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Space Merchant

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  1. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in Australia has activated Big Brother   
    Something we Truthers talked about for years. Welcome to the Dystopia. Germany, Israel, United Kingdom, some most of the EU will succumb to come form of Authoritarianism. The Aussies also claimed New World Order, and attempt to make their own fact check of the term when all of us know what it entails.
    When it hits the United States, all hell will break loose. Things we see today such as violence, stealing, sex abuse, rape, bribery, greed, etc will be amplified due to the various groups on the left and the right that roam.
    The media such as Guardian, NYT, CNN, ABC, etc will play a role in influence, and before we know it, the United Nations may once again attempt to dent specific freedoms as they had attempted to do so twice already.
    Truthers are always ready for these things, however, I can't speak for the rest of the people who are not.
    Currency and Religion will eventually be on the menu for Authoritarianism, granted religious exemptions are under attack, which has and can break people of faith if not careful.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Pudgy in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    Things are so absolutely nutty nowadays, that I’m beginning to wonder if Gog of Magog it’s not a specific personality, and the name Joe Biden comes immediately to mind.
    I wish I knew.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    The remark about Gun bunkers came forth from the debate (with multiple subjects for the latter loves to deviate) with Srecko and Witness, evidence to what is true/false is noted in the source presented in the pervious page. Witness made several claims in regards to JWs and the WT using sources such as Rick Fearon and Zelda and a list of ExJW information, however, what she did not realize is not all ExJWs are disgruntled, resulting in some being aware of any knowledge in Funds and other things to speak up against the people of their own community. This also brought forth the notation of the Watchtower somehow being owners of companies that are essentially into military weapons dealings (as is a gaming company and women's lingerie in which some believe they own)
    Witness was challenged on this, and all her conspiratorial claims were proven false. In the same source, she attempted to allude the idea that JWs have connection to a Democratic party members, however, this was also false because it is alluded it was actually Fearon who probably held some Leftist backing, to which some believe this to be the case after doing some research. Then Srecko hopped in and made a fool of himself in the process.
    In regards to @Dmitar who believes guests are not aware, in that same source, guests were interacting in that same discussion, and saw both Witness and Srecko's claims to not only be problematic, but false, mainly due to the fact the most powerful source in that thread was from an ExJW who challenged disgruntled ExJWs on Economics, money and bonds. Even much later, Witness attempted this again using a redittor associated with Smurf Girl, a conspiracy theorist, once again attempting to link JWs to a Democratic candidate for the Senate this time, Raphael Warnock (D) is an American pastor and politician serving as senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. In Witness' claim, anything that had the term "Watchtower" she automatically assume it is associated with JWs, however, this is false, God forbid if she connects the WT to DC Comics who also uses the term. Then there is the situation with Newscorp, prior to the Redress Scheme, something I believe you are familiar with, whereas you, Witness, and Srecko were fooled by an Alt-Right media source with information that has nothing to do with the WT in order to draw in readers and clicks for the Redress situation in Australia, which as of recent, is a broken country where CSA is highly problematic now.
    This is why I take issue with the MSM, they obscure things, even now, they beat the drums of war, of which was predicted by most for several years, hence the actions of the Guardian, NYT, Atlantic, CNN, MSNBC, etc. - The paradigm is a joke.
    I already know Rook and James are one in the same, as is the other.
    You seem to miss the plot. James does not house weapons under the churches of JWs, as mentioned earlier, this narrative was from Witness' source. These weapons, even poison, etc are alleged to be used for mass killings, and self harm. These Fearon types profess such these ideas and some made videos in the EXJW community. For instance, Anna, Arauna, and JWI are JWs, will they commit mass murder with weapons and poison because no one would accept the Bible's message? No. Do they side with the military in highly danger weapon grades? No. Would they commit to self harm as some ExJWs believe they would that equal to the level of the events of Jim Jones? No. Do the leaders of the JW faith attest to wiping themselves and or their enemies out on a Holy War-sque path? No.
    Even the guests saw this is a great falsehood being professed from both Witness and Srecko, who tried to defend her.
    James is very familiar with the notation of bearing arms, as is the 2nd amendment, so much so I remember talking to him about self defense, however, James isn't the type to go down an extremist/terrorist route, nor is this the intent of any JW present, no matter how most EXJWS fuel such an idea, which can be dangerous. In one thread not only we mentioned how to better protect children, but with the inclusion of self-defense, this was discussed.
    This is why both Srecko and Witness were very wrong for attempting to protect a man/group (in Srecko's case, defend Witness on this) who advocate for such a nonsensical idea. What is ironic that even some disgruntled ones find Rick Fearon to be insane, more so of his actions.
    The below is just a snippet of that, my response to Witness...
    The issue is Guns, weapons, and poisons, bunkered inside and under JW churches, a claim proven to be false. Let alone the mass murder idea.
    Firearms are legal in the United States, it is constitutional, the second amendment, right to bare arms, etc.
    In James' case, in his own thread he mentioned good guys with guns.

    James' discussion on the matter was a grounded one via example, in which everyone was engaged, both guests, even Admin, made remarks.
    This was one of several.
