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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    In any conflict between Nations, either on the battlefield, or in the cultures, or in this case, a Tribe (JWs), and a Nation (Russia), the first casualty is Truth.
    "Make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine." is apparently a casualty of this conflict .... shot in the back from "Friendly Fire".
    Not only that, the very concept of "making sure" is disparaged as an unnecessary unimportant chore, worthy of disdain.
    Very, very sad.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    I had not been able to find that blog post or "website" (as ResLight called it). You might know more about it since you were able to say that it was somehow connected with jwfacts.com.
    I understand his fixation on defending CTR, as CTR produced an amazing amount of truth that has stood the test of time. But CTR also had a "thorn in the flesh" related to his own fixation on chronology. His first attempts of preaching and writing on his own (1876-1878) were years of great embarrassment, mostly because, as he admits, he was motivated to get the word out as quickly as possible about the predictions for the year 1878. It reminds me of Paul, who related his own "thorn in the flesh" as a counterbalance to the exaltation and pride that could have resulted from his own special revelations:
    (2 Corinthians 12:6-9) . . .For even if I want to boast, I will not be unreasonable, for I would say the truth. But I refrain from doing so, in order that no one should give me more credit than what he sees in me or hears from me, 7 just because of receiving such extraordinary revelations. To keep me from becoming overly exalted, I was given a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan, to keep slapping me, so that I might not be overly exalted. 8 Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it would depart from me. 9 But he said to me: “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” . . .
    But CTR was continually overly exalted by others, mostly, due to the weakness of men around him looking for a leader. CTR evidently gave in to that weakness himself and, within 20 years, considered himself alone to be the individual embodiment of the "faithful and wise servant" (faithful and discreet slave). In spite of the embarrassment of 1878, he began placing more importance on chronology than ever before. Most of the content of the 6 volumes of Studies in the Scriptures would concern the "chronological plan" of the ages. A "divine" chronology, as he believed.
     Defending his chronology today seems out of place. ResLight does a good job correcting the exaggerated and incorrect claims against CTR, but he also goes too far in trying to defend Russell on this same topic. Remaining Bible Student groups vary in their defense of Russell, but it's a common tendency to give too much exaltation to the man himself. Rutherford called it "worship" of Russell and it took until about 1931 to remove most of it. 
    I have asked ResLight a couple of questions through one of his forums. Hopefully he will answer soon.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    The source was not from a wiki, it was from CSE - https://christianity.stackexchange.com/
    That being said, Wiki has not been factual unless it suits them. In the paradigm, they had recently changed information to misinform people, i.e. 9/11, Kabul, etc.
    Also, this is the first time I have ever seen you make a response. I always see you in the reactions.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    I believe this was addressed in another forums.
    I didn't use the wiki. More so, there are a few connections that I know of who are Bible Students, mainly the neutral ones like Reslite.
    That being said, those 2 Bible groups of which you quoted from my command, are still existing, but have minor activity, some of their members, although not organized, are lone Bible Students - Hence my remarks.
    Just realized I made a response to you already.
    As for Wiki, it is a mixed bag of apples in of itself. Some information true, others not. What people do not may attention to is the citations. Other then that, it is best to look for the actual source instead of a wiki. This may be unknown to you, but wiki has been manipulating information for the past several months now.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    Yep, and I had sent this before. Around that time there was another person who spoke about 1914, but had his own blog post who went by the name Reslite. Reslite is most likely still a Bible Student, and stated to have studied Pastor Russell for many years. He at times, blames JWs for things, but often finds himself defending Russell from ExJWs. Ironically enough if you catch him at a good time, he is willing to speak to anyone regardless of their faith. As with the mention Reslite, who he himself talked about 1914.
    So far, it isn't always easy to find his information, he might know something, probably some info on the Canadian Minister.
    The below is one of his comments, but similar.
  6. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    I made this point, they are not unified, there are different groups who are independent, different views, even those who hold 1914, or that similar to it, to some significance be it Jesus being crowned as King or the latter. The CSE thread brought up the 1843 chart because the question was asked if anyone outside of JWs hold this 1914 view, identical or similar, and the groups were brought up, some who held the view, others who may have shared the view or had something different, reasons why those 2 groups were mentioned because they were listed. JWI added others of which not related to any of the mentioned Bible Student groups, for it was always assumed others outside of JWs and Bible students viewed 1914 in some light, but not many can bring forth the name of said groups.
