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Space Merchant

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  1. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why do JWs have huge lunches / dinners after funerals?   
    When I swim in the Ocean .. I AM shark repellent!
    Grrrrrrr !
  2. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Why do JWs have huge lunches / dinners after funerals?   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.  Well it is better than being a stuffed-human being and positioned in a chair, a motorcycle and or a gaming seat with a bag of soda and chips next to your body during a viewing, or perhaps being sent to space.
    Yeah, I never understood how some in the US, perhaps elsewhere flush a fish down a bathroom toilet. For us it is usually literal burial in the dirt or casting the fish aside into the sea.
    Other than that, never fall a sleep in water period, you'd be amaze how people think they are Sponge-bob or Aquaman, believing they can breathe as well as sleep and live underwater, and boy were they wrong. Better to sleep near the shoreline away from the water that can easily send you off, for water is the worse way to go and as said by others, very painful.
    Also it is a good idea to bring the shark repellent.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    I have read it, simply putting it out there that women are in no position to be church leaders and or having a pastoral-like position over that of men, for, the church’s structure is ever so evident and clear, even in relation to the structure of the family and or that of Adam and Eve, as to what is said and this cannot be changed regardless of how one tries to make the attempt, you cannot tweak and o change what has been set in motion and or entrusted which is in strong connection with God's Purpose and Will. Women can be ministers, teachers and prophets (prophetesses), but never has women in the church’s history from biblical times to the days of the early church and The Didache had a woman been a religious leader of authority over men, like I said, a position held by only men of authority and women are restricted to ministers and teachers, prophetess roles, as well as those who have the gifts.
    This isn’t a matter of men vs. women as some people over the years make it seem to be, for this has been debated for years, and the truth itself speaks, we should be in no position to make a change of what is written.
    I figured this point be made because rarely does anyone speak of the church’s actual structure and there are those quick to claim that if women are and can be ministers and prophets to teach and or prophesied, they make it seems as though they have authority to lead the church and some even make excuses and rather weak arguments, which is incorrect in many cases, granted if one reads the Bible and understands the structure from man to woman, to the family to the church correctly. Only then you will see why women cannot and will not hold a position of a authority and True Christian women will even tell you this for they know what the Bible says and these women are the very ones who will refute mainstream Christian women who do not put what is said in the Bible 100% - again, a clear distinction between a True Christian and a mainstream Christian.
    I am aware of what a prophetess is, a position held by women, if I was not aware why would have I had mention these women such as Miriam, Deborah, Anna? Perhaps the others I spoke of months ago in relation to remarks made regarding the early church itself?
    Ephesians 2:20-22 (Epistle to the Ephesians), One in Christ, which speaks of what is actually being read from verses 11-22 and of the actual title of said passages in the chapter - those being One in Christ, I believe this has already been discussed before regarding the Spiritual House, granted it speaks of the Christ being the very foundation of the church itself, the stone/cornerstone of the church. For such ones, both the Jews and the Gentiles, be it men or women are indeed one in Christ for the gender of one is not even irrelevant, as well as race and or position for what matters is being in the Christ, for here they themselves having the True God dwell in them as He did in Christ, as we learn later on of our early brothers and sisters of the church in the Scriptures.
    As for 1 Cor. 14:29-31, it is best to read out the entire passage portion of this and the references itself. The entire Orderly Worship portion in Chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians is verses 26 to 40, this is also not only regarding the brothers, but the sisters, the women, as well, moreover, the very outline of the passage half way through is titled women's position in the church.
    Granted with how one sees the passage but never put into application the very context.
    People of any race, age and or gender is irrelevant, for what matters is such ones being together, one in Christ, these persons who take in knowledge that is like a treasure, having the Holy Spirit, allows God to dwell in them as He did in Jesus, and Jesus himself dwells in such ones as well, mainly if you take into account what Jesus said to His disciples in his final prayer, the same disciples who had been entrusted with the abilities of the church, of which is practiced and followed by the early church of the time, mainly in Apostle Paul's day. But is is no surprise people will use Galatians 3:28 when the very weight of what the Bible says holds more regarding the church's structure and those being one in Christ.
    Some of them have already been mentioned. None of them held religious leadership and or authority of any kind in the church over men, regardless of their views.
