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Space Merchant

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  1. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    No at all, no copyright issues. The verse can easily be found on the main website of Jehovah's Witnesses' online Library, by simply clicking on the verse it gives you references as well as books and publications regarding the use of this verse and or passage. In a way, it is similar to the other Bible sites but not as complex. The Jehovah's Witnesses online library does not have commentary information, but they do quote people sometimes.
    But yeah, it was not that hard to look up, granted he is using their website to pull his information, must've forgotten about the online library.
    Yes. People, even here remain ignorant to the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses, at their core, even as Bible Students are Restorationist, hence Restorationist Christianity. Be it a single person or group, such ones are hardcore in striving to the teachings and practices of the early apostolic church.
    The irony here is the early church never believed in hell being the lake of fire but mainstream Christians teach this heresy, for in reality hell is simply the grave, for David is spoken of of making his bed in hell, Jonah, he himself was in the depths of hell, and so forth. They ignore the fact God reacted emotionally to fire torment in the Old Testament it was spoken of several times.
  2. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    You spoke of yourself to be a former member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, pretty much a free agent Christian, so to speak, for passwords and logins are meaninglessness, for the focus was being an actual member vs. being a former member, you said you use to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses and you explained yourself the first time I ever responded to you.
    And oh, I can back it up, was trying to see if you'd actually take the time yo look it up yourself, as you did with the Biblehub response, of which didn't end too well for you. Here you go: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/b/r1/lp-e/nwt/E/2013/42/14#s=11&study=discover&v=42:14:11 you can see under marginal references of listed publication and non-outlined cross references.
    I can always back up my information, do not underestimate Mr. Butler because it will always come back to haunt you.
    It's a reminder. Because all that is said is 100% true, just like the Ambassadors and the whole bit about supplication - all correct in regards to the Strong's.
    Good attempt, but not close regarding this question. These types of questions are asked by those out there to whom you preach the gospel too. When they seek answers to questions like the one posed, you have to have a good answer with at least 1-2 bible verses and or a single passage to bring up. In this question an example regarding Jesus could have been made, but you missed that opportunity.
    If you were an Evangelizing Missionary, you would not last long if this question came up.
    But, I give you another shot at answering this question, hence Spiritual Wisdom.
    So I'll ask you again:
    How can you have free will if it is punishment for disobedience?
    I said somewhere before I do not get sarcasm, therefore, I see the response as literal, for spying in faith community is very absurd. That being said, these sources are indeed trusted. I can guarantee you, 110% that these sources are legit and I have relied on them for sometime now, mainly when I post information about Israel, the Religion of Babylon, and other things.
    Not quite, some take such a study as if it is a lifestyle, to be forever learning of the True God, his Son and the Kingdom. What God's message through the Bible conveys and so forth. One does not look at it from a human standpoint, of which this is the point I made regarding Tradition of Men and or Man's Understanding time and time again, and man's understanding does not have quite the relationship with pure biblical hermeneutics, i.e. 2 Corinthians 5:20 or when one brings up John 20:28 for instance, they can fully explain to you the truth of this verse vs. those who use man's understanding to assume Jesus is God, when in reality such ones avoid the final verse and Thomas' first mention and later mention in the New Testament.
    God's Word isn't impossible, nor his his Laws burdensome, yet we have folks wanting to cherry pick, twist and even say to others that this or that of God's Laws shouldn't be followed, or the fact that Jesus entrusted the Church with commands of which today's folk deem it too harsh.
    And yes I am spiritual, hence why I did you the honor of giving you quite the question.
  3. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Rest easy. Of which cannot be done today, can be done tomorrow.
    This is because Restorationist as they are, they came to that realization very later on, mainly when you have verses like 1 Kings 8:2 and the Jewish Calendar,as well as the origins of the holiday itself. So after learning of such things,  the Jehovah's Witnesses, also known as Bible Students, do not want to offend God by imitating these celebrations which incorporate so much falsehood and are associated with the most horrible beliefs from the past.
    The Bible does not specifically address smoking at all, however, it does provide some examples that offers an answer regarding this.
