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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Seconded. Some who has no idea who are conspiracy theorist who spread misinformation has no idea of the giant monster that hides under their bed, in this case, within the very fabric of the government and their connections, or that of the global mafia. Only a few people speak the truth of what this is, but not all.
    The Dark Web is a place you do not want to go to and I say this because of experience in my younger years, this was some months after 9/11 well into my early teens. On the surface some go their to look for things they cannot find on the normal internet, others uses the dark web for easy access to prostitution or sell oneself into prostitution, other instances regarding money exchange, etc. Going deeper into the Dark Web however, is a whole other beast altogether, some corners far darker and mental conflicting than the other.
    If I had to compare it something, the deeper you go it is like going to the deepest parts of the ocean whereas there is no light and the fish down there looks like something out of a monster movie. It is so dark it is like the sun has gone out, and if we have to get biblical, Exodus 10:21–23 whereas the deepest and darkest corners of the dark web can be felt, even mentally.
    That being said, if you want my advise, it is better for someone to explain it to you in full detail rather that going there yourself if you are unprepared of what you will stumble upon.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Indeed, I am knowledgeable, and yet time and time again I state I am a follower of the Christ, who seeks truth in the Scriptures, a slave servant to the True God and so forth. I don't see how I was not clear for over a dozen plus times in this regard.
    Now for the questions
    [A] Yes it is necessary to have wisdom, or as you put it, spiritual wisdom, so you can spot truths and untruths, as well as dealing with people who profess a false teaching and or practice, which 1 John 4:1 can come into play when testing the spirit. This also goes hand in hand with the truth of something outside of the realm of the Bible, hence why I am vocal and speak strongly against conspiracy and or false information, a number of times on this forums and elsewhere.
    God wants us to have wisdom, to be knowledgeable. When it comes to Scripture, I can sum up everything in a single verse
    2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, Therefore, you have to be wise, when it comes to people who preach God is a woman, or those who preach that drinking poison makes you a True Christian, and or those who preach Adam has more than one wife, and a list of other false doctrines and heresies known to man.
    Speak the truth against untruths, that is what I do, and as someone who is technically a truther, I speak against conspiracy and falsehood also.
    One does not need higher education to study the Bible. A poor homeless man can teach you Scripture when his only educational background is middle school level.
    Wisdom regarding the Scriptures can be learned by all men, and such men can speak the truth vs. those who preach falsehood.
  3. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in What should I gift a new born of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    Matt, It isn't JWs alone last I explained to you. It didn't stop the early Christians who wanted to ban such things, and yes. God isn't a fan of pagan-like practices.
    There is no problem with gifts, however, the significant of a gift when it comes to specific days, that is where the problem is drawn.
    Other than that, as for others, mocking is beneath any man who is a follower of Christ, in doing so, one reduces themselves to a worm beneath notice.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    @Arauna Indeed. Guess where those (a few among many) affected by the fires in California will soon be going? Smart Homes.
    The UN agenda seems like a joke to some, we are even called crazy, but in the end they do not realize how grave these agendas from the UN actually is. We already have NGOs doing some of the most absurd in the EU regarding migrants.
    The people are gullible just as they were in Washington and Texas and elsewhere regarding the role the UN has regarding religion, just as they were when the UN also has their hands in the education system and how they are grooming out children, even in colleges and universities with utter subtly.
    The one world movement of such ones will harm the people greatly and it falls in line with an Orwellian Future as read in the 1984 book.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in Watch your children. (JW Fork)   
    This is the ideal procedure. I have never been able to think of an alternative. 
  6. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    Interesting article and video.....
