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Space Merchant

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  1. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Queen Esther in Baptism of Children by Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I do not see why people take issue to a young one being baptized. As long as the young one has learnt about God, understand Scripture and a list of other things, he or she can be baptized should they seek it. This goes hand in hand with everything pertaining to the origin of baptism as a whole, and what John did in regards to what it represented other than forgiveness of sin, etc. There is a historical factor played into all of this.
  2. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser   
    @BillyTheKid46 Another problem is that the powers that be are covering their own even though they know who is the abuser. They will allow those at the bottom to seek out and go after a whole institution for the actions of a few, which we see today in schools and churches. Something of which I was adamant about is to teach people, to prevent abuse and or harm.
    Abuse of this nature, by any means, cannot cease from the face of thee earth, only God can wipe that all away.
  3. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to FelixCA in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    I guess that would be the point TOM. What part of apostate views can be accepted? Especially when those same ideas are found in apostate sites. Where can we compromise as not to be seen hypocritical by NOT practicing what we preach? James 1:22–25 How can this marvel be seen different just because JWI explains it the same way as opposers. Where’s the intellectual capability with mistaken loyalty.

    That in itself makes no ecclesiastical sense. In this case, there is no persuading those that honor God, not to have things seen, contrary to bible standards. Sorry. 😉

    But, as you state in such an indirect way. JWI is a power player here and he can say whatever he wants. When he gets challenged by showing those areas of error, people get deleted, which decides where the greater influence lies. I get that, thanks for the warning, I’m on the verge of being erased, by Tom, Anna, JWinsider.

    That being said, I do agree it’s your world TOM, the slave must conform to the master. 🤔

    Now just because I used the phrase, “that being said” doesn’t automatically make me Space Merchant. JWinsider, LOL! 😄

  4. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    All you have to do to be a power player here is to hang around This is a commercial site, after all 
    The only one who has ever been deleted is Allen, (as far as I know) which both JWI and I tried to prevent/undo. And he DID get abusive at times, which is a little different than obnoxious. Many here are obnoxious with no penalty whatsoever. That’s okay. But abusive is not. Even I was once penalized for being abusive. (for beating up on apostates, to a FAR greater degree than you.) I have preserved the experience, with embellishments, in the introduction of TrueTom vs the Apostates.
    Butler is right. I shamelessly self promote (but it is for the best)
    None of these have that power. The ones that do, @admin and @The Librarian (that old hen) would not want you erased.  You contribute to eyeballs on this forum, and that drives traffic, which drives money in the form of advertising. This is a commercial site.  The worst you can do from their point of view is to disappear. JWI has been given minor clerical powers. They are mostly so that he can straighten out the messes that his posts mak in the form of launching tangents. The Librarian is a Witness, I would call her an ‘avante gard’ one, which to some means she is not. Admin is not a Witness and is ambivalent in how he feels towards them. Certain posts of his have not been encouraging, but he stays on his side of the fence. Business, you understand.
    You have made your point well. Possibly I may mention it again, but I have no plans to bring it up again. An ‘agree to disagree’ thing, and yours is undeniably the majority view among our people. Perhaps it must be that way.
    I will be with you as I am with him. In the words of the great American forefather, ‘I may not agree with what you say, but I will argue mildly for your right to say it!!’
    That being said, that being said.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to FelixCA in Jehovah's Witnesses In Spain Fined 10K Euros   
    While there is no precedence in the US to gather data for medical purposes to bloodless surgeries, it appears the Branch Office might have been misled by Spain government officials that would have given them permission to gather such data.


    This comes in a time, where the political atmosphere is changing for the worse in Spain. The people might once again ally themselves with the axes of evil as they did before.

    Whatever the case may be. No true witness should weigh in as to the legality of the intent. It seems one person here has not just become a judge, but also a supporter of the government.

    Perhaps that kind of thinking is best served in the JW ONLY forum, where people are free to be as judgmental and cynical against the Watchtower as much as they want.

    Having said that, it appears the rules have changed in Spain.

    The Health System in Transition (HiT) profile on Spain was co-produced by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, the Spanish Association of Public Health and Health Care Administration (Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria, SESPAS) and the Institute for Health Sciences in Aragón (Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, I+CS).


    Spain will have to prove what provision the Watchtower violated under international law.

