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the Sower of Seed

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Everything posted by the Sower of Seed

  1. I was thinking of the day Brother Russell began near 1878. 1914 harmonizes with the persecution that began shortly after that. Why did persecution break out? Re.12:12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.” When Jesus was Anointed as the 1st King of God's Kingdom, we went through the Heavens, ousting Satan and other opposers of Jehovah. Many Books are written about how people changed after 1914. People used to leave the door open when they went for groceries or such, they would turn the porch chair around, that people could see from the sidewalk they were gone. Think of that, they were actually concerned someone would make a wasted walk up the sidewalk! What organization was persecuted? The one Satan knew Jesus was leading!
  2. Jesus is a god according to John 1:1 a lessor god, meaning he is a mighty one, as many men consider themselves a god. The Hebrew scripture teach all to pray to Jehovah Only, You stand as an opposer of God Himself, in line with many other opposers. Jehovah is One Being, He Inspired men to write the Bible. Is He now changing His Mind according to your preference? No, You have not harmonized the verses properly. Jesus is much like the attorney for mankind, giving us access to The Holy God we did not have without him. Jehovah is Holy and cast Adam and Eve from Eden, He never spoke with them again. The Flaming Swords prevented any return or communication with God. Jesus is our access to to God but he is not the Almighty God we are told to worship ONLY. Is Jesus any different from the angels of Revelation, preserving reverence for Jehovah. What do you propose is the RELIGION that most closely resembles the Way that Jesus and the Apostles worshiped? Jesus taught people to pray at Mtt 6:9-15 9 “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth................................................ If Jesus knew he was the one to pray to after his death, WHY did he not teach them to pray "Our Great Son in Heaven, let your name be sanctified?" The opposers of God Himself would teach men to worship the Son instead of the Father!!! They would rewrite the Bible changing it's meaning, knowing the warning God gives to those who would do such. Jesus is Never called the ALMIGHTY GOD, Worship the One the Bible Calls the Almighty God Jehovah. The Simplicity of the Bible states God as the Father and Jesus as the son. God felt men would understand the Headship the Father has over the son. This is why He used Human terms. The True Worshipers, Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. The False Worshipers, worship the son in all manner of Falsehoods John 4:23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him.
  3. Jesus is the Gift of God, elevated by God to His right hand, but not as God's Equal. Jesus was GIVEN Immortality by the One Almighty God who has authority over immortality. Even in Heaven God gave Jesus a revelation of our future at Revelation 1:1. In Heaven Jehovah is Almighty, foreseeing the future events then telling them to others! Jehovah will always be the ALMIGHTY GOD, no one will ever be equal to Him! Satan has counterfeited the worship of God many times, their are falsehoods that are revealing signs that tell a person that this is not the "True Religion" Do the patrons * worship Jehovah as God? Do they honor * Jesus as His Firstborn Son? Do the respect the * Holy Spirit as an Invisible Force originating from Jehovah God? Do they * Obey God First then human rulers? Do they believe in a * burning hell where God punishes the wicked eternally? Do they * use images to worship? Do they believe in * the Holy Trinity? Do they use * paid priests and a clergy? To find the Bibles answers to all these please copy them from the * into the search bar at JW.org
  4. How many died during the Flood, how many were saved by their faith and works? Did less than 1% survive? Why is that? Noah preached about God for 40 years prior to the first drops of rain. He invited many to join him on the Ark. Yet the plans and size of the Ark did not include space for millions of people,not even thousands or hundreds, Jehovah foresaw the answer the people would have toward Noah's preaching. In all their posturing and outward appearances, the human race is imperfect and drawn to badness, rather than obedience to God. Jehovah in His Infinite Wisdom has set the boundaries of mankind, even for those who understand, obedience can be a challenge while living in this wicked world. Jehovah will exam the inner person of every adult and execute judgment in the near future. Is there hope for those who have never heard the Good News based on God's finding? There is no scripture stating yes or no, only our knowledge that Jehovah is Just. Those conscious of their Spiritual Need can improve their standing through study and prayer and obedience today, for Jehovah is searching the Earth for them today! He has Assured us that A Great Crowd,which no man was able to number will survive out of all the nations of Earth. Rev.7:9 After this I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. Even if you have a Spiritual background, it is wise to consider John 4:23,24 and examine why you believe what you do? Who today are being used by God to preach the Good News of God's Kingdom in all the inhabited Earth? Are you one of them?
  5. Much of what Jehovah's Witnesses believe was written before the men of the Governing Body were born! The Governing Body only teach us how Bible verses relate to other verses that we may have a complete understanding of the Bible.They relate Bible truths just as Jesus did while he was on Earth. Why would God need to set up another Anointed Organization to do the work that is almost complete? The Ark is almost finished, look at the details coming in Many have been misled by believing that a day spoken of by others would be the start of God's judgment.If I was anointed and lived through WW1, I would have probably expected to be changed to a spirit at anytime. But new light and understanding come in knowing Jehovah is Just, He will give nearly every human alive for a given time opportunity to come to know Him, the rest will be resurrected during the next 1000 years to accept Him or Not after accurate knowledge of Him is presented to them. The Witnesses are presenting that Truth today, this is enough in God's Eyes to pass judgment on a persons inner heart condition when He sits to Judge the inhabited Earth on the last day of this world order. Many have been confronted many times with the Truth or an invitation to view it. While others have never seen it, in His Justice and Equality, God is searching the Earth for those who will attain a relationship with Him and will not miss anyone who may be a possible friend. Anyone who wants to easily learn the Bible Truth spoken about here and other posts may begin here
