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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Somewhat, if anything, misinterpreting Scripture like some of the groups in China vs those who went underground.
    Yes, people often disappear if they mess with the CCP, at times, disappear for good. Jack Ma's disappearance effected stock market investors for some weeks.
    As of recent, people are making memes about China's social credit score, sadly, we may have something similar here soon:
  2. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    Never knew you were the type to make jokes about old women, and you are an adult. I guess some childish antics never truly leaves someone. The fact you even ignore the severity of CSA shows you are unaware.
    No there is no, there is CSA in both. CSA has been a problem in institutions and online. What planet do you live on to assume there is a difference. recently some children were lured and raped by an abuser online. As pointed out, abusers will exploits people and tools to access children. Stop being dense, JB.
    How is this information relevant? And according to past threads on here, it seems you had missed the plot entirely.
    For a former Jehovah's Witness, you seem to not know too much about your own former faith compared to most.
    And? How is this relevant?
    Not really.
    Not really, granted with why I coined Anna and JWI before, you are just spinning your wheels here.
    And how is that? From what I have been seeing, they are still active, likewise with their similar Lone Christian counterparts, one of them I had shown before.
    So why are you trying to counter what I said before about no one being immune? Contradicting yourself, I see despite the fact I pointed this out numerous times.
    Not really. Kathgar is a JW and his history was that it was his choice to become one of JWs, granted he came from a Muslim background. Clearly because of this change, not everyone was happy, granted everyone has a choice. His own family assumed the ISIS situation was the result of him converting to Christianity, which, if you learned about what truly happened, it is different.
    Even in the pandemic, there are more people seeking God, and most turn to JWs, even some of the children I use to deal with, and I always told them, if someone speaks truth in regards to the Bible, follow your heart on it and test the spirit, hence why I often quote 1 John 4:1. Ironically enough, even some former JWs returned to their JW churches to be reinstated; even from indirect actions from their own kin.
    And this misconception was debunked a long time ago.
    No one said Facebook was a Religion, it was brought up that Facebook is also effected by the Child Sex Abuse situation.
    It seems you keep saying this to defend Facebook, you even ignore the grooming situation.
    The Internet is a separate entity. Facebook is a Social Media Platform.
    You were told several times that anyone with bad intent can use social media to commit ill acts, hence the Hammer analogy.
    Ads also play a role in the abuse of children too.
    I don't. It is already known I am not a fan of Big Tech as is Section 230 that Facebook will most likely be following. You sound like a Leftist Lib with that remark to someone who is not part of the Paradigm.
    I am 100% not a fan of Section 230, and a foreshadowing role it played in regards to a CSA incident at a School.
    I don't hide behind a mask granted it is already know my view of Big Tech and Section 230. Hasan Piker would make the same assumption twice in a row, despite him being a hypocrite.
    Then why try to challenge the fact, even ignore CSA can happen on social media despite me pointing it out numerous times, even now?
    Control freak? That is cute.
    I merely put what you said in the same realm in where CSA exist. And we are now seeing how jumpy and whiny you are because of a small question.
    The question has nothing to do with opinion or a Christian Conscience. It was more so an application in this sense of a problematic issue that came forth from sin.
    You appear angry, mainly the last response, in which going full cap puts that in display.
    That being said, to be unaware or compared to Piker shows how low you have gotten, just from one question, resulting in unnecessary deviation.
    That being said, Facts outweighs many things, in this sense, and unlike you, I am not ignorant that abusers can use social media to prey on children, more so to the point I pointed out your own has issues in this regard, including recent events.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    Well it's not methylsulfonylmethane which is good for your joints, Main Stream Media is what it is in this context.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    They'll have to be careful, even now, granted the resurgence of some groups, and those effected by inflation, mandates, etc believed to have joined said groups. I was in the crosshairs of specific protests, mainly a UC Berkeley teacher who isn't shy to throw pushes if your race and sex fit the description. As for the YouTube Platform, after the Facebook whistle blower situation, nd Loudoun County, a lot of people are getting shut down, terminated, having some of their content removed from the platform, even if you have no videos, any comments made, gone. This also connects to the YouTube Algorithm that is known to effect things, as is, the YouTube police, if someone, even some kid, does not like your content or what you say in the comments, he or she is going to send an army your way to somehow get you or something you said removed.
  5. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    A remark, was not going off topic, granted some of which was already paraphrased in older responses, hence CSA and what I said earlier. If I wanted to elaborate it into a topic, I would, but I focused on the pertaining comments only, from you.
    On the contrary,
    Jehovah's Witnesses have CSA problems Facebook has CSA problems. No one is immune.  You were told the imperfections of man results in sin, that sin, being abuse towards children as well as animals, or any living soul, mainly if the brazen sin harbors ill intent.
    CSA is the same across the board, you said it best, Earthwide. Does not matter the faith, the background, the chosen genre, space, etc. If you want to speak about bindless, we can see you display that, granted the information about the 5k UK kids seemingly fell off your radar, in reference and link. Ironic that you were as quite as a mouse on that, open your eyes, JB.
    The only difference is CSA is complex in detection in the social media space (many, many examples, as pointed out even by UK police), of which Facebook is associated with, likewise, with the various medias birthed by Facebook such as Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Tiktok being infamous for some cases. Social Media's, as is Facebook's predecessor, was no stranger to CSA, granted, a lot of child luring and grooming began.
