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Space Merchant

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  1. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Foreigner in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    I've explained this a while ago pertaining to the early church in relation to Scripture and the Didache, as well as such in regards to Salvation, I believe this was talked about to you several times. Even before them, before us, there were people of God who are of this church, the same one that Jesus has built, same teachings, same practices, etc. all intact. A Christian would not be concerning of preaching the gospel if they believe that only they themselves would be saved, otherwise that would be hypocritical, hence why Christians will preach the gospel to the people, and this is an example in which we see with what took place during and after Pentecost, perhaps even Jesus and the Samaritan woman as read in John 4.
    For someone such as yourself to claim you are anointed, yet water down Christ's Kingship and butcher God's order of things, you cannot be taken seriously. Not to mentioned, you be very, very aware of the connection between Christians and the church of the Christ, and those of whom who heed the word.
    Hypocritical, is all that can be said. But surely one among the Firstfruits should have seen that one coming.
    That being said, God is merciful and such mercy is extended to all persons, God knows who is and who is not for him. There are those out there who still needs to know what the gospel is, and clearly, so what are you doing to help such ones?
    The church itself is of the Christ, built by him. I advise you not to forget what that is, and what it means.
  2. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Chilean Flags on Kingdom Halls   
    Possibly related:
  3. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    hehehehe :)))))))))
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW USA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Elder Gonzalo Campos Confesses To Molesting 8 Children   
    @BillyTheKid46 Which proves my point for these past view years. Bystanders will succumb to vigilante justice and will go about violence of people, even the abusers themselves. Such actions is looked down upon for those who are truly fighting against child abuse without bloodying the water. Aside from that, these same people who do not out to go about combating child abuse are promoting child abuse indirectly, saying an institution is a hive, a paradise, or open to pedophilia, they are only giving word to ear to abusers to go to those institutions, and it plays into corrupt justice whereas those who people cry to in regards to child abuse are some how in it themselves; the whole double standard thing.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    @BillyTheKid46 It only gets wilder. This is why Charlatans make good Christians look bad. They taint the church, they taint the Bible, they taint God's order of things, etc.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in JW USA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Elder Gonzalo Campos Confesses To Molesting 8 Children   
    @BillyTheKid46 Which proves my point for these past view years. Bystanders will succumb to vigilante justice and will go about violence of people, even the abusers themselves. Such actions is looked down upon for those who are truly fighting against child abuse without bloodying the water. Aside from that, these same people who do not out to go about combating child abuse are promoting child abuse indirectly, saying an institution is a hive, a paradise, or open to pedophilia, they are only giving word to ear to abusers to go to those institutions, and it plays into corrupt justice whereas those who people cry to in regards to child abuse are some how in it themselves; the whole double standard thing.
  7. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Foreigner in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    Sometimes the law that we see as just, took unjust routes to fulfill a goal and or agenda that reaps consequences to the people and or nation. Even officials break the law in order to push out justice that is ill and false.
    One thing: The Teachings of the Apostles. Should any Christian be it group or a lone soul breaks away from that structure, it, in a sense, breaks them, even when it is in the face of laws of the land.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    The problem here is that it is not possible to hear the voice of Christ coming through the cacophonous rantings in your postings. All the anti-GB propoganda comes across loud and clear, so well done there, but that appears to be it. There isn't actually any spiritual content,.other than the interspersed scriptures that is, but otherwise, it isn't even spiritual "junk food". 
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    A man who giggles at the seriousness and the gravity of such situations is not a man to be taken seriously. For me, this is how I always see.
    That being said, things are back to square 1 when it was said months ago, not a whole lot of people are familiar with secular law in regards to child abuse. AT LEAST make the effort to look at the basics about the Law, but as much as you advise and suggest that, they ignore it. Hence why, as those who truly fight child abuse, consider such ones contributors of the problem, which is evident in recent weeks pertaining to that of child abuse as a whole.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Serena Williams confirms she will not celebrate daughter’s first birthday due to Jehovah’s Witness beliefs   