    On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Agenda 21, agenda 2030 and about this Compact for Migration which will criminalize anyone saying anything against the UN plan.  Those countries who signed are obliged to assist migrants financially and basically all people have a right to migrate....(no more borders).   About 20 nations are now fighting  it and will be forced by fines for not complying.  It is part of the UN plan for one world government...  Is this real? Or a conspiracy.... ? Watch this little video and give comments of the implications.    I have the original documents and on this Youtube link you can also download the UN document "agenda 21".   NGOs have already been receiving funds to implement it for the past 20 years and both republican and democratic governments has been changing laws to implement is..... It has been going on  under our noses and the general public does not know.  My interest in this is the fulfillment of prophecy which indicates the UN or coalition of governments to rule for short period of time before Armageddon.  There are huge implications to this .... but first watch this little video to begin the discussion....   here is the link.....
  7. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in GOG = GOOGLE = אֶל־גֹּוג   
    Of course, I don't really believe this in the slightest. But I thought I would put it out here just to raise some interest in the actual meaning of Gog and Magog.
    I looked on Google and could not find any places where anyone had made the connection yet between GOOGLE and GOG. This surprised me, because in Hebrew the verse at Ezekiel 38:2 actually says the following in the Masoretic text:
    See it here: https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/eze/38/2/t_conc_840002
      בֶּן־אָדָם שִׂים פָּנֶיךָ אֶל־גֹּוג אֶרֶץ הַמָּגֹוג נְשִׂיא רֹאשׁ מֶשֶׁךְ וְתֻבָל וְהִנָּבֵא עָלָֽיו׃
    אֶל־גֹּוג means when transliterated EL-GOG.
    But the O between the two G's is actually a 'vav' which when used as a vowel (as it is here) is not just used for O, but also for U, pronounced OO. Therefore:
    אֶל־גֹּוג can also be transliterated as EL-GOOG.
    Transliterated left to right as it appears on paper, this is אֶל־גֹּוג or GOOG-LE.
    Quite a coincidence for a word that has a curious prophetic meaning in Scripture, and a word that is so ubiquitous on the Internet that it transcends translation. It is a trademark, a mark of that wild, beastly thing we call the Internet.
    Of course, that particular "wild beast" connection has already been done:

  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in UN Compact 2018   
    Blasphemy - the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.
    Hersey - belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine; opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watch your children. Monsters do exist.   
    100% agreed. Teaching young ones about Strangers is the best thing someone should do.
    Kidnappers tend to go for young girls, and kidnappers tend to have several motives.
    This is why I am happy, those who have been educating on this, those who teach others on this matter, even young children to teach and speak their story, these ones are the ones who have this wisdom and their solution is to educate and teach.
    https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=96145&page=1 https://www.narcity.com/news/a-teen-girl-escaped-a-kidnapping-using-this-feature-on-her-iphone We must teach our children, we are obligated to do so.
  10. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna Rajala in How much money you need to be part of the 1% worldwide?   
    Some people enjoy their money too much they tend to be careless (at least the Sunglasses didn't suffer from the impact)
    And the debt clock continues to rise, and rise, and rise, and rise... and rise some more: http://www.usdebtclock.org/

  11. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in How much money you need to be part of the 1% worldwide?   
    Some people enjoy their money too much they tend to be careless (at least the Sunglasses didn't suffer from the impact)
    And the debt clock continues to rise, and rise, and rise, and rise... and rise some more: http://www.usdebtclock.org/

  12. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Where your plastic water bottles end up   
    I stated that following: You toss a plastic item of waste into the grass and or sea you pay for it. You put toxic gases into the heavens, your lungs and health will most likely pay for it.
    Plastic and or trash will pollute the land and it piles up over time. The other part of that sentence is regarding toxic gases from factories, vehicles and or other things that populate the air, and can cause some damage to people and young children, even infants, i.e. cities, small towns and or suburbs in close proximity to said factories and or anything that is damaging, hence toxic gases.
    What I didn't mention is sewage and toxic waste that is, low-key, bring dumped in various areas mainly water sources as well with the whole pipeline issue we have to which Native Americans have issue with vs. government when it comes to protected lands.
