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Space Merchant

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  1. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jesus and Michael   
    @Gone Away I'll have to be brief because I have no access to my research information to post it here. The belief started centuries ago. Some will say around the 7th-9th century, others have information going centuries back, but such info is small. Most information we have today is in regards to the 16th-18th century, with such ones like John Calvin who also has this belief, as with others, which also reflects that of biblical passages that seem to equal Jesus to Michael in both title and or action, perhaps even more things.
    Moreover, there is a literal counterpart to JWs, known as SDAs, who also has this view, but maintain an Orthodoxy approach and they not only see Micheal as Jesus, but they see him as God,f or such ones are Trinitarians.
    When I do get back, I'll be happy to post here my findings from a few years back regarding this whole Jesus/Michael thing and the view of others on this matter.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jesus and Michael   
    @Gone Away I'll have to be brief because I have no access to my research information to post it here. The belief started centuries ago. Some will say around the 7th-9th century, others have information going centuries back, but such info is small. Most information we have today is in regards to the 16th-18th century, with such ones like John Calvin who also has this belief, as with others, which also reflects that of biblical passages that seem to equal Jesus to Michael in both title and or action, perhaps even more things.
    Moreover, there is a literal counterpart to JWs, known as SDAs, who also has this view, but maintain an Orthodoxy approach and they not only see Micheal as Jesus, but they see him as God,f or such ones are Trinitarians.
    When I do get back, I'll be happy to post here my findings from a few years back regarding this whole Jesus/Michael thing and the view of others on this matter.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Evacuated in The Holy Spirit   
    @Gone Away Trinitarians are oblivious to the Septuagint and the source of that even has God's name on it. @Cos problem is with the JWs, but ironically, he is not aware of even Trinitarians who made an attempt to use and or restore the name Yahweh/Jehovah into the scriptures themselves, despite trying to erroneously say and or compare Jesus to God the Father, some of them even calling Jesus Jehovah, when clearly both the Father and the Son are different from each other, despite both being Lords, one clearly has higher authority than the other.
    The hypocrisy is when Trinitarians also attack Muslims to say hat God's name is in the New Testament, which is the case in the majority of the EU, mainly the UK, but here we see a defective Trinitarian doing loop-de-loops on his own kind.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Malum Intellectus in Starting a silly, but thought provoking chat.   
    In ancient times, anything could be made into a symbol of worship. Cats were no different in that respect. However, symbolism becomes idolatry in the eye of the beholder, nothing more. So, cats as pets have no symbolic meaning of idolatry to those that don’t see them as an object of worship. Leviticus 26:1

    I believe, God made it clear in the Old Testament, worship should only be conducted to the one and true God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Exodus 3:6

    Yet, you do find certain modern cultures that still believe in using animals as symbols of idolatry to worship, as an embodiment of religion. Something JehovahÂ’s Witnesses donÂ’t do.

    Tertullian, "On Idolatry" and Mishnah "Avodah Zarah": Questioning the Parting of the Ways between Christians and Jews

    What concept has emerged in this age of atheism?

    The idolatry of God: breaking our addiction to certainty and satisfaction




    There is a difference with the Cat symbol, Bastet as a deity for religious belief and worship, than that of a regular house cat as a simple pet.

  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to BroRando in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    This is where trintarians reject that Jesus was Begotten, they then reject that Jesus is Firstborn.  They also reject Jesus is Pre-eminent.  Notice the feminine nouns that are attributed to Christ to show he was First to be Created. "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;"
    Strong's Concordance ktisis: creation (the act or the product) Original Word: κτίσις, εως, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: ktisis
    Phonetic Spelling: (ktis'-is)
    Short Definition: creation, creature, institution
    Definition: (often of the founding of a city), (a) abstr: creation, (b) concr: creation, creature, institution; always of Divine work, (c) an institution, ordinance.
    "Jehovah produced me as the beginning of his way, The earliest of his achievements of long ago. From the start, from times earlier than the earth. When there were no deep waters,  When there were no deep waters, I was brought forth, When there were no springs overflowing with water., When there were no springs overflowing with water." (Proverbs 8:22-24)  Brought forth means, made, created, begotten. always of Divine Work. (ie...deity of Christ)  
    "However, to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1 Corinthians 1:24) 
    Strong's Concordance sophia: skill, wisdom Original Word: σοφία, ας, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: sophia
    Phonetic Spelling: (sof-ee'-ah)
    Short Definition: wisdom
    Definition: wisdom, insight, skill (human or divine), intelligence.
    The same ones who reject Jesus as "the Christ, the son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16) Reject the "Deity of the Christ."        Strong's Concordance
    theotés: deity Original Word: θεότης, ητος, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: theotés
    Phonetic Spelling: (theh-ot'-ace)
    Short Definition: deity, Godhead
    Definition: deity, Godhead.
    "In the Beginning was the Word"  Notice beginning is attributed to whom?  THE WORD.
    Strong's Concordance arché: beginning, origin Original Word: ἀρχή, ῆς, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: arché
    Phonetic Spelling: (ar-khay')
    Short Definition: ruler, beginning
    Definition: (a) rule (kingly or magisterial), (b) plur: in a quasi-personal sense, almost: rulers, magistrates, (c) beginning.
    HELPS Word-studies 746 arxḗ – properly, from the beginning (temporal sense), i.e. "the initial(starting) point"; (figuratively) what comes first and therefore is chief(foremost), i.e. has the priority because ahead of the rest ("preeminent").
    Therefore, the scriptures are unified that Jesus is "a god" which refers to his Deity in John 1:1c.  
    Strong's Concordance theos: God, a god Original Word: θεός, οῦ, ὁ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine; Noun, Masculine
    Transliteration: theos
    Phonetic Spelling: (theh'-os)
    Short Definition: God, a god
    Definition: (a) God, (b) a god, generally.
    "Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand." (Daniel 12:10)
    Therefore, when the wicked hear and see these things they begin to "bark" against the Christ. "Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and those who are sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices lying.’ (Rev 22:16)
    And such ones turn to attack the Christ through their Anti Christian Dogma.  "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those not acknowledging Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 7)

  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Evacuated in The Holy Spirit   
    @Gone Away Usually when people want to take a shot at anyone, even at JWs, they will bring up God's name and the New Testament. Clearly such ones has never heard of anything outside of the 1245, it is the same situation dealing with those who want to react negatively to the name of God's Son.
    Other times such ones will say that Jesus/Yeshua is Jehovah/Yahweh, which is another annoying situation on its own.
