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  1. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Oh dear Kid, are you so frightened of me ?  You want me permanently removed ?  That is so funny and i don't even hate you for it. 
    Go find your blanket Kid. Go lay down.  Jesus was 'eliminated' (or so they thought), for speaking the truth. 
  2. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JW Insider in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    That's the same kind of mistake I was referring to above. We can't base our beliefs about the timing of Armageddon on anything we think might have to happen first here on earth. Jesus wove the first century parousia on Jerusalem right into the parousia on the entire earth using the word immediately to tie the two together.
    (Matthew 24:29-31) 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. It was in Peter that we have the explanation that "immediately" could easily be 1,000 years or more, because:
    (2 Peter 3:4-9) . . .“Where is this promised presence of his? . . .  8 However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. 9 Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise. . .  
  3. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    @TrueTomHarley I quote you "Most of your fellow malcontents.. " 
    It is you that is part of an organisation not me. I do not have fellow anything. I stand alone. 
    You seem to have to link me with others. Is it a fear you have ? Are you afraid to deal with a man that can actually stand on his own ?
    It seems you have to take comfort in thinking that i am part of a movement, a clan, or revolution or something. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not part of anything, I am just me.  I have my own thoughts and do my own deeds. 
    The Elders seem to act the same way as you are acting. Demanding that everyone that leaves the Org is shunned. Pretending that everyone that leaves the JW Org has forsaken God. Lumping them all together, just as you seem to be doing.
    Homosexuality is wrong, fornication is wrong,  smoking is wrong, drinking too much alcohol is wrong, telling lies is wrong, physical violence is wrong, child abuse of any sort is wrong, stealing is wrong, and so much more. 
    I've left the JW Org Tom, I haven't left God or Jesus Christ. Bible principles still stand true in my life. 
  4. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JW Insider in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    For what it's worth, I noticed that you did bring up several other issues besides child abuse. Child sexual abuse (CSA) seemed to be the issue that remains most unresolved for you, and it spilled over into discussions of elders, GB, the congregation fear of elders, two-witness rule inconsistency, clergy privilege, etc. To be fair these other topics were often already related to the CSA issue.
    Jehovah can use any of us, and any government, ruler or organization to accomplish his will. He can use our mistakes to accomplish his will, and he can use our feeble and foibled attempts to minister to him, too, of course. I think Jehovah continues to cleanse "JW Org" every time we show humility as an organization and show ourselves malleable to his will. (Like the potter's vessel illustration from @Bible Speaks you commented on.) You made a comment under that topic to the effect that Jehovah does not "mold" us to his will through congregation elders. This made no sense to me, because the utilization of congregation elders is very much a part of Jehovah's will as we can see in the Biblical direction given to congregations. Of course, if there are specific things elders do, you could address those things, but the generalization is not scriptural.
    On the issue of Armageddon, there is a range of belief among Witnesses, so I assume you mean the standard idea that Jehovah destroys all the wicked, especially the wicked organizations, and only Jehovah's people survive. That range of belief might include questions about who really get counted as "wicked," who really get counted as Jehovah's people, or whether a large number of JWs actually do not survive, too. What happens with children and those who remain innocent by lack of hearing, or inability to comprehend? What happens with those who would gladly have joined us, but who were stumbled at haughty elders, or false prophecies, or issues of child abuse that seemed to them to be the fault of an organization, rather than just the perpetrators?
    Also on the issue of Armageddon, you know that while it might not be dangerous to think that it might be a long way off, it is dangerous to live our lives according to the idea that it might be a long way off. The point is to keep it close in mind because it could come at any time, without further warning. We are warned that it will arrive, but we have absolutely no warning as to the times and seasons. This makes me wonder about what several members have done on this forum by speculating about what things are "obviously" going to happen in the near future that will prove this or that scripture to have been accomplished. I think this is also a mistake, because even if we think a certain action on the part of a government, a person, the UN, or anything else must happen first to fulfill some Bible prophecy before the end, then I think we have failed to understand that Armageddon can actually arrive 5 minutes after you fall asleep tonight. And it must be just as wrong to speculate that it must happen before the deaths of the entire second group of anointed who overlapped with an earlier group of anointed who would later admit that they misunderstood what they saw happening in 1914. This is just as un-Biblical and therefore un-Christian because it claims we know something about the times and seasons with respect to the time of the end.