    For example, Myspace, granted it was already said to you how pedophiles exploit not only groups, but also resources, such as social media, it is not unknown to anyone, they care capable of doing the same - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-397026/How-paedophiles-prey-MySpace-children.html
    Sky News - https://news.sky.com/story/facebook-responsible-for-94-of-69-million-child-sex-abuse-images-reported-by-us-tech-firms-12101357
    Hence Red Flags. Abusers exploiting resources, etc.
    Since the inspection of social media, abusers took up the space, granted of gaining access to children without much of an effort compared to schools and churches; even so, they are difficult to detect until you are serious about doing some detective work.
    That said, with what Facebook, even Apple and other Big Tech is doing now, parents and guardians will need to step it up as not only the hackers are getting smart, but the abusers as well.
    This stuff is public. Loudoun County was public, but Wokeism and the Left likes twisting things and censoring people, me included. Everyone knows that child abuse is earthwide, as you said. I don't see why you changed tuned in that regard, granted from other information pertaining to it which one can paraphrase.
    In the Truther Community, this information pops up in all branches, talked about a lot, as of recent Child Abuse and Sex Rings related to the United Nations; even missing children/persons cases, some of which pertains to CSA, be in the US, and even the UK, or elsewhere there are Truthers, even those in connection with Independent Journalists, in which some of us have sources.
    Granted there is too many to count, some of them I usually bring up, even in the thread of which you mocked what we are doing.
    Pedophiles uses Facebook as a tool. Will 3 months of research change your mind? Clearly not. Therefore, I agree with Anna's remark.
    I do not need to look if the information is public, as well as sent forth. A link in regards to the UK was just presented to you, which you ignored.
    Because there are people out there that are taking action in regards to CSA in some way shape or form, even doing what it needed to prevent more victims. You should know I have been doing this every time the subject of CSA comes forward, likewise with missing persons.
    At times I do not need to look for it if the community pushes it, as is, with what can be done to help if such is even within a locality.
    Solutions were even presented, and in that span of time, clearly you didn't apply or did anything.
    It pops up on independent sources and various communities and or groups, i.e. IICSA, ARC, etc. Even those who, which I attest to, outside of the paradigm.
    Because you are clearly of the unaware, and of no community.
    You favor Sky news do you not? You can see that. BBC? You did post such before, which was public, granted they are both in the paradigm.
    And clearly that isn't the case hence what I said for months, years here. Assumptions only make you look silly, JB. But what more to deviate from the fact the very tool you use is also in the hands of abusers who can exploit anything they touch for ill intent, effectively putting both people and animals at risk, and the unaware are always unaware of this notation.
    The point was already address. If a child goes missing and or anything pertaining to CSA, Truthers and Independent Journalist inform those in their community, I do not have to do much, I am just send the info to do what I can, mainly due to the fact of my history. You mock a community, yet you do not know how they operate, FYI, one instance, we found among ExJWs, let that sink in. This is also how I was aware of the IICSA situation with Theresa May, and when I asked you, granted you follow IICSA heavy, you didn't know what I was referring to.
    That being said, it can be seen here regardless of what you said to Anna in the past, should it pertain to something else, you defend with deviation and no truthfulness.
    Continue to consume Wokeism on the social platform and be unaware, for those who are aware knows the dangers and are awake in this sense when it comes to animals, women, even children.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected in the first place?
  7. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    Perhaps because he isn't dense, likewise with others who ahs taken issue with you. I guess for good reason due to the last racial situation in which admin got involved; hence why some of the call backs, was from that thread.
    Animal and Child abuse isn't rubbish. A blind man who cannot see the folly in his tool let alone his own contradicting statements is problematic. 
    You are the last person to speak of truth regarding social media. The fact you deem it real and got tricked by the woke shows evident to that.
    If I am blind, why was I aware of the CSA issue and Animal abuse issue on Facebook? A woman was killed the other day, guess how.
    And? I have not misquote you, I paraphrased majority of what you profess concerning CSA. Your own word when used with Facebook instead, you could not really do much to speak on the matter.
    Who are about the Watchtower, but the fact you keep going to them like a toddler to his mother to deviate from the Facebook mantra speaks volume. Animal and Child abuse is Hellish on social media, how can you be this blind to such a thing of the tool you use? No 3 months research I bet.
    Next time do not throw things into a topic. Because there will be things said of which you do not have the checks to cash, yet again.
    On the contrary, the rule of thumb applies even in the UK, in some parts, not all. This can be said in rural like areas, and the like. This also plays into the fact that in the UK, under law, animals are viewed as sentient beings, in the same footing as humans, so to speak.
    However, cruelty, still is an issue there, be in on the streets or online pertaining to the UK.
    Not exactly, that is half correct, hence what was mentioned earlier on.
    EDIT: You can dislike all you want, it will not deter the fact of what you convey. A bit sad, if I may add.
  8. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Video Games anyone?   
    You evidently will. If a meme could get a reaction, I would not be surprise if something took place in, let's say London.
    Unfortunately you are. You considered a platform real, and even more, the situation with NYT raises question.
    No, the Internet is like that of a city, during the day it is different, and during the night it is different, as is for it's which is forever constant and remains stuck in time, is the Dark Internet otherwise known as the Dark Web. Bad stuff take place, more often at night or in the Dark Web.
    The internet also allows people to show their true colors in some instances, as is people pretending to be of the opposite sex, i.e. EdgeLord164 who has a female for a picture is a G.uy I.n R.eal L.ife.
    It also opens the door, since the early 00s for political blood sport.
    Likewise with social media, which to this day still has issues. And with the situation with Section 230 and a list of things, an even bigger problem will come forth around the globe.
