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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Again - if the root has never changed, it does not matter, therefore, no violation. They all originated with that one Strong's which was mentioned to you.
    @NoisySrecko Agreed, but the 1925 thing some people simply read a few words, but do not read into what was actually said, thus end up coming up with their own narrative.
  2. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TheWorldNewsOrg in Missing girl in Western Australia   
    And so it begins, the rise of opportunist, as pointed out. The story as been made public because many people are talking about it, granted, anything related to children now in Australia is often covered up. Granted none of us are in that area, Truthers there and IJs are looking into it, granted they can get past the lockdowns.
    Police hold grave fears for Cleo Smith and say all circumstances surrounding her disappearance are being considered Credit: EPA
    Australian police say they have "grave concerns" for a four-year-old girl who disappeared from a remote coastal campsite at the weekend.
    Cleo Smith was last seen sleeping in her family's tent at the Quobba Blowholes camping ground in Western Australia early on Saturday morning.
    Her mother said early the next morning the tent was open, and the girl was gone, along with her sleeping bag.
    An extensive air-and-sea search is continuing.
    Cleo's mother, Ellie Smith, told local media of their "horrendous" past few days. "We haven't really slept," she said at an emotional news conference.
    "Everyone asks us what what we need and all we need is our little girl home... The worst part is, we can't do anything more. It's out of our hands so we feel hopeless and out of control."
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    What would be so astonishing about Brother Rutherford’s book? It cannot be because of the title. The only difference with the title is that brother Rutherford added a term already in use with “will never die”. What was the meaning behind “millions now living” that was obtained before brother Rutherford added a thought that emphasized what earlier preachers were already speaking about. He maintained, scriptural integrity.
    Brother Rutherford used the term “end of the world” in his book as a scriptural lesson to confirm the words of Christ, 17 times. Yet, in those, he does not imply the end of the world would have been in 1914 or 1925. He refers to the second coming of Christ, just like any other Christian Religion was speaking of at that time.
    His words for 1914 were,
    1920-Millions now living will never die!
    This is not due to the fact that the earth is less productive, nor is it due to the fact of man's inability to plant and produce more; hut it is due to the unsettled condition’s resulting from the world war, which conditions Jesus clearly foretold would accompany the war; and it is another evidence that 1914 marked the beginning of the end of the world; for Jesus plainly said, "These are the beginning of sorrows".
    1855-Bibliotheca_Sacra_and_Theological_Review page 496
     They have taken their position, and they must maintain it. They have predicted that" the end of the world is at hand,” and they must prove it. Where the signs of the times cannot be enlisted, as witnesses, they have recourse to exaggeration and bold and startling assertions. In this new Pandora's box which they have opened, no hope for the doomed millions now living lingers at the bottom.
     The elect are already gathered in; the last seal has been broken ; the last trumpet has sounded , and the last vial has been poured out, and the accumulated woes portended by these symbols are now rolling, like billows , over the earth. The end must come, do what we may ; it cannot be delayed . The chariot wheels of the " King of kings " are now moving on the highway to fearful judgments. The wrath of God will burn to the lowest hell. The Gospel has been preached “ as a witness ” and failed to convince the world of sin ; now, it must prove a savor of death unto death to all that live ; still , the ministers of Christ must preach though they know that their labor in the Lord will be in vain , and that their efforts to enlighten their flocks will only enhance their condemnation and misery throughout eternity.
    1864-The Universalist Quarterly and General Review, page 53
     What becomes of the hundreds of millions who lived before the advent of the Redeemer; of the hundreds of millions now living who devoutly worship false Gods There is but one answer. They must enter the garden of the Lord's house after the death of the body, or they can never enter at all . But are these multitudes responsible for the circumstance that their birth dates anterior to that period when it pleased God to send mankind a Redeemer? are they to be condemned to endless death on the ground that they never knew that Jesus was indeed the Christ, the Son of the living God ? ”
    1873-The Old Book tested popular queries about the Bible page 160
    have we evidence in the experience and in the lives of men, that the work which Christ said he would accomplish has been effected?