  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Equivocation in Watch your children. (JW Fork)   
    @Space Merchant Well if it were up to be I'd be way too panicky to do anything. However I am the kind of person who would take random action without thinking straight. One instance would be a friend and me helping someone woman who was in shock while her car was about to catch on fire. Although we didn't do much when the firefighters too over, they said we were the only ones who reacted and took the initiative. I remember that day my heart was racing. My old man taught me to always help out and even gave some lessons before a bible study, but this situation was sudden.
    I would guess the thing you are looking for is
    Awareness of one's surroundings and taking the initiative.
    In Jersey there is a small neighborhood community who is discussing protecting children and one core thing that is being talked about is teaching kids, it also goes for making wise choices and association. 
    I'm still a younger, so there's a lot I don't know yet but things I do know benefits me.
  7. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Bible Speaks in 'Peace and Security'   
    We can only wait and watch, us as just normal everyday human beings can't really do much but endure. It has been said 2017 is the year that violence will intensify, as 2018 and onward will be of government officials and the like being more strict and tough on people, being a bit more controlling, especially when it comes to the new technologies and the like that will be released very soon. So vigilant is key.
    The United Nations has angered a lot of people in the past few months and they will continue to do such. Since the 1st Amendment has clauses for people to practice and or have the freedom of speech (or speak of their religion) can be affected. This was from about a month ago, after Chancellorsville, Virginia.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in JW Dress Rules   
    A typical copy/saved screen straight off the website of Jehovah’s Witnesses to prove the whole suit and tie thing? I can tell you this, during your absence in July, I have been to Africa and I will educate you on the way people dress there and so forth.
    You can literally go to the website and wait a few seconds (or click the arrow), this same image appears on their little slideshow. It should occur to you that JWs (well you use to be one so how did that one slip through the cracks) are Evangelist, preachers, this guy clearly traveled to the farmland village and does not live there.
    @TrueTomHarley He pulled the image directly from the jw.org site's slideshow.... Anyone who pulls something from a main page that fast and easily is a classic move, if I may add.
    Africans in the city, which is not a village or shanty town as I said, there are those who take up items sent to Africa referred to as the Mitumba, the term in Swahili which literally meaning bundles, and this is usually referred  to plastic-wrapped packages containing used clothing donated by people in wealthy countries, moreover, the term is also applied to the clothing that arrives in these bundles, I’ll even post you an image below so you can understand and see for yourself, such as yourself who has most likely never been to Africa.

    Like I said, you do not see such things such as suits and tie wearing persons in villages and shanty towns, for Mitumba is usually received in cities, for example, Tanzanian city of Dar es Salaam and several other cities, that are obviously not shanty towns or villages, as I have said already – unless, Mr. Butler, you have something more to share of suits and ties being in high use in villages and shanty towns, I am all ears and eyes. In addition, Mitumba are normally used and or seen worn by people in interior parts of Africa, not villages, not shanty towns.
    Most of the Mitumba originates in developed countries, like the United States, often comes from non-profit organizations, such as The Salvation Army and or anything of the like, granted Mitumba is often in high quantities when received by these non-profits.
    As for my experience, no one in farmlands and or such villages wear suit an ties, granted in the type of work they endure on a daily basis and or daily activities. Those who do live within the city and often travels through villages and or these small areas in parts of Africa, an example would be when I was in Kampala, there is people having fashionable things, however when you go to Nansana, you see very, very little, and nowhere in that area people is wearing a suit and tie whenever they have ceremonies and the like there, they use their traditional African attire – no one wore a suit and tie, as for me, I was wearing an African Mud-Cloth Poncho, it is not a suit an tie attire at all.
    If you have no idea what that is, IÂ’ll show you an image:

    If you must know, I wore this when traveling and to the wedding I went to while I was there, when I ran into people who wanted to know what the Bible is, I was wearing a casual, but loose dress shirt and black pants, with sandals.
    So I’ll ask you since I won’t get an answer from Ryan, I want you to show me exactly people in shanty towns and or villages, you can throw in the farmlands and rural places outside of the city as to where someone in said country is sporting a suit and tie, let’s throw in bowties also for fun. Otherwise the response still stands: As last time I checked, also, you do not see people wear suit and ties in a shanty town or rural village, the major will most likely stick to modest clothing in their village.
    But what can be said is passerbys usually come in from the city, by foot, by bike and or vehicle ride, such ones do not live in these small rural villages and or farmlands.
    Then that should have been spoken of from the very beginning, your glass of water tipped over on to yourself, Butler.
    Tell me something I don't know. Because of non-profit organizations within western societies that sell used clothes to for-profit in Africa, Mitumba is refereed to as White Man's clothes, there is a slang term for it, but it is not a good one, moreover, it is very common in parts of Africa, but it is solely in prominent use in the cities. 
    As for suits, it goes way far back then that, for suits originated with the British, if my memory serves me correctly.
    I also suggest paying the Mother Land a visit. Not only I enjoyed myself but I learned more about my people's roots. For you, I know it would be a history lesson and perhaps something to tell the family and friends.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in UN Compact 2018   
    Will you allow that an interest in history is permissible? Politics is current history, that’s all, or history in the making. 
    All human governments will drop the ball & usually it is a bowling ball. As people ponder the vulnerability of their right and left toes, thus defines their politics.
    What is important for the Christian is to avoid taking sides. It is not necessary to be ignorant of it. 
    signed.....Tom Harley - resident scholar (not pseudo-scholar)
  10. Confused
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in UN Police help to keep communities secure and are a crucial element of UN Peacekeeping.   
    That's not good. After what happen in Virginia, the common folk are not too pleased with the UN and their affairs, let alone even want them to police their streets.
  11. Confused
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Watch your children. (JW Fork)   
    And yet it does not negate what is being asked to you and Srecko.
    Not all the time because in some circumstances, it is an invitation to a gun fight for some people, and or an invitation to the person in question to be a target, as is with one female which in her case, it did not end well for her; since I am unfazed by graphic material, I will leave to your imagination as to why had occurred.
    The problem with this is it is not only places like this, you have soft targets as well and or minor targets.
    That being said, the question still stands, and as for the Krav Maga teacher, I am beginning to think he is non-existent if you can't even profess his or her belt class. I can name a few if need be, even for BJJ, Judo, etc. for in a respectful sense and credibility, one can simply bring up belt class and the latter can find and or loop up the person with or without a name.
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna in Muhammad   
    They actually believe this, that Jesus is God's Son, as well as Jesus being a Prophet. There biggest problem is they do not adhere to or believe in the idea that Jesus is God, a teaching that is affiliated with Trinitarian/Modalistic practices.
    The reason I speak on their behalf at times is because of those who single them into one category, those who have Islamophobia. A Christian can preach the gospel to a Muslim however Muslims assume, only some of them, that all Christians are Trinitarians, an example would be that of Soco Films (exposed as lairs and frauding those the debate against), who are hardcore Trinitarians in the UK, they go after Jews, Catholics, JWs, Baptist, and the focus target, Muslims, the very reason why Muslims now study the Bible to point out issues with Trinitarians.
    Indeed, anything of falsehood or conspiracy.
    There is another area, like this forum regarding Dawah, whereas Trinitarians and Muslims are often at odds with each other, while at the same time Non-Trinitarians go at it with Trinitarians, something of which I mentioned here several times before.
    Muslims do believe. Isa ibn Maryam meaning Jesus Son of Mary or simply Jesus. The Qu'ran and most Hadiths (testimonial) gives mention of Jesus, that he [Jesus] was born as a pure boy/child, who has no sin by means of his human mother, Mary. They understand that Jesus is a prophet and messenger of God (Allah in Arabic) and they believe he is the Christ/Messiah (Al'Masih), sent by God to help and give guidance the Children of Israel with a new revelation, to give the good news gospel, otherwise known as Al'Injil in Arabic or simply termed the gospel. Jesus who is the Christ, or in this case, Al'Masih, in Islam, is believed to be a prophet who neither married nor had any children and is reflected as a significant figure of importance. Jesus is mentioned over dozens of time in the Qu'ran with various titles, for example Son of Mary.
    So it is unknown to anyone that they have a good idea who the Christ is, although the modern day children of Ishmael, the Muslims, view differ, but their view of God is accurate. The difference here is that they do not believe that Jesus had died, they believe he went straight into heaven to escape heaven once God had saved him out of the hands of those who wish to kill him compared to Christianity, who believe Jesus did in fact die.
