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the Sower of Seed

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    the Sower of Seed reacted to The Librarian in Talented Brothers and Sisters - Music Video   
    For a bonus: Name this tune below:
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    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from E dub in Noah's Ark   
    The Ark must of been rectangular, like a shoe box the size of a football field. Many depictions of a large ship with a bow would have compromised the inner cubic footage.The ark in Kentucky,USA is an example of this error.  The ark was covered in black tar, they had no machinery to plane the timbers they used in the construction, the tar would fill the gaps in the timbers. There were no baby dinosaurs on the ark as some depict it.The event took place in 2370 B.C.E., the dinosaurs had died off long before then.
    The ark was a great witness to the people,but what was their attitude? God Loves Us and won't destroy us? Why did God speak to you Noah? Did Jehovah Know there would be apathy towards the Ark? Was there room for another 1000 people? The correlation of the people's attitude then and today, as Jesus brought out at Mathew 24:36-40, is accurate.
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    the Sower of Seed reacted to Colin Browne in Noah's Ark   
    True, the ark wasn't made to plow through the water like a ship. It was a floating menagerie. You will soon get the hang of this website. many of us make mistakes similar to yours, but we are here to help others.
  4. Thanks
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Queen Esther in Russia - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action ~ ?????   
    Many thanks for your wonderful comments !
    Sister @Rosalie Barry   and  Brother @the Sower of Seed  
    Greetings from Germany???
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    the Sower of Seed reacted to Bible Speaks in Russia - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action ~ ?????   
    @the Sower of Seed
    Just as at the edge of the Red Sea, people feared Jehovah’s direction and Moses. We learn much from this account. May we focus on reality and the Truth and unfailing Love for Jehovah will see us through! Are we not like the three Hebrews already in the firery furnace? Satan thinks he’s got us! I say just try me! I’ve got the Universal Sovereign Jehovah God, His Son Our Lord Christ Jesus and myriads of Angels. We lack nothing but keep focused looking straight ahead! The Battle is Glorious and on the Horizon! 
    Thank you for your support! Jehovah Bless!
  6. Thanks
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Russia - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action ~ ?????   
    Who is among the Gods is like Jah, though Satan would mock Him by attacking first, Jehovah draws hearts from the persecutors.Will this enrage Satan? Reminds me of Nebuchadnezzar's day, when they commanded everyone to bow to the image, 3 didn't. When Jehovah saved them in the furnace, everyone came to know who the True God Is !
  7. Thanks
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Queen Esther in Russia - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action ~ ?????   
    Who is among the Gods is like Jah, though Satan would mock Him by attacking first, Jehovah draws hearts from the persecutors.Will this enrage Satan? Reminds me of Nebuchadnezzar's day, when they commanded everyone to bow to the image, 3 didn't. When Jehovah saved them in the furnace, everyone came to know who the True God Is !
  8. Thanks
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Bible Speaks in Russia - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action ~ ?????   
    Russia - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action ~ ?????
    I thought it would be heartening to share an experience I had while working on the Bethel Chelmsford site a couple of days ago.
    I worked with a Russian-speaking brother and, of course, I asked him if he had "any updated news about our brothers and sisters in Russia". He has been talking to some of his friends in Russia and told me that "many inactive" had begun to return to the truth when they saw the persecution as a sign of the nearness of the end of this system. He also mentioned that some employers who have witnesses as employees have been interested in the truth, since they can not relate the good behavior of their employees with the label of "extremism". This has made some of them curious about our beliefs and teachings. Also those interested have had their interest reached by what has been happening, so some have increased their interest. Also the fact that some of the countries that enforce the law have had to go through our literature trying to find something extremist has meant people who would normally have nothing to do with the truth have come to understand our message of the good news.
    It is amazing how Jehovah has used this prohibition and the unjust treatment of our brothers as a catalyst to get people interested in the truth.
    He also mentioned that there was consensus that the "exemplary family award" that was given to the family of witnesses at the award ceremony was purposely made to be a symbolic gesture that "yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are good people" and as people who have no problem with us Almost nobody believes it was an accident, since nobody can get so close to Putin without the powers to know everything about you, your family, the way you live, including your religion, and everything others about his life and that of his families. The timing was well judged and "it seemed to be a way of letting the world realize that it was trying to be fair and balanced, maintaining its position on extremist activities." :confused:
    The preaching work is done very covertly and they do not go out of their way to mention that they are Jehovah's Witnesses, maybe just a few words in a conversation and then they continue normally. In the smaller cities where everyone knows everyone, there is more persecution than in cities where it is easier to mix.