    Also true, Reslite is the type to constantly profess that he, along with those on his side to be compared to the original Bible Student group. There are other Bible Students who profess the same thing in regards to comparisons to the original, but on the other side of the spectrum, some do not, even to the point they do not wish to be called Russellites because they see it as Sectarian to a degree.
    The pastor was indeed different, some would say even unique. Then you have the constant conspiracy people profess about him, hence some of the students, even JWs enact a defense to misinformation.
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in Judge orders stay of Jehovah's Witnesses constitutional claim on privacy of records   
    They can still hold records even if you are no longer in their faith community, you may have said or done something that resulted in grounds of excommunication if they had you listed as such, also depends on those involved.  Granted this is private data, it is still stored by them. Due to under such constitutional like arrangement.
    This is the same with all institutions, mainly businesses, even schools, for anyone removed from said institutions, their record is still there. In IT you cannot delete a former employee's record, be it if they left on their own accord or they are disgruntled against an institution and got themselves terminated.
    Religious institutions hold records for the main reason of keeping excommunicated folks out of their community if they pose a problem.
    Records most of them usually hold is equal to that of a school record to some degree, person's name, address, birth date, age, sex, etc, even email and with it various notes and or accolades, if so and so got injury at some point, etc. Usually the bigger and higher the institution, the more complex these records get, and the more sensitive they are. Even more complex if the institution in of itself has the legitimate data in it's heart, so to speak, meaning if the heart is compromised, with even a small KB of someone's data being leaked or given out, outside of what is deemed constitutional, the institution can be essentially brought to ruin and or damaged badly.
    Moreover, even those in Law sometimes do not realize they are fighting against or going around the constitution itself and or anything similar to it, i.e. the events of January 6th in the United States whereas Leftism attempt to break constitution to enact an end game.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    BSB is literal word for word/easy to read, there isn't a study source for it, granted it was produced by Bible Hub, however, Bible Hub instill takes in commentary and notes from others such as Thayer, etc. However, the notes are mixed, therefore, you would still need to study outside of Bible Hub for better understanding.
    The BSB and the NWT are among the few Bibles that is said to follow the sources, whereas BSB is literal word for word easy read format and the NWT is a modern revision, more evident to them following the earliest source can be seen in verses like 1 Timothy 3:16, Acts 7:59, Revelation 1:11, etc.
    That being said, as long as there is no affiliation with TR and if there is, there has to be a notation. This is one of my issues with KJV Onlyist, even during a time I use to deal with them in person.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    To be fair LORD in all caps refers to the God of Israel - Strong's 3068. In some translations it is Yahweh or Jehovah/YHWH. It is only a violation if something other than the Strong's itself is there and or something not related to it.
    The only people who get fooled are those who do not know why LORD is all caps or it's connection to Tetragrammaton. But to be honest, if the people back then simply put YHWH or equivalent and left it as is, a lot less confusion by others later on, then you also have the fear of those who invoke the name of God.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in The Last Days... When?   
    People can still sin against the holy spirit, chosen or not.
    Jesus gave this warning to those under opposition, for he said that one who sinned against the Holy Spirit would not be forgiven in the current day and or things to come.
    A person whom God judged as having sinned against the spirit in would therefore not be in the book of life, no hope for a resurrection, since his sins would never be forgiven.
    This is why the best option is to be neutral with some mainly due to the fact of root origin from then to now.
    That being said, it is a line between forgivable sin and unforgiveable sin, and not being placed in front of the white throne in regards to judgement.
  11. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in The Last Days... When?   
    They're not lies, nor do I twist things, granted me knowing how the enemy operates, that is, the UN, of which you do not know because you made the claim you do not wish to know; being unaware of a lion that is in the weeds. If they were indeed lies, then it would not have stopped you from showing a UN Charter and or Resolution written and or made like all DPI/NGOs. If I recall, you were not able to provide anything the last 2 times it was discussed:
    As I told you before, a DPI status only with no Resolution and or Charter isn't part of the UN. There are steps and approvals.
    Therefore, you professed a lie in regards to the United Nations and it's inner workings. You also had no idea what ECOSOC was.
