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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 19 hours ago, Anna said:

    I know who you were referring to. And I was saying there are easier ways to achieve the same. I mean would you really want to live your life knowing you are responsible for 8 million people? I certainly wouldn't. Not even for a Rolex watch.

    Well on religious statistics side of things, I think you lot are around the 8.45 million mark, possibly 8.5 million.

    For me I prefer solar powered watches over any watch. At least no one would be trying to take it from you like a fresh pair of new Jordans.

  2. 5 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    No disrespect but i do wish you would keep the topic on the Jehovah's Witnesses only when the topic is such. 

    There is no point telling what other 'religions' do, or what the outside world does. Surely you would know that the JW's are supposed to be 'no part of this word' and should not be influenced by anyone other than God and Jesus Christ, and the Bible.  

    I have been keeping on topic, anything in regards to excommunication is of expelling/shunning command, to which I ask you of what it is I am off topic about.

    When one studies religion it is easy to point out their Christology, their beliefs, practices and so forth, mainly when it comes to the Abrahamic Religions and so forth, understanding the mindset and or views of others, on the other side of the spectrum, actually practices as that are not Christian  like.

    I know who they are, even challenged one and understand where they are coming from, granted I have been studying religions, as I had informed to you before.

    When one is no part of the world, they do not adhere to traditions of men and or bad made holidays spoken of to be of Christ when it is not. You do not align yourself with any side expect God's, you are to respect authority but never allow authority to overrule God's Rule, and if civil disobedience has to be done, it has to be in the Christian way, not the other ways it is done by false ones.

    Above all else, God is above all and everyone, we take his command seriously, as well as the command of his son, Jesus, to which he had entrusted his command to those who take up the church, for it is all connected.

    That being said, when Jesus commanded and or given ability to bind and loosen, you should know what that entails regarding the church. Therefore, it should not be unknown to anyone what expelling aka excommunication and shun command means, and which out of the 3 forms is correct, whereas in reality only 1 form is correct and practiced by FEW Christians. 

    When Jesus gives command of something, and or that of his Father, we do not follow it half way or accept half, we take it up in full and be committed to it, as done by those before us and those to come after us.


    And yes, the Bible, Matthew 16 is a good chapter to read.

  3. On 8/2/2018 at 9:00 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Or, in Iranian Kingdom Halls at the Water Parks, the Burkinis.

    TTH Browser History Filter.jpg

    When the Iranian Brothers see these ankles, we have to throw buckets of cold water on them ... and the buckets!

    Not these kinds of pictures again, I still remember the water-slide one.

    Other than that, I cannot crack a smile for when knowing what Christians are going through in the Middle East, mainly when you have places like Iran.

  4. @Matthew9969 So can anyone else, not just the person in charge/set up the network point:

    Even kids know that, they can track people via IP address on xbox the very reason why some of them commit acts of SWATTING and the recent 45 year old who made a fool of himself speaking negatively over an 11 year old kid who beat him in a game.

    It's 2018, no one is oblivious to such things.

    As a IT Network and Security Personnel myself, you can view any device be it public and or private with such tools like Fing, and or other. It is not much of a surprise that any connection to a facility that they can see any device, granted of how and when to see any issues that come and to stop it before it spreads, examples being people going through the network for packet information and or other, steal, view or see other people's information, the very reason why if anything goes down and or to prevent, that specific device on the network can be tracked.

  5. @The Librarian It is usually tough for Christians in India because a lot of Indians practice Hinduism. However you'd be surprised of how many of them who are of Hinduism do not know of and or never heard of the Bible, let alone know who God is, who Jesus is and so forth, the same situation as parts of Thailand.

  6. @Jack Ryan Unfortunately Expelling and Shunning Commands do exist and it is based on what has been entrusted to the church by means of the Christ, of which is later practices by those who had authority over the church, examples being Apostle Paul. Such goes by other names being Herem Censure and or the Takfir, excommunication, etc. Only ONE form out of the Three practices of Expel/Shun command is correct, and only a FEW Christians are aware of this and practice such while others use the TWO other incorrect forms.

