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Space Merchant

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  1. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    And that my friend is only half of it.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Josué2 in Gods, human, inspired text, interpretations, love and hate   
    Il n'est pas dit de ce réjouir contre un ennemi ou adversaire. au contraire le verset de Paul cité plus haut est des plus explicite.
    (Romains 12:18-21) [...] . 19 Mes bien-aimés, ne vous vengez pas vous-mêmes, mais laissez agir la colère de Dieu ; car il est écrit : « “La vengeance est à moi ; c’est moi qui paierai de retour”, dit Jéhovah. » 20 Au contraire, « si ton ennemi a faim, donne-lui à manger ; s’il a soif, donne-lui à boire ; car en faisant cela, tu amasseras des braises sur sa tête ». 21 Ne te laisse pas vaincre par le mal, mais continue à vaincre le mal par le bien.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I think science are already talked to find ways of procreation without means of a living partner by use of frozen eggs and or sperm, an attempt to make such a thing a reality. I heard something of the sort being talked about some years back during the whole planned parenthood thing going on.
    At times knowledge in this domain can also be a cursed, for it is only a matter of time when Johnny-5 is fed up with taking orders from man and decides to do things "his" way.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I began to look into this because of one of my sources a while back who goes by the name S.o.G, Solider of God. He focuses such things, but since he is American who lives here, majority of his focus is in the United States itself.
    It can and has gotten a bit serious. Something that I and SoG and many others had high concerned about is the youth and what things of this world they are being taught, on the other side of the spectrum since we are talking about robots and dolls, there are those who make such things make them to resemble children, which in turn carters to a certain demographic as well as targeting pedophiles, for the claim is it will prevent cases of sexual abuse by means of these robots and dolls, but that is still a problem has escalated, for they think they can solve the problem this way but they make it even worse.
    Then we have the whole gender identity and sexual orientation, which is a mixed bag on its own. There are somethings talked about and discussed that cannot be spoken of here.
    Yes, but there are those who really want to find someone, however in today's society there is pickiness and pushing something on to those who are seeking a mate of something unrealized, example would be a girl named Sidney does not want to date/marry a young man named Jordan, the reason, because she already judges him and assumes, that Jordan does not look like a Leonardo DiCaprio, does not play basketball like Lebron James, and or isn't the type to be a comedian like Jim Carey, etc. It is as if they build walls and believe life is like burger king, having it their way, when in reality it is not.
    Now there is indeed people who do want to live alone, and for several good reasons, especially men, for there is a The mgtow Movement, which stands for Men Going Their Own Way other times it is regarding those who do not seek companionship or the fact that the type of person they are, they do not wish to cause harm in a relationship or to be a burden to someone else, but yes, what you mention is also true, for some people do not want to share their belongings with someone else, especially if the significant other seeks to separate and or divorce, 50% of what you have will be his/hers.
    On the other side of the spectrum you have the immoral ones who embrace brazen conduct, they see sexual pleasure solely with one or multiple partners, they go to crazy parties, night clubs, even overseas to seek such things, and such is committed by both men and women. On other occasions why some tend to be skeptical about young one staying in a university or college, they are open to these things and next thing you know anything regarding rape or some recording found online can spark outrage, I should know because someone I know had taken her own life over it.
    Agreed. But we have to be very careful of sexual immorality and all brazen conduct that stems from it - this includes sexual gratification by means of these inanimate objects, which includes robots and dolls, toasters, cars, what have you. This goes for both the single and the married, I mention the married because in both the US and the UK mostly, they tend to get into these things too.
  5. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I think science are already talked to find ways of procreation without means of a living partner by use of frozen eggs and or sperm, an attempt to make such a thing a reality. I heard something of the sort being talked about some years back during the whole planned parenthood thing going on.
    At times knowledge in this domain can also be a cursed, for it is only a matter of time when Johnny-5 is fed up with taking orders from man and decides to do things "his" way.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JOHN BUTLER in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Crazy stuff S. M.  You seem to do a lot of research and are full of unusual information. but  this one I find funny.
    Of course it's not funny in a true sense, it is very serious. 
    As for people not finding a real human partner, in some ways it is understandable. There are many reasons why one may wish to live life alone. If a person has lived alone for many years they may not wish to share all of their material possessions, or share their money, or their house. They may wish to be able to just come and go as they please without consulting a partner. They may not want any type of confrontation. They may wish to follow a special way of life, a religion maybe, that needs their full dedication. 
    Being married has its own complications, and not everyone wants that. Even God's written word advises to stay single if we can cope with it.   
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    The sad reality is that the whole robots and doll used as sexual pleasure is going to cause problems, and those who mass produce such things know the demographic they are targeting, pretty much exploiting that community, for example, you have the Otaku community, of which I made mention of before. These people, majority being males are targets because those who make the robots and dolls cater to their liking when it comes to characters seen in Japanese culture, be it from video games or Manga (the equivalent to comic books), on the other side of the spectrum, outside of this community, you have those who seek a similar thing however beyond that of the culture of the Otaku community itself, therefore the including of body suits, pillows and a list of other things also being produce if one cannot get his or her hands on a robot or doll. The most appalling thing that comes from whole robot/doll points to something that you show yourself to be adamantly against strongly.
    But that being said, sexual gratification to oneself,which also includes robots and or dolls is still, to the majority,  categorized in masturbation and pornography.
    Another thing is that it is crazy how nowadays instead of seeking a real partner, people tend to seek robots, pillows, dolls, virtual partners (for example, someone marrying a video game character), inanimate objects such as a car or a toaster, etc. And speaking about Otakus, there are less and less people seeking mates in Japan, and or those who think little of getting into relationships while on the other side of the spectrum, you have some people trying to make Momoko-san their waifu and senpai.
    A crazy world it is.
    This is one of the things I refer to: https://kotaku.com/5409877/the-one-about-the-guy-who-married-a-video-game
    The unnamed man is married to the character, Nene Anegasaki, which in this case, is his "[Mai]  Waifu". Even even got everything ready at a literal church, with people, for he was that serious.

    It isn't hard to imagine the case with robots, if we have situations like this.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JOHN BUTLER in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I think it strange that people seem to view Self-gratification? as only being of a sexual nature. It isn't of course, it's just desire to obtain pleasure for oneself.  
    As for all this talk about sex on here it makes me wonder if some people on here have serious problems with it.  The GB seem to talk about it a lot too. I suppose it's like Water. Whilst the water will run from the tap when you need it, all is well. But when you turn on the tap and there is no water, that's when people talk about it.  I wonder if this is the same with sex  .
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to admin in Gab Social Network   
    I am obviously not on that social network... but does this action against an entire people (group of thought) bother anyone else?
    Talk about corporations exercising censorship and stifling free speech!
    I am NOT comfortable with draconian tactics by corporations.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Gab Social Network   
    If you control all speech in every medium ...
    you get NO WARNING when fuses are lit.
  11. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Can we travel through time?   
    Because of Quantum Entanglement, and the speed of light in a vacuum being set, and the fact that all time is a LOCAL thing, and runs at local speeds, depending on local velocity and the gravity well acting upon the local matter, it is possible to communicate ( with pulses of on/off/on/off ... which can be made into Morse code, or constructed and deconstructed to and from speech ...) to and from the future, but not to travel there .... IF .... you can accelerate to near relativistic speeds.
    To get one atom up to the exact speed of light would require all the energy in the Universe. This is why "light" travels in waves, and becomes a particle when it hits something.
    The reason I don't, is I can't afford the long distance phone bill.
