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Space Merchant

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    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in What should I gift a new born of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    No worries. That being said, the years go by fast anyways. It is already almost 2019.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in What should I gift a new born of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    The child is no longer an infant, but a toddler most likely capable of walking and some speech, it's 2018, this was addressed 2016, approximately 804 days in total, 2 years about 6 months, 2 weeks if my estimate is correct. Giving a gift to a child isn't materialism, but what is materialism is being dependent and bombarding a child with material things, some even unnecessary things.
    But yes, a kiss is also good for it shows affection you have for those you care for.
  3. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays?   
    @BillyTheKid46 Well one thing for certain. Some who thinks they know the Scriptures hold too steadfast on to pagan holidays and practices they love so much, even outside of religion, some people forbids the celebration of holidays because they know the roots, it's origins and the like.
    You'd be surprised of how many people went after the Naive Americans during and after Thanksgiving, and who else but those who defend the holiday, even going as far as to send their kids into the fray to demonize people who are against Thanksgiving.
    The same can be said of other Holidays. Since December is coming up, there are those who think this Holiday is of the Christ, his Birthday as they call it, but the reality is, it is not. They are quick to attack you for it, go after you for it, not realizing their own ignorance and dishonesty when even the Jewish calendar is placed before them.
    That being said, even on that day people do not care about Jesus at all, they go on shopping spreads, they go to wild parties whereas anything goes in the realm of sex and drunkenness, for such actions beget unwanted children and or hit and run, drunk driving and so forth, others, not having a care in the world.
    You can be preaching about the Christ and His God, but will be met with those proclaiming the one they call Santa Claus, while you have the demonic folk giving praise to Krampus, and the cherry on top of it all, Sun God and Yule Tree Idolatry.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in A Caravan of Central American migrants is determined to reach the U.S   
    SOMEBODY is financing this effort to the tune of several millions of dollars ... it is NOT a "grassroots" movement.
    I also understand that further Caravans are being organized with a planned 5 MILLION people.
    I know the answers ... but I leave it to YOU to figure out what is going on ..... it's inspirational when that light bulb clicks on in your head, and you instantly become MUCH smarter.
  5. Thanks
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Automobiles in Paradise Papers (Massive Document Leak)   
    Interesting that nothing ever seemed to happen with this 'massive' leak..... it sort of just died out there.
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays?   
    Sometimes ... it helps to be too big to get on any truck to take to the slaughter house.
    That is my profound thought for today ..... the rest of my posts today I will be transmitting telepathically.
    If you think of something profound, and funny .... that would be me!

  8. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to The Librarian in Fraud Alert   
    (Orignally posted in 2014 in the jw-archive.org)   Introduction This alert involves a particular form of fraud known as affinity fraud that has been perpetrated upon multiple congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Northern California (USA), specifically Circuit 13*, by persons professing to be servants of Jehovah God.
    Affinity fraud is defined as a scam that preys upon the trust and friendship that exist in associations, such as religious groups. Those who utilize affinity scams typically are - or pretend to be - members of the group and often use respected religious leaders within the group to promote the scheme by convincing the members that a fraudulent investment is legitimate and worthwhile (See g02 5/22 p. 29 under the heading Theft in the Name of God; also g97 9/22 pp. 9-10).
    Sadly, an affinity fraud scam manifested during my congregation’s engagement with Regional Building Committee #7 (2009 – 2011).
    Having observed this firsthand as a participant in the RBC engagement and as an officer for the congregation’s non-profit religious corporation, I am shedding light on this situation since the wrongdoers, including some overseers within the English - Menlo Park Congregation, Regional Building Committee No. 7 and Circuit 13*, continue to cover up their misconduct. They have done so to avoid scrutiny from persons in the organization with greater responsibility, unsuspecting congregation members as well as the secular authorities.
    Understandably, the following information may be difficult for some to believe. As a lifelong servant of Jehovah, I find this situation hard to believe myself. Nevertheless, it has occurred.
    In Matthew Chapter 13, Jesus warned of false Christians when providing the illustration of the Wheat and the Weeds. At 2 Timothy 2:20, 21, Paul speaks of vessels “for an honorable purpose” and other vessels “for a purpose lacking honor” within the same house. At Acts 20:29 Paul spoke of “oppressive wolves” entering in among true Christians that would not treat the flock with tenderness.