    Miriam was a Prophetess (Exodus 15:20) Deborah was a Prophetess (Judges 4:4-7, 14-16) Huldah  was a Prophetess (2 Kings 22:14-20, 2 Chronicles 34:22-28) Isaiah's wife was spoken of to be the prophetess (Isaiah 8:3) Noadiah was a Prophetess (Nehemiah 6:14) God spoke to Ezekiel of Israelite women who were acting as Prophetesses (Ezekiel 13:17-19, 13:20-23) Anna was a Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38) That of Philip’s four virgin daughters, having been prophesied under that of God’s Holy Spirit. (Acts 21:9; 1 Corinthians 12:4, 10, see Joel 2:28, 29 and Acts 2:14-18) as well as the mention of head coverings (1 Corinthians 11:3-6) Jezebel-like woman who act as Prophetesses (Revelations 2:20-23) Prophecies will be spoken in the last days by both men and women, young and old (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17). This was seen on the Day of Pentecost, when God bypassed the priests and scribes and spoke to the people of Jerusalem through the common people of the early church (Acts 2:12; 4:13) I haven't seen Mary mentioned as a Prophetess in the Bible compared to the others, so I leave you with the opportunity to show us where exactly it says she is called a Prophetess. She did in fact met one, and that Prophetess she has met with was Anna.
    Yes, but as to where female servants/slaves are said to have authority over the church, especially over that of men of authority? It is already seen as to what position they hold in teaching by means for he ministry, but never do we see the church's structure having the religious leadership position in a pastoral-like fashion held by a woman.
    And yet you ignore the very structure of what has been put in place even by means of God's view? Nothing of which you are addressing shows anyone here that women hold a position of religious leadership and authority or said position of office over that of men IN the church.
    Being a prophet, minister, teacher does not override the authority of a religious and or church leader of a pastoral-like level over a man of similar and or equal position. Teachers are both male and female, but according to how God’s actions through even his Son, the Christ, what is set is very specific role and action to both male and female.
    According to the church’s structure, I defend what God’s Word informs us about, unlike mainstream Christendom, I do not try to alter what the Church structure is, try to change up God’s Laws because for some it is burdensome and or harsh and or seen as unnecessary, I do not try to tweak anything in relation to binding and loosening, the abilities of which has been entrusted to the Church by the Christ himself and a list of other things. I am aware enough to speak, saying by means of biblical interpretation on even this subject for years now and what is said is indeed true and unbreakable. Other than that, is is a very good thing that people like me are aware and have studied the church's history to even make known of what is actually the case in terms of religious leadership.
    Why wouldn’t I know? Pentecost was indeed something that everyone knows and who was involved and who had received the outpouring of the Spirit, both men and women included, as well as all the disciples of Jesus who remained in the city, which also includes Judas’ replacement, Matthias. What took place right after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the helper given to the people? Those having the Spirit and by means of the Spirit’s power allow God to be with them, as he was with the Christ, these people went on to preach and teach, having people coming to know God, know his Son and what the Kingdom is all about, and those who became disciples become teachers themselves, and the cycle of making teachers of disciples continues until the conclusion of the End Times and Tribulations. But nowhere we see a woman, be it a minister, prophetess, teacher, etc take up the role of a church leader of which is only this position of authority is associated with men.
    The records show us that women taught as teachers and some of them were prophetesses. No Church structure has a religious and or church leader that is a woman, and attempting to place a prophetess, a minister and or teacher in such a position is only bringing forth accursed doctrinal teachings (Galatians 1:8-11).
    Now, Jesus, the head of the church did indeed call on to women to help out in this regard, and he called them into significant ministry, for He was for them. Although he did not choose women to be apostles, as some argue, it does not mean that the role of women in the church was not important at all. Jesus was one to believe that it is beneficial for the church and the family if men assumed the role of Christ-like servant and leaders, and women came in alongside with their respective gifts to help carry the leadership through according to those gifts in regards of the church, for instance, teaching, ministerial work, etc. For it is not a surprise to anyone that God has ordained that in the home and in the church men assume a special role of responsible of not only teaching, but assume role of leadership, which is in conjunction with the church structure itself by means of the head of the church.
    Now, God’s Word makes known of the following, that a woman should learn in quietness and full submission, in addition, it does not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, which is the case with any leadership and or pastoral-like position, for she must be silent
    1 Timothy 2:11-12 – (11) Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. (12) I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. Regarding the church, God has different roles and or position for both men and women, which is in connection with the way mankind was created and the way in which sin entered the world
    1 Timothy 2:13-14 – (13) For Adam was formed first, then Eve; (14) and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Our Heavenly Father, through an Apostle, Apostle Paul, has place restrictions on to women from serving in roles of leadership regarding teaching or having spiritual authority over men, a high position in the church, if you will, which prevents women from serving as pastors over men of authority, which definitely includes preaching, teaching them publicly, and exercising spiritual authority over such men.