    Now,  no one disputing that obvious fact that smoking is bad for your health. The Bible says that we should cleanse ourselves of every defilement regarding the flesh, to abstain from second-hand smoking and other harmful things.
    They never claimed or say Armageddon would start in 1975, therefore, the claims are incorrect.
    They still adhere to the 6,000 years of Creation.
    As o what meaning has changed? The Strong's are still correct in accordance with the manuscripts and other sources.
    Also can you provide more detailed information of the 3 times they changed this?
    Well you have to provide more details, as for the other stuff that has been debunked and the truth came to light.
    That being said, if you dislike and do not trust them, you are not doing yourself a favor by using their website.
  4. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Not to mention the silly claims such as all the churches of JWs harbor weapons and rifles under their churches and have bunkers at their headquarters. These same disgruntled people also do not know what trust funds are and actually believe the JWs own a portion of Victoria's Secret and Nintendo, when even a former JW who is aware of what trust funds are, explain everything and yet even with this information, it goes in one ear and out the other, mind you this guy was pretty much telling disgruntled JWs this information and they did everything in their power to shut him up.
    That being said, I have mention many times here that child abuse and molestation is everywhere, no one is immune to it, but these same people think that this is only among JWs, for we see nowhere that indicates JWs are immune to such things, granted all men is imperfect. But there are better solutions, even when such is explained, it is ignored and people will continue to bring up outrageous claims left and right and think the information to be as pure as gold when it is nothing more an ore stone. One guy brought this up and he has received death threats and fat shaming from disgruntled JWs, one of which who brought the Hate Parade to this man. I believe Mr. Butler or Matthew made mention of this very man who led the charge against a guy wanting to defend his neighborhood from ExJWs.
    Other than that, child abuse and the like is disturbing, but as a guy who helps young ones learn what that is, along with stranger danger, I can, and I am sure others also, can think instead of putting hate and pressure into one group, people can be better than hat but they choose not to be better, in this sense.
    Well you know what they say about some, hate is like a chain around the necks of people, they will always find something to hate someone or some group not realizing what they dislike is taking place around them, even in their own household in most cases.
  5. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life ?   
    In a simple world, no, but in reality, yes. This is the case with those who practice vodou/black magic before tearing their victim to shreds for their blood. a Very disgusting and sick thing, but it is the reality in the Caribbean, for such consider black magic and any ritual pertaining to it as a religion and they have false gods and goddesses that they follow. Believe me, I had witness things, that you yourself would not want to see, for even to this day it is one of those memories that you cannot remove from your mind, especially when a relatives of your was victim.
    In the US and EU, so called Christians who subjected themselves to the believe that taking the blood of the young [young blood transfusions], age range being 18 to 24, would enhance their life, prolong their life and so forth, hence we have people paying big money, anywhere between $6k-$8k+ for blood donations of the young to give to the older folks. And such ones who do these consider themselves as saints, they eat and they pray, as they are committed to such things. On the other side of the spectrum, you have those who get their blood from blacks and latinos of all ages, organs even, torn out of their bodies, replaced with things, for example, newspaper in one real life situation regarding a minor. People like this take, sell and use whatever they can pull from their victim and when it is Sunday they think they are saints.
    There are things of this world that is not spoken of, and even it has been spoken off, not much of it gets out.
  6. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Hankulan Tunani in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Agreed. Because one thing I dislike is slander and dishonesty. I am a Christian myself but I have studied other religions too, mainly when others who are disgruntled speak lies even though they are not of that faith, someone has to step up to speak the truth. It is harder in other places I am affiliated with, like Islam for example, although I am not Muslim, I speak the truth about them too as with anyone else, even Jehovah's Witnesses. As for individuals, the truth must be spoken of about them, among the good and the bad, and among the things I detest the most is the mainstream Christendom who have people like James White.
    One thing for certain, disgruntled people and or opponents do not like dealing with those who are knowledgeable, in this sense, even knowing a whole lot about the Bible and as you can see, we have several among the bunch who show their true colors, even more when their own information backfires on them.
