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the Sower of Seed

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  1. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Arauna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    This formulation is the same as most businesses on Earth. You start at the bottom and work your way up, with the difference being they are volunteers. The GB members all gained spiritual and mental experience in the many years they were full time publishers alone with no other responsibilities. They were trained by older men, the older men suggest to a body of older men that they be considered to help a congregation or branch office while the continue their volunteer service as door to door ministers.
    You don't start in the mail office one week then become president the next. The structure of Jehovah's Witnesses leadership weeds out those who have no desire to serve God. Many pioneers have spent 120 hours a month going door to door with the magazines,this is the expressed will of God preaching the Good News of God's Kingdom in all the Earth. They keep records before God who and where they spoke with someone, that they may reach every door, every person.
    Have you ever spent 120 hours a month as a volunteer, spending your own money for all expenses? Previously they paid for the literature they lovingly gave to those who would read them. The GB are lowly servants of Jehovah. They respect that Jesus is the true head of the congregation. Having a body lead the organization spiritually is much better than having one man with unpredictability.
    If the Apostles Paul and Peter were members, there would be complainers inside and out of the organization.The world is full of nonconstructive complainers.What will be their outcome? We leave that to the one who peers into such conversations from the heavens!
    The GB are lowly men who are humble before God, searching the Bible for truth and direction, no different than a father who tries to care for his families spiritual needs.  
  2. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    This formulation is the same as most businesses on Earth. You start at the bottom and work your way up, with the difference being they are volunteers. The GB members all gained spiritual and mental experience in the many years they were full time publishers alone with no other responsibilities. They were trained by older men, the older men suggest to a body of older men that they be considered to help a congregation or branch office while the continue their volunteer service as door to door ministers.
    You don't start in the mail office one week then become president the next. The structure of Jehovah's Witnesses leadership weeds out those who have no desire to serve God. Many pioneers have spent 120 hours a month going door to door with the magazines,this is the expressed will of God preaching the Good News of God's Kingdom in all the Earth. They keep records before God who and where they spoke with someone, that they may reach every door, every person.
    Have you ever spent 120 hours a month as a volunteer, spending your own money for all expenses? Previously they paid for the literature they lovingly gave to those who would read them. The GB are lowly servants of Jehovah. They respect that Jesus is the true head of the congregation. Having a body lead the organization spiritually is much better than having one man with unpredictability.
    If the Apostles Paul and Peter were members, there would be complainers inside and out of the organization.The world is full of nonconstructive complainers.What will be their outcome? We leave that to the one who peers into such conversations from the heavens!
    The GB are lowly men who are humble before God, searching the Bible for truth and direction, no different than a father who tries to care for his families spiritual needs.  
  3. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    If people in the 1st century were homosexuals before learning the truth of God's Kingdom and Christ' sin atoning blood became anointed, what is the difference today.
    The GB members are no different than any other witnesses, they just have been giving opportunity to direct the organization.They have not been blessed with an Apostleship and Outward Displays of Holy Spirit as some of them were.
    Like us, and those in the 1st century, they repented and left ungodly practices behind and are reaching forward.They may have preached the message full time and been given responsibility one step at a time after many years. WHO IS THEIR JUDGE?
  4. Downvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    If people in the 1st century were homosexuals before learning the truth of God's Kingdom and Christ' sin atoning blood became anointed, what is the difference today.
    The GB members are no different than any other witnesses, they just have been giving opportunity to direct the organization.They have not been blessed with an Apostleship and Outward Displays of Holy Spirit as some of them were.
    Like us, and those in the 1st century, they repented and left ungodly practices behind and are reaching forward.They may have preached the message full time and been given responsibility one step at a time after many years. WHO IS THEIR JUDGE?
  5. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from JW Insider in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    If people in the 1st century were homosexuals before learning the truth of God's Kingdom and Christ' sin atoning blood became anointed, what is the difference today.
    The GB members are no different than any other witnesses, they just have been giving opportunity to direct the organization.They have not been blessed with an Apostleship and Outward Displays of Holy Spirit as some of them were.
    Like us, and those in the 1st century, they repented and left ungodly practices behind and are reaching forward.They may have preached the message full time and been given responsibility one step at a time after many years. WHO IS THEIR JUDGE?
  6. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    If people in the 1st century were homosexuals before learning the truth of God's Kingdom and Christ' sin atoning blood became anointed, what is the difference today.
    The GB members are no different than any other witnesses, they just have been giving opportunity to direct the organization.They have not been blessed with an Apostleship and Outward Displays of Holy Spirit as some of them were.
    Like us, and those in the 1st century, they repented and left ungodly practices behind and are reaching forward.They may have preached the message full time and been given responsibility one step at a time after many years. WHO IS THEIR JUDGE?
  7. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    When a person is a alcoholic or drug addict, what is the common goal of rehab?
    To help the person gain a relationship with God! With Hope that a higher responsibility toward God will help the person refrain from wrong doing.
    2 Corinthians 10:5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; 
    A person may imagine sexual scenarios, is this the Christian thing to do? NO. A person seeking to be pleasing before God must try to control thought and actions. Why? See Galatians 5:19-21. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses teach what fornication is and how such imagination is the first step of sin. What is sexual sin in God's eyes. To arouse sexual desire in someone who is not your wife or husband. This can be done many different ways.The Watchtower magazine often teaches it's readers to abstain from thoughts or actions that will cause emotional and spiritual pain. The congregation will always try to help individuals to "have the mind of Christ"
    The Bible teaches of one of David's sons who imagined his half sister would react differently. In his mind he had left any desire to please God, and was full throttle toward satisfying the sexual passion that  imagination had built within him. 
    2 Samuel 13 Now David’s son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Taʹmar, and David’s son Amʹnon fell in love with her. 
    Amnon played sick and arranged for her to come cook him a meal. 
    9 Then she took the pan and served him. But Amʹnon refused to eat and said: “Have everybody leave me!” So everybody left him.10 Amʹnon now said to Taʹmar: “Bring the food into the bedroom, so that I may eat it from your hand.” So Taʹmar took the heart-shaped cakes that she had made and brought them to her brother Amʹnon in the bedroom.11 When she brought them for him to eat, he grabbed her and said: “Come, lie down with me, my sister.”12 But she said to him: “No, my brother! Do not humiliate me, for such a thing is not done in Israel. Do not do this disgraceful thing.13 How could I live down my shame? And you will be regarded as one of the disgraceful men in Israel. Now speak, please, to the king, for he will not withhold me from you.”14 But he refused to listen to her, and he overpowered her and humiliated her by raping her.
