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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    The last person who was inspired by God or Jesus was the apostle John, on the isle of Patmos, when he wrote Revelation. 
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Shiwiii in Will people who have committed suicide get a resurrection?   
    As to what part is it what I said here that is of confusion to you? To be brief, if a sinner dies, he would no longer be able to sin, for a dead man cannot do anything at this point, a dead man cannot sin at all as he would in life, however any sin he has done when he or she use to walk the earth, they'll have to answer for, for because of God's Purpose, His Will, His Order, such ones would indeed be brought back to be judged, this goes for all men, even those who commit suicide in regards to the situation of as to why they did so to begin with.
    Jesus died so that man can believe in him. For God his Father, is spoken of as loving the world, that is, the world of mankind in need of redemption from sin, the very reason the sacrifice was in play here, we know this because of John 1:29, as with any verse that connects to this verse via reference.
    Of course there are those who reject him, but you must take into account even those who reject him end up turning back around, thus accepting the Christ and accepting that he is Lord and believing that the God of the Christ raised him [Jesus] from the dead, for God wants all kinds of men to be saved to gain salvation and to endure until the conclusion of the End Times and the Day of God's Judgement that will be unleashed to those who strongly reject what is true and those who contend against God's Word, those who assume and or think such that is being asked is burdensome when such is to be done.
    Even with Jesus' sacrifice we are to maintain faith for it is something that is a hard fight to contend for it, according to the slave of the Christ, of which I professed before in what was said in Jude 3.
    Romans 6:23 isn't being misused here. Death itself is a sin, or as the Bible puts it, the sting of Death is sin, and to us of mankind, such a thing will continue to creep on to us until Death is done away with for good.
    When someone dies, mainly if someone is rejecting the truth, he/she will have to answer to God in front of the White Throne, even should that person take his or her life willfully depending on the situation, some, who do take their life although the act is indeed a sin, such ones will have to answer for God still, and as I said before, God is a God of mercy.
    Like I said, the reason why suicide is viewed as a sin by most is because of what the Law in the Torah stated about murder, taking a life, thus committing murder, mainly if it is done so in a situation that is not the best, is sin, be it if you take the life of others and or yourself, granted that life itself is indeed a gift from God, that being said, such things usually depends on the the individual and as to the reason as to why the act was committed.
    Other than that, this view has been around for a while, predating all of us, hence the very reason I mentioned City of God.
    In the end, no one can escape judgement, for every decision we make, mainly if some are in the wrong, we will have to answer for and God will be the judge of that.
  3. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from SuzA in Where your plastic water bottles end up   
    The very reason I prefer to drink from glass and not plastic. If I am in a position to drink from a plastic bottle, I recycle it, but sadly no one likes to recycle.
    You toss a plastic item of waste into the grass and or sea you pay for it. You put toxic gases into the heavens, your lungs and health will most likely pay for it.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Do you mean the court whose demand was overturned by a higher court as overreach, so that, in reality it was more like the thief becoming annoyed with his target for wasting time forking over the goods?
    Wasn’t this answered before? Yet you barrel on as though it never was. No wonder some here think you are unbalanced and I have to restrain them.
  5. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    This is where you fail here, Srecko Sostar, I pointed this out because you yourself think the family unit is of blood only, has nothing to do with JWs, but if your heart wants to make it as such, anyone who is subjected to anything that results in grounds for excommunication, all church ties are cut.
    At least if you are not going to go about on your own word, do not make the obvious shift and or change.
    Anything in relation to Excommunication/Expelling still stands be it of blood relative and or adopted one, for church ties be it restored and or cut effects anyone.
    That being said, I admire your effort and attempt, but no cigar. If you forget what you said and as to what I made a response to, re-read everything you posted prior to this response.
    Also we have yet to see where you are getting Mathematics from, of which remains to be.... Unseen.
  6. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Traditions of men in the JW Org   
    No, my friend, we are focused and are on topic here, for the pieces on the chess board has not moved and nor shifted. For this is regarding the word "Naked" in the passage, be if of Jehovah's Witnesses or not, the focus of the verse is in the Bible and it is the Bible I will speak of, you can continue to bring up JWs but the very original source of the Bible still stands, and your former JW counterparts are aware to the fact of what the word means in the Greek text, to which you are putting in application the literally vs. the Bible.