  6. We come to Christ through imitation of him, not by prayer to him. Christ did not wear any images, Christ was never a soldier in any war of human government, nor did he hail Caesar or any other man. Christ was not a womanizer nor a drunkard. Christ did not dress in expensive garb or exult himself as the one to be worshiped.Christ did not use his authority to extract favors from anyone or abuse them.Jesus was in Heaven as Michael when many Bible verses were expressed from Jehovah's presence such as Exodus 20:3 God stated: "You must not have any other gods besides me." ........Not Even Jesus! Deuteronomy 4:24 For Jehovah your God is a consuming fire, a God who requires exclusive devotion. 5:9 You must not bow down to them nor be led to serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6:15 for Jehovah your God who is in your midst is a God who requires exclusive devotion. Otherwise, the anger of Jehovah your God will blaze against you and he will annihilate you from the face of the earth. Jesus is THE GIFT OF GOD, GOD is GREATER THAN ANY OTHER BEING. He CHOSE a personal name Exodus 3:15 Then God said once more to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation. Is this a True statement or is the Bible a book of lies? Christ prayed to His One Real Father as seen at John 17, he did not worship any other God or teach others to. One Living Being is Worthy of our worship, One living being had the Power to create the material universe which Christ was as a helper. See Revelation 4:11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.” Are the facts true? The entire Hebrew text speaks of One Almighty God who would send a Seed of His Angelic beings to crush Satan as foretold at Genesis 3:15. The same God punished people who did not worship Him Alone. The Israelites failed to obediently kill every inhabitant of the Land given them by God, this led them to worship Sacred Poles and images of Baal and other gods,even making their children pass through the fire to their death.They worshiped things like the sun,moon and stars. Jehovah punished them time and time again as generations passed and new were born who did not know God because their parents had left the way given by God. Today generations have misled their children,many have taught them to worship false gods and saints and images and even Mary. The worship of Jesus as God is False Worship just like any other. The Greek verses show the fulfillment of many verses that Jesus could not manipulate to become the Seed. Jesus taught us who God is by his acts and speech. He never said "I am God" or I am the Creator, no he stated he is a lessor one, the son of man, the son of God. The name Jesus means "Jehovah is Salvation". Jesus was the Seed sent to gather men of faith, they taught others and wrote pages describing the Christ they new. After they died, the pages were withheld by scrupulous men who exalted themselves over generations of men and women who had a zeal for god but not according to Accurate Information. They taught that they were the way to God and built a vast empire of falsehoods, you can still see the false worshipers in their various powers on Earth.They use many lessor ones to fulfill their fleshly hungers. It is much easier for someone with no spiritual knowledge to grasp the truth, than those who have been poisoned by the spiritual falsehoods, profited from in the many books sold in the libraries and book stores of this world and preached by affable men and women in mega churches and television evangelizers, all do not know the truth but make themselves appear as experts! If you pray to or worship Jesus, you are acting as a False worshiper according to the Bible, See John 4:23,24 WHO IS GOD LOOKING FOR? The Entire Bible must Harmonize and must be held as the Highest authority on the matter!
  7. In Noah's day you new when the Ark was near completion that you would either see rain or that it was all hoax! Which was it? When Moses returned to Egypt, sign on top of sign led to the culmination and the answer to the question would the slaves be delivered after 400 years? Gen.15:13 The Bible foretold Jesus birth. He grew to be a perfect human man who would show sign on top of sign for 3-1/2 years culminating in a partial fulfillment of Gen.3:15. 140 years ago, a man described the Kingdom of God and the End of the Gentile times. 1914 and WW1 were evidence of of the Birth of God's Kingdom in Heaven by the Anointing of Jesus as it's 1st King. The Apostles of Christ and other 1st century disciples were then raised from corruption to glory as Kings of that Kingdom.As the number of the Anointed neared 144,000 the Other Sheep became recognized as future citizens of a government expressing Jehovah's sovereignty towards the Earth. Now the Good News that was foretold to encompass the Earth at Mtt.24:14 and Mrk 13:10 is now witnessed as nearing completion. Soon every person on Earth will learn whether Jehovah is God and is Motivating Jehovah's Witnesses to preach the Good News as a prophet in our midst or its all a hoax. We approach the culmination of 140 years of God's Search for friends. We must see Sign in sun,moon and stars as evidence that Daniel 7:26 has begun. God has sat down to Judge the living and then the dead. There is no need to foretell a date, only the culmination of the expressed will of God and the many facets we see day after day. Once these things begin the "hailstone" is that is to late to kneel to God newly expressing reverence. Mtt.24:30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
  8. A large difference between the Witnesses and others is the Spiritual relationship with the being known only as Lord, Jesus or God in other religions. They have experienced spirituality, spirituality is a completely spiritual relationship between the only being that answers prayers. The Witnesses do not pray to the Lord or Jesus, they pray to Jehovah, He is the Eternal Almighty Universal Sovereign and Creator, the Only Hearer of prayers. Ps.65:1 Praise awaits you, O God, in Zion; We will pay our vows to you.2 O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come. The Witnesses can experience many responses from Him because of the Truthful Spiritual view they have of Him and their daily Bible reading. Spirituality is best related to mental nudity, for Jehovah is approached without any material image or imagination of His being.If you imagine God as any material image, you are misled and are becoming a false worshiper, for no man has seen God at Any time Exodus 20: You must not have any other gods besides me. 4 “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. There were no lies in the universe or images used to worship God until Satan approached Eve.When Adam sided with her, mankind severed themselves from the true knowledge of God and were