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  1. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in UN Compact 2018   
    Yes, there have been other entities that define a “man of lawlessness”.  Daniel was told that the interpretation of Revelation was to be "sealed up" until the time of the end. Dan 8:26 The Man of Lawlessness of Rev 13 would not refer to those past identities but to that identity that overpowers God's people in the last days as the "fourth beast" they must face.  Dan 7:7
    Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”
    You are interpreting the Man of Lawlessness differently than your own teachers, yet you are also condemning me for my use of scriptures that prove what Temple, God has in mind. 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22   I care not what the religions of the world interpret the Man of Lawlessness as; it has to do with God’s anointed “Jews”/spiritual “Israel” – New Jerusalem/Holy City. 
    Satan comes against them, “the woman”, those under covenant. Gal 4:26  Do you believe all anointed are already “wise virgins” by allowing others to rule over them?  This is what the Beast of Rev 13:1 succeeds in doing; either they are "measured" as acceptable in the Kingdom, or they are found "worshiping"/revering a "powerful delusion" - the Beast.  Rev 13:4   Satan uses a “Gentile” army to reign/rule/tread God's Temple/Holy City.  Rev 12:7; 9:3-6
    It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.   Rev 13:7
    How do you overcome someone?  By threatening expulsion from the life they know – disfellowshipping them for refusing to OBEY.  Marking them as spiritually “dead”. Rev 13:15 The “war” is fought when an anointed one refuses to bare their back as someone’s slave. Isa 51:23 They are to be under one Master, Jesus Christ.  John 15:20
    Who helps this army/ “Man of Lawless” "trample" the anointed ones?   A false prophet also directed by Satan. Rev 13:11,12; Matt 24:48
    I speak for a nation, not for myself. I speak for the name of YHVH, not for the name of an organization.   The nation of God has become slaves under the rule of others.    Only a remnant will wake up to this fact.  They have fallen into idolatry to a blasphemous “spirit-directed image”. 
    And he (false prophet Rev 13:11) deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.  Rev 13:15-17
    Has the United Nations been given “divine” authority by a false prophet?  Does the world believe it is blessed by God – those nations who are its members?  Do they obey a false prophet who “guides” the United Nations? Rev 13:11,12  No, but the Watchtower organization and its members believe the organization belongs to “Jehovah”, as a “spirit-directed (“give breath”) organization”. 
    A JW doesn’t have to look far to see how the anointed have been conquered and “trampled” by the Man of Lawlessness- a modern-day Korah.  They are also, under the same blasphemous rule.
  2. Like
    Foreigner reacted to Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    This  thing that has set itself up in God's temple has been around since the second century - Read matt 13 to see who sowed the weeds and when they would be pulled out....in time of end- when their fruits are fully visible.    Read up about the Greek influence in the 2nd century congregation and how this philosophy influenced the congregation.  While the apostles were alive they kept it in control but after john died is quickly spread until Constantine the great made it an  empire who controlled kings.  The one sitting in the temple of God with great power has been around for centuries not a hundred years.
    Babylon the Great is teaching the exact same teachings which took hold after the flood.  They are not proclaiming the Kingdom as the solution for mankinds problems - and I guess neither are you because you do not belong to that nation which learns war no more in the last days....  Babylon the great teachings is the trinity and immortality of the soul etc etc.   Tell me - where did you learn these teachings were false?  From the very hand you are biting now?
    You are deluding yourself....  and I am being  kind to show you this.   I am not superior but I understand the scriptures and Jehovah's purpose. My confidence comes from Jehovah's Spirit. 
    Your comments show your acidity with the GB because you have not got a special spot to shed your special light on everyone.   But is it really a light/lamp from Jehovah ...or your own ideas..... You seem to have the same OCD I see with some of the others here..... always back to the same old song..... to get recognition as a true anointed but without the  "land" or the holy nation..... ......Not sowing seeds of the kingdom but of division.  By your fruits I know you.... 
  3. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in WATCHTOWER'S SHAMELESS FACADE CALLED TRUTH   
    We can do that.   
    We’ve had the full Bible for over 2,000 years.  The words of Christ are not new and have spread worldwide; and we don’t know what the anointed over that time period, accomplished.  We have the guarantee that the Father searches and “weighs” each heart; and would not abandon anyone who desires to serve only Him and His Son – “fully committed” to following His decrees in Christ.    Prov 21:2; 2 Chron 16:9
    Although, judgment begins with God’s House – His people under covenant.  When we see the sins of His people come to light, then we know the end is near.  1 Pet 4:17
    I encourage you to keep seeking out the anointed and the "fruit" they offer (John 13:20; Matt 7:18-20),  remembering that the coming Kingdom of God “does not come with observation”  Luke 17:20,21, but as a “thief in the night”, when God’s people (since judgment begins with His house , Eph 2:20-22) will be saying, “peace and security”.  1 Thess 5:1-3
    Spiritual “peace and security” is offered by “Jehovah’s organization”, where the sins of God’s people are now being brought to light.  Rev 18:4-8
    love in Christ,
  4. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Shiwiii in WATCHTOWER'S SHAMELESS FACADE CALLED TRUTH   
    I agree with this by Revelation stating that heaven will come down and God will dwell with His people. 
    wise decision and mine as well, because only God knows and if we seek Him, He will direct our paths. 