  7. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @Srecko Sostar And yet you have not [stick to scripture], hence you didn't stick to scripture when you deem Abraham selfish and  one who is influenced but he devil.
  8. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Simply go to their online library, look up the verse and viola, as easy as making scrambled eggs.
    Biblehub and Gateway you simply scroll down and or look for commentary or it is spotted under Bible Study Tools website.
    That because I am. It is not something done on purpose for I have said knowledge is power. I do not care for I didn't come to impress, I come to correct.
    Also your trust in the guardian is somewhat.... telling.
    As for the other thing you said, most news media, news outlets and the like are not always trusted, for me, personally, I go to independent sources, 3 of which are very credible, mainly when it comes to world affairs and things happening, like in Israel and so forth, another in Russia.
    But it would seem someone who is educated offends you and others here. No worries. This is the case with those are as so, for the care isn't there but the information still presses forward.
  9. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Hankulan Tunani in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Rest easy. Of which cannot be done today, can be done tomorrow.
    This is because Restorationist as they are, they came to that realization very later on, mainly when you have verses like 1 Kings 8:2 and the Jewish Calendar,as well as the origins of the holiday itself. So after learning of such things,  the Jehovah's Witnesses, also known as Bible Students, do not want to offend God by imitating these celebrations which incorporate so much falsehood and are associated with the most horrible beliefs from the past.
    The Bible does not specifically address smoking at all, however, it does provide some examples that offers an answer regarding this.
    Now,  no one disputing that obvious fact that smoking is bad for your health. The Bible says that we should cleanse ourselves of every defilement regarding the flesh, to abstain from second-hand smoking and other harmful things.
    They never claimed or say Armageddon would start in 1975, therefore, the claims are incorrect.
    They still adhere to the 6,000 years of Creation.
    As o what meaning has changed? The Strong's are still correct in accordance with the manuscripts and other sources.
    Also can you provide more detailed information of the 3 times they changed this?
    Well you have to provide more details, as for the other stuff that has been debunked and the truth came to light.
    That being said, if you dislike and do not trust them, you are not doing yourself a favor by using their website.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Matthew9969 in Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life ?   
    Would it be proper for a vampire to pray before their meal?
  11. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    I want to discuss about Armageddon, and yet you run back to the WT which will lead to another spin of responses.
    But to be brief, the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Armageddon is the means by which God will fulfill his purpose for the Earth to be populated with happy healthy humans free of sin and death. They teach that the armies of heaven will eradicate all who oppose the Kingdom of God, wiping out all wicked humans on Earth, leaving only righteous mankind.
    That being said, Armageddon focused, what do you think it is? In details, no cryptic responses, please - keep it Bible focused.
  12. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I have the time and I make the time. If you noticed, there  is a certain amount of time I am on and other times I am absent.
    Ah, using the word "stupid" now are we.... I it makes me question if I am dealing with a grown man or a mere child. I guess the term in application should the obvious, especially with the little smiley face at the end, so therefore, I know the type cryptic person I am dealing with. Your a grown man, that word is beneath you, or is that so.
    That being said, whenever it is not something technical, I spend most of my time at a Boys and Girls Club, helping the little ones, of which last time you assume you need to be a doctor or some sort to help out.... An absurd claim, on your part.
  13. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    That's pretty much what is being talked about all over the place. But when people speak up, disgruntled ones will also speak and they will attack.
    Not all former JWs are on a warpath like their counterparts, but those that are on a warpath will be going nowhere.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    You are relatively new on this forum, if I'm correct. So my advice is don't take anything personally, whatsoever. It's ideas that are being dissected and discussed, not so much the character of the person. Although I agree, ideas can speak of the character of the person, I think a good discussion forum steers away from "ad hominem" ( @TrueTomHarley most admired expression) remarks and tries to keep to the issue at hand. That is the only way a subject can be properly explored. I think anyway.
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah's Witnesses Public club. Why ?   
    Some people are good at Whack-A-Mole

