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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    You tried, but really this is comparing apples to oranges. When a group that shares a hobby gets together for a few hours or couple of days, sure it's all fun. But the real test comes when you remove that hobby, and that group has to get on with each other with love in normal day to day problems, despite cultural and personality differences, and not only that, but do this over months and years. Try that with your car enthusiasts. Loving cars, is not going to make you into a loving person.

    Or it's never a problem if there isn't a problem.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    There are at least 20 places I found online where you can get "The Harp" (1921) for free. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/12868/pg12868-images.html
    You can also get the booklet "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" (1920) for free here and a few other places.

  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Video Games anyone?   
    Well there is virtual reality gaming now. In this day and age, even my generation, video games aren't for younger people anymore. In my case, I do not play as much, very little, compared to my brother, who is 3 years older than me, him being 32, plays a lot of strategy.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in WHO sex abuse allegations: Democratic Republic of the Congo   
    I read about this.
    There is also an extremely wealthy child predator who is subdued a woman, in turn the woman allowed said predator access to her 2 teenaged daughters, this same man also believes R. Kelly isn't a predator. I only found this out in the Business Community, and despite this guy openly exposing himself, saying what he actually does to girls, setting traps for them, because of his status he is untouchable. Reasons why teaching is vital so younger ones can avoid these types of people, and not to become like them.
    That being said, CSA becomes more difficult in a way if people give up their sons and daughters to brazen conduct, giving them to predators.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    @JW Insider Indeed, because the MSM tend to rage against the Orange Man, and or anyone against the Agenda.
    Yes there are various groups that spawn from both sides, the ones more notable is ANTIFA and their adversary, The Proud Boys. In ANTIFA's case, they tend to simply attack anyone that do not agree with them, in most cases, anyone who is a white male, granted today's society pushes such attacks on people.
    This is true, I have confronted some Leftist before, and they have provided the sources they deem is true, even when challenged and corrected, they refuse to listen and can get violent.

    The only leader of the group I had ran into directly was Berkeley teacher Yvette Felarca of BAMN, a militant, far left group, and this woman was extremely aggressive, was not too happy of paraphrased Bible verses, of which she deems hate speech, so much so, she deems those using anything Christian based used against her and her group as "Bible-thumping bigots" and automatically assume the person, myself, as a Democrat. The irony was unlike many they could have assaulted me right then and there, but because I was black, they also assumed I was associated with BLM, granted, BAMN supports BLM, especially in the in Berkeley situation back in 2014, as is what she did afterwards with  Milo Yiannopoulos, who is a British Far/Alt-Right Winger. Then you got the events of 2017 whereas the Left and the Right were at it, this time with White Supremacist and their leader, Richard Spencer, and on top of that, what the United Nations attempted to do with the Constitution, which failed.

    This is true, for the Left will say and do things because they feel they have the freedom to do so, but in some cases, some of their content/comments are taken down, but the majority of takedowns were of people of the right and or neutral, that does not align with those of Big Tech's way of thinking, i.e. Hassan Piker, Stephen Molyneux, the Gina Carano situation in comparison to Pedro Pascal, etc. Other times they do take down things without warning, and or if there are people backing the removal, which explains the case with Reslight, for the fact he speaks about Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses, mainly on a Goggle centric base, it will effect him in some type of way, in general, even outside of Religion, just the Bible alone, should you explain context in a way that someone does not like, you can be subjected to what happened to people like Reslight, for instance, if you challenged Soco Films, a Trinitarian Christian Community on YouTube, you can get shutdown in a way, and or James White followers.

    The Cooperate and Academic Left do have some power, although some in Leftism, if they do not have financial means to commit action, they can bring forth influence, for instance in Higher Education, there has been some indoctrination going on of which some realized how damaging it is, as is with some form of Child Abuse being taught in some manner, children given material to sway their thinking while at the same time make them very uncomfortable.

    The situation in China, some, even myself, equate it to what is going on with the Black Markets in organ and blood. Speaking about such will often times land some unhappy visitors on certain platforms.