    You're just someone during the day and not in the Dark Web. But it would not be much of a surprise if someone of the night has your information. I am going to take a strong guess you do not use 2FA.
    But during the day, you can easily land in the realm of the Woke, otherwise known as the Cult of the Woke.
    No one is safe on the internet. The fact you didn't heed warning, chances are your information is somewhat compromised.
    I invite you to check yourself out  - https://haveibeenpwned.com/
    If you can lock your door at night, or your car, surely you can do the same with your information, but many people are unaware of the underbelly of the internet and all things pertaining to it.

    Being old and wise is irrelevant to the internet and what can take place, what can happen. As is, with what you view which is highly Left or Right leaning in some cases, or Wokeism. Being wise enables one to not be tricked by these things. But that remains to me seen.
    There are things you deviate from when asked, for if you were to meet me or perhaps @JW Insider for example, you would be in a position that you would not be able to answer. This goes as far back as my debater remark. In my case, I have done debates in persons and how I speak on here is exactly how I am in a debate. Early on however, I was a novice when it came to debating in person, but since then I had overcame how I was as a teen, the very reason why I am in the position I am in now, as is why I favor debates, mainly when it comes to the Bible when dealing with Trinitarians. And speaking about Trinitarians, they themselves use social media to defame and spread misinformation, so much so, even on here, some people are somewhat tricked by this same info. Hence why my stance on being against misinformation, learning about something or someone as much as possible to speak against the one sidedness in various domains. We can take your example in relation Qanon or that of Islam, you believed something untrue, and I simply brought you truth; however, on the social media platforms, you can see both sides, and which side is saturated.
    That being said, this is why I hold true to what I said to you, and the fact in a situation if we were in a public setting with people around, one wrong piece of info on your end could trigger a negative action, effectively making you dangerous if you are unaware of some things.
    Actually they are quite simple. What makes them complex is the deviation from the latter. For example, Witness stated women should hold religious office in a church, and attempted to use Deborah and twisted Paul's words. Srecko, followed suit and stated something similar, stating churches existed in Ancient Israel, which is false, and they pressed the idea more with the Sisera situation in the Bible. Because they could not answer the question in relation to what was debated, they kept using the Watchtower as a defense mechanisms, and in Witness case, she threw a fit because I use a lower case "W" for women and ultimately she called me a misogynist, granted, misogynist mentally is dishonorable in my culture. Then we got the Rick Fearon thing, even with conspiracy theory, she has some people believing them to, if I recall, she had you believing what another woman professed called Smurf Girl, who assume anything with the name Watchtower, is somehow connected to them directly, but the straw that broke the camels back was JWs do not celebrate Independence Day (4th of July), which resulted in infighting about ExJWs. Sadly, this woman thinks reddit at times is often a credible source.
    Hence, my view of misinformation and conspiracy.
    You never answered and you did dance around the question in the first view responses when asked. If someone asks a simple question, yet you deviate, even in a debate that is dancing around what is being asked. There was a bit of an appeal to motive in it too.
    This isn't the first time you did this either. Majority of the time it is either CSA or Bible Strong's Concordances.
    This also goes hand in hand with what I said pertaining to debates in the past.
    Perhaps everyone else sees this too. As is the remarks from others of out of left field assertions to a thread.
    You using a tactic which is widely known, prompting someone to call it out, isn't an insult. Hence, appeal to motive, granted you yourself engineered your own downfall makes it predictable of what you will say or do next.
    That being said, be careful with Big Tech, allow it to consume you, and you are forever gone.
  9. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    I do not know if you are willfully ignorant, or joking. The Watchtower does not have their own view (no one who is Anti-Trinitarian does granted there are only 2 camps) of the Trinity because any thing pertaining to Anti-Trinitarianism is all the same across the board, and it seems you lack knowledge of history, hence your shenanigans before in regards to a specific verse in John when you were corrected which resulted in your jumping to another thread to fume.
    Moreover, your remark also shows you are totally unaware of the fact that the situation in regards to being against the Trinity predates both the Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses as is with the majority of those who are Anti-Trinitarian, in fact, the Anti-Trinitarian view has been in existence long before your Trinity view ever came to fruition, hence Subordinationism (Christian primitivity).
    Perhaps next time, you should pay attention to your Trinitarian Shield, which in of itself, is quite absurd. I recommend you learn the history of Christianity and the Bible for it shows you are not that sound in all sense; for your camp were responsible for many things that are negative - 1 does not equal 3 by the way, Durbinite.
    That being said, speaking of Durbinites, they can't defend their own exegesis and the Trinitarian remarks are predictable, in addition to that, someone, such as yourself, who one accepts paganism yet utters God and Christ at the same time, can easily be called into question for indefensible remarks.
    You either sit with angels or you sit with demons, cannot play both sides, granted it is November once again, I take it you will side with The Goddess of Harvest, Ceres this year over the Christ (again). Typical MSCs.
  10. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    Essentially the point. CSA is everywhere, there is no escaping it, there is no one or group on earth that is immune to it. Sexual Immorality is conjure by means of sin, and imperfect man sadly is in subjection to it, those who given in to such urges. Therefore, the JW faith, Facebook, no one is immune, and abusers are not foolish either because they can exploits anything and or anyone around them, even social media, of which is quite damning because of many problematic issues.
    I merely brought forth the question because of @Patiently waiting for Truth's old remark when he use to go by he who shall not be named. The same one who always brings up CSA at the wrong time. It was borderline cross-examining, but not so much. More so focus on question, which, usually in debates, the opponent stems away from the question only to back themselves into a wall, other then that, it was in connection to his words pertaining to CSA related issues.