    The Bible says you don't have to be. You can have your sins washed clean, right now. This is why Jesus died for us. If we come to Him and ask Him, He will wash us clean and take our blemishes and cast them away as far as the east is to the west so that you may stand before God and know you are covered. 
  5. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in WATCHTOWER'S SHAMELESS FACADE CALLED TRUTH   
    OK, John.  This is long, but I hope you give it a try.  
    It was hard for me once leaving the Watchtower; thinking I had to “go” somewhere, because the Watchtower has ingrained this concept into their members.
    Here’s are  examples:
    w06 2/15 pp. 26-30   If I find myself in a situation where changes seem hard to accept, I reflect on Peter’s words to Jesus: ‘Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life.’ Then I ask myself, ‘Where shall I go away to—out there into the darkness of the world?’ This helps me to hold firmly to God’s organization.”—John 6:68.
    w88 3/15 pp. 15-20    Furthermore, suppose a person was to separate himself from Jehovah’s people. Where could he go? Is he not faced with the same issue that confronted Jesus’ apostles when he asked them if they also wanted to leave him? The apostle Peter rightly replied: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life.” (John 6:68) There is nowhere else to go but to “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, or into the clutches of Satan’s political “wild beast.” (Revelation 13:1; 18:1-5) Largely, disloyal ones who have left Jehovah’s visible organization have made common cause with those in God-dishonoring “Babylon the Great.”
     Simon Peter answered, “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”  John 6:68,69
    Can you see how Christ’s words have been twisted by the WT, making people believe that an organization is the way of salvation, simply because they “preach” Christ?  We both know that the organization cannot provide salvation.
    There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.”  Acts 4:12
    The Watchtower, on rare occasions, has supported this scripture by saying:
    Watchtower 1990 11/1 p. 26 Our Relative Subjection to the Superior Authorities
    "As Christians, we face up to similar challenges today. We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry—be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization." 
    And then, hypocritically turn around to say:
    Kingdom Ministry 11/1990 p. 1  Directing Bible Students to Jehovah’s Organization 
    "Bible students need to get acquainted with the organization of the “one flock” Jesus spoke about at John 10:16. They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah’s organization is essential to their salvation. (Rev. 7:9, 10, 15) Therefore, we should start directing our Bible students to the organization as soon as a Bible study is established."  
    It seems pretty clear to me that I cannot give my allegiance to men’s “organized” way of doing things.  I must rely completely on my faith in Christ and the Father. 
    The man who finally succumbed to the ideals of “organization” first stated:
    Beware of "organization." It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not seek to bind others' consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours. Believe and obey so far as you can understand God's Word today, and so continue growing in grace and knowledge and love day by day."   CT Russell Watchtower1895/9/15
    In the Watchtower men have become “kings”, ruling over others. (1 Sam 8:6) However, we have our King, Jesus Christ.  As I have said, “leaders” within Christ’s anointed Body, guide people to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords with words spoken in truth, but they do not reign them in through the stipulations driving an organization.   Once earthly organization is introduced, a hierarchy of power is born, which is derived from the realm of Satan. (1 Sam 8:10-18)
    God said,
    Seek the Lord while he may be found;
    call to him while he is near.
    7 Let the wicked one abandon his way
    and the sinful one his thoughts;
    let him return to the Lord,
    so he may have compassion on him,
    and to our God, for he will freely forgive.
    8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    and your ways are not my ways.”
    This is the Lord’s declaration.
    9 “For as heaven is higher than earth,
    so my ways are higher than your ways,
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Isa 55:6-9
    Did He say seek an organization?  Are man’s ideals the same as God’s ideals?
    We are to take in “new wine” that Jesus has offered us; new understanding about the new Temple of God built on the anointed ones.  He also said that this new way of worship will be rejected.
     And no one, after drinking old wine, wants new, because he says, ‘The old is better.’”  Luke 5:39
     The anointed are to be organized according to God’s way; yet, at this time period of the end, an “organization” has shattered the Temple, “trampled” God’s anointed House by men who “bind others’ consciences”.  This is the sign of the presence of the Man of Lawlessness.  2 Thess 2:3,4
    Okay, so why are the “Jews” that “ten” men seek out, so hard to find?  Because as I see you doing, you are looking for them to “organize” in the same pattern of the one you left. 
    Restored spiritual “Israel” is “built” with God’s Spirit.  They will be the “capstone”, completing God’s Temple.  Zech 4:8-14; Rev 11:1-3; Matt 18:20  The anointed are gathering, but as small as they are (Amos 7:2); those believers that join them are becoming many. Ezek 36:6-11  They are spiritually “organized” according to the direction of Holy Spirit.  They are a spiritual "congregation", known completely by the Father and Jesus.    They make God’s “name” known; not as an organization that says it makes the name of God known, yet extols the work of man’s hands which the Watchtower has done, and then compare it to God.  Ps 50:16-23; (Isa 46)  Michael, who stands up for his people, proclaims the meaning of his name; “Who is like God?” (Joel 2:32)  The Watchtower and the majority of its members claim, “who or what is like Jehovah’s organization”? 