    Ok..... So what of John 21:7 regarding the word Naked? I see in their translation it says the following:
    Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter: “It is the Lord!” Now Simon Peter, on hearing that it was the Lord, put on* his outer garment, for he was naked, and plunged into the sea.
    *- Or “wrapped around himself; girded about himself.”
    According to their understanding of the massage, as stated already:
    the disciple whom Jesus loved: That is, the one whom Jesus especially loved. This is the fourth of five occurrences mentioning a certain disciple “whom Jesus [or “he”] loved” or “for whom Jesus had affection.” (Joh 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20) It is generally believed that this disciple was the apostle John, the son of Zebedee and brother of James.—Mt 4:21; Mr 1:19; Lu 5:10; Joh 21:2; the reasons for this identification are given in the study notes on Joh 13:23; 21:20.  
    naked: Or “lightly clad.” The Greek word gy·mnosʹ can have the meaning “lightly clad; in the undergarment only.”—Jas 2:15, ftn.; see study note on Mt 25:36. You spoke of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses yourself, formerly, so I ask you here what issue you take with the word Naked when the Greek Strong's matches up with what their Bible professes?
    Like I said, we are focused here when it comes to the Bible, and the verse in question is in the Bible of all translations, even the JW one. I don't need to bring up the verse on Bible Hub because that was the final link to which I posted in my last response, but I can quote myself for you:
    And now we have this:
    Are you sure? As with all translations that have footnotes, references and the like, it tells you exactly what a word in a verse means or what the passage is in connection to, etc. When this is regarding nakedness, it can mean several things and since we know Peter is a fishermen and fishermen at the time girdled their under garments, it is no surprise.
    The word "naked" has always been in scripture, mainly in this specific verse, the very reason I said, and I quote:
    Go to any Bible website that gives context for such words, everyone here likes biblehub, you show yourself to be very liking of the site of which I can see on this forums, yet when Biblehub is used it is a different story - as which can be seen here to everyone even guests and elsewhere. I invite you to read, from Bible Hub, for it is, as you said it yourself, very interesting indeed.
    I also pointed out this:  Strong's 1903 ἐπενδύτης > https://biblehub.com/greek/1903.htm
    Here is what Biblehub had to say which is identical to what your former faith reads, for perhaps this will ring some bells for one who was formerly of Jehovah's Witnesses:
    In understanding the views and mind of Jehovah's Witnesses, their own religious leaders encourage them to do research in what the Bible says (you should know this, how this this slip from your radar), for if they didn't expect or have known no manuscript(s) information to be learnt by those of their community and or evidence to such then in God's name would they even be put on their website, thus they make available to the public?
    To make matters even worse for you, on your part, this same information is scattered all over the internet, clearly not everything is bad on the internet when you have those who are true to themselves who speak but, mainly in the light of Biblical Theology, those even learning themselves.
    That being said, I stated before, to JTR and others that the Jehovah's Witnesses are sitting at 8.45 million adherents (source), possibly, 8.5 million and they are growing fast for a minority faith community while on the other side of the spectrum mainstream Christianity is on a heavy decline and is being surpassed rapidly by Islam and I read somewhere Judaism is in the mix.
    And that is their faith group alone, the numbers are far more bigger when you include study converts of JWs which is around like 21 million+ I would have to double check statistics in religion again for the numbers can change.
    Other than that, back to focus regarding the verse in the Gospel of John for I will not let this glass of water spill over like elsewhere.
    Now, Christians are suppose to make research and learn, for the Bible does speak about taking in knowledge of the Christ and his God, John 17:3 and ALL references, even outlined ones, being clear or what was said by Peter himself regarding accurate knowledge or perhaps Paul, I know you read things regarding Paul and his works; just as the Christ read and observe the law and learn about His God regarding the Law, we should read and research the Word daily to take in knowledge of God, of Jesus, of the Kingdom, the teachings of the Church and so forth, research is not a bad thing, for it keeps your the spiritual mind and body whole and strong.
    The English Bible adheres to manuscripts (check out Biblehub for it is indeed interesting), naked in the Greek text can be something entirely different in the English dictionary, just like what was states on Bible Hub regarding the word naked to today's language vs. that in the Scriptures.
    So comparing the 2 will not help you with your resolve.
    It's no idea and for you to say such only proves the point further that you truly do not read the word for context and or understanding, you do not need a JW to hold your hand to gain biblical context, it is Biblical Fact, the fact you are still remain ignorant to manuscript evidence of the oldest sources we have only shows that you defeated yourself here with this one verse, you yourself even made it known, which can be accessible on Biblehub, as with the another  interesting verse where you most likely overwhelmed with the truth, like I said, why is it now something different with you, Butler? Biblehub is right there, and I know you have access to it, you revealed such before.