    This is why you have people today calling Paul a lair, not knowing the origin of such practices of which the early church taught, and we have those ignorant of this small bit of information, as if Armstrong and or anyone who knows this information well makes it any clearer.


    Even outside of religion, such is in practice.

  7. @Gone Away Well you cannot expect much from a man who says money is evil yet has the audacity to say he agrees with passages like Matthew 17:24–27, or or birds providing him with internet access and other resources, or somehow you need to be a doctor/therapist/witch doctor (of which I find a tad bit offensive) to be in affiliation with a boys and girls club type of group and or community; helping young ones with addictions, or someone who believes a woman named Chloe (mentioned only ONCE in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 1:11) is the head of the Church in Corinth, and yet refuses to give legitimate proof and or any information of such.

    And we have the recent Peter was under temptation when Jesus was about to be apprehended/arrested, which is unfounded, not even a shred of info to which bears this connection.

    The funny thing about Biblehub is no one pays attention to commentary, the fact that it shows in the both of these misguided ones, who agree with each other and say they read the Bible, is rather telling.

    People can make mistakes and or in error of something from a source or two and make the correction. But to remain totally unaware of this small information and being ignorant to what is true continuously, is indeed something that has to be worked on. Mind you, no one here is even irritate to stumble upon their own information.


    You may want to check out what he says of Galatians 3:28 regarding anything in connection with Paul - the water in the glass cup does not hold for him.

  8. @Gone Away They do not know Greek Strong's so they remain unaware of words being in respects to the Greek Strong's number itself.

    @Srecko Sostar @JOHN BUTLER The both of you take a good look at the Strong's. It is only a Hebraic and or Greek violation if the word is not in connection with the Strong's in question, therefore, anyone who speaks of error never pays attention to the Strong's

    The view is simple, Apostle Paul referred to himself as an ambassador, for of whom is representing Christ to the people of his day to the Christians. We know of this because of We know of this because of Ephesians 6:19, 20 as well as Philippians 3:20. 2 Corinthians 5:20, it is believed by many Christians that our Lord, Christ Jesus, is a King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, and the ones like Paul, ambassadors, must announce this to the people and or nations, take a good look at verses like Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 11:15. Ambassadors are pretty much neutral and don't have any corrals of countries to which they are sent. The very reason if you get fully what not being part of the world is in this sense, you'd both realize that obligation you make with God and His Christ vs. that of internal affairs of countries of which you are of and or sent by.

    On 9/23/2018 at 11:33 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    You find that interesting, it is far more interesting to read what is said if you scroll down on that specific link.


    Have you bothered to check the Strong's in that same link you also addressed?

  9. 15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It could be just me, but it seems that he has but a passing interest in the topic of discussion, if any at all, and but uses whatever the subject to further his peeve with the GB. If you discuss any other aspect of the topic, you lose him.

    We will learn to be focused. For if it is another issue he wishes to speak of, HIS topic is still on the forums, as well as the other 2016 topic of which such was continued into. I believe it is the same one of which Srecko Sostar friend, the yes-man, in "the House of Chloe" tried to trick others that I am in favor of the KJV when I had spoken about Textual Criticism time and time again, in a response I made to Mr. Butler about child abuse. You'd be amazed of how some will use a typo to use against you, and this was the case with the Trinitarian who tried to twist church history.

  10. 3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Well ... since I have three mixed race children (white, black, Spanish, Inca Indian and Asian mix) with a permanent "tan", a suspicion of racism is thereby cut off at the knees.

    Well you can just simply say Mulatto because based on this response, that is what I am seeing.

    2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    On 9-11, when the World Trade Center Towers went down, dozens of people leaped to their deaths, rather than be burned alive.

    And such would have never happened if the Americans never set foot in the Middle East.

    2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    ... by the way .... Jehovah never spoke against suicide ... another cultural moray to subvert common sense.

    God did speak about taking a life and or killing. Surely if one takes his or her life in suicidal fashion. suicide is, to some, a sin. It is not the greatest of sins, it is not the worse of sins. I will keep it as simply as that because there is a lot that can be said of such, but this isn't the topic to bring up full detail regarding this.


    2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    clergy-penitent privilege

    It's part of common law. You'd be surprised of what such a thing contains and how and when it is used in the religious space.

