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Space Merchant

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  1. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Querotevernoparaiso in Basically everyone gets a second chance except for the poor unfortunate souls alive when Armageddon comes.   
    Matthew 5:44 makes it clear, and regarding Jesus' own words, mainly what can be read in Luke 23:34, for it is referenced, Acts 7:58-60 regarding Stephen, who appealed, who was stoned himself, but prayed to God in Jesus' name to forgive them. Plus we see a fulfilling of Scripture, mainly if we read Psalms 22:18, Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24 and John 19:23, 24.
    The lesson in Jesus praying to his God and Father to forgive such ones is because he, Jesus, freely forgives from his own heart, something of which his disciples and followers are suppose to follow when taking the Christ's example, hence, Ephesians 4:32 and what we read about Stephen, for the religious leaders who took stones against him.
    Also it was the Jews who plotted against him, eventually had the opportunity to do so, thus getting people to go against him, the Christ - those of earthly Jerusalem who rejected the Christ, on the other side of the spectrum, not all Jews were against Jesus.
    @Querotevernoparaiso is referring to those who reject God and surely anyone before the New Covenant. Jesus was born very very later on and when he got older, when he died, the New Covenant of which he had spoken of with his disciples, came into effect.
  2. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Basically everyone gets a second chance except for the poor unfortunate souls alive when Armageddon comes.   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. At least it will not be like his other doctrine I studied about to be inaccurate known as the Rapture whereas people will, bodily and stripped to the bares, is taken up out of the earth, heavenwards into heaven while some remain behind, other who believe in a war or some kind of zombie apocalypse will take place - For truly, truly I say to thee, this doctrine is accursed.
    That being said, I believe Jesus had more in his words regarding wolves among the sheep, false ones among the true, and the like.
  3. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Possibly you and admin.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Colin Browne in JW’s are now allowed to have beards and publicly preach....   
    "And after that God saw that everything he had made, and look it was very good." Gen. 1:31. A Watchtower once said that the imperfection which came upon humanity after Adam sinned cannot be accurately explained. We must therefore assume that the female was created flawless before that. Transgender and all other imperfections have been our lot since.
  5. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Querotevernoparaiso in Basically everyone gets a second chance except for the poor unfortunate souls alive when Armageddon comes.   
    @Jack Ryan Only the wicked and those who are for lawlessness will succumb to God's Judgement, as with those when Jesus has the scepter in his hand and eventually hands it back to God his Father.
    Those who are resurrected clearly will have a chance, since God's Judgement will continue onward until his adversary is no more.
  6. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Querotevernoparaiso in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    @BillyTheKid46 French is my birth language, but some of my family speaks Spanish also, so I have 2 languages including English, which I find easy to learn granted at the time my family had already moved to the US. I know other languages too, but I'd give myself a 5 out of 10 for them, but for Greek and Hebrew, I do not speak it, but I can understand a bit of both in terms of writing and some words and language forms, the Hebrew was a bit of self-teaching though and learned a bit more from a man named Jeff A. Benner, a Hebrew Professor and Researcher.
    For Bible Translations I mainly use the ESV version, secondary being the AS, and on rare occasions the YLT and or NIV.
    As for the other things mentioned, I'd have to look into them, but I do dwell heavily on Biblical Hermeneutics.
    That being said, the google translation is indeed a good tool when it comes to seeing what someone is saying, although it isn't always correct. And as for the verses in question, examples from the Bible are clear and understood when brought up.
  7. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Querotevernoparaiso in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    Agreed, also I actually did use Google Translate for that one, if it was French or Spanish I wouldn't have a need for it though.
  8. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Querotevernoparaiso in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    @Witness He may be referring to haters of God, which was the case with enemies of God as seen in the Old Testament, examples like Gideon to both Zebah and Zalmunna, both of them who clearly were not fans of God and were quick to mock, resulting in Gideon taking his blade to take them both out himself instead of Jether, Gideon's firstborn doing it himself. And of course there will also be a gnashing of the teeth and wailing of those who assume they are for God, but clearly ate out of the hands of falsehood.