    With What Result?
    15 Then Amʹnon began hating her with a very intense hatred, so that his hatred for her became greater than the love he had felt for her. Amʹnon said to her: “Get up; go away!” 
    After his sexual passion was satisfied his chemicals returned him to reality and He Now hated her for not matching his imagination. In moments his thinking was changed, however, I'm sure desire soon returned. 
    Sexual transgressions are nothing new in the world, however the wickedness is reaching higher levels than ever before. 2 Timothy 3:13 states that in our time "But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled."
    The cause: Every type of sexual desire can be fed on TV, Videos,The Web, magazines and any kind of product commercials.There is no conduct kept in the closet as unspeakable or shameful conduct. 
    Though there may be individuals that have left any sense of responsibility to Jehovah behind, there is no reason to color the entire organization of people with the same brush.Jehovah's Witnesses are the only organization on Earth performing the expressed will of God as we read at Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10. They try to live their lives with a consciousness toward the Holy God they represent and teach others about. 
    Most of Jehovah's Witnesses hate seeing the name of their God mentioned in a way that brings reproach and shame upon it. They hate that someone in their midst would act as a pedophile or betray the relationship between elder and those seeking spiritual help. When such a person is found in the congregation they are subjected to scrutiny by the elder body. It may be very difficult to tell whether a person is truly repentant. The world knows that if a person is found to be a non-repentant person, as someone who may cause harm to the congregation,or that they will continue to practice something that God hates, they are expelled from the congregation, this is what God Himself had instructed towards Moses sister who complained about Moses wife. Later in the 1st century, congregations were instructed to do this that the wrongdoer may repent and reapply themselves to reach out for God's approval. This is much like Jews previously practiced by removing people from the Sanhedrin, who actual had to move away from God's people in order to be able to work and live.  
    Jehovah's Witnesses have great desire that the day will soon appear when Jehovah reads the inner person of every adult on Earth and each one will be marked as a sheep or a goat.The goats: everyone who has no personal relationship with the true God Jehovah, will no longer do any harmful acts or acts of any kind on Earth. While the sheep, those who have tried to act in a way that pleases God, both in their imagination and visible acts, will be allowed to continue living on Earth and growing towards the perfection Jesus enjoyed as a human being.These are ones who make a practice of bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; this is the only solution to the excelling of wickedness being imagined and practiced on Earth. 
    The Goal of Satan:As God's adversary, is to distort how you view any of Jehovah's Witnesses. He wants you see something unholy, transgressors of what is good. He propels this thought so that you will be less likely to listen to them while they do the will of God, just as Jesus did, preach the Good News of God's Kingdom. Just as Satan used many different means to stop Jesus from loyally acting as God's appointed Messiah, Satan will use many different ways to stop people from learning how God's Kingdom will set all matters straight. Satan does not want anyone to gain eternal life as Jehovah's friend since he will not be allowed life after his judgment is executed. That Good News of God's Kingdom includes the knowledge that God will give what is deserving to everyone bringing reproach on His Holy Name. You should also know that the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses hate what is bad and try to act as an exemplary neighbor!
  8. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    When a person is a alcoholic or drug addict, what is the common goal of rehab?
    To help the person gain a relationship with God! With Hope that a higher responsibility toward God will help the person refrain from wrong doing.
    2 Corinthians 10:5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; 
    A person may imagine sexual scenarios, is this the Christian thing to do? NO. A person seeking to be pleasing before God must try to control thought and actions. Why? See Galatians 5:19-21. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses teach what fornication is and how such imagination is the first step of sin. What is sexual sin in God's eyes. To arouse sexual desire in someone who is not your wife or husband. This can be done many different ways.The Watchtower magazine often teaches it's readers to abstain from thoughts or actions that will cause emotional and spiritual pain. The congregation will always try to help individuals to "have the mind of Christ"
    The Bible teaches of one of David's sons who imagined his half sister would react differently. In his mind he had left any desire to please God, and was full throttle toward satisfying the sexual passion that  imagination had built within him. 
    2 Samuel 13 Now David’s son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Taʹmar, and David’s son Amʹnon fell in love with her. 
    Amnon played sick and arranged for her to come cook him a meal. 
    9 Then she took the pan and served him. But Amʹnon refused to eat and said: “Have everybody leave me!” So everybody left him.10 Amʹnon now said to Taʹmar: “Bring the food into the bedroom, so that I may eat it from your hand.” So Taʹmar took the heart-shaped cakes that she had made and brought them to her brother Amʹnon in the bedroom.11 When she brought them for him to eat, he grabbed her and said: “Come, lie down with me, my sister.”12 But she said to him: “No, my brother! Do not humiliate me, for such a thing is not done in Israel. Do not do this disgraceful thing.13 How could I live down my shame? And you will be regarded as one of the disgraceful men in Israel. Now speak, please, to the king, for he will not withhold me from you.”14 But he refused to listen to her, and he overpowered her and humiliated her by raping her.
    With What Result?
    15 Then Amʹnon began hating her with a very intense hatred, so that his hatred for her became greater than the love he had felt for her. Amʹnon said to her: “Get up; go away!” 
    After his sexual passion was satisfied his chemicals returned him to reality and He Now hated her for not matching his imagination. In moments his thinking was changed, however, I'm sure desire soon returned. 
    Sexual transgressions are nothing new in the world, however the wickedness is reaching higher levels than ever before. 2 Timothy 3:13 states that in our time "But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled."
    The cause: Every type of sexual desire can be fed on TV, Videos,The Web, magazines and any kind of product commercials.There is no conduct kept in the closet as unspeakable or shameful conduct. 
    Though there may be individuals that have left any sense of responsibility to Jehovah behind, there is no reason to color the entire organization of people with the same brush.Jehovah's Witnesses are the only organization on Earth performing the expressed will of God as we read at Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10. They try to live their lives with a consciousness toward the Holy God they represent and teach others about. 