  7. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in The Holy Spirit   
    Claims of irrationality have always been levelled against witnesses who have experienced Gods great gift. "And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to those obeying him as ruler" Acts 5:29.
    Compare: " “He has gone out of his mind." "Mark 5:21
                       " “You are going out of your mind, Paul!" " Acts 26:24
     If you believe that Jesus would have followed the superstitious and insulting pattern set by religious leaders in Israel of excluding God's personal name from His own word, then I feel you may well be spiritually floundering in human tradition.
    For example, to think that Jesus would have quoted from Ps.110:1and intentionally ommit to include his Father's personal name beggars the imagination, and indeed is an affront to the "Faithful and True Witness"!
    Why, even The Catholic Living Bible (with Impramatur) includes a pronouncable version of the holy name of the True God at this verse, "Jehovah said to my Lord the Messenger, "Rule as my regent - I will subdue your enemies and make them bow low before you." Ps.110:1. Was this an addition to the text?
    Then, sadly, they acquiesce to the weight of religious traditionalism and, with red letters, render Jesus's use of this verse as "God said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet." Matt.23:44.
    No, the restoration of God's name in a pronouncable and specific form is to do justice to the text, and to follow in the pattern of someone of far more worth than scholars with their inconsistency , someone who stated in prayer to his heavenly Father "I have made your name known" John 17:26.
    (I have included this response to your reference to NWT restoration here as you raised it here, but, with respect, I think the discussion around the inclusion of God's name in Scripture belongs elsewhere as a topic.)
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in The Holy Spirit   
    This is why I have stated before, biblical hermeneutics is key to study, research and understanding, to learn and take in knowledge of who God is and his purpose and will means, who is his Son and how does the Holy Spirit play a role to the Son and to anyone it has been bestowed upon.And no, these are not tirade's as you claim for it is deep understanding of the truth, example, John 14 and 16, as to what has been address, you learned something, you didn't even know about gender forms until I brought it up, yet you remain oblivious to this fact and repeat yourself like a broken record. As it was said by many, a day will come when people will realize what the mainstream Christians of today's Christendom have been teaching what is deemed incorrect, luckily, Textual Criticism, as with hermeneutics and several other things to bring forth the truth of scripture to life. It is very evident, like pages before, you will repeat yourself time and time again, at this point to what you will repeat, an answer to such will be reposted here via link, you have no foundation here. And I believe I have addressed everything regarding what the Holy Spirit is and what it is described as, with biblical verses as proof also, and as of yet this so called personhood or Godhood of this make believe doctrine regarding the Holy Spirit is nowhere to be found, nor does it know the day or the hour, and it has not manifested into a being or a person or physically convinced a child, as to what you Trinitarians tend to believe, for truth will always be truth, falsehood will always be falsehood, and those who speak truth always defend it.
    Jesus wants his followers to teach and adhere to the truth, unlike you, I have been to areas that people want a full explanation to this, that or why this is, etc. Those who are students are always eager to learn, like children, the very example of which Jesus himself made clear of when he used children as an example when it comes to learning about God's Kingdom, as well as the truth - the very truth of which the mainstream cannot accept.
    Unfortunately you have to care, for there are those who tech very differently and far form the truth than others. Such a faith derive from Millenarianism, they hold a view of Biblical Unitarianism, which is indeed true. The irony is, your biggest problem is such ones do not really hold a view of Jesus' pre-existence, but I do, hence why I stated denominational as well as non-denominational Unitarians tend to agree/disagree with each other, for Buzzard will not agree with my view of Jesus' pre-existence and I do not agree with his view that Jesus didn't pre-existed. Other than that, despite such ones of that I even refute, I do not remain ignorant of their views.
    Christadelpians belief on Satan The Devil: Christadelphians believe that the Satan or Devil is not an independent spiritual being or fallen angel. Devil is viewed as the general principle of evil and inclination to sin which resides in humankind. They are convinced that, dependent on the context, the term Satan in Hebrew merely means "opponent" or "adversary" and is frequently applied to human beings. Accordingly, they do not define hell as a place of eternal torment for sinners, but as a state of eternal death respectively non-existence due to annihilation of body and mind.
    Christadelpians belief on Pre-exustence: The Christadelphian denial of the pre-existence of Christ.
    The list goes on, but anyone who studies religion will know the views of a Millenarian Christian (clearly not even a Unitarian group, as you claim), any man who knows the Christology knows who they are and their beliefs, it is not mystery nor is it a secret. It is also safe to mention here also that Millenarians are fore Traditions of Men. It is not hard to know of their Christology, but clearly, you cannot compare them to those who believe that the Devil is a Spirit Being that once held a position in Heaven, and or those who believe that Jesus had pre-existed before he was on earth or even given the name Jesus, so that is where your fault remains in, but it is no surprise of the James Whiting that is being done here.
    Clearly it is known even before the Devil became Satan, he was among the Spirit Beings/Persons who were in heaven until he rebelled, thus becoming God's adversary, becoming the Devil, named Satan for Satan means accuser or adversary (as well as resister), as for Devil, meaning slanderer, being called that because he is the Chef and foremost slander and false accuser aka The Father of Lies. Satan eventually had his influence on some of the angels, thus they became demons, and Satan is the ruler of these wicked spirits, in addition to those who disobeyed God, an example would be how several angels had fancied women on earth, had sexual relations with said women and bore children, the Nephilim, that would later proven themselves to be violent and brutal towards others in such a violent time. Clearly demons can be cut off from having access to God's dwelling place, that is, Heaven, and eventually Satan himself was cast out and he was hurled (banished) out of Heaven like that of falling lighting out of the sky.
    Clearly my views pertaining to scripture it is very evident and trying to equal me to that of a millenarian is a poor attempt and very silly, despite the fact that months before you already know of my applications of what the bible says and what it teaches when the dishonesty being spouted had been exposed in said topic. The very reason it is important to care because such things like this will push one to view the Devil as a mere threat, the Devil, an adversary of God is no mere threat for he can cause any imperfect man to stumble, be it the man does not know it or not, for being alone or doing knowing is a sin right there and it leaves one exposed to the Devil's attacks and the welcome of his demons, such we have to be very careful about, this goes for the falsehood that is of the mainstream, for the Devil cannot triumph over those who profess what is true and strive to do what is true. For anything that is liked, it is expected for him and his demons to show and during that time, we will have to be ready for it, for Jesus is a fine example, for when the Devil had tempted him, Jesus prevailed, when the Devil succeeded in getting Jesus killed, he has still failed for God has resurrected Jesus, for when the Devil goes after the church, followers of Jesus prevailed, ones like Paul, who removed those who defiled the church, namely Hymenaeus and Alexander, when the Devil pushes false truths, those who take the scripture with utmost seriousness, will defend it, when the Devil prevents those in countries to not know who God is or never seen a bible in their life, God, who wants to make his Word made known, enables such ones to learn about the truth of the Bible.