    As for the verses in question, John's vision is prophetic. The Angel of the Abyss is regarding the one called Satan the Devil and that part in what is also mentioned, in whole, points to Revelations 9:1 and 20:1-3.
    That being said, for anyone who does not read Portuguese, what @Querotevernoparaiso said is the following:
    DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In Armageddon, those who ridicule God's promise, where believers will forever live in an earthly paradise doing His will, and today make strong opposition to His will, "may" lose the privilege of living here on earth for all the time!
  9. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed?   
    @Witness He may be referring to haters of God, which was the case with enemies of God as seen in the Old Testament, examples like Gideon to both Zebah and Zalmunna, both of them who clearly were not fans of God and were quick to mock, resulting in Gideon taking his blade to take them both out himself instead of Jether, Gideon's firstborn doing it himself. And of course there will also be a gnashing of the teeth and wailing of those who assume they are for God, but clearly ate out of the hands of falsehood.
    As for the verses in question, John's vision is prophetic. The Angel of the Abyss is regarding the one called Satan the Devil and that part in what is also mentioned, in whole, points to Revelations 9:1 and 20:1-3.
    That being said, for anyone who does not read Portuguese, what @Querotevernoparaiso said is the following:
    DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In Armageddon, those who ridicule God's promise, where believers will forever live in an earthly paradise doing His will, and today make strong opposition to His will, "may" lose the privilege of living here on earth for all the time!
  10. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Les Miserables. Man's inhumanity to man.   
    No worries, but you have to remember there is many, many denominations in Christianity, even among Unitarians who are also under Christendom, and among them some do not believe that Jesus pre-existed before he became a man, while others do as well as a list of other things.
    My views are very simple, especially regarding God and his Christ - 1 Corinthians 8:6 and I take and adhere to the teachings of what the Church teaches her people as is done in the early days of Church whereas our early Christian brothers and sisters use to gather, all of them, in union with Christ and His God, adhering to the same gospel, the same teaching.
    That is why when t comes to all things true, be it the Bible, Christian history and so forth I tend to be somewhat pressing, even strict, for what is spoken of in Galatians 1 I follow to the letter.
  11. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life ?   
    In a simple world, no, but in reality, yes. This is the case with those who practice vodou/black magic before tearing their victim to shreds for their blood. a Very disgusting and sick thing, but it is the reality in the Caribbean, for such consider black magic and any ritual pertaining to it as a religion and they have false gods and goddesses that they follow. Believe me, I had witness things, that you yourself would not want to see, for even to this day it is one of those memories that you cannot remove from your mind, especially when a relatives of your was victim.
    In the US and EU, so called Christians who subjected themselves to the believe that taking the blood of the young [young blood transfusions], age range being 18 to 24, would enhance their life, prolong their life and so forth, hence we have people paying big money, anywhere between $6k-$8k+ for blood donations of the young to give to the older folks. And such ones who do these consider themselves as saints, they eat and they pray, as they are committed to such things. On the other side of the spectrum, you have those who get their blood from blacks and latinos of all ages, organs even, torn out of their bodies, replaced with things, for example, newspaper in one real life situation regarding a minor. People like this take, sell and use whatever they can pull from their victim and when it is Sunday they think they are saints.
    There are things of this world that is not spoken of, and even it has been spoken off, not much of it gets out.
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Where I was born if you speak of vulgar things, you will get a zoklo in the face or somewhere in the head, and it will hurt, badly. It is an act of a zoklo pushing and or sometimes hitting your knuckles hard against someone's head, usually used if someone says something absurd and or speaks of vulgar things in the presence of others.
    It is the equivalent being slapped in the face in America.
    That being said, the Snowflakes and Shills has to be taught a lesson sometimes for such ones tend to be ignorant of truth themselves, like their view of other culture and that of their own government.