cast away from Him. What does the Creator want from mankind? From individuals? The same thing He experiences with angels, an eternal relationship based on His right to set the moral boundaries for mankind due to His Creatorship and His Wisdom. That relationship will include inspiration or telepathy of thought, much like the human Jesus experienced, when they attain the latter part of the restoration. Acts 3:21 Heaven must hold this one within itself until the times of restoration of all things of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets of old. Mankind should never use any image, nor a cross, nor a crucifix, nor an image of Mary or an apostle, nor even imagine such things when praying to Almighty.For He is a Spirit, unseen to human eyes. He cares not that you are light or dark skinned, whether you are male or female,that you are rich or poor. He cares how you view Him and how you respect Him in spirit and truth. His concern is that you worship Him in Spirit and Truth and follow His moral directions. Just as the angels,He expects everyone who comes to know Him to share their knowledge with others. Mtt.28:19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” I'm sure you have seen the Witnesses expressing their gratitude and obedience to God like no other religion on Earth. John 4:23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.” There is a vast difference between the True & False worshipers! God has always shown One Direction as His Way. Noah by his acts, Moses by his acts, Jesus by his acts, the Witnesses by their acts. Mtt.7:13“Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it;14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it.15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves.16 By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they?17 Likewise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit.18 A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit.19 Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.20 Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men.
  9. There can only be one true way. The GB is feeding the new sheep in their delicate time, many will mature and progress, but never against the Slave that God is using as an administration to speak to His slaves in their imperfection.If you learned the truth apart from them, then you should praise God rather than complain. The Catholic Church withheld the Bible and the precious truth Jesus leads people to.The clergy elevate themselves over the common parishioners as the Jewish priesthood did, this is the opposite that the GB has done. They have worked side by side in the ministry that is spreading around the Earth, they extend their hand to shake not to be kissed. The Catholic Church is the epitome of the "false worship" of Christianity, their doctrine has nothing in common with Truth.
  10. No, I had hoped for expressions different ones use from day to day that I might plagiarize somewhere else. I appreciate that just as Jesus spoke of True worshipers who worship the Father in spirit and truth, there must be false worshipers who worship God with lies and falsehoods. To those who believe that God and Christ are the same being, after thoughts of creation and Jesus being Jehovah's firstborn. I often reason about how Jesus is a Gift of God and who is the Greater the Giver or the Gift? WHO is Greater The Gift or the Giver?
  11. I thank you both for your input. I too, have read the Daniel book many times and enjoying speaking of such things with fellow witnesses. Though, they at that time did not know the day or hour, they must have realized the hour was drawing near as the ark neared completion. Jesus gave those living in the Last Days a work to watch and meter it's completeness and culmination. He said Keep on the Watch and again Keep in Expectation! We have seen and heard a cry of peace & security from the NATO meeting in 2018, Trump himself has cried peace twice after meetings with heads of state. I am encouraged by the resolution for 2020 before the U.N. "A year without war" Who will stand up to make this a reality?
  12. John 4:23 states:"Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him" What 2 types of worshippers are there according to the Bible and what belief or actions define them?
  13. (let the reader use discernment) We then turn our attention to define WHO is the LAST KING that is REMOVED by Jehovah! WHY? Because he only rules 3 & 1/2 times or years. SEE Daniel 7:25,26 HE must come out of the 4th Beast, the Iron Thighs of the Image at Daniel 2:40 7:7."I saw a fourth beast, fearsome and terrifying and unusually strong, and it had large iron teeth" That means he must have roots in the Roman Empire which was replaced by the Great Britain/USA alliance. WHO is the LAST KING of that alliance? "and he will continually harass the holy ones of the Supreme One. He will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time" Was it President Bush? No he ruled more than 3&1/2 years, was it President Obama? No,he too ruled more than 3&1/2 years. IS IT President TRUMP? We Must wait until 6/2020 to say!
  14. 7:26 But the Court sat, and they took away his rulership, in order to annihilate him and to destroy him completely. 27 “‘And the kingdom and the rulership and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens were given to the people who are the holy ones of the Supreme One. Their kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulerships will serve and obey them.’ 28 “This is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts alarmed me greatly, so that I turned pale; but I kept the matter in my own heart.”
  15. Moving forward, 7:25 He will speak words against the Most High, and he will continually harass the holy ones of the Supreme One. He will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. 26 But the Court sat, and they took away his rulership,* in order to annihilate him and to destroy him completely. 27 “‘And the kingdom and the rulership and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens were given to the people who are the holy ones of the Supreme One. Their kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulerships will serve and obey them.’28 “This is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts alarmed me greatly, so that I turned pale; but I kept the matter in my own heart.” I have read the book Pay Attention to Daniel Prophesy many times. I agree with the description of events of Daniel 7. Jehovah has let the world alone,that all events are mans mistakes. I see this as the first physical act against Satan's world? As I read 7:25,26,27 it appears an event happens 3-1/2 times or 3-1/2 years before the entire Kingdom takes possession of the Earth at Armageddon. Is this a fulfillment after the persecution of the GB after 1914 as written in the Daniel book of chapter 9?