    This alert is intended to provide a general overview of the problem.
    In the spirit of Leviticus 5:1, the goal is to overcome the current cover-up of this situation so that brothers in positions of organizational oversight can become aware of this problem and take the appropriate action.
    The scam involves theft by false pretense (1, 2), private benefit, excess benefit transactionsand self-dealing - in short: white collar crime (1, 2).
    It appears that the participants in this scam occupy strategic positions of responsibility at varying levels of the organization. All requests to the Service Department for a special committee to be formed to investigate and resolve this situation have gone unanswered.
    Jehovah’s organization itself is not perpetrating this scam, rather a group of deviant, self-willed individuals therein are doing so. Such persons insidiously exploit the arrangements, procedures and infrastructure of the organization to execute their schemes - to their own benefit.
    The Scam: Phase 1
    The scam often targets Kingdom Hall properties that are fully paid for. A “trigger man” is required to set the plan in motion. This may be the circuit overseer, an RBC representative and/or members of a local body of elders. The trigger man may be complicit in the scam or may simply be directed by complicit persons above him to unknowingly set the stage for the scheme.
    The trigger man then initiates a discussion of maintenance needs invariably steering the flow of the conversation toward completely remodeling the Kingdom Hall and/or selling it to purchase new land and build a new one.
    If the existing body of elders agree, all is well. If they do not then non-conformists may be arbitrarily deleted as elders and/or diluted by new elders  predisposed to proceed with the desired building project that are directed to move into the congregation. This dilution can also occur under the premise of merging congregations.
    The newer elders typically become the officers in the congregation’s non-profit religious corporation. In doing so, they amend the articles of incorporation changing the name of the corporation and the by-laws ensuring that the local branch office is named as the recipient of all assets, including the Kingdom Hall property and proceeds from the sale of such, upon dissolution of the corporation. This enables the schemers to acquire operational control of the corporation and thereby assume effective ownership of the Kingdom Hall property.
    The Scam: Phase 2a
    Next, complicit RBC representatives provide a proposal for a complete remodel of the Hall when, in reality, a more modest project would suffice in-line with organizational directives (Policy letters dated 4/2/2009, 4/6/2009 & 12/11/2009). This proposal is approved by the body of elders as a matter of course regardless of the undue financial burden that is placed on congregation members.
    The costs of the building project are inflated with specific intent to exceed the congregation’s available funds thus manufacturing the need for the congregation to obtain an interest free loan from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Inc.
    For example, the actual costs of a modest remodeling project for Kingdom Hall “A” is $35,000. However, complicit RBC members unnecessarily recommend a complete remodel that, in actuality, should cost no more than $100,000. Yet, the RBC representatives specify a project cost of $250,000. This amount exceeds the congregation’s available funds and so they are then directed to obtain an interest free loan from the local branch.
    The project proceeds and the work is done for the actual cost of $100,000 – or less. However, the congregation is now responsible for a loan of $250,000 due to the misrepresented project costs.
    By inflating construction costs for a project that the congregation doesn’t actually need and then finalizing a loan that will be paid monthly for the next 10 – 25 years, the scam fraudulently creates a revenue stream that constitutes a surreptitious form of tithing, something that Jehovah God and his organization do not approve of.
    Based on what occurred during the English - Menlo Park Congregation’s RBC engagement, sham building projects have also been used as a means to reposition liquid assets specifically to obscure their source and/or final destination. Such transactions can enable tax evasion especially when performed under the guise of religious non-profit activity, something else that Jehovah God and his organization do not approve of. (See w11 9/1 pp. 21-23)
    The Scam: Phase 2b
    Alternatively, once the perpetrators of the scam acquire operational control of a congregation’s corporation, thus assuming effective ownership of the Kingdom Hall property, the congregation is directed to finance upgrades to the Kingdom Hall and then sell the property for a substantial profit, anywhere from 200 – 300%. With the original congregation and corporation dissolved at the direction of complicit branch personnel, the publishers are then merged with a neighboring congregation and the perpetrators move on to the next “building” project.