    According to the women I have mention several times here and elsewhere, some will make the claim that women can be leaders and or pastors of a church, religious leadership by ill interpretation, mainly when said interpretation is heavily focused on Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah, all of them being Prophetesses (Prophets)  in the Hebrew Old Testament. It is true, without question and or doubt, that these women were chosen by God Yahweh/Jehovah for special service to Him and that they stand as examples in the faith by means of their courage and their actions, and, yes, one can say such is somewhat of a leadership role, however, the authority of women in the Hebrew Old Testament is not relevant to the issue of pastoral-like position of leadership in the church itself; of the church. The Greek New Testament Epistles shows us a model for God’s people, the church, which is the foundation - the Body of Christ, which involves an authorial structure very unique to the church, and only the church.
    Now that we are in the Greek New Testament, we can go more in-depth of both Priscilla (Prsica) and Phoebe, both of them being ministers and or teachers. We know that in Acts chapter 18, Priscilla, and her husband, Aquila, are presented as ministers. Both Priscilla and her husband teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to many, even the likes of Apollos, a Christian Jew raised in the city of Alexandria (the place of higher education and learning known for its wonderful library in those days as well as culture), the capital of the Roman province of Egypt. This man of whom the faithful and courageous couple preached to was well versed, knowledgeable and educated.
    Because of  Aquila , as well as his wife, Priscilla, their ministry by means of teaching Apollos accurate knowledge of God was a success, hence God’s spirit enabled him to show enthusiasm for the right things and to be willing to accept teachings that were more accurate of which he received by means of this ministry.
    The very reason it can see seen in verse 26 of the passage that they explained to him the way of God more adequately, hence why he was able to receive accurate knowledge about God as mentioned right above (Acts 18:26). Although we see this, we do not, in fact, never in the Bible that the wife of Aquila, Priscilla, held a pastoral role in a/of the church or taught publicly or became the religious leader of the church, and or a congregation of saints.
    Now we go to Phoebe, a Christian woman of the church in Cenchreae. In Romans 16:1, Phoebe is called a deacon [diakonos in Greek] (or in this case, a servant), in the church and she is highly commended by Apostle Paul. But just like Priscilla, there is nothing in Scripture to indicate and or show that Phoebe was a pastor or one for having religious leadership of men of authority in the church. The ability to teach is given as a qualification for elders and or church leaders, but not for deacons (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-9).
    Going back to what was said above, the structure of 1 Timothy 2:11-14 pretty much makes for reason why women cannot be pastors fairly clear and analyzing Apostle Paul’s statement is very simple, mainly verse 13 to that of 11 and 12.
    We also have to take into consideration that of both Adam and Eve. For this also is very simple: Adam was created first, and second came Eve. Adam was not the first to deceive, for it was the woman, Eve, who was the first deceived (again, 1 Timothy 2:11-14). God created Adam first and then created Eve to be a helper for Adam. The very order of creation has an application in the family structure as seen in Ephesians 5:22-33, and in the church, it is quite obvious of how the structure actually is.
    The fact that Eve was deceived being read in 1 Timothy 2:14 as a reason for women not serving as pastors or having heighten authority over men is abundantly clear. This does not mean that women are gullible or that they are all more easily deceived than men, otherwise they would not would be in a position to even teach/care for children, having the gifts, or ministerial works. The text simple and clear, that women are not to teach men of authority or have some form of religious authority over men and the reasons for such is also clear. God Almighty has chosen to give men the primary teaching authority in the church and we can see this in scripture as well as what His Son entrusted the church.
    Many women handle various gifts of which is good, such hospitality, mercy, teaching, ministerial works in accordance with the gospel, and helping/serving, there is also no restriction on praying as some nowadays also come up with a silly argument of, for in their part, they are wrong (1 Corinthians 11:5). Majority of the ministry of the church, locally, is dependent on women and their actions of contribution, for instance we have a Christian woman of God by the name of Lydia, who was most likely a Jewish proselyte. Also, the Bible nowhere restricts women from exercising the gifts that comes from the Holy Spirit itself  as seen in 1 Corinthians 12, Spiritual Gifts (1-11), One Body with Many Members (12-31). Despite not having a religious leadership role in the church and or position of office in some regard, women, just as much as men, are called to minister to others, to put into application and express that of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and to proclaim the gospel to the those who do not know what the gospel teaches (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 1 Peter 3:15).