    An organization is not a person with motives you can judge. Yes, many JWs are blind to the faults of the Organization. But you should know members of the "Private" club for JWs as opposed to the "Public" club for JWs (now called "Open") is just as apt to discuss faults of the Organization as it is in the Open Club. As TTH pointed out, it has actually become easier to discuss these criticisms without people changing the subject at will, or asking people to defend their choices on some barely related topic.
  5. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    I think it was formed specifically with you in mind, because if the discussion veered toward the UN, you would return it to your ONE AND ONLY TOPIC.
    If it went towards the immortality of the soul, you would return it to your ONE AND ONLY TOPIC.
    If a pleasant discussion of Mozart ensued, or Plato, you would return it to your ONE AND ONLY TOPIC.
    Nobody could hear themselves think with your perpetual crying. What choice did anyone have?
  6. Downvote
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Aaron Gallegos in Norway Declares War on Jehovah's Witnesses   
    By their fruits you will recognize them- Jesus Christ
    The true colors of the Governing Body has been exposed. They don't care about protecting children from pedophiles. Protecting the authority of the Governing Body is more important than protecting children. Justice and truth means nothing to the Watchtower Organization. Power corrupts just what happened to the Pharisees. (Matthew 23:23).
  7. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Kosonen, thanks for your efforts in searching for WT quotes and presentation of same materials!
    This reveals how GB operates. "Blind" people have one more chance to see The Real Truth. 
  8. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Witness in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    This is now sounding exactly like Allen Smith. 
  9. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    You do say some stupid things Kid. I never once said the GB or JW Org wrote the Bible. BUT they did translate it to suit their own use, and they DO MISUSE SCRIPTURE that was meant for our instruction, guidance and protection.
    The GB make up rules for disfellowshipping. They do not only use the instruction from the scriptures, such as you have quoted above, but the GB add their own interpretations to it. If they in fact used the principal from the instruction as mentioned above, then there would be far fewer pedophiles in the JW org.... Each one that was found would be removed, handed over to the local authorities/police, and not hidden in the Org. 
    One thing you seem to have overlooked though is this is an Anointed man (Paul ) talking to other Anointed men. This brings us back to the perfection of the Anointed that I mentioned earlier. It also confirms to me that the Bible is written for the Anointed not for the Earthly class. The TRUE Anointed would know how to use the scriptures properly. 
    Now in the JW congregations the Elders and Circuit Overseers or equivalent are mostly not of the Anointed, and therefore are not qualified to do the judging. And when it is a crime that has been committed then it becomes a legal matter not a spiritual one. Hence it should be immediately handed over to the legal authorities, 'that stand in place by God Himself, to do God's will in dealing with such matters, as mentioned in God's written word.
    As for those 'in the body of Christ', they are the TRUE ANOINTED, NOT THE GB of JW Org. 
  10. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Proper context from who's viewpoint Kid ? 
    Once again you place the GB on high. And it was once the belief that ALL ANOINTED WERE THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE.
    So tell me what scriptures suddenly told your GB that the rest of the ANOINTED are now less important than the GB ? 
    If you rely on your GB and do not rely on God's word and prayer to God through Jesus Christ, then you are in fact SERVING YOUR GB. 
    Quote : Every Christian fellow in the body of Christ obeys God's commandments as instructed by Christ.' 
    So where in the Bible does Christ tell anyone to serve the GB of JW Org ? 
    The main issue here is that the GB of JW Org have proved themselves to be the WICKED SLAVE CLASS so should not be served by anyone. 
  11. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    I like this thought very much. First time that i saw somebody put it in writing or say it aloud in this simple but distinctive sentence. Bravo John!
  12. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Witness in Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level   
    Oops.  If they expect obedience from their anointed “brothers”, they certainly have “substituted” themselves for Christ, robbing the lowly insignificant anointed of their ability to listen only to Christ.    The GB have made it very clear by their  Bible translation, using the word "substitute" twice, for emphasis.  NWT 2 Cor 5:20  Since they claim to be the only "faithful and discreet slave", who other than themselves can "substitute" for Christ?  Matt 24:48-51
    In reality, no one.  No one can substitute as the Head of the anointed Body of Christ.  