    Thus far, all efforts to report this problem through standard organizational channels have been met with stiff opposition in the form of retaliation. In my case, my family has been insidiously undermined and attacked by the perpetrators of this scam. These attacks have included false accusations intended to destroy my reputation and credibility (See g90 5/22 p. 12 - Fallacy Number 1). Nevertheless, the import of James 1: 2, 3 remains.
    While others in Circuit 13 have the basis to do so, at present, a total of seven persons can and will bear witness to the authenticity of this problem. (John 8:17) All that is required now is someone in a position of responsibility within Jehovah’s organization, whose fear of God exceeds his fear of men, who will listen and take the appropriate action to investigate matters. (Matthew 10:28; w01 12/1 p. 23 pars. 17-18)
    If such corruption can manifest in this one cited area, there may be cause for concern in other regards. A special committee under the direction of the Governing Body, would be able to investigate these matters and determine the actual extent of the problem to the end of fully resolving this situation. (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
    The old saying “Sunshine is the best disinfectant” emphasizes that a good way to impede underhanded activity is to shed light on it.
    In being created in Jehovah God’s image, each person has the fundamental basis and inherent potential to be a force for good.
    If anyone has knowledge of this situation, or others, please notify your congregation elders, circuit overseer, district overseer, local branch, and anyone else who may be positioned to help. If you have the basis to communicate directly with any member of the Governing Body, PLEASE do so as their involvement will be needed to solve this problem. (Leviticus 5:1)
    Jehovah God sees what is taking place and he will soon act for the sake of his own name. (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
    - C.J. 
    * Circuit 13 is located on the San Francisco Peninsula and consists of English congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Redwood City, San Mateo and Burlingame.
    If everything you say is true, I am sure a member of the Governing Body at the United States Branch Office, would be more than willing to listen to you.
    Best Regards,
    The Librarian
  9. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Deus magnus est in At what moment "The Truth" has ceased to be "The Truth"?   
    Indeed. A Free for All would be utter chaos. There has already been quite the example as of recent, things of which to have been taken place in the realm of materialism and outright brawlish brutality, in some instances, critical injury and death.
    The world is a crazy place and it only takes a few seconds for a man, woman or child to loose all sense.
    For if some of them knew God, they'd be well aware of their decisions and how to act in proper, how to maintain control and so forth.
  10. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in At what moment "The Truth" has ceased to be "The Truth"?   
    But wouldn't the defeat the purpose of Jesus own words and the same thing practices by others?
    If you know the truth you teach it so in turn student can be the teacher and minister to others, the process of making disciples.
    Jesus stated that we should be coming to know the True God and to know of his Kingdom, as well as know who he has sent.
    Seek and you shall find do not ring any bells?
    To find the truth in the Scriptures isn't a mistake.
    That being said, your own statement can be used against you judging by your previous comments.
  11. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Why a great war is inevitable   
    @Kosonen China was never an ally of the US, they side with Russia and their faction and the US has their own faction with secondaries who support them. A Great War will not begin with China because the political theater masks who is the starter of the fight and it is not them. A clue in regards to the Globalist Mafia would be present day Israel, granted their actions have proven their resolve time and time again and of whom supports them. Babylon has already issued a conquest for peace, and a conquest for security, of which originates with that of the US and their allies, in turn, Russia and as well as China are not a fan of it, nor is Iran, hence the two factions and there are things to which remains unknown to such ones, perhaps even you, but those who seek the truth, those who are like truthers, know what is actually going on.
    That being said, it is best to be vigilant and to do research in this matter. It is best to know who is side China is actually on and who will be the very ones to throw the first punch and who shall deliver.
  12. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Why a great war is inevitable   
    @Melinda Mills Agreed. There is 2 factions as of now, big super powers who are in a struggle with each other.
  13. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays?   
    But then you have to deal with other Christians, be it a group or a single soul who do not obverse such holidays, one example being Thanksgiving, whereas you can feast but on that same day it is a day of mourning for others.
  14. Thanks
    Space Merchant reacted to Melinda Mills in Why a great war is inevitable   
    You too have to revisit the whole thing if you are interested in Daniel prophecy.   See who is King of the south. The king of the north and the king of the south will engage in pushing which is on-going.