    Exactly, there is a lot of misinformation about COVID-19 as well as legitimate fake news, and some truths, of which some consider fake news, in addition to the fear mongering. As of now, COVID-19 is giving those in power more ability to exploits a crisis, and very soon, the full effects will be felt by many in the time of the reset.

    That being said, it is always wise to look into things and think critically vs what the MSM says or some other form of media. The last thing anyone need is to be influenced by the MSM, and when that happens, they already have you.
    I remember mentioning to Arauna about more dark and stricter forms of persecution, granted JWs are neutral, some wonder how they would handle or react should the powers that be censor them on grounds of the Bible itself, since slowly but surely, some people are viewing the Bible as a form of hate speech (like in schools) in some parts of the US and should it escalate, people, mainly the Left will react.
  6. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Concerning the pastor, Rutherford, 4Castle was quoted before, and some of his quotes, some people have the same ailment, even those who are not in the same faith or is a member of any Abrahamic Faith.
    Kind of beating a dead horse when this was responded to before, as is with Smurf Girl's conspiracy, in addition, to the fact something based in an isolated location, not really being international, so to speak.
    That being said, you brought this up before... Also word association "charity acting on behalf of", should be known as to what that implies.
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Compelling folk music   
    I accidently happened on these girls and now I keep watching.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in WHO sex abuse allegations: Democratic Republic of the Congo   
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    This has been very true, especially in the Trump era where any Trump supporter was "demonized' in most of the MSM and this quickly bled over into methods of reporting on Covid-19 data, the promoted view of the vaccine, leftist late night comedians, mid-day talk shows, etc. It all creates a vicious cycle that ultimately exacerbates partisanship and bifurcation of societies all over the world.
    I agree that Big Tech, political and corporate agenda is behind a lot of it, but not always in the way people would guess. Because it really is a "vicious" cycle, any side can win a few battles simply by going on a surreptitious campaign to flag what they don't like from another side. If you talk to a lot of people on the left (and on the further left, especially), they are able to point out just as many cases of their own favorite sources and resources being taken down for apparently no reason. Except for the "corporate left" and large-scale culture warrior campaigns from the "academic left," they don't have the money or clout or organizational skills (or cohesiveness) to create the kind of campaigns that the right is often capable of mounting. For the same reasons, they also can't present their complaints as easily.
    But if you look hard enough you can find solid evidence presented where Neo-Nazi, pro-Nazi, white supremacist hate speech, war-mongering, race-baiting, pro-pornography, pro-torture, etc., has been allowed to remain amidst complaints when those who complain are instantly labeled "Antifa" or the like and "disappeared." In another type of example, my son showed me documentation of literally hundreds of Twitter posters who have exposed the lies of Falun Gong and the supposed persecution of Muslims in China, all being deleted at once. (He had been following people on both sides of this issue, so had personal knowledge of how true the complaint was.) Exposing abuses by US allies has brought similar swift results to many social media accounts.
    Covid-19 related "fake news" has taken on a life of its own, but easily predicted under the current social climate.
    But there is also a lot of hypocrisy and dishonesty in partisan campaigns, and there are even those who fake their own "persecution." So we also have to be careful what we trust from every side.
  10. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    …… Could be worse…… Could be a US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  11. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Vaccine time   
    With the whole Facebook situation, information like this will be wiped out. As mentioned in the other thread, a lot of things is taking place concerning what The Left/Libs deemed misinformation, and now it puts the spotlight on those who oppose them, this includes Truthers as a whole. Should things go side ways, and Section 230 flourishes, there wouldn't be a lot of truth to be spoken in the face of conspiracy, even in the light of talk of COVID-19.
    The most damning thing is this sets everyone up for the reset and what is to take place 2030 and onwards at a faster pace.
    That being said, I've mentioned COVID-19 Pills. Granted they can't get people to vaccinated, although they have a choice, do not be surprise if they enforce it. The pills will have to be taken multiple times, as is the vaccine, granted, the effectiveness, mainly Pfizer and J&J with Pfizer going down to 84% after 6 months, reduces protection over time, so it may be an every few months type of things, which justifies this pandemic is actually Endemic. Also, Natural Immunity is also talked negatively by many.