    Which reminds me, if there is one cartoon I use to watch as a kid, it's Captain Planet, for the show is based on a superhero that is encouraging to keep things clean and to recycle. A good show it was.

  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    I just noticed this topic here, and it's funny because I had recently been doing some research into things such as "deep state" etc. I am for the most part a complete political ignoramus. I mean the worst there could be. My husband had to explain to me what the difference between the right and left wing was. I thought it had something to do with birds. Just kidding, but almost. Politics has never interested me, probably because of my JW upbringing and because I have never really had the need to, until recently. I have met a very interesting person recently who is involved in a certain branch of expertise and they started hurling terms such as "the Globalists" "deep state" etc. at me. They are also very interested in what the Bible has to say. I realized than in order to carry on a fruitful conversation I will have to educate myself politically a little. So that at least I know what they are talking about. They mentioned they spoke with a JW many years ago who told them about Daniel's prophesy and the statue. They said that they can see all the things this person told them coming true. I cannot really say much more because, well, it can get a little dangerous. A colleague of theirs was recently found dead...
    I do not believe conspiracy theories. I do not think the Rothschild family is the mastermind over all of earth's affairs, for example, but logic tells me that those with money, automatically have an insurmountable amount of power.
    I like this quote: When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte 
    Anyway, while I was researching I found out about the "Bilderberg Meetings" which some of you might be familiar with, but I knew nothing about. There are many conspiracy theories about the actual function of these "secret" meetings, which as I said I do not buy into, however, it is interesting to see how these meetings could in theory be a part of some kind of "deep state". It is also interesting to see the topics  discussed each year, and the list of those who are invited, and even more interesting seeing members of the clergy involved, although it is to be expected (this year; Pietro Parolin, Cardinal, and secretary of Vatican state). One conspiracy website mentions the "trinity of Globalist control" as being:  City of London Corporation – Financial power centre, established in 1067, District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871, Vatican City – Religious power centre, sovereign in 1929. Kind of prophetic for us JWs wouldn't you say?
    Here is the official website for the Bilderberg Meetings: https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/
  14. Upvote
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in In Defense of Shunning   
    It is only going to get worse. Yes, God's Word has given us some insight, but at the same time, even with insight, even the wises of us men can fall and does not get back up, and this is the case in the End Times.
    Be it reasons against and or for, it will not stop the Government and the United Nations at bay, for we have already the immigration crisis, gun reform, and the California fires, give it some time and see what will happened with those who lost everything and where they will go, it is part of the plan.
    Yes, but for us we deal with guns, the EU has to deal with terrorism that is next door, and hate crimes, an knife attacks. I know in London there is  band of bikers that that rob, beat and attempt to kill people, hence why London, as I said before, is not a good place granted crime had increases, and yet the UK government is proclaiming another gospel in regards to safety.
    France is a whole other mixed back, I am currently doing research on this but what I found quite interesting is that the Far-Left and the Far-Right (ANTIFA and Nationalist) are not fighting each other, but rather, they are fighting side-by-side in the Yellow Jacket Protest, something of which you do not see happen ever, granted the Left and the Right are always going after each others throats, moreover, this action sparks the rise of the white working class in Europe.
    My other source can give you some insight
    (Also note, the mainstream media says these are protesters, however this group of protest are in fact Rioters, hence the destruction caused by their hand)
    Yeah starting to realize that. Commercials are over - back to the topic at hand.
  16. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Evacuated in If men were created before women why did he create men to have nipples?   
    @Jack Ryan I remember when I was younger this was talked about. It is in the same category of "why do round pizzas come in square boxes" and a list of other things. Another thing is people ten to use men having nipples as a means of attesting to evolution, which has been debunked.
  17. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in STATE OF THE 'WORLD' HOW NEAR IS THE END TIMES ?   
    @JOHN BUTLER There is a lot of things going out that is kept on the hush-hush to the general public. Government wise, Education wise, Religion wise, Money Wise, Technology wise.
