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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    The end is indeed near. There are people who want to see it happen, some of old age, including someone that I know, tears up because he wants to be living to see that day, everything spoken of in the Bible coming true.
    At the end of it all, the wicked will be no more and as judgment continues, there will also be the Christ who by means of God and authority given to him will bring back people who have since died and will most likely do what Prophet Isiah plans to do and anyone who survives will live on earth without the problems that came from things that during this time, will be of the past - this includes what bothers you the most, it will be gone also.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @Anna Unfortunately abuse is very high in the UK, which isn't too far from the knife/hate crimes. You have people who blame all British for this, but a simple minded person who be focused on single person, not throw all men and women into one category.
    But it is what it is with how people are, thus they continue to dig their heads into the sand.
  3. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    Because when he speaks out of line he will go off in a cryptic tangent, for this isn't my first rodeo with Srecko, hence why I go by HIS word to keep it focused. Unless you want to join him, you are welcome.
    I don't think I am clever, as with my first discussion with you my words were obvious to which you accepted.
    I haven't forgotten. I want to discuss Armageddon specifically with Srecko, anyone can chime in, but his stance is that the WT has some different view to which I explained to him briefly of what their view is, a quote, if you will.
    But it would seem at this point the both of you do not know that much about Armageddon, which is ever so obvious.
    I merely quoted: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armageddon#Jehovah's_Witnesses
    nothing more.
    If you go back to page 3, you will see what Srecko is asking for and I will quote him: It's pretty boring, if you have not noticed, and if that has not already been said to you by someone else. Please, try to focus your response on actual subject and not to disperse, spin discussion from Adam to Melchizedek to Revelation book. :)))
    To which I responded: If yo u want to speak about Armageddon on, speak your re solve now, but this time when you want to go back to this focus, you say, do so without adding opinion and emotion into the text, use the Bible this time, nothing else but that and what the Word itself says.
    So next time perhaps read the previous page before you jump ship, Butler.
    I think I am Jesus when time and time again I speak of myself as a slave, a servant. The question was posed because he thinks we are not focused, but if you want to jump in by all means, Butler, please do.
    No one is talking about predictions, we are speaking of solely Armageddon itself.
    This is your opinion, you should be using the bible. According to the Book of Revelations in the Greek New Testament of the Bible, Armageddon is pretty much the day of God, of which he will execute Judgement on the wicked and all that is bad.
    God our Father is a God of Justice, for even in Bible times you bear witness to such and when his judgement has been executed it is for a good reason. If you think God is going to send his Son to throw flowers and cookies in the face of the wicked, you are dead wrong, Mr. Butler.
    It is far more than that, along wickedness also includes those who try to test God, those who do not apply God's Laws, those who are for brazen conduct, glorifers of sin, and a list of other things. Jesus will be coming with the army of which his Father put him in command of for Jesus has been made superior after being exalted by God according to Hebrews 1, and they will go and enact Justice in the name of God, for the Lord and Savior will be coming with a sword, and he will come to do what he was sent to do, for as a King, as a Warrior, as a bene elohim of El Shaddai, he will do what is needed to rid wickedness off the face of the earth.
    And no, they won't be dropping dead as they stand, what part of God's Army or coming with a sword did you not understand. Warriors and or Soldiers will confront their enemy, from a distance or close quarters, it is no different from how the angels and even the Christ himself will do to the wicked, and we already know what angels are capable of, we have not seen or read about Jesus doing such, but him being superior, one can only imagine, now as for God, well, that is a whole different ball game.
    No they won't. Death is swift, mainly if the act is committed by God in terms of Justice, remember what happen to several notable people in the Bible? They were dealt with swiftly, in an instant. The wicked will not even have a millisecond to think, to blink, perhaps to take a slight of breathe.
    The Day of God can happen anytime, anywhere on this earth. This is why the Bible tells us explicitly to keep being vigilant for the day of God is near, as spoken of by Jesus and his followers, in to our day.
    This is why we should endure and read the Word and follow it correctly and accordingly. You do not want to have the mindset of those who remained and or decided to return to Jerusalem, for such is foolish.
    A great dealing of suffering, and a whole lot of it. In my experience what I had witnessed and heard, even by my hand, is like a haunting memory that torments. This is why I believe in the word, strongly, I believe in the truth and obvious be one to be an opponent of lies.