    Interestingly enough, in the Independent Journalist space, it has gotten some people worked up, in the Truther community what transpired with IJ Pool and Murphy was talked about a lot, even that of which Mr. Southern stated (Her being called "Mr." has a history behind it)
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
     I thought that Reslight's YouTube page that @NoisySrecko provided also was a likely candidate to help identify where some of the claims about Russell had come from. I had already looked at ResLight's sites like this, figuring that it had to be a place like Twitter or YouTube where Google doesn't index every comment.
    (ResLight also complained that Google is deleting a lot of posts where he claims that Russell was not a JW. He seems to think that someone (or organization?) with authority has been able to influence Google to treat ResLight's claims about Russell's NON-association with JWs as fake news. It's hard for him to keep up with maintaining disappearing links, etc.)
    ResLight did get back to me after some private messaging (PMs) but didn't respond about the website question, and had no info on the Canadian minister. I figure that if B.W.Schultz ever gets up to the 1914 era in his research on Russell he will likely attempt to make the identification. If I thought it was important enough, I'd ask on Schultz' blog. I've asked other questions there before and received answers from participants who are avid commentators on "all things Russell." Also, since I don't count the "Black Nation of Islam" as having a nearly close enough affinity to the teaching of Bible Students and/or Rutherforrd, I don't include them in any groups who actually taught like the Bible Students about 1914. And since all the groups listed in your previous post were apparently Bible_Student/Second_Advent "spin-offs" they don't count as independent groups with a similar teaching about 1914. @NoisySrecko correctly pointed out a few other "Russellite" and/or Bible Student groups who became independent of Russell's writings. And of course, it's true that there were factions of independence all along among the Bible Students groups, even those who appreciated Russell's teachings and were welcomed by Russell despite a measure of independence. Much of Russell's writing is actually addressed in a non-dogmatic manner that acknowledges this varied level of independence that Russell accepted.
    In my posts/messages to ResLight, ( https://reslight.boards.net/thread/1114/alleged-failure-misrepresented-historical-claim  ) I wondered if the person he was addressing in his post was thinking primarily of the idea that Russell had (once) dropped 1914 and temporarily changed it to 1915 as the end of the Gentile Times. ResLight seemed unaware of this very short-lived teaching. But as I read some of the YouTube comments more closely, it turns out that one commenter might have had this in mind. But in a confused manner. Note:
    The comments below that video include some by Jerry Jones (7 years ago) who cherry picks the same low-hanging fruit that most anti-Russell and anti-JW folks gather. He does include reference to changes from 1914 to 1915 in one comment, but seems to miss the most important point about them. For that matter, ResLight misses it too, and blames changes made in 1911 and 1915 on Bible Students who made unauthorized changes to the text while Russell was still alive and was still printing under his own Watch Tower Society banner. I believe that ResLight thinks they were unauthorized only because they created contradictions (and they were not all "admitted" in WT lists of errata) but I think there are clearer ways to show how and why Russell was able to purposely contradict himself slightly to minimize the wording changes. 
    ResLight still thinks that the Great Pyramid supports 1914, and just that one example helps me understand how he is quite satisfied even with some fairly shallow defenses of Russell's foibles in other areas. 
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    @NoisySrecko @JW Insider Someone I know in the YouTube Community in regards to the fight against the Trinity provided the link of what Reslight was referring to, the response he was towards a Trinitarian Christian blogger who goes by the name Michael Jay; since she still had the older version of YouTube this allowed her to find all of Reslight's responses YouTube for every video, including the one in connection to his response, granted now YouTube is deleting even old comments from time to time that have links.
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in WHO sex abuse allegations: Democratic Republic of the Congo   
    Stuff like this can spawn Child Sex Rings and Trafficking. Although they spotted this, the underbelly itself is like an unforeseen figure punching you in the dark from random directions. Those who fight it the right way can only minizine damage by trying to reach children and or stopping some instances, the unfortunate part is this stuff cannot stop, granted those working in said organizations, their intent, at times, is undetectable by those who cannot red Red Flags and the fact that they are not Religious based and are all over the place, it makes detection by some difficult.