  11. 4 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    Please watch your spell checker!

    I tend to type really fast when being very specific with a response. Other times I tend to say something that is based on surface information and not full detail only to later on see the correction and or make the correction.

    Although I cannot go back and edit, as it is with the system on this forums, cannot edit when a certain amount of time passes, it is what it is, however, the message still stands.

  12. 14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    SM you seem to be the only one on here worrying about it all.

    Indeed because as I told you before, as well as here and now that I do deal with people who have these addictions, as well as those who have other issues, perhaps far greater compared to most, to which I even made mention to you a number of times, so it is not a surprise for me to speak and or react as such, granted I myself being someone, as do many in who are in the same position, to speak on and give information on the matter to better and or help someone.

    14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    These people that you say are trying to 'help' others.

    The very reason why I asked you earlier: what are you contributing to helping prevent masturbation and pornography addiction, how would you deal with a young one who nearly did something very, very grave because of the addiction?

    What help can you provide what it seems others cannot? How is  it you consider helping others in this domain a smoke screen when everyone is doing the same thing in order to combat the problem? I again 2 2 of the communities branch sites out of a dozen, nothing here is a smoke screen. What JWs have brought up in their help video is no different from what is being found and read here, the very reason I told someone earlier look up pillows here and see what results you will get, you will found out here that people do have problems:

    Another, of which I mentioned to Srecko Sostar in another post: http://www.rebootnation.org/forum/index.php

    perhaps a fourth: https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/

    The list goes on because there is a HUGE community, regardless of race, religion, sex, culture, etc, are fighting this same big problem to the point differences are put aside. For at times even someone you dislike will come to common ground with you to deal with something that is a problem, and we hit the root of it too and help out those that are in suffering because of it.

    14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I have just re-read the first three pages and it seems to have started off as a joke... Pillow gate.

    And if you continue to read further on, you will see responses in regards to masturbation and pornography, and what has been said.

    14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Do they get paid for doing so ?

    Those that help such ones in this domain do not get paid to help people deal with such an addiction, we do so because we want them to not dwell in sexual immortality and or excessive masturbation, the very reason why our time and resources is used in order to accomplish this. To think people get paid for this, to aid others, is a bit silly. As far as I am concern, those links I provided, we do not see anyone getting paid to help a person who is afflicted with sexual immortality.

    We help people deal with this addiction because we do not want them to be shackled by masturbation and pornography, mainly for those who have been dealing with the problem to the point it is borderline out of control whereas far more worse things, greater sin can be committed, as is provided an in real life example already if you seen my other response, even further back, more examples.

    All persons, religious and non-religious will speak of this matter because as a whole, they see this an a big issue in a world that is accepting sexual immorality as if it is normal, I am sure you also see this with your eyes in what you are professing about a common problem taking place in religious and education institutions, its everywhere, not secluded to a single person and or group.

    Surely if they taught sodomy to children (which they are doing recently, i.e. Teen Vogue Magazines), you would react, some of us will react to the point we will speak against the teaching of sodomy to children, this also goes for things far worse that is being pushed on to young ones and teens, the same can be said of the many of us who fight against those who take up what young people tend to like and twist it into something immoral and unclean, the very reason I made mention to several things in this regard to add on to what Anna was saying, for this is a reality when it comes to the selling of sexual immortality on the internet and catering to those they target and those who stumble upon it.

    14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Are they what i call 'shrinks' ? Messing with people's heads.

    Helping someone to kick the habit isn't messing with people's heads. What is messing with people's heads is telling young people, teenagers and young adults that masturbation and pornography is okay, when in reality it is not. Telling those subjected to the sex addiction found within otaku culture is normal is wrong, for in reality, it is a problem.

    I do not see any wrong in helping someone kick the habit, granted of how many people who have been helped to do so seen improvement in their lives and I have heard testimony from many, many, many people, and it isn't me alone - the very reason I even posted previously of someone who's addiction nearly led him to commit sexual relations with a woman, only to dodge a bullet by his own revelation to make the change, thus becoming a mentor in the process to fight sexual immortality with those who follow him, all of which are in connection to the community as a whole that is against sexual immorality. That my friend, isn't messing with people's head and such ones are not shrinks.