    God has put into place and action that only men are to serve in positions of religious leadership which includes teaching authority in the church, in addition, some will even point to 1 Corinthians 11:3, 7-8 of which can be seen of how God has said how the church and family hierarchy should be like. This is not because men are necessarily better teachers or because women are inferior or less intelligent, but simply, it is the way God designed the church to function, it is also the way of which the Christ has set forth for the church. Men are to set the example in religious leadership in their lives, their household and through their words, on the other hand, women are to take a less authoritative role. Women are and always have been encouraged to teach other women as we read in Titus 2:3-5 and the Bible also does not restrict, as is mentioned already, women from teaching children. The only activity women are restricted from is religious authority of teaching or having authority over men thus preventing women from serving as pastors to men. This does not make women less important, but rather gives them a ministry focus more in agreement with God’s Purpose and Will, as well as the gifts HE has given to them.
    We must also be very aware that True Christian women follow the examples set in the Bible itself, as seen in Proverbs 31:10-31. As sated above, women cannot hold a religious position of authority over men, an indication from the scriptures itself which is as true as the sun in the sky, but they, like men, have a full share and position of the work of the Great Commission itself, the ministry regarding the making of disciples, the spreading of the gospel to the people, bringing them to learn and take in accurate knowledge of the truth of which comes from the Bible. And as stated already, they, when taking into account how the church is structured in a family sense, teach children (Proverbs 1:8), by means of their words and action, women who are True Christians, who know what the Bible say, even to what is being discussed, work hard to be a good influence, once again, Titus 2:3-5.
  4. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Kostroma police stopped illegal activities of members of the liquidated religious organization   
    It is a group of people who are independent from Russian media and tends to find out the truth in regards to things taking place in Russia. Odd name, but that is what they go by, perhaps in an effort to evade the FSB from coming through the roof, doors and or floor boards to apprehend them. Just like their other counterpart, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, who also focuses on Russia, seek the actual information vs. that of which is brought forth by Russian's obviously controlled media to which most US and EU people are clearly not aware of. In the case of Christians outside of the Russian Orthodox Church, a lot of falsehood is being spoken of such ones. As for JWs, the RoC sees them as a competitor, granted their size is very small in Russia, the RoC is red hot mad to the point they were involved in the Russian ban prior to Spiritual Enlightenment from the ice of the earth and words from the Vatican's Pope.
    This crew still operates today an they are among my sources of which I even found out about the FSB websites. You can only find this group, as with any group connected to them if you dwell on information solely in the EU and Russia, in their language, technically like using a key to open up a door, that key being the very language these people speak, Russian, and dwelling on information that could be found by means of that key.
    They other than JWs, an the actions of the RoC, they have a focus on the State Duma, the Kremlin and a list of other things, such as the whole Alexei Navalny situation months ago, as well as the mass protest and arrest in Russia and the forceful take down of Russian civilian Soviet Era homes.
    As we speak, the Russian's Duma, has been working to block such ones from speaking truth, the very reason the Duma Laws were created to crackdown on independent media who are actually saying something.
    Meanwhile, you have the public around the globe being duped by nearly 80% of Russian affiliated media, for instance, RT News, for some of their segments is downright propaganda and or false information, which prompts truth seekers to look for the actual truth of a story, for example, anything in relations to news about Syria, as seen several months ago.
  5. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Religious shunning leaves castoffs wondering why   
    I think I told Mr. Butler before, excommunication and handling by the faith itself is as it is, but at the same time it usually depends on who issues X for the actions of Y. So let's say you have an Indian church in New York (A) and a French church in Boston (B).
    Let's say in Church A, someone got busted for smoking and he was only caught because of a post online, and in Church B, a similar situation, but the family found out and informed the leaders of church B.
    Church A can give a warning, as well instruct while church B ends up expelling the person, church ties are cut so the church will shun you, but the expelled person does not dwell in Apostasy and later reinstates himself. Let's add another church into the mix, church C, Greek Church, same situation, this person is excommunicated, but now speaks ill of the church despite being shun by it, this will also lead that same person to be quite rude and ignorant of his actions to even his own family, at this point is is Apostasy because the expelled person this he is in the right when he was busted for smoking.