    That being said, those who claim the Holy Spirit is a Person are only of the Trinitarian Camp, and only them, but truth shows us as to what the Holy Spirit actually is and what it can do when it is poured out.
  9. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in The Holy Spirit   
    There is, of course, one spirit in the Bible seeking equality with God............ some of his assistants assumed ineptitude of Bible authorship by seeking to add text to Scripture to clarify their doctorine. So this is nothing new.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Will only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved?   
    Seconded. There are those out there who say they believe in God and automatically think once saved always saved and even if they sin or do bad, they get off Scott-free. As for others, they tend to abuse forgiveness that God gives, knowing they'll sin and thinking they can always be forgiven, such ones are playing with God's forgiveness.
    Regardless though, this I agree with for everyone is accounted for what they have done or should have done. In the JWs case, for example, we can say 3 JWs, Tim, George and Pamela. One is making the effort, one is still learning, but the one of them calls themselves a member of said faith, but does something and or practices that are not of the bible at all. When the day of judgement comes, it would be obvious of who is who among them who will be judged.
    In today's churches in Christendom, there are things taking place that would make even the spiritual among you cringe in shock, for it is that bad and continues to get even worse because the concern for the mainstream is converts, they care little of the sin, they just want a seat filled and nothing more, at times, tend to be very unhelpful in dealing with some situations. And now we are in a state whereas people can use the bible to justify a practice that is deemed unbiblical, example would be same sex-marriage, and the list goes on, it is as if people have lost themselves in their own little world while still being in the world itself- a state of inception and deception.
  11. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Eddie Griffin   
    This is the way to get real world experience .....
    You get the test FIRST.
    ...and the lesson, afterwards.
  12. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Grey Reformer in The Earth and the meek   
    @JW Insider @Shiwiii Seconded. Then we have things pertaining to those being resurrected, for the earth will give birth to the dead, as some translations would say, or simply put, the earth will let those powerless in death come to life. For some who do not believe in the "all good people go to heaven" doctrine, they grasp what their counterparts cannot, and that is what the new creation entails, in addition, we have those who have their hope in the resurrection itself in addition to eternal life, for the reason they believe in what the new creation will bring, that is the new heavens and earth, all things that has cause mankind to stumble and or commit vile things will cease, for we can look for those who do such acts, but they will not be there, they won't be to the east of you, nor will they be to the west, nowhere at all, as Psalms 37:10 states: In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
    For God's Kingdom itself will provide such, for God will act through for His chosen Messianic King to bring back those in out o the dead by a great multitude, and to some, what they really want is to see those who succumb to death and they know only God has the power to reverse that and will execute his promises when the time comes.
    We do not know how things will play out exactly, but it is certain, the bible gives us a variety of evidence of what we are to expect should we come to understand what we read, that is, if we are to endure truly until the conclusion of things itself.
  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Evacuated in Stephen Lett is a Liar   
    Didn't a trusted channel say last year "It has also been observed that fraudulent social media accounts and websites have been created in the name of the organisation, the Governing Body, and its individual members. However, no member of the Governing Body maintains a personal web page or a presence on any social media site"
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in The Earth and the meek   
    @Shiwiii I appreciate the points and the thought you put into this. I do not believe that all these verses prove the same point. But I agree with something that @Space Merchant had said about how these promises about the earth which are also prevalent in the Hebrew Scriptures, are often tied into Jehovah's overall purpose. I don't actually know that we can state definitively what will become of the planet, and in what way the Bible means that God will reside with mankind. But the overall view presented in Watchtower publications makes a lot of sense of these verses in their totality.
    Here we also have a scripture stating that the old Heavens is gone, dead, passed away. Could this be a restoration of the Heavens? What makes the heavens new is the new Kingdom, the new reign, the new order. We could say the same about the Earth. You make a statement showing that you also believe there is a new earth, possibly in some sense "physical," which the new Jerusalem comes down to.
    The rendering of a verse in 2 Corinthians, below, matches the ideas of Rev 21 & 22. I don't see it necessary to imagine the literal existing heavens hissing away for the verses to be fulfilled. I suppose it's a matter of whether we understand the same things to be figurative or symbolic and which ones we see as literal.
    I will live in them and move among them. 
    I will be their God. 
    They will be My people. 
    'So, come away from them! 
    Be separate!' says the Lord. (2 Cor. 6:16,17 SEB)
  15. Like
    Space Merchant reacted to BroRando in BIBLE PROOFS OF THE TRINITY   
    Ah ummm...  what you preach is not Biblical.  (Matthew 28:19 is a Catholic Forgery)   The Apostate Religion removed the Words of Jesus Christ and inserted it's own doctrine of a False Christ, which is the trinity.  The trinity opposes the teaching of Jesus Christ.  It promotes a false baptism of accepting the mark of the Beast.  His number is a man's number, 666.
    Who would reject the Baptism in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ?  The Answer may surprise you. In fulfillment of prophecy Jesus stated, “And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
    The Catholic Encyclopedia, II, page 263:
    “The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century.”
    Catholic Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger:
    He makes this confession as to the origin of the chief Trinity text of Matthew 28:19. “The basic form of our (Matthew 28:19 Trinitarian) profession of faith took shape during the course of the second and third centuries in connection with the ceremony of baptism. So far as its place of origin is concerned, the text (Matthew 28:19) came from the city of Rome.” — Joseph Ratzinger (pope Benedict XVI) Introduction to Christianity: 1968 edition, pp. 82, 83.
    Peter never baptized anyone in the Name of the Father, Son, or Holy Ghost nor did anyone else, how did Peter and others baptize Believers?   The ANSWER will Blow Your Little Minds.
    Peter said to them: “Repent and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit." (Act 2:38)
    The Scripture that Trinitarians Falsified!
    To request a free home Bible Study click here.
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Will only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved?   