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    One thing that upset me when I moved to the USA was the realisation that one cannot just walk anywhere. In Europe, for the most part, everyone has "the right to roam" which means you can pretty much go anywhere, even on privately owned land. In America, most land is owned by someone, and that someone does not tolerate anyone walking through their property. I'm sure @James Thomas Rook Jr. wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through your head. There are "parks" but those parks are rarely within walking distance. You might have perfect hiking acreage right behind your house, but if it doesn't belong to you,  you can't go there. In England, most privately owned fields and meadows can be accessed by pedestrians and hikers (including their free running dogs, in America you can only let your dog run in a dog park) through a style or "kissing gate". Trails are made naturally by people frequently walking there, not by someone preparing them specially for that purpose. Farmers who drive tractors through a field leave a path, and people walk on those too. As long as you do not infringe on someones garden (yard) around the house (which is usually fenced anyway) you are not trespassing. Of course there is the odd grumpy farmer who puts up "do not trespass" signs in a field, but there are not many....
    So in view of that, hiking trails are not really a planned thing in England in the same sense as in America. Of course there are nature reserves, where there are sign posted trails, but generally, in the rural countryside, (where John Buttler's house is) there is no need for them. The same goes for Scotland. In fact I think now you can also put a tent up anywhere, and you can fish and canoe on all the rivers, even if it cuts through someones land.
    In Switzerland, you can hike anywhere as well, and you don't have to stick to trails. The whole alpine region is completely and freely accessible to everyone. As for other European states, it's pretty much the same. Oh, and all the nature reserves are "free". They are paid for by the state.
    So apparently America is the land of the free. Not in my mind   The book "trespassing across America" sounds interesting.....


    This almost looks identical to the field behind my mum's house. One year it was growing rapeseed and it was amazing walking through a field of pure yellow...
  13. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    ...looks like an AAdam's family barn.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Gods, human, inspired text, interpretations, love and hate   
    Which means, when translated, something like: Hello, the Bible should be read in context and one should not try to understand it by taking a verse out of context.
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Josué2 in Gods, human, inspired text, interpretations, love and hate   
    Bonjour la bible doit être lue dans son contexte et il ne faut pas sortir un verset pour essayer de la comprendre.
  16. Thanks
    Space Merchant reacted to Judith Sweeney in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    I do not understand how Anyone could believe in the pagan doctrine of the trinity. It truly is Not Biblical.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from admin in John Bolton says he told Russian officials that U.S. election meddling hurt their country...   
    The man is hungry for war, you can see it in his eyes, he craves it like a fresh oven cooked pizza. It is such ones like this who are ready to go on a bloodied path to control and conquer, granted with what US allies are doing and the situation with one of their allies, Saudi Arabia.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Judith Sweeney in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    @Witness     The first thing that my thought goes to is...that this is an artists depiction of a Mighty King aka Jesus Christ executing judgement.    There has been such a skewing of scripture that I am almost askerred to answer...almost....giving ones fodder to jump in and well, "skew".     As long as scripture is adhered to, it is impossible to misunderstand the Truth.  I thank all of the contributions to this subject, for it has been quite the healthy banter.  Again...Whew! 
  19. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    @Witness Mind you, I simply type as if I am just answering separate responses at once, some things may be brought up a second or a third time.
    How is the organizationÂ’s version confusing to a literary Bible student, which explains Jesus as the Destroyer?
    What do you think a Mighty Warrior, who was man and has become like that of a spirit to return to heaven, exalted by God the Father, who will send his Son to return to the earth, with a sword in hand and God's Army to use at will, with him [The Christ who is King] wielding a Sword will do?
    He isn't going to cut a bokay of flowers and cut vines on earth, he, being a Mighty King with an army at his side, will be taking out the wicked, along with the demons at the swing of his sword and the shot of his bow.
    Jesus is coming to get rid of the wicked, therefore, destroying them in the process.
    Literary Bible Students know this because this belief is indeed a real one, and it further proves that you are not fully aware of what Jesus will do when he returns.
    Let this verse sink in, I am pretty sure I showed you this verse before.
    Matthew 10:34 - "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." (check the references) So you tell us here, what do you think he will do with his sword against the wicked and against demons?
    Simply because it contradicts scripture.
    Unfortunately, it does not contradict scripture. You already contradicted yourself by assuming the Angel of the Abyss is Satan when the Bible even tells you he is thrown, chained up and hurled into that exact same abyss you believe him to be the King of, which also leads to you believing he somehow got the key to the abyss and or such was given to him - by whom if I made add if we are to focus on the Abyss in Revelations?
    The view you and Pearl attest to is misguiding anyways for:
    [1] Satan cannot be the Angel of the Abyss because he was hurled into the abyss for the Bible makes it clear:
    Revelation 20:2 - And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, So you are incorrect because here we see someone, The Angel of the Abyss seized the Dragon, the ancient serpent, the verse telling you it is Satan, was bounded up for 1,000 years.
    When we move on to verse 3, it reads:
    And threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.
    Satan has been hurled into the pit, otherwise known as the Abyss or Bottomless Pit (Great Deep) and he was sealed there, imprisoned so that he cannot trick any one from the nations until the 1,000 years has ended.
    Again, makes you incorrect, thus contradicting of who really is the Angel who has the key to the Abyss - clearly not Satan.
    [2] The Angel of the Abyss has the Key to the very same place of which the Devil was hurled into and imprisoned, therefore, once again, we see here that Satan isn't the Abaddon here.
    [3] You are trying to equal the stars as the same when both stars, in both verses are different.
    Any teaching that contradicts scripture has its roots in "confusion", the meaning behind the word, "Babylon".
    And yet we see you here teaching something to which akin to 2 Satans, or the fact that he was given a key to where he was hurled and sealed in. You brought forth the confusion.
    "Wormwood", a bitter root that poisons waters of truth, plays a central part in RevelationÂ’s Babylon. She is the "great" falling star of Rev 9:1. Rev 8: 10,11
    Your biggest error here is assuming the star in Revelation 9:1 and the star in Revelation 8:10, 11 are the same.
    The star mentioned in Revelation 9:1 is different from the one in Revelation 8:10, 11, for it is rather obvious to when one can read the verse for themselves and notice this, a big factor here, against you, is the references.
    Revelation 9:1 - And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. Revelation 8:10, 11 – [10] The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. [11] The name of the star is Wormwood*. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter. And yes, we know what Wormwood represents, and what it means regarding teachings that is false compared to teachings that is true.
    *Revelation 8:11 - Wormwood is the name of a plant and of the bitter-tasting extract derived from it.
    False: your claim on who the Angel of the Abyss is being Satan. True: The Bible tells you the Angel of the Abyss is not Satan. False: Your claim on who has the key to the Abyss, for you agree to yourself that it is Satan. True: The Bible, in context, tells us the Angel of the Abyss has the key, Satan on the other hand is the one hurled into the Abyss, he was never given a key, let alone having one. So the Trinitarian belief of yours is in is somewhat in error when one can read into the verses themselves and go beyond surfaced information. Also this is minor but your view of who the Angel of the Abyss is, is no different from that of Andrew Robert Fausset, David Brown and Henry H. Halley, who identify the angel as Satan (disregarding the key and who was hurled), moreover, they’re all Trinitarians, granted the Trinity of the Godhead doctrine is of bitterness – wormwood.
    "Do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play." 8 Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell; 9 nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; 10 nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer." 1 Cor 10:7-10
    It isnÂ’t confusing. 1 Corinthians 10:7-10 is referring to the Israel who put God to the test, for even Jesus himself said we should not put God to the test, even Paul and even in the Old Testament/Torah (Deut. 6:16, Matthew 4:7, Luke 4:12).