    Witness and Srecko were already debated on this, the source is in one of my responses in regards to JW and money on this thread. Sadly, Witness has turned herself into Lisa Haven, and Srecko, a White Knight of Haven.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Yet you are not of government or a bank/firm but you hold your word as bond? Hypocritical. One does not have to be of a faith community or some institution to understand a YouTube video with an opinion which can be murky with information based on such; as with all videos in association, people who have their own say, even in disagreement, their silenced/marked as spam (keeping the narrative one sided), so much so they are accused of being one of JWs prior - we've been down this road before, and even recently in the other thread, use legitimate sources.
    Opinions anyone can have, but you have to understand, facts are everything.
    That being said, this isn't the first time you did this, and you continue to do this all the time, so you can and will be called out on it.
    Again, there are 2 types of JWs, the normal formers, and the disgruntled, both sides do not agree with each other on a number of things just because he is a former member turned disgruntled, does not mean everything should be accepted as truth without legitimately looking into it, i.e. a Former Bethel member who did nearly the same thing only because JWs do not fancy Pansexuals (there is a video on that). The irony here in this regard, you essentially discouraged yourself from doing research.
    Clearly one does not have to be a JW to realize that God made 2 sexes/genders - male and female.
    Again, at least do the research instead of simply looking a few seconds of an video and brand it as arbiter of truth.
    The JWs are not perfect, they are as imperfect as can be, but one needs to understand facts outweighs falsehood and opinions, granted in regards to facts, there is evidence to claim.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    No disrespect, but a single YouTube video riddled with opinion isn't much of a bombshell. As mentioned before, you cannot rely on YouTube videos if you are not too knowing of what the video was professing. You were told this in the last thread, in regards to murkying the water.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Randy Lee Manning in Former WHO VP’s Jab Warning: “The VACCINATED Should Be Isolated”   
    And I thought the vaccine is supposed to help?
    Source Below
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Get your money back.   
    Christians should be giving out of free will, what they can give or whatever promise they made themselves to give. The Tithe is not something required for Christians to do, but in churches of the mainstream, this is a practice, not only 10% in money given, but in some situations, 10% in other things too. This is why some in even the educational spectrum sees this as a money making type of thing and utilize it in the churches themselves. 
    Reasons why I take issue with Prosperity Preachers of the New Theology.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    We weren't kidding with the censorship. They've been censuring a whole lot of us, as mentioned before they are attacking Rogan. The Left side of the paradigm wants to be on the right side of history, when clearly they are not. This is effecting Truthers, for a lot of information we rely on is either censured, or some people are jailed.
    As of right now the Trucker Convoy is a reality break for some for the MSM is trying to shift the narrative and both sides are being more aggressive toward each other. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the MSM, as with some media like Guardian, Atlantic NYT, wanting a push for war.
    That being said, Rumble is more of a battleground for most, however, even Rumble has a few cracks.
    Big Tech is a tricky enemy. Eventually, some of this stuff will spill over to your religious faith, granted, as pointed out before, the media and events in the world has broken some in your community, the same thing I tell other community, namely the investor community who is getting hammered by the FEDS. In the coming weeks stuff like this can get very difficult.
    That said, everyone is in a Freedom vs. Compliance situation. Some would be Conformist, but to an extent while others given in.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in Get your money back.   
    Christians should be giving out of free will, what they can give or whatever promise they made themselves to give. The Tithe is not something required for Christians to do, but in churches of the mainstream, this is a practice, not only 10% in money given, but in some situations, 10% in other things too. This is why some in even the educational spectrum sees this as a money making type of thing and utilize it in the churches themselves. 
    Reasons why I take issue with Prosperity Preachers of the New Theology.
  10. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    Even with given time, you make assumptions and claims, of which you cannot prove. Actually it does matter, granted my remark of how dishonorable somethings are, of which you are claiming, to make a claim without evidence it a bold face lie - as far as I am ware, lying has nothing to do with Christian Ethics.
    You haven't put me in my place because I can see the low quality Hitchens's Razor and Appeals to Motive you are using several times already.
    That being said, that is new, if I recall, I stated all men are imperfect, no one is immune to anything, not even me, however, due to my backing, my vigilance and discernment enables me to evade ill intent.
    I am Christian, one who is able to discern, something of which you probably missed, purposely it seems.
    Other than that, your attempts are nothing more but miniscule, it is nothing different I have been tried with in the past.
    What are you talking about? You mentioned @JW Insider so many times, you start to confuse yourself. Not a good look.
    That remark has nothing to do with Scripture, just discernment, for, anything can be found from your last tenure, since you seem to be revealing here of who you are. I must say, in your last few tenures, there are some remarks that are somewhat interesting which can be used to call your Christian Ethics to question outside of the Fruit of the spirit, of which you lack, along with discernment, as is the verse relating to testing the spirit.
    Lacking? I guess I am suppose to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses indeed do own firearms and has some connection to military grade missiles. Clearly that is false.
    Who is knocking on doors other than those of the paradigm in this day and age? You speak of foolishness, but you say things you can't really prove. I am clearly not like the others so your attempts don't faze me.
    I already gave a definition and examples of what it is, the problem here is you made a claim against a guy who's culture looks at Narcissism as extremely dishonorable. You were invited several times to prove it, but instead, you ended up like Srecko and Witness when they make a direct claim towards things deemed dishonorable.