    Perhaps it is one of the best ways to find the proper meaning of the following verses, among several others:
    (Matthew 5:18) 18 Truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one stroke of a letter to pass away from the Law until all things take place. (Matthew 5:34, 35) . . .neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 nor by earth, for it is the footstool of his feet;. . . (Matthew 6:10) . . .Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth. (Acts 3:25) . . .: ‘And by means of your offspring all the families of the earth will be blessed.’ (Acts 17:25, 26) . . .. 26 And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell, (Ephesians 1:9, 10) . . .It is according to his good pleasure that he himself purposed 10 for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, to gather all things together in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. . . . (Colossians 1:20) 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all other things by making peace through the blood he shed on the torture stake, whether the things on the earth or the things in the heavens. (Hebrews 2:5) 5 For it is not to angels that he has subjected the inhabited earth to come, about which we are speaking. (2 Peter 3:13) 13 But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. (Revelation 5:10) 10 and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) 18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward your slaves the prophets and the holy ones and those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 21:1) 21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth;. . .  
  17. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from BroRando in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    I had to speak with a Trinity believer the other day and the conservation goes as followed:
    Who is God?
    Ok so who is the mediator?
    Who raised the Christ from the Dead?
    But you just said Jesus is the medator and that Jesus is God? If Jesus is God who did he raise from the dead and who is his mediator.
    But the bible says God raised Jesus from the dead, making him Lord and whatnot.
    Who is the one who died?
    Who raised Jesus from the dead?
    >_< Jesus is the Son
    Is Apostle Paul and John lairs?
    Then why do you not believe God raised Jesus from the dead and that Paul addresses Jesus as a mediator to men to mankind?
    No answer. begins to insult me for speaking bible truth.
    (it leads to nonsense and some power ranger-sque evading tactics to not answer the question)
    And then he goes on to Christian/Religious Infighting
    You deny Jesus and all that jazz, yet he cannot answer questions that derive from the bible itself.
    Trinitarians are like circus clowns, they do one thing, the next second, they do something else, in a sense, they do the same with the bible, adding things in there and twisting what the scriptures even means, leads to utter nonsense.
    It comes to a point that even Muslims have to teach and refute Trinity believers on their own bible.
    Other than that, good post, you do justice to those who are fed up with the Trinity, the very confusing doctrine that is part of the Christian decline problem.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in Will only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved?   
    Last I recall, the Watchtower only have stated that time is indeed short and the end is very near, but even outside of the Watchtower, people are aware that end time and tribulations is and will be upon us and just as in the days of Noah, the doors will be shut and at that time, it will be too late. You yourself have to realize that, for that is pretty much the common conclusion to which people who adhere to scripture will recognize and be aware of. Speaking about Noah, when the door to the Ark have been shut, it was shut by God himself (Genesis 7:16, 17) and clearly when the people who were doing what they do (Luke 17:27) became suspect, it was already too late. The same can be said for Sodom and Gomorah whereas as to their counterpart, Nineveh, wised up when God sent Jonah.
    Indeed, there are false ones out there, some far worse than others, who derive people away from what the Bible says, this is also said in Luke 11:42. Among them would be pastors, teachers, even church goers themselves who push something that is not of the Bible, those who not only follow God's Laws, but such ones who preach and attempt to convince others not to follow God's Laws, in addition, that of which Jesus had entrusted the church to do. We have such ones who apply Traditions of Men into the church, for if I last recall, I will take an example of a pastor you brought up before, Jeff Durbin, known as the Hipster Pastor by some, also known as a voice actor for one of the most violent video games out there that resulted in the whole ESRB rating. The current churches of our day teach that Jesus Christ is God, when the bible says otherwise, they practice things that are not biblical yet call themselves Christians, the list goes on and on when it comes to false prophets, but out of the fold, there are those who strive to do what is true and seek what is true and for that reason true Christians do not mess around with such ones, but should any falsehood be made against the latter, a correction is to be made.
    At the same time, one has to be have to be very mindful of those who actually attempt to seek what the truth is or attempt to follow it because any misstep can put you before God's throne for judgement, the very reason by my stance is pretty much neutral and not being gullible to misconceptions.
    Furthermore, false ones are deemed hypocrites or make claims of 100% inspiration when they do something other than what the bible says, or that of the first church of the early Christians.
    For there is  big line between those who stray away from actually attempting to seek what is true and on the other side there are those who do their best to follow what the bible says while seeking truth, just as there is no middle ground here, it is in the same regard for both life and death.
  19. Thanks
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    I think the biggest problem with this reasoning is that it assumes that Jehovah's Witnesses, who believe Jesus and God are two separate beings, somehow designate Jesus to a low position. But that is not the case at all. I will not deny that Jesus (when not in human form) is god-like. A powerful spiritual being like God. This position allows perfectly for a son father relationship. The father was first and the son was second. Just like it is with humans who have a family, with the father being the head, so it is with the spiritual heavenly family also. God is the head over all the other spiritual beings including his only begotten son, who he created exclusively by himself before anything else was created. Indeed a very lofty and special position for Jesus. All the other spiritual beings were also called sons of God, as are even humans, but only Jesus had a unique beginning, that being personally created by his father. The point is he had a beginning, whereas God did not. Also Jesus is able to think and act independently of God. Jesus is god, or if you like, even god the son. But he is not Almighty God. He is not one half of a Siamese twin nor clone with Almighty God. I do not see the Bible teaching that. God did not disembody himself and send one part, the "Jesus" part, to the earth. I do not see the Bible teaching that either. What I do see the Bible teaching is that, at great pain to himself, he sent his most precious son to the earth, to become a human, so that he could buy back what Adam and Eve lost. Because Jesus is able to act and think independently of God, the sacrifice had validity. If Jesus was God, then how would the sacrifice even work? It would make no sense at all....
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    Well, he/she interprets it the way he/she wants to, because for some reason he/she thinks it's better for God to be in three joined pieces, rather than a whole.
    I find that when someone has this conviction, then there is actually no point of arguing. Only persons who are open minded admit that the teaching of the trinity makes no sense.....
    It is interesting to see that if a person has no prior bias (no prior knowledge of the Bible or Christian religions) and they read all of the Hebrew scriptures, they naturally conclude that God and Jesus are two separate beings. 
  21. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Jesus.defender in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    He called you such because you are speaking of slander, you incite Christian Infighting (a big problem with the West), you bring forth a doctrine that it's even biblical, you use the information from a Wiccan to spread interfaith hate, you are an advocate of breaking God's Laws which is the case with the mainstream, let alone adhering to false ones, and the list goes on. 
    We are all indeed sinners, but there is a clear line between those who know they are imperfect vs. those who are imperfect, but sin openly and being ignorant of it.
    Other than that, a man who wants others to break God's Law, a man who incite religious infighting, a man who's Spirit has been tested (1 John 4:1) cannot bless anyone. You fit the bill.
    You are the first of few who say this, this is interesting, either you are learning or you are totally unaware.
