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  1. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Melinda Mills in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Who is living in May 12, 2019 already? Snopes?  
  2. Like
    Foreigner reacted to Melinda Mills in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    (Replying to Outta Here.)
    Thanks for the observation.  It is being used loosely.
    Yes, agree it is not about the value of money per se. However,  readers of the Bible will still recall the statement "They will throw their silver into the streets..." and if and when this happens, they will say that they read it in the Bible.   We can't deny that the Bible said that.  As BillyThe Kid reminisced, "What was fascinating to me, My mother pointed it out to me in the '60s as a devout JW that would happen, and it sure the hell did. There is no photoshop on that. It's not a tale."   My mother used to quote it a lot as well.
    For other students who look deep into the Bible for guidance and more insight, they will understand it more fully.
    *** rr chap. 6 p. 70 par. 18 “The End Is Now Upon You” ***
    Do you discern a lesson for us in this part of Ezekiel’s prophecy? It is about the need to set the right priorities. Consider this: Only after the inhabitants of Jerusalem understood that the end of their city and their life was upon them and that material goods could not save them, only after that did they drastically change their priorities. They threw their possessions away and began to “seek a vision from a prophet”—but their change came too late. (Ezek. 7:26) In contrast, we are already fully aware that the end of this wicked world is upon us. Therefore, our faith in God’s promises has moved us to set the right priorities in life. As a result, we are busy pursuing spiritual riches, which have lasting value and will never be thrown “into the streets.”—Read Matthew 6:19-21, 24
    Material goods is money's worth, so it has a connection still. Some people have money in the bank, some have it in land and other possessions. All can be changed into money.
     *** w88 9/15 p. 13 par. 14 Listen—Jehovah’s Watchman Speaks! ***
    14 Jehovah and his executional forces cannot be bribed. (Read Ezekiel 7:19.) Bribery could not save the “concealed place,” the Most Holy, from being profaned as Chaldean “robbers” seized sacred utensils and left the temple in ruins. Jehovah ‘caused the pride of the strong ones to cease’ when King Zedekiah was captured and chief ones of the Levitical priesthood were killed. (2 Kings 25:4-7, 18-21) No, sinners in besieged Jerusalem could not escape adversity by bribery when God ‘judged them’ as covenant breakers. Similarly, during the imminent desecration of things Christendom holds sacred, she will not be able to bribe her way out of the execution of divine judgment upon her. It will then be too late to listen to Jehovah’s “watchman.”—Ezekiel 7:20-27.
    This is a more direct and valid application. 
    Good speech writers and politicians use Jesus' parables loosely in their speeches every day.  But we don't think they are trying to get close to God or really seeking to do his will.
  3. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    That was my point, too. Further information from the Snopes article explains it this way:
    One popular posting on Facebook was captioned, “This is a street in Venezuela. That’s money in the gutter. It’s worthless. Welcome to socialism.”:  . . .
    Although hyperinflation has indeed caused the bolivar to become all but worthless, the caption on this viral photograph is a bit misleading. The money shown lying in the gutter in this picture is Venezuela’s old currency, the Bolívar Fuerte, which was replaced by a new form of currency, the Bolivar Soberano, in August 2018. When the Bolivar Soberano was introduced, Bolívar Fuerte currency in amounts less than 1,000 ceased to be legal tender, and Bolivar Fuerte currency in all amounts was completely withdrawn on 5 December 2018. . . .
    The viral photograph was likely taken on 11 March 2019 and showed the aftermath of looting at a bank in the town of Merida. Local news outlet Maduradas.com compiled several other photographs of the incident and reported that the perpetrators had discarded the old money on the streets and even lit some of it on fire (translated via Google):
    TERRIBLE! Hooded (vandals) sacked the bank Bicentenario in Merida and scattered bolivars of the old currency through the streets (+ Photos)
    On Monday, March 11, hooded (vandals) sacked the Bicentenario bank agency on Avenue 3, Glorias Patrias, in the state of Merida.
    The fact was confirmed by the deputy of the National Assembly Williams Dávila, as well as by the correspondent of El Nacional in the state of Mérida, Leonardo León.
    Through the social network Twitter, they reported that citizens scattered piles of old money bills in the streets, which were then set on fire.
    Descifrando la Guerra @descifraguerra Replying to @descifraguerra  Ayer se produjo el saqueo de un banco bicentenario en la ciudad de Mérida, en las cercanías de la plaza Glorias Patrias. Los saqueadores incendiaron una pila de bolívares además de dejar muchos billetes por el suelo.