    A Narcissism would not be spending his time looking for people, instead, such ones put themselves above all men and assume they are perfect, free of sin even, but in reality, they are not. For no man is perfect nor sinless.
    Sure it does, however, looking at your last few tenures, seems as though you are holding grudges. Not too long ago you made childish remarks, that in of itself, is foolish. No grown person needs to reduce him or herself to such a level, but you did.
    Truth. That is in regards to that.
    But you made these claims, numerous times, so if you have a claim, surely you have evidence? Why tap dance around what you've coined?
    If I say something, I have legitimate information to back it up, I would not say something out of the blue and hope someone thing it is true. That is unethical, so to speak.
    Which you did, therefore you made a claim. My culture isn't mystical, it was brought up due to moral reasons on the view of what is bad or haughty behavior in that sense, in a way, even from a Christian standpoint, such an attitude thing is frown upon even to Christians, moreover, said culture heavily relies on Scripture and Christian practices, mainly so, to do everything right although an imperfect person.
    Like I said, it is pretty foolish to make claims without evidence, you did this to yourself, so it would be wise on your part to finish what you started.
    On the contrary, it was already made clear of what it entails. As I am aware I am not in a state of being emotional, nor has my mood changed, for I have been neutral.
    Do you want me to care? People come and go on forums, even in real life debates, people come and go, it makes no difference to me.
    That being said, cowardice of your own words is foolish, and quite tragic.
    Next time when you make claims, have evidence, there are Biblical examples of which can be equated to this, so perhaps you should read up on that, hence your understanding seems to be fragmented from many tenures. Therefore, if you have no evidence, keep silent.
    1 John 4:1 has been used against you, thoroughly.
  11. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Truthers are not of the paradigm, we don't dwell on conspiracy, however, evidence of you dwelling on such does exist on this forum. Many, many examples, too many to count outside of the usual mixing of verses and butchering of Strong's. If you had to be compared to someone, you are similar to Lisa Haven, a Mainstream Christian who has wild conspiracies in mind. 
    You can't even be consistent with your own truth...
    That being said, bold claim, but sadly, you do not have evidence of such, as what is stated in regards to someone such as myself who is against the paradigm and agendas, ironically, if we Truthers were conspiracy theorists, what I said about Russia would not be a true real world case today - funny how that works.
    The problem is not about knowing everything, it is about the facts. Illusions are dishonorable and last time you were corrected on culture, for the culture has very damning things to say about illusions, even in wording.
    That being said, you do not understand your own folly. You even ignored it after claiming the subject matter is serious.
    Your video sells a different story to the facts, and the facts of which can be seen in the Kings County Reports.
    The reports of which you linked are no illusion, for the facts are there. Likewise with the information on Zalkin and Kaplan concerning child abuse.
    The issue with you is you expect us to 100% believe what is seen in the video vs the reports of which you didn't read, which now calls you into question for your San Diego remarks in regards to Zalkin.
    For, if you did take this seriously, the reports holding the facts concerning abuse among JWs should be your focus. Stop relying on videos and start reading, if I can take this seriously, as is the an abuse survivor whom I will quote below, you can do the same.
  12. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    How am I wrong if you admit this is you when you stated I was lying in the first place? DoC is you, thanks for confirming.
    I never mentioned this, only the reddit profile. You jumped when you should have dived.
    They mentioned you as a source on reddit in a challenged towards me. I didn't ask about your life history. These followers of Pearl were being nefarious in a crisis and coined used reddit as a source.
    How did I lie if you just confirmed it yourself?

    Anyways, address the question concerning the court case. You already exposed yourself as DoC on reddit so that case is closed.
    2022 is not going to be a good year at all, mainly with what I stated from 2018 to now being true. In regards to CSA, I am reminding you this that the system is being loose with child abusers and or pedophiles as a whole, some of my own rivals even question those who view pedophilia as a normal thing when it is done. Some of these abusers are also being let out back into the streets with a high potential of them going after children, one of which I aided in stopping, for I mentioned him, and suddenly he was back briefly on media prior to him changing his name. Therefore, with such a situation I see it with total seriousness, at least respect such by doing the same. I know you won't answer the question even though you are the one to address the link in the thread, so going forward, any inconstancies on your part, can be used against you once the article is read to conclusion, you've been forewarned.
    That being said, there is no need to response to my response because
    [A] you exposed yourself as the reddit user and [B] usually when you are asked something you never answer.
    I'll do what you cannot burden yourself to do yourself.
  13. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Short answer: a lie? Not quite - https://www.reddit.com/user/christsdisciple/
    Long answer: I made the connection after coming back from Washington via pondering. The 2 alleged JWs I ran into prior to the school shooting situation in Michigan and the devastation in Kentucky. They were not really JWs although they had publications of JWs. Their information be it the Bible, marriage and politics kept stemming back to reddit, DoC (Disciple of Christ or Christsdisciple) is among several sources they used in order to counter questions in the 10-15 min encounter.
    Christsdiscple have nearly the same, be it, identical posting mannerism as you do and often goes back and forth between two camps (JW and ExJW reddit) to speak about the Watchtower and the GB, even when corrected, what was done there is the same here.
    Therefore it isn't a lie when several things said mirrors that of some of the posts you made here, mainly with mentions and links to Pearl, etc.