  16. The point was that Jehovah is organized, the evidence is all around us. This leads us to believe that His visible favored people would be organized in doing His will. Moving forward we can consider WHO HE is about to sanction based on Matthew 13:36-43, John 4:23,24,Revelation 18:4 and a few more.......
  17. or·gan·i·za·tion /ˌôrɡənəˈzāSH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc. "a research organization" Was NOAH and his family a body of people with a particular purpose? Was Abraham's family? Jacob's? Moses, Aaron and some 3 million escapee's standing before God? Jesus & the Apostles? The Kingdom of God is 144,000 + 1 , an organization of every human resurrected to Heaven to do a particular purpose = rule the Earth Yes ,The Watchtower represents a body of people with a particular purpose, the doing of God's will, organized, just as all of God's works are See 1 Corinthians 14:33: For God is a God not of disorder but of peace Peace comes from organization like we see in the solar system, the galaxy, the universe. God is the foremost organizer in all creation!
  18. I've spent years studying the Bible and historical events.This is the information that is needed to have the Correct view of Jehovah, Jesus, the Other sheep, the Faithful Slave and the Governing Body. There is wisdom in having a body direct the affairs of any organization and the entire Earth. I realize there are imperfections and vile actions of anybody on Earth, that does not mean that Jehovah would not inspire them and they change. Jehovah has always had an organization, ONE DISTINCT WAY TO WORSHIP HIM! Jehovah used Abraham's family to teach mankind,The 12 Sons and 12 Tribes acted as a body and were united by the written law. Jesus taught a BODY of 12 to remember and deliver his teachings to fellow disciples.Jesus sent out the Apostles in two's to speak of the Kingdom of God and commanded at Matthew 28:19,20 that this disciple making should continue until the end of this current world order. I can see that Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY organization on Earth doing Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10. Every Other Religion on Earth has some belief that is contrary to Bible Truth, I will support Jehovah, Jesus as His Seed and Christ and Jehovah's Witnesses until death. What Religion do you have faith in?
  19. Jehovah's Witnesses experience the highest form of happiness, it differs from the satisfaction the German soldiers felt as they did the will of their racist power hungry leader. Jehovah's Witnesses have a spiritual happiness that cannot be duplicated by Satan or his 1000's of religions.They have a personal relationship with the Highest personage in the universe. Jehovah blesses them with the fruitage of His Holy Spirit as seen at Galations 5:22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Like Jesus, the witnesses have a satisfaction from doing God's will, which increases their happiness, he in turn directs them, they hear a word behind them as stated at Isaiah 30:19 When the people dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem, you will by no means weep. He will surely show you favor at the sound of your cry for help; he will answer you as soon as he hears it.20 Though Jehovah will give you bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression, your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and you will see your Grand Instructor with your own eyes.21 And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way. Walk in it,” in case you should go to the right or in case you should go to the left. Their happiness was promised at Matthew 5:3 “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them." There knowledge of spiritual truths bring them closer to Jehovah Himself, He listens to their prayers, that He finds pleasing because of their spiritual understanding, whereas the world and their many false beliefs are distasteful to God, He ignores their prayers because they have not sought out spiritual truths, but they repeat the same apostate beliefs that billions of others have mouthed for centuries. “Let not the wise man brag about himself because of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man brag about himself because of his mightiness. Let not the rich man brag about himself because of his riches. But let the one bragging about himself brag about himself because of this very thing, the having of insight and the having of knowledge of me, that I am Jehovah, the One exercising loving-kindness, justice and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I do take delight. Jeremiah 9:23,24 Jehovah's Witnesses have a deep desire for others to experience spiritual satisfaction and happiness, this drives them from house to house to share the truth that leads to everlasting life and the greatest happiness humans can experience as foretold many times in the Bible "“There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” Acts 20:35. “Jehovah himself will guard him and preserve him alive. He will be pronounced happy in the earth.Psalm 41:1,2. For 6000 years,some 25 billion people have tried to find happiness through many fleshly pursuits, the only lasting happiness can come when a person seeks to understand Jehovah's principles and His desire for mankind, then applies that knowledge to his thoughts and acts. Soon He will remove everything that leads to sadness. He will sustain happiness for all eternity for all those who are loyally enjoying a personal relationship with Him. Revelation 21:3-5 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”5 And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also he says: “Write, for these words are faithful and true. Along with His equality, justice and righteousness, Jehovah's Happiness is what brings satisfaction to Jesus, the Apostles and all of His Witnesses today!
  20. Jehovah's Witnesses are a "happy people" in the midst of a hostile world.That happiness comes from the spiritual food and the way it is delivered to them. They are the only ones sharing their hope in God's Kingdom with all who will listen around the world. God has fed them well through Christ and the GB just he said they would eat while others go hungry, they would drink while others thirst. The individual witnesses have trust in the GB in Christ' hand. They have faith that just as Jehovah has spoken it will be.The world may hate us and assault our faith, but we see their hate and accusations as Satan's works of desperation. Today we wonder what the 3 demonic expressions of Rev.16:14 will prove to be. What signs will convince world leaders to turn on the religions of the world and destroy them. We are at the doorstep of discovery, the events are unstoppable. The opposers will cry out because of the realization that they were in reality fighters against God and all that is good in His eyes!
  21. The Foresight Found in the Bible Gives Comfort
    to whom do you belong