    Another oops.  Their false “priesthood”, the elder body, do just that.  Haven't you heard of a "judicial committee"?  They have the power to kick someone out as a sinner, and feel qualified to discern that God has forgiven a sinner, to allow them back in the congregation.
    Where have you been?
  13. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JW Insider in UN Compact 2018   
    Exactly so!
    What apparently happened is that JTR noticed that if one happened to misread something that BTK said, it could sound painfully funny. There was nothing ungrammatical or funny about what BTK said, and JTR did not say there was anything wrong with BTK's words. BTK probably missed the fact that JTR was only finding a joke in JTR's own potential misreading of it.
    Here was the entire exchange:
    I don't think that BTK got the joke, or he would have realized that JTR was making fun of his own self, and his own misreading, rather than making fun of what BTK said. I know that once you explain a joke it won't be as funny any more, but I'll break the unwritten rule. If one were not a good reader, they might take that serious and grammatical sentence: "What is the test without ripping out an obstacle?" and spoonerize it into one that contains the expression "ripping out a test-acle." Of course, this won't strike everyone as funny even if they get the joke. But the main point is to notice that no one was making fun of anyone else's grammar. 
    Still, I knew better than to upvote JTR's joke, but I did it anyway and, sure enough, BTK claimed that JTR was making fun of his grammar, and that I was also making fun of it, because I laughed at JTR's "joke" with a "laugh" icon.  I had hesitated to laugh because I've seen this happen before when someone doesn't get someone else's joke and thinks people are laughing at something else. But JTR's joke was funny enough for me. Perhaps I am too easily amused. It reminded me of a experience while driving a car group just last week, when a person cut us off almost hitting us but swerved back into his lane when he realized it. For some reason, I quipped the spoonerism: "Stay in your lane . . . .or lay in your stain." No one laughed. They might have thought I suffered from the first stages of road rage. But if JTR had been in the car group, he might have given me an "upvote" of some kind.
    After my upvote of JTR's nearly self-deprecating joke, BTK answered my upvote with:
    I completely agree with his sentiment, and only responded because of the false accusation BTK made:  that --by finding JTR's joke funny-- I was somehow forcing my idea of grammar on others, and implying that the joke was about a failure in BTK's grammar. I have never thought grammar was a big deal, and have always thought it was funny that anyone would think grammar or writing style was such a big deal.
  14. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in UN Compact 2018   
    Holy Hand Grenade!
    Humans don't even have comprehension of what each other think,
    I think a complete lack of a sense of humor ..... PLUS a limited stockpile of frames of reference .... PLUS a deep seated paranoia is the cause.
    I submit as an example a JOKE ... which thankfully, (whew!) JWI thought was funny!
    Johnny Carson had 16 writers, and half his material bombed, so I save a LOT of money by doing my own jokes, or stealing others, and filing off the serial numbers.

  15. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to JW Insider in UN Compact 2018   
    I have to admit that I thought the joke was funny immediately, but I hesitated to respond with the "laugh" emoticon. In fact, I canceled my initial response because, well, I already knew that what just happened could easily happen because it had happened a few times in the past. And sure enough, it just happened again.
    Let me explain:
    You probably know that I equate BillyTheKid with AllenSmith and at least a dozen other monikers that I believe are used by the same person. You probably also remember that AllenSmith(s) went on a campaign for about two years on this forum trying to claim that I had made fun of his grammar (also claiming that you and Ann had made fun of his grammar). I knew I hadn't and I knew, therefore, that he also had no evidence for this false claim. But that didn't stop him from repeating the claim every few months. 
    What made your joke, above, just as dangerous is that --even though your joke was not about him-- it could have been taken as a joke made at his expense. And even worse, it included the word "dyslexia."
    I'll just pick up a few phrases from the search tools, and you will probably remember some of these conversations, usually involving the three of us. [I won't mention the topic, because I don't want to divert too far from this topic of the UN Compact. 😎
    [From February 2018] "I told a joke and maybe you thought I was making fun of you." Here's one that's more to the point from September 2017:
    Even TTH has been involved in a couple of these occurrences:

    This was right after Allen Smith had complained that you (JTR) had made fun of his condition, saying:
    "When JTR (Someone calling himself a witness) insulted my condition . . ." At any rate, I could go on and on here, but won't, even though Google and other search tools tend to "keep account of the injury." I just wanted to say that I realized the joke was not about BillyTheKid at all, so I put back my "laugh" up-vote. But the rest of this was completely expected and predictable, because it's evidently a kind of goal for him to find evidence that I somehow made fun of his grammar.