    As to the experience of salvation from the condemnation and guilt of sin, we have the testimony of millions in the past, and of millions now living, that, believing in Jesus, they have been freely and fully for given . Down through all the ages their testimony has been clear and uniform. Men living in different countries, and in different circumstances, have, as with one voice, declared that we have redemption in the blood of Christ, the forgiveness of sins.
    1889-Social Christianity page 112
    Those four epistles contain indisputable proof that St. Paul and the early Christians believed that Jesus had risen from the dead . That is all we want the New Testament to prove on this subject. We have then to choose between the universal belief of men who risked and forfeited their lives for their belief, and the à priori assumptions of modern scepticism . And that is not all. The historical evidence for the Resurrection includes the personal testimony of millions of Christians in every century of the Christian era, and of millions now living.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to ApostaBabe Linda James in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Yes, I've caught wind this as well. They're calling it a pilot something or another for about two, maybe three months.
    For the most part, we can assume that children say under what I believe to be 12 years old, won't be attending these meetings because they have not been vaccinated for Covid-19. Being vaccinated is part of the requirements as far as showing up at these Kingdom Hall meetings. So unless the age limit changes to a lower age for receiving C-19 vaccinations, we can pretty much assume those 12 and under will not be in attendance at these Kingdom Hall's.
    So although I have concern about the members returning to the Kingdom Hall's for their meetings, something's just not right about this whole thing. I my share my concerns later. But I agree with you Space Merchant on becoming more educated on CSA. Especially on how this organization has set things up on how to handle CSA case's. Unfortunately it is because of lack of Education on CSA that the Elders will remain absolutely ignorant regarding how the leadership of the Org is going to keep having them do their dirty work for them all the while intending for the elders to take the fall as they keep getting thrown under the bus by the leadership of the organization. The leadership will then claim that they had nothing to do with how the elders own conscience had lead him to take care of their own congregation reports of alleged CSA case's. Much like in the Montana CSA case where when the perpetrator admitted guilt when questioned by the elders, changed his mind and skipped town down to Mexico.
    In the Utah case where an elder decided to display his own infinite wisdom by taking it upon himself to make an alleged victim who was 14 at the time of her alleged rape, listen to an audio recording, that the alleged rapist, who was 18 at the time that he had allegedly raped her, had made. This audio recording with which he had recorded without her consent nor her knowledge, of her very own alleged rape was handed over to the elder so as to confirm his innocence. This way the elders could listen to it and determine whether she was a consensual partner as the 18 year old had claimed or not. She nor her parents were made aware that this audio recording even existed until after this judicial meeting had started. Five hour's, I repeat, FIVE HOUR'S of her having to listen to this audio recording as the Elder would repeatedly stop and ask her questions such as, "describe what was going on here?" She begged him to stop making her listen to it and to answer to him. Everyone in this judicial meeting could see how she was visibly shaking and crying while being made to re-live this alleged rape that she had originally reported to the elders. Her parents were informed either before or during the beginning of this judicial meeting, that they were not to interrupt this meeting under any circumstances otherwise the consequence would be their daughter's disfellowshipping. As I recall, I believe the parents were threatened with the consequence of disfellowshipping as well their daughter, so all three of them were in fact being horribly traumatized. Yet Mr. Infinite Wisdom Elder would start up the recording, play it for a bit more and then stop the recording to make more inquiries of her. Yes, she continue to beg the elder to stop through her tears.
    Actuality, aside from a few cases like these two above case's, the elders do exactly as they are instructed to do by the leadership. They make that phone call to headquarters for them to receive their legal advice. Which they ( the elders ) are basically there to stall the rank and file members from ever opening up any CSA case's with the secular Authorities. So when elders tell alleged victims of CSA that they have every right to tell the police, these elders have no intention to cooperate with the police when asked to. The elders will also add that by starting a case with the secular Authorities, it will only drag Jehovah's name through the mud. This statement alone is often a  successful deterrent on the part of the elders to avoid the rank-and-file members from filing any charges with the secular authorities.