    I wouldn't say truth faith, but one has to realize to understand their views so conspiracy or falsehood isn't made against them, just as this sign in the thread makes no information of. Another factor is those using a Qu'ran that is not of the actual source, granted the Qu'ran had very very old manuscripts that were actually found.
    That being said, there is always a list of difference, but there is factual information as to why this or why that, so to speak. Other than that they believe in eternal life, and that Jesus would return also, making all people believe in God, for Jesus will come to destroy the wicked, and put an end to the False Messiah to which we call the Anti-Christ, this term is called e Al'Masih-Ad'Dajjal in Arabic and that Jesus is to establish peace on earth.
  13. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    @Arauna A source and a friend who goes by the name Solider of God of mine I asked him for more information, since he was too busy to type some information, he just directed me to another source, Stefan Molyneux. Knowing how Molyneux is, his videos tend to be more than 30-40 minutes long and he has shed some points regarding the UN Compact 2018.
    That being said, in the next coming months the intensity will continue to increase and eventually far difficult situations will come and people will be angered and annoyed and more protesting will be done for and those against, pretty much a box of marbles that just suddenly scatter on the floor, it will be that chaotic.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in Jehovah's Witnesses Tax Exemption May Have Cost City $368M, Critics Say   
    Don't be silly. You do it all the time.
  15. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to Srecko Sostar in SIX SCREENS OF THE WATCHTOWER   
    $$$$ from Children's Sunday KH ice-creams as donation will "solve" the problem of "origin". Because children as honest and sincere, would be/will be, by giving money with their innocent hands, purify every single $. :)))
    Well, well ... You are now a little closer to my idea how all money is from devil, who is unclean. So if, "there is no such thing as clean $" (money) ,  but if all things that come from God are clean, then again, you unconsciously support my thesis. :))) 
    WT just pointing finger to themselves, by teaching others how to apply scriptures as this you mentioned ..... 
    Yes, it is, if you want to be "only true religion" and "clean nation for JHVH name".
    Agree, your moral standards is your choice. But WT teaching people how users of tobacco can't be members of JWorg and will not inherit the earth if not stop smoking. So, yes, it is moral contradiction.
    "Society...., and just like ALL religious orgs they are entitled to accept money from the worst"... Huh, but WT raises themselves above all organizations, religious or other kind. They have own picture about self as super "clean nation".....supported by unclean money???:))  
    Again, you support my thesis how all dirty money came from God of this World :))))
    If i get correctly your thought.., If person or in this case organization is Superior in "other areas to everyone else", but not so "superior" in money issue then All is OK.??!! 
    How many "other areas" we shall/we are willing to going, looking for more acknowledge?
  16. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Melinda Mills in 'I Do Not Know Why We Persecute Jehovah's Witnesses,' Putin Says   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. The only obstacle is the Duma and the Russian Orthodox Church. The RoC are like children, if they cry about something, Putin will take action directly and or indirectly. You play Pokemon Go in a Church, the Kremlin will somehow get involved. You like poetry and the FSB don't like it, well, they'll come for you. Like the Bible or like to crack jokes? In Russia, jokes crack you, and your Bible will be taken and or used as a means to take you down. Want to save your home? The Duma will prevent you from doing that and will get the RU police involved and most likely push you and your sign to the ground and then arrest you. We need not start with singing. And yin Chechnya, you have to be vigilant - or else.
    The jokes may be something to laugh at, but when the Russians triad are serious, they'll do something to you.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    It gets even worse, there are men who spend money to look like the male companion of the Barbie doll - Ken. Should you so speak of this man, you will only get a ton of swing and hate coming your way.
    It is that society we live in sadly whereas such things take place, you do not know who is who anymore, or who is what.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    Speaking about snowflakes, such ones are just as annoying as the shills in today's society. Then we have the far left/right going at it and the obvious shills. They are in their own little space not realizing what is going to happened. Some of them think they realize the situation with the UN agendas and the migrants, but they go about things the wrong way and only hasten their own destruction.
    It will come to a point whereas anything pertaining to God will trigger these people, so far only small instances, who a few, will justify the Bible as hate speech when they misunderstood things of the Bible; some of the blame is due to false Christians who are hate preachers and or insighters of infighting.
  19. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Deus magnus est in Gerrit Loesch Condemns the UN in Hong Kong (clip)   
    It is crazy to me how people do not understand the difference. This is the same case with how some Christians feel about Ted Turner's comments regarding God back in the day whereas the United Nations had been slowly working on gathering religious leaders and on the other side of the spectrum, you have the Agendas.
    And speaking of Agendas, I have a lot to say about recent events of Syria, but that will be for another thread.