    Unfortunately for you, this will continue to happen, regardless until the end comes.
    For the Bible says for God's people, who are following the Christ, to preach to the nation, and such ones reach the people of the nation in public spaces, including going to the homes of persons - Missionary work in regards to the gospel. The time of preaching, missionary works, ministry, knocking on doors, what have you, ends, that would be a time where tension and increased hysteria would happen, due to the preaching of the gospel would cease when the strong indications of the end time tribulations will come in full force.
    Outside of Christianity, there is a community, mixed of religious and non-religious, who are actually preparing or already prepared for that. Elsewhere in the world, you have people who are over-the-top prepared for it, i.e. Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
    Even children are ready in this regard, as of recent, an example of two young girls who survived in the wilderness of the woodlands, and so forth.
    George Orwell would be the type to say I told you so, if he were alive at that point in time, and even present day.
  11. Confused
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna Rajala in People who believe they had visions of and or had a near death experience about seeing/going to Hell?   
    Try telling this to the Crusader Militant Christians. They will scream at you and attack you.
    That being said, the context and references in regards to the symbolic lake of fire should not be blown into something that it is not. Since we know death is thrown into the lake of fire, as well as the grave, which is also called hades, sheol, or hell, is tossed in there too. The Bible informs us that death will be no more for it will be the last enemy God will do away with, and there is no need to buried people in hades in this regard. Another verse some crusaders will take issue with his in regards to the commandments whereas they think God gives them the right to justify killing. Although they will not do it, but a few months back when there was an clash with Christians and Atheists, crusaders were very vocal in the discussion, but there misguided ignorance shows.
    But yes, such ones believe hell is eternal, yet somehow they make claim they can go back and forth. For if their belief in such is spoken of as eternal, how do they have the hall pass to such? The plot thickens.
  12. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Leaving Neverland Effect: Radio Stations Pull Michael Jackson Music After HBO Documentary   
    The have already consolidated four President's Birthdays to one "president's day" for two reasons:
    1.) So that the better side of these men could be repressed and NOT serve as individual lessons, and
    2.) a Three day weekend.
  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Equivocation in Baptism of Children by Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I would add this was during the time when Saul was playing the round up game with Christians. And also people went to the Temple of Jehovah to obersve and worship. But yeah, what our official man of the hour didn't know was about the Christ, we see that the Eunuch didn't understand what that he was reading in a particular chapter Hebrew Scriptures, he needed spiritual guidance. An interesting note is him even trying to study something that deep to begin with,  even reading it out loud, let alone having the book of Isaiah with him. What he was reading is the prophecy of Isaiah found in chapter 53
    7 He was oppressed and he let himself be afflicted, But he would not open his mouth. He was brought like a sheep to the slaughter, Like a ewe that is silent before its shearers, And he would not open his mouth. 8 Because of restraint and judgment he was taken away; And who will concern himself with the details of his generation? For he was cut off from the land of the living; Because of the transgression of my people he received the stroke.
    When asked if he understood what he was reading, he didn't know unless guided and a-day, Philip gives the good news about Jesus.
    35 Philip began to speak, and starting with this scripture, he declared to him the good news about Jesus.
  14. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Persecutors Pile on Jehovah’s Witnesses, in Russia and Worldwide   
    @Srecko Sostar Ramzan Kadyrov has nothing to do with the ban of JWs. He is part of the Kremlin however his dealings with homosexuals is focused on Chechnya.
    That being said, there is a complete timeline of the events and thanks to sources and those who brought down the jesuismadian website, it is evident of what actually took place for the public eye to see.
    Lastly, most letters from the faith in question, as is all proclaimed message from anti-corruption folks, Russian folks who lost their homes was pushed to Mevedev, rather than Putin, I would speak of the State Duma, but that is a whole other beast on its own. Evidently, protest erupted in Russia during this, and ironically enough all of this unfolded after Cyrill got his spiritual energy from the south, and the Kremlin was paving the path for Putin to win an election.
    If you do not know who this is, it is this guy below:
    Ramzan Kadyrov