    In my opinion, all of this "dragging Jehovah's name through the mud" is a sorry explanation of an excuse used for the reason of stalling their members to not go to the secular authorities. But it works, so they'll continue to use it.
    How about Jehovah take some responsibility for his own reputation rather than making it the rank-and-file members responsibility. This is truly an unfair and uncalled for burden to put on alleged victims of CSA as well their families, 
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    What is stopping you from going to ARC to even read it? It was said many times here, ARC's information is open to the public.
    Other then that, that is quite a baseless remark; with a bit of reaching, and for reason. 
    That being said, you coined ARC, do yourself the favor and look into the findings themselves, the same ones that your video source has withheld from you.
    Other then that, cease the reaching.
    Here is the link for ARC - https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/ You can find Jehovah's Witnesses and all things pertaining to them from a 2 second search, not difficult as you make it out to be.
    I'm pretty sure every single JW who has access to the internet are found on multiple platforms. 
    Also seeing your history elsewhere, you are not a grounded person, as it is true here as well.
    Sure. But you're no quest, you logged in with an email, from a device tied to an IP Address via ISP on an open forum. One thing for certain, this proves that birds do not provide you internet access hence our last discussion regarding that.
    I thought you said you do not have a platform? Yesterday you said you do not have such things, now here you revealed to hypocritical state you have access to YouTube (logged into via email, from a device, tied to an IP via ISP).
    You leave comments, yet, nothing grounded or impactful to encourage a neutral discussion and or conversation about sex abuse.... Therefore your remark from yesterday was not true, let alone what you told the teenager.
    Here we go again... Access to someone's blog, using an email from a device, tied to an IP via ISP....
    Yesterday remark is starting not to age well.... A poor choice of words at best.
    It isn't about a freedom to profess elsewhere. You deliberately stated you only have this open forum as a platform.... Yet now you expose yourself without me saying anything.
    Even if you did counsel such things, you can easily be found out.
    The club isn't a platform, the forum is, hence the provider mentioned way at the bottom.
    Probably because you can talk about child sex abuse. In your other platforms, you post links and post things about awareness, mainly because of animals even advocate of aiding animals and the like, which I know because the teenager referred to you as Frida a few times, which confused me.
    But for some unknown reason you often speak about JWs from one sided sources, yet never used the opportunity to speak about child sex abuse from both sides of the spectrum or at a neutral setting.
    Clearly not. But I am not unwise to say having access to the internet, therefore only remaining on a single forum. I would not say something absurd to hide hypocrisy either.
    Devices and internet majority of the time 99.99% equates to access to other platforms, as long as you have an email (also derives from a platform, G+, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.)
    That being said, the Information Tech infrastructure  is what I dwell on, so I can see through the farce, even yours.
    I only called you out, nothing more.
    Srecko, this is why I said you pretend not to know, I hate theories, mainly conspiracy theories, I am Anti-Agenda, and I have a total dislike for the Left and Right Paradigm. Truthers hate theories for the fact that is results in misinformation, even getting people killed, i.e. Serena Shim, Seth Rich, Beck going into hiding (washed) etc and what revolved around their deaths; and how the MSM spins things.
    The only reason you can easily be found out in regards to platforms because all someone has to do is look up "Srecko Sostar" and everything is shown, as with your remarks. I need not do anything because your own name puts you in the spotlight. Just google yourself, see what comes up, you are everywhere on many platforms.
    Conspiracy Theories found it's way into Child Sex Abuse and Missing Persons cases, and that in of itself is damaging, I see it all the time, mainly when pedophile is weaponized. More so, JWI may not see what I see, but pedophilia seen as normal to some is a problem, people seeking to normalize it exist and you see how much of a problem that would be, hence my issue with the New York Times' agenda, which Butler did not see.
    Other than that, continue to kid yourself because the JW teen said the same thing, if you have a platform, you can use it in this manner, in fact, I can quote him
    My friend, we aren't talking about Activism, or to make change. The issue of morality stems from Scripture even, for if there is a danger, counsel can be given in a discussion about the subject matter.