    Most of Jehovah's Witnesses hate seeing the name of their God mentioned in a way that brings reproach and shame upon it. They hate that someone in their midst would act as a pedophile or betray the relationship between elder and those seeking spiritual help. When such a person is found in the congregation they are subjected to scrutiny by the elder body. It may be very difficult to tell whether a person is truly repentant. The world knows that if a person is found to be a non-repentant person, as someone who may cause harm to the congregation,or that they will continue to practice something that God hates, they are expelled from the congregation, this is what God Himself had instructed towards Moses sister who complained about Moses wife. Later in the 1st century, congregations were instructed to do this that the wrongdoer may repent and reapply themselves to reach out for God's approval. This is much like Jews previously practiced by removing people from the Sanhedrin, who actual had to move away from God's people in order to be able to work and live.  
    Jehovah's Witnesses have great desire that the day will soon appear when Jehovah reads the inner person of every adult on Earth and each one will be marked as a sheep or a goat.The goats: everyone who has no personal relationship with the true God Jehovah, will no longer do any harmful acts or acts of any kind on Earth. While the sheep, those who have tried to act in a way that pleases God, both in their imagination and visible acts, will be allowed to continue living on Earth and growing towards the perfection Jesus enjoyed as a human being.These are ones who make a practice of bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; this is the only solution to the excelling of wickedness being imagined and practiced on Earth. 
    The Goal of Satan:As God's adversary, is to distort how you view any of Jehovah's Witnesses. He wants you see something unholy, transgressors of what is good. He propels this thought so that you will be less likely to listen to them while they do the will of God, just as Jesus did, preach the Good News of God's Kingdom. Just as Satan used many different means to stop Jesus from loyally acting as God's appointed Messiah, Satan will use many different ways to stop people from learning how God's Kingdom will set all matters straight. Satan does not want anyone to gain eternal life as Jehovah's friend since he will not be allowed life after his judgment is executed. That Good News of God's Kingdom includes the knowledge that God will give what is deserving to everyone bringing reproach on His Holy Name. You should also know that the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses hate what is bad and try to act as an exemplary neighbor!
  9. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from JW Insider in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    When a person is a alcoholic or drug addict, what is the common goal of rehab?
    To help the person gain a relationship with God! With Hope that a higher responsibility toward God will help the person refrain from wrong doing.
    2 Corinthians 10:5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; 
    A person may imagine sexual scenarios, is this the Christian thing to do? NO. A person seeking to be pleasing before God must try to control thought and actions. Why? See Galatians 5:19-21. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses teach what fornication is and how such imagination is the first step of sin. What is sexual sin in God's eyes. To arouse sexual desire in someone who is not your wife or husband. This can be done many different ways.The Watchtower magazine often teaches it's readers to abstain from thoughts or actions that will cause emotional and spiritual pain. The congregation will always try to help individuals to "have the mind of Christ"
    The Bible teaches of one of David's sons who imagined his half sister would react differently. In his mind he had left any desire to please God, and was full throttle toward satisfying the sexual passion that  imagination had built within him. 
    2 Samuel 13 Now David’s son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Taʹmar, and David’s son Amʹnon fell in love with her. 
    Amnon played sick and arranged for her to come cook him a meal. 
    9 Then she took the pan and served him. But Amʹnon refused to eat and said: “Have everybody leave me!” So everybody left him.10 Amʹnon now said to Taʹmar: “Bring the food into the bedroom, so that I may eat it from your hand.” So Taʹmar took the heart-shaped cakes that she had made and brought them to her brother Amʹnon in the bedroom.11 When she brought them for him to eat, he grabbed her and said: “Come, lie down with me, my sister.”12 But she said to him: “No, my brother! Do not humiliate me, for such a thing is not done in Israel. Do not do this disgraceful thing.13 How could I live down my shame? And you will be regarded as one of the disgraceful men in Israel. Now speak, please, to the king, for he will not withhold me from you.”14 But he refused to listen to her, and he overpowered her and humiliated her by raping her.
    With What Result?
    15 Then Amʹnon began hating her with a very intense hatred, so that his hatred for her became greater than the love he had felt for her. Amʹnon said to her: “Get up; go away!” 
    After his sexual passion was satisfied his chemicals returned him to reality and He Now hated her for not matching his imagination. In moments his thinking was changed, however, I'm sure desire soon returned. 
    Sexual transgressions are nothing new in the world, however the wickedness is reaching higher levels than ever before. 2 Timothy 3:13 states that in our time "But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled."
    The cause: Every type of sexual desire can be fed on TV, Videos,The Web, magazines and any kind of product commercials.There is no conduct kept in the closet as unspeakable or shameful conduct. 
    Though there may be individuals that have left any sense of responsibility to Jehovah behind, there is no reason to color the entire organization of people with the same brush.Jehovah's Witnesses are the only organization on Earth performing the expressed will of God as we read at Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10. They try to live their lives with a consciousness toward the Holy God they represent and teach others about. 
    Most of Jehovah's Witnesses hate seeing the name of their God mentioned in a way that brings reproach and shame upon it. They hate that someone in their midst would act as a pedophile or betray the relationship between elder and those seeking spiritual help. When such a person is found in the congregation they are subjected to scrutiny by the elder body. It may be very difficult to tell whether a person is truly repentant. The world knows that if a person is found to be a non-repentant person, as someone who may cause harm to the congregation,or that they will continue to practice something that God hates, they are expelled from the congregation, this is what God Himself had instructed towards Moses sister who complained about Moses wife. Later in the 1st century, congregations were instructed to do this that the wrongdoer may repent and reapply themselves to reach out for God's approval. This is much like Jews previously practiced by removing people from the Sanhedrin, who actual had to move away from God's people in order to be able to work and live.  
    Jehovah's Witnesses have great desire that the day will soon appear when Jehovah reads the inner person of every adult on Earth and each one will be marked as a sheep or a goat.The goats: everyone who has no personal relationship with the true God Jehovah, will no longer do any harmful acts or acts of any kind on Earth. While the sheep, those who have tried to act in a way that pleases God, both in their imagination and visible acts, will be allowed to continue living on Earth and growing towards the perfection Jesus enjoyed as a human being.These are ones who make a practice of bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; this is the only solution to the excelling of wickedness being imagined and practiced on Earth. 
    The Goal of Satan:As God's adversary, is to distort how you view any of Jehovah's Witnesses. He wants you see something unholy, transgressors of what is good. He propels this thought so that you will be less likely to listen to them while they do the will of God, just as Jesus did, preach the Good News of God's Kingdom. Just as Satan used many different means to stop Jesus from loyally acting as God's appointed Messiah, Satan will use many different ways to stop people from learning how God's Kingdom will set all matters straight. Satan does not want anyone to gain eternal life as Jehovah's friend since he will not be allowed life after his judgment is executed. That Good News of God's Kingdom includes the knowledge that God will give what is deserving to everyone bringing reproach on His Holy Name. You should also know that the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses hate what is bad and try to act as an exemplary neighbor!