    There is a lot I can say about this, I can go on, some things I can say here but it isn't PG-rated for everyone here, regardless of their faith and or background.
    All I can say, briefly, perhaps later on I can give some insight on US, UK, FR, and their allies regarding 2021/30.
    Other than that, God's day is near. There are things that some are not paying attention to which is being spoken about by others, such as truthers and a list independent reporters, some of which who end up being assassinated for speaking what is true for we have an example already. 
    The more you know, the more you shall find. Now if you were a famous person and or a well known doctor or some engineer, the more you know and the more you find, it will only get you killed, but since we are common folk, we find and proclaim what is true, reasons why I am type to seek the truth in such matters.
    That being said, I had dug up some things in the UK, mainly related to grooming gangs and immigration, both of which having a role to play in the global mafia in of itself.
    Remain vigilant and enduring - always. Don't be consumed by anger and hatred either, it does no one any good later on.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in In Defense of Shunning   
    @JOHN BUTLER You reminded me about something. Rarely do I see UK officers use guns. Most of the time, well a number of times when confronting an armed suspect, mainly if someone has a knife and or machete, they cannot do much against them but throw things at the threat in question.
    In the United States, toy gun or real, or suspected to having a firearm will result in a case of shoot first, ask questions later, the situation tends to be more grave if you are not Caucasian and are of a different ethic group or race, with a background that is clearly not the like of common American folk. Anyone who has a fire armed, be it killed or captured, if of a race and or background it is seen as terrorism and or the the person is spoken of as the villain in this case, however, if it the latter, it is seen as being mental ill and or sick.
    People tend to get away with things regarding firearms, and outside of all that, you have gang members who get the guns, you have children who somehow get the guns and thinking shooting at people is a game, and you have those who are bullied to the point where they will come to shoot up a school.
    Right now, the United States is confused on what to do with guys because no one trust the Government with guns at all, and we have a foreshadowing of Libya, Syranic Christians and a list of other events whereas you trust the government with guns and you end up as a target with a large read blinking light sign on your back and your house.
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. Just be careful. Although I am not a fan of firearms, there are those who have the license to carry and take up the second amendment end up as targets for those in the government and law enforcement. A day will come whereas the government with the aid of the United Nations will come to disarm you and they will say they will shower you with protection, but later on, you will realize that this so called UN and Gov't protection was only means to desolate you.
    Other than that, this is why most people in American shouldn't have or be trusted with guns:
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Melinda Mills in If men were created before women why did he create men to have nipples?   
    Nipples and navels - we had a lot of discussion on that in the past. Are they trying to say God did not make Adam with nipples?
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JOHN BUTLER in STATE OF THE 'WORLD' HOW NEAR IS THE END TIMES ?   
    Looking at the 'news' on MSN. Yes I know I've been warned not to believe MSN etc.... 
    But my point is that world conditions appear to be getting much worse more quickly.
    I'm wondering, is it because we have the world wide web, this internet, that tells us everything. Or is it because I'm getting old and not liking 'change'. 
    Or, is it really getting much worse more quickly ?
    God's words warns us as to what is coming. God's words gives us the signs of the times. But is it now ?
    If it is now and if God really wants more people to be saved, then hopefully God will put things into place, so that honest hearted people will know where to find the honest Truth.
    10 men clinging to the skirt of a Jew. That keeps coming back into my mind every day now. Spiritual Jews, the Heavenly chosen ones. 
    Yes i come on here and spout out loud, sometimes with anger in my heart, but underneath i am looking for truth. May God be kind enough to show us the way forward. 
  21. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Dubtown - The Naked Truth   
    I just finished watching all the "Dubtown" videos on YouTube ....
    SOMEBODY has a LOT of money to spend on the production of these things !
    Some were funny, some absurd ..... all were painful to watch.
    The Truth will make you free .... but reality is more painful than fantasy.