    You never dealt with anything UN related, therefore, you using a conspiracy to justify a truth is, in of itself, a lie, therefore, my hatred for the UN does not even enable me to twist things, let alone culture, as mentioned to you before.
    That being said, best to stay your blade regarding the United Nations because all it will take is one quote.
    For someone who is Christian to ignore something hidden in the weeds and tall grass, only makes you a target, like all MSCs, such as yourself.
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Judge orders stay of Jehovah's Witnesses constitutional claim on privacy of records   
    Here in England I used the Data Protection Act to get printed documents concerning ME, that of my Medical Records from my GP, and that of my personal information concerning my time (in the 1960's) in a Children's Home that was government run.
    I wanted more information concerning the employees and management of the Children's Home, and I was told to use the Freedom Of Information Act, to gain more information. However I was told that this extra information would not be mailed to me, and that I would have to visit an office and read through a large amount of files to be able to gain the information. Even then I would not be allowed to take photos or take notes on the files I read.  
  13. Confused
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    Yep, and I had sent this before. Around that time there was another person who spoke about 1914, but had his own blog post who went by the name Reslite. Reslite is most likely still a Bible Student, and stated to have studied Pastor Russell for many years. He at times, blames JWs for things, but often finds himself defending Russell from ExJWs. Ironically enough if you catch him at a good time, he is willing to speak to anyone regardless of their faith. As with the mention Reslite, who he himself talked about 1914.
    So far, it isn't always easy to find his information, he might know something, probably some info on the Canadian Minister.
    The below is one of his comments, but similar.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    Yep, and I had sent this before. Around that time there was another person who spoke about 1914, but had his own blog post who went by the name Reslite. Reslite is most likely still a Bible Student, and stated to have studied Pastor Russell for many years. He at times, blames JWs for things, but often finds himself defending Russell from ExJWs. Ironically enough if you catch him at a good time, he is willing to speak to anyone regardless of their faith. As with the mention Reslite, who he himself talked about 1914.
    So far, it isn't always easy to find his information, he might know something, probably some info on the Canadian Minister.
    The below is one of his comments, but similar.
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    I think I just happened to run across another post like the one you were speaking about above.
    The responder to that question was @1982 and he also came up with nothing prior to 1914 by anyone except from those comments related to the WT.
    Of course, there is still the question of the unnamed Canadian minister that C T Russell referred to in 1914. I haven't looked yet for more information about him. It may be that this was just one of those cases of someone declaring that "the end is nigh" and "it's going to happen before the end of this year or next at the latest."
    Something like that was always happening somewhere for the majority of years after 1844. Probably, something like that is still happening somewhere in the world nearly every year, even now. This very forum gives evidence of that.
  16. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Whether you use your real name or not, people can find you via IP and or otherwise. Your picture can also be used by others and or ads, even the degusting ones, granted some people's pictures were used, adults and children for nefarious things, I've already mentioned the Dark Web.
    You can only sort of escape that with your security is good.
    Regardless, if you have the ability to log in and make a comment, like/dislike something, you are tied to a platform via device, email, IP, etc.
    You can't post here, in this specific thread as a guest. That isn't out forums work and Admin made that clear, although I mentioned him, I didn't quote him.
    I don't know if you are saying something that is concise, or you stumbled upon your words and lost all sense.
    What does the Internet have to do with parallel universes and "3rd space-time reality"?
    You aren't making a whole lot of sense, perhaps to avoid talking about the cases in ARC. Understandable because you clearly take CSA seriously, as always on this forum, this is why I pointed out if you knew Red Flags but you did not, so you wouldn't be good at detecting abuse.
    Such is strange to a man who shows ignorance and dances in his own folly. On the contrary, all names and pictures have a meaning behind it, you were told this, Butler was told this, but I guess the strawberry cake that is placed at the Tableau des anges déchus is too good for the both of you.
    The name "Space Merchant" with a "Storm Trooper" picture has a reasoning by behind it, as I always allauded to it, even mentioned it briefly.