    The middle guy with the and assault rifle and the radio in hand

  15. Confused
    Space Merchant reacted to Witness in Baptism of Children by Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I just realize it wasn't under this topic, but...
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Foreigner in The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser   
    This. This is one of the things I have seen time and time again. There are those of the former faith that will speak up against disgruntled ones who have gone off unhinged in action, and their conquest to be aggressive increasingly i.e. anywhere there is a person of that faith community they purposely go after them relentlessly, even if said person is doing personal things. It tends to go off the rails even further when former ones actually side with their former faith to speak against apostasy, and in doing so, these persons are shamed and or hunted down in the social space, even in public.
    Apparently, they care not for who you are or your background because of whom you follow and or what you represent, they feel that attacking is an obligation, they seek to provoke and when or should the provoked do something, the provoker will use that as means to take action and so forth, which is also another problem.
    Indeed. The UK also has grooming gangs whereas some know of it's existence, but does not speak of it nor care of it. For me, I to not agree with a lot of what Tommy Robinson has said and or stand for, however, he made this known and the UK government arrested him for it some months back.
    It would seem that child pedophilia, when it comes to disgruntled ones, they, the way I see it sometimes, using it as a front to go after those that do not like. The focus should be on abuse taking place everywhere, but not a sole group alone. Another problem is that such sparks vigilantism whereas at some cases, the one who seeks the abuser, or the abuser, or victim succumb to further harm and or problems.
    That being said, it is a mixed bag altogether, reasons why many tend to educate, for it is a great tool and or, in this sense, weapon, to use in this mater, be it to prevent a form of abuse and or to deal with a situation if someone is abused, so one wouldn't be left in the dark on what actions to take.
    But alas, it is a very very cruel world out there, I would say you think wildfire that is pedophilia, let the people bear witness of what is coming very soon in regards to a specific community.
  17. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in People who believe they had visions of and or had a near death experience about seeing/going to Hell?   
    I have noticed talking to many people about "HELL" that they have a desperate need to believe in it, perhaps if only to get mad and condemn you to Hell if you don't agree with what they believe.
    Wouldn't it be a hoot if there actually is a burning hell of torment where you will be tortured forever and ever ... BUT ... ONLY if you believe there is one?
    Otherwise I believe all these "experiences" are all just lucid dreams partially due to oxygen starvation.

  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser   
    Please. Watch the Language, Butler. A man who seeks God knoweth well to not defile his mouth...
    Believe or not, not every solider likes going to war, some even cry over it. I know some of them, one notable one, Steven Gern. That being said, Wars start over silly things, and when someone wants to take something from someone else.
    Also the governments cannot be trusted, show respect, but do not be invited to their dinner table.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Anthony Morris III comments on Tight Pants, Metrosexual styles and Homosexuals in the Fashion Industry   
    Something I actually agree on. For me, however, I prefer Khakis over jeans.
    Alas, there are people out there who dress up in such a way that nearly jumps the line of being inappropriate.
  20. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Anthony Morris III comments on Tight Pants, Metrosexual styles and Homosexuals in the Fashion Industry   
    I had to change my entire style of how to dress, after the Dry Cleaners lost ALL THREE of my Superman Suits.
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW USA: Dog bites religious books on South Florida beach, but his owner gets put in the doghouse   
    He had a chance. Some dogs can become very violent when they get a hold of a victim.
  22. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to Melinda Mills in JW Mexico: Jehovah's Witnesses, against the border wall   
    John 18:36
    Romans 13:1,2
    Reads the same way in Spanish.
  23. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Can anyone baptize someone?   
    I prefer immersion for cereal, and sprinkles for bran muffins.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser   
    Well you obviously didn't get it either! Because ALL of this was talking about disputes, such as business disputes, not crime. Crime is not a dispute; Theft is not a dispute. Rape is not a dispute. Child molestation is not a dispute. Murder is not a dispute. These are ALL crimes. The subject of the WT was not crime.
    So John, if you had been an elder you would have applied it wrongly too!
  25. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Can anyone baptize someone?   
    ANYONE who knows the TRUTH about God, his Christ, and his Kingdom can administer a valid Baptism to one who knows those same things.
    THEORETICALLY, it would be valid for a five year old baptized person to baptize an eight year old, but then again, theoretically, a tomato is a fruit and a strawberry is a vegetable ... but wisdom is when you do NOT find tomatoes in your fruit cocktail.
    So....um.... who was it that Baptized John the Baptist ?
    Several years ago we had many photos of humanoid robots at some of the South American Bethels .... If we are baptizing 5 to 10 year olds without biblical precedent, authorization of Biblical example , perhaps the dedicated Bethel Robots (?)

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