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Kosonen in Is this COLLATERAL DAMAGE ?   
    The way USA bombs is in accord with the prophetic description of the American empire. And nothing will change that except God's Kingdom when it comes and crushes all the other kingdoms.
    Daniel 7:7  “After this I kept watching in the visions of the night, and I saw a fourth beast, fearsome and terrifying and unusually strong, and it had large iron teeth. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it trampled down with its feet.+ It was different from all the other beasts that were prior to it, and it had ten horns. 
    19  “Then I wanted to know more about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others; it was extraordinarily fearsome, with iron teeth and copper claws, and it was devouring and crushing, and trampling down what was left with its feet;+ 20  and about the ten horns+ on its head, and the other horn that came up and before which three fell,+ the horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly* and whose appearance was bigger than that of the others.
    We have ample evidence of this. USA with its allies bombed Japan with nuclear bombs, devastated North Korea with bombs in the Korean war. The same happened in Vietnam. And after that Afganistan and Irak and Libya and now Syria. 
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Is this COLLATERAL DAMAGE ?   
    @JOHN BUTLER Will look into this. Also I advise not to put too much trust in Sky News, as of their recent memorable situation from some months ago regarding Israel. More over, the mention of Kurds is an issue, granted of whom they handed over to ISIS a while back.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in ADVICE NEEDED PLEASE   
    @Jack Ryan The Justice System is corrupt and a double standard. There is dirt on the corners that is in use to hurt the eyes of those of whom the law is enforced against and the like.
    Then you have the shoot first, ask questions later type of folk, and the whole blaming every police officer when not all of them are corrupt.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Jack Ryan in ADVICE NEEDED PLEASE   
    Yes @JOHN BUTLER... please don't talk about it publicly here on the Internet. Only talk to local people who can keep this quiet so that God's Universal Name is not "besmirched".... Oh how I hate the Internet for allowing open communication!
    On a serious note... I like @James Thomas Rook Jr.'s suggestion above.......
    Talking to the police and looking for "justice" I would reserve for something taken to the extreme....
    I can't tell you how many crimes just get overlooked on a daily basis by prosecutors exercising thier "prosecutorial discretion"....
    Rapes and murders top the list of what I think the Police should spend thier time on.
    Reports of crazy teenagers misbehaving and acting creepily don't measure up .....  I'm glad this case ended up with nothing more than a scare.
    I knew one cop years ago that would beat the pulp out of teenage hooligans and that seemed to solve the problem.
    Maybe once you actually determine that he DID do it... you might consider making him wish he didn't?
    Ooooh.. vigilantiism....
    That is a whole other subject now isn't it?
    But if you REALLY care .... don't think telling the Police about this will solve it... UNLESS they know of a string of other crimes he has comitted as well. Maybe then a prosecutor MIGHT act.
    How many murders were there in Chicago last weekend?
  19. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Is this COLLATERAL DAMAGE ?   
    I have mentioned this before in relation to the Child Abuse within the JW Org. 
    I have said that this is now part of the American way of life. Am I right ? Please see this news topic :-
  20. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in ADVICE NEEDED PLEASE   
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in What Does It Take to Make You Happy   
    Well it is going to get harder granted with what will come in several years, but one's happiness and building up of faith in themselves and to others should not cease due to these changes.
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in What Does It Take to Make You Happy   
    God instructed us to teach our children so that they know right from wrong, so that they can make positive decisions that does not put them in a negative light. For we are to pass on knowledge and wisdom to our children, just as Mary and Joseph did the same for Jesus, as is with others and onward.
    Jumping to conclusions, quick to speak you, are not well open to reason and succumb to something without knowing.
    And yet the Bible informs us to be vigilant, to endure the End Times, therefore as True Christians we are to do as such, as Jesus. Those who alienate themselves from God and or is against him will be the ones to perish, those for God, who serve him, the righteous and the meek, those who are the stones and understand who God is, his Son and the Kingdom - these people will survive and they continue to build up their faith in God's Word.
    Those for God, those who maintain faith will indeed survive. Granted with what I had posted before, it is obvious to the view of Armageddon.
