here. Everyone here has a different background, they come from different walks of life, each of us have experience and or something knowledgeable to say even to correct, each of us are of a faith community and or non-religious, etc. The claim of puppets have already been done by you elsewhere, need not for the cycle to repeat itself.

    That being said speak your peace, it will only take a few copy and paste of any same response answered before.

  17. 59 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Please tell me how waste plastic gets from the solid object, into the atmosphere, and what toxic gasses contaminate from that contaminate the air we breathe.

    If there are any, my guess would be the outgassing concentrations would be so small as to be almost un-measurable, and that being anywhere in the vicinity of a car with the motor running ... burning hydrocarbons .... would be several hundred BILLION  times more dangerous.

    I stated that following: You toss a plastic item of waste into the grass and or sea you pay for it. You put toxic gases into the heavens, your lungs and health will most likely pay for it.

    Plastic and or trash will pollute the land and it piles up over time. The other part of that sentence is regarding toxic gases from factories, vehicles and or other things that populate the air, and can cause some damage to people and young children, even infants, i.e. cities, small towns and or suburbs in close proximity to said factories and or anything that is damaging, hence toxic gases.

    What I didn't mention is sewage and toxic waste that is, low-key, bring dumped in various areas mainly water sources as well with the whole pipeline issue we have to which Native Americans have issue with vs. government when it comes to protected lands.


    Which reminds me, if there is one cartoon I use to watch as a kid, it's Captain Planet, for the show is based on a superhero that is encouraging to keep things clean and to recycle. A good show it was.


  18. The very reason I prefer to drink from glass and not plastic. If I am in a position to drink from a plastic bottle, I recycle it, but sadly no one likes to recycle.

    You toss a plastic item of waste into the grass and or sea you pay for it. You put toxic gases into the heavens, your lungs and health will most likely pay for it.

  19. 6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And before you say that the JW Org has grown so much, well so has Muslim related terrorism and other false religions

    Please, do not bring Islam into this to compare to Christian faiths of any kind, you will be corrected, even regarding the Qu'ran.

    Islam has indeed increased worldwide while mainstream Christendom has decreased, especially in the EU, mind you, Christians minorities HAS not decreased in a great number compared to the mainstream, it is its own category compared to mainstream Christendom, for instance in Japan, mainstream Christianity has declined, however minority groups show a slow increase.

    that being said, I even stated before, that the increase is due to people figuring out the falsehood professed by mainstream Christendom thus people going to minorities and or becoming atheist and or Agnostic, as well as Muslim.

    Muslims are not related to terror for terror is committed by ALL men regardless of background and or faith, not solely Muslims, and anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves, and do not be quick to call them false either, for although their views differ they do have something to say, and their issue is, like many out of failed mainstream Christendom, the Trinity is false.

  20. @Jack Ryan I'm still waiting for that nationalistic pride response. My people wear robes to the temple, in no way shape or form they are expressing nationalistic pride when all they are doing is wanting to serve God, as is with Christians in other parts of the globe who are takes the time to know the difference between modest and immodest.

    So far, a very, very brief summary of the discussion: Christian Spaniards who wear clothing and or attire that is a reflection of their culture. No nationalistic pride being expressed here for their sole purpose is to worship God within their faith community, even invite visitors an the only thing that was said, is someone doing a sexy pose (hand on hip).

    Unless it is the sexy pose that is rustling your jimmies because although the pose was kind of out of line, I see no pridefulness here.

  21. 10 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Well it seems the Governing Body like to talk about 'tight pants' 'homosexuality' and 'masterbation with a pillow'.

    Um, a bit worrying i think. 

    That is because a Christian, regardless of where they are should not be wearing something that is immodest at all, mainly within a church whereas the very thing of the church is pure worship, you said you read the Bible, understand the difference between immodest and modest, I need not have to bring Hebrew and Greek Strong's for something that is practically simple to understand. This also goes for Evangelism and or anything pertaining to the missionary preaching of the Messianic Age and Good News Gospel, appropriate attire is necessary for even to those you preach the gospel to will also be viewing you and your attire, for with God, cleanliness and to be proper is a must. As for as I am concern, there are others who are vocal about this, as well as us in the Unitarian (P.E.o.J.B) who also view this too, as with the women of Christ an their following, who take issue with tight clothing also, thus viewing it as immodest.