    So in reality, it isn't a lie as you claim (there is a reason as to WHY I brought it up), as is the 2 so called JWs causing trouble that the worse of time to stir trouble; hence the Conservatives in that county went after them in regards to their views after I left.
    Didn't think friends of Pearl would be up to some nefarious things when an area is in suffering, and the neighboring area suffering from a school shooting. Not cool.
    You have been the only one linking to and using reddit and biblegateway. You solely pick up anything from the /exjw reddit and bring it here at times. Therefore, you are savvy in a sense on where to get your sources, this isn't the first time.
    A good chuck of your comments sourced reddit, so you are savvy in this sense on where to draw up your information outside of Pearl.
    Actually there are, that is why I mentioned Smurf Girl last year and how some EXJWs even challenged their own on the matter, the source in question which you professed as a truth. Some are also fed up with Pearl in which you gave a response which mirrors some of your posts and threads here.
    For not agreeing with Smurf Girl or Fearon? Last I checked the JW churches down have weapons bunkers, you were asked over a dozen times and each time you remain silent or divert.
    Enough of the diversions, DoC. I asked you a legitimate question concerning Child Abuse pertaining to the Reports of which you linked/started the thread about.
    So I address is again in red, so you can see.
    Again, I ask in seriousness, respect that. I didn't come back for bread and circus deviations after what I experienced. Your friends didn't do much of anything to help better the situation.
    Again - 1 question, answer it since it is related to the OP.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Amidstheroses in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Sicne I cannot edit my last post for there is a limited amount of time that option is available, just stating here that I read the report, granted I made the time for it because no answer would be given. The reports in question vs. the video - conclusion
    Reports from the website - gives incident of the situation at hand and what is to come. The video - Murkying the water with said reports, leaning towards a false witness. In this case you can side with what is true, or what is false.... The video in question is in err, however the reports is in the realm of what is true, espically to those in the public who wishes to view said reports thoroughly.
    In respects to the abused, and those who have been abused in some shape or form outside of child abuse, highly recommended to read the reports itself.
    One thing Truth seekers always state is - Be careful of where you get your ifnormation, for this example, regarding 2 sources, is on the level of CNN/MSNBC type nonsense.
    That being said, truth exceeds way about falsehood -
  15. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    On the contrary, you did shift, look at the pervious page (2 specifcally), you brought the claim, I asked yuo to prove it.
    No mistake in regards to my culture was ever made, even prior to you mentioning said notation. Even several years back, I uphold what I was molded by in conjunction with Scripture.
    This has nothing to do with a Bible question, granted to what was being asked of you.
    You made it an issue when you challneged my culture, something Srecko and Witness destoryed themsevles in doing. Therefore, it isn't a problem when you are asked to prove your claim. If you bring something up at least attest to it, do not run from it.
    I don't dwell on politics - I am of no paradigm, Truthers are not leaning Left, or Right, even center. This should be evident if you are aware of what I profess on here for I am against the agendea of the paradigm.
    I don't invovle myself with politics, however, if there is a lion in the midst of the people, I do everything and anything to profess to others of said lion so they themsevles do not get devoured. Therefore, I am vigilant of my opponent, my opressors, and evidently those higher up among the beast and Babylon. The Bible makes example of that, as is examples in the Book of Proverbs - to this should be known to you. More so, you did make comment when I mentioned one of my rivals.
    On the contrary, I am aware of what JWI says about various things even China. Actucally no, if you paid attention to the events of China for the past several years, it is kind of absurd to linked a JW to the CCP, the CCP supresses people of faith. It wouldn't make sense for JWI to be aligned with China either because of what has and is taking place with Christians, as is Muslims, in that country, likewise with the situation concerning the Endemic, and the Illegal Black Markets, as is with the situation of Transhumanism and Project Ambrosia who are interconnected, the list goes on. Unless, you are trying to paint JWI as an advocate of said things, however, that remains to be seen.
    That being said, you utter Christain entics yet discerment and to test the spirit is nowhere to be found on your part, in this thread alone, paints evidence to that, even going as far as to brush over several Bibical verses of which I alluded to without uttering a citation; ironically, you didn't notice that.
    Cowardice. If you claim something prove it.
    What I see as foolishness is a man who says something, but is too afraid to speak said claim because others can see falsehood. As for your remark, this is true, never seen JWI challnege anyone in the realm of culture let alone attest to 1 John 4:1 - unless you want to show evidence to that claim, I challnege you to this too, granted your claim is unfounded. In regards to that, JWI was not aware the person in question was a Statist, a Statist is a contributor to the Left vs Right Paradigm, such ones will prove to be problematic later down the road when anything of the Bible will conflict with their new world based view for the next generation.
    What I find interesting is you are among the type of Christains who dwell on assumptions, that is unenthical for a Christian.
    Then let's see you name one form of misinformation with any prove of a citation.
    For I attest to the following:
    Last I checked, JWI and the JWs here do not harbor guns in bunkers to attack everyone in the End Times. If you can prove a moblization of attacks, then be my guess - Witness and RT News failed here, let's see what you can do.  
    The JWs do not own any resources associated with military grade missiles and weapons of war. The very reason I brought up Mr. Zelda in the first place. Is he right, or is the former JW who knows Encomics in the right? The thread was given to you already.  