    All the people of the world were amazed and followed the beast. 4 They worshiped the serpent because it had given authority to the beast. They also worshiped the beast and said, “Who is like the beast? Who can fight a war with it?” Rev 13:3b,4
    The “two witnesses of Christ”/”wise virgins” side with him in this battle of truth against lies.  They do not need an organization as we know it, to do so.  Rev 12:7; 1 Cor 2:10   
    In the first century every apostle was directed by Holy Spirit, not by a “governing body” in Jerusalem.  They may have taken care of a problem together on circumcision, but this doesn’t mean they were organized according to men.  Paul traveled everywhere that the spirit directed him.  Who sent Philip to the Ethiopian eunuch?  A GB?  It was Holy Spirit.  We have never read in the scriptures that the apostles and believers upheld and extolled an “organization” in Jerusalem.  Yet, Paul distinctly taught the anointed ones how they were part of God’s Temple/House. Eph 2:20-22; 1 Cor 12. He concentrated on bringing this Body together, for them to learn who they were, and how they would serve God in the Kingdom.    If you will consider it, there is a good article on this:  http://holyspiritorgoverningbody-obadiah.blogspot.com/
    During the time that the last Man of Lawless is revealed, what happens?
    Don’t you remember that when I was still with you I used to tell you about this? 6 And you know what currently restrains him, so that he will be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one now restraining will do so until he is out of the way, 8 and then the lawless one will be revealed. The Lord Jesus will destroy him with the breath of his mouth and will bring him to nothing at the appearance of his coming. 2 Thess 2:5-8
    Through Holy Spirit, the “two witnesses”/anointed ones “prophesy” and reveal the Man of Lawlessness.   (Rev 4:11,14; Rev 11:1-3)  Their “words”, coming from Christ, judge and condemn.
    The coming of the lawless one is based on Satan’s working, with all kinds of false miracles, signs, and wonders,10 and with every wicked deception among those who are perishing. They perish because they did not accept the love of the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie, 12 so that all will be condemned—those who did not believe the truth but delighted in unrighteousness.  2 Thess 2:9-12
    Do you really believe there is time to “organize” according to men’s direction, another earthly house of worship? John 4:23,24  It wouldn’t be successful.   This is why Jesus said,  “Believe me. A time is coming when you Samaritans won’t be worshiping the Father on this mountain or in the (literal city of) Jerusalem. “  John 4:21
    (I find it interesting that the name “Samaria” means “watch tower”!)
    I feel you may be “kicking against the goads”.  Rely totally on the Father and Christ to lead you to truth.  Check out the links I have given you.  Understand that we are living close to the end.  Armageddon is fought, not in Satan’s earthly realm, but on the “low plain” or valley of decision”, revealing the intentions of the heart’s desires.  Joel 3:14-16; Matt 13:24-30 We either struggle to find and follow Christ and his truths, or rely on men’s twisted interpretation of scripture through organizational means.    Both come to us in totally different ways. 
    The plans of the heart belong to humans,
        but an answer on the tongue comes from the Lord.
    2 A person thinks all his ways are pure,
        but the Lord weighs motives.
    3 Entrust your efforts to the Lord,
        and your plans will succeed..  Prov 16:1-3
    The end time preaching work is extraordinary; not at all as the Watchtower teaches.  Jesus said this preaching work would be to “Israel” – the anointed ones/Temple. Matt 10:23; Rev 11:1-3  They are the “kings of the earth”, God’s people now gathered in the Watchtower organization.  Rev 1:5; 19:19;21:24 (Rev 5:9,10)  They, along with all inside, are told to “come out of her” and leave her sins behind.  Rev 18:4-8
  6. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to Shiwiii in WATCHTOWER'S SHAMELESS FACADE CALLED TRUTH   
    I don't think there has been a time when the gb nor the wt were ever right, but that is just my opinion based on the Bible itself. 
    I also do not believe there has to be any organization here on Earth. What you said is true, the apostles did set up churches and taught them the basis of morals based on the Bible, but they did not have an "organization". There was not a group of men running the show, it was God running the show. Now I'm sure some one is going to quote Acts, Romans or Galatians, but one must read those carefully. It is not some gb making a decision, but rather the apostles condemning their practices that were made by men. 