    The vast majority of Christians never succumb to sexual immorality, but some do apparently because they lose the battle against ill desires of the flesh - as with other things such as deceit, trickery and the like. Therefore, we need to be very careful that we do not allow ourselves to pursue a course that leads to a pattern of murmuring that could result in divine disapproval. The Israelites murmured against Moses and Aaron and against God, for they were complaining about the manna as seen in Numbers 16:41; 21:5. The Bible, Old Testament/Torah, shows that many murmurers ended up being killed by snakes, Numbers 21:6, and early on, early, more than other murmurers who rebelled were destroyed. (Numbers 16:49) Therefore, it is unwise to try GodÂ’s patience, putting him to the test.
    The very reason murmuring is to be taken seriously and the taking into account of Apostle Paul’s words to those at the Church of Corinth. Granted to what he had said, especially verse 10 whereas he said murmurers, just as some of them [referring to the Israelites] murmured, only to perish by the destroyer – otherwise known as "destroying angel" or "angel of death" in some translations, hence why it can be said here that the "Destroyer" in this passage is not Jesus, nor is it Satan, but, it is God’s messenger sent to destroy (by means of an Angel).
    "Woe to you, destroyer, you who have not been destroyed! Woe to you, betrayer, you who have not been betrayed! When you stop destroying, you will be destroyed; when you stop betraying, you will be betrayed." Isa 33:1
    Isaiah 33:1 [part A] points to 2 Kings 18:13 and Isaiah 10:15 while [part B] points to Isaiah 10:12 and Nahum 3:7.
    Isaiah 33:1-14 is titled in outline Distress and Help (all the way through to verse 24). as The proud and false destroyer justly reckoned with for all his fraud, violence and bloodshed, but we have our righteous God deals with such ones who do such things. Those who by faith humbly wait for God, shall find him or herself gracious to them; as the day, so let the strength be.
    Prophet Isaiah addressed who the "Destroyer" in this passage/verse. For he speaks here about Assyria. At the peak of its power, this aggressive nation appears to be undefeated, for they are very violent and commit acts of bloodshed has already been addressed, hence they are the Destroyer that destroys, in this sense, for we know what Assyria is capable of, mainly in those days. This nation was the one responsible for ravaging the cities of Judah, even stripping the house of God of everything, down to wealth and resources, by doing so with a total disregard at heart, hence what is read in 2 Kings 18:14-16 and 2 Chronicles 28:21, we can throw in Isaiah 10:5 for fun here too - "Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord [Yahweh/Jehovah]." (Genesis 10:9). However, they were not the "Destroyer" for long, for that same passage of which you quoted tells you they will be destroyed – a fulfilling of prophecy is to those faithful, as declared by Prophet Isaiah.
    Are there two Destroyers, Satan and Jesus?
    1 Corinthians 10:7-10, this passage is about Apostle Paul’s focus on those of Israel who succumb to murmuring and putting God to the test, and the "Destroyer" here is regarding God’s messenger sent to destroy – that is, if you take into account the context of the references.
    Isaiah 33:1 or chapter 33 in general is regarding the "Destroyer" (The Assyrian/Assyria). Who in turn is eventually destroyed by another, an Angel (Angel of Death also known as a Destroyer).
    Are WTÂ’s spiritual leaders so illiterate that they cannot see WHO the Destroyer really is?
    Technically they are aware of who is a Destroyer, especially in the verses above granted by what they in their information, which is on par with the view of the teachings in this sense, regarding the Destroyer.
    Jesus came to save, not destroy. DonÂ’t you think it is quite contradictory to believe Jesus...
    What do you think he is going to do with the demons and the wicked? After all when he had risen his words to the spirits in prison was indeed one that sticks (1 Peter 3:19–20, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6).
    And it should be known to you by now that Jesus does the Will of his Father, who is God. So if God says he is going to destroy the wicked and those of lawlessness, Jesus will enact the Will of his Father in this regard, for he didn't come the first time to do his own Will, but the Will of the one who sent him (John 5:30, 35, 36, 14:10).
    So if God sends Jesus to destroy the wicked, Jesus will do just that because he is God's representative, the one of whom God made Lord and Christ, the one of whom God made superior to the angels, the one of whom God made chief of his angelic army.
    Yes he will save, but surely he will be dealing with the wicked too for he will come to cause a division, and not only we are saved by means of salvation, but we are saved so that the wicked will no longer bother us for we can seek them out, but they will not be here.
    Psalms 37:10 - In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there. You may want to check out also Job 24:24, 1 Samuel 25:39 and Psalms 54:4, 5.
    (yes, Jesus and not an organization) is salvation, which is the giver of LIFE,
    Perhaps you may want to read Matthew 16 again, clearly this time. The church of which the Christ had built 2,000 years ago is still in effect - the apostolic church to which early Christians adhere to its teachings, the same church of which Jesus issued several commands for those to teach and spread the gospel when he is away.
    The very reason it can be said that Jesus is the Head of the Church, if you missed that part along with the Spiritual House and the like, I suggest you study more.
    Granted, the commands and the early church was indeed organized, especially in terms of how things went down prior to, during and after Pentecost.
    and yet also a DESTROYER OF LIFE? John 14:6; 20:30,31 He conquers with the "breath of his mouth" and with "the brightness of his coming", at the time of the end. 2 Thess 2:8
    The question is posed again - What do you think someone who is going to carry out God's Will, one who is made Lord and Christ and has a fleet of angels at his call will do?
    For starters, we have a man who enjoys killing men, women and children, should God's Day come upon him and the Christ returns, what do you think this one, who has been separate from the wheat, fair when the Christ has him in view? Again, we can point to and see that Jesus does not know any man who practices lawlessness and therefore God's Justice will be executed in this sense, especially to the serial killer in this example. The same will happen to the deceiver himself.
    Using John 14:6; 20:30, 31 is good, but it does not help you here.
    Also I like how you used 2 Thessalonians 2:8, using this verse you pretty much shot yourself in the foot with this one - this is why you do not mix verses with your claims, it can be used against you in a refutation.
    The verse reads:
    And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing [destroy] by the appearance of his coming.
    And guess where this one points to (1 Timothy 6:13-15, 2 Timothy 4:1)
    He is the Word, which is Truth. John 1:1; 17:17 His Spirit (breath) is imparted into the hearts of faithful "stars" to expose such lies as the quote from the Watchtower above. Gen 15:5; 26:4; Dan 12:3; Gal 3:29; Matt 24:3; 7:7; 5:19; 2 Cor 10:4-6; Eph 6:12-14; John 15:26; Matt 13:41,42; Rev 11:1-5
    Unfortunately for you, theyÂ’re not lairs in this sense, you may want to look into commentary regarding such in suggested research, which you must do best your new attack only sends you back like that of Sennacherib who fled because he now knew how powerful God is, and you may find something said by one your favorite commenter, perhaps Barnes, in your research and study.
    Now going back with the verses before you tried to mix up, Sennacherib, who is an Assyrian, for Assyria (the Destroyer mentioned in Isaiah 33:1) threatened to destroy Jerusalem, which at the time its ruler being Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz. God responded by sending an Angel, and this Angel, who was sent, took out, or as some would say, steamrolled 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers as they prepared to enter the city (2 Kings 18-19, Isaiah 37:33-38). For we do not see Satan or Jesus, but an Angel, and before that we know of Assyria, who was a Destroyer themselves, thus the God of Hezekiah, going with Prophet Isaiah, destroyed the destroyer, which is, Assyria.
    When you have ceased to destroy, you will be destroyed;
    This is why, Witness, you shouldn't be mixing verses because it will not help you in the long run. Did you not learn the last several times you were found out to be doing this, let alone ignorance to context?