  13. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Mr. Butler has to know out in the real world when you preach the gospel, people will not take kindly to vague answers to a question. He has to learn sooner or later because if he were to preach the gospel to people, there will be things he cannot answer correctly or fully.
    For a Butler can say Jesus is the Son of God and the guy he preaches to pulls up a verse, Titus 2:13, such things you cannot be vague about, to speak and defend the truth of the bible, one has to answer the question accordingly, fully even and at least drop a verse or two, in that way you actually use the Bible in spreading the gospel.
    Jesus, the disciples, ministers and Paul can explain themselves, we should be doing the same. But when people speak the truth such ones do not accept it, and it is not by my hands or someone else that on the day that the Christ returns, His Sword would be drawn on the very person who denied what is true, for that fault is on the hands of the man who does not listen, just as it was in the days of Noah, in the days of those who didn't heed the call of what was about to go down in Jerusalem and other examples as seen in the Bible.
    Also the Christmas thing, I didn't realize it, however he can use colors to separate his words, as long as it can be seen and the like.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    If I correctly label a (farm animal) Jackass as a Jackass, have I insulted them?
    If I correctly label  a child rapist as a pedophile evil person, have I insulted them?
    If I correctly label a midget as a midget, have I insulted them?
    If I correctly label someone as mentally retarded, have I insulted them?
    If I correctly label someone as stupid, is it an insult  ...or merely a fact of life?
    The solution to stupidity in many cases is education, experiences ... AND CONFLICT.
    Snowflake liberal sensitivity is NOT a mental health survival trait.
  15. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Is there a problem, officer? If one decides to speak what is true? How you worded it out you make it seem the two are one in the same.
  16. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from admin in Kraken   
    At least it isn't this monstrosity that people think is possibly real:

  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Comma and Coma are 2 different things, Srecko.
    Other than that I tend to over use commas to keep things separate. Somewhat of a habit.
  18. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Is there a problem, officer? If one decides to speak what is true? How you worded it out you make it seem the two are one in the same.
  19. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Truly, truly I say on to thee, if you really read the Bible, The Word of God, as you yourself made claim to, you'd be wise to watch your tongue wherever you are, even online so called follower of God and his Christ.
    I will leave here verses for you to read the next time you think, even the slightest of assumption, that somehow God is okay with that kind of language.
    Ecclesiastes 10:12 - The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him. Colossians 3:8 - But now you must put aside all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth. Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Ephesians 5:4 - Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving. Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Matthew 15:11 - it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” James 3:10 - From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. That being said, you've proven the point made in the discussion regarding forum/social media, to which I mention such briefly in this regard.
    Repent and go pray.
    Do so if you must, the the actual effort to care is not in me, for I speak and a response regardless, for I have a disdain for falsehood, untruths and conspiracy. But it would seem when someone who knowledgeable walks into the room, it is seen as a problem.
    Tom mention the Christmas colors, so let's apply:
    If you knew the teachings of God, you be well aware of the Strong's to which you show a total ignorance of, knowing that both the words supplication and substituting share the exact same Strong's. You'd know that the Ten Commandments are still in application by means of the foremost commandants, for the Laws itself, from the Ten Commandments are Bible Principles that are still followed to this day. You'd be aware not to speak such a word, which is regarded as vulgar slang. You'd understand things regarding what girdled/nakedness means, granted it's Strong's straight off of Biblehub even tells you and it is not to be confused with the English Word. When you speak that one lacks Spiritual Wisdom, and you are question, and do not answer properly only shows that you were the one who lacks all this time, for if you teach people, they wouldn't take that answer from you in the real world when it comes to the gospel spreading. You'd be well aware that those who are fighting against sexual immorality will always need help to which you had stated the opposite, and your own words regarding this is not taken kindly to other Christians who help such ones in that domain, information I will not post here for they has quite the colorful words for you. You'd be well aware of what is actually false and what is true, and not using false information to justify  something that is of conspiracy. In nearly every discussion, when one thing is being talked about, throw in child abuse, when such as been discussed already with many pages as proof, twice in 2 threads, one of which admin locked down, and as of recently when the topic was regarding 2 specific things of sexual immorality, also locked down for the same reason, for such a thing you cannot throw into the mix when something else is being spoken of. For there is a time and place for that, even the thread in question that anyone can still post in. You'd be open to truth facts, but clearly you are not. You grow angry an frustrated when a truth is spoken, even when a truth is spoken you do not agree with it when your OWN source says it is true. You cannot say you teach if you do not teach yourself, and it shows, so the advise given is of your benefit, Butler.