    As you see on the news, there is distress in religion at this time. Unnatural sexual conduct is being revealed in one religion after another, bringing reproach on the God they serve if Christian. Yes it has happened, men and women, who had great faith and determination to follow Jesus example of moral integrity, did not turn away from bad thoughts fast enough. Even before Christ there have been improprieties, see 2 Sam.11:1-13. How is it different today? For the last 100 plus years, moral decay has progressed to where it is today. What was once not even spoken in public is now mainstream and demanding acceptance. The churches have watered down God’s moral standard to make themselves more inviting to the public, thus keeping donations coming in. Even at that, church attendance is waning. Historians will be quick to point out that religion has been an agitating force in the history of man, the catalyst in many wars. Churches have made alliances with heads of state to align the masses with their thinking. Today men use religion to enslave the inhabitants of entire countries, whereas others try to remove all worship or all but the one that they benefit from. As world leaders lose faith, they no doubt see that “Religion is a Snare and a Racket.” as brought out by Judge J.F. Rutherford in 1938.

    We have seen the many facets of the sign of the Last Days given by Jesus Christ to his apostles, the fulfillment of the last prophesies pertaining to the conclusion of this world order have begun. The term world order is here used to describe the Earth fragmented into different governments and countries, led by men of different philosophies, a commerce system using varying values of currency to buy and sell goods and services and a religious system worshiping many different gods. All three divisions of this world order are under the influence of a spirit in opposition to God Himself, as seen in the Bible. Mtt. 4:1-11.