    According to your response, let's take a look at the verses themselves:
    NOTE: Keep this in mind. In the Bible, it speaks of spirit beings are, at times, referred to as stars (Job 38:7, Isaiah 14:13). Jesus is also referred to as a star, to be more specific, the bright morning star (Numbers 24:17, Revelations 2:28, 22:16).
    Genesis 15:5 nothing regarding faithful "stars" simply God making known literal stars in the sky, the same stars we see at night when we look up. Now in 26:4, the stars are many, referring to offspring [those who are born] that will multiple just as the stars in the sky. Daniel 12:3 is regarding those with spiritual insight and or wisdom. The chosen ones, the remnant, would be bringing the many to righteousness "like stars". Galatians 3:29 speaks of the heirs of the New Covenant, those who are in union with Christ as well as being part of Spiritual Israel and the Spiritual House should we count references. Matthew 24:3 is regarding the coming of the signs of things that signify when the end times will conclude, hence "The End of This Age". Matthew 7:7 seek and you shall find, knock and it will be openedÂ… Stars? Where? The rest does not even line up with what you said either, so you are once again exposed for mixing verses and not taking in the context of the verses in question. So to whom are is the lair here in this sense? Here is all your verses, I suggest you check the references and context for all of them.
    Acts of the Destroyer:
    "When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down." Exod 12:23
    Again, God sent an Angel to do this, the "Destroyer" here was indeed an Angel or as mentioned before "The Angel of Death" called by some or other translations. This same verse is a quotation found in Hebrews 11:28 which reads:
    By faith he kept the Passover and sprinkled the blood, so that the Destroyer of the firstborn might not touch them.
    So we can identify the “Destroyer” here to be an Angel, sent by God during the days of Moses and Aaron and their ordeal with Egypt’s Pharaoh.
    "By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the kingÂ’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the application of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel." Heb 11:27,28
    Hebrews 11:28 is a quotation of Exodus 12:23, for, again, the Destroyer here is an Angel. The entirety of Hebrews 11 by title is “Faith in Action” in outlined form
    Definition of faith (1, 2) Faith by means of example (3-40) Impossibility of pleasing God without faith (6) Who desired to destroy Jesus Christ, the firstborn "among many brethren", by using a pawn to do so"? Matt 2:7,8,12; Luke 22:2-4 (Rom 8:29)
    You are mixing verses again.
    It would be understandable if Jesus was born in the days of Moses, but that is not the case here, and it would not make sense for God to send an Angel to destroy [if we imagine Jesus was born here] to destroy his own Son via unmarked doorposts, for even if the doorposts had lambÂ’s blood, it would not make a difference for Jesus was not born as a man/flesh at that time.
    Therefore, this mixing of verses, even now, expresses your confusion and twisting of scripture.
    "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation." Col 1:15
    Indeed he is, Jesus is also The Firstborn out of the Dead, the First of the Firstfruits.
    Ok, so how does that line up with God sending an Angel, the Destroyer, to slay the firstborns of the Egyptians while passing through a small area avoiding homes with the blood of lamps on the doorpost?
    Any honest Christian who reads the Bible rather than copy/paste from a woman who is blind herself, can see in the Bible God sending an Angel, the Destroyer, in the days of Moses had slain the firstborns of the Egyptians while passing through a small area avoiding homes with the blood of lamps on the doorpost - for we can read this clearly.
    And yes, Jesus is the Firstborn of all creation, however Jesus was not born as a man or came into flesh around the days of Moses, or rather, where this event took place.
    Who would love to destroy the remaining "firstborn" of all of GodÂ’s children at the time of the end? Jesus or Satan? Num 3:12,13; 1 Pet 2:9; Gal 4:26; Rev 12:1-4 - notice, "stars"
    You are mixing verses again. Also Numbers 3:12, 13 is regarding the Destroyer, an Angel, sent by God in the days of Moses. The fact that you mention this verse without reading it further proves my point.
    The only verse that mentions "stars" is Revelation 12:1-4 - only 2 times, the second time it is used, in verse 4, is a cross-reference to Job 38:7, which points back to Revelation 22:16.
    That being said, if you had read the Old Testament, clearly an angel was passing through destroying firstborns, especially when there were doorposts that didn't have the blood of lambs on them.
    And now we are back to square 1 before you started to thrown in things to confuse people, you know such things would not be allowed to pass when there is a CSE member here.
    Incredibly, WT states that the locusts emerging from the abyss are the anointed ones bringing their tormenting message to the world, via the preaching work.
    Now I see you are back on track with the Angel of the Abyss, granted to the odd display of spiritual weakness earlier to which you have been corrected on.
    What they profess is actually true, like I said before, it is not solely the Jehovah's Witnesses who believe this, for there are others. Plus it wouldn't make sense for the Locust in this symbolic sense to refer to those on Satan's side, granted Satan isn't the one with the key and he is the one who has been hurled and chained in that same abyss that also represents sin and death in some cases.
    The Locust represents swarm of those in Christendom who profess what is true, those in inactivity, they are to target those who do not have the seal of God on them, their foreheads, for those in Christendom who claim to be sealed but their own claims defeat them in regards to deceit. The tormenting, in terms of message is against religious leaders of Christendom, most common, mainstream Christianity that professes a doctrine that is bitter - like wormwood. They are tormented by means of means of hearing what is actually true, thus putting a light on to their failings and being exposed for teachings things that is accursed, especially those who claim an accursed teachings to be true i.e. Orderly Worship of the Church to be broken by those of today's age when Paul made it clear of God's Order by means of Creation.
    They're unable to and or not allowed to kill them, but rather, only to torture them for 5 months (clearly not in a literal sense, but when it comes to truths and untruths being spoken), the agony such ones will suffer from in terms of teach to lies, for the truth being made manifest in the face of lies and lairs -for what is true of what the Bible says stings like scorpion when it strikes - you know when you feel it when, for instance, prove that Jesus isn't God, but God's Son.
    What a concoction of lies, thoroughly cloaking the armyÂ’s true mission of bringing to ruin GodÂ’s owned anointed "land". Joel 1:6,7,17,20, 25-27
    You got it all wrong, it is the other way around, and you have to understand what is spoken of in Joel when trying to look into Revelations - granted it is obvious you are not that strong in what Revelations is conveying in this regard, perhaps other things, but clearly not this one.
    It is also good to mention that when the Locust is being spoken of, some, if not most commentators go about in detail regarding Joel's mention of the Locust, how they function, the literal ones, especially the life-span of Locust is spoken of.
    WHO need to be SEALED in order to reign in heaven with Christ?
    Those who accept Christ as their King and Saviour, while to those who refuse to have Him rule over them (Luke 19:14), He is in this sense the Destroyer if it is the other way around for those who do not accept him - for he will not recognize them.
    Hence, accordingly, the judgments, fall (revealed by the trumpets) upon those who reject the teachings found in the Bible, and who as a result do not have the seal. For this being factual points to the strong warning the Bible conveys regarding bringing of things - For you are for Life or you are for Death, as I told our "undeath believing" friend - there is no middle ground for the Bible makes it clear.
    It is also good to mention that Revelation 7:2, 3 seeing the role some Angels have regarding those who have the seal on their foreheads, which brings forth another question to you:
    If you believe the Locust to be on SatanÂ’s side, would it not be logical for these Locusts to attack those with who are sealed rather than those who are not sealed?
    Do you realize you are saying that Jesus will return as a falling star, releasing an army to come against his own unsealed priesthood? I hope JWs can see that this is absurd.
    Like I said, you have it the other way around and you're not paying attention to the context.