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in In Defense of Shunning   
    From what I can gather here about you, I think that most of the 130 do not believe you are evil, and probably do not wish to treat you badly, but as you say, they THINK they are following the rules. Also, they will not merely treat you this way just because they feel you were concerned about the "child abuse" issue. If you have told the whole story then it is pretty clear that you are treated as someone who has formally disassociated, and we are told to treat that person the exact same way as someone who was disfellowshipped. (I think that is an abuse of power by the way on the part of the WTS policy.) It's probable that someone has added a few other "details" for the ears of the congregation, real or imagined. The more likely concern is that you have somehow become a spiritual danger because you are actively seeking out false information from apostates to spread it among the congregation in order to sow divisions and contentions. Many in the congregation must believe that your current motive is to promote such apostasy, even if you are personally still "salvagable." They are told that to treat you like this is a way to save you. 
    I personally would not follow the rules in this regard when it is a person I have known and if I feel that my continued association is more likely to be scriptural than unscriptural. There have been two persons where my opinion of them and my association with them didn't change a bit after they were disfellowshipped. One stayed out and one came back. I don't advertise this to the rest of the congregation, for fear of stumbling others, and for my own fear of the same kind of unscriptural disciplinary treatment that others have been subjected to.
    But there is also a certain kind of friendship we build up with others that goes beyond rules and regulations. We show a certain type of loyalty (loyal love) to the other person, and they to us. In the Bible, if David had become a murderer and an adulterer, Jonathan would have still loyally stuck by him. "There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." (Prov 18:24)  I have seen several friendships like this, and would hope that no human rules would ever get in the way. I had a roommate at Bethel who joked that his friend who had recently been invited to Bethel, was like this. He claimed that even if he murdered someone, that this friend would never change. I thought about that and decided that he should move out and room with this arriving friend. 
    If we truly have love, even for our enemies, we should have no problem dealing with tax collectors and sinners. How much more should we show love to someone who is in dire straits for a reason we already understand and one we can help them understand. This does not mean that I would go out of my way to seek out such a person, unless I was sure I could help them feel better with some encouragement. Often they truly put themselves in a situation where the best thing they  to do is to find their way back into the organization and I will often encourage that. But I would never encourage family members to disfellowship themselves from that disfellowshipped person.  It has been rare, but as I said, I have had a couple of occasions to "break the rule" in this regard.
    I like a lot of what the GB and the JW org are doing, and I love many of my fellow associates in the congregation. But, YES, I really mean it. Speaking out is what I am doing right now. I often speak out against unscriptural policies, or discuss them here to help make sure whether my own reasoning is wrong. I don't have to speak out in front of my local congregation, nor do I cause divisions. I speak out on this forum, and I will sometimes speak frankly and honestly with people who approach me in person. I also send a couple letters a year to the GB and JW org. For the past few years, these have been anonymous. I have used this site to try to formulate the scriptural reasoning behind these letters.
    I have already spoken out against abuse and bad policy in this regard for about seven years now -- not just on forums but in person. This is why I cannot completely understand the treatment you are getting. At several opportunities over the last 30 years, I have spoken out against a policy of tolerating spousal physical abuse against wives, because my own sister had an experience like this with the usual requested cover-up from authorities and hospital personnel. I have even turned in a young 20 year old brother who showed serious problems in this regard at gatherings. He is not quite a person of full mental capacity, but this won't matter to an abused sister who would feel traumatized if he takes these types of actions any further. And it's quite possible he already poses a criminal danger when not in public. There should be heightened awareness of these problems to protect all potential victims, and where necessary, secular authorities and law enforcement need to be involved.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in In Defense of Shunning   
    Expelling is Biblical. That's true. But what is the method and are Christians under some kind of rule of law that needs to be applied uniformly in all situations? What if it was a principle that is good, but the way it was executed even in Bible times turns out not to have been a Christian method.