    Excommunication cannot effect cultural based practices, which is something not really much known to Americans and most in the EU and it is usually in such in the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia, for Asia, East Asia to be specific, has the East Asians Filial Piety. I can give example of myself also, let's say I was of the church and was excommunicated, all church ties among the leaders with me will be gone as well as with some members who have a position in the church, at the same time, I will receive in a few months people of the church coming to speak with me, to give instruction on steps needed to work on my own error: At this point I can accept the advice and later on chose to go about it or not, I can say to myself, smoked once, it won't hurt me again, I have my own money, I can buy a pack or not. This will bring forth the strength of the family to help me put the advice into good use, and help me get back to the church. If I become an Apostate because I wish to smoke up a storm at my choosing, at this point the my family will simply leave m,e to my own devices, hoping I make the change, and then lung cancer, paid for it in the end.
    In short, due to how my people are in culture and practices, excommunicated or not, there is a solution to help you with yourself and or get back to the church. As for Americans though, are not the ones to have core cultural basis compared to those who do, so that, with excommunication can lead to a lot of things, majority of the time, Apostasy because hey, when you leave a church, Apostasy is easy when you can spark Interfaith-sque attitude to everyone and your household.
    Tragically, people have done these things, suicide and even murder and other things, for such ones are taking things to the extreme, and usually in social media, the information is often convoluted and leads a person of the church to actually thing this is what is going on and or God hates them and that their life is indeed worthless, but at the same time we have to take into account the value that life is, mainly in front of the eyes of the life giver himself. This also happens when Interfaith is in subjection with the expelled one's current and or former faith. But it is crazy that some would take the extreme approach as suicide when the help from other sources is present.
    As for the other, technically there is Spiritual Death, out of excommunication, the other form, Herem, is a stoning of sons and daughters, not literally of course, but the presence of the one within Herem is pretty much asking to be ignored and stoned. Herem is tough because there is little to no chance to be reinstated and Apostasy leads you off road at this point, pretty much you have to rebuild your reputation of the faith community greatly in order to get yourself out of a Herem.
    Other than that, church ties are severed. The only connection is your family, but the reputation with them will be a bit low due to them being in the same church as you are, and you would have to be careful with them for they are literally the key to being reinstated to the church faith. Even though the church unfriended you at this point, you have to work on yourself to build yourself back up, prove it, which can also be done to your family. And as time processes, you can go back to the church, and you, the stone, is put back in the foundation you fell from. While excommunicated, it is easy to become an Apostasy so one has to be very careful of that, for church ties can and never will be an easy to fix, and in some lands, Apostasy is like dishonoring not just God, but your family, and you'll be treated as a man treats his not so friendly mother in law.
    But yeah, messing with what binds and loosens, as strict as it is, we cannot tweak and or change what it is, you can only work with what you have in this regard.
    Oh and if we still had stoning, it is best to craft a shield for the stone storm and run away, not only that you are excommunicated, but you exile yourself from the community. Also getting pegged by a stone HURTS - like getting it by a not so smooth golf club.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Religious shunning leaves castoffs wondering why   
    Indeed. For pastors, elders stewards, servants are only putting into application what the Church has been entrusted with by means of Jesus. No one wants top put a crack and or dent in the very foundation of the church itself, the only reason why expelling aka excommunication, be it disfellowship, Herem, Takfir is as of what it is and always be, not the watered down version practiced by the mainstream. Church ties will be cut, and it is up to the person, who has been expelled, to reinstate him or herself or not, at the same time, said person has to be careful not to dwell in the realm of Apostasy.
    I had a good source for this a while back, I will probably re-post them when I have the time.
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Religious shunning leaves castoffs wondering why   
    I am not disagreeing with the need for church or family discipline and accountability.
    I am only disagreeing with the EXTENT and SEVERITY, and CRUELTY of how it is currently done.
    (... many have reacted to such "loving cruelty" with suicide, or worse.)
    It's a good thing we do not chastise our wayward children by cutting off their heads.
    ....  with soothing words in a kind and loving way ... of course.
  8. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW Women and Teaching   
    That is WAAAAaaay beyond size 18 ...  I myself wear a size 16.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in The Holy Spirit   
    Oh come on! Is that the best they can do? Surely when a rented house returns to its owner it doesn't change location?
    This is like the other attempt in saying that a spirit "going out" means it leaves the through the door or something? (Ps146:4) when it is just as when a flame "goes out".
    It just has to be accepted that on death a person would just cease to exist if it wasn't for the graciousness of the Creator who can restore a "lease on life" to anyone he wishes at less than the "flick of a switch".
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from sami in The Holy Spirit   
    This passage does indeed state that Jesus had expired, thus dying, which was part of prophecy regardless of how you try to change it. Luke 23:46 and both Mark 15: 37, 39 speak of Jesus' death, and every cross-reference, inducing that of which is found in the other 2 gospel accounts point to this very fact.