    Mayr 12, 2019. [Mar not May, thanks Melinda Mills] -------------- end of Twitter quote as seen as Snopes ------------
    In short, the “money in gutters” image shown above captured an older and now invalid form of currency that was tossed aside after the looting of a bank, and not usable currency discarded by citizens because it had been made next to worthless due to “socialism.”
    ------------------end of Snopes.com quote------------------
    Snopes is often wrong. But these pictures were already well known and understood in their original context on Twitter, and from various journalists on all sides of the Venezuela situation before Snopes picked up on it.
    It was still related to Maduro, and is still related to money becoming worthless. It is still supportive of the idea that people will be throwing their money (even their gold) in the streets, because money is of no value as a savior in the day of Jehovah's fury. It shows how bad things can get. A major use of these pictures, however, was to create a lie that it was all based on Maduro's mismanagement and therefore could be blamed on socialism. The masked persons who came into the bank may very well have planned the propaganda photo-op for purposes of drumming up support from outside Venezuela for the opposition parties.
    It reminds me of Russian authorities planting literature in JW KH's as a set-up to frame trouble. The opposition parties in Venezuela have been getting away with violence, riots, sabotage, even terrorism, hoping to create a big enough backlash from the government that will give the excuse for a "regime" change.
    It also reminds me of how someone can take pictures of Bro. Morris in a liquor store to try to give the impression that all this must be for him and him alone, or that it must be for the purpose of allowing him to abuse alcohol over some period of time.
  4. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to Evacuated in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    What is important about this text has nothing to do with money losing it's value either through obsolescence or inflation. It is more about the fact that Jehovah cannot be bought.
  5. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    The Snopes article got a little closer to the truth. It is worded in an unclear way, but I don't think it was being dishonest when it stipulated the following: "Hence the discarded money seen here was literally worthless not because it had no value, because it had been completely replaced by a newer currency and was no longer legal tender."
    The article did admit that there were many factors, including Maduro. Part of it was definitely the lower oil prices (which hurt Saudi Arabia, too) and Maduro's optimistic claims in spite of outside interference. But most of it was sanctions that cut off Venezuela's ability to efficiently sell their oil.
    Unfortunately, Snopes left off some of the most important factors that became more obvious from undercover work, undercover videos, and recorded, published interviews with officials who have understood the factors that proved that much of the problem was intentionally aggravated by outside economic sabotage against Chavez and Maduro. The recent test of loyalties in Venezuela by the United States showed that a majority (even if a small majority) of people in Venezuela still preferred Maduro over Guaido. Otherwise the US would have been happy to send "5,000 troops to the Colombian border," and have Brazil readied to support a possible invasion from that border. The US often uses "humanitarian aid" as a ruse to provide weapons to an opposition party, while bragging about how the sanctions will produce a humanitarian crisis of hunger, sabotage of infrastructure etc. U.S.Aid and other "white hat" programs have been caught red-handed in such regime change attempts in many other places. Trump admitted in a couple tweets and a speech in Miami that he wanted their oil.
    The oil sanctions that U.S. President Donald Trump levied on Venezuela Monday represent Washington’s strongest effort yet to oust embattled leader Nicolás Maduro by starving his regime of funds. . . . The oil sanctions that U.S. President Donald Trump levied on Venezuela Monday represent Washington’s strongest effort yet to oust embattled leader Nicolás Maduro by starving his regime of funds. . . . Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. He said oil sanctions would be lifted if PDVSA, the state-owned oil company, were to pass control to Guaidó . . . . The U.S. measures, while stopping short of a full embargo on Venezuelan exports, are still a potentially devastating double whammy. They prohibit refiners in the United States, which imported about 580,000 barrels a day of Venezuelan oil over the last year, from buying any more crude from PDVSA. . . . The U.S. measures, which cap a steady, yearslong escalation of financial pressure on Maduro and his inner circle, sparked an angry response in Caracas. . . .[others] warned that Washington would have to be held responsible for inflicting more economic pain on a country already suffering food shortages, mass migration, and disease outbreaks.
    This post will be moved to a more appropriate topic, but I thought it was interesting enough to post here for a bit.
  6. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Perhaps you can't zoom in, but I still can. Let me know if you want the rest. I can send it to you and you can perform forensics to your heart's content.