    One Ark? is this of some concept of your own design and or someone else?
    Those who maintain faith in God and adhere to his laws, let alone the teachings conveyed by the church by means of the Scriptures. - Yes, such people will survive, especially when God himself knows who is for him, who are his people and who abides by he says by means of his Word, and or Purpose and Will.
    Biblical Unitarian, please be more specific.
    Is that by your assumption? I was quite vocal on the righteousness and the Meek and the fact that God knows who is for him. I did have a lengthy dialogue with several on this notion.
    I understand it it entails, also not the best idea to confuse it to Spiritual Israel, of which I know who are under such and what it is validated by, granted what e can take from the Scriptures.
    But do you understand what Zechariah 8:23 entails? I believe I explained it to you before.
    And yet only a few understand what the bible says in this regard.
    Well that is why it is viable to do research and read, so that what you know from the Scriptures you can teach, help those to be knowledgeable and spread wisdom, as well as good examples expressed by means of the Bible, in addition to Bible Principles, something of which is very evident in what I profess by means of the Scriptures and what I conveyed about teaching our young ones so when they grow up themselves, they can teach those younger than them, such of which is a responsibility, don't by their hand, as did by mine, as did my own Father and his Father.
    Perhaps go down to their level and understand where hey are coming from, and maybe you might see for yourself. But clearly seeking out a forum isn't the best of places. I can recommend a place, but clearly such is to difficult for you mainly on your part. Therefore, be committed to biblical studies and research, something of which can be done on your own.
    You seem to grown for games. We should be focused on the Bible, if not here you can handle, then do so on your own accord, read and research on your own accord, of which has not stopped anyone be it of a denomination or not.
    Perhaps being commit committed to false information and conspiracy will do that to such a man. As is with many others. CSE folk look for every bit of information that is factual.
    It isn't confusing if you take the time to research and read. When you know truth you can correct people who take up falsehood or accursed teachings that did not originated with the early Christians nor entrusted by the Christ to the church.
    To correct confusion simply read and do the research, encourage others to do the same.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in What Does It Take to Make You Happy   
    Well it is going to get harder granted with what will come in several years, but one's happiness and building up of faith in themselves and to others should not cease due to these changes.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What Does It Take to Make You Happy   
    Sometimes you just have to ignore the folks who pretend to know the very best way to be happy, and to serve God, and in the process take an average of 10% commission, and make some basic assumptions.
    Every person is different.  Some people like to go camping, and challenge themselves, and the elements, and learn survival skill ... just for the fun of it.  Others,  would be completely miserable being hungry because they caught not a squirrel for food,  and VERY unhappy sleeping in a leaky tent in 40 degree weather, in a puddle of water, shaking uncontrollably ... and I am pretty sure that if it is one thing God doesn't like ... its a wet, cold, miserable grumpy person, with low blood sugar.
    I, on the other hand, am just a simple man, with simple tastes, and it does not take very much to make me happy.  I am a happy person .... not by nature, but because I am determined to be genuinely happy, and although I do have my moments, like when trying to reason with Liberal Snowflakes who think the Republic should be run , and look like Disneyland, I enjoy every moment of every day.
    But of course, we all want to make progress, and be more and more happy ... possibly stopping short of having an orgasm at a restaurant over a pastrami sandwich ... so I have searched my soul to try and discern what I lack, which if accomplished, would make me a genuinely more happy man than I am, as a general rule ... and after thinking about it for awhile, I have come to the conclusion .....  that it would be being able to devote a small portion of my income to being able to sit at the ocean's edge on a blanket, and look out at the vast endless ocean with it's peaceful magnificent surf rolling in, under the shadow of my very own, brand new, modestly equipped  $40 million dollar  Chinook CH-47 Helicopter.

  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Melinda Mills in If the Great Tribulation happened right now, where would you be and what will you do?   
    @Melinda Mills Not to mention the fact a brother will turn against a brother, and so forth, people turning against their own if need be. Everything that causes man to feel pain and sorrow will be cranked up to 20 and will be far harder than what we see now.
    The true ones suffer, they endure, they are vigilant, for a strong faith will shine in the face of even wicked man because that is something they cannot take from you no matter hat they do to you.
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