    They are not New Agers, nor Prosperity Preachers, etc. Something of which Disgruntled ones often proclaim, even Witness herself. Unless you have evidence, be my guest, I like to see what evidence you have of them associated with PEAK, Kairos, etc.  
    JWs are not immune to brazen conduct and or the imperfections of this world, granted all flesh can fall to sin at any given time, some with ill intent, despite how some EXJWs who are disgruntled claim otherwise for shock value. For JWs themsevles have their own members who sccumb to such imprefections as is the spirit of this world for those who are not capable of dealing with it. Unless you have something else, I wait.  
    The list goes on.
    That being said, it has nothing to do with respect, respect is given to God and his Word, facts and evidence is evrything. Therefore, if a claim is made, the only way it is to be true is by means of the facts itself. To make a claim with no evidence shows deceit and lying, therefore, falsehood. You being afriad to assert your own claims attest to the narrative, therefore, you use the term Christian entics, but cannot back it up with evidence, whatsoever.
    Can you show me or anyone here as to where I proclaim to hate respect as is to promote disrepect; mainly outside of a debate disccusion? If anything, it is known I have a disdain for a number of this, primarily falsehood, Paradigms, and the Triune.
    Carribean folks have respect, and display said respect which corrlates with the fruit of the spirit, but when they see falsehood, they will say something or do something. Likewise if any of them are faithful men and women of God, they will speak the truth, bring up the facts, etc.
    The difference between you and I is that I respect Scripture, I do not cherry pick and use something random, I do this 24/7, therefore I adhere to discerment, as did our early Christian brothers and sisters. You seem to apply entics whenever you feel like it, and you most likely lack expirence in the real world when confronting people about the coming of the Christ.
    I myself do not hate discerment, or testing the spirit.
    Anti-Agenda folks are not comformist. If I was a comformist, I would comply with an agenda of some form, even my own culture and views would be forfeited to the paradigm, more so, I would not be a Truther, therefore, being Anti-Agenda, as is dealing with grave issues such as missing/abused persons, would never be professed by me. My last remark about Facebook, would be in support to Big Tech, not against it, likewise with the MSM, espcially CNN.
    If you missed it, I often speak of the different between Freedom vs. Compliance, even if the situation calls a situation where you can lose your life.
    That being said, you made claim, proven to be false. Truthers are not comformist, due to that, this is why we are enemy # 1 to the MSM, and as of recent, The PM of Canada, the list goes on.
    Ironic, when you challnege a non-JW, you cannot prove any of your claims to be true, let alone Truthers.
    Moreover, you say you are not a comformist, but one only needs to look at your past tenure, perhaps they might find something. All I need to do is ask you one question, which can easily determine the conclusion, as I did with some already.
    An appeal to motive. Just so you know, childish remarks does not work on me, people tried, Srecko, Butler, Witness, Cos, Shwi. Some even tried to make racical remarks, others in my debating expirence threaten to kill me, but has no effect. Nice try though.
    I assume you are a grown man, why enterian the idea of childish remarks? Absurd.
    Anyways, no one defends me, I am of myself and myself alone, I fight my own fights, that is how us CSE folk operate. If you cannot show an example of said claim, then you my friend, just professed a falsehood.
    That being said, ironic, you say this, yet you are the one to tage JWI several time, unless, you want him to come and save you from your own claims so you can deviate again.
    Although Srecko and Witness are wrong most of the time, he did make remarks of err on their part in the past. Like I said, if you are indeed the entity that some people speak of, you are in your baby boy form, unable to witness your own past remarks vs those who can look for them at will.
    That being said, you made several claims I will do you the favor of listing them - stop running from your own words:
    Where is your evidence of narrcisim whereas the latter's culture is struictly against it?
    Name one peice of misinformation profess, of which you made the claim.
    Can you cite one of my comments as to where I specifcally promoted hatred against respect?
    How is discerment/testing the sprirt show a lack of Bible understanding as is in useage of I use it literally all the time?
    Where is your evidence of one being a Conformist when the latter speaks highly of anti-goverment and agenda, as is the difference between freedom vs compliance?
    Out of all my response, to which you didn't relaze the multiple times I alluded to Scriptutre; how did you deem this as lack of Christian entics?
    If you cannot attest to your own claims, it seems your Christian entics was null here, and you tried to bluff your way out with claims and appeals to motive, namely, in a childish manner, coming from an adult, which is very sad, so to speak. So much for entics (the appeal to motive killed it for you...)
    That said, if you cannot give any shred of evidence in that regard, even though you were challneged to it in page 2 already in which you deviated from, then you professed falsehood, effevtively, leaning you towards being a bad actor yourself.
  16. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    He seems to be drawing others in to not answer to his claims. He does not realize how CSE folks operate. Granted JWs are known for knocking on doors, in this sense, regardless of his faith, he knocked on the wrong door, and evidently will end up like the Pearl Doxsey followers prior to the Washington events concerning the Mandates.
    That being said, in my eyes, I don't care if he is banned or not, he seems to be venting fustration here I guess, often times you have these types on various forums.
    He seems to think of it otherwise. Often times in forums when someone gets banned to many times, even in the realm of online video games, this angers the person (at rare times some reform), they come back more fratured and unstable then last time. So in this case, it seems this forum has created this Allen Entity to come back fratured each time. The only difference between this one and the early Allen was Allen was legtimately unbroken vs current Allen.