    Sorry to disappoint you again Allen. On the original picture, you can still zoom in and see a couple grains of rice. Of course, past experience tells me that even this evidence might still not be enough for you. "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still."
  7. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    That is most definitely, absolute frenzy. Witnessing hypocrisy in action is probably a big part of it.    
  8. Sad
    Foreigner reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I personally do not trust a Brother who does not drink alcohol.
    He may be COMPLETELY and absolutely trustworthy, as most are ... but I have found that alcohol makes a person more uninhibited, and it is then that their CURRENT "true colors" are more likely to be shown.
    To be fair ... I have scared off quite a few people when I drink.
    It saves BOTH of us a lot of wasted time and effort.
    It's a "sword that cuts both ways".
    ( I no longer drink alcohol because it interferes with my heart medications ... but I am STILL a Grumpy Old Man.)
  9. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Use (application) of Mathew 18:15-17   
    Oh dear Kid, you talk as if you are better than me. In fact you twist truth and call me names because you know I speak truth.
    You live in a dream world just worshipping the GB and It's Org. Hero worship and idol worship rolled into one. you think God approves of that ? 
    As for Srecko, i think he may have been on this forum before I ever joined it. I do know that he has his own mind and his own words and is not a puppet for anyone, that can be clearly seen in his input. 
    But maybe you are that Alen person others talk of, maybe you were removed before and have returned with a silly cowboy name. 
    Could be that you are sly just like those men you worship. 
  10. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in Use (application) of Mathew 18:15-17   
    Understanding each other, to some level, yes. To explain my thoughts about WT list of sins and separation inside that list, and how that is not good, a little more.
    For example: Shepherd book 2012
    21. Deliberate, malicious lying; bearing false
    witness: (Prov. 6:16, 19; Col. 3:9; Rev. 22:15; it-2
    pp. 244-245) Though all lying is bad, judicial action
    is taken only if there has been a practice of deliberate,
    malicious lying. “Malicious” means deliberately
    harmful, harboring ill will or enmity. Lying that justifies
    judicial action involves more than just exaggerations
    or petty, misleading statements of relatively
    minor consequence or lying because of momentary
    pressure or fear of man.—Matt. 26:69-75.
    22. Generally, elders should not consider administering
    discipline if a Christian charges another Christian
    with making false statements in a court dispute.
    For example, this may involve divorce, child custody
    and support, and so forth. The Christian making the
    charge can express his concerns to the court that has
    the responsibility to determine what is truthful when
    rendering a judgment.
    Bible verses used in Elders book:
    16 here are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17  haughty eyes, a lying tongue,  hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil 19    false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
    9 Do not lie to one another, since you have taken off the old self with its practices, 
    15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
    In this and other WT Instructions about that how JW member are NOT ALWAYS OBLIGATED to TELL THE TRUTH, in other words how LIES are GOOD sometimes and not needed to be Judicially Processed is 100% opposite of what God has said in Bible. 
    As I can remember what was written in Bible in other places too, God has never said (or gave that impression) how,  for certain lies there is a license, and that for some other lies there is a punishment. 
    WT Elders by this given rule, as new moral principle, have free hand to establish illusory justice, illusory truth based on perverted idea how lie is truth and truth is lie. Isaiah spoke about that also.Woe to those who call evil good and good evil who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet  and sweet for bitter.
    When JW Church leaders are ready to justify lies and not want to take disciplinary measures against liar than they are in opposition to God and to His words in Proverbs. Words they put in print in WTJWORG publications to explain how lie is not always a lie. Terrible!
  11. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Use (application) of Mathew 18:15-17   
    @BillyTheKid46 If you are referring to me then please explain to me my 'ideology' as you seem to pretend to know me better than i know myself
    Quote "Therefore, for people like John, if a person is caught watching child porn versus someone getting caught for child molestation, this activist wants the same judgment and punishment."
    Do I ?  I think not actually. If a JW commits a crime then I want that JW punished for that crime. 
    How the Elders deal with the sin is down to GB rules, but how the authority deals with the crime is down to the Laws of that Land. 
    In my opinion if any JW is found to be doing anything wrong in connection with / relating to / involving children, then it should be made known to the whole congregation asap. And in fairness to / showing love of neighbour, it should be made known to the local community too. Obviously it would only be made known after there was sufficient proof. 
    Remembering the 'Good Samaritan' story which Jesus told, it had it's meaning of course. But if it were a true happening then there would have been an investigation to find and punish the robbers.  Anyone knowing who the criminals were would surely have to tell those in authority. It would surely have been their Christian duty to protect their neighbours. 