    Indeed, God is the only God, the only true one, and this only God is the Father, according to His testimony, the testimony of Jesus, as well as the testimony of Peter, Paul, and John, the Son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, as well as a list of others.
    There is no question that HE, is the only God, the only one, the very one that all young Jews profess as a child and read the Old Testament about, this includes Jesus.
    Very true, however your other posts tend to be very contradicting to this response.
    John 8:58 - This verse does not prove Jesus is God for if you recognize what the sons of the Devil were doing verses before and even chapters in what they wanted to do to Jesus. Moreover, I AM (ego eimi) does not prove anything, for not only it is a common Greek saying, Jesus was only making acknowledgement that he pre-existed before Abraham, no mention of him being El Shaddai, Yahweh/Jehovah. This has already been covered here  
    John 1:1 - This verse speaks of the Genesis Act of Creation, hence verses 3-6 and the mention John the Baptist several verses onward. The Word if from God because it is His spoken Word, the Word became flesh because Jesus was the one who became a man, the Word is God because we clearly see that God himself had said the following about the coming prophet in Deuteronomy 18:18, also the very one mentioned in Isaiah (also scroll of Isaiah as seen in Luke 4). God had said that he will raise up for them a prophet, one that is like their brothers (Jews). he continues to say that He  will put His words in his mouth, and this prophet will speak to them all that He will command of this prophet. Therefore we know the Word is God because the Word is of God, Jesus, who is the prophet, is the Word because he speaks God's Word, and from the very beginning the Word, that originated from God spoke everything into existence. Further evidence we also have is the Tanakh/Old Testament (they focused specifically on the Torah) of which the Samartians strictly follow, for they lived apart from the Jews and their area was Mount Gerizim, for they awaited this Prophet who speaks God's Word, and we see this unfold in John chapter 4 when Jesus spoke with the Samaritan Woman at the Well of Jacob, despite how Samaritans and Jews view each other, but for Jesus, he ha the utmost respect for the Samaritans and didn't go bashing their views, as you are doing, for Jesus set an example for us to follow. It was here that Jesus revealed himself to be the Messiah, the one sent by God, and clearly we see the reaction of the woman, and eventually the Samaritan people. God is the Word, the Word is of God.  
    John 20:28 - Quoting from my article, the facts that come straight from the very pages of the scriptures in the Bible shows us that Thomas was confessing what Jesus had taught him - to see Jesus is to see the Father (John 14:10-11; 12:44-45). That human flesh named Jesus declares the Father (John 1:18). In fact, the entire point of the Gospel of John is to illustrate how the man Jesus made God the Father known. Since there is only one God, Thomas was necessarily referring to Jesus Christ's God when he said, "my God." When all the evidence is put before us, there is simply no doubt that Thomas was affirming Jesus' earlier teaching to him, that to see and believe in Jesus was to see and believe in the Father, the God of Jesus, the God of Thomas (20:17). Jesus himself tells us in this Gospel that he declared/explained the Father in terms of everything he said and did. John tells us the same thing - Jesus came so that we might know the Father, the true God (1 John 5:20). He is the Way to the Father and through Him we know the Father. Jesus explained that they saw the Father when they saw Jesus because the Father abiding in him did the works (14:9-10). How much more then was the Father abiding in that dead body which had the Father had risen from the dead by the power of His Holy Spirit which proceeds from THE FATHER and which Jesus breathed into his disciples (see 20:21-22). Since seeing Jesus meant seeing the Father, Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God. Thomas is confessing what the entire Gospel of John is about. Jesus made the Father known to the people of the world. The only begotten declares/explains the Father. For that reason, to see Jesus is to see the Father. To see the Lord Jesus is to see the Father, our God, and Jesus Christ's God. This can be found here  
    Hebrews 1:8 - This verse speaks of Jesus' clear exaltation, after being brought back to life in spirit by God and made Lord. Moreover, Hebrews 1:8 is a quotation of Psalm 45:6. The above translation of Hebrews 1:8 is another example of Trinitarian bias expressed by the mainstream. For it is here that such ones like you try to claim that God the Father is addressing Jesus as "O God." This translation crudely violates the context for the sake of Trinitarian tradition. In addition, such ones make no acknowledgment of the quotation in order to push their doctrine, which is the case with you making a reference to this verse and not taking it into context. When we really take this verse into context, the truth can easily be seen and it should be evident to people that the weight of the evidence if taken into context is clearly against the Trinitarian translation. For the Trinitarian translation not only results in an absurd statement concerning the whole God's God thing, it results in an ancient Davidic King (Psalms 45) who lived long before Jesus being called "God." Trinitarians inconsistently translate ho theos at Hebrews 1:8-9 and the implications are that God has a God and God's God anoints God so that God will make God to be above God's peers. It's ridiculous on the face of it. Clearly that does not sound right at all. Another thing is you have not taken into context the writer of Hebrews also. That being said it is also good to address what God called all his children as seen in Psalms 82:6 (verse 1 is a reference), and it being referenced yet again in 1 Corinthians 8:5 and as to what Jesus had said in John 10:34, 35.  
    Isaiah 44:6 - The scriptures shows that "His Redeemer" is a reference to Israel's Redeemer, you, Deserter, as a Trinitarian, show a total disregard to contextual facts. For it is known that the passage here is referring to Israel's redeemer who is Yahweh of Hosts their God. The irony here is you believe in 3 Gods, when the testimony of God (Book of Joel) himself in another verse says otherwise  
    Revelations 1:17 - The scriptures shows that the risen Jesus is the First and the Last because he, God's Word, is where the new creation of God begins, which is as clear as day when taking into account the Revelations of John. An even bigger problem that is posed to you Trinitarians is that your claim will be demanded an answer, but such ones like you will not say a word. At Revelation 1:1, we read that God gave this Revelation to Jesus and he communicated this Revelation to John through his angel, which leads to who, in question, then communicated with John? It is abundantly  clear that these title(s) refer to creation and Jesus is the Beginning of the new creation since he is the Firstborn out of the Dead (The first of the Firstfruits). Everything begins and ends with the Father's Word. Now, the Genesis act of creation was accomplished by means of His, God's, spoken Word and that is why we find He is the first and the last in the book of Isaiah. He is where the Genesis act of creation began and since He will judge the world through a man He has appointed, He is where it will also end. God the Father has created by means of His spoken Word and judges the world through His word at the end of the ages. God the Father will judge the world through him (Acts 17:31) and God the Father creates all things anew in him (Colossians 1:16-18; Revelation 21). God the Father now creates all things through the risen Christ, His Word become flesh. The new creation begins and ends at the Father's Word: the risen man, Jesus, who has been made Lord, who has been exalted. Nowhere in Acts 5:3, 4 does it say by your claim that: The Holy Spirit is God -false
    We clearly see what it says in the verse:
    (3) But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? (4) While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to man but to God.” Nowhere in Romans 8:11 does it say, by your claim that the Holy Spirit is God, utterly false, for we can see the verse:
    If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. The funny thing is, you are using verses from a man who has profess the foremost commandment, that alone speaks against the Trinity belief, moreover, this man, Paul, has affirmed the Law, that puts you in error, 100%.