    It does not matter if someone is young or if someone is old - you are on a platform where child abuse is openly discussion even at random, it shouldn't stop you or anyone from providing insight. Perhaps now would be the best time to do so. Like I said, there was only one thread that was Bible heavy on the matter because of discussion, if that can be done, you can do the same, after all, you can create threads as someone on this forum, since you did nothing, you can do something now.
    Therefore, you can do something. Does not have to be anything major either. I say this because for some ExJWs they don’t really cover these things.
    That being said, the fact you didn't know the mugshot results question of how well you are aware of sex and violence abuse crimes done to children and teens in the UK. The story of Sarah was a major story which can be felt to this day; to make a thread about CSA in the UK, but not knowing this, shows that you aren't really into any discussion about child sex abuse, even the ones taking place in the JW churches.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    Some of this stuff we've seen before, so I don't see how that is rare. But, granted this is revolving around a JW pastor, there is a rare instance of him, pictures of him spotted during the fall of Black Wall Street, otherwise known as The Tulsa Race massacre of Summer 1921 (May 31, 1921 – June 1, 1921).
    As you can see in the pictures below, you can see the JW Pastor's (well a Bible Student at the time) picture in the background, the mob outside were whites demanding the lynching of Dick Rowland because he was spotted with a white woman by the name Sarah Page, and was said to have assaulted her, however she declined to prosecute, despite this, that assumption was the fuel the riot needed in their fire; they needed someone to blame.
    Reasons for the picture was due to the fact just the day before, he gave a sermon, "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" on a  Monday, which was May 30th of 1921, and there were many ads/posters placed prior to the talk itself, even in the papers which was to be held at the Convention Hall.  The next day on a Tuesday night, The Tulsa Race Riot began. It is said some black folks wanted to attend this talk (only white people attended obviously), however, because of the Jim Crow Laws that were in effect, this prohibited black and white people to meet/gather with each other, which also connects with a Bible Student by the name Richard Hill not being able to attend, more so, the situation with Dick and Sarah, sparked the lynch mob making anyone who isn't white a literal target.
    Sadly, some former Bible Students and JWs will tell you that the JWs had some involvement and or Hill was a colored person to they barred him, even going as far as to spin conspiracy for those who aren't aware of the situation that took place, but that was not the case, granted anyone willing to look into that history, will see the truth of the situation, i.e. ExJws pretending to be JWs to trick anyone who does not know what Jim Crow Laws are or the real history behind the riots.
    NOTE: The Jim Crow Laws forbid blacks and whites to congregate together anywhere, and it is very strict. Places such as schools, restaurants, churches, etc.
    As for Hill, it is most likely that he and his household survived the bloody riots, possibly were out of harm's way. It was also said that some went to Hill's house for meetings during this time. To some extent, White Bible Students even defended his home apparently as some would say.


  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Well of course, it was a Message in regards to Judgement. More so repentance begot God's mercy which prevented Judgement on the city itself.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in Does the WT uses cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?    
    @Pudgy Remember, Biden is merely a puppet in this regard. Sadly, in the coming weeks, people will come to a ruin awakening. Although some are vigilant and enduring, but the unaware are about to be hit really hard, like that of a punch from Mike Tyson.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Michigan school district cancels Halloween, Valentine’s Day to be ‘inclusive’   
    This has to be good  
    Halloween and Valentine’s Day have been canceled for elementary-school students in a Michigan district over concerns about being “inclusive” and “equitable.”
    East Lansing Public Schools informed parents of the decision to cancel the two holidays this week, the Lansing State Journal reports.
    The celebrations were dropped because of concerns over hurt feelings by kids in families who don’t want them to participate, the district’s elementary-school principals said in a joint letter to parents.
    “Each year, along with the fun of Halloween parties and parades, we also have students whose families do not celebrate or feel comfortable with their children participating in Halloween festivities,” the principals wrote.
    “We have young children who become overwhelmed and sometimes frightened of the costumes and others who come to school with no costume at all.”