    Marchand de l'espace (Space Merchant)  derives from short stories of my mother when she was in her country, Haiti. She was a fan of super heroes as a child, and she created a name for herself, Space Merchant, which she made from a mix from her interest in The Green Lantern and Space Ghost since that and JSA was usually aired in Haiti to those who had access to a Television, created her own hero name. She  did this in order to not think about the badness, the killings, even threats of practitioners of Black Magic (Voudou) to her and others; this mentality helped her to stay sane because being in constant fear can take toll on people, thus assuming herself to be like that of a hero of some kind, and she, even as a child back then, helped people her age and, culturally older ones, while being pressed with all that stuff around her, as with her nearly losing her life a few times, granted, those of Black Magic often go for children and teenagers for their blood, that is why some are superstition and or do not give/take blood, the old generation and some of the new, onward today. So I take up that name, Space Merchant aside from what I am originally called BSGT_ Jean-Baptiste or simply Steph. I was even told it would be good to take up that name since I mentioned the story elsewhere. I referred to myself as Space Merchant prior to joining CSE whereas I was already an avid preacher of the gospel, as with being quite logical, and this earned me a lot in the debate space at CSE and in public. In the Truther community, although I am called SM there, people who are aware of me call me Space Merchant.
    I told Butler this already a while back in regards to this but was brief about it after he attempt to joke about why my name is such, mocked it even. The lost soul does not know when it comes to some people, even Islanders, there is a name behind everything and there is a reason as to why people choose or have such names, be it a title name, alias, etc. Unfortunately  some folks in the United Kingdom are unaware of this or being hypocritical, granted their history.
    Like she did to help others, I do the same, hence why I have been involved with children, and helped out elsewhere.
    Storm Trooper picture derives from 2 things. A child who I knew who liked Star Wars, his parents were Star Wars fans themselves, to this day (however not open about it as much because they lost their son). The child was an only child (their only child) and because of his interest in Star Wars, he drew the characters from it a lot, and favored Storm Troopers, he even called me a Storm Trooper. Unfortunately, this child passed away despite being a few months away from the being age 11, and what took his life was an infection, the Flu, for young children are more at risk for the Flu. Although he sleeps in death, and God through Christ Jesus will raise him soon, every since then I maintain a Storm Trooper picture everywhere, and it seems it is suitable for my name, more so, it is a constant reminder for that child, this is the reason I am not the type to forget things and often bring them up; granted as people age, they lost their memory in some cases.
    The other part of that originated with the picture is the fact I was called a Biblical Storm Trooper. This was when I was debating a lot, so much so, I can recall most of my debates, even my early ones when I was a newbie in the debate space, this is also what led me to many things connected to other people, The Speaker's Corner in London, Kel, UK Truthers, The Restorationists, Ezekiel the Goldfish (Sunrise Ezekiel), Kathgar The Arabic JW who survived a terror attack, The late [who some alleged to have disappeared] Souja of God (anointed), FAKT Russia, Steven Gern, Venti, The Truther Community, as is with those who are Anti-Agenda (dislike for opposition groups), etc.
    The Bible knowledge came from my Father of course, as is principle, the very reason I call out falsehood, aside from being a Truther.
    Although not mentioned, The Islander part should be obvious, my culture derives from it, mainly due to the fact we were Scripture heavy. This also led to my growing in knowledge at a very young age, even baptized at the island. As I grew, I saw first hand what sin can do to a man, for I mentioned my brother who got himself addicted to pornography, as is with a late friend of mine, who was persuaded to do pornographic films and eventually she took her life after what the adult industry and the bullying that followed; this resulted in groups like Anonymous going after cyber bullies, including the one regarding my late friend.
    At least I am aware that there is a reasoning behind everything, even names. This is why I called you a pretender. St least now this time you learn; compared to the latter who knows who he is, and pretends he is not said person because he fears the admin when many people called him out.
    You can mock all you want the name and picture, but the fact there is reasoning behind such, the name even the picture itself, I hold true to those convictions, and that is why I am how I am, even I speak like I do in this manner to people, mainly when it comes to call their bluff, as I did to you, as is, I don't flinch to people, even former JWs on the dark side of the moon.
    Kind of hypocritical to attest to Child Abuse Awareness if this is how you act and response, for if the thread was in regards to such, you didn't have to do all that shoehorning.
    As I told @ApostaBabe Linda James the story of Sarah, I hope this time you remember her name (for the mugshot of the pedophile should have been recognizable to someone who us posting about CSA in the UK). Therefore, choose your next response carefully, for, if you can't talk about CSA to drive interest in conversation and or additional solutions, they you simply made this thread for no reason.