    Do you really think it is right to hide such criminals within any organisation ? 
    So returning to your comment Billy 'watching child porn or child molestation', both need reporting to the authorities and if they are JW's then both need reporting to the Elders. 
    As you or others have said, the Elders are there to deal with spiritual matters not criminal matters. So there is a need to report it also to outside authorities that have the authority from God to deal with criminal matters. 
  12. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in Use (application) of Mathew 18:15-17   
    No, Billy. Sin is sin. Only consequences/aftermath/aftereffects of particular sin/crime are DIFFERENT. 
  13. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in Use (application) of Mathew 18:15-17   
    Partially you are right, .......BUT do not forget fact that eliminate your logic.
    All sin against God are also sin against all things what God has created (in this case your brother). 
    All sin against things what God has created (in this case your brother) is also sin against God. 
    Because God created your brother/neighbor, He as his Creator is also sad, injured, stricken with injustice act you done against your neighbor or brother.   
    So, all "general" sins are sins against God. All "personal" sins are sins against God too. I made two terminology ("general" and "personal" sins) because of for your way of thinking. Sins are sins no mater who doing it or to whom is directed. God is Judge for all sins of all people, not just for your JW brother. 
    Jesus' teachings are possible to using in every religion and in every society, not only inside JW congregation. By that, i think, have an opinion, how God will not measure JW sins in different way than sins from Catholics, Mormons or Atheists. :)))
  14. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in Use (application) of Mathew 18:15-17   
    Of course that problem is sensible in every way and angle.
    For example: I get drunken (to what level drunk?), once or in few occasion. And others witnessed to that. And because it is easier, they comment that in their group and rumors start. Let say, one of them decide to report my behavior to elders because he is "righteous one" and his conscience not allowed any more to see me in congregation having public talk, with knowledge i love to drink. After that elders decide to speak with me. 
    Now you have this position. Elders and few of others know about your "problem". How you look like in their eyes? Let say how only 2 elders know that and few witness of my drinking, and perhaps few more because people love to talk. Well, one part of congregation already know something about me. And they take some position about me in that sense. 
    If whole congregation get to know about me and my drinking, what is difference? Number, only that. 
    What is important, is not the number of those who know or not know about my drinking. Important is, what congregants would, will thinking and feeling for me after introducing, knowing me in this way. Real "division" inside congregation would come not because of public knowledge what i have done, but because of "division" inside people hearts and minds, who will be able or not be able to endure, bear with - not me - but with themselves, with own hearts and perceptions about life and all inside them and around them. "Spiritual Paradise" would collapsed.  An unrealistic, distorted picture of "reality" would have to come to an end. 
    Love your imperfect neighbor, even love your enemy, love your fallen brother is at stake - not artificial unity of congregation!   
  15. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Use (application) of Mathew 18:15-17   
    Well the scripture says speak to the congregation. But if a brother or sister did speak to the congregation they would be accused of 'causing a division in the congregation' 
    And even when a person is disfellowshipped the reason is not given, it's kept hidden from the congregation..
    Makes is soooo easy for them to disfellowship people easily for no scriptural reason.  Just the way one Elder threatened me. 
    There are so many scriptures that prove that the GB and it's Org do not serve God through Christ. 
  16. Downvote
    I cannot understand why anyone needs to put this video up anyway. There is enough truthful information to put the GB in their place already. The GB have done enough and put enough wicked rules in place to show their true personalities.  They also show that they have no love for God or people, just a need to rule over others. A need to keep the true Anointed apart and to have Elders ruling as policemen to keep all the congregants quiet. 
    Your GB are just men, men that have no true understanding of God's written word. Men that do not have God guidance or God's holy spirit. They have proved that so many times. So yes this video is pointless. True or untrue it matters not, it's just pointless.
    BUT, it wasn't ALL of us they put this video up,  and it wasn't ALL of us that approved of it. BTK likes to lump me in with others. SM likes to lump me in with others. And probably other people like to lump me in with others. Why ? Because it makes them feel good and it makes them feel secure. If they call all 'opponents' 'apostates' and whatever other name they wish to use, as one, it helps them to deal with people that tell the truth about the JW organisation. I can fully understand how they get hurt and how they are made to see the wickedness within the JW Org. But they don't wish to be shown. They only wish to serve their GB and it's Org. 