    This incarnation of Allen is essentially The Joker to your Batman. He seems to connect you to his newfound existence, even learning to make claims to unsuspecting folks, but not so much against those who are knowing.
    He is lucky this isn't CSE, for how bans work there, you cannot create another account due to the website recognizing a former user's attempt, elsewhere, you can't have more than one account, often times you slide with two.
    That being said, I wouldn't say that, I was able to trace back my own comments in reponse to a person from the UK we are all familier with to use as examples, or caitations. But what is true, for those banned, it may not be easy for them to find reponses from an account that has fallen into oblivion.
  17. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    Depends. From what I have seen over the years, there are 2 factions of former JWs.
    [A] Although no longer of their former faith, tend to not be as combative against current JWs, and respects those who still practice the faith. In some instances, they defend current JWs, mainly those who are familiar with Laws, The Economy, Knowing the operations of a state and or country, etc. To an extent, this can be said of former Bible Students. Some of them even proclaimed of how even the non religious do not side with the disgruntled and if you look hard enough you can find many examples.
    [B] No longer of the faith, often disgruntled, slowly go down the path of apostasy, and at times cause so much trouble, i.e. back in 2017, a former Bible Student stopped these types of former JWs from gathering in a park to which the latter blamed all JWs in that specific area, not realizing this former Bible Student is an affiliate someone named Cedars. This has also enabled such ones to have a wrapped view of things, even Laws, take things out of context as times. Not only they attack JWs, but they attack former JWs that do not side with them. Above apostasy, you have the crazy ones (which make up the majority of Crazed Mainstream Christian Fanatics) who spout conspiracy theories. Such ones are often found on forums, Reddit, even have bots to generate messages related to various things, they weaponize CSA. Others often go to the extreme to wish death on JWs and or their religious leaders as a whole, in some instances, this led to people leaving even apostate JWs entirely, some put up why they leave, but apostates of the JW faith use media and platforms to erase said evidence so no one, not even a JW, would find it. If you correct these types they will often say "Are you a JW" or "You don't know anything because you are not a JW" yet these types do not even know the core teachings of their former faith.
    That being said, on here alone, this forums, you have a few Atheists, some Trinitarians who is influenced by ExJws, a couple ExJWs with a convoluted past, also influenced by ExJW leaders, and an ExJW conspiracy theorist. There are but a few former JWs, possibly just one, on here who are absolutely grounded who do not have the mindset of those who are among the disgruntled side.
    Also dealing with them on the forums is no different from debates elsewhere, for when I see them this is what I see

  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    He seems to be drawing others in to not answer to his claims. He does not realize how CSE folks operate. Granted JWs are known for knocking on doors, in this sense, regardless of his faith, he knocked on the wrong door, and evidently will end up like the Pearl Doxsey followers prior to the Washington events concerning the Mandates.
    That being said, in my eyes, I don't care if he is banned or not, he seems to be venting fustration here I guess, often times you have these types on various forums.
    He seems to think of it otherwise. Often times in forums when someone gets banned to many times, even in the realm of online video games, this angers the person (at rare times some reform), they come back more fratured and unstable then last time. So in this case, it seems this forum has created this Allen Entity to come back fratured each time. The only difference between this one and the early Allen was Allen was legtimately unbroken vs current Allen.
    This incarnation of Allen is essentially The Joker to your Batman. He seems to connect you to his newfound existence, even learning to make claims to unsuspecting folks, but not so much against those who are knowing.
    He is lucky this isn't CSE, for how bans work there, you cannot create another account due to the website recognizing a former user's attempt, elsewhere, you can't have more than one account, often times you slide with two.
    That being said, I wouldn't say that, I was able to trace back my own comments in reponse to a person from the UK we are all familier with to use as examples, or caitations. But what is true, for those banned, it may not be easy for them to find reponses from an account that has fallen into oblivion.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    On the contrary, you did shift, look at the pervious page (2 specifcally), you brought the claim, I asked yuo to prove it.
    No mistake in regards to my culture was ever made, even prior to you mentioning said notation. Even several years back, I uphold what I was molded by in conjunction with Scripture.
    This has nothing to do with a Bible question, granted to what was being asked of you.
    You made it an issue when you challneged my culture, something Srecko and Witness destoryed themsevles in doing. Therefore, it isn't a problem when you are asked to prove your claim. If you bring something up at least attest to it, do not run from it.
    I don't dwell on politics - I am of no paradigm, Truthers are not leaning Left, or Right, even center. This should be evident if you are aware of what I profess on here for I am against the agendea of the paradigm.
    I don't invovle myself with politics, however, if there is a lion in the midst of the people, I do everything and anything to profess to others of said lion so they themsevles do not get devoured. Therefore, I am vigilant of my opponent, my opressors, and evidently those higher up among the beast and Babylon. The Bible makes example of that, as is examples in the Book of Proverbs - to this should be known to you. More so, you did make comment when I mentioned one of my rivals.