    That being said, as are my convictions, unlike you, I am very serious about CSA, so much so, I believe I was among the few who spoke about CSA on a grounded level form of discussion, a couple times actually.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in The Last Days... When?   
    The presumption of RTFM as the core issue has many aspects.
    1. The person hasn't read it (they may in fact have)
    2. The FM may in fact be wrong in its assertions about its products. (Oracle corporation is notorious for this)
    3. The FM may be poorly written. (by people who don't know the language they are trying to use)
    In any case anyone who has questions, whether these questions seem basic or not deserves to have a specific response. It doesn't have to be RTFM. It could be see chapter X in the FM and on page XX paragraph X you should find what you're looking for. (most FM's are 600-800 pages). If it's your job to field these kinds of things you might have something like reasoning book w/the index "scriptures often misapplied". (in the case of biblical issues)
    Bottom line: A specific question deserves a specific answer. "RTFM" is by definition not specific any more than someone looking down their noses at you from a stack of unquoted and unpacked scriptures.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    What is stopping you from going to ARC to even read it? It was said many times here, ARC's information is open to the public.
    Other then that, that is quite a baseless remark; with a bit of reaching, and for reason. 
    That being said, you coined ARC, do yourself the favor and look into the findings themselves, the same ones that your video source has withheld from you.
    Other then that, cease the reaching.
    Here is the link for ARC - https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/ You can find Jehovah's Witnesses and all things pertaining to them from a 2 second search, not difficult as you make it out to be.
    I'm pretty sure every single JW who has access to the internet are found on multiple platforms. 
    Also seeing your history elsewhere, you are not a grounded person, as it is true here as well.
    Sure. But you're no quest, you logged in with an email, from a device tied to an IP Address via ISP on an open forum. One thing for certain, this proves that birds do not provide you internet access hence our last discussion regarding that.
    I thought you said you do not have a platform? Yesterday you said you do not have such things, now here you revealed to hypocritical state you have access to YouTube (logged into via email, from a device, tied to an IP via ISP).
    You leave comments, yet, nothing grounded or impactful to encourage a neutral discussion and or conversation about sex abuse.... Therefore your remark from yesterday was not true, let alone what you told the teenager.
    Here we go again... Access to someone's blog, using an email from a device, tied to an IP via ISP....
    Yesterday remark is starting not to age well.... A poor choice of words at best.
    It isn't about a freedom to profess elsewhere. You deliberately stated you only have this open forum as a platform.... Yet now you expose yourself without me saying anything.
    Even if you did counsel such things, you can easily be found out.
    The club isn't a platform, the forum is, hence the provider mentioned way at the bottom.
    Probably because you can talk about child sex abuse. In your other platforms, you post links and post things about awareness, mainly because of animals even advocate of aiding animals and the like, which I know because the teenager referred to you as Frida a few times, which confused me.
    But for some unknown reason you often speak about JWs from one sided sources, yet never used the opportunity to speak about child sex abuse from both sides of the spectrum or at a neutral setting.
    Clearly not. But I am not unwise to say having access to the internet, therefore only remaining on a single forum. I would not say something absurd to hide hypocrisy either.
    Devices and internet majority of the time 99.99% equates to access to other platforms, as long as you have an email (also derives from a platform, G+, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.)
    That being said, the Information Tech infrastructure  is what I dwell on, so I can see through the farce, even yours.
    I only called you out, nothing more.
    Srecko, this is why I said you pretend not to know, I hate theories, mainly conspiracy theories, I am Anti-Agenda, and I have a total dislike for the Left and Right Paradigm. Truthers hate theories for the fact that is results in misinformation, even getting people killed, i.e. Serena Shim, Seth Rich, Beck going into hiding (washed) etc and what revolved around their deaths; and how the MSM spins things.
    The only reason you can easily be found out in regards to platforms because all someone has to do is look up "Srecko Sostar" and everything is shown, as with your remarks. I need not do anything because your own name puts you in the spotlight. Just google yourself, see what comes up, you are everywhere on many platforms.