    Even the FBI didn't see the actions of a child abuser who is branched in the Gymnastics Team for the US, hence, Sports/Academic Institutions/Clubs.
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Judge orders stay of Jehovah's Witnesses constitutional claim on privacy of records   
    Probably anything in relation to what led you into grounds of Excommunication, in turn, that information, and or data is stored and it shows everyone else in the community who holds some office in the church to know what led to your Excommunication in the first place. This is nothing of a surprise to how Religious institutions, which are connected, operate.
    It could be a build up of things pertaining to you prior to Excommunication. Well the same can be said for everyone who's data is kept by majority of institutions, they have reasons to hold record and they are under a constitutional right to do so. If you want that to stop, they you'd have to give up your Freedom for Convenience, but that is a big sacrifice, mainly in the realm of government itself, granted, that is whom you have to take that up with. Gambling chips and cards with the Government is not worth it, we can already see that transpiring today.
    They aren't. But Grounds of Excommunication is seen differently by different people, be it they have experience or not, of which generation they come from also plays into that role, in your case, you were a JW a long time ago, what you did at the time, perhaps a different outcome today depending on which JW church you attend.
    This is liken to the Smoking example I told you about a while back and the reaction of some within a Religious Institution.
    Granted all of their elders in the church are different, I doubt church elders of old vs. others, even today have the same reaction.
    That being said, since we are speaking about Data, and you saying you adhere to Facebook, I tell you this now - Up your security, granted, if you have this view of Data, I hope you are aware that not doing anything now with any platform you are on now, your data will end up on the Black Market. Granted I've seen people selling Data in the Dark Web, that is the last place you want your information to me on. You've been warned. Look into 2-Factor too.
    In the JWs case, be it they have your data or not locked away, security needs to be upped on their part because even institutions can end up on the Black Market if not careful.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in WHO sex abuse allegations: Democratic Republic of the Congo   
    WHO sex abuse allegations: Agency staff members carried out rapes during Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola response,The allegations, which include nine claims of rape, were said to have been perpetrated by 83 foreigners and nationals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including 21 WHO staff members.
    Twenty-one World Health Organisation (WHO) staff members were allegedly involved in sexual abuse during the agency's response to the Ebola crisis in central Africa, according to an official report.
    The allegations, which include nine of rape, were identified by a special panel commissioned by WHO to look into claims involving the UN's health agency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
    It found a total of 83 perpetrators were involved in alleged sex abuse during the two-year response period, including the 21, in what has been called the biggest scandal of sexual wrongdoing linked to a UN institution in years.
    WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the report produced by the panel made for "harrowing reading".
    Apparently referring to the victims, he said: "I am sorry by what was done by people employed by the WHO to serve and protect you."
    He said the findings would require "wholesale reforms of our structure and culture" and all known sex abuse perpetrators would be banned from working for the WHO in future, with four people already fired.
    Western diplomatic sources who attended a closed-door briefing with WHO officials have said another two people have been placed on administrative leave.
    News agencies AP and Thomson Reuters Foundation, which worked with the New Humanitarian, published separate allegations claiming that aid workers from WHO and leading charities misused their position during the 2018-2020 Ebola crisis in the country.
    Among those accused was a WHO doctor and two other agency officials, who were said to have promised to buy land for a young woman who had got pregnant.
    WHO chief Mr Tedros made 14 trips to the DRC during the outbreak period and publicly commended the work of at least one of those who was accused by AP.
    Nearly 50 countries, including Britain, the US and Canada later issued a statement expressing their "deep concerns" about WHO's handling of sex abuse claims.
    AP has since obtained recordings of meetings during which WHO emergencies chief Dr Michael Ryan acknowledged that the DRC sex abuse allegations were likely to be "the tip of an iceberg" and were part of a problem that "does reflect a culture as well".