  10. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    @the Sower of Seed I just want to say that is not my quote above, even though it says Anna. It's what 4jah2me said. 
  11. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Arauna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    Thank you for taking the time to write such an excellent reply based on incidents in the bible.   Your entire reply indicated that you understand the issues involved which originate inside the person - the desires. It deals with the imperfect realities of humans and reminds us that we all are dust and Jehovah puts up with us all!  No human organization can ever be perfect because it comprises imperfect people.
    Anna's response, which you replied to, indicates that family members and others must report these issues to authorities.  Sometimes those who know about the crime are advised to report it but choose not to do so. This also heaps finger pointing on the org.
    If one has a hammer in your hand then everything looks like a nail. Some carry hammers all the time when it comes to JWs.......... logical reasoning disperses and the hammer becomes the focus. So be prepared..... they will find something to hammer on..... but  I could learn from the way you wrote that.  
  12. Downvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    When a person is a alcoholic or drug addict, what is the common goal of rehab?
    To help the person gain a relationship with God! With Hope that a higher responsibility toward God will help the person refrain from wrong doing.
    2 Corinthians 10:5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; 
    A person may imagine sexual scenarios, is this the Christian thing to do? NO. A person seeking to be pleasing before God must try to control thought and actions. Why? See Galatians 5:19-21. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses teach what fornication is and how such imagination is the first step of sin. What is sexual sin in God's eyes. To arouse sexual desire in someone who is not your wife or husband. This can be done many different ways.The Watchtower magazine often teaches it's readers to abstain from thoughts or actions that will cause emotional and spiritual pain. The congregation will always try to help individuals to "have the mind of Christ"
    The Bible teaches of one of David's sons who imagined his half sister would react differently. In his mind he had left any desire to please God, and was full throttle toward satisfying the sexual passion that  imagination had built within him. 
    2 Samuel 13 Now David’s son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Taʹmar, and David’s son Amʹnon fell in love with her. 
    Amnon played sick and arranged for her to come cook him a meal. 
    9 Then she took the pan and served him. But Amʹnon refused to eat and said: “Have everybody leave me!” So everybody left him.10 Amʹnon now said to Taʹmar: “Bring the food into the bedroom, so that I may eat it from your hand.” So Taʹmar took the heart-shaped cakes that she had made and brought them to her brother Amʹnon in the bedroom.11 When she brought them for him to eat, he grabbed her and said: “Come, lie down with me, my sister.”12 But she said to him: “No, my brother! Do not humiliate me, for such a thing is not done in Israel. Do not do this disgraceful thing.13 How could I live down my shame? And you will be regarded as one of the disgraceful men in Israel. Now speak, please, to the king, for he will not withhold me from you.”14 But he refused to listen to her, and he overpowered her and humiliated her by raping her.
    With What Result?
    15 Then Amʹnon began hating her with a very intense hatred, so that his hatred for her became greater than the love he had felt for her. Amʹnon said to her: “Get up; go away!” 
    After his sexual passion was satisfied his chemicals returned him to reality and He Now hated her for not matching his imagination. In moments his thinking was changed, however, I'm sure desire soon returned. 
    Sexual transgressions are nothing new in the world, however the wickedness is reaching higher levels than ever before. 2 Timothy 3:13 states that in our time "But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled."
    The cause: Every type of sexual desire can be fed on TV, Videos,The Web, magazines and any kind of product commercials.There is no conduct kept in the closet as unspeakable or shameful conduct. 
    Though there may be individuals that have left any sense of responsibility to Jehovah behind, there is no reason to color the entire organization of people with the same brush.Jehovah's Witnesses are the only organization on Earth performing the expressed will of God as we read at Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10. They try to live their lives with a consciousness toward the Holy God they represent and teach others about. 
    Most of Jehovah's Witnesses hate seeing the name of their God mentioned in a way that brings reproach and shame upon it. They hate that someone in their midst would act as a pedophile or betray the relationship between elder and those seeking spiritual help. When such a person is found in the congregation they are subjected to scrutiny by the elder body. It may be very difficult to tell whether a person is truly repentant. The world knows that if a person is found to be a non-repentant person, as someone who may cause harm to the congregation,or that they will continue to practice something that God hates, they are expelled from the congregation, this is what God Himself had instructed towards Moses sister who complained about Moses wife. Later in the 1st century, congregations were instructed to do this that the wrongdoer may repent and reapply themselves to reach out for God's approval. This is much like Jews previously practiced by removing people from the Sanhedrin, who actual had to move away from God's people in order to be able to work and live.  
    Jehovah's Witnesses have great desire that the day will soon appear when Jehovah reads the inner person of every adult on Earth and each one will be marked as a sheep or a goat.The goats: everyone who has no personal relationship with the true God Jehovah, will no longer do any harmful acts or acts of any kind on Earth. While the sheep, those who have tried to act in a way that pleases God, both in their imagination and visible acts, will be allowed to continue living on Earth and growing towards the perfection Jesus enjoyed as a human being.These are ones who make a practice of bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; this is the only solution to the excelling of wickedness being imagined and practiced on Earth. 
    The Goal of Satan:As God's adversary, is to distort how you view any of Jehovah's Witnesses. He wants you see something unholy, transgressors of what is good. He propels this thought so that you will be less likely to listen to them while they do the will of God, just as Jesus did, preach the Good News of God's Kingdom. Just as Satan used many different means to stop Jesus from loyally acting as God's appointed Messiah, Satan will use many different ways to stop people from learning how God's Kingdom will set all matters straight. Satan does not want anyone to gain eternal life as Jehovah's friend since he will not be allowed life after his judgment is executed. That Good News of God's Kingdom includes the knowledge that God will give what is deserving to everyone bringing reproach on His Holy Name. You should also know that the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses hate what is bad and try to act as an exemplary neighbor!
  13. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Arauna in 2 Types of Worshippers on the Earth   
    Thanks for saying this. 
    Jesus was the first to obtain immortality and incorruptability from Jehovah as a reward for remaining faithful to him until death. Jesus was like the other angels before he came to earth.  His everlasting life depended on him staying loyal to God.   Read Hebrews 1 in its entirety.