    Conspiracy Theories found it's way into Child Sex Abuse and Missing Persons cases, and that in of itself is damaging, I see it all the time, mainly when pedophile is weaponized. More so, JWI may not see what I see, but pedophilia seen as normal to some is a problem, people seeking to normalize it exist and you see how much of a problem that would be, hence my issue with the New York Times' agenda, which Butler did not see.
    Other than that, continue to kid yourself because the JW teen said the same thing, if you have a platform, you can use it in this manner, in fact, I can quote him
    My friend, we aren't talking about Activism, or to make change. The issue of morality stems from Scripture even, for if there is a danger, counsel can be given in a discussion about the subject matter.
    It does not matter if someone is young or if someone is old - you are on a platform where child abuse is openly discussion even at random, it shouldn't stop you or anyone from providing insight. Perhaps now would be the best time to do so. Like I said, there was only one thread that was Bible heavy on the matter because of discussion, if that can be done, you can do the same, after all, you can create threads as someone on this forum, since you did nothing, you can do something now.
    Therefore, you can do something. Does not have to be anything major either. I say this because for some ExJWs they don’t really cover these things.
    That being said, the fact you didn't know the mugshot results question of how well you are aware of sex and violence abuse crimes done to children and teens in the UK. The story of Sarah was a major story which can be felt to this day; to make a thread about CSA in the UK, but not knowing this, shows that you aren't really into any discussion about child sex abuse, even the ones taking place in the JW churches.
  19. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in The Last Days... When?   
    Granted I am in IT, I can tell you some, not all, people purposely sound technical in the IT field to [A] show off to employers and vendors and or others and or [B] Make a client feel like they do not know anything.
    No one RTFM apparently, resulting in them getting into problems, mainly when dealing with specifics in servers.
    That is also true for some. People tend to quote a verse and or passage out of context and or without context, other times, they will sacrifice the context itself, be it from a verse and or passage to prove a point or a non core kidology or remark; not giving straight answers or pretending to not even read what you say, a tactics often used by MSCs and or Trinitarians.
    Your comment also reminds me, as of right now, a debate I am in with a Trinitarian Christian who claims the following:
    1. Catholics came before Christians therefore all Bishops were Catholics.
    2. Attempt to say Easter has no pagan origins
    3. Justifying that Jesus is God by quoting a small passage from Thayer's Lexicon to prove Jesus is YHWH via Joel 2:32, Acts 7:59, 60, Acts 2:21 and Roman 10:9-13.
    All this because he is misusing Scripture and relying on a small note from Thayer and BDAG 3rd edition, and being snarky about it at the same time.
  20. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Last Days... When?   
    “I’m waiting to see that Jehovah’s Witnesses have paid their light bill so I can accuse them of trusting in man for power, not God, the way I do.”
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Yes, we have discussed this on the forum before. I think this issue is taken to be viewed from the secular perspective only. They, the secular authorities, designate JW elders as having a clerical role as ministers (of religion). Therefore, under official circumstances, such as in a court of law, elders are viewed as "clergy". Whether they themselves, or the congregation view them as clergy in the traditional sense or not is irrelevant in these secular circumstances. (JWs view everyone who is baptized as minister, but obviously there is a distinction between roles and obligations, since elders also have the role of oversight and shepherding). I think in secular terms the word elder falls under the umbrella of clergy, despite the fact that our "clergy" do not hold matters confidential (as you and pudgy pointed out) to the same extent as a Catholic priest for example.

    Legislators obviously have not made an exception to who exactly should be viewed as clergy. They have not, as far as I know, added a clause which says JW elders should not be viewed as clergy because they are not the same as Catholic priests and do not view confidential disclosure in the traditional sense. By law, they fall under the same umbrella regardless of differences of application by the particular religion.

    If I remember right, the plaintiff in a recent lawsuit tried to use the difference of elders and clergy to his advantage by arguing that elders cannot be viewed as clergy because their brand of “confidentiality” includes a whole body of elders and the HQ. However, the judge deemed this irrelevant because he said it is a religions right of how they (JWs) apply their beliefs, and that it wasn't the courts business to tell a religion how to run their religious affairs, and then on that account make exceptions to secular rules. In the courts eyes an elder was clergy, period.

    In saying this, I personally believe the org. should refuse the designation of clergy by secular authorities as applying to them. But I am not sure if this is possible legally? It might not be.