    Go do the research because if you read the Bible, best for you to understand it because if you lack mainly in something so elementary and minor, how can you teach the Word if you do not understand it yourself, even going as far as to assume said word is identical to the English word when the Strong's, in Greek mind you, shows you the references and occurrences of that one word? For if you do not accept truth of this matter, you will not be able to teach the elderly, other adults and or children, not even toddlers, for even they know everything has context when they read something as simple as Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham.
    I take the words of our church fathers and the Bible, I do not take your understanding for you reveal your own word to be of what this topic is about, Traditions of Men, in this sense, you display the obvious man's understanding here.
    Do the research and then return here or simply remain silent as the truth stares you in the face, furthermore, do not speak of something you are still unaware of, for as Jesus used a child in his example to his disciples, we are to learn, we are to apply - you, must do the same.
    That being said everything explained to you cannot be proven wrong, and the Bible has been used against you quite easily, even the source of the Bible itself and the evidence and Strong's we have in this day and age.
    Therefore it can be said here, the one who mostly makes the attempt to speak of Traditions of Men, is most definitely the very one to be practicing Traditions of Men, and it is obvious and clear.
    The truth has been professed to you, do what you will, for the truth isn't for everyone and sometimes the truth is too much to handle for it is that great. You have been burned, and rinsed.
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in JW Dress Rules   
    @Jack Ryan You do realize the cultural and dress of those in Spain right? But hey, not everyone knows the cultural of such persons, for it is no surprise people in the West do not know.
    What they are wearing is Traditional Clothing in Spain. The woman, in the picture, are wearing a Spanish Feria Dress (also similar and or related to the Andalusian dress), it is not a tight dress, for it is fitted and is of an agreeable size with the wearer, furthermore, it should occur to you is those conventions held by Jehovah's Witnesses, mind you international, consist of them and guests, i.e. anyone who studies with them and or tags along, friend, relative and so forth.
    The dresses used by Spaniard women and or anyone affiliated with their culture tends to use such dresses for festivals and or other gatherings, at times, more associated with anything in relation with flamenco, Music Genre/Style, mind you, most it is a lot of guitar playing with a hint of Spanish sounds and instruments that differ from music found in the US, therefore, you can not only feel, but hear the culture.
    The man is wearing something in relation to the traditional clothing referred to as Traje De Chulapo (Traje De Chulapa for women). It isn't tight, it is pretty loose when wearing it.
    The culture of origin and or worn: Madrid/Andalusia/Spain
    That being said, you cannot be totally blind to people of different backgrounds and or culture, Ryan, it isn't too surprising as men wearing kilts (not called man-skirts) to similar events, as already mentioned to Srecko Sostar a while back.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    I think we may be understanding what "family unit" means differently.
    family unit - Collins English Dictionary.
    (ˈfæmlɪ ˈjuːnɪt)   noun sociology a social group traditionally consisting of parents and children the traditional family unit of mother, father and two children  ----------------------------------------   Once the children leave the home, usually they set up their own family unit when they marry and have children. They are no longer part of the original family unit. Of course that is not to say this always happens. There is a sister in our congregation who has her 32 year old unmarried and disfellowshipped son living back home with her after 5 years.   In that case, it is up to her how much or how little she communicates with him, but no doubt she does communicate with him, except for spiritual things. Also, since he is living in her house, he has to abide by whatever house rules she imposes of course.  
  9. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Food & Drink in Forums vs. Social Media   
    I usually see the forums as part of and or categorized as social media. A place for discussion, debate, conversation, agreeing/disagreeing with someone, and or that one guy in the forums/media who is a clown, and then we have the trolls, the worse of the worse who feed off your anger and sadness, using that collected power against you, then you have the hateful bunch, the white knights who defend any woman/girl they looks good to them, you have the "bros" and so forth.
    In short, welcome to the internet.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Many childhood memories make us nostalgic, but the “Mister Rogers” emotion is something different: ...   
    That thought crossed my mind as I saw the picture, but then I held back from saying anything so that no one would get the idea that SuziQ's pretzel stick favorites were actually just "bite-size torture stakes." (Somehow "hot cross buns" seems like a much easier name for a marketing team to promote.)