    Satan was an angel (like jesus) and became disobedient..... he will be destroyed.  
    The lie was told by Satan to Adam when he said: you will not die.  People still believe this lie. They believe that humans have a soul that goes out and it is immortal.......ecclesiastes 9: 5& 10.  Eccl 3: 19 & 20 shows that the soul knows nothing and humans die like an animal. They do not have an immortal soul. Adam would have lived forever while he obeyed God.
    The bible clearly shows that the soul dies at death.  We will be recreated at time of resurrection. SO WHAT has this to do with Jesus?  Prophecy indicates in Isaiah 53 : last verses that Jesus will put his "soul" in death to pay for our souls as randsom.  Eze 18:4  says: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.   So our souls die and Jesus put his souls willingly in death to save us.
    Abraham offered up his son..... this was a prophecy of what jehovah would do for us. Isaac could have pushed his father away but he willingly allowed his father to sacrifice him because he believed God could resurrect him - give him life again like when He opened his old mothers womb to give birth to him.  God was kind to Abraham because he substituted isaac with an animal but had to go the whole way with Jesus. Jesus willingly came to earth and knew beforehand  that he would go into non-existence for three days.  This is the example of obedience to death.  For dying unjustly while being perfect, jehovah granted him immortality and incorruptability.
    Jesus really died - his soul died. Churches who teach that Jesus is God do not really understand the randsom sacrifice. They talk about the blood of jesus but do not understand the depth of the sacrifice of Jesus.   They do not really believe that he died.  If you are immortal - you cannot die.
  14. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Arauna in 1914   
    Before 1914 there were no wars with flame-throwers, airplanes, large submarines (one-man subs yes in civil war),  abundance of machine guns, tanks,  chemical warfare,  and the list goes on.  It was not called the Great War for nothing ; and later WW1 because of the new weaponized trend which started and involved coalitions which covered the world.  Millions died not hundreds of thousands like before. 
    There were illnesses in all wars and times but the Spanish influenza was not just contained to regions like the black plague was in ancient times - it was world-wide and the deaths almost equaled the great war itself.
    The preaching of the "kingdom"  in the entire world has never been done ever before because christendom are not preaching a government.  Matt 24:14 specifically says: "kingdom".   
    Not really- Noah lived 650 years. The generation of the flood was 120 years....... and the bible itself compares the time of the flood with the time of the end. ..... so start complaining when 120 years has passed.
    If you are sitting in safety in a rich country you can say this. Maybe your country is the one causing death and destruction in other countries to maintain its supremacy.
    Hunger in one place after another due to more than 50 wars  in many places until terrorists took over.  I have lost count because Africa is in chaos and journalists do not write about this. Conventional warfare has been replaced by terrorism with daily death tolls of 60 or more. This is war-like. Do you see it in the news?
    Europe sees daily stabbings of 3 or more,  since the new millennia we see wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (longest US war ever) Yemen and continuous civil war in Palestine, Israel, and the Arab spring in north Africa also comes to mind......
    Apart  from internal party and racial strife in countries such as USA (this is going on in all countries on earth) we see again a build-up of terrible fear-inspiring weapons. 
    The first modern technological wars which started in 1914 is being improved upon every time mankind goes to war. ..... it is like birth pains which are escalating. No wonder jehovah says - no flesh will be saved if he does not step in.  Will they start to use their weapons? We do not know...... all we do know it will be bad and it will be in this time period marked by its beginning in 1914. 
  15. Downvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 1914   
    Maybe you should re read the question? 
    does having all authority equal being enthroned as King?
    Or does being enthroned demand a ceremony where Jehovah exalts Christ as King before everyone involved, 1st the angels, then mankind? 
    Satan, who rejects Christ Kingship would be thrown out immediately or would Christ just hangout with him in Heaven 2000 years?
    Satan has authority over everyone on Earth, was he Enthroned as Earths King?
    To better understand, If Christ had ALL AUTHORITY: Why did he not order Satan to desist all wicked influence on Christ's Brothers?
    Now, you are a single apostate, will God only deliver you? 
    For God must deliver those who believe the Truth expressed by a Faithful Slave, who are Christ's Brothers. Mtt.24:45
    Are You One of Christ's Brothers dispensing the Truth In HARMONY with a Faithful Slave?
    The Good News being accomplished throughout the Earth is being lead by angelic direction, the sheep are directed to the Faithful Slave and the Waters of Truth.........................NOT TO YOU
  16. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Arauna in Is Daniel 7:26 the 1st action of Jehovah beginning Armageddon?   
    They have ' talked ' about bringing about peace and security but a loud "call" I have not heard. This call will be a self-satisfied proclamation that they have reached agreements to secure world peace and security on global scale.  
    We know that only God can bring about true peace and security but humans under UN coalition of nations put themselves in god's place and think they can achieve it. 
    This refers to the beasts mentioned at the beginning of the chapter.  
  17. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Arauna in 1914   
    Maybe you should re read the question? 
    does having all authority equal being enthroned as King?
    Or does being enthroned demand a ceremony where Jehovah exalts Christ as King before everyone involved, 1st the angels, then mankind? 
    Satan, who rejects Christ Kingship would be thrown out immediately or would Christ just hangout with him in Heaven 2000 years?
    Satan has authority over everyone on Earth, was he Enthroned as Earths King?
    To better understand, If Christ had ALL AUTHORITY: Why did he not order Satan to desist all wicked influence on Christ's Brothers?
    Now, you are a single apostate, will God only deliver you? 
    For God must deliver those who believe the Truth expressed by a Faithful Slave, who are Christ's Brothers. Mtt.24:45
    Are You One of Christ's Brothers dispensing the Truth In HARMONY with a Faithful Slave?
    The Good News being accomplished throughout the Earth is being lead by angelic direction, the sheep are directed to the Faithful Slave and the Waters of Truth.........................NOT TO YOU
  18. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Arauna in 1914   
    That cliche is happening right now!  The whole world is repeating the same history we saw before WW1 and WW2 right now!!. It looks different on the surface but yet the same....... so they will wake up too late.  Wicked mankind is doomed to repeat the same history over and over with worse results than ever before. 
    We should know our own JW history with its flaws but endless analyses  on it does not serve a purpose - each generation  of GB will make new mistakes and if your expectations are that the JW.org. will not make new mistakes or cannot make them  - think again. 