    A member of the Congolese Union of Media Women (UCOFEM), Julie Londo, applauded WHO for punishing staff members involved in the abuse allegations but said the agency needed to go further.
    She said: "WHO must also think about reparation for the women who were traumatised by the rapes and the dozens of children who were born with unwanted pregnancies as a result of the rapes.
    "There are a dozen girls in Butembo and Beni who had children with doctors during the Ebola epidemic, but today others are sent back by their families because they had children with foreigners...We will continue our fight to end these abuses."
    WHO has faced criticism from a variety of sources in recent years, with the US cutting ties with it over its relationship with China, and from others over its failure to fully investigate the origins of and response to COVID-19.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    So much for vaccine-generated herd immunity
    In an Israeli hospital outbreak, 96% vaccination rates (and universal masking) made no difference. And guess who had mild cases? Hint: not the vaccinated.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    The understanding here would be, there is evidence that can go back to after the last apostle died. The mere would "advent" makes no difference since we are "all" awaiting the second coming of Christ. To the point, was it supposed to be a literal advent or a spiritual advent. Pastor Russell realized Brother Millers assertions were not correct. If he felt that about a person he never met, Then Adventism was not part of his personal choice. True, He first heard about Adventism in the 1870s by disappointed Advent member's, but his interest was on other factors not solely on the second coming of Christ. Stetson, Storr, Wendell, and even Barbour were interested in restitution and other aspects, However, Stetson, Storr, Wendell didn't have such an impact as several bible student associations think it had. Those Bible Students associate Miller as part of their past when there was none according to Russell, and he made it clear, he was not an Advent. 
    If anything. Pastor Russell as he himself claimed was a "congregationalist" nothing more. That history can go back to Calvinism, and before the reformation. JW's need to understand their own history before they can apply any theory about the diversity of the Bible Student Movement.
    Now, the AD 1843 was simple to attain in the era of "Millennialism" not to be confused with the Miller Movement even though the ideology is the same. Millennial meaning 1000 years. It was just a matter of the starting point. The 1260, 1290, 1335, 2520 were relevant before Miller spoke of it in 1814, 1829. Even The famed John A. Brown spoke of AD 1843 in 1810. 
    People enjoy to discredit Miller and the Advent Movement because it suits peoples need to apply it to JWs. Miller was the most outspoken person in America, but there were a few others before him in other parts of the world.
    Once again, this is the true history. If anything, JWs are no different than the Martin Luther Reformation movement. 
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   

  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    To be fair LORD in all caps refers to the God of Israel - Strong's 3068. In some translations it is Yahweh or Jehovah/YHWH. It is only a violation if something other than the Strong's itself is there and or something not related to it.
    The only people who get fooled are those who do not know why LORD is all caps or it's connection to Tetragrammaton. But to be honest, if the people back then simply put YHWH or equivalent and left it as is, a lot less confusion by others later on, then you also have the fear of those who invoke the name of God.
  22. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in Vaccine time   
    More of a force tactic. Before it was your choice to get the vaccine or not, the mantra "my body, my choice" now the script ahs been flipped because of all the fear and misinformation with a bit of segregation among the people, this also stems from the mandates. This is effecting everyone directly and indirectly, in all fields, institutions, etc. for instance, the NBA's legend, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, calls for unvaccinated players to be removed from teams (there is somewhat of a civil war in sports regarding COVID-19), whereas the New Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, warns health care workers to get vaccinated or be replaced by National Guard members, even in the cooperate and business side of things, you will be effectively terminated if you do not get vaccinated and show proof of vaccination prior to the first week of October. Mind you, this is taking place where the streets run blue, Democratic States.
    This is slowly seeping into schools and religious institutions, hence people will be put to the test and some will evidently crack under pressure.
    So essentially, if you do not get the jab, then you will not have a job, or have access to specific things, which some of us like myself saw coming of what this will lead to. Or as one Truther puts it "If you don't bow down at the altar of jabbo, you will be like that of a leper to the general public. Don't let them fool you." Therefore, a Cult around such a thing was formed.