    But whereas all JW's are JW's, not all of us that seek truth and make truth known about the JW Org are 'one'. We are all individuals and we have different ways of doing things and different priorities. So JW's may call any of us anything that please them. But remember that if you slander any of us, if you tell lies about any of us, then you place yourself in opposition to God. Treat me as a man of the nations or a Tax collector maybe ? But I have one advantage above those. I have been part of JW Org, I know how it works, I know the power that the Elders hold over congregants. Maybe i have only experienced it in Southern England, but the Org is the Org earthwide. Same GB, same rules, Elders have same power over congregants. 
    Actually if the man did have a drink I could fully understand that he needs it.  He will have much to face from humans and from God in the future. 
  17. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Also not fake. I printed all these myself, and accidentally printed so many I use them as tissues and throw them into paper bags to toss out. Point being that it's not impossible to create propaganda, especially when there's a measure of truth in it.

  18. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to Anna in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Doesn't look like an edited video to me.
  19. Like
    Foreigner reacted to Queen Esther in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    THE VIDEO OF BROTHER ANTHONY MORRIS    ( source, our  Brother  Jose Antonio Gutierrez Garcia )
    My dear brothers and sisters,
    I respond to those who have asked for my opinion. Therefore, those who do not know what I am talking about, do not ask me.
    The past days, I received in the mailboxes of my Facebook and Youtube pages, a video that is circulating among the apostates of our Faith. Evidently it has been sent to me as a joke.
    Of all of you my deep disgust is known for all those who are not satisfied with their distance from our community, now they have dedicated their poor lives to be our satellites, whining how poor they are, and looking for ways to intoxicate weak minds like their own.
    The video in question tries to convince those who want to swallow it, that one of the members of the governing body, Brother Anthony Morris, is in a liquor store, buying a lot of bottles of whiskey, a very high price on the bottle, and spending a large amount of dollars.
    Do you know what it is to EDIT A VIDEO? I explain it to you.
    It is a process by which an editor places fragments of video, digital effects and any other audiovisual material on a tape or a computer file. To edit a video is simply to MANIPULATE it, that is, to join some images to others, eliminating some, enlarging or reducing others already edited, incorporating music and sound, digital effects, titles and any other material.
    That can be done with bad intentions. It is a way of cheating.
    Well, brothers, the idea is this.
    FIRST, I have no doubt that apostates are human beings. But, that is precisely his unforgivable sin. Because if they were pigs or literal dogs as the Bible calls them, they would have some mercy from Jehovah. Now, they are intentionally sinning against the holy spirit, by attacking the holy people of Jehovah.
    SECOND, everything, absolutely everything that these people do, aims to slander, blaspheme and lie against our people. Proverbs 18:48 says that "the mouth of the wicked causes bad things to bubble up." And Psalm 35:20 says: "For it is not peace that they speak, but against the quiet of the earth things of deceit are still plotting."
    THIRD, the video in question is EDITED. It is not a continuous image, but it is formed by different cuts, attached to each other at the will of the person who recorded it. Does that matter a lot? You are right. Because it raises unanswered questions, such as where is it that the brother takes the bottles with his hands? Where is it that the brother goes with his cart and the 8, 10 or 12 bottles (depending on who tells the story) to the box and pays them? Where do you see that the cart that the brother of the store takes out, carries those bottles?
    Moreover, my brothers, let us suppose that Brother Morris really buys a few bottles of whiskey. Do we know its final use? Is it for your own consumption or is it for the Bethel house, where many guests are received among travelers, Bethelites, volunteers, civil authorities, etc., etc.? The hypocrites will say that we can not drink alcohol. That is false, I can drink the wine or the liquor that the Bible authorizes me, without the excess that leads to drunkenness.
    But there are even the hyper-hypocrite people who accuse the brother of spending the money that the "poor little" brothers donate in the contribution boxes of the whole world. And who knows what is paid in cash? Where is the teller's testimony telling us the amount paid? Who claims that Brother Morris paid with Bethel money or did it out of his own pocket? Many may not know, but we have brothers who were millionaires before leaving their businesses and keep monthly revenues to devote exclusively to the Kingdom. But the hypocrite will say that they make a vow of poverty and of course, according to them, that means becoming hermits, wearing sacks and asking for alms in the streets.
    Finally, those who have fewer neurons in their heads, wonder how it is that the brother was not preaching on Saturday morning. You have to have your face like the flint to demand from US accounts of how we direct our spiritual life. I do not intend to answer that stupidity, considering how the faithful slave dedicates 100% of their lives to serving the entire community of witnesses.