    That being said, yes, when Myspace was popular, many teens were on it, from Middle School to High School, college, etc. This later resulted in some people exploring the system to which minors get involved in very bad situations. When he who shall not be named, JB, does not recognize is that these tools can be used in the wrong hands. He attested to the idea in many of his comments of why he left his faith and had his focus on CSA and all pertaining to it, even attack others in the process, yet when the reverse is done, the fathered man acts like that of a cornered small beast yelping in front of a person who does not seek to anything to it.
    As for the subject matter. There is no sign of animal abuse. Like what was pointed out, it is not uncommon for any man or woman to leave a trained animal alone. Now since Facebook was coined, yes, animal abuse does exist on the platform, as with all others, unknown as to why some of it is somewhat allow, remains a mystery. There is also a beastiality problem (something of which the Bible considers unnatural) where animals are sexually abused also, take this example - https://www.thedailybeast.com/florida-vet-prentiss-madden-who-shared-videos-of-himself-sexually-abusing-dogs-gets-21-years-in-prison
    That being said, false claims about, or misinformation related to animal abuse can often times be dangerous to the owner because like other forms of brazen conduct, there are those out there who will even commit harm on the owner, perhaps even kill in the name of the animal in question.
    Therefore, one needs to defend him or herself. Here are some quick examples related to what is mentioned:
  11. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    No, from the start it was mentioned CSA is everywhere, it exist not only in the noted institutions, but also in Social Media as well. CSA is one in the same in ALL aspects, the difference is tracking, identifying, etc.
    Be it a faith group or your, so called tool of which you defend, even with the article presented to you, CSA exists in it. I don't see how a minor being raped on FB live and the aftermath blew past your view; ironic because not too long ago you mentioned a biker gang who stops CSA, of which a branch related to them deal with online threats.
    You are being quite delusional, Butler, as usual, and ever so predictable.
    Never compared the two, merely stated CSA exist in faith groups, namely JWs, as well as on Facebook. You told us because of your 3 months research, that was the reason to you leaving, hence the question, if you were supposedly to do the same for Facebook, you would not do the same, your dancing allowed everyone to see you yourself engineered your own demise on this thread. Quite poetic.
    So tell me this, if you did 3 months of research pertaining to CSA on Facebook, will you leave it, just as you did your former faith? In regards to Anna, there is more to it.
    Clearly you won't. Perhaps if the IICSA comes out with a piece on Facebook, you'd still leave your twigs in the sand - oh wait, they mentioned awareness in this regard, perhaps that is enough, to push you to quote on quote - leave.
    And yet CSA is uncontrollable on social media, mainly on Facebook's child, Tiktok. As is with it being very difficult and complex due to the fact of how predators operate on the platform and it is way more worse than the norm with institutions. Granted you are of the UK and the article in question coined Grooming of children, this should have been something that caught your attention, which it clearly did not. Therefore, your comments pertaining to earthwide remarks can be called into question.
    Child sex abuse, violence, rape, etc. Continue to enjoy your tool. Just next time in regards to CSA choose your words carefully. Because now it can be used against you in regards to a social platform which you deem as real.
    The issue here is your remark, of which no one, be it JW for former, would never profess, but you were the only one to have made the remark, which puts you in this compromising feeble position.
    You left due to CSA, as you pointed out from your 3 months research. Yet the latter remarks makes your statements murky.
    I did. I mention time and time again, JWs are not immune to child abuse, therefore, no one is immune to CSA. So mush so others mention it but you play ignorant. In fact, my first interaction with you, this was said. JWs, among them are the aware and unaware, and the unaware, even former ones, are subjected to bystander syndrome. There are many examples, even on here, for instance, Srecko being unable to identify Red Flags of an abuser and or the fact of how they can exploits the situation around them, the people, to access children, not only they abuse authority in some instances, they can abuse various laws, i.e. go to a state where technically an abused victim is forced to marry their abuser, reasons why I mentioned the double edge sword aspect of the justice system, which isn't too far with what is done in the UK.
    The difference is Facebook and social media operate on algorithms and automated systems, which can be exploited by a subnet of people, and with this tool, they can take action with ill intent. in regards to CSA, this is 100% the case. This is why children are easily groomed, lured, etc on the platform, this is why teenagers are easily tricked into exposing themselves to those who abuse the tool, i.e. the sharing of porno graphic images/videos. Then you have the human trafficking and kidnapping aspect which is the core problem since the inspection of social media, hence those missing persons cases, majority of the time, it due to a missing persons case, and speaking about that, there was a recent event on your neck of the woods.
    That being said, no one is immune, but to be unaware, even in social media is further evidence of how well rooted Big Tech has a hold on some folks, you being an example. With what is to come soon, mainly in the UK, let's see if you can keep that same energy when the exploits increase it's complexity.
    Child sex abuse is not a religion. What sorcery are you professing this time?
    Actually, those intertwined with child sex abuse do encourage one another, and they commit the crimes. Who do you think is have sexual relations with minors if said minor is sold off? This is why us Truthers took issue with Jeffrey Epstein, even your own, Prince Andrew. They do not operate as a religion, they operate in ways to access institutions, namely, religions, to commit harm and manipulate, as well, with clubs, schools, even social media. Often times, the Cult of the Woke enables such ones, as is those who joke around about pedophiles, at times, do not realize what harm they are doing by pushing pedophiles in the direction of children, hence the direct/indirect weaponization of child abuse.
    As we speak, what I forewarned, is evident and true, and it will be quite the hell for many children if more and more people continue to act as bystanders, even on social media.