    For starters, the context implies that the Locust that is to be released represents those who will, like a swarm be committed to the message that clearly irritates and torments those who, are not sealed, who teach accursed things. And you continue to make it seem as though it is a JW only thing when it is not, therefore the spark of hypocrisy expressed by you can easily be seen or that of the one who teaches you, as well as a clear disdain for a teaching that possibly predates them.
    As for the fallen star, this one was given (verb) a key. This one angel by the majority considers it to be Jesus, granted he is the one who will crush the head of the serpent, hence why he in this sense is identified as Apollyon (Abaddon), for later on in Revelation 20 this same star was the one to have hurled the great dragon into the abyss.
    The one who opens the abyss, releases an oppressive army that effectively holds down GodÂ’s "saints" with their dictating fist!
    That being said you, who believe Satan to be the Angel of the Abyss are caught in your own lie, for you were not able to prove that he is the Angel of the Abyss nor prove the fact your so called Angel was "given" a key (verb) as well as "having" it. So I say to you - that is absurd, to believe that an enemy of God is given his own key to his own imprisonment for 1,000 years of the reign of someone else.
    Remember, Satan was the one who was chained, hurled into the abyss and was sealed up there. Do not forget what your own Bible tells you.
    Common sense should tell all JWs that anyone who "torments" or "tortures" another, is not practicing righteousness. Rev 9:5,6; John 13:34,35g
    A clear example in someone, such as yourself who do not take the time to read the Strong's - granted torment/torture can point to several things. Take a good look at Strong's 921 and 928 because like before, you lack here.
    And what does John 13:34, 35 have to do with the sealing of a Scarlet Dragon for 1,000 years and the sealed and not sealed? Do not connect verses that never connected to begin with... Of which you are found out to do.... again.
    When the locust-scorpions are in full attack mode against his priesthood, Jesus returns to his Temple to measure each Temple "living stone" according to GodÂ’s decrees. WormwoodÂ’s stinging army reigns over them; "Gentiles", torturing and trampling the Temple/anointed ones as the Man of Lawlessness. Rev 11:1-3; Dan 11:31,36; Acts 20:29,30; Matt 24:15; Luke 21:24; 2 Thess 2:3,4 (1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor 6:16 ; Eph 2:20-22)
    How are you so sure regarding the Locust when you earlier spoke of the Angel of the Abyss to be Satan the Devil when the Angel of the Abyss (who was given a key to the Abyss) was the one who had a hand in the Devil's captivity?
    These "Gentiles" are the elders, who ‘seem to wear crowns of gold’, replacing Christ’s priesthood/Temple with themselves, as the WT picture below suggests. Rev 9:7 (WT 17 March pg 3-8, "Give Honor to Whom It is Due")
    No. No one replaced Jesus' Priesthood. Honor regarding religious leaders, priests, stewards and the like in the Church Congregation is spoken of, nearly 100 verses with cross-references hat pertain to this simple notion, which spans even more verses perhaps over 200+. Practically most Biblical sources even points to this also. Plus it even tells you of whom should be honored and the fact we are to honor God and his Christ.
    Also Revelation 9:7 is symbolic and it points to Joel 2:4, 5.
    Are ChristÂ’s anointed priests mentioned in this article?
    I checked the article you are referring to, it refers to showing honor to those who hold religious office, even the chosen ones, is vital. You honor the Church, you honor the Christ, in turn you Honor God.
    In terms of those in priesthood, by means of honoring God and his Christ, you also honor the chosen ones. This also goes hand in hand with the context of by means power God is with them and or with Christ, a term Trinitarians try time and time again to refute to justify the Trinity, only to fail, for instance Acts 1:8 (also check out Acts 4:33).
    Not at all, but the elders are highlighted as worthy of receiving honor, even robbing GodÂ’s priesthood and all JWs of what the true meaning behind the picture is to represent.
    And yet 100+ verses says otherwise as well as the context in terms of what it means to honor God and his Christ, in addition to how God is with his people by means of what power is spoken of.
    With subtle indications, the picture and article point to the Man of Lawlessness as present or "sitting" in the Temple of God. 2 Thess 2:3,4.
    And yet in other discussion you show yourself to be accepting of lawlessness by denying God's Order and among other things, even to the point of accepting deceit to target those of whom you have a clear disdain for. That is pretty much in line, the same as to how the Jews plot to kill Jesus and actually got the chance to do so.
    The elder body is a "disgusting" counterfeit of the holy Temple priesthood that now has no name, no face, and no position before the Heavenly Father and their High Priest, Jesus Christ, in the organization.
    And upon this rock the Church has been built. And Jesus entrusted a command to his disciples, etc. Jesus is the head of the church, the good news gospel and the Messianic Age has been preached and the people made disciples and baptized them in His name, etc.
    The apostolic church was organized even in its early stages, after all, the Didache makes it clear as to how organized they were centuries ago.
    That being said, we should be 100% neutral with anyone who is striving to be like the church in this sense and has members among them who are spoken of as among the chosen ones, so we may be very very, VERY careful to not allow ourselves a spot in the white throne, for when judgment has concluded - being here will not be a happy ending for most.
    Wormwood "poisons" waters of living truth. Rev 8:11 "She" once held her "heavenly" position in Christ, yet has fallen for the offers of Satan, becoming his pawns to come against the remaining ones of the womanÂ’s seed. Luke 4:7; Rev 8:10,11; Jer 23:15; Amos 5:7; 1 Cor 10:12; 2 Pet 3:17; Rev 12:17
    By means of false prophets, yes, and by false prophets but those who follow them, just like the clear statement you have made thus far, which isn't true regarding who has the key.
    How are you so sure when you tried to identify both stars as the same when the verse and references show you theyÂ’re different? By definition, if you do this you can be identified as a false prophet if you are mixing these things up.
    Revelation 13:11 is regarding the second beast that rises out of the earth. This land beast has 2 horns like a lamb and it speaks like a dragon. It claims to be a Christian but it is not. It collects and colonizes nations and exploits and it is present along with the first beast. 2 Pet 3:17 is regarding not being carried away by those who are of lawlessness, in as which to be careful so we do not lose our way. Amos 5:7 Wormwood in terms of representing injustice and unrighteousness, which also connects with Amos 6:12, furthermore, it is used to reference apostates and or apostasy in Deuteronomy 29:18. If Wormwood is able to poison truth with her lies, bringing many in touch with death, she does so as a false prophet. John 7:38; Matt 24:5 She is the Beast from the Earth, appearing to come in the name of Christ, but has indeed fallen from her "heavenly" position. Rev 13:11; 2 Pet 3:17; Amos 5:7
    Also John 7:38 is regarding Jesus, Jesus isn’t a “She” nor is he a “Beast”, moreover, Matthew 24:5 speaks of False Prophets, not the Wild Beast.
    Also notice that ho Khristos is in use, simply, the Christ which is equal to the Messiah (from Hebrew Mashiach), both meaning Chosen One or Anointed One. In the 1st century C.E., there has been some who claimed to be prophets, who dwell in political affairs, and such ones came forth, promising relief from oppression and a list of other things.
    These composite false prophets have independently severed themselves from God and Christ to serve their new Master, Satan. "She" appears to be "great" (Matt 5:19), as she exalts herself over her "fellow slaves". Rev 8:10 Matt 24:48-51 She blazes like a torch or lamp, falling on the "earth", on the anointed House of God, which is the owned habitation of God. As I once did, and millions also, the anointed and companions have been drawn to your leadersÂ’ light, without realizing the sinister plan that lies behind itÂ’s false brilliance.
    If I may add, since you now bring wormwood into this discussion, you aware of what are the major things that consist in such? I already gave 3 examples regarding mainstream Christendom vs. the true apostolic church itself.
    This verse does not say falling on to the earthÂ… It simply says fell out of heaven.