    @Gone Away is correct, he isn't contradicting anything. Jesus' future life prospect to God began when God raised him out of death (the pangs of death if I may add), therefore we see Jesus called Risen Christ and or Risen Jesus (Lord), as well as the other title known as Firstborn out of the Dead [out of Death]. When Jesus had risen, he didn't even ascend yet until AFTER he met with his disciples and told them about the promise, once again, for months, you are evasive when Acts 1 and 2 is mentioned and or talked about because the context defeats you here and now as it did months ago.
    What is contradicting is you saying this now vs. your own comment about what the Disciples did prior to Jesus ascending to Heaven.
    You speak of this Mr.Joyce, does hurt to post and or link what he said?
    It is not nonsense, it is a fulfilling of prophecy, the very reason why Jesus is said to be the Life and the Resurrection for he conquered Death (John 11:25, Revelation 1:18). You've yet to proven anything pertaining to anyone who has the pangs of Death on him to having been alive after ceasing, therefore your sheer denial of prophecy is visible and clear contradiction to your claims in the past.
    And the response of Spirits in Prison was also incorrect for the Risen Jesus had spoken to solely evil spirits, bounded and chained for Judgement.
    Again, you mention Joyce, link and or quote the response.
    The verse saying the following:
    Psalms 146:4 - When his breath [spirit] departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish. Cross-References Below:
    Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 - (5) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. (6) Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and forever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun. (7) Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do. (8) Let your garments be always white. Let not oil be lacking on your head. (9) Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun. (10) Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.
    Isaiah 38:18 - For Sheol [Hades] does not thank you; death does not praise you; those who go down to the pit do not hope for your faithfulness.
    It speaks of the departing of one's spirit and or breathe of the human/soul, humans are not literal spirits. God is the Life-Giver, the source of Life, clearly the story of Adam and Eve, our first parents, is basic knowledge. When we succumb to pangs of death, or rather when we die, everything about us, what we do, what we use to do under the sun - is gone, thus we - perish, cease and or expire, in the most simplest term, we die/are dead.
    It would be understandable if all men were really spirits, but we are not, for we are flesh and bone.
    Therefore, the Immortal Soul Doctrine is wrong. The irony of it all is you like to try and use the words of Church Fathers, what do you think they were fighting against in Asia Minor?
    This verse is in connection with what is mentioned above as well as Genesis 2:7, Ecclesiastes 3:9, Isaiah 42:5 as well as Matthew 17:50. The life of which Jai'rus' daughter, who is 12 years of age, once had, was given back to her, for she had lost her life and her life had been returned. She didn't go into some Afterlife of which you believe in for the Jews and the people at the time never believed in such, the Immortal Soul Doctrine you attempt top defend.
    We also see that anyone who had died and returned have no recollection of an Afterlife, and if they did believe in such why take their daughter away from the so called peaceful state Sorcery believers such as yourself put forth to claim?
    This isn't the first time someone has been resurrected. Also, seems a bit hypocritical for you to even mention that verse because, again, you believe in the Immortal Soul Doctrine, let alone one such as yourself who revealed to be an Apollinarist.
    You already shown yourself to be in denial of what the resurrection is and it's meaning, why speak of it when you believe people, of which you see as spirits, do not cease?
  11. Confused
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in When God speaks to you ... are you nuts?   
    After all, God only listens to those who can get through the door, and that door being, the Christ, for no one can go to the Father, but rather, only through the Son they can reach out to the Father.
    It's like someone trying to get past a bouncer in a club, once that someone knows he or she cannot get inside, the next day they will make up all kinds of stories as if they actually got inside for the event and or party.
    In that sense, someone probably assumes they talked with God and or God talk to them and try to show off in some sense when in reality, that person didn't even bother to knock on said door.
    But Lord, there are some crazies out there who are extremely insane, demon possessed, and will say God made me to do this, or that. But Jesus just told me to do this, and or that, I did it for Jesus, and said action they did is both disturbing and insane.
    Because of these guys, they make actual true Christians look like crazy people and make such ones the big joke on the round-table.
    When I see crazy Christians and or New Age believers, oh and the Spiritualists, my only reaction to their claims and actions, their  nutcasery:

  12. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in When God speaks to you ... are you nuts?   
    Isn't it interesting if we tell someone that we were talking to God, more than likely we will be perceived as righteously inclined ... whereas if we tell someone that God speaks to us ..... we will be perceived as bat crap crazy?