    In any case, if it is possible, then I think they should do it. But law is so complex, rigid, and impersonal and doing something that is not according to the law can have bad repercussions down the road, even for an innocent party.

    The JWs have been trying to, actually imploring, legislators to change the law and make ALL clergy mandatory reporters (all over the world). This is what all victims want too. Perhaps this is the real answer to solving the problem…. 
    The law forbids him to use it.  
    I don't think the WT org. has the right to publish it or give anyone else the right. These papers involve specific cases, most of which have not even been proven, but are allegations (and these allegations would have to be proved as fact in court). To publish anything like this....well I am sure you can see this would be very wrong. Zalkin is not interested in publishing, (against the law anyway) as much as he is interested in wining specific cases. But unless a victim asks him to do so, he cannot open a case. So he has no choice but to keep the files locked up.
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to xero in The Last Days... When?   
    You keep not getting the point. We're talking about YOU, not anyone else. What are YOU doing and why?
    The proper response is  "I am doing ____ because ____". Anything else is weaseling around.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from ApostaBabe Linda James in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Yep, it is the same person, I asked JB if he knew the mugshot for a reason, it was all over UK media at one point. It is in relation to something to push a fight against CSA, which as for a while the system in some instances have been brushed off at times by police in the UK.
    Seeing that the other two will not even addressed this at all. Child Abuse, although a plague in every place around the globe, educational/religious institutions, academics, clubs, etc, even in recreational settings, there will be pockets of people who will exploit those around them in order to sexually abuse and or commit violence to a child. In The United States and the United Kingdom it is problematic, and eventually with the events taking place now with governments, it loosens the barrier for things. Both have vile, infamous abusers, but since the focus is the UK, they have some of the most twisted ones on top of the pedophilia food chain, excluding the grooming gangs.
    The man in the picture I posted is among the infamous abusers, his name is Roy Whiting, a British convicted child murderer and offender, from West Sussex county.
    As pointed out to both @Srecko Sostarand @Patiently waiting for Truth, pedophiles who act on their disorder seek to cause harm to a child, either sexually or by violence, both of which physical. This man took it a step further, and he does not try to enter churches or schools to gain access to a child or manipulate people around him, be it teachers or pastors, he hunted down and kidnapped underaged girls, as well as being deranged. This is why, often times, abusers who act outside of such are difficult to deal with, mainly those who are more aggressive.
    This abuser had kidnapped a 9 year old girl in Crawley and sexually assaulted her, and was only caught and arrested a few weeks later after a friend of his knew about what he did and came forward, even identifying the car Roy was driving in, which he tried to get rid of. After this, Roy admitted to the charges of  charges of abduction and indecent assault and was given prison time for 4 years, nearly getting life. As pointed out to @Patiently waiting for Truth the justice system a double edged sword and is a double standard, and this resulted in Roy getting a lesser sentence because of admitting to the crime and as well as sparing his victim of having to give evidence in court had the case reached a trial. After this he was admitted to a Psychiatrist, confessing that he was likely to do the same thing, re-offend once he was released with a possibility killing any would be victim.
    Despite this event, he was later released in 1997, having served just over half of his 4 year sentence, in addition to being one of the first people in Britain to go on the newly-launched sex offenders register. He was scheduled to have been released from prison in June of that same year, but had to serve an additional 5 months in prison for refusing to take part in a rehabilitation program for convicted sex offenders.
    This brings us to the girl in the picture, and from the aftermath, the Law that was created.

    Whiting then moved to Littlehampton on West Sussex and was there for some time. He was still visited by officers from Sussex Police who did  a number of inquiries into the disappearance of Sarah Payne (an 8 year old girl from West Sussex), who had gone missing in the Kingston Gorse area of Littlehampton the previous evening several miles from where Roy lives. Despite being released, knowing what he is capable of, he was the one responsible for Sarah Payne disappearance; the police did not take him in then, only much later on they re-arrested him on suspicion. There was still not enough evidence to charge him with and so he was released without charge for a second time.
    In 2001, Whiting was convicted of the abduction and murder of Sarah Payne and was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a recommendation that he never be released. After Whiting was convicted, it was revealed that he was already a convicted child sex offender; this the the Payne family's correct in their belief that Sarah had been killed by a child sex offender who had already committed similar offences, which had already led to them co-operating with a media campaign for public access to the sex offenders register, as well as tighter controls on sex offenders who had been released from custody. This campaign had started within days of Sarah Payne's body being found, and several months before Whiting had even been charged.