    Before I was sincere with you, but it would seem you show yourself of who you really are, hence a foreshadowing of my words some weeks ago coming into the light now.
    That being said, Mr. Butler, you can do whatever you want, but people will also speak truth about the Bible, the history of Christianity, our Church Fathers, the didache and the truth of God, and do yourself a favor since you are in the UK, going to Speaker's Corner with your the lack of Spiritual Wisdom will only get you refuted, tenfold.
    All that said, disgruntled one, I will advise you read, study and make research in all things spiritual because clearly, even with JWs holding your hand before, you still cause yourself to stumble and be the type of person who is not just quick to be angered, but quick to accept something as a truth without merit.
    So I leave you with these 2 verses so you can remind yourself every time you actually make an attempt to read the Bible:
    Proverbs 15:31 - If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise.  
    Proverbs 24:16 - for the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity. God and his Son of whom he made Christ, Jesus, can read hearts, Mr. Butler and the heart is very treacherous when it comes to some people.
  20. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Comma and Coma are 2 different things, Srecko.
    Other than that I tend to over use commas to keep things separate. Somewhat of a habit.
  21. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Sometimes I use Audio punctuation (spoink!)
    Especially in sentences (cank!) depending on the structure (cank!) where commas are necessary (spoink!)
  22. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Detroit police say the bodies of 11 babies were found hidden at a funeral home shuttered by state...   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. Was expecting a warzone in the streets that surpasses that of the DC protesting regarding Kavanaugh/Ford and surpassing that of Black Friday days. A plus if the Kekistani Army shows up.
  23. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @BillyTheKid46 As we can see when someone cannot handle truth, they grind their teeth, just like the lukewarm Christian who goes by the name Bob the Builder.
    @JOHN BUTLER So much for Spiritual Wisdom, therefore, you own words, hence you lack and not me, as quoted here:
    Can be used against you, in a sense, you shot yourself in the foot by your own hand. So let me enlighten you so maybe this time you can actually take time and read the Bible for once because if you cannot answer this, it cannot be believed that you not just read the Bible, but study it, of which can be seen here.
    Now the question posed seems complex, granted it was asked by someone who use to believe in God and attended an African-American only Church, of which believed in the Trinity, but later on became an Atheist, hence it is one of these questions that such a person brought up of which I took note of at the time. It looks complex, but it is not, it seems difficult, but it is easy, that is, this question.
    How can you have free will if it is punishment for disobedience?
    The answer: God gave us free will with the intention that we would use our free will to glorify Him in a variety of ways, one commandment being we are to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength – for this hangs off the greatest commandment of all, which includes principles from the Ten Commandments (Deut. 6:4, 5; 10:12 Matthew 22:36-40, Jos. 22:5; Luke 10:27 and Mark 12:28-34).
    The people weren't forced to follow laws or commandments, they followed it because they know God's Will and follow it seriously, out of free will, even saying to God they will do all that he will say compared to their neighbors who don't even know these laws.
    Since the laws were introduced, there is also the opposite of not following the laws, one can be cursed or punished for disobedience. The law had a helpful effect of keeping an imperfect group of people partially upright and focused on God and it keeps the people in order so they do not fall to sin, even the use of offerings to atone for one's wrong doing early on.
    While the punishment looks extremely harsh, in actual fact if you look at it from the other way around, it was to help keep a people morally upright enough for Jesus to be born, later sacrificing himself for the sins of the entire world, committed by mankind.