    I do criticize the unaware. Bystander Syndrome, I say it many many times. The unaware are often the times that they think they are immune, and will make a mental note that if it does not happen to them, they're in the clear. Unfortunately they are wrong. The unaware also does not put forth application of education. The unaware are also defensive in most cases even if a truth is put in front of them and they do not seek a middle ground in some cases.
    You even replied on other occasions pertaining to that notation, even towards me. So why now suddenly you stumbled off your perch and act as though nothing was said? Perhaps, you yourself are among the unaware? Possibly true due to you going defense mode for Facebook in relation to why the question was addressed. Even more because The Woke tricked you with a few News Articles. If someone, you included, gets tricked by Wokeism, that is absolutely a sign of an unaware individual.
    And yet if you search Bystander Syndrome, Sarah Payne, Red Flags, etc. I mentioned such.
    Hypocrisy is when one, such as yourself, is this ignorant of Facebook and the CSA on it.
    That being said, a hammer is a tool. A man can use it to build a house, another can use it to kill a man, this applies to Facebook, a tool, as you stated.
    Since you will never answer the question, it will be address based on your reaction, whining and dancing.
    @Patiently waiting for Truth based on what was said in the past by him and him alone (He who shall not be named), even if he researched CSA regarding Facebook, he will never leave the platform.
    Your absurdities are predictable. Going forward, choose your words wisely because that in of itself can be your own undoing. And like I said, should CSA come up again, anyone, perhaps Tom even, could use the Facebook remark against you. Therefore, you set yourself up just by dodging the question.
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Missing girl in Western Australia   
    Thanks for this. It's true that there are thousands upon thousands of these cases, and we can get "numbed" by hearing regular and repeated reports from Central America and Haiti and Nigeria, for example. But when details of any one of them is pointed out, we better understand the devastation to her and her loved ones.
  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    Granted with how long I had dealt with those who believe in the Trinity, I am never unclear, and what I mentioned to you were brief allusions of what is being conveyed. For it I was unclear, I would not have brought up the points mentioned although brief.
    Yes, however, in the view of the Trinity, although they too would profess Sehma (Deut. 6:4-9; 11:13-21), but they twist the meaning of it. They take the word "Echad" and molded it into something that it is not, effectively violating even that of Hebrew language structure and the meaning of the word, for, in some cases, they'll twist "Yachid" too.
    They will also go as far as to say that Shema, it being a prayer, is proper for Jesus Christ because he is both Lord and God, which is incorrect, because, for starters, the fact Jesus professed Shema, which is practically one (a Jew in those days) acknowledging that they have a God the Father whom they want to be heard by, more so, they recite and observe this Law, which later on Jesus deemed foremost commandants (Mark 12:24-34).
    To be heard can also be noted to the Hebraic idea to pay attention to what is being spoken and act upon it, for example, when Israel hears the directions of God, they agree to act upon them (they obey his words). When God "hears" the pleas of Israel in bondage in Egypt, he acts upon them (he rescues Israel). The irony too is they would attempt to even twist Apostle Paul, who he himself affirmed the Shema (1 Cor. 8:5-6).

    Therefore, this alone shatters a good chunk the Trinity ideology (their shield), reasons why Non-Trinitarians are usually the ones to defend what the Shema represents whereas Trinitarians, would butcher the meaning.
    Yet Trinitarians often times ignore this. I am sure they never heard of some of these pagan groups, such as the Cult of Attis. The word Trinity came from the Latin word Trinnas, it was coined by a man named Tertullian (ca. 190-220 A.D. - 3rd century). Even the terminology. Tertullian himself was no Trinitarian, some would attest to the idea he may have been Arian due to Genesis 1:3, but truly, he was a Montanist. In his works, perhaps prior to Montanism, Tertullian which illustrates his beliefs, mainly in his main documented work, Against Praxeas.
    Trinitarians do ignore Greek structure in the Greek text. Many examples of this, more so, would even profess verses that are either: spurious, not inspired, forged, altered.

    Since the Holy Spirit was mentioned. They do this in this regard, to consider the Holy Spirit as a person because it is mentioned as a He/Him in some areas, mainly that of which is found in the Book of John. What they fail to see is that in Greek, Pneuma, in the text, is a neuter-masculine; technically, compared to what is followed today and by others, Grammatical Gender. Although the spirit is referred to as He/Him, it does not automatically mean the spirit is a person (another God as Trinitarians believe). The same case can be made of other examples in Hebrew and Greek text, which is, ignored, but when it comes to the spirit associated with God, they pay attention to it and will twist Scripture in the process.

    Actually, context plays a role as well, it has little to do with rendering because in this example, John 14 is the same, but the reader would have to really do the research to know the Greek structure.
    Sometimes experts themselves are like that of the reader, at times ignore something, or didn't realize their notations, hence the latter example.
    Well it is obvious what Theos is compared to Theon in regards to John 1:1, as is, with the references to the verse, often ignored by many, even Trinitarians. This also excludes the fact of how some choose to shy away from the Genesis Act of Creation concerning Apostle John's Introductory.
    The Trinity has been talked about many times here, even by the usual Trinitarians that popped up on here. There has also been some examples from the Muslim faith at rare times, brought up. That said, Trinitarians are not good debaters when it comes to Muslims, and often times would bash them because of an exposed exegesis to which the Trinity view would easily be broken.
    There is good reason why I brought it up in regards to the Trinity.
    It does have relevance, pertaining to how the church operate, in term of their view of who God is and who the Son is. The writer essentially pointed out the view of Christians at the time, Subordinationism.