  13. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Satan doesn't have healing powers?   
    ... an iPhone is in fact a true miracle .... not from God, but because it took 6,000 years of progress to make one.
    ... BUT ... just because it did not come from God, NEITHER would it be reasonable to say it came from the Devil.
    The same is true with the Pyramids, and sticks and staffs into something resembling or actually snakes.
    That's why I go with the theory that SOME Egyptians could manipulate contemporrary physics outside of what we know how to do today ... and today ... we can do a LOT.
    We unfortunately can even create make a delivered hydrogen fueled mini-star over a city, to incinerate it.
    It's called a Hydrogen Bomb.
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to admin in Is the Governing body still "spirit directed"?   
    @Srecko Sostar and @Space Merchant  please start a private message to each other or on each other’s walls. 
    This thread is about a different topic. Thank you. 
    Please learn to start new threads on new tooics.  
  15. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW Women and Teaching   
    Could be worse .... when women are substituting for men in a church, instead of a head covering, they COULD have to wear Ronald McDonald shoes.
    Guess which Sister is the Substitute Congregation Coordinator?

  16. Thanks
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    It is "generally"  considered that if a man has sex with a young teenage girl, it is a crime worthy of considerable punishment and he gets a kick in the teeth... but if a woman has sex with a young teenage boy, he is "lucky", and he gets a grin, raised eybrows,  and a jealous  elbow in the ribs.
  17. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to sami in The Holy Spirit   
    Our purpose is to present the truth. Whether they believe or accept is their responsibility, that is according to the disposition of their heart/lev.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from sami in The Holy Spirit   
    @sami Tragically, @Cos is not a fan of and or very weak regarding biblical Strong's (be it Hebrew or Greek), for he takes issue with even 4352 in order to make claim to a belief that is unsure, yet sparks both the audacity and hypocrisy to make accusations that defeat his own attempt every step of the way.
    At times it isn't easy for a blind and lost one, such as him, to find out what is really true, for sooner or later, he will learn the hard way.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from David Normand in Jehovah's Witnesses Say Being Raped Can Be Fornication   
    Rape is a variant of fornication and is in connection with the same Strong's as is anything related to sexual relations and or immortality - πορνεία porneia, Strong's number 4202. In a way, as said by some, in the Hebrew in this passage of scripture, it hints that Dinah is responsible for her actions, though not her misfortune, for despite her own reasoning, whatever it was, Dinah bears a bit of the responsibility for going it alone which lead her to the man in question, while the man himself, Shechem, carries the full responsibility for his criminal and violent act toward a defenseless woman, that woman being Dinah.
    An example, you were told not to go to so-and-so's party because of various reasons, and yet you purposely went to a party anyways, curious perhaps? Seeking fun and thrills? The party itself you soon realize it was clearly not a good one, let alone now that you are there you can't really leave and it results in you being associated with anything and everything bad in this party, including the women at said party who you have gotten yourself involved with for they know what they are seeking and what takes place is left to speculation, some of the responsibility is on you for going to the party to begin with when told not to.
    Children are taught about Dinah's ordeal, mainly those who read the Bible early, such as myself. Children will also see for themselves of the positives and negatives of actions done by people, like Dinah and others, they also learn that Dinah had not been abandon either, so I do not see the harm in teaching young ones about this passage, about who Dinah is and her story and what happens in which changed her life, and what took place afterwards.
    Unless you think the Bible, mainly the Old Testament is too wild for you.
    That being said, there are other passages in the Bible that have somewhat of a similar stetting, for instance, Joseph who had escaped an attempt made by Potiphar’s Wife’s attempted rape (sexual relations), to add more fuel to the fire, this was someone's wife, who was willing to commit adultery with a man who wants nothing to do with whatever she was attempting to do, thus fleeing the scene and was blamed for something he did not commit.
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Srecko Sostar in Is the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses ‘Inspired’?   
    I do not know how it is in country you living, but chlorine is still implemented in water purification and much more.
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    This a very tempting conclusion and one that is constantly on my desktop. I am reluctant to file it as "agreed" for the simple reason that we just cannot know for sure what Jehovah does or does not do, unless He explicitly tells us. We just have to take His word for it on the basis of what He has revealed in the past. This appears to be one of the fundamental components of what we call "faith".
    When the first lie was told, it presented a conclusion that God was actually lying when He stated that Adam and Eve would die if they disobeyed Him. As no one had died up to that point, there was no way to counter that claim by any "verifiable actual fact". They chose to believe the contradictory statement. Their NOT dying immediately once they had acted on that conclusion may even have reinforced that view, for a period, despite their guilt. The facts proved otherwise...later.