    14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Telling people what is right and wrong even though God Himself gives no direction on such matters.

    You said before you read the Bible, the Bible tells you, clearly, on what sexual immorality is and what pertains to it. Such as sexual relations that is unlawful, adultery, sexual relations among people who are unmarried/not wed-locked, prostitution, bestiality, homosexuality, Sodomy, and other brazen conduct that some have upgraded overtime that is far to explicit to say and will make you perhaps shield your eyes and barricade your conscience, for such things are that spiritually unclean, as well as greatly unclean in the realm of morality. The Bible does speak on such matters, and as for God Himself, take to His Word, for instance, Deuteronomy 22:13-25 - Laws Concerning Sexual Immorality, Leviticus 18 - Unlawful Sexual Relations, Leviticus 20:10-16 - Punishments for Sexual Immorality, etc. We also have passages in the Greek New Testament, and clearly Apostle Paul was not shy of speaking on the matter himself, for instance, Acts 15:29, Galatians 5:19, Or perhaps in the four gospel accounts, examples like Matthew 5:32, or Matthew 19:9,or maybe Revelations 14:8, 17:2, and 18:3. That wasn't even using cross-references for these verse either.

    The viewing of pornography and masturbation gives a negative attitude and such a thing is a corruption the mind. It causes people to think very very differently mainly when it comes to the though for sexual relations to the point they see an individual as nothing more than a sex object, they do not even see you as a human should the addiction continues to grow.

    Sex itself becomes separated from love between a married man and woman, for due to the problem of which is being spoken of, such is reduced to pleasure and relieving sexual tension, and in feeds into the neurotransmitter of the body known as dopamine - you feed the mind sin, an the mind will continue to ask you for more sin, therefore, throwing verses like Colossians 3:5 out the window at this point.

    That being said, it is not unexpected for someone to tell others of what is in the right and what is in the wrong, mainly give it is given as a warning and or advice.

    14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    God will judge each of us through Jesus Christ, when the time comes. Let us not be like the Pharisees who put extra burdens on the people. 

    Telling people to abstain from Sexual Immortality, no matter how cringe, boring and and or repetitive the message is, is not being like that of a Pharisee. Moreover, you are misusing the context of that verse of which you speak, for no one is adding an extra burden, mainly when it comes to helping those with an addictive habit that is equal to smoking/drug addiction and or those who are struggling to not fall.

    Take listen to this verse because if you do not do nothing, mainly when your brother and or sister is committing these acts [masturbation and viewing pornography] and clearly has a problem, of which you are probably knowing of, you yourself can commit sin if you know what he or she is doing is right and to not aid the person.

    • James 4: 17 - So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

    That is why I asked you the question early, should it be found among your household and or circle of friends and or relatives, regardless of their background and or faith, what would you have done if such one is either suffering of this addiction or, knowing they are doing this and practicing such willfully. I advise you read up more in anything and everything in relation to sexual immorality in Scripture, as well as take a good look at people who are dealing with this problem, an wanting to break free of the chains this problem puts on them.

    In my case, for 9 years now, I haven't turned a blind eye to those, young and old who are dealing with this problem, for leaving them hanging like that is pretty much being in failure, that is how some would say, leaving a solider behind in the field of combat when you yourself knows that solider is alive still. Culture-wise, in my case of which I am molded by, no one is left behind, and I put this into application when it comes to people who suffer from masturbation and pornography addiction, remembering Jesus' lessons, which a bit of it can be picked up from John 13:2-14, I put them first, wanting to see that they conquer the addiction.

    Help your brother, help your sister, put them first before you, above you even when it comes to helping them out. 

    For God knows who is with him and who is against him. He knows of whom he approves, and whom he does not approve, and we know who will be judged, and who will not be judged.

  13. In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis.

    Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the towns and or villages, tossing the pretzels in a small bag to children and older folk. Other times it is cookies, bon-bon, as we call it, popcorn and or the best kind of snack, Sugar Canes. The other half of my family from Belize do something similar, but never made rounded pretzels, we tend to get more fruit



  14. 24 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There is only one point JB has, SM. Please get your head around it.  ?