    For I know God will send his Son again and help us for we are in need of such greatly.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    But your word on the last page pretty much contradicts what you are conveying here.
    You wanted to speak about Armageddon, I agreed and even said let us use the Bible, then immediately right after that you speak of the Watchtower this, Watchtower that when I had told you to use the bible regarding Armageddon.
    And next thing you know it will derail and you will speak of cryptic and or flawed things, then you will seek out admin to come to your aid as you have done several times already. If you do not want to box in the ring, you should not have hopped in to begin with, Srecko.
    And yes, Armageddon is the topic here, let's discuss it using the bible lone, unless you want to continue to seek aid from JWs and not make an effort yourself, it shows you cannot actual use the bible without given mention of them, i.e. when speaking about women, you brought up JWs and you misused Galatians 3:28, thus revealing yourself to be a mainstream Christian without much of an effort, I do not like mainstream Christians as you can see for months now.
    Clearly you never saw me as a friend, and never will and I do not care, especially with that witch doctor remark of yours you made against me before, assuming I would take offence but Mr. Butler did you the favor of preventing what I had to say to you when he shifted the topic, the first time I discussed with you and my word is true from the last page as it is now.
    So that being said, I put both you and Butler to task regarding Armageddon by means of the Bible alone, so far, Mr. Butler didn't realize how things will go down by means of what is spoken of Revelations and what Jesus had said.
    You want to speak about Armageddon, let's have it then, Srecko, you can use any bible translation you want, and I can guarantee you that you wouldn't get far without speaking about anything to do with JWs, as God bears witness to my words regarding this.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    Not all only the wicked and those of lawlessness and all things bad. One thing for certain - it will not be a flood.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @Anna Not to mention personal feelings, opinions and emotions being thrown to justify something that is no Scriptural. There is often a whole lot of that, mainly when it comes to some prophets like Moses, or that of a disciples, or an Apostle like Paul, some being willing to tear out everything connecting to Paul's writings from the Bible itself.
  7. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    And yet the common man recognizes child abuse is everywhere, an they are not focused on a sole group and or person, for wherever there is a danger of such a thing it is concerning, anywhere and everywhere, if you actually take into account what PSA and other information says about Child Abuse and Neglect, you'd realize that yourself.
    Granted to what Mr. Butler said before in an early discussion, one can see where he stands, I wouldn't call it activism when the grand majority knows that this is a problem, for if anyone has great concern it should be to educate people and seek better solutions.
    If his concern was with all institution he would have stated this, but he has not, for his one and only focus, as it is evident in half of his posts, is regarding Jehovah's Witnesses only unless you want to point out to where his concern is drawn out elsewhere - be my guess.
    The more you speak only shows how very little you know about the history of Christianity, perhaps the Abrahamic Faiths.
    I've explained to you 4 times what a Restorationist is and or what is Restorationism, but it would seem what is said goes in one ear and out the other, instead of repeating myself I will link so you know what it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restorationism
    What you missed in the New Testament is the fact that God by means of his Son will get rid of all things wicked, even people, he will always erased from the earth all things that has been a burden on us and all things that has affected us in a bad way, this includes all imperfections that originate from sin -including child abuse and ill desires. If you miss that point in the Bible, let alone what God's Kingdom will bring, how do you say to yourself you read the Bible and understand it when something this minor you fail to accept?
    Perhaps get preached on this as well as research, Srecko - for if you do not trust in God, there is no reason for you to seek now is there?
    And ye we have the Babylon in Texas - LIVE, right now. And no, not all denominations claim such as for WT  they are Restorationist, the link I provided for you will show you want they base their practices and teachings on.
    Did you not understand what was going on in the Old Testament? Israel had enemies, especially those who curse God and spare no remorse when it comes to defiling God's people, the very reason people had to step up. Last time you spoke of Barak and now we see the contradiction, only things time you didn't confuse his role to a Prophetess.
    They have a name, it is called Messianic Jews, that is, if you are referring to today. Messianic Jews do not follow the early church or her teachings, they open themselves up to things that is accursed and or not aligned with what is said in the Bible. Some of them willingly accept non-Bible canons as truth.
    The Apostolic Church and it's early Christians are National Christian denominations? How are you so sure when they are borderline Subornationist an the fact you missed what Apostle Paul said in Galatians?