    Anyway, the long and the short of it for me is that:
    1. Jehovah God CAN interfere (is intervene a better word?) with the will of the nations and individuals, and CAN change the normal outworking of any person, place or thing, any way He LIKES, as past verifiable and actual facts testify.
    2. Jehovah states that He WILL intervene with the will of nations and individuals, and WILL change the normal outworking of any person, place or thing, any way He likes, IF HE so chooses (and through the agency of His Son). (e.g. Is. 41:10; Matt.6:33; John 14:14).
    So on that basis, the tempting conclusion remains undrawn.
    I continue to thank Jehovah for good things that happen, ask for His blessing on personal action I believe to be founded on His will, and for His intervention in human affairs for a variety of scriptural reasons. I appreciate that my prayers give Jehovah an indication of where I am at spiritually, but that He is under no obligation at all to indicate to me where He is at. (Who can say to him, ‘What are you doing?’ Job 9:12).
    But I don't have that "genie in the bottle"  concept of the Creator that seems to be suspiciously lurking in the minds of some I meet.
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    Space Merchant:
    ... obviously you expect to be paid by the word.
    What you are writing about is a complete mystery.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to John Houston in What were Jehovah's Witnesses Trying to Say With This Illustration?   
    If she was wearing a suit of armor, it doesn't matter. What matters is what are the thoughts of the husband with LUSTFUL THOUGHTS, that is the meaning of the illustration. Not what the woman is wearing. Went right over some of your heads, did it again? Just like the Pharisees! My, my ,my!
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    @JW Insider Indeed, but it seems silly for people to just paint such to a single person or group, to justify that the actions of one define all and it is not the first time this was done. It is similar to how those treat individuals of another race and or nation due to the actions of someone who is not of relations to sole person who has done the crime. Other than that, such ones need to be awake and realize stuff like pedophilia is all over, it is like a virus that gets some people and such people go about infecting others.
    Other than that, what is spoken of about the angels of God, this I believe as do others.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    @Jack Ryan might have a lot of issues, or these might not even be his own issues. At any rate, this particular question is a good one, in my opinion.
    (And @Gone Away it doesn't really matter if he should expand it to include all persons who get hurt from all types of crimes and injustices. He has started with a specific, narrow example and this should help us to focus on the point of the question.)
    Back to what you were saying that I requoted, @Space Merchant: In this case, J.Ryan is not treating pedophilia and child sexual abuse as if it were just a JW-only thing. In fact, the nature of the question very clearly shows that he is questioning why we are quick to imply that angels have often run interference for JWs who are in the midst of the preaching work. He is right that we have shown images of angels in protective mode and guiding mode as they watch over the preaching work. I know of several of the images he is referring to. There have been dozens of examples of experiences printed in yearbooks, Watchtowers, and from the convention platform that thank Jehovah for specific cases of angelic protection in the face of all kinds of dangers.
    Most of these more recent articles about angels, with one exception, no longer depict a ghostly angel hovering over the door-to-door work, although one recent one, below, indicates that they are "over" the cart-witnessing work. Most of the more recent articles show several examples of angels in Biblical times then show the preaching work, but without the depiction of the angel in modern times. Still, the wording that goes along with the pictures is telling:

    Watchtower, 5/15/2009 p.23 and 24
    When viewed alongside the recent pictures that try to give us a sense of the hundreds of millions of such angels standing at the ready it really does, and really should, make us wonder about specific activities that angels are handling in modern times. Did those angels in the Yearbook experiences really make a person miss when they shot bullets at point blank range during times of war and persecution in modern times? Did angels make a person of the right heart condition glance over at a cart? Or was it the receptive heart condition that caused them to glance? Did an angel send a Witness to the door exactly when the householder finished praying for guidance in their search? Other religions have told of the same experiences. What makes our claims different?
    These questions will also touch on why Jehovah permits wickedness, and why someone's prayer might be answered when another one's is not. It may also touch on human nature. When almost everyone except an especially photogenic young child is saved from an explosion, a burning building or a crashed train or airplane, we will often hear the media interviewing people who say that God must have had a special purpose for that child. We will hear about how wonderful God is in sending an angel to swoop down and save this one or that one. We will not hear about the injustice and loss to the others who died.
    At any rate, not that anyone has a complete answer, but this is still a good question.

    Angels help declare the good news throughout the earth
    -- Watchtower's caption, https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017169
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