    Yes, but regarding him I do not see how is trying to approach masturbation and pornography in such as to give a helping hand a smoke screen when others are in the same boat trying to help those who have this problem, mainly if said problem grows out of control to the point they will do things they would never think of doing to begin with. For any person and or group who is combating this addiction, such is no smoke screen, for this is the same game those who are for masturbation and pornography and think it is a normal way of life, will often say, and I have run into such ones before who give the wrong ideas to people who are clearly not a fan of the problem.

  15. 28 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I think you missed my point. Yes masturbation is not something God is pleased with, but neither is the Governing Body of the JW Organisation. For the GB to make such a video when they are deliberately allowing Child Abuse / Pedophilia within the same Organisation is total hypocrisy. I see it as they are trying to use anything else to turn people's attention away from their dishonest dealings regarding Child Abuse. 

    I haven't missed the point - granted what I quoted from you and what I had said in response.

    You are again mixing topics together - again, and as I told you, the focus here is masturbation and pornography an you have already been spoken to over a dozen of times regarding child abuse, the topic is still there and what was said and discus is still there, even with various information directed towards you, I believe someone brought this up and the topic itself had most likely been brought up, but this is not the focus here.

    That being said, my response to you is of what you have stated, 2 things. You've made mention of God's approval, I asked you how do you know of whom God approves and who he does not approve, when you yourself who read the Bible should know how such things play out, mainly in regards to the Covenant that took place after Jesus' death, and later on, resurrection.

    The other thing I told you is that what you call a "smoke screen "is false because the same action of teaching and advising is used to profess to others when combating pornography addiction. I even gave you 2 links, and in mention of another group who also does the same thing with the common goal being - fighting against masturbation and pornography - I advised you to take a look, read the experiences, and stories, this is coming from a guy who does deal with children and young ones, as I have told you multiple times before.

    I wouldn't call it hypocrisy either granted 2 separate things are spoken of. The video in question was directed to an audience of their community with the topic being masturbation and pornography , a problem that plagues all men and women regardless of age and race. And as I have told you before, they do not allow it, they, like ALL INSTITUTIONS cannot prevent such 100% because it is global, it is all over the place, it is in the schools, the churches, the clubs, the hospitals, etc. The Jehovah's Witnesses are no different, for thr sins of man seeps into them as well, hence this is what I will say because several times in this regard, I told you time and time again and you are bringing up something that should be spoken of elsewhere, I rather this thread not become like the Glasgow and Trust Funds thread some weeks ago - therefore, keeping it focused.


    That being said, I did address a question to you of this is of what is being talked about here as well, and I quote:

    51 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    what are you contributing to helping prevent masturbation and pornography addiction, how would you deal with a young one who nearly did something very, very grave because of the addiction?


  16. 23 hours ago, Anna said:

    As someone already mentioned, this video is for a selected audience only, those who are to serve in Bethel. Although the org. has mentioned the inappropriateness of masturbation for a Christian, based on principles in the Bible, it has only done so  occasionally. It has not been blown out of all proportion. However, addiction to pornography has become a big problem (in the world too) and I have no doubt that masturbation has a lot to do with it.  As James 1:14 warns: " But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death."

    Indeed. Some advice giving by people, even by religious folk can be cringe worthy by some, but it has a foundation. And advice is given so because sexual immortality is on an increase, in today's day and age, you have VR chat, anything that is done in places that promote sexual immortality, it can be emulated by motion controls and a VR headset, for any move you do, it is reproduced in the virtual game itself.

    Our children also have to be careful in this domain, for even their favorite characters from shows and or video games, there are those who take those characters and turn them into something inappropriate, for instance, Franklin the Turtle, there are those out there that has made volumes upon volumes of inappropriate material of this one character from a kids show, and it does not stop there.

    Next we have magazines like Vogue promoting Sodomy to children, and even teaching them on how to do that when they barely hit the age of 18. It is stuff like this that irks me and or anyone who is fighting against pornography and the adult industry, for you can win one battle, then the next wave arrives, and another, and another. With every new piece of technology and new systems, the waves multiply increasingly each time.