    In Jesus description of events that will mark the Last Days, right after he stated “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come” at Mtt.24:14, he then said “Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,)” at verse 15. Jehovah’s Witnesses have encircled the globe preaching the Good News of God’s Kingdom. Knowing the end is near; they are escalating their efforts to reach all they can with God’s message of Hope. As for verse 15, do we see any evidence that something or someone could try to take God’s place? Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses being persecuted and labelled as Extremists in Russia? Why are Russian brothers and sisters suffering torture at the hands of Russian officials along with forms of demented sexual abuse? Because of being singled out they encounter opposition at work and their children experience it at school and in their neighborhoods as their homes are searched for Bibles, while rifles are pointed at their children’s heads? How are Jehovah’s Witnesses different from the Orthodox Church that is allowed to worship?

    Jehovah’s Witnesses choose to obey Jesus’ last command to his followers as he was being taken away at Mtt.28:19,20 “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” The apostles and disciples of the 1st century did the same work. The resurrected Jesus confronted an opposer of this way of worship, Saul of Tarsus, afterwards he too joined in the proselytizing work. Many books of the Bible would not have been written if it were not for the preaching and disciple making of those early Christians. They went from door to door and witnessed on the streets and where people gathered about Jesus and how God’s Kingdom will remove all human pain and suffering. Jesus foretold that this work would continue to take place during the Last Days of this World Order.

    Too, Jehovah’s Witnesses hope in God’s Kingdom to restore Peace and Security to the entire Earth. How will God’s Kingdom do this? God’s Kingdom will remove every vestige of this world order. The Kingdom is an extension of God’s Universal Sovereignty where Jesus and 144,000 others will govern the Earth from Heaven with an eagle’s vision and foresight. They will remove all nationality and borders along with language barriers. They will remove all need of money and the enslavement it causes. Using God’s Holy Spirit they will restore the health of all Earth’s inhabitants and remove all sickness and diseases. They will educate those on Earth to live forever while worshiping the Only Almighty God in the way He has prescribed. The Kingdom will rule in Justice and true Equality, this will comfort every citizen.

    Though the persecution is very painful for them and for us looking on, we know Jehovah feels the same way and has stated He will stand up for those calling upon His name. Joel 2:31,32, Acts 2:21, Roman 10:13. What is a comfort for them, all though they suffer today, like Jesus, the joy they have of pleasing God through their obedience to Him and knowing that whether they live or die, He will remember them and resurrect them to enjoy life again in that new world order. See Romans 8:38,39 .Too, they see that these acts of the King, though vile, are proof that God’s intervention is near.