    Some brothers are leaving the country and find it very easy to request asylum for reasons of religious persecution even more than asylum seekers from countries torn by war.
    I believe that the spirit of Jehovah is working firmly in Russia even though there is a lot of religious persecution. Jehovah is using this situation in a very positive way, just as we thought he would. I know that this information comes only from one source and that other sources may have a different opinion on all this, but I found it extremely encouraging to hear the positive effect that this situation has had on the country of Russia.
    Google translated – ?
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    the Sower of Seed reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Not in my Congregation! - We are not called Pastors anyhow! - Be on the Watch! ~?? ?   
    ...but does your car have lifting hooks on the roof so when you stop for a break at McDonald's for a hamburger, you can have a helicopter take you back to the Territory?

  10. Like
    the Sower of Seed reacted to John Houston in Can anyone explain this to me?: The rest of the dead did not come to life UNTIL the 1,000 years were ENDED.   
    Hello, DeeDee, think about what this verse is speaking about. It is not as hard as one think. Who partake of the 'first' resurrection? Those of the heavenly hope, and when they are given life, they are immortal, death has no hold there is no last test for them, correct? But those brought back to life during the reign of Christ, what happens when Satan is let loosed upon the earth? We all must past this final test, because if any fail they will end up where? So after this test death will be no more, all who pass has nothing but life in front of them, no testing of where their sovereignty lies, they have proved it. So the writer could put this what he saw in the future in those very words. Everyone else, the dead, would not come to life without death, until the 1000 yrs had ended.
  11. Like
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Is The Light Of The World ? ~ ?? ?   
    Who Is The Light Of The World ? ~
    ?? ?
    He whirls
    a Thunderbolt
    of 'Light'
    and it lands
    neither here
    nor there
    but everywhere...
    That is
    what it means
    to be
    'The Light of the World' YES, HE IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!
    (Job 37:1-5) . . .“Indeed at this my heart begins to tremble, And it leaps up from its place. 2 Listen attentively, YOU men, to the rumbling of his voice, And the growling that goes forth from his mouth. 3 Under the whole heavens he lets it loose, And his lightning is to the extremities of the earth. 4 After it a sound roars; He thunders with the sound of his superiority, And he does not hold them back when his voice is heard. 5 God thunders with his voice in a wonderful way, Doing great things that we cannot know." - Bible Speaks 

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    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from The Librarian in BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED | Who Were the Nephilim?   
    The fathering angels were following Satan’s lead in leaving Jehovah God’s organization of angels and decided that they wanted to choose what is good and bad for themselves, like Adam and Eve did. They made their own manly bodies.They could now experience fleshly things that they could never experience before. They took women and began having sexual relations with them, any woman they wanted. The fathering angels could not be defeated by fleshly mortal men, because these Men really did have a separate spirit body that religions erroneously teach human men today have. The human women bore them male children which were called the Nephilim. The Nephilim were sons of angels from a human mother. We don't know how many angels left the Heavens, fathering Nephilim, however it may have been a considerable number judging by the means of removing them Jehovah took. If God had not flooded the Earth, drowning the Nephilim and forcing their angelic fathers to flee their fleshly bodies and the planet, the Earth could have become like the worst horror movie that men have ever thought of, with angels culling the human race for young women to feed their debased appetite.We are spared the details of the sons (the giant Nephilim) sexual desires. After the angels fled the planet, they were captured and kept in dense darkness. At Great Expense, Jehovah God Lovingly enacted measures to restore the human race and the planet back to His Original purpose.
  13. Like
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Joanne Williams in What is Armageddon? ~ ??☄️??   
    Those destroyed may include many people that are seen as good people in the world. Why are they in danger? For one reason or another they would not give attention to the pleas of those trying to warn them that a person must be actively honoring Jehovah God . This is brought 3 times in the Bible for emphasis. Joel 2:32 'And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved''. Today what hinders many is they were raised in families that celebrated Christmas or Easter. Treasured family memories that are filled with falsehoods about Jesus. A person must spend time studying the Bible to root out these falsehoods. It's important to know the God you worship accurately that you do not inadvertently offend Him over and over, thus closing the door open to you. The phrase 'all roads lead to the SAME God' adds many to the list of who Jesus stated 'would take no note until the flood came and swept them all away'. Satan has plugged the ears of many, the World sees as good people, yet on the Great and Fear Inspiring Day of Jehovah 'good people' will not be acknowledged. This fact may awaken some to pray 'Please Jehovah God show me the way. In Jesus name I pray.' Churches, Temples and Shrines are full of good people, yet they have not come to know the Only Almighty God. Often reading modern translations of the original texts, a person with no religious training can better understand the Bible than someone who was raised Catholic, Protestant or Baptist poisoned by Dogma. The Hebrew text is clear that there is One Almighty who would give a Messiah. Genesis 3:15. What is Armageddon? Just as you described. The End of God's patience with the World's Religions and Human Governments. He will at that time Stand Up in behalf of a People Called by His Name as seen in Israel’s history and at 2 Chronicles 7:14 'if my people on whom my name has been called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land'. 