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in Pedos in High Places   
    This is nothing surprising to me. I can't say this is happening right now, but not many years ago British pedophiles would travel to certain east European cities and seduce underage boys as young as 8.These boys would "prostitute" themselves for gifts, expensive meals and money. This is a true fact, and nothing much was done about it. It wasn't even organized crime back then, it probably is  now.
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Next prophecy to get its fulfillment   
    @Kosonen The news clip is of the MSM. ISIS has and always will be bothering the Syrians regardless of what the Americans are doing. It should be a clue to you and many as to the reason why they do not give you the number of US soldiers in Syria. The Americans did little themselves because they were helping, so to speak, a terrorist front who were among the rebels.
    That being said, no one will be forgetting that this is just another repeat of history, as it was in Bush's day and in Obama's day, moreover, US allies, Kurds, care nothing more than to take up land for themselves, reasons why they allow people, even Christians to be defiled by ISIS militants.
    The biggest problem right now is Israel, for they do not like the idea of Iranians being in Syria, and this pull out will only anger them.
    Do not always believe what the MSM is telling you, otherwise you will end up as speaking of it as though it is the truth.
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    Space merchant you understand the implications. It started with the beautiful thoughts of freedom, egalitarianism long before the French revolution.   Human philosophies has been inspired by Satan and he has been preparing for this world government for a very long time. ..... if one looks at the histories of these utopian philosophies and how it progressed until now.
    I put a note on the other subject related to this which shows how spiritism and indirect worship of Satan is all part of this trend.  The Lucis Trust writes blogs for the united nations.  Read up about theosophy....  You may get a shock. 
    I also found a link between Rosicrucian's and Islam...... and this explains so many things to me because many of the worlds organizations which have secret higher levels (such as free masons) are linked to false worship  and ideas of power in a one world government.
    All these organizations are linked to creating a "counterfeit"  word government in opposition to Jehovah.  Satan does not care how many people are killed - he is being drawn out to create one world order to substitute the purpose of Jehovah.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    I do not recall the Old Law simply focusing on women alone when it comes to blasphemy. Regarding blasphemy in the face of God punishment in this regard applies to a man and or a woman, not a single sex alone. As for the last statement, a bit hypocritical much, granted women in the Bible, even you gave praise to two women before, despite you mistaking one for a man.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    @BillyTheKid46 Agenda 21 is in regards to the 21st Century and it entails the worldwide United Nations program for sustainable development that is put in a a local based level, something of which we see today that is taking place, with the idea of global thinking while at a local level (think globally, act locally). The other one, Agenda 2030, similar to Agenda 21, however, it entails the worldwide United Nations program for sustainable development that is put in a nation state level.
    Both of them are progressing right now at the same time, more so, in the United Sates right now, so far we are only seeing Agenda 21 at play here. Some would say that the Agenda 2030 of the UN will ruin Western Civilization.
    A population easy to control, easy to manipulate, easily move the people into smaller homes, to be monitored watched, smart homes as some would say, hence why since the aftermath of California, people are watching what is going on and what will happen, we already got smart devices that can hear us say something and do things as we command, like a butler and or some genie in a bottle type of nonsense, in a degree, our lives being intertwined with such technology in which the government can use to easily take the people without notice.
    As for Education, Money, Religion, Government, all of this equates to the Global Mafia, and or the Establishment who seeks to unify all these things - hence the term New World Order, to which Truthers refer to such as a totalitarian Orwellian Future (pretty much what can be read from the book called 1984 by George Orwell). The powers that be are doing what is necessary to keep true to their goals and agendas.
    Those who are unaware are usually the ones that are easily swept away, engulfed by the words coming from the Establishment, in this sense, brainwashing.
    As for the year, you referring to the population increases/decreases? I would not say there is a difference, more like binding it's time, continuing to grow in power and resources so when they have to unleash all that stored up power, they would want to make sure that it's effect can be felt. Another thing is those who marry and have children with those of a selected group who are of this fold, so the children can grow up in this circle and when they grow up and are capable of having children, their children would also repeat the cycle.
    As for population control, that is a large chunk of the pie of it's own, however, this is also included, as is within making a shift and or change to a populace, such as immigration in the US and other parts of the world such as the EU.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Watch your children. (JW Fork)   
    An incompetent defense is no defense at all.
    It's embarrassing to be killed because you were incompetent, and a fool.
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