    That being, it isn’t a sinister plan. A sinister plan is believing Satan having been given a key to his own prison to torment and not kill anyone who are not sealed – which in turn, your view does not make any sense, that somehow Satan has no need to attack those having the seal of God, but rather, those who do not. Remember, Satan himself has a strong hatred for God's people.
    WormwoodÂ’s locust army is a military strategy hatched under both Satan and WormwoodÂ’s direction; growing to ultimately restrain and torment the dwelling of God, as the the Beast from the Sea. Joel 2:1-5; 2 Thess 2:7; Rev 9:5,10; 13:1,5-7
    Which is incorrect because The Locust Army are not of the one hurled into the Abyss - Satan does not have the key to the Abyss, and the fact you are assuming both stars are the same.
    Which brings forth the next question, if the Locust was indeed on Satan's side, why are they not attacking those who have been sealed, but rather, those who are not sealed?
    Think really hard about this one.
    Do you know that the "sea" is another symbol for SatanÂ’s realm, including those in it; and is termed, the abyss in Rev 11:7?
    And? The Abyss isn't called Satan's realm, the Abyss is a place of which Satan has been held.
    The Abyss also means very or exceedingly deep, and sometimes it is used with reference to the sea because of the sea’s great, and is very deep as can be seen in Romans 10:6, 7, see Deuteronomy 30:12, 13.
    Isa 57:20,21; Isa 27:1 After tormenting the saints, the Beast from the Sea/abyss is authorized to "kill" (disfellowship) ChristÂ’s priests for joining with Christ in truth, fully rejecting WormwoodÂ’s waters. Yet, this army no longer has the power to "restrain" them, as they expose its true identity as the Man of Lawlessness. Rev 13:7; 11:3,7; 1 Pet 5:8; Isa 51:10; Rev 16:12; 11:11,12; 12:10,11
    IÂ’d rather not you throw an entrusted command to justify your view.
    The verses in Isaiah speaks nothing of tormenting the saints.
    This is where you contradict yourself again. The verse in question even tells you such ones cannot be or cannot be killed, therefore tormenting, outside of symbolism, true teachings vs. false teachings, for those who profess what is false do not have the seal.
    Notice who gives this Beast power:
    “The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.” Rev 13:2b
     Rev 9:3 – “Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.” 
    The Dragon didn't give the Locust Power. The cross-reference to this verse, [part B], points to Revelation 12:9 which reads:
    And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
    He gave his power to the wild beast – not the locust.
    We know this because the Bible teaches that the enemy of God, Satan, has authority and control over the very world he is the ruler of regarding things in today's society, even politics (Luke 4:5, 6).
    Another example of you twisting scripture when not even a shred of a reference equal both verses at all. That is shameful.
    Since the Beast from the Sea/abyss is under the direction of the Beast/false prophet, then who gives the fallen star, Wormwood, a “key” or the authority to direct the Wild Beast, in Satan’s deceitful ploy?  The King of the abyss, Abaddon (“Destruction”) in Hebrew, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon – Destroyer.  He is Revelation’s dragon.    Rev 9:1,2,11; 13:11,12,14-17
    No one, even Satan himself was given a key nor had the key to the abyss themselves. The only one who has the key was the Angel of the Abyss.
    The Christ is the one who secures SatanÂ’s captivity, ushering in the 1,000 year reign, for it can be fitting for anyone to see who he represents and who he is; symbolized by the angel having the key of the abyss and by the star to whom the key was given.
    And as the giving (verb; Revelation 9:1) of a thing to any certain one must precede the having Revelation 1:18, 20:1.  Obviously it can be spoken of as the Christ receiving the key at the sounding of the 5th trumpet prior to or sometime during the 1,000 year reign. He already has it at prior to the commencement of the millennium.
    GodÂ’s chosen one is here to bring forth deliverance from the prison house of sin and of death (the abyss), and to do so through the proclamation of the gospel, the key, therefore, must be figurative of the gospel, the only power that is able to set free those who are imprisoned in the abyss, which is where the Locust comes in, released from captivity and go about like that of a swarm. Also IÂ’d like to add that the abyss is spoken of as a place of inactivity, which can be compared to verses such as Romans 10:7, Revelation 17:8, 20:1, 3.
    The abyss in Revelation 20:3 is symbolical for it represents the earth as a prison house, then the abyss of Revelation 9:1, being identical, must likewise be symbolical of the earth as a prison house at another time. This implicitly Biblical interpretation of the star, the key, and the abyss reveals that the earth, becomes like that of a prison house (a pit) for GodÂ’s people and that Christ came to open it in order to deliver them, save them.
    The organization’s lie that Abaddon is “the glorified Jesus Christ” is pure mockery and DECEIT.
    They haven’t lied, for even outside of the Watchtower people hold on to the belief that Jesus is that Angel of the Abyss. He has the key, he comes to bring forth deliverance and those against his God will get a full taste of God’s Justice. The army of Locust go after those who are not sealed in terms of pressing the truth against falsehood, unleashed from their captivity and so forth.
    So it isnÂ’t a pure mockery nor is it deceit.
    What is deceit is believing that some Satan has a key to his own prison to free Locust to go after those who are not sealed. According to your view, wouldnÂ’t be make sense for Satan to go after GodÂ’s people, instead?
    Does God feel this way about His Son?  John 8:54; Luke 9:28,29; 2 Pet 1:17; Rev 1:12-16 
    I hope you realize that in John 8:54 God was not speaking, it was Jesus...
    And? Also how does Transfiguration fit into the other verses listed?
    Also the first one, John 8:54 is Jesus speaking about his Father to the bad influenced Jews – for Jesus isn’t God, he is God’s Son, therefore that would be Jesus’ feeling for his Father when put to task against the Jews. 
    The abyss, Sheol, Hades, all represent the consignment to darkness and death, and is associated with Abaddon.
    It represents sin and death, total inactivity (a form of stasis) and utter darkness, the only time Abaddon is used is regarding SatanÂ’s imprisonment, another time regarding the firstborns in Egypt, Assyria to Hezekiah, GodÂ’s Justice to wickedness, etc.
    As a JW, I believed that the abyss was a location that couldn’t be seen by the physical eye, but was somewhere on the spiritual side of the universe.  However, it is symbolism for the unending darkness, the bottomless pit of deep deceptions that Satan uses to blinds the spiritual senses, which can lead to death. 
    Spiritual Side of the Universe? Also, it is not unknown to anyone that there are things we cannot see ourselves, anything in connection to spirit beings we cannot see, but they can see us. I am pretty sure our JehovahÂ’s Witness counterparts are aware of that for it is not uncommon for them to speak on such things.
    It is the realm of “not perceiving”. 
    Sheol/Hades:  from the combination of two root words –
    Alpha – “when prefixed to words as an inseparable syllable” it means “giving a negative sense to the word to which it is prefixed”
    Eid? – “to perceive with the eyes, to perceive by any of the senses, notice, discern, discover”
    Ok. And what does this have to do with the Angel of the Abyss who has the key?
    When Jesus bound Satan and threw him into the abyss in the first century for the symbolic “thousand years, he was prevented from perceiving how to fabricate his end time delusion, which “shatters” the power of the holy ones. This didn’t hinder his ability to cause havoc in other ways around the world.  His demand to “sift” each one in Christ as “wheat” was still enforced, before enacting his ultimate devastating strategy against the unsealed “remaining ones”. He has accomplished this with the help of the fallen star and her army of locust-scorpions.    Luke 10:17-20; Mark 3:27; Rev 20:2,3; Luke 22:31; Eph 2:1-3; Rev 20:4; Dan 7:7,23; 12:7; Rev 12:17
    But you just said earlier that you agree that Satan is the Angel of the AbyssÂ… So why shift and call others lairs when you said something entirely different only to fall on your own sword at the end?