    What proves more fatal is the cross-references also, for that alone defeats your doctrine, Deserter.
    But what, it would seem you have shot yourself on the foot with this response because previously, you had stated: The Bible says that God the father is God. You can't have 3 Gods if there is only 1, but it would seem you religiously worship 3 being in denial by also stating there is 1, that is being hypocritical to your own belief.
    Oh the irony, you mentioned a verse that shattered your own doctrine, the very law that speaks of the Father being the only God, a law of which Jesus himself had quoted. Not to mention you also stated a verse that 100% disqualifies Jesus as being God for he acts as an in-between for God and a group of men to man kind, technically, you have defeated yourself with this response, and to add more fuel to the fire, for a man who claims to be a Jesus Defender, you have no idea of what Law I am speaking of, of which Jesus professed even as a child, you also mentioned a verse of which Paul made an affirmation of the Law,  you have no idea of what Jesus is regarding being an in between of 2 parties, you have no idea of what God's Law actually is that further provides a major blow to your own doctrine.
    Either you are learning, or you are inflecting yourself, wounding yourself, in this sense, figuratively, religous seppuku (??).
    Indeed, the only True God is the Father and no one else, not even this so called Holy Spirit Person, nor is it Jesus, for God is the only Father, in addition to that, even Jesus recognize the Father as God several times in the New Testament.
    Perhaps next time, read the verse first and maybe make such a comment. Also as for Psalms 18:31 does not state Jesus is God. Anyone with a brain and some sense can read and see that this verse is regarding God the Father:
    For who is God, but the LORD [YHWH]? And who is a rock, except our God?— If you want to take it a step further, even in Hebrew, it further proves the one being mentioned is indeed the Father:
    ????? ???? ????????? ????????????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? The funny thing the ALL CAPS is a dead giveaway too.
    Moreover, we have the cross-references for this verse that solidifies this simply truth: Psalms 86:8, Isaiah 45:5, Deuteronomy. 32:31, 1 Samuel 2:2, and 2 Samuel 22:32-43.
    Then again acknowledging the Father to be God, just as Paul and Jesus had, as did others, is very close, but no cigar because you are in total defense of a heresy you know to be false.
    Open your eyes, Deserter.
    It is people like you who is the very result of those, unaware, make fun of the bible:

    Such cannot be allowed to pass, therefore the truth has to be known, it MUST be known.
    Yet you contradict yourself in your several of your responses.
    Yet when he speaks by means of His Word, you ignore it. Basic reading comprehension and biblical study by means of understanding and research further proves that the only God is the Father.
    As for the other comment, Jehovah's Witnesses are not like other Christians, they are Restorationist Christians who are Non-Trinitarian, on the other side of the spectrum, for the Christians of this day and age are 100% mainstream (New Agers included) and do not mind shedding the blood of other Christians in cold bloodied brutality in order to protect their nation, the Christians tossed into the well is an example, and I believe I made mention to such regarding the White Hats of which the US mainstream Christians support, in addition, they like to use uninspired passages with the inspired to push their belief on others, unfortunately for you many, MANY people wised up, but for you, you accept and choose to be blind and continue to dwell in darkness, tripping over yourself and shambling in the dark like a mad man (like Bob the Builder, James White, Jay Smith, David Wood, etc.)
    That being said, you have not proven anything in this regard, you have not proven that Jesus is God or that of the Spirit yet you claim the one God to be the Father, for it is true, the only God is the Father, according to the testimony of others.
    Biblical Hermeneutics and the study and understanding of one's Christology will and always prevail over false truths and false teachers
    As for your foolish claim
    The only foolish man that is here, is you, for if I was foolish, I would not be that knowledgeable of the scriptures and I would be ignorant of truth, but your silly insult is nothing more than a leaf in the breeze, nothing more, Deserter.
    The fact that you are unaware of the forgeries shows, I would like to see you try and defend 1 John 5:7, or that of the Acts 8:37, John 8:1-11, Mark 16:9-20 and a list of other verses. Try as you may - you will fail.
    I don't hate copy and paste, but the constant back to back copy and paste posts only shows you yield upon hat man has taught you, and not of God.
    And no you have no convinced me, you claim Jesus is God when Jesus himself professed a law and he is an in-between for God and men, you claim the Holy Spirit is God, let alone a person, yet you fail to make the claim, and this Godhood claim when no one knows the day or the hour but God himself, in addition, you claim God became flesh when the Old Testament and the words of Job says otherwise. You cannot even convince a child with such heresy, how then will you teach to the nation? For such ones who want to know truth will not adhere to the nonsense that you are teaching, that is why your doctrine, the Trinity, is killing your own faith base when Christianity of the mainstream is on a rapid decline, to the point that even Islam is surpassing you, mind you, this excludes Christian minorities that have nothing to do with the mainstream. For you are declining in China, the UK, the US, the list goes on, for people are tired of your heresy and falsehood when they themselves look at what the bible really says.
    I only made a mention to several uninspired text nowhere did I state ALL verses are forged, you are a fool to think of such because I made mention to this to everyone here before you crawled out of the crevice of which you came. There is well over a dozen verses that have been forged, FACT, there has been verses that has been changed, FACT, there has been verses that have been made up by man, FACT, and because of this people tend to stick to the oldest source, FACT. A Fact that has been proven here, is you are utterly unaware of this source of which the bible based upon and no we are not talking about God's Word, we are talking about something physical before the Bible itself came to be.
    Example, Trinitarians believe that Jesus saved an Adulterous Woman, based off the passages as seen in John 8:1-11 (if you want to take is a step further John 7:53-8:11), however, this verses are not in the original source, they never were in there to begin with, someone very later on added these verses to make a complete continuation of chapter 8. For there is a reason as to why a majority of bibles have omitted Pericope Adulterae. You have a problem if you accept this to be true, yet cannot defend it, the same goes for the other verses in question, everyone knows about 1 John 5:7 and 1 Timothy 3:16 and a number of other things, especially as to the inspired passages itself of which Trinitarians will twist in their favor, example, John 10:30, John 8:58 to name a few.