  16. Like
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to The Librarian in UN Compact 2018   
    Ok... I am beginning to believe that modern people are no longer able to understand the concept of a topic.
    Has social media caused this? 
    Have native apps with one long scrollable feed with zero context (easy) made this happen?
    I am wondering if I should just design a whole new website where people are supposed to just post random stuff with zero context and where nothing is linked to anything else because Google will link everything for us. Oh wait... that is Facebook and Instagram. (And Twitter... although at least they have hashtags)
    Your thoughts.
    Oh... I now love tacos.
  17. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Srecko Sostar in UN Compact 2018   
    1) Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom. - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2004/07/homosexual-animals-debate/
    2) On other hand WT explaining this: "The soul, then, is the entire creature, ....."https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/what-is-a-soul/
    The use of this one Hebrew word (Hebrew word neʹphesh and the Greek word psy·kheʹ) in many different contexts helps us to ascertain the basic idea inherent in the word as the Bible writers used it, namely, that it is a person, an individual, or a lower creature; https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1001060088
    3) Bible say this: And God went on to say: “Let the earth+ put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic+ animal*and moving+ animal and wild beast*+ of the earth according to its kind.” 
    It is understandable and visible (not always, huh) how brain of human and animal are not the same. And how some moral questions about sexuality come up in human society.  BUT, on other hand Bible reveals statement how Soul (and WT say how that means ENTIRE, WHOLE, animal or human individual/creature, aka brain, emotions, needs, wishes.....etc. If we produce some conclusions from this quotes, perhaps we can say how basic, primitive mechanism is similar, or it is almost the SAME in both bodies. So, we see very basic instincts in both Organism - with same/similar sort of  behaviors.
    And as some other "inspired" human wrote: For the fates of both men and beasts are the same: As one dies, so dies the other— they all have the same breath. Man has no advantage over the animals, since everything is futile. -- A human being is no better off than an animal, because life has no meaning for either.
    Just for one more  ANGLE of looking :))
  18. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in UN Compact 2018   
    If you have dyslexia when reading that sentence, it can be VERY painful.
  19. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Jack Ryan in Why are EXJWs so rude?   
  20. Downvote
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Gerrit Loesch Condemns the UN in Hong Kong (clip)   
    Billy ElKiddo:
    I mean this in the nicest kind of way.
    About this issue you are too uninformed to even have a conversation with.
    Your ignorance is only surpassed by your agenda driven naivety.
  21. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Gerrit Loesch Condemns the UN in Hong Kong (clip)   
    The purpose of the Awake! is to keep people busy, both at Bethel, and in the Field.
    I am not entirely critical of this idea, for if you saw the movie "The Bridge on the River Kwai" (winning 7 Acadamy Awards) the British Colonel expressed it was a good thing the Japanese were keeping his POW  men busy doing SOMETHING.
    I this case, building a railway bridge.
    I actually think it is a GOOD idea keeping people busy doing "busywork", if they lack discipline and initiative on their own.
    It keeps them out of trouble.
  22. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Witness in Gerrit Loesch Condemns the UN in Hong Kong (clip)   
    Two documents to consider.
    JWfacts breaks down the event quite thoroughly, including how #1 was implemented through the literature; while also providing examples of WT linking the UN with Revelation's Wild Beast:
    "No, the UN is not a blessing, even though the religious clergy of Christendom and the rabbis of Jewry pray heaven’s blessing upon that organization. It is really “the image of the wild beast,” the visible political, commercial organization of “the god of this system of things,” Satan the Devil. So the UN will soon be destroyed along with that beastly organization." Watchtower 1984 Sep 15 p.15
    Please notice the documents state,
    #1 ..."the (Watchtower) organization agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities".  
    #2...that the "issuance of a library pass is independent of NGO status or any other status."
    Is this enough honesty for you, @BillyTheKid46?