  14. Like
    the Sower of Seed got a reaction from Queen Esther in What is Armageddon? ~ ??☄️??   
    Those destroyed may include many people that are seen as good people in the world. Why are they in danger? For one reason or another they would not give attention to the pleas of those trying to warn them that a person must be actively honoring Jehovah God . This is brought 3 times in the Bible for emphasis. Joel 2:32 'And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved''. Today what hinders many is they were raised in families that celebrated Christmas or Easter. Treasured family memories that are filled with falsehoods about Jesus. A person must spend time studying the Bible to root out these falsehoods. It's important to know the God you worship accurately that you do not inadvertently offend Him over and over, thus closing the door open to you. The phrase 'all roads lead to the SAME God' adds many to the list of who Jesus stated 'would take no note until the flood came and swept them all away'. Satan has plugged the ears of many, the World sees as good people, yet on the Great and Fear Inspiring Day of Jehovah 'good people' will not be acknowledged. This fact may awaken some to pray 'Please Jehovah God show me the way. In Jesus name I pray.' Churches, Temples and Shrines are full of good people, yet they have not come to know the Only Almighty God. Often reading modern translations of the original texts, a person with no religious training can better understand the Bible than someone who was raised Catholic, Protestant or Baptist poisoned by Dogma. The Hebrew text is clear that there is One Almighty who would give a Messiah. Genesis 3:15. What is Armageddon? Just as you described. The End of God's patience with the World's Religions and Human Governments. He will at that time Stand Up in behalf of a People Called by His Name as seen in Israel’s history and at 2 Chronicles 7:14 'if my people on whom my name has been called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land'. 
  15. Like
    the Sower of Seed reacted to Bible Speaks in What is Armageddon? ~ ??☄️??   
    What is Armageddon? ~ ??????
    ? To many, the word “Armageddon” evokes scenes of mass destruction—nuclear war, large-scale natural disasters, or even an “environmental Armageddon” jump-started by global warming. This word as used in the Bible refers to none of these. What, then, is the Biblical Armageddon?
    The term “Armageddon” (“Har–Magedon”) appears in the Bible book of Revelation. It refers to a unique war, “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” in which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are mobilized for a final battle with God. Reference to such a war also appears in numerous other scriptures.—Revelation 16:14-16; Ezekiel 38:22, 23; Joel 3:12-14; Luke 21:34, 35; 2 Peter 3:11, 12.
    What does this war entail? In symbolic terms, the book of Revelation tells us: “The kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army.” This “one seated on the horse” is God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who is appointed by God to lead legions of angelic warriors to victory over God’s enemies. (Revelation 19:11-16, 19-21) Jeremiah 25:33 reveals the magnitude of this destruction of the ungodly: “Those slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth.”
    Why is Armageddon necessary? The nations refuse to acknowledge God’s sovereignty, but they proclaim their own. (Psalm 24:1) Their defiance is described at Psalm 2:2: “The kings of earth take their stand and high officials themselves have massed together as one against Jehovah and against his anointed one.”
    In effect, these rebels are like stubborn squatters who not only claim property that is not theirs but also misuse and ruin it. The nations today are ruining the earth and polluting its environment. God’s Word foretold this deplorable situation, saying: “The nations became wrathful, and [God’s] own wrath came.” God would then “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) Armageddon is the way sanctioned by God to resolve the issue of who has the right to rule over all humanity.—Psalm 83:18.
    When will Armageddon take place? God’s Son plainly stated: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36) Even so, in speaking about Armageddon, the Warrior-King Jesus Christ added this warning: “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake.” (Revelation 16:15) Thus, this global war is associated with Christ’s presence, which Bible prophecies show is now here.
    Armageddon will destroy only the incorrigibly wicked, and there will be “a great crowd” of survivors. (Revelation 7:9-14) They will see these words come true: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”—Psalm 37:10, 11.
    “The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace”
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