    Officials also added that it was difficult for students to remain concentrated on classwork amid Halloween celebrations.
    As for Valentine’s Day, the principals said some families and students “do not feel comfortable with the idea of boys and girls exchanging valentines or participating in a celebration that focuses on ‘love.’
    “While some students bring valentines to exchange, others do not,” the principals wrote.
    “In our upper elementary classrooms, the exchange of valentines sometimes leads to classroom drama and teasing.”
    Assistant Superintendent Glenn Mitcham said Halloween and Valentine’s Day could still be incorporated into the curriculum – they just won’t be celebrated going forward.
    As an example, he said classes could measure a pumpkin to learn about its circumference.
    “We’re striving hard at East Lansing Public Schools to be a district that is equitable and inclusive for all families,” the principals wrote.
    The news comes just days after a Seattle elementary school announced it had canceled its annual Halloween parade this year – because it “marginalizes students of color who do not celebrate the holiday.”
    Some Jehovah’s Witnesses, evangelical Christians and Muslims are among those who do not celebrate Halloween.
    The decision to cancel the Pumpkin Parade at Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary School was made by the Racial Equity Team.
    Well I think that is one piece of good news. 
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Remember this, Jehovah God foretold and had a Prophet  declare the news that Nineveh the Great City  would be destroyed.
    Then, for reasons of his own, he changed his mind.
  11. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    A blogger here has a picture of Sister Claus where apparently her husband is obscured in the photo.
    (Not important to this topic, but I was baptized in Tulsa in 1967, and got bit by a dog while out in door-to-door service there. (Age 10.) Somehow, the police showed up almost instantly, and I remember my brother and I talking the police out of calling animal services to have the animal put down. The householder was crying because the police were insistent.) 
    The other pictures include an article from a Tulsa paper advertising Rutherford's speech which (as @Space Merchant already mentioned) had actually happened on Monday, just prior to the major part of the riot. Notice as an aside that Tulsa had a population of 70,000 and it was promised that "thousands" of persons from Tulsa, if they lived another 4 years, would never die.  (Larger cities like Pittsburgh were given "tens of thousands" and even larger cities like NYC were given "hundreds of thousands.)

  12. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    Some of this stuff we've seen before, so I don't see how that is rare. But, granted this is revolving around a JW pastor, there is a rare instance of him, pictures of him spotted during the fall of Black Wall Street, otherwise known as The Tulsa Race massacre of Summer 1921 (May 31, 1921 – June 1, 1921).
    As you can see in the pictures below, you can see the JW Pastor's (well a Bible Student at the time) picture in the background, the mob outside were whites demanding the lynching of Dick Rowland because he was spotted with a white woman by the name Sarah Page, and was said to have assaulted her, however she declined to prosecute, despite this, that assumption was the fuel the riot needed in their fire; they needed someone to blame.
    Reasons for the picture was due to the fact just the day before, he gave a sermon, "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" on a  Monday, which was May 30th of 1921, and there were many ads/posters placed prior to the talk itself, even in the papers which was to be held at the Convention Hall.  The next day on a Tuesday night, The Tulsa Race Riot began. It is said some black folks wanted to attend this talk (only white people attended obviously), however, because of the Jim Crow Laws that were in effect, this prohibited black and white people to meet/gather with each other, which also connects with a Bible Student by the name Richard Hill not being able to attend, more so, the situation with Dick and Sarah, sparked the lynch mob making anyone who isn't white a literal target.
    Sadly, some former Bible Students and JWs will tell you that the JWs had some involvement and or Hill was a colored person to they barred him, even going as far as to spin conspiracy for those who aren't aware of the situation that took place, but that was not the case, granted anyone willing to look into that history, will see the truth of the situation, i.e. ExJws pretending to be JWs to trick anyone who does not know what Jim Crow Laws are or the real history behind the riots.
    NOTE: The Jim Crow Laws forbid blacks and whites to congregate together anywhere, and it is very strict. Places such as schools, restaurants, churches, etc.