  7. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in WATCHTOWER'S SHAMELESS FACADE CALLED TRUTH   
    Dear JWs,
    Can an earthly organization, with its extended assets in buildings, monetary investments and its pitfalls;  its legal branch, “governmental” branch, production branch, and all branches throughout the world, be the source of salvation for mankind?  Acts 4:12; 17:24,25   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+4%3A12%3B+17%3A24%2C25&version=NIV
    Would our true source of spiritual salvation have any partnership in worldly interests?  Matt 4:8-10; 6:19-21; Col 3:2,5   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+4%3A8-10%3B+6%3A19-21%3B+Col+3%3A2%2C5&version=NIV
    Can Jesus’ pure teachings remain untainted under the influence of an institutional structure formulated by men? 1 Tim 4:16; 2 Tim 4:3; 2 Pet 2:1-3   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Tim+4%3A16%3B+2+Tim+4%3A3%3B+2+Pet+2%3A1-3&version=NIV
    Where does wickedness thrive?  1 John 5:19; Matt 24:10-12; 2 Thess 2:9-12  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+John+5%3A19%3B+Matt+24%3A10-12%3B+2+Thess+2%3A9-12&version=NIV
    JWs, why do you believe God would bless an entity identical to other organizations in the world?  Rom 12:2; 1 Cor 1:20   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rom+12%3A2%3B+1+Cor+1%3A20&version=NIV
    ORGANIZATION:  “an administrative and functional structure (such as a business or a political party)
    the personnel of such a structure
     Aren’t Christ’s standards and teachings enough, without polluting them with men’s desire to “organize”, twist and corrupt, what God has made pure?  James 3:15,16; Phil 3:19  No organization in this world can be considered pure and unblemished, since Satan dabbles in all aspects of this world.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+3%3A15%2C16%3B+Phil+3%3A19++&version=NIV
    The light of Christ and his teachings cannot, and do not abide with the darkness of the world.  John 8:12; James 1:27   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A12%3B+James+1%3A27&version=NIV
    By allowing an organization to motivate you and rule over you with its “organizational” standards, you allow Satan to corrupt the pure Word of God with the teachings of men, who are thieves and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Matt 7:15; John 10:9,10   You no longer believe solely in the Word of God, but a crooked version that robs you of truth, and of the glory of Christ.   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+7%3A15%3B+John+10%3A9%2C10+++&version=NIV
    “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Cor 4:4
    Please, do not think that the “preaching work” is a sign of success; that somehow God has transgressed His own decrees of purity and blessed the Watchtower, who’s doctrines change continually to cover over previous lies.   An earthly organization formulated by men can never match the requirements of purity set by God.  It can never be considered “Zion” as you are taught. To apply salvation to something created by man, is idolatry. Rom 1:25  But, there are people that God has chosen, who by submitting their hearts to be refined by Christ and his teachings, can reach that purity. 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; Mal 3:2,3; Rev 3:18 They are part of the true heavenly Zion, and God is preparing them to teach and serve all His children, in the Kingdom to come.  Rom 8:19-21    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rom+1%3A25%3B+1+Pet+2%3A5%2C9%2C10%3B+Mal+3%3A2%2C3%3B+Rev+3%3A18+&version=NIV
    Phil 2:14-16; 1:9-11; 2 Cor 11:2; Heb 12:22; Rev 14:1; 21:2; 14:5    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Phil+2%3A14-16%3B+1%3A9-11%3B+2+Cor+11%3A2%3B+Heb+12%3A22%3B+Rev+14%3A1%3B+21%3A2%3B+14%3A5&version=NIV
    Jesus tells us how God expects us to worship Him.
    John 4:1-54
    You can listen here:  https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/suchet/nivuk/John.4
    Pearl Dosxey "The Sign of the End"  4 womaninthewilderness . blogspot

  8. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Kosonen in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Billy, you wrote that you understand my argument in a post above. So what is your problem?
    And I suppose you agree that Jesus' brothers are the anointed.
    And what good would it make to answer your question if God has personally revealed the truth to me? To understand the word of God we don't need to hear literally God's voice. It is enough that we study his word and tie the prophecies to events that we see happen. God's invisible spirit can just make us see and understand what is really happening. 
    And I am really not a man pleaser. I got disfellowshiped from the organization because I tried to show the elders and members of the congregation several things that were false in the WT teaching.
    And I am not worried if I am popular or not. It is more important for me to give spiritual food timely than to be late.
  9. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Quote @BillyTheKid46  "It seems you’re the one that is an organizational-pleaser just like Srecko, Butler, Witness, and whoever opposes the teaching of Christ .."
    Kid you said and i quote "Let’s look at things in a rational realm of realism ..." 
    Well I left the JW Org because of all the Child Abuse within it. Now you either believe that it has happened and is still happening, or you don't.  But I think it has been proven to be in the 'rational realm of realism' that you are looking for..  If you think it is all lies of course then I suppose we have no basis for conversation. But i think many cases have been well proven to be true.
    So please tell, with proof of course, exactly what organisation you think i am trying to please. I am opposing the rulers of an earthly organisation, and  'in a rational realm of realism' I am opposing those leaders of an earthly organisation, namely the Governing Body of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. That same Governing Body rules over the Watchtower Soc'. So you may say that i am opposing the rulers of that Watchtower Soc'.  Because in a rational realm of realism, you cannot oppose an inanimate object. I am also opposing anyone that blindly serves the Governing Body of those two 'organisations', which will of course include the Elders of congregations within the JW Organisation, and any others, such as the people of the Writing department, Bethel workers, and some ordinary members of congregations too. My opposition is not fierce, not aggressive, it's assertive. 
    As for opposing the teachings of Christ, that is a strong accusation. What proof do you have that i oppose the teachings of Christ ?
    I believe as much of the Bible as i can understand. I think that is an honest statement. I don't pretend to be able to interpret all scripture. I am a sinner as is everyone here on this earth. But my reason for leaving the JW Org was a genuine one and since leaving i have done further research into the GB / writing dept' / Watchtower / JW Org, and have found it desperately failing to do God's will. 