    Today there is great distress caused by the King of Russia. His government has written laws that contend with God. When a government writes a law ordering a people not to worship Jehovah God in the same manner as His son instructed people everywhere to follow, are they saying they are a god greater than the Almighty? What will he and other kings ask when God does nothing? If they are God’s people, why does God not save them? Mark.15:36. Their conclusion may be, God does not exist or does not care. Many people around the Earth have tired of the divisions religion brings. They do not want to hear that someone is judging their way of life. Many seek a separation of church and state on the pettiest of conflicts. This attitude of the populace will certainly embolden world leaders to expand their evil works and tear religion from the Earth. Many will run and hide or jockey for a position of favor in the coalition against God. When this question is asked of you, whom will you obey? We know a Great Crowd will answer this question resoundingly “It is Jehovah We Will Obey”. Listen to Jesus foretell religions end at Revelation 18

    This will set the hook, the king and many like him will not be satisfied with the local lands of decoration; they will look toward the mountain of Decoration! They will line up in battle formation, taking their stand against Jehovah of Armies. See Ps. 2 and Rev.11:18. This has happened in in the past in a smaller scale, nations have come against the Israelite’s and against their God, Jehovah. See 2 Chronicles 20. Others have taken a stand against His direction as recorded in the Bible. Remember the account of King Hezekiah who was confronted by the Assyrian army, how God’s angel was sent to show His power in defense of His people, that angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night! On a more individual level, remember Joshua and Caleb who crossed the Jordan River with 10 others to spy out the land of which God was to give them. When they returned, the other 10 instilled fear and uncertainty into what may have been 3 million people. Joshua and Caleb tried to influence the people to just do what God has commanded. It may have appeared as the whole world was against them, like clouds that are covering the land, yet by their faith and obedience, they were prepared to do what God had commanded. God blessed them later for their integrity and will again as He resurrects them to the Earth under Jesus’ kingship. May we be comforted seeing that the world is moving God to the back and seeing themselves as the Supreme authority. May we be as courageous as Joshua and Caleb were, though we are seen as different, let us always obey God. Though the whole world has disowned the faith, May we always be comforted and strengthened when we are reminded: to Him We Do Belong . Isaiah 43:10 , See Acts 5:29

  22. Was Jesus a god or man?

    1.Jesus was born from a Woman; he was not an angel or superhuman man, nor did he have any special powers of his own.  Mtt.1:18 Mary’s pregnant before marriage  Luke 1:34 Mary’s question

    2. At Death; Jesus was dependent on Jehovah God to raise him from the dead, just as we are.

    3. God freely communicated with the first man Adam while he was Sinless. In the same Sinless condition (perfect in thought and flesh) God willingly communicated with Jesus. God has the ability to read hearts,our innermost thoughts,He communicated those to Jesus while he was speaking with individuals , those present could not hear or get the sense of it, to their amazement. John 4:15-18

    4. How did Jesus make wine from water, heal the lame, the blind and raise the dead? God’s Powerful Holy Spirit was interacting with Jesus thoughts in real-time. The power going out of Jesus was God’s. The Apostles were sinful men, yet by God’s powerful spirit they were able to perform the same miraculous acts.

    5. The First Man Adam disobeyed God’s requirement of obedience. Adam was a Sinless Perfect man (perfect in thought and flesh) He understood he was intentionally disobeying the one law God had placed upon him in the Garden of Eden. He knew that doing so would bring his death. Gen.2:15-17

    6. God’s Justice needed to be satisfied on the Earth before all the hundreds of millions of spirit lives watching from Heaven, however Adam had not produced any offspring before his disobedient act, so there were not any other Sinless men available to replace the perfect sinless life Adam threw away by disobeying Jehovah Gods one law for that time.

    7. At that time Jehovah God foretold how He would in time satisfy Justice, end the rebellion that had been started and fulfill His desire to have the Earth full of perfect human beings who would enjoy increasing joy in daily life and a spiritual relationship with Him. See Genesis 3:15.

    8. This is why Jesus had to be the same as Adam, a perfect human man, not a god or angel in the flesh. That way God’s Principle of Justice “Eye for Eye” would be satisfied. If Jesus were anything more than a perfect human being, divine justice would not be satisfied and mankind could not be delivered from their condemnation to Sin and Death as Adams offspring.         Exodus 21:24

    9. Jesus being born from a woman and living in accord with God’s Principles will serve as a touchstone for those who live after God restores men to that same perfection Jesus had, they will be able to follow Jesus obedient course, and not make the same mistake the first perfect man Adam made.