    Thankfully there are several  ibble principles we can apply to this:  jehovah judges the end of a matter not its beginning.  Wicked king  manasseh  comes to mind.
    Jehovah does not see the imperfection but the motive of the heart. Ps 103 comes to mind - he remembers we are flesh.  The world judges JWs harshly on every little detail but jehovah judges us with tenderness because we try hard to do his will in an increasing hostile world.  Jesus was perfect and was viciously attacked by satan's world -  we also  will not get off lightly
    The light is getting brighter - and JWs are fulfilling bible prophecy related to the last days   Matt 24:14,  Isaiah 2:2-4.  Other Christian religions do not even  understand that the kingdom is a real government and those that do have some other core beliefs that do not come from the bible.
    We should be thankful to jehovah.  We get food that is prepared  in abundance. We get home from work, prepare litteral food, and can sit down with spiritual food already prepared in easy understandable bites/bytes..
    We search for people with the right heart condition. We teach them the newest  bible information we have because this is what we as JW org are right now and  the light we understand at this moment.  We make them aware of our flawed past but to dwell on the past JW history is a mistake.  There are too many positive core teachings the person will not be able to learn from ANY other earthly organization and we must let them eat this first so they can make a decision to join us to serve jehovah  -  or not.  Lot's wife looked back to her detriment.  We must leave our own personal history behind (what high positions we had or could have been, or wicked history ) and focus on the now and the future.  JW  org history is good to know but does NOT affect what we are right now. Mistakes were made and they will definitely come back to bite us in a hostile world - for sure. But we should build our own faith now to withstand the trials ahead.
    People who come to this forum to troll or hate - do not have a ready heart.   On field service we go back to those who show a positive attitude or are prepared to learn despite them having difficult personalities .  We help those who are ready to receive help.  With difficult people I make sure to leave a thought they can think about to change their heart condition. We plant and jehovah makes it grow - or not.....
    Keep evaluating what is taught in the present era - if it is in line with scripture.  Are the GB careful in what they teach today? Not getting political? Sticking to the godly commission of preaching and giving proper spiritual food to all?   Preparing us to be ready for Armageddon?  Not rushing ahead with dates and prophecies like they did before?  I can answer a yes to all of these.
    106 years is nothing to jehovah.  I do not know how long before the flood Noah had completed the ark.   Food had to be harvested etc. They could have been mocking him saying:  where is the rain you promised...... your ark has been standing there for so long.... maybe the wood aged a bit in its positions and additional bitumen was needed.  120 years jehovah set for that doomed generation. Did Noah know it was 120 years? Maybe not..... but later he knew because it is written down.  
    The world is mocking us right now.  I love to study ancient history and discovered one aspect  of generation before the GB.   There are multiple generations always living at the same time.  This never bothered me because like Noah we should keep busy with the right things. The evidence around us is overwhelming.  We have been trained by GB to discern the time! ....a d to keep busy with the right things.
  19. Haha
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 1914   
    Imagine you were with Moses and some 3 million camped at the Red Sea, suddenly people are alarmed as they see chariots rushing toward them. As they get closer, some supernatural tornado appears between the chariots and you. Suddenly , your life changed, you were about to be the 1st person Pharaoh struck down with his spear.
    Now miraculously You Are Safe! Are you thankful to God? Or do you begin complaining about Moses leadership?
    1914 saw the beginning of the Last Days, Jesus foretold how they would begin with a war beyond the clash between 2 kings. The war was bad, the resulting peace was not that great, fear had entered the world, fear that it could happen again, world annihilation was now seen as possible, what was never imagined, was now reality.
    The Book of Daniel foretold it, but the Book was sealed until the time of the end. Why were Bible Students were expecting it? Did all religions foretell 1914 as the end of the Gentile Times? What does the End of the Gentile Times mean?
    Revelation 12:7 foretold: And war broke out in heaven: Miʹcha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven.9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. 
    Angels battled in Heaven, the losers were thrown to the Earth. Were they upset?
    1914 and WW1 are evidence of the anger Satan felt and his desire to harm those who Jesus was fond of.
    1914 saw the End of the Gentile Times. Jehovah has allowed the World of Mankind to govern themselves. The Jews were unfaithful to their covenant with God. Jehovah loved King David,He promised King David that a man from his lineage would set on God's Throne of Earth's Sovereignty Forever. Jesus casting Satan to the Earth is proof that Jesus, the son of Jesse, has been enthroned as Earth's new King.
    1914 Why didn't Armageddon begin then? Jesus is the primary King, however a "body" of Kings with Priestly abilities, who were once men and women, will better understand and help the many different people on Earth become restored to Jehovah's standards and favor.
    1914 Saw the beginning of the sitting of the 144,000 King and Priests chosen from among the faithful witnesses of Jehovah. Faithfulness included doing the same ministry Jesus taught the Apostles.The ministry is a command that Jesus gave his disciples that were watching him be taken to heaven after his resurrection as a spirit. A person faithful to that command has shown themselves willing to humble themselves while cultivating a sincere desire to earnestly help others. 
    1914 until when? When will the last of the 144,000 go to Heaven? The last will be changed from human to a spirit in the twinkling of an eye just as Armageddon is about to begin! All of the 144,000 , some you may have known, will come to Earth as God's executioners when Armageddon begins. See Mtt.13:36-43
    1914 to 2020: The last 106 years have been some of the most stressful, the most painful, the most deadly, the most unnatural of human history, yet the expressed will of God was to be done during those years. See Mtt.24:14 , Mark 13:10
    The Bible began with the Book of Genesis which explains creation, Adam & Eve, Eden, Satan, rebellion and mans eviction from God's Holy Presence. The pages that follow explain how a Seed of God would become the Messiah and how you could see it was him from Bible verses written hundreds of years before his birth. The Seed,defined Jehovah and taught men to pray to Him for His Kingdom to come. The Seed taught about the "restoration" and a Kingdom of Kings and Priests ruling with him after he had gone to his Father. The Book of Isaiah reveals the promise of earthly life, building houses, growing food and grapes, peace with the animals, youthful flesh and long life first spoken in Isaiah, the Book of Revelation repeats the promise of a long peaceful life of people after Armageddon.See Re.21:3-5. Daniel foretold survivors of a great distress after Michael (Jesus heavenly name) Stands up, which is echoed at Revelation 7:14.