    That being said, I like the verse you used. For if one willingly gives the the problem more firewood, the fire will continue to grow bigger and bigger until it cannot be contained, in this same way this addiction, in turn, sin.

  17. 13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    I'm wondering if any of you know the answer to the question. Did the video/videos be watched separately, by group of - men, women, married, unmarried or some other combination in the audience?

    Stuff like this is usually done depending on the individuals. If something regarding the addiction is in association with males, most likely it will be a male audience, the same can be said of women also, for some today do not believe women can succumb to this addiction. Sexual Immortality is catered predominately men, for it is said that anything related to sex and or women can be used as a weapon to men, therefore sending them into sexual immorality and other vile things.

    Some issues deemed too extreme and or explicit is also another factor.

    As for the married and or anyone who is dating, it is done so the couple is aware of such issues. Like I said, there are others who do this also, example would be the reboot community otherwise known as The Reboot Nation - another pocket army who is at war with masturbation and porn, it's founder being Gabe Deem.

  18. On 9/21/2018 at 12:47 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    In honesty I don't think the masturbation problem is such a problem in God's eyes. To some humans that want to judge others, masturbation can be used as an excuse to judge, and could possibly be big business for 'shrinks'.. As for the JW's Governing Body, i think the masterbation video and other info' is just a 'smoke screen' or side track, to take the pressure off the serious problems within the Org. If the GB can pretend to be concerned about the cleanliness of the Org then it will look good for them in front of man. But of course God sees through such things. 

    Masturbation and Pornography, anything in connection to Sexual Immortality and or ill fleshy desires is indeed something of which God isn't fan of.

    I don't see how it is a smoke screen, as you say, when both the religious and non-religious speak of and do the same thing in order to give their two cents on the matter of prevention. This is why I told JTR, even linking him the very community of where all Christians spoke up on this matter, therefore, Christians doing this, it is not outlandish for the Jehovah's Witnesses to do the same thing - this also goes for the people who are against Okatu culture in Japan and elsewhere, of which people rather give themselves self-gratification rather, which is in the realm of sexual immortality.

    You are free to look for the 2 links I provided JTR because such things are a smoke screen when the masturbation and Pornography is indeed problematic, I say this because I am someone who actually help young ones with such issues, give advice and so forth, even losing a friend to it when those of the adult industry pulled her in and made her face public, even my own brother who had been addicted to pornography for some years came clean because of the help that me myself and my father provided, what we did was not anything in trying to pretend to do anything, we realized the problem, we went about it both as a as a family and spiritually and because of our efforts, he ceased the addiction. This situation an the situation of a late friend mirrors that of the many, many young ones and teenagers, even adults of whom I had spoken, who are also battling with that of sexual immorality, for this battle matters not race and or faith because it is a problem that is great one and help provided is nothing as you call it, a smoke screen, and to people who deal with these things, hearing these stories, I see this as a jab to the chest.

    And regarding the problem it isn't an issue of judging, it is an issue of zeroing in on the problem and trying to fix and or help when an individual and or persons is dealing with masturbation and pornography.

    Next time you want to say something is but a smoke screen, take the time and read the experiences, stories and struggles of those in the same boat. Even what the Jehovah's Witnesses bring forth of this matter, the same information can be found here:

    (and that is only 2 to the community as a whole, nothing in this regard even when professed by others is a smoke screen)

    When you actually help a great deal of people and listen to them about this addiction, it would never be wise to call it a smoke screen. You of all people should know this addiction that plagues today's society is like that of a virus, whereas people have to fight their own inner demons to overcome it while others fall victim to it and see themselves as worthless people such ones who do not take the time to see, listen and hear do not extend their hand to help.

    The other factor here is if they are trying as do others who actually use their blood and sweat into doing so, what are you contributing to helping prevent masturbation and pornography addiction, how would you deal with a young one who nearly did something very, very grave because of the addiction?

    That being said, you've yet to show how and where did a Restorationist group had suddenly lost favor in God when their Christology points to them striving to and or have been attempting to be like the early church - in this regard, informing their community about masturbation and pornography.


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