    Some people are just waaaay to good at Whack-A-Mole

    Some people are not good at Whack-A-Mole

  16. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Not out of context, it is actually true, hence why I put forth the examples.
    I don't mind the insult because I am unfazed, this is going from a man who has seen things you consider unreal.
    And no, everything uttered is exact truth unlike your claims of Peter being tempted or Chloe leading a church.
    I don't. For as said to you before I am bounded by what the Bible says, what the church teaches, what comes from God, his Christ and the Word that is written. I am bounded by my culture in terms of respect, truth and integrity and so forth.
    I speak what is right because such ones like to cloud information, such ones base their belief on opinions and emotion, not realizing what is the actual truth in the matter.
    That being said, tell me Srecko, how am I basing everything on my own feelings and emotion, in this sense?
    And no, my culture does not allow to be prideful and or righteous, nice try though.
    I am always relaxed. I have changed lives, I have made a bit of change in the world, in my own country when it was hit by an earthquake and have witnessed death and a list of other things, even coming face to face with the occult that has plagued the islands, to add more salt to injury, our children was nearly taken into human trafficking and someone who was fighting against it was assassinated and his death ruled out to be a suicide and yet we still press forward. I helped out in Texas and even Puerto Rico when it was hit by the hurricane, when Sandy hit in 2012, I helped out on rebuilding the shore. I went to Africa and Thailand and met some good people, some of which who didn't know God, and the list goes on. I do not care what I was given, I do not do things to show off, I did such things because I choose to for God's people are able bodied and will give a helping hand.
    Others can have their say, but surely no one is going to accept correction from a man, who stated God isn't surprised about people who change not just their sex, but their literal reproductive organs. It is thinking like that that shows you are not putting into application of God's Word let alone confusing Barak for Deborah, purposely, if you forgot that one.
    If you want to "correct" show me evidence your Chloe claim, as with Peter's temptation because when I asked you, you dodged and evaded several times. Perhaps this time you can speak to correct something you yourself know to be false.
  17. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses Public club. Why ?   
    Some people are good at Whack-A-Mole

    Some people are just waaaay to good at Whack-A-Mole

    Some people are not good at Whack-A-Mole

  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Hankulan Tunani in Jehovah's Witnesses 'use the Bible to victim-shame,' sex abuse survivor says   
    It seems her father the Elder didn’t see the warning signs if this victim was receiving gifts from an older man, and her father miraculously didn’t see what was going on. Parents are responsible for their children. This victim must really be dissent with her father, especially if she didn’t have the sex talk that the majority of parents have with their teenage children.
    Since we are getting secondhand information from the news. How she alleged the congregation mishandled her case is inconsequential since civil laws only require a reasonable belief in civil cases versus a burden of proof in a criminal case. The Preponderance of evidence is very different.
    Who dropped the ball in this case?
    This is the gray area those that have a problem with the Watchtower don’t seem to want to see or acknowledge.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Paul Dedee in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Unfortunately, there are many atheists that still consider themselves among the old guard. That’s not the case in the US. It’s been stipulated, that atheism can be and is a religion, since 2009. The concept shouldn’t be that surprising if one looks at paganism. Witchcraft as well.




    This will come as a shock when someone wants to claim no deity. They will have to understand the concept of throwing things to the wind. They fought for it, now they need to own it.

    But, I will defer in your presentation on who is allowed to post. I’ve seen people removed from here. So, I’m not prepared to speak freely here as much as I would like to as some of you can. I will continue to tread lightly like a frightened little mouse cowering in the corner.

    I don’t wish to offend any of you, especially the owner. So, my hands are tied. But, thank you and TTH, for your interest.