    As for Hill, it is most likely that he and his household survived the bloody riots, possibly were out of harm's way. It was also said that some went to Hill's house for meetings during this time. To some extent, White Bible Students even defended his home apparently as some would say.


  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    It isn't a WT thing, it is a Strong's thing, there is no violation of the Greek language, remember, granted we all have access to BSB, it should be obvious of what the Strong's shows us.
    Therefore, the BSB, the ESV, even the NWT is correct, if it was something other than the Strong's itself then you have a case against @BroRandoand or the WT.
    BSB have Strong's shown on the bottom for a reason.
    That being said, birth pains, birth pangs, troubles, distress pangs, sorrows, etc is ok to use in the realm of the Greek text.
    5604. ὠδίν (ódin)
  14. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to The Librarian in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    "Rare" before it was uploaded. 😉
  15. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Yes, and it is in regards to why those who claim to have gone to heaven/hell and return to earth are usually red flags, this goes for those affiliated with the various movements, some of which that connect to the interfaith.
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    This is due to the events of Cyrus being recorded prior to him taking action, something of which can be read about, researched if you look carefully into what Prophet Isaiah had professed.
    I suggest you read The Book of Isaiah, in relation to the liberation of the Jews.
    @Witness Look at the verse below, which reads:
    Isaiah 44:28 - who says of Cyrus, ‘My shepherd will fulfill all that I desire,’ who says of Jerusalem, ‘She will be rebuilt,’ and of the temple, ‘Let its foundation be laid.’ ” (Reference: Ezra 1:1, 2; Isaiah 41:25; 45:1; 46:11; Daniel 10:1). So it is identical for those of calling; God is able to use those who are for him to enact his will, in the same manner Cyrus was used, hence Restoration, for if God had not used people, you would not be having a Bible in hand, let a correct one, and most likely Commissions, or an attempt to attest to the Commission would not have existed, at all, moreover, the ability to profess the Messianic Age, having the freedom to do so, despite the fact even the misguided speak too, not having that, or worse case scenario if the UN was successful in what it attempted back in the early 2000s, 2017 and even 2020, speaking about God or Christ as presented in Scripture would be outlawed as Hate Speech (despite the fact we are en route in this now not knowing if the UN will act again prior to 2030.)
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Lawsuit alleges church elder sexually abused youth. Updated October 11   
    This is an example of this specific church of the JWs not being equipped to deal with abuse, and the them or the mother clearly didn't bring up the police, but rather, a lawsuit. More so, all religious institutions are able to, even legally by some, to commit to internal investigation, but it seems CSA was unheard of by them; granted the situation with CSA in the 90s.

    Despite the pressure, the family could have still went on to speak with law enforcement, people unequipped to deal with abuse should be a blocking factor, so there were clearly some missteps, despite the lawsuit, hence CSA in the 90s and how things were handled vs how things should not be handled.
    Again, when an abuser holds some authority and or office be it in a church or a school, they can exploit their authority and the people around them, so the fact the JWs at that church were quick here, the abuser most likely had a hand in engineering things in his favor to evade consequence, and it seems be still holds that power despite not committing these acts, and her wanting to rejoin JWs is blocked because of her history with this abuser, another factor here also is newer JW elders, maybe some being equipped that can prove to be a wild card, if need be.

    The good news is, this is in the hands of The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C., who operates in city I know well. However in most cases, those on the outside who weaponizes such cases, often times, make it worse for survivors, reasons why those who understand the law and justice system are usually the ones with good insight - which can be seen in various media of which discussion is available.

    That being said, child abuse in the 90s was a bit looser compared to now, if anything similar to that of the 60s-70s. Moreover, CSA right now has taken a strange turn in the digital age, some of us, me included are now targets of those under Big Tech.
    Hype is only generated by those on the outside, those who see these cases and speak their mind, some of which, who do not know law, vs those that do.
    It won't go away, abusers will continue to place schools and churches, and should they not be able to gain access to such, they will exploit other means, in some cases, in relation to rape/sexual penetration, in which the minor is to subsequently become a bride to an abuser.