    Because the real nature of God Yahweh, who is my Father, your Father and Jesus’ Father, such applies to the Son, Jesus. You have free will to do what you want. But, as pointed out, there are consequences, being wide open to those that oppose God, reaping what you sew (adultery, idol worship, immorality subjected to disease, causing strife to friends and family or any sort of trouble). One also has the free will to repent for their sins and change from their ways because forgiveness is a possibility; this was the case with several examples in the Scriptures found in the Bible.
    Case and point.
    You are absolute welcome. Now go read, study and research the Scriptures because you yourself is lacking, greatly, if I may add, a former JW, such as yourself, I advise you do more research because the lack in spirituality shows like empty plastic bottle in the street. If  child can answer such, you can also, so studying is key, Mr. Butler.
    That being said, since you reside in the UK, I assume, best you stay away from Hyde Park if this question gives you this much trouble, for those like you get burned and rinsed with facts on the daily there.
  24. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Detroit police say the bodies of 11 babies were found hidden at a funeral home shuttered by state...   
    It's DETROIT, fer cryin' out loud!
    What else would you EXPECT?

  25. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @BillyTheKid46 As we can see when someone cannot handle truth, they grind their teeth, just like the lukewarm Christian who goes by the name Bob the Builder.
    @JOHN BUTLER So much for Spiritual Wisdom, therefore, you own words, hence you lack and not me, as quoted here:
    Can be used against you, in a sense, you shot yourself in the foot by your own hand. So let me enlighten you so maybe this time you can actually take time and read the Bible for once because if you cannot answer this, it cannot be believed that you not just read the Bible, but study it, of which can be seen here.
    Now the question posed seems complex, granted it was asked by someone who use to believe in God and attended an African-American only Church, of which believed in the Trinity, but later on became an Atheist, hence it is one of these questions that such a person brought up of which I took note of at the time. It looks complex, but it is not, it seems difficult, but it is easy, that is, this question.
    How can you have free will if it is punishment for disobedience?
    The answer: God gave us free will with the intention that we would use our free will to glorify Him in a variety of ways, one commandment being we are to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength – for this hangs off the greatest commandment of all, which includes principles from the Ten Commandments (Deut. 6:4, 5; 10:12 Matthew 22:36-40, Jos. 22:5; Luke 10:27 and Mark 12:28-34).
    The people weren't forced to follow laws or commandments, they followed it because they know God's Will and follow it seriously, out of free will, even saying to God they will do all that he will say compared to their neighbors who don't even know these laws.
    Since the laws were introduced, there is also the opposite of not following the laws, one can be cursed or punished for disobedience. The law had a helpful effect of keeping an imperfect group of people partially upright and focused on God and it keeps the people in order so they do not fall to sin, even the use of offerings to atone for one's wrong doing early on.
    While the punishment looks extremely harsh, in actual fact if you look at it from the other way around, it was to help keep a people morally upright enough for Jesus to be born, later sacrificing himself for the sins of the entire world, committed by mankind.
    Because the real nature of God Yahweh, who is my Father, your Father and Jesus’ Father, such applies to the Son, Jesus. You have free will to do what you want. But, as pointed out, there are consequences, being wide open to those that oppose God, reaping what you sew (adultery, idol worship, immorality subjected to disease, causing strife to friends and family or any sort of trouble). One also has the free will to repent for their sins and change from their ways because forgiveness is a possibility; this was the case with several examples in the Scriptures found in the Bible.
    Case and point.
    You are absolute welcome. Now go read, study and research the Scriptures because you yourself is lacking, greatly, if I may add, a former JW, such as yourself, I advise you do more research because the lack in spirituality shows like empty plastic bottle in the street. If  child can answer such, you can also, so studying is key, Mr. Butler.
    That being said, since you reside in the UK, I assume, best you stay away from Hyde Park if this question gives you this much trouble, for those like you get burned and rinsed with facts on the daily there.
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