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Everything posted by JOHN BUTLER

  1. I knew what they meant but it was the strange wording. Although the shepherds would be the Elders I presume. I was just wondering if there was some 'new light' to change the names. Or if it was for any legal reasons. But i now notice @The Librarian has changed the original wording, how strange ?
  2. Conditions around this Earth do seem to have gotten worse, or maybe the method of reporting same has become better / quicker. However in your third paragraph I'm slightly confused by your wording. circuit supervisor, local seniors, pastors ??? Can you explain these positions please ?
  3. If only half of that were true it would have meaning. However it is all a dream world.
  4. Is this for real ? 8 old men in America making up rules for what married couples can do in their bedroom. If that is true then the GB are Perverted old farts.
  5. FelixCA I think you are mentally ill. You compare the Watchtower to Jesus and I tell you there is no comparison. Then you accuse me of thinking the Watchtower is Jesus. Where is the common sense in that ? It was YOU that compared The Son of God to a sinful Organisation. You really seem unwell. I will repeat what I wrote before :- By the way Felix, just a reminder, Jesus was and is PERFECT and IS the Son Of God. The GB are just sinful men and so are their writing department and the rest of JW Org. No matter how hard you try there in NO COMPARISON.
  6. Quote FelixCA "Did anyone in Jesus time, convince Jesus he shouldn’t do what he set out to do? Then why do some here think they can dictate to the Watchtower what they think the Watchtower should do. This is the kind of mentality that is disturbing to see." Well it's kind of disturbing to me that anyone would compare the Watchtower to Jesus. Jesus is the Son of Almighty God. The Watchtower is a magazine written by men that haven't really got a clue about true meanings of scriptures. So No comparison whatsoever. I would love a copy of the Shepherding book 2019, to see how many rules they have now changed. They say they keep getting 'new light' but only fools would believe that. The GB are probably learning that they are losing control of the 'congregation earthwide' so they have to back off a bit and 'give a bit of slack'. Oh yes another Jesus comparison by Felix CA :- No one, but no one is forcing anyone to remain in the Org. Those that wish to leave are free to do that. Jesus made that pretty darn clear. The Org didn't exist when Jesus was on this Earth. Jesus had followers / disciples, but it wasn't the JW Org. It was the start of TRUE Christianity, which we know didn't last long. But Felix is bent on this way of comparing the JW Org / Watchtower to Jesus Christ. Such an insult to Jesus Christ. By the way Felix, just a reminder, Jesus was and is PERFECT and IS the Son Of God. The GB are just sinful men and so are their writing department and the rest of JW Org. No matter how hard you try there in NO COMPARISON.
  7. All of this in-fighting for nothing. And Jesus said at Matthew 11 v 25 " New Living TranslationAt that time Jesus prayed this prayer: "O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. " Well the GB and it's writing department are obviously not 'childlike' enough. And neither are any of us it seems.
  8. Are you two still going on ? And my name keeps getting mentioned too Yes TTH is a GB's man and a JW Org's man. Does he say "support those in charge " ? Who and in charge of what ? They can't be in charge of God or Jesus Christ, and they shouldn't be in charge of the Anointed. That only leaves them being in charge of an Organisation. The Pope is in charge of an organisation too, doesn't make him right does it ?
  9. Sorry Felix I have no idea whom your first paragraph was aimed at but the bit about " Knowing Butler was an Ex-JW from other sites, " has confused me totally. Can you name the other sites that you think you know me from ? But once again I read more aggression. It does not bring any on us closer to God or Christ.
  10. TTH is at it again.Bashing ex JW's. He cannot give anyone a minute's peace. Go and have a coffee Tom, calm down my friend. Quote " exJW’s who oppose sometimes forget that their fight is not merely against their former faith, but against the Bible itself. " Um Tom, actually some Ex JW's use the BIBLE to prove that the GB / Writing dept / JW Org, is so so wrong. And some of us are not fighting 'our former faith', because our Faith is in God through Jesus Christ. Some of us just know that the JW Org is not such a good place to be right now. I love Anna's last sentence : Quote "Also most JWs have a Bible trained conscience that operates with or without having access to a Bible. " Some Ex JW's also have that same Bible trained conscience that operates with or without having access to a Bible. There are even people in the world that have such a conscience, even though they have little knowledge of God. Equ' If it's not in your heart then a hundred bibles will do you no good.
  11. Although none of this brings any of us closer to God, I will share another thought that I had years ago. I thought 2015. 40 years in the wilderness for the Org not being ready in 1975. But we are not supposed to now and we know we are not supposed to know. That is why it is not important. Because it does not bring any of us closer to God.
  12. What a load of tosh and rabble ! None of this really matters does it ? It's becoming a hate and judgement page ! I'm an ex JW and yes my personality has gone down hill since leaving the Org, but some of you are JW's or pretending to be, and I'm quite surprised at the attitude of many. I've always been a rebel and you know why as I've given you my life story, but many of you will at your Sunday meetings, all smiles and pretend 'love' for the congregation. Yes here it has become a war zone. TTH talks about the 'worldly wicked' and how we need the swat team to keep us in place. But this forum has become the war zone of keyboard warriors. I do not see one ounce / gram of love in any on here. I know I'm no better and yes the rafter is big in my eye, but I'm no longer a JW so I've dropped a lot of the hype. But many of you are supposed to be JW's, the 'only true religion' remember ? Where is your love ? Jesus said we should love our enemies, not try to 'get one over on them'. Everyone on here seems to have the same reason for being here, just to out do the others. Srecko is the only person that I have found to be genuine. TTH is too busy gaining material for his books The rest are just bent on getting the upper hand. I don't think Jesus worked in such a way.