    It seems that you " compare the teachings of false religion with that of the Watchtower " I prefer to compare the teachings of the Watchtower to that of God's written word the Bible. Why would i even be interested in the teachings of false religion ? 
    I would ask that if you reply please keep your answer within the 'rational realm of realism' that you seem to want to view things through. In doing so you would need to give proof of any accusations against me. 
  10. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    A writing department.  Why is it needed?  Because a “Wicked Steward” has ignored what a steward of God’s anointed house must do – manage and gather spiritual provisions from all anointed of the body to “feed” the sheep – themselves and their fellow believers.  Luke 12:42-47
    This is more evidence that Matt 24:48-51 is fulfilled within the WT. 
    “and he then begins to beat his fellow servants,” 
     Kosonen brought out WT quotes proving this. 
     “and to eat and drink with drunkards.”  Matt 24:49   The “drunkards” are the writing department and the elders who administer spiritual “food” that they have sampled before distributing.  They do the Wicked Slave’s bidding, totally drunk on the Harlot/false prophet’s “wine”. 
    On the one hand the GB confer together, apparently to derive spiritual food that Christ provides them.  
    On the other hand, they would be at a loss without a writing department to give them suggestions. 
    Such a conundrum.
  11. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    16 Not all who have the heavenly hope are part of “the faithful and discreet slave.”   
    (From the same 2016 Watchtower as quoted above by Kosonen) 
    Who has the right to say this ?  Who has the right to put that in print ?  Note is does not say 'those that might think they have the heavenly hope'. It actually says  Not all who have the heavenly hope ... 
    The GB of the JW org approve of this being written and used at meetings of JW's. So the GB themselves are judging the other MEMBERS OF THE BODY OF CHRIST'S BRIDE. The GB are judging those of the 144,000 chosen ones. 
    Has God or Jesus Christ given the GB the right to do the judging ?  I would not think so. 
  12. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Kosonen in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Look here for example how the GB wants that local anointed would be treated. 
    You are not even allowed to ask the anointed about their anointing!!! I guess you could get disfellowshipped for that? How crazy is not that?
    And paragraph 11 insinuates that the local anointed could well be "false brothers" and imposters. GB just says that to make sure you don't trust your local anointed. That is wicked! 
    Now the GB really discourages to do anything specially for the local anointed. Just the opposite what Jesus told. I wonder how many Jehovah's witnesses will continue that fatal course until the end?
    Here are the recent instructions from GB:
    10 How can we show appropriate respect for those whom Jehovah chooses to anoint? We would not ask them personal questions about their anointing. We thus avoid meddling with what does not concern us. (1 Thess. 4:11; 2 Thess. 3:11) We should not assume that the parents, spouse, or other relatives of one of the anointed would also be anointed. Genetics or marriage play no part in the process. (1 Thess. 2:12) We should also resist the urge to quiz spouses of anointed ones about how they feel knowing that they will live without their mate in the future earthly Paradise. Rather than raise questions that may cause pain, all of us can have full confidence that Jehovah will open his hand and “satisfy the desire of every living thing.”—Ps. 145:16.
    11. How do we protect ourselves if we avoid “admiring personalities”?
    11 Those who treat anointed Christians in a proper manner protect themselves from an insidious danger. The Scriptures tell us that “false brothers” can slip into the congregation. (Gal. 2:4, 5; 1 John 2:19) These impostors may even claim to be anointed. In addition, some anointed Christians might fall away from the faith. (Matt. 25:10-12;2 Pet. 2:20, 21) If we avoid the trap of “admiring personalities,” we will not be drawn away from the truth by such ones; nor will our faith suffer a crippling blow if a prominent or long-serving Christian becomes unfaithful.—Jude 16, ftn.
  13. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Kosonen in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    @BillyTheKid46 please Billy look what the WT taught in 1995. And compare that to what the current Governing Body/"Sanhedrin" teaches. There is a huge difference. The GB has in fact apostatized from the earlier more correct understanding of the truth. And especially in the subject how anointed individuals should be regarded and treated.
    7 We read concerning the judging of the sheep: “[Jesus] will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. For I became hungry and you gave me something to eat; I got thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me hospitably; naked, and you clothed me. I fell sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty, and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to you?’ And in reply the king will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”—Matthew 25:34-40.
    8 Obviously, the sheep judged worthy of being on Jesus’ right side of honor and favor represent a class of humans. (Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 1:3) What did they do and when? Jesus says that they kindly, respectfully, and generously gave him food, drink, and clothing, aiding him when he was sick or in prison. When the sheep say that they had not done this to Jesus personally, he points out that they did support his spiritual brothers, the remnant of anointed Christians, so in that sense they did it to him.
    9. Why does the parable not apply during the Millennium?
    9 The parable does not apply during the Millennium, for the anointed will not then be humans suffering hunger, thirst, sickness, or imprisonment. Many of them, though, have experienced such during the conclusion of this system of things. Ever since Satan was cast down to earth, he has made the remnant a special object of his fury, bringing on them ridicule, torture, and death.—Revelation 12:17.