    I am familiar with A.D. Howell-Smith. Matthew 28:19-20 is often used by Trinitarians because it mentions The Father, The Son, and the Spirit, but they fail to see the context in all that is mentioned, for, there is a meaning behind why Jesus said what he said and what transpired, this also correlates with the history of the baptism and it's origin.
    As for Justin Martyr, there is no question he was aware of the passage, however, his view, despite what Trinitarians try to do to twist his words, does not align with the Trinitarian idea, for 
    he discussed openly about baptism in his writings, namely that of which can be found in chapters 61 and 65 of his First Apology.
    It is just a mention of the verse itself, no the Trinity. Perhaps if one rules out context, that might be the case.
    Chapter 7 in the Didache does mention Matthew 28:19-20, specifically, verse 19 concerning the latter.
    That being said...
    The Didache was never met to be in the Bible and that was never the intended goal compared to what others attempted, it was more so the writer's showing of how Christians operated, reasons why it is said to be an Early Statement of the Christian Faith. Although Non-Biblical statements of Christian Faith is found in a book of 16 short chapters known as The Didache, or that of the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, some pointed out that it dated back before or about the year 100 C.E. (60 - 120). The Didache at it's core deals with things people would need to know to become Christians, as is their operation as a Church, a people. It is also dubbed a Christian manual. In regards to The Teaching of the Twelve, it was a highly regarded documentation in wide circulation by about the end of the 1st century, and accepted as apparent sacred Scripture by a significant portion of the early church. Although we do not know for certain who wrote this book but it is likely a book written which intends to reflect the Apostles' teachings. It is also possible that it was compiled by those who were taught directly by the apostles themselves and it may also be a source document for the Epistle of Barnabas which also teaches The Two Ways using very similar, and sometimes identical, language.

    Many, even A.D. Howell-Smith, made it known that  it contains the Christian redaction of a Jewish document: The Two Ways.
    That being said, the Trinitarian claim that Matthew 28:19 is identifying the three persons of their Triune God. This claim is often made by making a further claim that the word "name" in the singular means that we are to understand these three are the one Triune God who has one name. Matthew 28:19 is often used as a beginning tutorial verse to teach people the Trinity.

    However, in a The Claim vs. The Facts setting for this verse, The facts of Scripture show us that Trinitarians are not only disregarding the immediate context, they are imagining their doctrine into the text, hence the so called Formula. Not to mention of how often they mold the words of people of old into something else.
    As a side note, Eusebius was apparently involved too, for the the manuscript of Matthew being used by him was different than the words we find in today's Bibles.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    The same can be said about interpretation, friend. Let's see this example. 
    Numbers 25:3-5
    So Israel joined themselves to Baal of Peor, and the Lord was angry against Israel. The Lord said to Moses, “Take all the leaders of the people and execute them in broad daylight before the Lord, so that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.” So Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Each of you slay his men who have joined themselves to Baal of Peor.
    Christians cannot claim on trinity by ancient Israel, since they believed and worshiped other gods. The purpose of unity by the nation was oneness. The "oneness" referenced in scripture is for only one God. Deuteronomy 6:4. Ancient Israel was supposed to become one with Jehovah as his chosen people. Genesis 32:28, Exodus 19:5-6 That oneness carried over to Jesus time. There is only one Jesus. Separate entities respected in their own right. It would not be proper to join these two spiritual leaders as creator and ambassador to creation.
    Mark 12:29
    And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
    A fine distinction by son to father. The term "trinity" came much later by certain forefathers of the church, when they attempted to unite the Holy Ghost. 
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TheWorldNewsOrg in Fed Accounts - Marxist plan to confiscate your $ and keep you from escaping their tyranny.   
    The next 88 days will be brutal. The IRS has plans for everyone, for the mentioned of the rich paying up is only a mask of what they really want, and what they met is for this to be pushed on to every soul who has a bank account.
    The MSM has been attacking the investor community for months now, spreading FUD and deception to the point people are losing money, but the new generation of investors seek revenge for the events of 2008. They will not be moved or cause to stumble, and they will not be tricked. This is why the majority of them favor the man named Charles Payne.
  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Equivocation in Vaccine time   
    Well the situation is getting worse. Whatever New York does New Jersey, a blue state, might end up doing. Other then that the situation provided memes lol, not too many people are happy or laughing in dark times so... 😆 
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in Vaccine time   
    Back in the day when you got a vaccine it meant you didn’t catch the disease. It doesn’t mean that anymore, and people schooled in the old ways, like the guy in the third video, are having a hard time with the new definition.
    To be sure, the flu vaccines, not the Covid ones, have already introduced the idea that you could get the shot with no benefit.
    It does seem to me that the media is doing backflips to avoid stating the obvious: people are leaving the workforce where possible to avoid the mandates.
    Just finished repackaging some remarks I first made here, (except for the Newsweek link, which was JWI) on gain-of-function. It is another term—they proliferate today—that one day nobody has ever heard of, and the next day is ubiquitous.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    The other thing about these vaccines which could be an issue, but which it's verboten to wonder about or discuss is the question as to whether all these vaccines are generating mutations or the question as to whether we are creating the problem of vaccine dependency...think of the numbers of people who have peanut allergies today or asthma because these weren't naturally exposed to environmental toxins while growing up. Now they have to carry epi pens with them or they might die from certain environmental hazards we all dealt w/easily.
  20. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    Never did.
    Well if it made no difference you should not have made a response to begin with because the question in regards to Facebook was connected to that thread, as with Allen's. You should have steadied yourself the first time I mentioned it.