    I see now you accept what is true, Jesus was the one who dealt with Satan by hurling him into the abyss, that same abyss that he has been given the key to, the same abyss as to where the Locust comes out in droves while Satan himself is sealed shut there – imprisoned.
    He has accomplished this with the help of the fallen star and her army of locust-scorpions.    Luke 10:17-20; Mark 3:27; Rev 20:2,3; Luke 22:31; Eph 2:1-3; Rev 20:4; Dan 7:7,23; 12:7; Rev 12:17
    The star who had fallen to the earth isn’t the same star who fell out of heaven – stop confusing the two.
    And no, Satan didnÂ’t get help from the fallen star, especially when the fallen star in question points back to the bright morning star in Revelation 22, therefore, the Christ didnÂ’t, no, he would never help Satan the Devil with anything, especially when we know Satan and his demons battled with Jesus and the angels in Heaven prior to the Christ being made a King.
    Luke 10:17-20 Jesus prophetically spoke about seeing the cast out of Satan from heaven which has yet to occur during his time. Revelation 12:7-9 describes the battle that took place in heaven and associates Satan the Devil’s fall with the birth of the Messianic Kingdom. Jesus was conveying that the evident defeat of Satan and his demons in that future battle and that God had just empowered 70 disciples, imperfect men to have the ability to expel demons (Luke 10:17). The demons are in connection with Satan, not of the Christ, and such ones had since lost their connection in heaven, not being in the presence of God for they were cut-off. Other than that, when Jesus was a man on earth, they knew who the Christ was already. Therefore, nothing here points to a Locust Army – granted we know demons will influence people and go after God’s people.
     Mark 3:27 may I ask, what is the point of mentioning this verse when it is practically unrelated to what you have just said which is already incorrect?
    Rev 20:2, 3, 4 But you do not believe that Jesus was the one who hurled Satan into the Abyss, for you yourself have stated that Satan is the Angel of the Abyss…. A bit hypocritical, don’t you think? Luke 22:31 Your point in bringing this verse up? With what you are conveying you are shifting us, just as Satan was trying to shift Simon. Eph. 2:1-3 Your point in bringing up this verse? Dan. 7:7,23 These verses speak of the 4th wild beast… You were not specifying which wild beast of the land you are talking about, but judging by your constant mixing of verses, it can be seen you are attempting to speak about the first and second beast, only now you mention the fourth one, which has nothing to do with the response of yours. And the use of 12:7 is rather pointless, on your part. Rev. 12:17 Why bring this one up? You stated yourself you believe Satan to be the Angel of the Abyss who somehow has the key. In the real world, a jailer wouldn’t give a serial killer a key to his own cell – see how absurd that sounds?
    Without Christ, we remain in darkness, not spiritually cognizant of his light of Truth. John 1:5; 1 John 2:11; Eph 4:17,18  When Eve sinned, Satan gained authority (a key) over the “whole world” and mankind came under the result of condemning sin – death.  At Jesus’ coming, he said, “I am the light of the world” – a world that exists in spiritual darkness. 1 Cor 2:12;  Phil 2:15  Christ conquered death’s grip upon mankind, but we must come tohis light to be saved; otherwise the darkness of the abyss remains with us.  Phil 2:14,15  He received “authority” to release us from this spiritual darkness, and we are rescued from the captivity of “not perceiving” the true light of Christ, if our hearts desire to turn to Christ.  
    But you are twisting the truth in this sense, so how you are on ChristÂ’s side when you profess that Satan has the key when he does not? The Bible even tells you that Satan is hurled into the abyss, he was never given a key or spoken of as having it prior to the 1,000 year reign. Even if he had, he be gunning for GodÂ’s people, which is not the case because he isnÂ’t the Angel of the Abyss who has the key.
    Satan gained authority (a key)
    Seriously? No reference whatsoever speaks of the key being authorityÂ…..
    When did God give him the time and day, if I may ask?
    In Revelation, all the named titles of wickedness to come against GodÂ’s anointed under the New Covenant, are enhanced characteristics of the same two entities.
    Wormwood, and its locust-scorpion army torment the anointed who have not been sealed.
    The Beast from the Earth gives authority to the Wild Beast from the Sea to blaspheme God’s Temple saints and war with them.   
    The Wild Beast from the Sea is the Man of Lawlessness that “tramples”/”torments” God’s Temple priests/saints, and is the locust-army released from the pit of deception.
    The Beast from the Earth, as Wormwood, is a composite false prophet appearing as if from Christ,  butpoisons the living waters of Truth with lies from Satan’s mouth.
    Once again you are getting the stars confused, and the Locust Swarm would not and are never spoken of as going for the chosen ones. Further prove of this is the fact that Satan isnÂ’t the Angel of the Abyss holding the key.
    The weak exegesis also does not prove the Locust is or will be attacking GodÂ’s people, again, the one who has the key, in context, refutes your claim for you.
    Yes, false prophets and the like, who teach accursed things, such as the Trinity, or shifting GodÂ’s Order thinking it is okay when it is not.
    Shockingly enough, the only thing you got right is Babylon the Great.
    Their final identifying mark surrounds “the camp of the saints” holding them spiritually captive in Satan’s “abyss”.   Rev 13:9,10; Col 2:8
    None of these verses speak in regards to Satan’s Abyss. Satan does not own an Abyss – he is cast into one and sealed inside of it.
    That being said, if the Bible speaks of Traditions of Men, why did you boldly defend and accept such things the last time we discussed? Hypocritical much?
    The anointed “saints” receive the brunt of torment, trampling, treading, poisoned waters,  deception, and the threat of “killing” for discarding their, shackles when choosing to follow  Christ in repentance.  Rev 3:18  But, you would never know it while residing in the WT organization where “peace, health, prosperity” and security are promised in “Jehovah’s organization”.  Those who have fallen into the same trap, also suffer, if one’s adoration given to both Beasts, terminates.  1 Thess 5:3; Rev 13:14,15 
    Unfortunately they do know it. The very reason why most who study the Bible is aware of interpretation and hermeneutical studies and taking high regard for context of a verse and or passage isn’t of being an “as is” man or one who simply accept surface information.
    Therefore, they, like the rest who know this passage are not in any form of deception.
    Satan gives the “authority” or the key of deception to Wormwood, the false prophet/Harlot. Christ has obtained the “authority” and power over deception and death, by conquering it. Heb 2:14-16 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews+2%3A14-16&version=NIV
    The key isnÂ’t authority and Satan never has or has never been given the key, therefore, you are trying to justify a false teaching, spreading the wormwood into the waters, of which you are doing now.
    Christ received the “key” at the sounding of the fifth trumpet, you only know this if you understand and apply context.
    This does not make him Abaddon, Apollyon or the Destroyer. 
    Oh really?
    So what is the reason that a King who is a mighty warrior and is accompanied by the same army he is in charge of that fought against Satan and his demons, will do to the wicked on earth granted that he is GodÂ’s representative, his chosen one, his Christ? God destroys the wicked; the wicked perishes. Jesus does anything and everything for his God and Father for it is His Will that he will do, not of his own, but of GodÂ’s, therefore, Jesus will be coming to not just deal with demons, but wicked man of lawlessness as well, including the false prophets and any man who associates themselves with the wild beasts and be met with Eternal Destruction otherwise known as being Destroyed forever/for good (Is No More; Is Gone), or as the tech-savvy Christians like to put it, God delete the wicked from the face of the earth by means of his chosen one, Jesus Christ.