    10, 11. (a) Why is it unreasonable to think that the sheep include everyone doing a kind deed to Jesus’ brothers? (b) Whom do the sheep fittingly represent?
    10 Is Jesus saying that everyone doing a small kindness to one of his brothers, such as offering a piece of bread or a glass of water, qualifies as one of these sheep? Granted, rendering such kindnesses may reflect human kindness, but really, it seems that much more is involved with the sheep of this parable. Jesus was hardly referring, for example, to atheists or clergymen who happen to do a kind act to one of his brothers. On the contrary, Jesus twice called the sheep “righteous ones.” (Matthew 25:37, 46) So the sheep must be ones who over a period of time have come to the aid of—actively supporting—Christ’s brothers and have exercised faith to the extent of receiving a righteous standing before God.
    11 Over the centuries, many such as Abraham have enjoyed a righteous standing. (James 2:21-23) Noah, Abraham, and other faithful ones count among the “other sheep” who will inherit life in Paradise under God’s Kingdom. In recent times millions more have taken up true worship as other sheep and have become “one flock” with the anointed. (John 10:16;Revelation 7:9) These with earthly hopes recognize Jesus’ brothers as ambassadors of the Kingdom and have therefore aided them—literally and spiritually. Jesus counts as done to him what the other sheep do for his brothers on earth. Such ones who are alive when he comes to judge the nations will be judged as sheep.
    12. Why might the sheep ask how they had done kindnesses to Jesus?
    12 If the other sheep are now preaching the good news with the anointed and aiding them, why would they ask: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty, and give you something to drink?” (Matthew 25:37) There could be various reasons. This is a parable. By means of it, Jesus shows his deep concern for his spiritual brothers; he feels with them, suffers with them. Jesus had earlier said: “He that receives you receives me also, and he that receives me receives him also that sent me forth.” (Matthew 10:40) In this illustration, Jesus extends the principle, showing that what is done (good or bad) to his brothers reaches even into heaven; it is as if it is done to him in heaven. Also, Jesus here emphasizes Jehovah’s standard for judging, making it clear that God’s judgment, whether favorable or condemnatory, is valid and just. The goats cannot offer the excuse, ‘Well, if only we had seen you directly.’
    13. Why might goatlike ones address Jesus as “Lord”?
    13 Once we appreciate when it is that the judgment shown in this parable is rendered, we get a clearer view of who the goats are. The fulfillment is when “the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming . . . with power and great glory.” (Matthew 24:29, 30) Survivors of the tribulation on Babylon the Great who have treated the King’s brothers despitefully may now desperately address the Judge as “Lord,” hoping to save their lives.—Matthew 7:22, 23; compare Revelation 6:15-17.
    14. On what basis will Jesus judge the sheep and the goats?
    14 However, Jesus’ judgment will not be based on desperate claims from former churchgoers, atheists, or others. (2 Thessalonians 1:8) Instead, the judge will review the heart condition and past actions of people toward even “one of these least ones [of his brothers].” Admittedly, the number of anointed Christians left on earth is declining. However, as long as the anointed, making up “the faithful and discreet slave,” continue to provide spiritual food and direction, prospective sheep have an opportunity to do good to the slave class, just as the ‘great crowd out of all nations and tribes and peoples’ have done.—Revelation 7:9, 14.
  14. Confused
    Foreigner reacted to Kosonen in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Billy, have you not remarked that GB manipulates the scripture? Jesus told people to do good in practical ways to his brothers, the anointed. But GB says you should not. Instead you should only preach.
    Can't you see that they discourage to do exactly what Jesus told you should do? And Jesus even warned that if you will not do good to his brothers by taking care of them you will be condemned to death. 
    In reality if you obey GB in this aspect till the end you will be condemned by Jesus.
    Matthew 25:45  Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’+ 46  These will depart into everlasting cutting-off,*+ but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”+
  15. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Kosonen in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    @BillyTheKid46 The Governing Body is a temporary arrangement like the Jewish Sanhedrin in the first century. Then Jesus came with new light. And the Sanhedrin just went darker. Like GB that contradict Jesus when GB tells Jehovah's witnesses not to apply Matthew 25 about Jesus' brothers to other anointed than GB it self. And Jesus told people to literally practically help Jesus' brothers. But GB distorts this by saying that you need only to help Jesus' brothers in taking part in the preaching work. 
    Every thing will soon change when the final 1260 days begin with the attack on the holy place.
  16. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    The GB twist scripture to create doctrine.  For not accepting doctrine outside of God's Word , I was disfellowshipped, it wasn’t for rejecting the Word of God. 
    Does it stop with the apostles?  Should the rest of the Temple of God (anointed Body of Christ) begin obeying uninspired men and their false priesthood?  It is clear that this is evidence of a "wicked slave" that "beats" down his fellow slaves into submissiveness.  Matt 24:48-51  The entire congregation is under their thumb.  If the anointed priesthood are not used, then how can the organization call itself Zion?  As John Butler said, "The TRUE Anointed (Temple stones,1 Cor 3:16,17) would know how to use the scriptures properly. "   They would use the law written on their heart to judge and teach in righteousness.  
    Many peoples will come and say,
    “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
        to the temple of the God of Jacob.