    In the words of those who are vocal about this issue, and I quote: Tight, clinging attire is as immodest as skimpy attire because the woman’s figure is emphasized and accented, and the man’s attention is directed to that which is forbidden outside of marriage. Men are strongly influenced sexually by the eye-gate and are attracted to the woman’s curves. The immodest clothing industry understands these things and strives to dress women seductively rather than modestly. It is important to understand that tight, form-fitting clothes can be just as sexually disturbing to a man as skimpy clothes.

    You tell me Butler. If Jesus was walking on this modern day and age to see the churches for he is the head of the church, you think he, a pure and sinless man, who be accepting of immodest;y dressed ones in the house of his Father? For he need not think twice to throw out merchants who make his Father's Temple a house of commerce, something of which even churches do today to which they teach and believe there is no issue. Well my friend, there is an issue, and it is no difference from a man in Peter Pan-sque tights who is in the church, or a woman who is wearing sexual disturbing attire tight enough to the point it may tear, or perhaps something that is way to short and clearly uncomfortable.

    Tight pants is something that is professed by charismatic preachers thinking such is normal and on the health issue of things, for males, tight pants is something that kills one's sperm count or perhaps women wearing tight clothing in the church to a point as to their under garments or body parts is borderline visible, immodest. And speaking of women, the very reason Gang-Stalkers to some churches is because they are able to see such ones in tight clothing, other times even take pictures of so and so and post it online for ill purposes, and such things you do not want to know that will make your stomach turn counterclockwise wise.

    That being said, the common attire by those in religious institutions is a modest dress and for men, a suit that is of decent size and fits him comfortably, for if someone is a member of the church, they most adhere to the modesty even in terms of dress code.

    If you want to where tight clothing to reveal thyself to others in such a manner, you have the night clubs for that, not God's House.

    10 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    'homosexuality' and 'masterbation with a pillow'.

    I have already spoken of homosexuality and what I have seen mainly regarding children in that crowd by means of S.o.G and others, some of which I cannot post here for it is that bad.

    As for masturbation [with a pillow - something not to be joked about, granted if you took the time to read stories from those afflicted with sexual immortality; or Otakus] I gave Srecko links to the Christian community that is Anti-Masturbation. It is not a surprise a religious faith will speak of that, but to be brief, since you like throwing things from other topics here, I will give you a link, I'll make it larger for you so you can see it and share the pillow talk stuff there, you think JWs speak of this only, but such is spoken of here too and they will not take lightly to jokes - I already gave someone there your response from the other thread and he was "heated and angered" and you do not want to know what that Christian has to say, of you and Srecko, perhaps another time I will give you the screenshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/

    That being said, Christians come from all parts of the world and they all dress differently, the real Christians, although different by race, nation and culture, are aware of what modesty is and what such means to the House of God, we do not see anyone seeking pride for their country, as Ryan had stated, for the only thing such ones care about is doing what is needed regarding the early church teachings and of the Bible and of God, and of His Christ.

    No one here should like a snowflake about such an issue, and I am pretty sure no one here is an extreme Yale Student, acting like one regarding culture will end badly for such ones.

  22. @TrueTomHarley I am pretty sure this was discussion in another thread, which ended up being closed, thus going into another thread from a Greek user here, and such is spilled over to other threads as if a child knocked over a glass of fruit punch on to the carpet. Not easy to clean, but a few scrubs will eventually get the juice stains out, in this sense, information upon information until the spill happens again.

    But it is getting a bit silly, people think they can end child abuse when the reality is it cannot be stopped, better solutions can be made to prevent, but trying to stop something of this scale, is like trying to stop world hunger and or racism, perhaps violence around the globe when that is neigh impossible.

    Even within the justice system itself is also a problem.

    That being said, I take it no one hear the news that, hence child abuse is globe, it is taking place in restaurants now, for I guess all restaurants should now be held accountable, granted with the mentality of some folks.

    Yep, such was answered before, time to make use of that carpet cleaner - again.


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