    Since an NGO status is not needed to receive a library card, why did the Wt. apply for NGO membership?  Can your leaders honestly tell you why?  Not really, otherwise they would not have terminated their status as an NGO.  

  23. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Gerrit Loesch Condemns the UN in Hong Kong (clip)   
    The U.N. Library is mirrored in several other places.  If memory serves the New York City Public Library, and in at least one New York University, the name escapes me at the moment.  You can just walk in and read for free.
    The fact was that the WTB&TS were active NGO associates of the United Nations Department of Public Information for 9-1/2 Years.... until they got "caught" by the U.K "Guardian" newspaper.  They used this for political influence and "tickets of admission" at world government conferences.
    This has been extensively documented and has been FULLY explored in past JW-Archive discussions.
    The "All we signed up for is a Library Card" explanation was by simpletons, for simpletons who wish there was a magical "Rainbow Bridge".
  24. Haha
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Witness in Gerrit Loesch Condemns the UN in Hong Kong (clip)   
    I admit, I didn’t read what you so laboriously wrote; because, it really doesn’t matter.  When the Watchtower was caught as an NGO member in the US, they blushed, made excuses and quickly removed their membership.  Why?  Since it began as the League of Nations, it has been labeled the Wild Beast of Revelation 13:1.  JWs are taught again and again that it is a blasphemous image….to stay away from.  To find out that WT leaders dabbled in ‘blasphesmy’ led to many people leaving their hypocritical teachings behind.  What was “Jehovah’s organization” doing, by cavorting with the Beast, and the world? To a JW who sincerely thought he was “safe” in “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization”, such news can be devastating and nauseating, physically and emotionally.   Those that taught others to be "no part of the world" are fully immersed in its activity.  
    Thank you for linking the Six Screens "Healing River" program.  .  It reminds me to post Pearl’s latest soundcloud which was very good.  About this, you just don’t get it, SM.  This forum is an avenue to air opinions and facts.  I am surrounded here by the majority who disagree with me and I don’t agree with them.   Should I leave because I personally feel JWs have been misled by lies?  Until I’m told to leave, I’ll stay, because I believe there are truths that need to be aired to those that were once my “brothers and sisters”.   Should Pearl stop using Six Screens because the majority there hold a different view? She is not endorsing the programs of others.   If  another choice is easier for her, she will change.  For the meantime, it is an avenue that draws many listeners – JWs who have been harmed or disgusted by two-faced doctrine and want to know spiritual truth.   It provides a similar outlet just as this forum has provided.  I don’t agree with all that Jason Zelda believes, but I do appreciate what he has exposed as hard facts about the WT.  
    You have fallen in the same trap that Jason spoke of, when he addressed shunning.  You have snubbed your nose and lumped Pearl together with all others on Six Screen.  This is a view the Pharisees were good at - narrow-minded accusations that Jesus was a sinner because he spoke and ate with tax collectors and harlots.  The interesting thing is, they listened; while the Pharisees who needed to listen as well, labeled him as a demon.  This is what the WT does continually to those who refuse their doctrinal lies.  They are labeled “human apostates”, “mentally diseased”, as Jason brought out in the video.   
    In a doctor’s office that my very sick husband visits, the receptionist is a JW from another congregation that I was in.  But, she knows who I am.   He had to step out when paying for the visit so I stepped in to finished the transaction.  She couldn’t look me in the eye, keeping her head down; since my name far and wide carries the label, “apostate”, of the very worst.  I thanked her at the end of the transaction but she was so afraid, she couldn’t utter “you’re welcome”, imparting a slight grumble instead.   This is so different than how I approached disfellowshipped ones when I was in the organization.  I wanted to assure them of my love and wasn’t afraid to sit by them during a meeting, making eye contact and smiling at them.  I wasn’t afraid to speak to them in public and ask how they were.   They received no other love when visiting the congregation.  Their faces were deadpan, they were completely ignored when attending meetings.  For many, the only reason they strive to regain their place in the congregation is because they want to be loved by those whom they thought would loved them until the end. 