    Yet your response to her and Allen raises question, as is what you said to Xero and Tom here.
    Check the threads mentioned.
    Not really but ok, yet you are the one using all caps.
    No need to, just pointing out the fact in regards to CSA.
    Actually it did, we can see how much deviation you did just from one question.
    Yet we can read the numerous threads concerning your utterance of CSA.
    Go ahead. Just know CSA is in the tool that you are defending. That shows you are unaware. 5k children of which are effect, police baffled and recent events of missing persons and a list of other things. Never once you made awareness to said tool, effectively showing the latter was correct the whole time.
    Perhaps this time you'd answer the question.
    If you can leave JW faith regarding CSA, why can you not do the same for Facebook granted in remarks as to why the question is addressed to you.
    That being said, to be in denial of hypocrisy is far worse than being a lost soul.
  21. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Video Games anyone?   
    Why on earth would I be a dangerous person, granted, you are aware of my history because I mentioned it to you? A dangerous person would not - deal with Children, preach the gospel, missing persons, stopping a pornography addict, etc. It is known I do debates, before, in person. I do run into protesters often times, but unlike them, violence isn't the answer. reasons why anything affiliated with or confronts them I advise caution, namely recently with what JWI made known.
    I do not have issue, I am not absorbed into big tech as you are. If that was the case, it would contradict what I always say to be Berean like.
    That being said, if I had ever made you in person, I would know you will not be able to answer some things, and or address questions. You are also the type of person that does not watch what you say, it can resolve in an indirect confrontation from others which can match that of what has been happening in London, effectively, you would put everyone around you, interacting with you at risk, thus making you a danger. This is evident in how to make comments here even, even out of nowhere, be it on this club or what you said in the Islam thread, which is mirrored by the situation with Tommy Robinson - which induce indirect confrontation.
    You also have issue because never once you care capable of grounded discussion, and you being this sporadic can result in the action mentioned, so if myself, Srecko, JWI, Tom were near you, you'd put us at risk, not yourself only - You are not Berean like.
    In short - You'll get us all jumped.
    That being said, you really need to understand the difference between what is real and not real, what is legitimate communication between persons and what is superficial. You cannot get body language or the social ques people have some knowledge on for years now, even before social media existed.
  22. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    They're not bluffs. Anna did call you out, pointing to the fact your statement was not the only reasons of which you made it out to be so.
    Unfortunately they are, hence I mentioned Allen.
    As for Tom and Xero, your remarks are in this thread, other times you say you do not judge, but you end up doing so.
    I did not lie. If that was the case, there would not be a reason to mention the 3 people in those threads.
    If it was a lie, why would I bring it up?
    Yet we see you continue to weaponize CSA as usual. That is true, as is your defense of Facebook.
    As for the quotes

    You did, granted you went as far as to bring forth faith and the one true religion remark when you were merely told about Facebook. even after the fact you mentioned GB to deviate from a small question. You also went on to speak about other things regarding JWs or GB that is unrelated.
    As for the second

    Hence Anna and Allen, in their respects. Surely if you did research on Facebook, I doubt you'll do the same thing.
    That being said, I highly recommend you, someone who seems to bring up CSA all the time, even proclaiming it is an earth wide issue, look at the platform you use as a tool. Let's see what happens in 3 months time the more you read into such things, either Anna was correct and you were in the wrong, or the opposite.
    On a side note, Section 230 is problematic, evidently, it will be for you indirectly soon.
    Facebook's Apps Used To Groom 5,000 UK Children: Report
    Whistleblower: Facebook's response to child abuse 'inadequate'

  23. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Video Games anyone?   
    It does not.
    A real social interaction between person(s) vs virtual chat/comment is different, and the latter can push a negative effect, even among the youth, this excludes the danger aspect of social media. That is a clear and literal difference between what is real and what is not. Clearly, my talking to you isn't a real discussion because I am not physically speaking to you, therefore, you stating otherwise, to someone who deals in Technology and Software, holds no water.
    Social media conversations completely lack nonverbal clues, such as body language, micro-expressions, the tells”, etc. Also, typing out an answer gives a person a bit more time to think, or simply to decide to be uncensored at times.
    Same case is made in relation to video games, but that in of itself causes a different reaction.
    That being said, with how you are on here vs, let's say for example, you speaking with me or @JW Insider in person would be vastly different, and no one can literally log out in place. Or perhaps @Pudgy, who may be a serious person in person.
    Realism cannot be replace with something not as connecting, if that was the case, it would give those who are in favor of false mates a reason to consider their actions as real, hence the remark of a Japanese culture-sque issue that is often misunderstood, and spoken of out of context.
    There is no physical interaction in regards to being social. Seems Big Tech got you mentally confused.
    Yes, means of communication, but you cannot confuse that with realism.
    In the United States alone, 64% Americans pointed out social media have a mostly negative effect on the way things are going in the U.S. today, politics, communication, friendships, dating/marriage/courtship, etc.
    Social Media, at times, the unfortunate can also end up in a very bad spot. It can also be weaponized as well, even by employers, i.e. The annoying blue check marks.
    But remember, as of the reason situation in regards to censorship by means of the whistleblower, it was pointed out how Facebook is targeting young children, specifically girls. How the algorithm operates effects people, you included. Even when it comes to commerce.
    The fact you are in the United Kingdom, the events to come will take a bold step in the social media space, and those unaware will get hit by that wave.
    And the point?
    So this "someone" you know for your whole life, he knows everything personal about you even? Perhaps you know what he likes, maybe the stash of Pokémon Cards he keeps hidden from his mate? I will press Enter to Doubt on that one.