    6000 years ago, The Highest Court gave a complainer about God time to show he could do a better job than God. Who are the jury? Millions upon Millions of spirit creatures who by their integrity have voted that Jehovah has acted properly toward all spirit life. What about human life? Every adult human has a vote, like the angels, they either imitate God or Satan.
    1914 and the Good News. The International Bible Students began in all earnest effort to make the Kingdom known from 1919 until today. Like the person leaving Egypt, we have witnessed many unusual events. Jesus stated these would occur after he was enthroned as Jehovah's Appointed King. For the joy that Jesus saw set in front of him, like a carrot before a horse, Jesus stayed the course, tho chariots of non-believers struck him and mocked his faith, he stayed the course and has sat down at the right hand of God.
    Now wicked men mock those chasing the carrot. I see the waters open before us, as the Hailstones begin to fall, their mocking will stop. Tho they chase after us into the waters, they will remain unknown forever! For all human history of those without the approved faith will be forgotten! While the Names of the Survivors may Last Forever!
    The Expressed Will of God is being Preached in all the inhabited Earth by one religious group.That should tell you who are most closely following Jesus' teachings and who God has empowered with His Holy Spirit. That preaching is the execution of God's Justice, He is warning of His Actions against those who do not honor His King, Jesus, and obey the moral teachings written in His Inspired Word.
    1914 seems like a long time ago, but is it beyond God's Expressed Time?
  20. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Arauna in 1914   
    Imagine you were with Moses and some 3 million camped at the Red Sea, suddenly people are alarmed as they see chariots rushing toward them. As they get closer, some supernatural tornado appears between the chariots and you. Suddenly , your life changed, you were about to be the 1st person Pharaoh struck down with his spear.
    Now miraculously You Are Safe! Are you thankful to God? Or do you begin complaining about Moses leadership?
    1914 saw the beginning of the Last Days, Jesus foretold how they would begin with a war beyond the clash between 2 kings. The war was bad, the resulting peace was not that great, fear had entered the world, fear that it could happen again, world annihilation was now seen as possible, what was never imagined, was now reality.
    The Book of Daniel foretold it, but the Book was sealed until the time of the end. Why were Bible Students were expecting it? Did all religions foretell 1914 as the end of the Gentile Times? What does the End of the Gentile Times mean?
    Revelation 12:7 foretold: And war broke out in heaven: Miʹcha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven.9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. 
    Angels battled in Heaven, the losers were thrown to the Earth. Were they upset?
    1914 and WW1 are evidence of the anger Satan felt and his desire to harm those who Jesus was fond of.
    1914 saw the End of the Gentile Times. Jehovah has allowed the World of Mankind to govern themselves. The Jews were unfaithful to their covenant with God. Jehovah loved King David,He promised King David that a man from his lineage would set on God's Throne of Earth's Sovereignty Forever. Jesus casting Satan to the Earth is proof that Jesus, the son of Jesse, has been enthroned as Earth's new King.
    1914 Why didn't Armageddon begin then? Jesus is the primary King, however a "body" of Kings with Priestly abilities, who were once men and women, will better understand and help the many different people on Earth become restored to Jehovah's standards and favor.
    1914 Saw the beginning of the sitting of the 144,000 King and Priests chosen from among the faithful witnesses of Jehovah. Faithfulness included doing the same ministry Jesus taught the Apostles.The ministry is a command that Jesus gave his disciples that were watching him be taken to heaven after his resurrection as a spirit. A person faithful to that command has shown themselves willing to humble themselves while cultivating a sincere desire to earnestly help others. 
    1914 until when? When will the last of the 144,000 go to Heaven? The last will be changed from human to a spirit in the twinkling of an eye just as Armageddon is about to begin! All of the 144,000 , some you may have known, will come to Earth as God's executioners when Armageddon begins. See Mtt.13:36-43
    1914 to 2020: The last 106 years have been some of the most stressful, the most painful, the most deadly, the most unnatural of human history, yet the expressed will of God was to be done during those years. See Mtt.24:14 , Mark 13:10
    The Bible began with the Book of Genesis which explains creation, Adam & Eve, Eden, Satan, rebellion and mans eviction from God's Holy Presence. The pages that follow explain how a Seed of God would become the Messiah and how you could see it was him from Bible verses written hundreds of years before his birth. The Seed,defined Jehovah and taught men to pray to Him for His Kingdom to come. The Seed taught about the "restoration" and a Kingdom of Kings and Priests ruling with him after he had gone to his Father. The Book of Isaiah reveals the promise of earthly life, building houses, growing food and grapes, peace with the animals, youthful flesh and long life first spoken in Isaiah, the Book of Revelation repeats the promise of a long peaceful life of people after Armageddon.See Re.21:3-5. Daniel foretold survivors of a great distress after Michael (Jesus heavenly name) Stands up, which is echoed at Revelation 7:14.
    6000 years ago, The Highest Court gave a complainer about God time to show he could do a better job than God. Who are the jury? Millions upon Millions of spirit creatures who by their integrity have voted that Jehovah has acted properly toward all spirit life. What about human life? Every adult human has a vote, like the angels, they either imitate God or Satan.
    1914 and the Good News. The International Bible Students began in all earnest effort to make the Kingdom known from 1919 until today. Like the person leaving Egypt, we have witnessed many unusual events. Jesus stated these would occur after he was enthroned as Jehovah's Appointed King. For the joy that Jesus saw set in front of him, like a carrot before a horse, Jesus stayed the course, tho chariots of non-believers struck him and mocked his faith, he stayed the course and has sat down at the right hand of God.
    Now wicked men mock those chasing the carrot. I see the waters open before us, as the Hailstones begin to fall, their mocking will stop. Tho they chase after us into the waters, they will remain unknown forever! For all human history of those without the approved faith will be forgotten! While the Names of the Survivors may Last Forever!
    The Expressed Will of God is being Preached in all the inhabited Earth by one religious group.That should tell you who are most closely following Jesus' teachings and who God has empowered with His Holy Spirit. That preaching is the execution of God's Justice, He is warning of His Actions against those who do not honor His King, Jesus, and obey the moral teachings written in His Inspired Word.
    1914 seems like a long time ago, but is it beyond God's Expressed Time?
  21. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to TrueTomHarley in FAITH. IN WHOM OR WHAT and When ?   
    Yes. To borrow from the political world—which I know is not appreciated by many, still, a parallel is a parallel—something occurs here that is parallel to the media’s obsession with “separating Trump from his base.” What is their goal in doing that? So that the former will become irrelevant and the latter can be absorbed.