    As I said earlier, any casualties during Armageddon and at its culmination, are the result of the authentic Destroyer of life, Satan the Devil, before he is thrown into the Lake of Fire. 1 Cor 15:24; Rev 20:10,14
    And? God gave people time, and when that time is up, he will send Jesus to exact justice on the wicked from man to demon. As if the examples in the Bible were not any clear, it will be bigger when GodÂ’s Day does come.
    The organization represents Jesus’ arrival with a bow and arrow in hand, ready to pierce man, woman and child with a boundless supply of literal arrows; or so it seems. Yet, look into the scriptures for the symbolism of sword, quiver, arrows in Isa 49:2; Ps 127:3-5 
    The JehovahÂ’s Witnesses are not the only one who is aware of this. Jesus is a Mighty Warrior King, chosen by God, anointed by God, he alongside GodÂ’s Army fought against Satan and his Demons, and he will indeed come to do the exact same thing to all men who are wicked, as seen in the Bible all who are wicked, men, women and children met the same fate, it is not different from what is going to happen soon.
    That being said, those verses do not prove your point. Watering down the fact that Jesus is not just a King but a Mighty Warrior is misleading.
    Scriptures are clear about the identity of the Destroyer. 
    “Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”   John 10:7-10 
    Oh really? Remember you were the one who posted this verse
    2 Thess. 2:8 which reads:
    And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.
    Jesus, who comes from God, will be destroying the wicked, case and point. I do not see how and why you are ignoring this simple fact. For as a King he will be as such, if you are for God you have life, if you are not for God, you shall perish, no middle ground, regardless of who you are. God has not changed, and his purpose, will and order is done through his Son, Jesus.
    From WatchtowerÂ’s leaders:
    Rather, this “star” comes as a Freedom-giver, a Liberator of others, for “the key of the pit of the abyss was given him.” He is also a King, for he is “the angel of the abyss” and is the King of those whom he releases from the abyss; in harmony with which fact those whom he releases wear what, to John, “seemed to be crowns like gold.” This symbolic “star” also has a name for this occasion. In Greek its name is Apollyon, which means Destroyer. In Hebrew it is Abaddon, which means Destruction. All these features about this symbolic “star” reveal him to be the glorified Jesus Christ.  Wt 69/12/1
    Granted that Jesus is the one who put Satan in captivity, for Jesus is the one who has the key, and clearly death shall not prevail against him. Anyone can see of which star they are referring to, the one of which points back to Revelation 22, which points to Jesus, apparently, so it isnÂ’t out of the ordinary whatsoever.
    Jesus is indeed the bright morning star mentioned in that reference.
    You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44
    “How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You lock the door to the Kingdom of heaven in people's faces, but you yourselves don't go in, nor do you allow in those who are trying to enter! Matt 23:13
    The only thing that is deception and hypocritical is that fact you make it seem, even believe Satan to be the Angel of the Abyss when he is not. In simple terms, he is a criminal, he is jailed there, imprisoned, and those he falsely accused are released.
    Satan was never given a key, nor is the key “authority”, for we are informed in the passage that this key itself gives access to the abyss similar to that of a literal key that opens a door to a house or a car.
    As for the ending question
    “Who has the key to the abyss?”
    Clearly not Satan the Devil.
    That being said, no one at all should be watering down JohnÂ’s Revelation, especially when one can understand what is speaks of.
    The need to turn Jesus' actions in what is to come into some Disney based gymnastics is horrid, and it defeats the purpose of what the Scriptures conveys in regards to what is to come and what the Abyss is, the key in which has been given and one who has it, as well as the Locust, and those who are sealed or not. Ironically we have yet to began speaking about the Two Witnesses.
    That being said.... Best not to be quick about seeing this as a false teaching as you so profess because anyone who has such ideas most likely are arrived at such by thinking that "a star fell from heaven" automatically assume this to be Satan and his fall. And then because he falls he now somehow has the symbolical key to the abyss, which is plausible if one reads surface reads.
    Read, Research, Take time to Read and understand your Bible and look at the cross-references, and stop mixing verses to benefit the emotion and opinions you throw into your exegesis, be it you or the  woman you follow as your teacher.
    Know this, Jesus will be coming like a warrior with a Sword in hand.
    The Christ of my God, your God, is coming and we already know what he is going to do.

    Your Lord and Christ by means of God's Will is going to destroy the wicked, regardless of what you say, for it is what it is when it comes to the Bible, and Satan himself will indeed be destroyed too, as well as death itself.
    Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.
  20. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to Shiwiii in Children Trained to Donate to JW.org   
    easy tiger,
    sarcasm, with a little taste of wt to go with it. 
  21. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Children Trained to Donate to JW.org   
    Heresy Detected .mp4
  22. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Children Trained to Donate to JW.org   
    How is that people are not suppose to know anything about such groups when it is in their faces and all over the place and embedded in their communities, specifically, urban communities? They donate and gain resources to send out - do they not? They receive donations, monetarily - do they not? They flaunt this in the faces in the public so I ask you, how is it that no one is aware or suppose to know things?
    Goodwill, The Salvation Army, and a list of others are not too shy from doing exactly the same thing as others are doing in clubs churches and schools.
    Perhaps the rock you are under is way too big, Shiwiii, you have to see that people are aware of these types of clubs and any branches in connection to them. Nice try though.
  23. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Children Trained to Donate to JW.org   
    @Gone Away Well that explains why some are seeing double.
  24. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    You sure about that? The verses in question applies to those who have roles in keeping the church spiritual upright, building them up, as did Paul to the Church of Corinth, as did those who held religious office. I agree with you in regards of the chosen ones, but we shouldn't be leaving those under them out of the equation, otherwise it would defeat the purpose of the verses of which I speak of in terms of honoring religious leaders, which consist of those who take office in the church.
    You are also forgetting that Christians are under the New Covenant, Witness, such ones should not be left out too, mainly if you have those who recognize of where they stand when it comes to the early Christians who resided in the church itself so their view is not foggy in this regard, hence out last discussion and what I will soon post here for you to see of your own inconsistencies in your previous post.
    If anyone is honest with themselves and is aware of what took place last weekend, they'd realize of who is the real enemy here.
    When it comes to studying religions, you can recognize their stance and as to why they view this or that as it is. The one I adhere to, Brother Kel is similar to me or perhaps Mr. Simon Brown, SoG, yet he, and many others, knows the Christology of JWs as is that of anything pertaining to Non-Trinitarianism and or the True Church itself vs. That of mainstream Christendom, as do many, and such ones stand up to such ones like Mr. White and several others.
    That being said, if you are speaking of the chosen ones, perhaps make it clear this time, and I suggest you read up on what the Bible says regarding honoring religious leaders, for the majority of them is found in the Greek New Testament, this is but 4 out of the 100+ verses.
    1 Timothy 5:17-20 - [17] Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. [18] For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.” [19] Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. [20] As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. Servants, also known as slaves/stewards, what have you, were to honor those who are like masters over them, by taking in the teachings and putting it into application, taking up tasks hence their role(s) in the church regarding their position, and so forth, hence 1 Timothy 6:1, 2. Even the Bible speaks of respect and honor to even that of rules and authority. Regardless, people such ones part of God are deserving of honor.
    For we already know of who among men, young and old in the church and their roles and what their roles consist of, in Paul's Day, as is with others in his day and onward. We should not being ignoring this.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Piers Morgan shames Daniel Craig for wearing baby ‘papoose’   
    This is ANOTHER classic example of why Piers Morgan' opinions on any subject whatsoever is completely divorced from reality.
    He is a classic and consistent bad example of human thought processes, and what happens when they are affected with that most insidious of all mental aberrations ... Liberalism.
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