    Not really, there are those in the community, NY and the Tri-State area who know about JWs, they themselves know how bad CSA is, and know that everyone is effected, even Jehovah's Witnesses, at the same time, when it comes to Justice, mainly in New York, like I said before, it is a double edged sword/double standard, for it will be no surprise that people will begin to criticized even that for the family of the woman who was abused at a young age.
    As pointed out before, abusers can exploit the system, as is, with those around them and or affiliated with. Most likely, he took some steps well ahead of the girl and her family prior to the lawsuit. Abusers who enact ill will towards someone will often times use things, even people against their victims, granted this was in the 90s, it was most likely extremely easy for him to do so, mainly in a time where CSA was in a sense, taboo to a degree.
    I can tell you this now, there are complex events regarding CSA brewing, so this are going to get difficult for everyone, even JWs will be hit harder by this difficulty. Education is vital in this regard.
  18. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    It isn't speculation, for there is history behind the Scriptures itself, mainly with what transpired 4th century and onwards. If God had not used people, there would not have been a debate on Christianity in the first place, nor will there be a fight, or bloodshed that came forth just for translating the Bible. We may not have any of the earliest sources and along with other words, they'd be destroyed burned, if anything.
    Although there wouldn't be people crucified on stakes and burned alive, there would be strict enforcement of the Creed of what the people of the churches deem is true, and should you or me say anything otherwise, we can suffer consequence, perhaps have us recite their own Bible verse and pray as they will most likely kill or torment us.
    In a sense, things would be Godless from the jump, after Apostle John died and on award. High chance that John's students or any of the Church Fathers would be able to write their word for they will all most likely be taken out by the opposition, since no link to the inspired prophets is found - practically a dark reality. Maybe be a field day for Freemasons, I bet.
    You missed the point, if there were no inspired works that survives which enabled God to use non inspired prophets, the Bible would not be the one you have in your hand today. They would not have the earliest known sources to even translate the Bible, we would end up stuck with whatever those who assume Scripture, and the like.
    There was a reason why there are people who risk their lives defending the truth about Christ, as well as translation, even dying for it. For one speaks the truth about an inspired prophet, he dies brutally yet the one who speaks false about an inspired prophet lives. You can easily see how bad that can turn out.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Lawsuit alleges church elder sexually abused youth. Updated October 11   
    Allegations also say other elders threatened to sue family of victim if they referred abuse complaint to law enforcement.
    A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of a local woman who said she was repeatedly sexually assaulted as a child by an elder at the Rockland Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Rockport.  The lawsuit was filed Sept. 30 in the Knox County court against the Rockport congregation and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.  The woman said she was molested multiple occasions between 1993 and 1996 when she was 11 to 13 years old. The victim disclosed to her mother about the abuse in 1996 and the mother immediately informed the other elders of the congregation, the lawsuit stated. Instead of investigating the allegations or removing the elder from his position, the elders threatened a lawsuit against the victim’s family if they went public. That pressure led the family not to report the abuse to law enforcement, according to the lawsuit.  Shortly after the woman reported the abuse, the congregation disfellowshipped her, with the elder who said she abused her being on the judicial committee that took the action.  Bigos said the Washington man who molested the young woman remains an elder and is the registered agent for the congregation.  According to the lawsuit, at age 17 the victim wanted to rejoin the Jehovah’s Witnesses along her with then-boyfriend but she was told she would need to recant her abuse allegation.  The lawsuit also alleges that Watchtower would issue policies to elders and among these recommendations were to report allegations of child molestation to Watchtower rather than law enforcement. The elders should also not warn the congregation of threats posed by an accused child abuser, and the elders should not cooperate when confronted with a search warrant but instead contact Watchtower.
    Now whether this is hyped up, or if it's just advertising for the Laywers, or even if it's false news.
    The point is that this CSA reporting against the JW Org is not going away. 
    Will members of the public be 'turned off' from communicating with JWs because of this ? Especially as this Elder still holds his position in the congregation. Yes CSA IS everywhere, but that does not help the org. 