    NOTE: The Greek manuscripts show fairly clear evidence that John 7:53—8:11 was not originally part of John’s Gospel.
    It isn't stupidity, it is only stupid to those that dwell in falsehood, yet have the audacity to call themselves a Jesus defender, more of a joke if you ask me as well as hypocrisy. The reality is, God's Word is there, its in the oldest source, but to add on to God's Word, that is where the falsehood lies, and those who accept and believes it, such ones like you, will often defend it when the only source we have from back in the day ultimately crushes the belief of which you deem as true regarding specific verses, you have shown me to be in the right with the verses you posted, not realizing some of the verses in question are cited by you, that my friend, is stupidity and foolish.
    Sad person? This coming from a man who made claims that there are 2 other Gods besides the Father then turn back to say only the Father is God? Very telling and quite most, evident. Like I say to everyone here, to the CSE, to those in Islam, to the Jews, to the Satanist, to the Anti-Religious, to the Lost ones, I speak the truth and will defend the truth and nothing but the truth, for I adhere strictly to scripture and what the bible says in addition to the understanding of one's Christology, mainly with those who follow what is true and what is not true.
    I suggest you start opening your eyes, Deserter because you keep them shut, on purpose even. And spare insults, for you are making checks you cannot cash from the very beginning.
    Also, "LOL" in caps? I am sure you are grown, such meaningless fortune cookie nonsense is unnecessary, save that for your buddies of your at work.
  22. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Jesus.defender in Which nations disappear in Armageddon?   
    @Jesus.defender I expected that. Id you have nothing to add to this discussion regarding 1 John 4:1, why respond at all? Like a child you are lost, you do not know the bible well as you think and what God's purpose and will entails. Then again, those of the mainstream tend to lose themselves to false teachers, very tragic.
    Other than that there is a REAL enemy who is deemed a threat to me, you, despite your Trinitarian blindness, and even JWs. The fact you do not know this threat, you'll end up like those in Washington DC a while back, for such an enemy will rear its ugly head in Texas during the Fall. This threat that consist of the nations, will indeed disappear when the time comes.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Which nations disappear in Armageddon?   
    Figured it had to be something like that. I am relieved that the Fall date was not derived or divined from some passage in Revelation. Since about 2013 I've noticed a lot of large-scale marketing attempts by the Roman Catholics, LDS, and of course even JWs and others, and I'm not sure that the continuation of "interfaith" movements is not also just another marketing idea that someone brainstormed for the Pope. I'm glad you are keeping an eye on things like this, but I have my doubts that the 2018 version will be any more significant than 2016, 2017, or even those big ecumenical attempts by Catholics in 1964 and 1965. The differentiation of ideologies between youth and "establishment" in 2015 and 2016 showed itself to be significant through political rallies, and the Catholic Church was "smart" enough to try to pull off a piece of that for themselves. It was not as active as the 1960's but even a Bernie Sanders or someone like him in countries outside the US, was easily able to rally an instant, if naive, crowd. I'm sure the Pope thought: why not me?
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Which nations disappear in Armageddon?   
    If you have already elaborated on this, I missed it. I have appreciated some of your views that include political references because they are much more astute than those of any average U.S. or Western-allied citizen who is dependent on corporate media such as FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc., which have very little truth value. Of course, not that it matters whether I agree with you, but you have a very interesting take on Bible prophecy. I don't believe "predictions" based on Bible knowledge hardly ever come true. I believe that events will reveal Bible truth in time, of course, but I don't believe that anyone who points to a future fulfillment tied to "the times and seasons" will ever be right except by coincidence.
    So, because I am a complete skeptic, you can probably see through my motive. I would like you to explain what you mean by "such an enemy will rear its ugly head in Texas during the Fall"? If I am still participating on this forum in the Winter, I'd be happy to discuss what had likely gone wrong with your prediction about the Fall. Because it will likely prove Jesus correct again when he states that the times and seasons are in the Father's jurisdiction. Of course, I'm not picking on you. I believe such predictions from ANYONE ( @Brother Rando, @Israeli Bar Avaddhon, The Watchtower, or from anywhere else) are "wrong" for Biblical reasons.
    If you are willing to provide a few more specifics, it will make this discussion easier sometime after December 22, 2018. I want to make sure that "during the Fall" refers to 2018, and doesn't mean during the Fall of Babylon.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Which nations disappear in Armageddon?   
    When it comes to anything biblical I am critical, this goes for anything as well as false claims, false information or anyone's means to twist scripture and or the very bible canons itself. Anyone who is familiar with my posts here and how Christians operate at CSE, they'll know that when it comes to anything of the like - the responer is and will always be, critical, at the same time confutes any accusations and or claims big or small, should said claim is false or in error.
    The community in question is here: [1] https://christianity.stackexchange.com [2] https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com both of which that are connected and should you do the same there as you do here, I can say you will be met with serious criticism, an they do not take religion/Christian Infighting lightly and will point that out if need be.
    I understood what you wrote also,but it does not shield the claims and accusations that are stitched into some of the comments of yours.
    No worries, as long as everything is readable, you are fine.
    NATO is US backed, they are among the list of US allies that will help them in a warmongering conquest. The thing is, Russia does not want war, period, but the actions of the United Nations and the Deep State, is pushing the US and allies to seek war with Syria, and Russia, and their allies, even among the UN, do not want this, and are open to defend Bashar Al-Assad, of whom the US blamed for him for chemical attacks, mind you, Assad was not the man who attacked his own people, let alone killed the Christians int he country, it was the actions of Jayish Al-Islam, the very enemy of Assad of whom the US and allies is supporting, said group, if part of Al-Quedina, you can see the details of the information in my post down below:
    If that isn't enough for you, one of my sources made it very clear of who the US an their allies, even the UN, is supporting against Syria, Russia and the like. Mind you the video is a bit graphic, even though some parts are blurred.
    As for the Harlot, Babylon the Great, she is not just the current Israel alone, she is all over the place, even in America, etc. When the Nations start to dwell within the realm of religion to the point they begin to stamp out other faiths, you'll know what time it will be, and for some, it will be way too late. Russia and their allies are not so cool either, but they are the pieces on the chess board, in turn, still part of Babylon the Great, an example would be, they allowed Satanist to mess around with Jehovah's Witnesses before banning them, elsewhere all people who oppose the RoC will be met with serious, serious consequence, no matter what age you are, regarding US and Israel allies, the ones they supported, they shot up and killed a Christian family, dumbing their bodies in a single well of which the village gets their water from, the very reasons why Christians, right now in Syria, have sided with Bashar Al-Assad because enough was enough, and US is marked as an enemy, while Israel and Saudi Arabia will attack with sheer brutality should Iran congregated in Syria - after all, Israel was the one who jumped the gun on the April attack.