    They are not part of the world not by what their teachings says, but the fact they adhere to Restorationism (I suggest you study this for I give this to you as Homework, hence the link), whether you agree with them or not. The biggest proof of that, today even, is what is going on in Texas, as well as the reaction by some JWs, who show the same reaction to Together 2016, as others have, as well as those who reacted to the Kairos Movement. 
  8. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to Matthew9969 in CANADA: Jehovah's Witnesses decide world is ending, kidnap neighbours while naked   
    Being naked makes it easier to squeeze in through the narrow gate.
  9. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Querotevernoparaiso in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. I am pretty sure that is a joke in all languages.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @TrueTomHarley Unless you are willing to mount and ride one

  11. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    There was a young lady of Niger, Who smiled as she rode on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside And the smile on the face of the tiger.
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    That's very funny. If only there were one Allen Smith who could communicate with one BillyTheKid. It's a long shot, but perhaps one of the following might have his number:
    Wyatt Earp:

    Billy the Kid:

  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Paradise earth or Paradise in Heaven?   
    @Jack Ryan God's original purpose was for man to fill up the earth, and his purpose and will will be accomplished.
  14. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Melinda Mills in YouTube is Down!   
    It was only temporary, but it did cause people to freak out. Although when it id happen no warning was issued.
    But hey, at least it gave people sometime to take a break.... or at least I thought when there is other forms of media present and video games left and right. There should be a day when everything shuts down for a good hour.
  15. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    But these are reason by a sole individual, which is you. One cannot know for certain, but the most obvious thing when it comes to one's spiritually and how it benefits him/her and those around him/her.
    But if I recall, Jehovah's Witnesses do speak of Jesus and do what is commanded by him and God. Examples would be adhering to the Great Commission and a list of other things. So when they say they are in the truth, it means they are on a path, their community as a whole, in a direction that is not bumpy or crooked, although all of them are imperfect.
    It literally makes claim to this on their own website.
    Restorationist Christians are not puppets. If they were they'd be pushing the TR 1245 and ignore the fact that all Christians are of the New Covenant, those same Christians who make up the Spiritual House, furthermore, all members of that house have roles, in which it contributes to the church and her community.
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Jehovah's Witness cannot appeal expulsion to a judge: Supreme Court   
    Pretty much. Grounds of Excommunication results in Church ties being cut, which includes members of the church in of itself, hence shun command that is in connection with expelling.
    The article reads that some of his customers were/are of the same faith as him, mostly the same people who go to/or use to go to the same JW church with this individual.
    Other than that, a good percentage of his business is still available to the public, just that small circle of JWs that were his customers are no longer putting revenue into said business.
    We shouldn't be part of the world, it goes for all men and women, we already have several examples in the last few months. As long as his business does not take negative turns, he should be fine.
    Anything and everything in connection to Excommunication is Biblical, it does not originate with men, it originates with Christ, hence what was entrusted. For although he is expelled from his church, his business can still benefit others since all church ties are cut due to what he was excommunicated for.
    For if a man sells fish and crabs to all even his church and eventually cut off from that community, his business isn't totally dead, only lost a good portion of customers who are of said church.
    That being said, drunkenness and verbal abuse - for such things like that would get you booted from the church community because the Bible speaks regarding such things: drinking to the point to where you lose control and a foul mouth.
    The individual also  admitted to 2 situations of drunkenness, whereas one of those occasions, he verbally abusing his wife -- wrongdoing he attributed to family stress over the earlier expelling of his 15 year old daughter from the church. Furthermore, Church Discipline committed by the church, which is referred to as a judicial committee stated that the individual was of the church since 1980, and that he himself would be expelled because he was not sufficiently repentant. And after that, for Wall, he took more actions upon himself and it all went downhill from there.
  17. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in CANADA: Jehovah's Witnesses decide world is ending, kidnap neighbours while naked   
    Omg! Well, there are all kinds "in the truth"... As the saying goes, every village has its idiot. 
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Dozens stand vigil in PA Senate hallway, demanding statute of limitations reform   
    America is unequally divided.
    Samuel Colt made everybody equal.
  19. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Painting Bible Characters as White People   
    I built a time machine in my front yard. One gate goes into the past and one to the future.  It took me a year and a half to run the underground cables and the post uplinks, and encase the wiring in concrete.