    I'm sure they read these apostates, simple people to whom it's easy to cheat. Let's see if your mind manages to assimilate these words: Whatever you do, say what you say, you can spend the rest of your sad lives plotting, make the videos that you like, slander what you like, deceive those who are like you .. .... but LIVE GOD, you will never get the attention of the world Jehovah's Witness community. You are indifferent to us. We know that the hour of your punishment is approaching and we are moving away from you lest we spill your blood. It is true that some "presumed witnesses" pay attention to you, even cowards who remain in the congregations betraying their brothers without being discovered.
    1 John 2:19 says: They came out from among us, but they were not of our kind; because if they had been of our class, they would have stayed with us. But [they left], so that it would be shown clearly that not everyone is of our class
    Few words to say. It is more of the same. YOU DO NOT READ, NEITHER LOOK, NEITHER HEAR, nothing that comes from our opponents. They take refuge in what we are forbidden by Jehovah, to speak to them and that is why they speak in the desert, boasting that because we do not answer them, they are right. Stupid, the youngest of the witnesses would sweep you off the map, with the biblical arguments that we have. The great tribulation is prepared. Everyone that the angels catch in contact with this hybrid apostate offspring will be dead. I call them hybrids because they come from the union of two individuals of the same genus but different species, humans and demons.

  20. Like
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I made fun just for fun. But, in history there was at least few situation when money and gold worth nothing in specific part of world and in specific situation. People already trowed material thing verbatim and figurative in the past and present time.   
  21. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to Queen Esther in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    @Srecko Sostar....   My thinking too,  of sure false money.  Before Armageddon, the most people always running after such of  "free"  money!  In my eyes its a fake, sorry....
  22. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Maybe this picture is Photoshop Propaganda from those who prefer Electronic Money aka Bitcoin :)))))) 
  23. Like
    Foreigner reacted to Melinda Mills in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Here is a picture of it:
  24. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I referred specifically to a period of time from mid 1976 to mid-1977 when I saw drunkenness and saw persons getting in trouble for drunkenness. During that time the reasons for weekly dismissals were announced by Knorr from "morning worship" which included Knorr's comments every weekday morning after the day's text and comments. He often went into great detail about the exact reasons that persons were dismissed, and it was almost always for theft or some kind of immorality. Persons were dismissed every week, but during that time there was never an announcement of someone being dismissed for drunkenness.
    It was after mid-1977 that announcements about the reasons for dismissals stopped, and this is why we could not assume to know the reasons for dismissals from that point on.
    In any case it's still true then, that I saw drunkenness and misuse of alcohol by younger members at Bethel, but never heard of a case where a person was dismissed for it. I cannot say it didn't happen. Yet I did know persons who got away with repeated drunkenness who were never dismissed.
    I have never seen a member of the Governing Body drunk. I never even suspected it. One of several persons who claimed that he had seen such a thing, had his own issues with alcohol in my opinion. The only member of the Governing Body I knew well was Bert Schroeder. (I saw and worked near Sydlik, Gangas and Swingle on a daily basis but never got to know them very well.) He hosted a Gilead party in his room after every graduation. Invariably, there were some very talented persons in the Gilead class musically, and a great Flamenco style Spanish guitarist at the very first "Gilead party" I attended in the Fall of 1976. Brother Schroeder served alcohol in his room, but I don't recall him drinking at all, not that it would have been a problem if he did. Everyone else also drank moderately. This was very early and memorable in my Bethel years, and it was the first Bethel "party" I attended.
    But among younger Bethelites, alcohol seemed to me to be a bigger problem than I had expected. In 1978, I went to Europe for about 6 weeks, part of it with the Schroeders, and part of it to work at the Athens branch, and part of it to attend various international conventions and visit and stay at 8 European branch offices - not in any official capacity of course, just as a free hotel room. Just before the trip, my brother had just sent me a 5-gallon bottle of Seagrams 7, which I had not opened and I asked my three roommates not to open while I was gone. It was empty when I came back.
    Several young brothers at Bethel had lamps that were made from these 5 gallon whiskey bottles, and I gave away the empty bottle to a brother who wanted to make a lamp out of it. Who knows? It might have been passed down to someone who is still there.
  25. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Whoops.  You said once, "who is this Allen Smith?"  I never complained about you to the Librarian, Allen, although I know you most likely turned me in for something.  
    And....this is extremely off topic.  
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