    To the woman in the office, I am her enemy, but it won’t stop me from following Jesus’ teachings as closely as possible, and speaking to as many JWs and anointed “Israel”, as I possibly can.  Matt 10:6,23
    “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven. For he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what are you doing out of the ordinary? Don’t even the Gentiles do the same?48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  Matt 5:43-48
    “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 If you do what is good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do what is good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High. For he is gracious to the ungrateful and evil. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.”  Luke 6:32-36
    I write this to JWs, who know exactly what I'm talking about.  You are an outsider, fully immersed in the activities of the world; so, to you, whatever WT does, appears to be okay; as they cleverly speak out both sides of the mouth.  They convince its members they are "no part of the world" by saying,
     - Stay away from politics.  Be neutral. (but, for the org., it's okay to accept gifts from members that includes military stock)  Don't smoke, (but its okay for the org. to have stock in cigarette companies if it is a gift)
    But train the JW eye to...
     - Pay attention to the signs in Satan's world.  Look closely at politics and the wars at hand.  Examine all activities occurring in Satan's realm and be prepared for disaster.
    "About the times and the seasons (this is the season of worldly unrest):  Brothers and sisters, you do not need anything to be written to you.  For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.  When they say, "Peace and security" then sudden destruction will come upon them, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape" 1 Thess 5:1-3
  25. Confused
    BillyTheKid46 reacted to Witness in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    The Ethiopian eunuch was striving to understand what he was reading in the book of Isaiah.  Through Holy Spirit, Phillip is directed to go to him and explain the scriptures. Acts 8:26-31  The man, once comprehending and believing Christ as his savior, was baptized.  To me, this explains the role of the anointed ones, which is to teach others about Christ and God’s Kingdom. 
    Mal 2:7 - “For the lips of a priest (1 Pet 2:5,9,10) should keep knowledge,
    And people should seek the law from his mouth; For he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.”
    John 7:38,39; Rev 22:17
    The scriptures offer guidance to everyone.  The symbolism of water baptism opens the way for God to guide all of us through “living waters”.
    Jesus answered, "If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would ask him, and he would give you living water."  John 4:10
    As Satan’s world spirals down to nothing, the clear message about Christ has become severely skewed by false prophets, false teachers.   The message that the anointed must teach, has been tainted as they listen to those who rule over them.    Rev 8:11; 13:11,14-17   I remember reading in a Watchtower not long ago, how it was explained that there was intense focus on Christ in the early days of the organization, but it had to be changed to focus on “Jehovah’s name”.  I was appalled at realizing how far from the teachings in the scriptures the WT had fallen.  They have reorganized and twisted scriptures to their liking causing  Christ’s message to be bridled, and his anointed oppressed.  The teachings of Christ are progressively suppressed to make way for the glorification of the teachings of men….yet, it is all done in the name of Jesus Christ! 
    This is how Satan successfully deceives, by giving us bits and pieces of truth to help an individual on the edge of falling into his trap, become prepped to swallow his lies through his agents.  2 Cor 11:4,13-15
    The anointed under the “woman” covenant are fully tested by Satan as God allows, and this test is magnified  as the end draws close.   Luke 22:31; Rev 12:4,13,14,17;Gal 4:26   Jesus’ teachings were preparing his Temple/priests who would be serving all of mankind in the Kingdom. He’s basically saying, I’ve chosen these individuals who must be thoroughly refined and found worthy to teach and serve you in the Kingdom.  Pay attention to my sayings, make sure their words are true, since many will fall away from me and “malign the truth”.  2 Pet 2:1-3  Follow my teachings and warnings about them, about the Kingdom, and submit to the guidance from the Father in all of this, so that you receive eternal life.   Jesus had flocks of people hanging on to these words, as did the apostles.  (1 Cor 1:1,2)
     So, his teachings and those of the apostles are fitting for all of us, giving guidelines and warnings to comprehend how the anointed are to be ready for the Kingdom; and what they, and all of us will face when Satan comes down hard in the last days.  Which is now. It is imperative to heed what scriptures teach us about Satan's deceptions; since the Marriage Feast, which is the unfurling of Revelation’s meanings, holds out an invitation to all – to all who are leaving the “city”, which you have.  Dan 12:4; Rev 1:1; Matt 22:1-14; Rev 22:17
    Pearl Doxsey’s search box is an avenue to find out more about the “little flock” and “other sheep” and the Marriage Feast.
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