    That being said, if you want realism, nothing says being real when your personal information is leaked by such platforms, and or you end up like the poor soul who gets impersonated. I am sure you heeded the warning I gave to you a while back, and if you didn't listen, let's just say it's own the black market.
    Again, be careful of what you deem as real; the remark alone just screams how far big tech has come and how the shift in society as already taken effect on what is to come next.
  24. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    Check the thread in question as is your response to Allen, of which is quoted there in regards to what you stated as an Earthwide issue.
    Yes they do, but clearly they never made a statement such as you yourself.
    These are not misquotes, if they were, the statement from the thread in question, as pointed out Anna was correct. Therefore, CSA exist everywhere, even in faith groups and institutions as is within the numerous threads of which you always bring up CSA to the point even JWI made reference to what you've been doing. Often times you even seek challenge concerning CSA, even here when Xero made a remark about Animals, you bring up CSA out of nowhere, and here we see you seek to defend a social media platform being unaware of what is taking place, even that of your own soil. You even went as far as to hand hold JWs/GB in the process, unwise.

    It never ends with you, and seems now going forward Facebook is can be used as a Kryptonite.
    Seems funny to you that CSA is weaponized by you nearly every time. CSA is no joking matter.
    I do not dodge and never have dodged, so why should I be the one to do so? I was the one who told you CSA is dangerous on social media, as is pointed out social media is not realism.
    Hide pedophilia in the JW faith? How? JW are not immune to CSA, as someone who deals with children before and missing persons cases, those of us who are aware know no man on earth, group, club, etc. is immune, even the IICSA and the FBI are not immune to CSA. I suggest you wake yourself up from the dream world you are in, Butler because such sins exist due to the imperfections of man.
    The thing is, your statements pertaining to question. You continue to put JWs in front of you when you continue to evade the CSA question of social media.
    Actually, regarding trust, I suggest you read Facebook's guidelines. Whenever you make an agreement, there is a form of trust that is form - https://transparency.fb.com/policies/community-standards/
    Butler, you always bring up CSA, therefore, nearly a majority of threads regarding it, you are present, always, even when unrelated in which you caused a reaction from The Librarian and the Admin.
    I have no need to look into your Facebook, granted I am Anti-Agenda in the face of Big Tech. Regardless, I doubt you never once made any grounded discussion on the platform and what you consider REAL is a false reality.
    The fact that social media can get you to assume such as realism already shows you are just a cog in the machine. Perhaps you'll go META.
    That being said, the only time I and or the Truther community had to go into Facebook was in relation to missing persons situations, be it of a minor or someone older, otherwise CSA related, this is why back in 2017 folks in various communities were pointed out as an abuser/seeking to abuser, and or grooming a children, which makes the situation in the United Kingdom right now not much of a surprise for us, be it child or animal.
    But you said you judge people, so a change of narrative? You make yourself very predictable.
    That being said, the remarks from Anna, you talking to Allen can be found there, concerning CSA. As pointed out, going forward, Facebook will be the green rock for you concerning CSA going forward; that is, the next time you want to throw in an unrelated narrative.
  25. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    @Pudgy The truth is, that everyone uses social media, it is both a blessing and curse. Unfortunately, CSA exists even on social media and it is uncontrollable, as is far more complex compared to the norm of someone going into a school and or a church with one ill goal in mind; more so, it is very problematic when it comes to people end up as a Missing Person, for social media can be used to look for the lost, and to those with ill intent, used to lure someone to them, which is why the recent news about the police in the UK, them having a difficult time. Social Media also connects to various media, even the world of video games, where majority of the player base are children, hence why gamers often joke about how annoying kids can be when you play competitively against them. So one is to be very careful and if given the chance, teach about safety online, for there are many cases.
    The problem here, mainly in regards to @Patiently waiting for Truth is hypocrisy. He attest to the fact if anything has CSA, it is a reason to leave right away, which was the case with him being a former JW, but in response to that, Anna mentioned the total opposite. I've mentioned before that because of various situations, even CSA, some people would leave, some people won't leave, in fact, some people tend to try to remedy the situation and regardless of either side they would never make such a statement, if anything they would want better measures, how to improve, clarify, etc., but in the mind of JB, total abstaining from anything having CSA, yet, when Facebook comes to question, I was given a dance talent show, which was predictable, and in his dance, he uses the Jehovah's Witness' Shield defense to hide from the question, which is silly. It was also foreshadowing due to past threads/comments.
    That being said, in the case of Animals, there are some good things on social media, at times, too over the top, but at the same time, there are people committing acts of Animal Cruelty on Social Media. There was a woman tormented her pets, yet she still remains on the platform.
    Facebook at times tries to stop such acts, but often times, any ill acts pushed on to the media, often slips by - https://www.onekind.scot/facebook-rules-let-animal-abuse-slip-through-the-net/
    And even the children of Facebook such as Instagram, and Tiktok, is even more horrific when it comes to Animals - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/animals-youtube-facebook-tiktok-video-b1906254.html
    The list goes on, and it all pertains to the notation of abuse, be it a person or an animal. The biggest problem is that the viewers of said content, are simply there to laugh, i.e. The Snoop Dogg Bird.
    Unfortunately it has been revealed that someone cannot live up to his own words when it comes to a social media platform. The irony because he was the one who mentioned CSA.
    That being said, granted the question could not be answered and an attempted elegant dance around it, is evidence to the fact, some people do not always defend their own statements which they often say on occasion even when it is not necessary.
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