    10. As we see, Jesus was a Man very similar to us, So Why Do Some Worship Him? Jesus did all he could to direct people to worship the source of his life and ours, Jehovah God. As we see from the scriptures Satan the Devil was the one who wanted to usurp that position as God, not Jesus.  Mtt.4:10

    11. The Will of God is for each of us to become like Jesus ,a Perfect Human Being. This is what God spent hundreds of millions of years preparing the Earth for, a planet, maybe a universe full of Perfect Human Beings. Gen. 1:28

    12. Perfect in Flesh means we would never get sick; lose our eyesight, hearing, teeth or hair. Perfect flesh will never age, wrinkle or die; each cell will perfectly replace itself forever sustaining the body of a 30-year-old forever. Isaiah 33:24     Isaiah 25:8 , Job 33:25

    13. Perfect in Mind or thought may include increasing the percentage of our brain being used, being able to control our thoughts and an increasing reasoning ability and unity; it may include much more that has not been revealed to us. We know that Jesus did not make any mistakes or fail, lust after sex or drink until he passed out. He never engaged in an argument that ended in violence. A planet of such people will be peaceful.      Psalms 37:11  ,  Psalms 37:29

    14. We do know that this will open greater communication with Jehovah God and our experiencing His Holy Spirit operate in ways we have not yet imagined, Spiritual Perfection.

    15. There are so many deeply entrenched falsehoods about Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and What the Future of Man and the Earth will be. Jesus stated that his true followers would be set apart by Truth. There can only be one Truth, one acceptable way before God to live and worship Him. In order to find truth you must do what Jesus stated at John 17:3 , John 17:17. Set Apart by Truth

    Who is Jesus Today?

    Jesus today is King of God’s Kingdom, a subsidiary of Jehovah’s Universal sovereignty. God has selected 144,000 other humans who dedicated their life to closely following Jesus example of dedication to doing Jehovah’s will of spreading the Good News of God’s Kingdom.Their all having lived as humans will aid them greatly in the coming days when they govern the Earth and those who have shown faith and interest in coming to know Jesus and his Father Jehovah God better.

    As we see around us instability is in every corner of the globe. This will continue until the work that Jesus began 1991 years ago is accomplished in Gods Eyes. The statistics shown at JW.ORGshow that this work as encompassing the Earth, soon Matthew 24:14, Mark 13:10 and Daniel 2:44 and 12:1 will be fulfilled.Our Greatest Hope is that You will come to know Jesus as a Savior and King.

    Learn More About the Hope Jesus Gave Us

  23. The Ark must of been rectangular, like a shoe box the size of a football field. Many depictions of a large ship with a bow would have compromised the inner cubic footage.The ark in Kentucky,USA is an example of this error. The ark was covered in black tar, they had no machinery to plane the timbers they used in the construction, the tar would fill the gaps in the timbers. There were no baby dinosaurs on the ark as some depict it.The event took place in 2370 B.C.E., the dinosaurs had died off long before then. The ark was a great witness to the people,but what was their attitude? God Loves Us and won't destroy us? Why did God speak to you Noah? Did Jehovah Know there would be apathy towards the Ark? Was there room for another 1000 people? The correlation of the people's attitude then and today, as Jesus brought out at Mathew 24:36-40, is accurate.
  24. With Verses like this we can always ask "How are we different today than they were then?" They were unfaithful the most in two ways, they bowed to false gods and often relied on their own thinking and solutions when problems arose. Our false gods may be different, but they are what the world around us give their time and attention to, Wealth, Possessions, Immorality, Fleshly Pleasures and Entertainment. What Common ways do we rely on our own thinking instead of His? Interfaith marriages, bad association from work or school after hours, entertainment, pornography and dress. We have many advantages in seeing how their conduct turned out ,along with the Psalms and Proverbs, Jesus' and the Apostles experiences and teachings. So what is the danger we face? There may be a sudden moment where we might take a false step. We need to remember the times we have felt a fog between us and Him, the times when prayer was difficult, and the sorrow we felt. We know that a flame will burn our skin and cause us pain; our past experiences help us not to get to close to the fire. Remembering how we pained Him in the past, can help us act wisely today and from now on.
  25. They All look so Happy and Well Dressed, bringing Praise to their God, Jehovah. A verse comes to mind, Revelation 4:11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things,and because of your will they came into existence and were created.” Even deep into the Last Days, Critical Times Hard to Deal With, Our God Created Us to Be Happy, How Much More So In the Near Future.
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