  20. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    There is a difference, in the age of the Apostles, people were inspired, under inspiration, however, aft wards, there were people who weren't, but rather, they were, some, Spirit led Prophet who is clearly not inspired and not infallible, i.e. The students of Apostle John, namely Polycarp from the church at Smyrna, fits that descriptions, as is with all Christians afterwards. Should have been obvious from the fact there are multiple Bible translations with no original sources, but rather, copies.
    That being said, no one here, even for centuries after the apostles, are inspired prophets, however, they can be used by God via the spirit.
    Perhaps because some automatically assume you, and the JWs to be inspired when compared to Cyrus and others similar to him, however, inspired or not, God has used people.
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Perhaps Peter's words can also help your argument in Act 3:21. 
    21 For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration (restitution) of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets.
    The view in the late 19th century was synonymous with restitution, rather than the modern view of restoration. That was the purpose of Brother Rutherford's book. It would be the adequate assumption for this time period of this debate.
    What were other Christian sects preaching about eternal damnation and how the wicked would be condemned forever without the possibility of being granted clemency from the original sin. They referred to those wicked ones, the second death. But, what about repentance and at what time? What was Christ words recorded in Luke 23:43? While none of us can forecast who will be saved, we do know how we can guarantee our own destruction. By not obeying God and not listening to Christ by God's inspired words.
    That was the message of that period.
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Well there is also an issue to this where some attempt to use spurious text.
    Example, this spurious verses: 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Led people to believe that they can drink poison, be it from snake or other, and assuming that they will not be harmed. and or not at Death's Door after consumption. Believe it or not, some people actually did take this literally and paid for it. On top of that, these same folks believe that they still have specific gifts of which the Apostles had in the past, i.e. have visions/be transfigured, as is with Inspired Prophets, despite the fact such ability died off with the last Apostle.
    On the other side of the spectrum, it cannot be confused with anything pertaining to prophecy, which is written and or is to take place and or to come.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Well there is also an issue to this where some attempt to use spurious text.
    Example, this spurious verses: 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Led people to believe that they can drink poison, be it from snake or other, and assuming that they will not be harmed. and or not at Death's Door after consumption. Believe it or not, some people actually did take this literally and paid for it. On top of that, these same folks believe that they still have specific gifts of which the Apostles had in the past, i.e. have visions/be transfigured, as is with Inspired Prophets, despite the fact such ability died off with the last Apostle.
    On the other side of the spectrum, it cannot be confused with anything pertaining to prophecy, which is written and or is to take place and or to come.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Physical attendance at meetings/assemblies and "Zoom" attendance   
    Brought this up too a while back, excluding the strict persecutions I mentioned. The situation with Churches will fall into the category of Freedom vs. Compliance, should the pressures of Authoritarianism, Inflation and a list of other things continue to increase. To be moved into that category it will effect people, even those of your faith, for I have already seen some in a broken state because of the Endemic, as how broken, Bane breaking Batman's back kind of broken, in turn, they are not the drifter types, but the COVID-19 situation takes a toll of them, as with many people. That category I would not be surprised if half the people on this forum get affected by it.
    That being said, I doubt the latter will get rid of their buildings for it makes no sense to take care of it if you will later drop them, worse case sincere is if the National Guard takes them over.
    At the end of the day, it does get boring for some, not being around those that they care about, especially the elderly, however, as long as the people are together, they make up the Church of the Christ.
    The pros to zoom for many is the fact they can reach out to a lot of people, be it church wise or gospel spreading wise, but at the same time, even opponents, like MSC also utilize this too, some, having access to their churches.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    It's no contradiction if you recognize the roots, it can also mean a living person/living soul, granted you are using the BSB, you should have seen that one coming, and if we are to add on to that, the BSB and some translations, even the NWT have near identical sources for the Greek text.
    That being said: people/persons, animal/beast, life. All well rooted with "soul", even that of which is deceased be it person or beast.
    We also have to remember the state of which John was in concerning visions (The Seals/First Seal/The Conqueror)
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