    On the contrary, I am aware of what JWI says about various things even China. Actucally no, if you paid attention to the events of China for the past several years, it is kind of absurd to linked a JW to the CCP, the CCP supresses people of faith. It wouldn't make sense for JWI to be aligned with China either because of what has and is taking place with Christians, as is Muslims, in that country, likewise with the situation concerning the Endemic, and the Illegal Black Markets, as is with the situation of Transhumanism and Project Ambrosia who are interconnected, the list goes on. Unless, you are trying to paint JWI as an advocate of said things, however, that remains to be seen.
    That being said, you utter Christain entics yet discerment and to test the spirit is nowhere to be found on your part, in this thread alone, paints evidence to that, even going as far as to brush over several Bibical verses of which I alluded to without uttering a citation; ironically, you didn't notice that.
    Cowardice. If you claim something prove it.
    What I see as foolishness is a man who says something, but is too afraid to speak said claim because others can see falsehood. As for your remark, this is true, never seen JWI challnege anyone in the realm of culture let alone attest to 1 John 4:1 - unless you want to show evidence to that claim, I challnege you to this too, granted your claim is unfounded. In regards to that, JWI was not aware the person in question was a Statist, a Statist is a contributor to the Left vs Right Paradigm, such ones will prove to be problematic later down the road when anything of the Bible will conflict with their new world based view for the next generation.
    What I find interesting is you are among the type of Christains who dwell on assumptions, that is unenthical for a Christian.
    Then let's see you name one form of misinformation with any prove of a citation.
    For I attest to the following:
    Last I checked, JWI and the JWs here do not harbor guns in bunkers to attack everyone in the End Times. If you can prove a moblization of attacks, then be my guess - Witness and RT News failed here, let's see what you can do.  
    The JWs do not own any resources associated with military grade missiles and weapons of war. The very reason I brought up Mr. Zelda in the first place. Is he right, or is the former JW who knows Encomics in the right? The thread was given to you already.  
    They are not New Agers, nor Prosperity Preachers, etc. Something of which Disgruntled ones often proclaim, even Witness herself. Unless you have evidence, be my guest, I like to see what evidence you have of them associated with PEAK, Kairos, etc.  
    JWs are not immune to brazen conduct and or the imperfections of this world, granted all flesh can fall to sin at any given time, some with ill intent, despite how some EXJWs who are disgruntled claim otherwise for shock value. For JWs themsevles have their own members who sccumb to such imprefections as is the spirit of this world for those who are not capable of dealing with it. Unless you have something else, I wait.  
    The list goes on.
    That being said, it has nothing to do with respect, respect is given to God and his Word, facts and evidence is evrything. Therefore, if a claim is made, the only way it is to be true is by means of the facts itself. To make a claim with no evidence shows deceit and lying, therefore, falsehood. You being afriad to assert your own claims attest to the narrative, therefore, you use the term Christian entics, but cannot back it up with evidence, whatsoever.
    Can you show me or anyone here as to where I proclaim to hate respect as is to promote disrepect; mainly outside of a debate disccusion? If anything, it is known I have a disdain for a number of this, primarily falsehood, Paradigms, and the Triune.
    Carribean folks have respect, and display said respect which corrlates with the fruit of the spirit, but when they see falsehood, they will say something or do something. Likewise if any of them are faithful men and women of God, they will speak the truth, bring up the facts, etc.
    The difference between you and I is that I respect Scripture, I do not cherry pick and use something random, I do this 24/7, therefore I adhere to discerment, as did our early Christian brothers and sisters. You seem to apply entics whenever you feel like it, and you most likely lack expirence in the real world when confronting people about the coming of the Christ.
    I myself do not hate discerment, or testing the spirit.
    Anti-Agenda folks are not comformist. If I was a comformist, I would comply with an agenda of some form, even my own culture and views would be forfeited to the paradigm, more so, I would not be a Truther, therefore, being Anti-Agenda, as is dealing with grave issues such as missing/abused persons, would never be professed by me. My last remark about Facebook, would be in support to Big Tech, not against it, likewise with the MSM, espcially CNN.
    If you missed it, I often speak of the different between Freedom vs. Compliance, even if the situation calls a situation where you can lose your life.
    That being said, you made claim, proven to be false. Truthers are not comformist, due to that, this is why we are enemy # 1 to the MSM, and as of recent, The PM of Canada, the list goes on.
    Ironic, when you challnege a non-JW, you cannot prove any of your claims to be true, let alone Truthers.
    Moreover, you say you are not a comformist, but one only needs to look at your past tenure, perhaps they might find something. All I need to do is ask you one question, which can easily determine the conclusion, as I did with some already.
    An appeal to motive. Just so you know, childish remarks does not work on me, people tried, Srecko, Butler, Witness, Cos, Shwi. Some even tried to make racical remarks, others in my debating expirence threaten to kill me, but has no effect. Nice try though.
    I assume you are a grown man, why enterian the idea of childish remarks? Absurd.
    Anyways, no one defends me, I am of myself and myself alone, I fight my own fights, that is how us CSE folk operate. If you cannot show an example of said claim, then you my friend, just professed a falsehood.
    That being said, ironic, you say this, yet you are the one to tage JWI several time, unless, you want him to come and save you from your own claims so you can deviate again.
    Although Srecko and Witness are wrong most of the time, he did make remarks of err on their part in the past. Like I said, if you are indeed the entity that some people speak of, you are in your baby boy form, unable to witness your own past remarks vs those who can look for them at will.