  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    And yet when he judges me you voted it up. I am not a stubborn person ..... S.M.  I tell you in truth i never even thought he was making a direct comment against you. I just agreed with the comment as a general comment. 
    Although i know the answers are given to previous comments, I see the answers as more of a general comment to the whole group. 
    And when i said how i felt i was being treated, i did not mean by you personally, I meant generally. . 
    As for the rest of your comment here , it is too long for me to concentrate on. 
    Sorry S. M.  I am not a puppet for Srecko and i come here as an individual. I do not take sides, I am my own person. 
    I comment as I see fit and will continue to do so. 
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Bethel and Alcohol   
    As I have mentioned before ... you can download any YouTube videos with the FREE (Free is a VERY good price!) software  -   "Freemake Video Downloader"  -   @The Librarian.  I think the video deleted above was one I downloaded, but I do not remember either.
    This is NOT a link ... you can download this to your computer from HERE.

    LEAKED_ Bethel video talk about alcohol [mixology version!].mp4
  22. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Was the Bible written and compiled for everyone to understand fully or only for a 'chosen few' to fully understand   
    Very true. Minus the bacon (if you catch that reference regarding translators) Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
    Also I do not know if you know this but, there are people who think if they eat the pages of the Bible, they somehow gain insight. I think a similar situation some guy ate an entire bible as his last meal.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Was the Bible written and compiled for everyone to understand fully or only for a 'chosen few' to fully understand   
    If it was clear, why state the obvious? Also it is in the thousands. and among the thousands there is only a few who actual recognize the early church, they strive to be like it, they attempt it, they fail at it and or ignore it. Some denominations no longer exist for they have ceased and or died out, I believe I posted a list somewhere before, but around that time I was talking about calamity, such as mass earthquakes and the like.
    Restorationist Christain are pretty much a small, but also big, minority, however this group, as an organized religion, is not little or is it big. They are sitting at, just putting JWs all on the same boat, about 8.5 million, they had several thousand increase in a small span of time and might hit anywhere between 8.6-9 million. I also like to say it is the JWs only, if you include those who are with them as in guests, students and so forth, it is in the 20 million range, possibly higher. I would say the reason for this is because mainstream Christendom is declining so you have people going into other denominations in the minorities, on the other side of the spectrum, you have Islam, which is, possibly bigger and also growing, and may surpass the mainstream, granted it is said, spoken of mid 2015 as it being a main contender to mainstream Christianity.
    Restorationist Christians who are not tied to any denomination, it is hard to tell for these folk because they, literally live off-grid, examples who be this one guy I posted a video about here who had been off the grid for so long he was absent for 8 years, rumored to have been dead and or killed, even had be concerned, but he resurfaced again, there are a few thousands like him, but combining all Restorationnist as a whole, both individuals and groups, I cannot say.
    I have been very vocal on here of who is actually following the truth of the early church.
    The Apostolic Christians had everything down to the letter, or in this case, the Didache. The Church and her people, the church and her teachings that is being professed, of which one must follow.
    To quote myself:
    I am aware there are those who attempt to be and or already are. And it has been known that Restorationist are the type of Christians to not adhere and or align themselves with mainstream Christianity, thus making them entirely different, but at their core they only care about following the teachings of the early Apostolic Church and putting that into application even in this day and age and onward, for Restorationist Christians are learners as they go and progress.
    I would post the Didahe, but that is a full posting on it's own, I will just make reference to it: The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (60 - 120 A.D.)
    One would have to simply go back to the Early Church and Christians, for they knew God, who he was and his thinking, thus having the ten commandments come in form of principles and the Sh'ma.
    God gives us direction and truth by means of his word and he expects us to put that into application, this also goes for the commands of his Son, Christ Jesus, and what His Son wants us, Christians, to do, for we are of that same house with others who are aware of which Covenant they are under.