    He will teach us his ways,
        so that we may walk in his paths.”
    The law will go out from Zion,
        the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.  Isa 2:3
    If faithful, they will reigning “kings”. Rev 5:9,10  Who is King of Kings?  Rev 19:16  You are expecting others to replace the Head of the Body – Christ.  There is no substitute leader over the anointed ones. 
    Yet, an anointed "leader" of true teachings of Christ does not expect obedience to them, but to the Word. This is how the “saints will judge the world” – not by their opinion, but the Word, the decrees of God fulfilled in Christ, that issues from their hearts. Heb 4:12; 8:10-12  They are to teach the Word of God which leads/directs people to  the Word, - to Christ and the Father.   Mal 2:7; John 13:20 
    This is how they are found to be "faithful and discreet" when Jesus returns.  Matt 25:23
    This is only possible if the same “living water” from Christ fills their heart.  Any deviance from Christ’s teachings, such as doctrine of men, is blasphemy.  It is also blasphemy that Christ’s priests/kings are to obey those not anointed and those who speak falsehoods, which is failed doctrine and “empty words”.  Eph 5:6; Matt 7:15-20
    Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
    Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me.  John 7:16
    Matt 7:24-26; 10:12-15; 12:36,37; 19:11; John 7:38, etc.
    If you support others to rule over the anointed, you support spiritual “Gentiles” ruling over spiritual “Jews”/”Israel” – God’s possession.   You support the Man of Lawlessness who has “set himself up” in the Temple of God.  2 Thess 2:3,4,7; Rev 11:1-3; Matt 24:14-16
    I do hope you can see this. 
  17. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    You do say some stupid things Kid. I never once said the GB or JW Org wrote the Bible. BUT they did translate it to suit their own use, and they DO MISUSE SCRIPTURE that was meant for our instruction, guidance and protection.
    The GB make up rules for disfellowshipping. They do not only use the instruction from the scriptures, such as you have quoted above, but the GB add their own interpretations to it. If they in fact used the principal from the instruction as mentioned above, then there would be far fewer pedophiles in the JW org.... Each one that was found would be removed, handed over to the local authorities/police, and not hidden in the Org. 
    One thing you seem to have overlooked though is this is an Anointed man (Paul ) talking to other Anointed men. This brings us back to the perfection of the Anointed that I mentioned earlier. It also confirms to me that the Bible is written for the Anointed not for the Earthly class. The TRUE Anointed would know how to use the scriptures properly. 
    Now in the JW congregations the Elders and Circuit Overseers or equivalent are mostly not of the Anointed, and therefore are not qualified to do the judging. And when it is a crime that has been committed then it becomes a legal matter not a spiritual one. Hence it should be immediately handed over to the legal authorities, 'that stand in place by God Himself, to do God's will in dealing with such matters, as mentioned in God's written word.
    As for those 'in the body of Christ', they are the TRUE ANOINTED, NOT THE GB of JW Org. 
  18. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Whether Manasseh was only sinner in Israel? Why sins of all other individuals has not been made public too?
    Definition of reinstate
    transitive verb
    1: to place again (as in possession or in a former position)
    2: to restore to a previous effective state
    JW Judicial Committee can REINSTATE only those JW who was been DISFELLOWSHIPED by that same Judicial Commitee. 
    Repentance, as state of mind and heart, in a life of person who has made some "sin", secret or public,  have nothing with 3 men sitting in a back room of KH with Manual Book.
  19. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Terminology:  judicial committee and reinstated are clearly, plainly Corporational words in WTJworg inc. Religion.
     The Bible calls people to forgive each other's sins.  The Bible invites us to pray to God in this way:  and forgive us our debts (sins), as we also have forgiven our debtors.
    By MESSAGE in Lord's Prayer, God is very willful to forgive all sins to people, .... in fact he has already done that, even before your birthday. By Jesus words, God is more interested for another thing, that people forgiving each other. Because Jesus speaks of a precondition; "Forgive your neighbor" ... then God will look at you mercifully too.
    If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
    “Openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may get healed.” 
    By this Bible logic in this 3 places it is not needed to give confess and/or ask for forgiveness from some Legal Religious Body.
    Ones "secret sin" will be "forgiven" if you in your mind and heart "confess" it to God, not to men.
    Another thing is our psychological side and our inside need to "tell someone" about our inside soul problem and turmoil.
    "Sin" aka injustice that ones have done to his neighbor is also separate thing. If you are aware of your bad act toward somebody around you, then you must go to this person who you offend, say bad words, done bad or evil thing. You must confess and ask forgiveness FROM HIM.   
  20. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Billy you wouldn't know truth if it punched you on the nose. You worship the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and you serve that GB and the JW Org.
    You do not serve Almighty God or Jesus Christ. 
    When you mention committing sin, who do you think the 'sin is committed against ? 
    The JW Org disfellowships people for disobeying the GB rules and / or speaking truth which disagrees with the teachings of the Org. 
    The JW Org disfellowships people for complaining about being sexually abused by Elders or others in that Org. 
    The JW Org uses the excuse of 'Causing a division within the congregation' when no division has been caused.