    For example, the Bible allows for a husband to disfellowship his wife. (The Bible never allows for a wife to disfellowship (divorce) a husband, by the way.) But are we under Mosaic rules for divorce just because it is Biblical? In fact, Jesus said that even though it was Biblical, it wasn't what Jehovah really wanted.
    (Matthew 19:7, 8 )  7 They said to him: “Why, then, did Moses direct giving a certificate of dismissal and divorcing her?” 8 He said to them: “Out of regard for your hard-heartedness, Moses made the concession to you of divorcing your wives, but that has not been the case from the beginning. Jesus doesn't say Moses wasn't inspired when he made the Biblical concession for divorce as one of the laws in the "perfect" Law covenant. But Jesus rejects this particular "jot and tittle" of the Law as a mere concession for human hard-heartedness, especially because it was being misused in practice.  "Hard-heartedness" is a form of having "no natural affection." (See my earlier post on this topic.)
    There is an even more obvious case where the Governing Body now rejects something that is definitely Biblical. In the Bible, it's OK to "beat" your children, physically. When asked about this, GB member Geoffrey Jackson, in front of the Australian Royal Commission,  said that the GB now believe that the "rod" of correction is not a physical rod, but that it is the "virtual" rod of righteous corrective discipline. Of course, what do we then do with the Mosaic Law that says that if you beat your slave to death that there is no punishment as long as it takes the slave a day or two to die? (There is a punishment if the slave dies within in a shorter time period.)
    (Exodus 21:20, 21) . . .“If a man strikes his slave man or his slave girl with a stick and that one dies by his hand, that one must be avenged. 21 However, if he survives for one or two days, he is not to be avenged, because he is someone bought with his owner’s money. The way in which the point was made in front of the ARC was for the GB member to avoid this Scripture:
    (Proverbs 23:13, 14) 13 Do not hold back discipline from the mere boy. In case you beat him with the rod, he will not die. 14 With the rod you yourself should beat him, that you may deliver his very soul from Sheʹol itself. Instead, he used another verse, from the previous chapter, which was more ambiguous:
    (Proverbs 22:15) 15 Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy; the rod of discipline is what will remove it far from him. Of course, all of these verses use the same Hebrew word for "rod/stick" and the same Hebrew word for "beat/smite/strike." Same word for "rod" or "stick" is used here too:
    (Proverbs 26:3) 3 A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the ass, and the rod is for the back of stupid people. I'm not in favor of the physical beating of children. There are times when the principle is correct, but the methods used were "hard-hearted." The Governing Body says we have updated our understanding to that of the world here, and I think everyone knows that Brother Jackson is not so stupid as to think that the Bible was not really referring to physical beatings with these Hebrew expressions. It's time we progressed in our understanding of what it means to disfellowship, too. 
    You've argued that other religions see familial DFing, for example, as Biblical. But so what? In other religions they might still beat their children, beat their wives and servants, promote racism, divorce on any ground, and promote a lack natural affection, too.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna in In Defense of Shunning   
    Surely a response would be a better one. Last I recall Jesus was no assassin according to Matthew 16. Therefore the overall seriousness of what Jesus entrusted should be taken into consideration, that is - unless you adhere to a watered down form if Christianity as the majority of the US and the EU adhere to. Because last I checked, Jesus isn't the ice man, the muffin man or the so called jolly Christ as some paint him to be, on the other side of the spectrum, regarding a man killed recently, people seem to paint Jesus to a sole race, proclaiming he has no care for those of another race. He is the Christ, the one of whom God enacts his purpose, will, justice and order through; for he is God's only begotten-son.
    That being said, surely you can make a better response, to this I wait.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in In Defense of Shunning   
    By the way, did you get that child abuse issue you were talking about sorted? The Childline suggestion seemed to be a way you could keep personally out of the frame and still get some practical advice on the matter remembering that there could be children at risk. How did you get on with that? You did get on with that didn't you?
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