    Speaking of Truthers, we are about to take a hit in the coming days because YouTube wants to censor alleged misinformation and or those who are in opposition of the MSM, of which YouTube is backing by putting them, Big Tech and Big Pharma on the front page.
    The irony in all this, it is said by some that Refugees are exempt from the jab, i.e. Afghan refugees.
    The vaccine is only a protective measure, it does not make someone immune to the virus. People can take it by choice, like other medical procedures, even speak with their doctor about it, however, to express decree over such is a bit much. Although kids under 12 will not take it, some people have done such experimentation on children already. Pregnant women who cannot take the vaccine as of recent are demonized and still lose their jobs regardless. The effectiveness of the vaccine goes down over time, hence the extra jabs, for no everyone notice the extra slots on their cards, and the inevitable show of proof of vaccination (your papers).
    As for the Mark of the Beast, no so much, an issue I take with those using the Endemic to speak as though God created the virus all while under the New Covenant, is an error, hence James 1:13 and all references for the verse. The truth of the matter is this can be equated to a foreshadowing of the things to come, granted, if you see people writing Jehovah and Jesus in various languages in some parts of the states with cryptic messages, you kind of see where this is going. When the Mark eventually comes, the state of various places on earth will be an even bigger Hellscape.
    That being said, even prior to this @Kosonen and I were very vocal about Authoritarianism and how damaging it can be for everyone, look at Canada, France, especially Australia, with United Kingdom that will follow suit. The thing with the United States that is somewhat blocking the US from turning into Australia is the Constitution, however, that won't hold for long granted people of power, even the United Nations tried to work around it or manipulate it.
    Lastly, the fact I am Anti-Agenda, I hate how they are pushing the narrative towards the people, mainly in forms of media, even cartoons towards kids, games and comics towards older ones and comedy for the adult folks, even brazen media is promoting the agenda.
    Like I said, there are worse worse things to come, some things I do not really mention on here, so best to have a Batman level of preparedness.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    If I understood, you work in IT as do I and what I've learned in the 43 years I've been doing this is to be suspicious of anyone who says "that's not supposed to happen". The use of that phrase suggests that the person imagines there's a 100 percent correspondence between his understanding and the external world. I've found that things are often complicated and in ways we don't expect. So when an end user says he experienced something it may be the proverbial short between the chair and the keyboard, but it also may be something else. I never let an end user think I think he's an idiot and imagining things because he might not. Take one weird thing that happened years ago in the mainframe days. We had a pc which had the newest tech at that time loaded on it - speech recognition. This was in the 80's. https://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.asp?st=1&c=472 This was on a table in the computer room and behind the glass window there was an IBM 3838 array processor. People would come in and out and we had been getting these random hits on the array processor. I remember going on break, picking up a tech journal which mentioned EMI as the future of interference and noise to be concerned with. It clicked in my head that perhaps when they ran the voice recognition module it might be producing and EMI signal which produced the hits on the 3838. I suggested this to my supervisor who said "that's not supposed to happen". I said "Let's test the theory. If I'm right we can generate a hit on demand." So Juan B. went over, fired up the demo and boom! We got a hit on the 3838. It went away once they moved the desk. So when someone suggests that once in a while someone might not actually getting the shot in the muscle, I think that's a possibility. If I have to get another injection which is supposed to be in the muscle, I'll just ask them to please aspirate to be sure. It only takes five seconds.
  24. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in Vaccine time   
    I mentioned this a sometime ago to a Leftist, and the reaction was like that of him transforming into a monster due to his anger, and he simply shouted that I was a lair.
    Funny how this goes yet anyone speaking of the matter, mainly this, is shut down or threatened.
    As we speak, medical personnel are being booted from their jobs; we can see how much of a problem that will be. From Heroes to Villains, as the MSM portrays them.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    Interesting. Just found out the various vaccines were developed w/the aid of aborted fetal cell lines.
    The other interesting thing was this video by a doctor in the UK suggesting the adverse events might be the result of incorrect or inadequate injection protocols. Apparently there's no aspiration of the needle in the protocol at present. 
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