    You know these things as well as i know them, but you chose to both hide them and ignore them. 
    So be it. But remember sin can only be committed against GOD, not against an organisation. 
    The JW Org disfellowships people for disobeying the rules of an Organisation, not for sinning against God.  
    THEN the GB and it's Org pretend that a disfelowshipped person cannot serve God through Jesus Christ. How wrong your GB and Org are. 
    And this is still totally on topic as I'm showing how the GB praise themselves and deceive the congregation. But of course the GB are deceiving themselves, they are not close to reality, not close to the whole congregation and not close to God or Christ.
  21. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to Witness in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Absolution.  Isn’t this what reinstatement is?
    Formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment.
    an ecclesiastical declaration of forgiveness of sins.
    I was raised a Catholic and later became a JW, holding on for over 30 years.  Both religions are the same two-headed coin – one side is the Pope; one, the GB. Both are hierarchical, and both incorporate a false priesthood that judges, condemns and expels. 
     The only difference is, that God’s authentic priesthood (1 Pet 2:5,9)  is held “captive” within the WT and admonished to remain silent.  This isn’t what Paul said they should do. 
     Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints?  Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?  Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?  If then you have judgments concerning things pertaining to this life, do you appoint those who are least esteemed by the church to judge?  I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren? 6 But brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers!  1 Cor 6:1-6
    For you put up with fools gladly, since you yourselves are wise!  For you put up with it if one brings you into bondage, if one devours you, if one takes from you, if one exalts himself, if one strikes you on the face.  2 Cor 11:19-20
    The “saints” carry the law of God within their heart.  A non-anointed elder body does not; so they guide, judge, and rule in wickedness.    Heb 8:10
    “For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge,
    And people should seek the law from his mouth;
    For he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.  Mal 2:7
    Because of this situation, what has happened?  Lawsuits, cover ups, disfellowshipping of the righteous, no care for victims or orphans.  It really isn’t any different in the Catholic Church.  Both, are Satan’s fabrications.  Can a leopard change its spots?
    For anyone to suppress God’s priesthood, destroying His Temple and its arrangement,  destruction comes upon them.  I am sorry, but it is written in scripture.  1 Cor 3:16,17  It is lawlessness.  2 Thess 2:3,4, 7,8; Ezek 44:6-9
    I do hope the anointed and all, wake up to this seemingly “beautiful”, organization’s sins.  Jer 13:15-27
  22. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    I'm well focussed thanks. Just gave you two points that prove the GB praise themselves and deceive the congregants. 
    That is totally on topic. And it is true that the GB have put themselves and the JW org in place of Jesus Christ.
    The GB pretend that by disfellowshipping someone it stops a person serving God. Doesn't that prove that the GB think they are higher than Jesus Christ, as it is through Christ we serve God not through the GB or the JW org. 
  23. Downvote
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    @BillyTheKid46 Quote : This is why the GB adheres to scripture without confusing its understanding like many here.
    That is a good laugh ! Thanks Kid.
    Like the two witness rule used in Child Abuse cases, but not used in Fornication accusations.  
    And the fact that a person has to agree to 'serve' the Org when they get baptised. 
    Kid you are completely blind. 
  24. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Matthew 5 v 48.  You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (NWT)
    King James Version.  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. 
    Perfection can possibly mean different things to different people, especially to God. 
    Adam was created perfect, but he could not fly. If he had jumped off a mountain and tried he would have been in trouble. Does that mean he was not perfect ? I don't think so.  I think being perfect means being perfect for a specific job. 
    The Anointed, that is the TRUE REAL Anointed ones, will be perfect for the work that God has for then to do. 
  25. Haha
    Foreigner reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    I've had a busy day and being honest can't be bothered to look up scriptures, yes I know that is a bad attitude but it's honest  BUT :-
    Jesus said to His apostles (anointed) " You must be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect" (or something close to that) .
    Plus, the early teaching was that ALL of the Anointed are the Faithful and discreet slave class.  So what gives 8 basically American men the right to suddenly exalt themselves above all the others ?
    Because everyone who exalts himself will be humiliated, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
    And if those 8 mainly American men have to resort to lies and deceit to maintain their authority, then that does not have God's approval for sure. 
    And why would God feed them false information ? Why would they get so much wrong ? Why would they 'run ahead' of doing God's will? 
    Do you forget the scripture of 'Ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew' ?  A spiritual Jew should be recognised by his deeds and be able to prove his position. The GB only prove themselves to be false. 
    And i also find it funny when someone 'backs up' what they are saying by saying other people / organisations are also doing it.  What difference does it make what all those false religions are doing ? Isn't your JW Org supposed to be the 'only true' religion. 
    It's seems we are back to 'offering children to Molech'. Well other religions were doing it so it must be ok  .
    Yes Spiritual Jews should exist. The Bible makes that clear. BUT, if not the whole body of Anointed then, IMO, 12 or possibly 13 brothers (for obvious reasons) and all from different nations.
    One of the points that i was told when told about the Heavenly class being from Earth, was that when in Heaven they would  remember what life was like here on Earth and have Empathy and understanding. Well likewise, if the were from different nations / countries, they would have more empathy and understanding of people from all around the Earth.  
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