  13. Typical out of context comment from you cat. I said "Well I personally don't want to judge anyone as to the resurrection." Of course we all judge people in everyday life. BUT I said AS TO THE RESURRECTION. But you are only a cartoon cat, i can't expect any better from you can I ?
  14. Oh Tom, I suppose I shouldn't even waste my time trying to understand you. It's good that I've spent the day doing useful things, worldly of course, and now it's gone 10pm here and i can waste time, my time. But the time would be better 'wasted' looking for my next toy (real vehicle) on ebay. I get bored of vehicles so quickly. I'm learning nothing on this forum. I'm finding out that more people are dissatisfied with the JW Org of course, but that does not give me any good direction.
  15. Ok so the GB and JW org is run on notions. notion Dictionary result for notion /ˈnəʊʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a conception of or belief about something. "children have different notions about the roles of their parents" synonyms: idea, belief, concept, conception, conviction, opinion, view, thought, impression, image, perception, mental picture; More 2. an impulse or desire, especially one of a whimsical kind. "she had a notion to ring her friend at work" synonyms: impulse, inclination, whim, desire, wish, fancy, caprice, whimsy "you can't expect us to fire any of our staff just because you get a notion to come back" The second explanation seems to fit the GB.
  16. And in your opinion that makes it Ok for the JW Org to teach lies does it ? Showing your true colours I think. Gives you more to write about probably
  17. TTH says " He is not lovable " Oh but wait. Rafter / straw. Tom you can't say he is not lovable before you 'remove' all your own faults. If everyone did the 'rafter /straw' thing then maybe no one would get disfellowshipped. After all the GB would have to 'remove' all of their faults first, and all other men in positions of responsibility would have to remove all their faults. Right down to the Elders. And we know for sure that many Elders have many faults ( i will refrain from mentioning my favorite subject here ). Or is it only meant for the 'boots on the ground' JW's ? Is it only the congregants with no position of power, to keep them quiet ? As for the propaganda :- " ‘When Jehovah’s Witnesses go nuts, they become quirky eccentrics, who nevertheless wouldn’t harm a fly. When people of the overall world go nuts, you’d better call in the SWAT team " What utter rubbish. A MASSIVE GENERALISATION. Which is totally untrue. But it's good for JW Business I suppose. Please remember readers, many JW's DO NOT KNOW ANY PEOPLE IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD. Some JW children are home schooled / taught. Their families are JW's. Their friends are JW's. Their whole world is JW. Imagine telling those children "When people of the overall world go nuts, you’d better call in the SWAT team " You know, those children would actually believe you. It's so sad. In the real world there are millions of people doing humanely good deeds. I suppose it's not so much when JW's go nuts, it's more when JW's are sly and selfish.
  18. Yes I agree with you. But my point was that Jehovah's Witnesses were given that information to teach others when they were taking a Bible study. And that information was lies. So Jehovah's Witnesses were teaching lies to their students.
  19. However in the 1960's the 'teaching' was that each creative day was 7,000 years long. I know as I was having a study at the time and that is exactly what i was taught in my Bible study.. That was part of the foundation of my learning about God and Christ and Creation. I don't care who denies it, but that is what was taught. Creative days =7,000 years. Rest day 6,000 years then Armageddon, then 1,000 years of Christ's rule. Then Christ hands it all back to God ( possibly for a Jubilee year ? or some such).. That is what I was taught.
  20. So bring up a comment where I said a person is inferior because of their skin colour. But make sure it is those EXACT WORDS because you are being slanderous if you are accusing me of racism. I note you were careful last time saying ' near the line of racism ' But if you are telling me that i said a man of colour was inferior then I want your proof. When I have your proof i will go back and see if I can find the comment myself. But remember i want whole sentences, not just a misquote form the middle of a sentence like the GB have a habit of doing. If you cannot prove your accusation I will ask Admin to get an apology from you. Please do not bring this forum into disrepute just because you are not happy. I have never seen any racism on here and I do not wish to see any either. All humans are equal. We are all sinners and will answer to God through Christ. And please note, I never said you are racist, I said " And I've noticed looking back that you use racism in your comments a bit, and that is not cool. " I eagerly await your reply young man.
  21. Well I personally don't want to judge anyone as to the resurrection. That would be a wicked thing to do. I do know that there are scriptures that say it will be bad for anyone that has stumbled others. So if a person is stumbled by another, is it their own fault or the fault of the other person. Is the other person blood guilty ? I have no interest in judging others in that way, as to them being worthy of God's mercy. I have hope in God that He will, or through Christ He will, show mercy to those whom have been stumbled by a misleading Organisation. I honestly feel that most of the Greek scriptures are addressed to those of the Anointed, as more is expected of them. So I don't feel that God will deal so harshly with those of the Earthly class. I don't think the Judgement day will be anything like it has been pictured on W/t magazines . It will be more spiritual than physical In my opinion.
  22. To quote " A guy who uses a red hat that reads messages of racism to trigger aggressive response by people at a random bagel shop " " But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism " Another quote. " I've never used any sort of racism in any of my comments anywhere, " You don't like mentioning racism, um looks different to me.
  23. We have hope in that there will be ' a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous'. When a person is dead they have paid for all their sins.
  24. I think I remember you saying things like 'people wanted to kill you' etc. That's living amongst normal people is it ? And it's so funny when peeps tell me what i know and what I don't know. I just wiped out two paragraphs because i don't really need to explain myself to a boy. And I've noticed looking back that you use racism in your comments a bit, and that is not cool.
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