    Whiting's previous conviction had until then been kept from the jury at the request of the police, who felt that if they had heard details of his previous conviction and he had been found guilty, it would allow him to claim that he had been convicted on the basis of an earlier offence rather than the one for which he was being tried, paving the way for a potential successful appeal.
    There were renewed calls for the government to allow a controlled public access to the sex offender's register. This became the campaign for what is known as Sarah's Law (also known as The Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme in England and Wales) due to the aftermath, after the introduction of Megan's Law in the US following a similar case several years earlier. After a 3 year trial period in a few police districts from 2008-2011, Sarah's Law was expanded to the entirety of the United Kingdom in 2010, a law known by the majority.
    From the aftermath of the convicted pedophile, Sarah's Laws allows parents/guardians and or relative to ask the police if somebody with regular access to their children has a record of sexual offenses, which is utilized today, however, there had been some issues with the police concerning this later on, whereas anything related the police tries to misdirect callers, mainly for those who are seeking information.
    That being said, it is very tragic of what happened to her, as with most. For if she was alive today, she would be close to my age. She is lived on through her siblings, especially her sister, who, to this day, looks just like her.
    Roy Whiting is but one sex offender among UK's history, there are others, far grim, far worse, one in particular so disgustingly twisted mentality it is as if he was pulled from Batman's Rogue gallery out of Arkham Asylum. Pedophiles are often attacked and or killed in prison, the one I equated to a Batman villain, was tortured, killed and was allegedly about to be eaten by one of the prisoners, this person is The worse pedophile ever known dubbed Britain's worst pedophile. The US also have some crazies too outside of the schools and churches.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in 2034 and its significance...   
    Trust me, it is not something you'd want to be in. In Canada, recently someone was nearly sent to a Quarantined Hotel to be locked in there. There was a social media super model who manage to escape, and later a woman who was just married. The suspicious thing is Canada and it's media is denying these hotels are to lock people there. They claim these areas up until February 2022. In Australia, the government are actively building camps, which does not correlate with the so called free society. It is said by some that "IF" the Endemic Virus goes away, they may still use these camps.... One can only guess.
    Then you have what the Nazi have been always asking for, your papers
    Yes, but according to the Authoritarianism, dogs are a risk. The Australian Policed killed rescue dogs just so people would not leave their homes to get them. A remorseless killing that was totally unnecessary. The Authoritarianism issues a shoot to kill order, in this sense.
    In all seriousness. The truth of the matter is, people will break, there will be retaliation and civil disobedience at the highest degree. Should the people tire, they fall victim to a small piece of despotism.
    This is why I address this to Rando. If the situation now in regards to what the government is doing can break some people, even some JWs, it is going to be quite a tough time for a lot of folks when what happened in Australia spreads over to the US and the EU. Endurance is critical in order to survive.
    That being said, in Rando's case, people did sought after death during in the Endemic. They just don't tell you this in the MSM. It will be increased when this kick off.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to BroRando in The Last Days... When?   
    "Bring to Nothing by the Epiphaneia' of his Parousia" (2 Thess 2:8)  The wicked will SEE soon enough. No need for me to spoon feed you....
    Strong's Concordance epiphaneia: appearance Original Word: ἐπιφάνεια, ας, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: epiphaneia
    Phonetic Spelling: (ep-if-an'-i-ah)
    Definition: appearance
    Usage: appearing, manifestation, glorious display.
    HELPS Word-studies 2015 epipháneia (from 1909 /epí, "on, fitting," which intensifies 5316 /phaínō, "show forth, appear") – properly, a fitting manifestation (literally, "an epiphany").
    [2015 (epipháneia) is the root of the English term, "epiphany."]
    Strong's Concordance parousia: a presence, a coming Original Word: παρουσία, ας, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: parousia
    Phonetic Spelling: (par-oo-see'-ah)
    Definition: a presence, a coming
    Usage: (a) presence, (b) a coming, an arrival, advent, especially of the second coming of Christ.
    HELPS Word-studies 3952 parousía (from parōn, "be present, arrive to enter into a situation")
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