    By the way, some people might think that when Space Merchant mentioned that he was a unitarian, that this was the same as claiming to be a non-Witness Unitarian. Witnesses are Unitarian believers.
    U·ni·tar·i·an ˌyo͞onəˈterēən/ noun THEOLOGY   1. a person, especially a Christian, who asserts the unity of God and rejects the doctrine of the Trinity.
  11. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in Will people who have committed suicide get a resurrection?   
    Bit like the fruitage of the sprit (of which love is mentioned) "Against such things there is no law". Gal.5:23.
    Like so many of such questions raised in this forum, this is a matter for individuals to decide. 
    Dugogodišnja sloboda.
  12. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Many childhood memories make us nostalgic, but the “Mister Rogers” emotion is something different: ...   
    In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis.
    Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the towns and or villages, tossing the pretzels in a small bag to children and older folk. Other times it is cookies, bon-bon, as we call it, popcorn and or the best kind of snack, Sugar Canes. The other half of my family from Belize do something similar, but never made rounded pretzels, we tend to get more fruit

  13. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What If Everyone Who Ever Lived Was Resurrected?   
    Melinda Mills is correct .... technically Jehovah is from everlasting to everlasting ... only possible in a spacetime continuum without entropy and is not created.  He may possibly BE the non-entropic spacetime continuum, before the "Big Bang" created ours (?).
    I agree with multiverse theory, so it's easy to reach that conclusion.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Kingdom Hall WiFi versus Personal Privacy   
    Lighten up!
    You will be a LOT happier, and live a LOT longer
    .... and besides, Iran is not a place I have.
    It does not belong to me!
  15. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    We will learn to be focused. For if it is another issue he wishes to speak of, HIS topic is still on the forums, as well as the other 2016 topic of which such was continued into. I believe it is the same one of which Srecko Sostar friend, the yes-man, in "the House of Chloe" tried to trick others that I am in favor of the KJV when I had spoken about Textual Criticism time and time again, in a response I made to Mr. Butler about child abuse. You'd be amazed of how some will use a typo to use against you, and this was the case with the Trinitarian who tried to twist church history.
  16. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from admin in Is this evidence of extraterrestrial life on the moon?   
    Or flashy 3D and special effects.
    We already have kids laughing and making viral a 3D dancing alien named Howard doing the R.O.B.O.T., so anyone can do something silly with the tech they now have.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Jack Ryan in Is this evidence of extraterrestrial life on the moon?   
    First ever film of demons flying around the planet?
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    I admit I have never seen it as the GB placing a heavy burden on people by informing young men that masturbation is not the bees’ knees.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    Please watch your spell checker!
  20. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Anna in Many childhood memories make us nostalgic, but the “Mister Rogers” emotion is something different: ...   
    In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis.
    Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the towns and or villages, tossing the pretzels in a small bag to children and older folk. Other times it is cookies, bon-bon, as we call it, popcorn and or the best kind of snack, Sugar Canes. The other half of my family from Belize do something similar, but never made rounded pretzels, we tend to get more fruit

  21. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from admin in Many childhood memories make us nostalgic, but the “Mister Rogers” emotion is something different: ...   
    In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis.
    Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the towns and or villages, tossing the pretzels in a small bag to children and older folk. Other times it is cookies, bon-bon, as we call it, popcorn and or the best kind of snack, Sugar Canes. The other half of my family from Belize do something similar, but never made rounded pretzels, we tend to get more fruit

  22. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from SuziQ1513 in Many childhood memories make us nostalgic, but the “Mister Rogers” emotion is something different: ...   
    In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis.
    Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the towns and or villages, tossing the pretzels in a small bag to children and older folk. Other times it is cookies, bon-bon, as we call it, popcorn and or the best kind of snack, Sugar Canes. The other half of my family from Belize do something similar, but never made rounded pretzels, we tend to get more fruit

  23. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Jack Ryan in Raccoon Skydives off Building in New Jersey   
    Perhaps by mere chance. An there is a very, very high chance that most likely the Raccoon will never do that again and stick to raiding garbage bins nearby because that isn't much of a risk.
  24. Upvote
  25. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from admin in China Threatens US With "Consequences" If It Does Not "Immediately" Revoke Sanctions Over Russian Weapons Deal   
    Granted that China is a legitmate ally of Russia and Syria, it would be interesting to see how such things turn out.
    A fun fact: American Flags have been/still made in China.
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