    There is no doubt something big will happen, but God himself will take action at a specific time of which he had chosen, which is unknown to all of us, for we do not know when the Father will speak on the day of Judgement to start, people can guess, people can wait, but they will not know what the Father knows.
    But should it interest you, there has been a lot of talk about religious unity, something is to happen in Texas in a couple of months, Babylon's view of religion, as it was done in 2016, will be done in Texas in the month of October, if you live in the US, I suggested you not go to such an event, despite how peaceful they try to make it.
    Ok, but now you are contradicting yourself with what you said before, a claim that still has no source or answer to. Other than that, H'armageddon is already know and before it does happen, times brutal tribulations will ensue, as far as I know, people have already made bunkers. It may be on point like those old dystopian future based movies, but more realistic and difficult.
    Well then, if you think as such, I suggest you give proof and a source to these claims of yours:
     Moreover it has been said that Jehovah will not allow a third world war because otherwise "no one would survive".  
    You made this comment, if you want to proof yourself as not false - give proof to a source to such a claim.
    I do not know what you think but the WT has said that "all the prophecies have been fulfilled and that we are waiting only for the cry of peace and security and therefore the attack on false religion". Moreover it has been said that Jehovah will not allow a third world war because otherwise "no one would survive". The Same can be said about this one, you said this and I confuted, as did with the other claims.
    As for the false accusations, anyone who is families with my comments will not the things you have said directed to me - is indeed, false.
    Other then that, you can prove yourself right now to give detailed proof to the 2 items mentioned above, otherwise, 1 John 4:1 is applied here, thus making these things, these claims of yours - as false, therefore, your spirit has been tested without much of an effort.
    If you know who I am by means of my history on this forum, I am someone who does not like dishonesty, and I know dishonesty when I see it, even in the smallest error.
    I told you, I believe twice to post such in detail, which you have not, that is why my older comment was more inline with what 1 John 4:1 is really about, I even took the time to cited my source and proof of the claim in regards to this verse, if you missed it, it was the colorful one not to far up: 
    But you make it religious by using scripture against a religious group, The Jehovah's Witnesses, this act is called Christian Infighting, or in another term, Christians Persecuting Other Christians, not on doctrine mind you, but on the belief itself.
    Other then that, it was not a debate, per-say, it was more of a correcting of the wrong, for knowing me, leaving something that is in error going unchecked will only cause more damage later on - and error does not sit well with me or anyone else, mainly if a claim is coined with no proof.
    And I'll say it again, it is outlandish for a man to love a religion over the bible, for this claim makes no sense, I even posted the definition of religion, but I do not think you have read it, this time I will link:
    https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/religion http://www.dictionary.com/browse/religion I hope you never make that claim to someone in person, for if you do, they will critique you on what the word Religion even means, which in itself speaks more than the claim you are bringing up right now.
    Religion basically mean the practice of a faith = Christian/Christianity = teachings = adhere to God's Spoken Word and the practices of His Son, and examples left by us by the followers = She Being Part of us, She meaning The Church, of which the Christ is the Head of.
    If in your eyes people love a religion, they we should all be guilty of being Christian, regardless of denomination, we can take it a bit further, all Religions of all branches are guilty, but the false ones and the true ones. See? Does not make any sense, hence why I linked you the definition.
    Advantage of wisdom
    Being Awake and making supplication in regards to the Luke verse.
    Isaiah 28:18 is regarding the death and the grave. And no it is not because of my faith, it is because I study the bible day in and day out. And due to biblical studies, discernment to root out error and falsehood as well as dishonesty.
    It would seem you have no learned from making false accusations, yet you want to play that card again, we can go about that as soon as you post proof to 2 of your claims, otherwise, the table would have turned twice for you.
    Who are these men you speak of? If you read any of my history here, I tend to keep God's Word as number 1, that is why I always mention this word hermeneutics, which means the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts.
    Can you cite a source for one who "adore one's own religion"? This is the first time I ever heard such a claim in regards to someone of a faith. I hope you do have a source for this one, so this brings the count to 3.
    Then next time pick your words wisely, and your claims, otherwise they will be confuted.
    So how what is true about God and World War 3 comment from you? What about the false claims whereas everyone here knows how I respond and yet you make a false claim against me? How I this true?
    Just as Jesus had did, I stand and confute those who make such error and dishonesty, regardless of who that is a Muslim, a JW, Unitarian, Black Israelite, etc.
    If someone makes an error, a twist in scripture, infighting and outlandish claims, and the like - they will be confuted, and they will be met with actual criticism to their false claims, therefore, such ones have their spirits tested, and will be rooted out for their error, no matter who it is.
    Cite your  sources and perhaps things would be different. This I still await, otherwise, those claims, like the false accusations, are deemed a lie, therefore, is false.
    modus operandi does not change God's Word and what His Word means, let alone His laws.
    It may be a novel to you, but I give detail of what is true and nothing but truth as well as pointing out error, such as the ones you claim and it is clear as day to all here who reads on this very thread. Next time you want to make claims, make sure it is true, this was the case with 2 others on this forum who have been exposed for their error, count that, it is 3, for there was whereas I gave a history of Christians banning something.
    Also if you are going to make a false claim, make sure it is not in the sight of those who are real Bereans who can act upon their discernment and defend what is true no matter what, even if it means rooting out the lies painted on others, which you have done, and the error on your part about God and World War 3 comment.
    I won't be having a good time, like a Christian, I will be vigilant,and enduring, no matter what, and doing what the early Christians and our fathers have been doing, teaching the real truth of the gospel and defending it, as well as rooting out falsehood of those who try to push their mainstream Christianity over the truth.
    As for the claims, you can either say nothing, so we know the conclusion, or you can attempt, but will result in the same outcome, unless what you had said is indeed true, then it would be different, other then that I suggest you read up more on what is going, mainly about the nations and religions perhaps you will wonder why a specific faith is declining all over the world, hence why they side with those in government.
    Other then that, you are indeed smart, but it seems you are still blind for the errors you spouted out in your comments, but the more you read, the more out of the blindness you dissolve.
    The truth will set you free, do what you will with it, should you choose it.
    PS: before you wanna take shots again in regards to my beliefs, I suggest you do some homework on how I am, which is very easy to see by means of my profile history.
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