    That being said, you made several claims I will do you the favor of listing them - stop running from your own words:
    Where is your evidence of narrcisim whereas the latter's culture is struictly against it?
    Name one peice of misinformation profess, of which you made the claim.
    Can you cite one of my comments as to where I specifcally promoted hatred against respect?
    How is discerment/testing the sprirt show a lack of Bible understanding as is in useage of I use it literally all the time?
    Where is your evidence of one being a Conformist when the latter speaks highly of anti-goverment and agenda, as is the difference between freedom vs compliance?
    Out of all my response, to which you didn't relaze the multiple times I alluded to Scriptutre; how did you deem this as lack of Christian entics?
    If you cannot attest to your own claims, it seems your Christian entics was null here, and you tried to bluff your way out with claims and appeals to motive, namely, in a childish manner, coming from an adult, which is very sad, so to speak. So much for entics (the appeal to motive killed it for you...)
    That said, if you cannot give any shred of evidence in that regard, even though you were challneged to it in page 2 already in which you deviated from, then you professed falsehood, effevtively, leaning you towards being a bad actor yourself.
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Mic Drop in U.S. National Debt   
  21. Confused
    Space Merchant reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    It applies to me, you and everyone else.  
    1)The Bible text refers to; God spoke to himself or to someone in heaven while he was saying this ...., and perhaps he said the same thing to Adam. It means that he meant Adam, and consequently his descendants, because the descendants came from Adam and not someone else.
    2)How do I know what Adam saw?
    3)I don't saying neither one nor the other . 
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    Newbies don't use a Lure to Bait and Switch Tactic, especially in a religious space. That, in of itself, is highly uncanny.
    And how is this relevant to the following?
    [A] Pearl Doxsey sources via a reddit user [B] Sympathy towards Same-Sex Marriage as if God would be Ok with it. [C] A Political Opinion that derives into a stance in which Conservative Americans took issue with it (mind you, this was during the time people, myself included were heading to Washington, some for the event). [D] Ignorance as to why some Bible verses are omitted vs what is actually inspired text. To be honest, I didn't plan to debate, for them, they assume me to be among the others there, not expecting a thing until they brought sources, which sparked the 15 min debate.
    That being said, the only reason mentioned as to why Conservatives went after them because of the politics. As you may know already, as stated here since years ago, America, as is some parts of the world will succumb to a division, it will become large and uncontrollable and will be a problem during a crisis. - As predicted.
    Look where we are now, and as you can see, those in the paradigm do not like each other very much.
  23. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    In the Truther and Independent Journalist community, we often joke that "Some people read ONLY  the Headline/Title, but do NOT read the article in question." It was often coined by an Independent Journalist by the name of Timothy Pool otherwise known as Beanie King or Beanie Lord by randoms on the internet.
    That being said, this is a common occurrence on forums too. It also shows no one reads reports or articles, they see a name that do not sit well with them, and form a conclusion and or an exegesis.
    That being said, not a fan of The New York Times though, their agenda was to peddle war mongering. Even today with the situation overseas, they do this.
  24. Sad
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in A rare glimpse into the insular world of Israeli Jehovah's Witnesses - article in Haaretz   
    There is a Pakistani JW, Kathgar, I had seen in the debating space who often speak about JWs in Israel, he was one of the few at the time who debate the Trinity whereas the audience were a mix of British people and Middle Eastern people. This whereas Judaism, Muslim, Christians often clash with each other, which explains why some of us CSEs are trigger happy with debates.
    From what he stated there is a lot of slander going on in the Middle Eastern countries concerning Christians, for JWs are often put in the same basket as Syranic Christians. Slander in some degree often makes certain people targets, in Kathgar's case, he was nearly a target of the terror group ISIS at one point, and we know how terror groups are concerning Christians, mainly the ones that do not take up arms.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Truthers are not of the paradigm, we don't dwell on conspiracy, however, evidence of you dwelling on such does exist on this forum. Many, many examples, too many to count outside of the usual mixing of verses and butchering of Strong's. If you had to be compared to someone, you are similar to Lisa Haven, a Mainstream Christian who has wild conspiracies in mind. 
    You can't even be consistent with your own truth...
    That being said, bold claim, but sadly, you do not have evidence of such, as what is stated in regards to someone such as myself who is against the paradigm and agendas, ironically, if we Truthers were conspiracy theorists, what I said about Russia would not be a true real world case today - funny how that works.
    The problem is not about knowing everything, it is about the facts. Illusions are dishonorable and last time you were corrected on culture, for the culture has very damning things to say about illusions, even in wording.
    That being said, you do not understand your own folly. You even ignored it after claiming the subject matter is serious.
    Your video sells a different story to the facts, and the facts of which can be seen in the Kings County Reports.
    The reports of which you linked are no illusion, for the facts are there. Likewise with the information on Zalkin and Kaplan concerning child abuse.
    The issue with you is you expect us to 100% believe what is seen in the video vs the reports of which you didn't read, which now calls you into question for your San Diego remarks in regards to Zalkin.
    For, if you did take this seriously, the reports holding the facts concerning abuse among JWs should be your focus. Stop relying on videos and start reading, if I can take this seriously, as is the an abuse survivor whom I will quote below, you can do the same.
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