    So it is with the obsession with running down the Governing Body. Why is it done? So that they will become irrelevant and those following their lead can be absorbed back into the world. 
  22. Downvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in FAITH. IN WHOM OR WHAT and When ?   
    Just one of an unnamed mob. Just like those Jews that joined in shouting"Impale Him".
    Who were they ? We do not know. They were opposers of the Christ. Jehovah knew there would be misguided men that would bring about that great injustice. They worship Satan in their "works" of their so called faith. Like a ghost ship lost at sea, they are adrift in their reasonings against God, lost at sea.
    Acts 17:5 But the Jews, getting jealous, gathered together some wicked men who were loitering at the marketplace and formed a mob and proceeded to throw the city into an uproar. They assaulted the house of Jaʹson and were seeking to have Paul and Silas brought out to the mob.(Who were they?) 
    Some 20 million people were associated with Jehovah's Witnesses last year, and the year before, and the year before......Their Faith is Individual, They All have a similar faith in the Bible, they recognize that there were mistakes made by imperfect men in the past. Those mistakes are nothing in comparison to the blood guilt that other religions share in. 
    The Governing Body not being inspired is a disclaimer that every word ever written magazines was inspired as the Bible was.
    Are they Inspired YES. The Anointed must be inspired to know they are anointed.The Governing Body are humble men that have served Jehovah according to the faith of every man and woman in the Bible that were shown as having God's favor. Jesus, as a witness of Jehovah and His principles leads the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Governing Body, anointed or otherwise, examine what Jesus said along with the apostles and others that God used to write the Bible and every example there in, they pray to Jehovah and discuss many topics that are common to men. Those who switch to this form of worship and those who have spent their whole life as Jehovah's Witnesses reflect Peters words at John 6:68 So Jesus said to the Twelve: “You do not want to go also, do you?”68 Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, whom shall we go away to?
    Inspiration comes and goes according to God's Will, not because of mans desire. Many times the Bible states "and the spirit of Jehovah came upon him". That person was not inspired every minute of the day!
    2 Chron.20:14 Then in the middle of the congregation, the spirit of Jehovah came upon Ja·ha·ziʹel son of Zech·a·riʹah son of Be·naiʹah son of Je·iʹel son of Mat·ta·niʹah the Levite of the sons of Aʹsaph. 
  23. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in FAITH. IN WHOM OR WHAT and When ?   
    Just one of an unnamed mob. Just like those Jews that joined in shouting"Impale Him".
    Who were they ? We do not know. They were opposers of the Christ. Jehovah knew there would be misguided men that would bring about that great injustice. They worship Satan in their "works" of their so called faith. Like a ghost ship lost at sea, they are adrift in their reasonings against God, lost at sea.
    Acts 17:5 But the Jews, getting jealous, gathered together some wicked men who were loitering at the marketplace and formed a mob and proceeded to throw the city into an uproar. They assaulted the house of Jaʹson and were seeking to have Paul and Silas brought out to the mob.(Who were they?) 
    Some 20 million people were associated with Jehovah's Witnesses last year, and the year before, and the year before......Their Faith is Individual, They All have a similar faith in the Bible, they recognize that there were mistakes made by imperfect men in the past. Those mistakes are nothing in comparison to the blood guilt that other religions share in. 
    The Governing Body not being inspired is a disclaimer that every word ever written magazines was inspired as the Bible was.
    Are they Inspired YES. The Anointed must be inspired to know they are anointed.The Governing Body are humble men that have served Jehovah according to the faith of every man and woman in the Bible that were shown as having God's favor. Jesus, as a witness of Jehovah and His principles leads the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Governing Body, anointed or otherwise, examine what Jesus said along with the apostles and others that God used to write the Bible and every example there in, they pray to Jehovah and discuss many topics that are common to men. Those who switch to this form of worship and those who have spent their whole life as Jehovah's Witnesses reflect Peters words at John 6:68 So Jesus said to the Twelve: “You do not want to go also, do you?”68 Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, whom shall we go away to?
    Inspiration comes and goes according to God's Will, not because of mans desire. Many times the Bible states "and the spirit of Jehovah came upon him". That person was not inspired every minute of the day!
    2 Chron.20:14 Then in the middle of the congregation, the spirit of Jehovah came upon Ja·ha·ziʹel son of Zech·a·riʹah son of Be·naiʹah son of Je·iʹel son of Mat·ta·niʹah the Levite of the sons of Aʹsaph. 
  24. Downvote
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 2 Types of Worshippers on the Earth   
    Jehovah's Witnesses HONOR Jesus Christ more than any other religion!
    Their IMITATION of his principles and their preaching the Kingdom message is the HIGHEST FORM of HONOR.
    WE Come to Jesus in searching his ways out and the truths he taught more than any other religion.
    We do not pray to him, rather we pray to God in the merit of Jesus name and the life atoning blood he gave.
    We Understand that Jehovah is the Father, the Creator of every son / spirit / life.
    This is why Jesus prayed to his Father and God.
    See Revelation 4:11. Every angel in Heaven honors this fact.
    Your worries about the GB and the WT do not lessen your obligation to worship Jehovah.
    Moses made some mistakes, that did not give the entire assembly the right to complain about the way God was directing them. Accepting the Headship arrangement is what Jesus taught, when he said he did not have the authority to appoint who would sits at his left or right as kings of God's Kingdom.
    For the next 1000 years, after Armageddon, the headship will most likely be:
    In Heaven:
    the 144,000
    a governing body
    the congregation 
    the other sheep 
    Witnesses do not preach the organization you are consumed with. They preach the Good News of God's Kingdom as God's Slaves. They follow the teaching of Christ who appointed 12 Apostles over his congregations.Were the disciples then slaves of the Apostles?
    The organization led by a "body of men" is much more intelligent than being led by one man, Moses' father-in-law helped Moses to understand this.
    Matthew 18:20 testifies to the wisdom of many praying together.
    1 Cor.14:33 For God is a God not of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the holy ones, 
    ORDER brings PEACE which brings praise to God and enables the free flow of God's Spirit.
  25. Upvote
    the Sower of Seed reacted to TrueTomHarley in ANOTHER Difficult Doctrine. With a less complex explanation.   
    Of course. If Jesus “controlled” elders in the remote-control sense that these characters seem to think he should, then his message to the seven congregations of Revelation would consist of seven thumbs-up.
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