    Now all I need is a 1.21gigawatt power supply, and get my front yard up to 88 miles per hour.
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna in Muhammad   
    They actually believe this, that Jesus is God's Son, as well as Jesus being a Prophet. There biggest problem is they do not adhere to or believe in the idea that Jesus is God, a teaching that is affiliated with Trinitarian/Modalistic practices.
    The reason I speak on their behalf at times is because of those who single them into one category, those who have Islamophobia. A Christian can preach the gospel to a Muslim however Muslims assume, only some of them, that all Christians are Trinitarians, an example would be that of Soco Films (exposed as lairs and frauding those the debate against), who are hardcore Trinitarians in the UK, they go after Jews, Catholics, JWs, Baptist, and the focus target, Muslims, the very reason why Muslims now study the Bible to point out issues with Trinitarians.
    Indeed, anything of falsehood or conspiracy.
    There is another area, like this forum regarding Dawah, whereas Trinitarians and Muslims are often at odds with each other, while at the same time Non-Trinitarians go at it with Trinitarians, something of which I mentioned here several times before.
    Muslims do believe. Isa ibn Maryam meaning Jesus Son of Mary or simply Jesus. The Qu'ran and most Hadiths (testimonial) gives mention of Jesus, that he [Jesus] was born as a pure boy/child, who has no sin by means of his human mother, Mary. They understand that Jesus is a prophet and messenger of God (Allah in Arabic) and they believe he is the Christ/Messiah (Al'Masih), sent by God to help and give guidance the Children of Israel with a new revelation, to give the good news gospel, otherwise known as Al'Injil in Arabic or simply termed the gospel. Jesus who is the Christ, or in this case, Al'Masih, in Islam, is believed to be a prophet who neither married nor had any children and is reflected as a significant figure of importance. Jesus is mentioned over dozens of time in the Qu'ran with various titles, for example Son of Mary.
    So it is unknown to anyone that they have a good idea who the Christ is, although the modern day children of Ishmael, the Muslims, view differ, but their view of God is accurate. The difference here is that they do not believe that Jesus had died, they believe he went straight into heaven to escape heaven once God had saved him out of the hands of those who wish to kill him compared to Christianity, who believe Jesus did in fact die.
    I wouldn't say truth faith, but one has to realize to understand their views so conspiracy or falsehood isn't made against them, just as this sign in the thread makes no information of. Another factor is those using a Qu'ran that is not of the actual source, granted the Qu'ran had very very old manuscripts that were actually found.
    That being said, there is always a list of difference, but there is factual information as to why this or why that, so to speak. Other than that they believe in eternal life, and that Jesus would return also, making all people believe in God, for Jesus will come to destroy the wicked, and put an end to the False Messiah to which we call the Anti-Christ, this term is called e Al'Masih-Ad'Dajjal in Arabic and that Jesus is to establish peace on earth.
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Basically everyone gets a second chance except for the poor unfortunate souls alive when Armageddon comes.   
    @JOHN BUTLER At least it isn't that bad. I once had to deal with someone who went by name, in all caps, THE YIDDISH GHOST, even his avatar is ghost-like, when he says something it is always in Yiddish and when you translate his words and message is often cryptic and riddle based at times backwards or purposely misspelled in order for you to figure out, he was a Bible reading Agnostic and had quite a lot to say. A verse he often uses when he thinks he confuses or bested someone is this, 1 Corinthians 14:33. He shares a similar view of the early church as me and many others, but his is a bit more extreme and focused on Caesarea Philippi, mainly regarding the church.
    I could probably dig up a screenshot of this guy when I have time.
  22. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Hankulan Tunani in Secret documents from Warwick show JW's do everything to avoid reporting child abuse to the police   
    @Jack Ryan Didn't you bring up last time that they destroy documents?
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Dozens stand vigil in PA Senate hallway, demanding statute of limitations reform   
    @JOHN BUTLER American Laws are somewhat a mixed bag, there is some states that the abused are suppose to marry their abuser, and people wanting to make several things legal when to the eyes of the common "woke" man and woman, such is to not be made legal. On the other side of the spectrum, you have a divided America, one of the reasons why I am not a fan of politics.
  24. Upvote
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Watch for it..... I don’t want to issue a spoiler, but think Star Wars.
    ”Luke....I am your father!”
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