    By means of his word, God has also people, imperfect ones, who profess what is true and abide by what is true, although such ones can make mistakes, as is with past followers of God, even of Christ, such ones still do what is best, what is necessary to get word out of the gospel, the good news, the Messianic Age, what is to come, what is to expect.
    The problem here is that there are others, false ones, who twist the information into something that it is not. One of the many things I have a total disdain for is the Trinity, the teaching that God is his own Son, or anything that is of an accursed doctrine, mockery of the holy spirit and so forth, and lastly, those who are clearly defending spurious text which was added into the Bible, something of which I am 100%+1,000% vocal about, even to the point on several instances I stumble on myself out going overboard when professing facts.
    That being said, as Christians we need to know the Bible and the history of the scriptures, we need to know the history of the early church and Christians, otherwise we would be in a position that reveals utter ignorance and or problematic issues that others will correct, sometimes with sheer criticism, an example would be regarding the other post about a certain fishermen.
    Mr. Bulter, you can start by studying, researching, and meditating on the early church. Before you do so, I suggest reading through Matthew 16 carefully, then go about the research of the Apostolic Age, for you will find out things that the mainstream does not tell you about the church, examples like how most early Christians were technically Subornationist, or the fact that Trinitarians and Modalist joined forced to stamp out other beliefs when they themselves know they are in the wrong. Things of that nature.
    God has given me the ability to learn, as is with all men. I take learning things with sheer seriousness. I can speak of any denomination because I studied them, I even studied Judaism and Islam, even though I am a Unitarian Christian myself, who, among the few, who believes in pre-existence. Like I told you before, we are all servants, slaves, we are not above anyone, nor are we below, weak or superior, and so forth.
    I can be very critical at times, even strict, but the truth will be spoken. I do not take lightly to false and or erroneous Christologies in order to paint someone in a bad light, the very reason why if something is of conspiracy and or other, I speak up, and at times, people cannot handle the truth to the point they run for the hills and cry for admin to lock down a thread.
    All of us can learn, but those who remain ignorant to learning only shows themselves to be the villain, in this sense. There is also a time for common ground whereas despite the views there are things that are agreeable to both sides, example would be, I can agree and discussion with someone who is a Muslim about Sura-112 in the Qu'ran, which to us in the Bible is Deuteronomy 6:4 regarding the Sh'ma. Things like that, and I say this because I speak with one too many Muslims elsewhere,and among them several Christians who are for and against the Trinity are present, some from the Soco crew are not pleasant people, even some JWs showed up, one I had challenged named Kathgar because an Agnostic had something interesting to say that led me on a goose chase.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    In another thread @Srecko Sostar made the claim that a woman named Chloe lead the Church of Corinth, basing his own view on a single verse (1 Corinthians 1:11) using this as legitimate proof that somehow Chloe lead the Church. I even told him to prove it, but he as well as Witness failed when the Biblical Facts were placed in front of them, Witness began the thread and yielded upon his own feelings and opinions, even going as far as to say that someone of has the holy spirit on them was only speaking of an opinion when in reality Paul was referring to God's Order by means of Creation, our first human parents.
    The funny thing is how the both of them attempt to defend a Tradition of Men regarding women leadership in a church, one of them even stated, out of disdain of the truth, that I am somehow anti-women for making the W in women lowercase, when I type too fast for my own good to even realize that, and I asked him, prove I am against women, of which he cannot prove, nor can Srecko.
    What they fail to see is women as roles in the church as well as men, however, according to God's Order, there are roles that are for men that women cannot do, however both men and women help the church out, furthermore, God's Order also reflects the family structure, such as the husband, the wife, the child, hence the family itself and so forth.
    But yes, every time a biblical fact is thrown into their face, they are quick to bring up JWs, when I am talking solely about the Church Structure and how things were before people started to change up things to equal that of Traditions of Men. Next thing you know, Srecko and Witness will probably defend Furries taking religious office in a church.
    That being said, Srecko has a habit of deleting things, so I make sure to quote him and make a response so his own word does not vanish, as it has last time. This thread was created by Witness regarding women.
  25. Upvote
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